#+title: buildbot.el buildbot.el is a buildbot client for emacs. It shows views for branches, revisions, builds, steps, and logs. * Install ** Manual install Clone this repo, and add to load path (assuming you clone to ~~/.emacs.d~): #+begin_src sh cd ~/.emacs.d git clone https://g.ypei.me/buildbot.el.git #+end_src #+begin_src elisp (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/buildbot.el") #+end_src After that, require buildbot and set the host and builders. #+begin_src elisp (require 'buildbot) (setq buildbot-host "https://buildbot.mariadb.org") (setq buildbot-builders (buildbot-get-all-builders)) #+end_src * Use There are two entry points: - ~M-x buildbot-revision-open~ prompts for a revision id (e.g. commit hash in git), and opens a view of the revision, including builds associated with changes associated with the revision. - ~M-x buildbot-branch-open~ prompts for a branch name, and opens up a view of revisions of this branch. * TODOs - org link integration. - older buildbot api. * Contact and Copyright ~buildbot.el~ is maintained by Yuchen Pei and covered by [[https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html][GNU AGPLv3+]]. You may find the license text in a file named COPYING.agpl3 in the project tree.