name: cabal-helper version: synopsis: Simple interface to some of Cabal's configuration state, mainly used by ghc-mod description: Cabal's little helper provides access to build information gathered by @cabal@ when configuring a project. Specifically we're interested in retrieving enough information to bring up a compiler session, using the GHC API, which is similar to running @cabal repl@ in a project. . While simple in principle this is complicated by the fact that the information Cabal writes to disk is in an unstable format and only really accessible through the Cabal API itself. . Since we do not want to bind the user of a development tool which utilises this library to a specific version of Cabal we compile the code which interfaces with the Cabal library's API on the user's machine, at runtime, against whichever version of Cabal was used to write the on disk information for a given project. . If this version of Cabal is not available on the users machine anymore, which is fairly likely since cabal-install is usually linked statically, we have support for compiling the Cabal library also. In this case the library is installed into a private, isolated, package database in @$XDG_CACHE_HOME/cabal-helper@ so as to not interfere with the user's package database. license: AGPL-3 license-file: LICENSE license-files: LICENSE author: Daniel Gröber maintainer: category: Distribution build-type: Custom cabal-version: >=1.14 extra-source-files: src/CabalHelper/Runtime/*.hs tests/*.hs tests/exelib/*.hs tests/exelib/*.cabal tests/exelib/lib/*.hs tests/exeintlib/*.hs tests/exeintlib/*.cabal tests/exeintlib/lib/*.hs tests/exeintlib/intlib/*.hs tests/fliblib/*.hs tests/fliblib/*.cabal tests/fliblib/lib/*.hs tests/bkpregex/*.cabal tests/bkpregex/*.hs tests/bkpregex/regex-example/*.hs tests/bkpregex/regex-indef/*.hs tests/bkpregex/regex-indef/*.hsig tests/bkpregex/regex-types/Regex/*.hs tests/bkpregex/str-impls/Str/*.hs source-repository head type: git location: custom-setup setup-depends: base , Cabal < 2.1 && >= 2.0 || < 1.25 && >= 1.14 , filepath < 1.5 , directory < 1.4 flag dev description: Build development components default: False manual: True -- [Note test dependencies] Vaious tests need access to modules used in other -- components, unfortunately we can't use Cabal 2.0's new internal libraries for -- this because we'd like to support ancient Cabal versions. Instead we just -- copy 'hs-source-dirs', 'build-depends' and 'other-modules' fields as -- appropriate. -- -- The following awk command will copy paragraphs starting with: -- -- Common some-name -- to following paragraphs starting with: -- -- Instantiate common some-name -- -- $ gawk -i inplace -f scripts/update-cabal-common-section-instantiations.awk cabal-helper.cabal library default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: NondecreasingIndentation hs-source-dirs: lib, src exposed-modules: Distribution.Helper other-modules: CabalHelper.Shared.InterfaceTypes CabalHelper.Shared.Sandbox Paths_cabal_helper ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: base < 5 && >= 4.5 if os(windows) build-depends: base >= 4.7 build-depends: Cabal < 2.1 && >= 2.0 || < 1.26 && >= 1.14 , directory < 1.4 && >= , filepath < 1.5 && >= , transformers < 0.6 && >= , mtl < 2.3 && >= 2.0 , process < 1.7 && >= if !os(windows) build-depends: unix < 2.8 && >= build-depends: unix-compat < 0.6 && >= , semigroupoids < 5.3 && >= 5.2 , ghc-prim -- [Note ghc-prim] -- Exports GHC.Generics in GHC-7.4 executable cabal-helper-wrapper main-is: CabalHelper/Compiletime/Wrapper.hs if flag(dev) ghc-options: -Wall scope: private x-scope: private -- Common c-h-wrapper-fields -- See [Note test dependencies] default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: NondecreasingIndentation other-extensions: TemplateHaskell hs-source-dirs: src other-modules: CabalHelper.Compiletime.Compat.Environment CabalHelper.Compiletime.Compat.Version CabalHelper.Compiletime.Compile CabalHelper.Compiletime.Data CabalHelper.Compiletime.GuessGhc CabalHelper.Compiletime.Log CabalHelper.Compiletime.Types CabalHelper.Shared.Common