-- cabal-helper: Simple interface to Cabal's configuration state -- Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Daniel Gröber -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, FlexibleContexts, ConstraintKinds, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric, DeriveFunctor, StandaloneDeriving, NamedFieldPuns, OverloadedStrings, ViewPatterns, TupleSections, TypeFamilies, DataKinds, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, ImplicitParams, RankNTypes #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} {-| Module : Distribution.Helper License : GPL-3 Maintainer : cabal-helper@dxld.at Portability : POSIX -} module Distribution.Helper ( -- * Type Variable Naming Conventions -- $type-conventions -- * Running Queries Query , runQuery -- * Queries against Cabal\'s on disk state -- ** Project queries , compilerVersion , projectUnits -- ** Unit queries , Unit -- abstract , uComponentName , UnitId -- abstract , UnitInfo(..) , unitInfo -- ** Convenience Queries , allUnits -- * Query environment , QueryEnv , QueryEnvI -- abstract , mkQueryEnv , qeReadProcess , qePrograms , qeCompPrograms , qeProjLoc , qeDistDir -- * GADTs , ProjType(..) , ProjLoc(..) , DistDir(..) , SProjType(..) , demoteSProjType , projTypeOfDistDir , projTypeOfProjLoc , SCabalProjType(..) , Ex(..) -- * Programs , Programs(..) , defaultPrograms , CompPrograms(..) , defaultCompPrograms -- * Result types , ChComponentInfo(..) , ChComponentName(..) , ChLibraryName(..) , ChModuleName(..) , ChPkgDb(..) , ChEntrypoint(..) , NeedsBuildOutput(..) -- * General information , Distribution.Helper.buildPlatform -- * Stuff that cabal-install really should export , Distribution.Helper.getSandboxPkgDb -- * Managing @dist/@ , prepare , writeAutogenFiles ) where import Cabal.Plan hiding (Unit, UnitId, uDistDir) import Control.Arrow (first) import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Exception as E import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import Data.IORef import Data.List hiding (filter) import Data.String import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Maybe import Data.Either import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import Data.Version import Data.Function import System.Clock as Clock import System.Environment import System.FilePath import System.Directory import System.Process import System.Posix.Types import System.PosixCompat.Files import Text.Printf import Text.Read import Prelude import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Compile import qualified CabalHelper.Compiletime.Program.Stack as Stack import qualified CabalHelper.Compiletime.Program.GHC as GHC import qualified CabalHelper.Compiletime.Program.CabalInstall as CabalInstall import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Cabal import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Log import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Process import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Sandbox import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Types import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Types.RelativePath import CabalHelper.Shared.InterfaceTypes import CabalHelper.Shared.Common import CabalHelper.Runtime.HelperMain (helper_main) import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Compat.Version import qualified CabalHelper.Compiletime.Compat.ProgramDb as ProgDb ( defaultProgramDb, programPath, lookupProgram, ghcProgram, ghcPkgProgram ) import Distribution.System (buildPlatform) import Distribution.Text (display) import Distribution.Verbosity (silent, normal, verbose, deafening) import Distribution.Simple.GHC as GHC (configure) -- $type-conventions -- Throughout the API we use the following conventions for type variables: -- -- * @pt@ stands for "project type", when instantiated it is always of kind -- 'ProjType'. -- -- * @c@ stands for "cache". It is used internally to make the cache -- inaccessible for some parts of the implementation. Users of the API may -- completely ignore this parameter. See the internal 'qeCacheRef' field -- accessor of 'QueryEnv' for details. -- | A lazy, cached, query against a package's Cabal configuration. Use -- 'runQuery' to execute it. newtype Query pt a = Query { runQuery :: QueryEnv pt -> IO a -- ^ @runQuery env query@. Run a 'Query' under a given 'QueryEnv. } instance Functor (Query pt) where fmap = liftM instance Applicative (Query pt) where (<*>) = ap pure = return instance Monad (Query pt) where (Query ma) >>= amb = Query $ \qe -> ma qe >>= \a -> runQuery (amb a) qe return a = Query $ const $ return a -- | @mkQueryEnv projdir distdir@. Smart constructor for 'QueryEnv'. -- Sets fields 'qeProjLoc' and 'qeDistDir' to @projdir@ and @distdir@ -- respectively and provides sensible defaults for the other fields. mkQueryEnv :: ProjLoc pt -- ^ Location of the project. -> DistDir pt -- ^ Path to the @dist/@ or @dist-newstyle/@ directory, called -- /builddir/ in Cabal terminology. -> IO (QueryEnv pt) mkQueryEnv projloc distdir = do cr <- newIORef $ QueryCache Nothing Map.empty return $ QueryEnv { qeReadProcess = \stdin mcwd exe args -> readCreateProcess (proc exe args){ cwd = mcwd } stdin , qeCallProcess = \mcwd exe args -> do let ?verbose = \_ -> False -- TODO: we should get this from env or -- something callProcessStderr mcwd exe args , qePrograms = defaultPrograms , qeCompPrograms = defaultCompPrograms , qeProjLoc = projloc , qeDistDir = distdir , qeCacheRef = cr } -- | Construct paths to project configuration files given where the project is. projConf :: ProjLoc pt -> IO (ProjConf pt) projConf (ProjLocV1Dir pkgdir) = ProjConfV1 <$> findCabalFile pkgdir projConf (ProjLocV1CabalFile cabal_file _) = return $ ProjConfV1 cabal_file projConf (ProjLocV2Dir projdir_path) = projConf $ ProjLocV2File $ projdir_path "cabal.project" projConf (ProjLocV2File proj_file) = return $ ProjConfV2 { pcV2CabalProjFile = proj_file , pcV2CabalProjLocalFile = proj_file <.> "local" , pcV2CabalProjFreezeFile = proj_file <.> "freeze" } projConf (ProjLocStackYaml stack_yaml) = return $ ProjConfStack { pcStackYaml = stack_yaml } -- | Get the current modification-time for each file involved in configuring a -- project. Optional files in 'ProjConf' are handled by not including them in -- the result list in 'ProjConfModTimes' if they don\'t exist. This causes the -- lists to be different if the files end up existing later, which is all we -- need for cache invalidation. getProjConfModTime :: ProjConf pt -> IO ProjConfModTimes getProjConfModTime ProjConfV1{pcV1CabalFile} = fmap ProjConfModTimes $ mapM getFileModTime [ pcV1CabalFile ] getProjConfModTime ProjConfV2{..} = do fmap (ProjConfModTimes . catMaybes) $ mapM (traverse getFileModTime <=< mightExist) [ pcV2CabalProjFile , pcV2CabalProjLocalFile , pcV2CabalProjFreezeFile ] getProjConfModTime ProjConfStack{..} = fmap ProjConfModTimes $ mapM getFileModTime [ pcStackYaml ] getUnitModTimes :: Unit pt -> IO UnitModTimes getUnitModTimes Unit { uDistDir=DistDirLib distdirv1 , uCabalFile=CabalFile cabal_file_path , uPackageDir , uImpl } = do umtPkgYaml <- case uImpl of UnitImplStack{} -> traverse getFileModTime =<< mightExist package_yaml_path _ -> return Nothing umtCabalFile <- getFileModTime cabal_file_path umtSetupConfig <- (traverse getFileModTime <=< mightExist) setup_config_path return UnitModTimes {..} where package_yaml_path = uPackageDir "package.yaml" setup_config_path = distdirv1 "setup-config" -- | The version of GHC the project is configured to use for compilation. compilerVersion :: Query pt (String, Version) compilerVersion = Query $ \qe -> getProjInfo qe >>= \proj_info -> let someUnit = NonEmpty.head $ piUnits proj_info in -- ^ ASSUMPTION: Here we assume the compiler version is uniform across all -- units so we just pick any one. case piImpl proj_info of ProjInfoV1 {} -> uiCompilerId <$> getUnitInfo qe someUnit ProjInfoV2 { piV2CompilerId } -> return piV2CompilerId ProjInfoStack {} -> uiCompilerId <$> getUnitInfo qe someUnit -- | All local units currently active in a project\'s build plan. projectUnits :: Query pt (NonEmpty (Unit pt)) projectUnits = Query $ \qe -> piUnits <$> getProjInfo qe -- | Get the 'UnitInfo' for a given 'Unit'. To get a 'Unit' see 'projectUnits'. unitInfo :: Unit pt -> Query pt UnitInfo unitInfo u = Query $ \qe -> getUnitInfo qe u -- | Get information on all units in a project. allUnits :: (UnitInfo -> a) -> Query pt (NonEmpty a) allUnits f = fmap f <$> (mapM unitInfo =<< projectUnits) getProjInfo :: QueryEnv pt -> IO (ProjInfo pt) getProjInfo qe@QueryEnv{..} = do cache@QueryCache{qcProjInfo, qcUnitInfos} <- readIORef qeCacheRef proj_info <- checkUpdateProjInfo qe qcProjInfo let active_units = NonEmpty.toList $ piUnits proj_info writeIORef qeCacheRef $ cache { qcProjInfo = Just proj_info , qcUnitInfos = discardInactiveUnitInfos active_units qcUnitInfos } return proj_info checkUpdateProjInfo :: QueryEnvI c pt -> Maybe (ProjInfo pt) -> IO (ProjInfo pt) checkUpdateProjInfo qe mproj_info = do proj_conf <- projConf (qeProjLoc qe) mtime <- getProjConfModTime proj_conf case mproj_info of Nothing -> reconf proj_conf mtime Just proj_info | piProjConfModTimes proj_info /= mtime -> reconf proj_conf mtime | otherwise -> return proj_info where reconf proj_conf mtime = do shallowReconfigureProject qe readProjInfo qe proj_conf mtime getUnitInfo :: QueryEnv pt -> Unit pt -> IO UnitInfo getUnitInfo qe@QueryEnv{..