CabalHelper.Shared.InterfaceTypes CabalHelper.Shared.Sandbox Paths_cabal_helper build-tool-depends: cabal-install:cabal build-depends: base < 5 && >= 4.5 if os(windows) build-depends: base >= 4.7 build-depends: Cabal < 2.1 && >= 2.0 || < 1.26 && >= 1.14 , bytestring < 0.11 && >= , directory < 1.4 && >= , exceptions < 0.9 && >= 0.8.3 , filepath < 1.5 && >= , mtl < 2.3 && >= 2.0 , process < 1.7 && >= , template-haskell < 2.13 && >= , temporary < 1.3 && >= 1.2.1 , transformers < 0.6 && >= if !os(windows) build-depends: unix < 2.8 && >= build-depends: unix-compat < 0.6 && >= , utf8-string < 1.1 && >= , ghc-prim build-tools: cabal test-suite compile-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: CompileTest.hs hs-source-dirs: tests ghc-options: -Wall build-tools: cabal -- Instantiate common c-h-wrapper-fields -- See [Note test dependencies] default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: NondecreasingIndentation other-extensions: TemplateHaskell hs-source-dirs: src other-modules: CabalHelper.Compiletime.Compat.Environment CabalHelper.Compiletime.Compat.Version CabalHelper.Compiletime.Compile CabalHelper.Compiletime.Data CabalHelper.Compiletime.GuessGhc CabalHelper.Compiletime.Log CabalHelper.Compiletime.Types CabalHelper.Shared.Common CabalHelper.Shared.InterfaceTypes CabalHelper.Shared.Sandbox Paths_cabal_helper build-tool-depends: cabal-install:cabal build-depends: base < 5 && >= 4.5 if os(windows) build-depends: base >= 4.7 build-depends: Cabal < 2.1 && >= 2.0 || < 1.26 && >= 1.14 , bytestring < 0.11 && >= , directory < 1.4 && >= , exceptions < 0.9 && >= 0.8.3 , filepath < 1.5 && >= , mtl < 2.3 && >= 2.0 , process < 1.7 && >= , template-haskell < 2.13 && >= , temporary < 1.3 && >= 1.2.1 , transformers < 0.6 && >= if !os(windows) build-depends: unix < 2.8 && >= build-depends: unix-compat < 0.6 && >= , utf8-string < 1.1 && >= , ghc-prim build-tools: cabal test-suite ghc-session type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: GhcSession.hs hs-source-dirs: tests ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: base < 5 && >= 4.5 , ghc < 8.3 && >= 7.4 , ghc-paths < 0.2 && >= , cabal-helper -- Instantiate common c-h-wrapper-fields -- See [Note test dependencies] default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: NondecreasingIndentation other-extensions: TemplateHaskell hs-source-dirs: src other-modules: CabalHelper.Compiletime.Compat.Environment CabalHelper.Compiletime.Compat.Version CabalHelper.Compiletime.Compile CabalHelper.Compiletime.Data CabalHelper.Compiletime.GuessGhc CabalHelper.Compiletime.Log CabalHelper.Compiletime.Types CabalHelper.Shared.Common CabalHelper.Shared.InterfaceTypes CabalHelper.Shared.Sandbox Paths_cabal_helper build-tool-depends: cabal-install:cabal build-depends: base < 5 && >= 4.5 if os(windows) build-depends: base >= 4.7 build-depends: Cabal < 2.1 && >= 2.0 || < 1.26 && >= 1.14 , bytestring < 0.11 && >= , directory < 1.4 && >= , exceptions < 0.9 && >= 0.8.3 , filepath < 1.5 && >= , mtl < 2.3 && >= 2.0 , process < 1.7 && >= , template-haskell < 2.13 && >= , temporary < 1.3 && >= 1.2.1 , transformers < 0.6 && >= if !os(windows) build-depends: unix < 2.8 && >= build-depends: unix-compat < 0.6 && >= , utf8-string < 1.1 && >= , ghc-prim build-tools: cabal executable cabal-helper-main default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: NondecreasingIndentation main-is: CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs hs-source-dirs: src other-modules: CabalHelper.Shared.Common CabalHelper.Shared.InterfaceTypes CabalHelper.Shared.Sandbox -- GHC 7.4 ships Cabal-1.14 which we can't compile with and since cabal can't -- solve the component dependencies seperately in our case (because of too-old -- cabal-install and build-type:custom) we can't build this on GHC 7.4 if flag(dev) && impl(ghc >= 7.6) buildable: True else buildable: False -- Common c-h-main-fields -- See [Note test dependencies] ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-imports build-depends: base < 5 && >= 4.5 , Cabal , containers , bytestring , filepath , directory , ghc-prim