} unit@Unit{uDistDir} = do proj_info <- getProjInfo qe cache@QueryCache{qcUnitInfos} <- readIORef qeCacheRef let munit_info = Map.lookup uDistDir qcUnitInfos unit_info <- checkUpdateUnitInfo qe proj_info unit munit_info writeIORef qeCacheRef $ cache { qcUnitInfos = Map.insert uDistDir unit_info qcUnitInfos } return unit_info checkUpdateUnitInfo :: QueryEnvI c pt -> ProjInfo pt -> Unit pt -> Maybe UnitInfo -> IO UnitInfo checkUpdateUnitInfo qe proj_info unit munit_info = do unit_mtimes <- getUnitModTimes unit case munit_info of Nothing -> reconf Just unit_info | uiModTimes unit_info /= unit_mtimes -> reconf | otherwise -> return unit_info where reconf = do reconfigureUnit qe unit helper <- getHelper proj_info qe readUnitInfo helper unit -- | Restrict 'UnitInfo' cache to units that are still active discardInactiveUnitInfos :: [Unit pt] -> Map DistDirLib UnitInfo -> Map DistDirLib UnitInfo discardInactiveUnitInfos active_units uis0 = restrictKeysMap uis0 $ Set.fromList $ map uDistDir active_units where restrictKeysMap :: Ord k => Map k a -> Set k -> Map k a restrictKeysMap m s = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> Set.member k s) m -- | Regenerate project level information by calling the appropriate build -- system (@cabal@ or @stack@). shallowReconfigureProject :: QueryEnvI c pt -> IO () shallowReconfigureProject QueryEnv { qeProjLoc = _ , qeDistDir = DistDirCabal SCV1 _distdirv1 } = return () shallowReconfigureProject QueryEnv { qeProjLoc = ProjLocV2File projfile , qeDistDir = DistDirCabal SCV2 _distdirv2, .. } = do let projdir = takeDirectory projfile _ <- qeCallProcess (Just projdir) (cabalProgram qePrograms) ["new-build", "--dry-run", "--project-file="++projfile, "all"] return () shallowReconfigureProject QueryEnv { qeProjLoc = ProjLocV2Dir projdir , qeDistDir = DistDirCabal SCV2 _distdirv2, .. } = do _ <- qeCallProcess (Just projdir) (cabalProgram qePrograms) ["new-build", "--dry-run", "all"] return () shallowReconfigureProject QueryEnv { qeProjLoc = ProjLocStackYaml _stack_yaml, .. } = do -- In case we ever need to read the cabal files before the Unit stage, this -- command regenerates them from package.yaml -- -- _ <- liftIO $ qeCallProcess (Just projdir) (stackProgram qePrograms) -- ["build", "--dry-run"] "" return () reconfigureUnit :: QueryEnvI c pt -> Unit pt -> IO () reconfigureUnit QueryEnv{qeDistDir=(DistDirCabal SCV1 _), ..} Unit{uPackageDir=_} = do return () reconfigureUnit QueryEnv{qeProjLoc=ProjLocV2File projfile, ..} Unit{uPackageDir, uImpl} = do _ <- qeCallProcess (Just uPackageDir) (cabalProgram qePrograms) (["new-build", "--project-file="++projfile] ++ uiV2Components uImpl) return () reconfigureUnit QueryEnv{qeProjLoc=ProjLocV2Dir{}, ..} Unit{uPackageDir, uImpl} = do _ <- qeCallProcess (Just uPackageDir) (cabalProgram qePrograms) (["new-build"] ++ uiV2Components uImpl) -- TODO: version check for --only-configure return () reconfigureUnit qe@QueryEnv{qeProjLoc=ProjLocStackYaml stack_yaml, ..} Unit{uPackageDir} = do _ <- Stack.callStackCmd qe (Just uPackageDir) ["--stack-yaml="++stack_yaml, "build", "--only-configure", "."] return () getFileModTime :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath, EpochTime) getFileModTime f = do t <- modificationTime <$> getFileStatus f return (f, t) readProjInfo :: QueryEnvI c pt -> ProjConf pt -> ProjConfModTimes -> IO (ProjInfo pt) readProjInfo qe pc pcm = withVerbosity $ do let projloc = qeProjLoc qe case (qeDistDir qe, pc) of (DistDirCabal SCV1 distdir, ProjConfV1{pcV1CabalFile}) -> do setup_config_path <- canonicalizePath (distdir "setup-config") mhdr <- readSetupConfigHeader setup_config_path case mhdr of Just hdr@(UnitHeader _pkgId ("Cabal", hdrCabalVersion) _compId) -> return ProjInfo { piCabalVersion = hdrCabalVersion , piProjConfModTimes = pcm , piUnits = (:|[]) $ Unit { uUnitId = UnitId "" , uPackageDir = plV1Dir projloc , uCabalFile = CabalFile pcV1CabalFile , uDistDir = DistDirLib distdir , uImpl = UnitImplV1 } , piImpl = ProjInfoV1 { piV1SetupHeader = hdr } } Just UnitHeader {uhSetupId=(setup_name, _)} -> panicIO $ printf "Unknown Setup package-id in setup-config header '%s': '%s'" (BS8.unpack setup_name) setup_config_path Nothing -> panicIO $ printf "Could not read '%s' header" setup_config_path (DistDirCabal SCV2 distdirv2, _) -> do let plan_path = distdirv2 "cache" "plan.json" plan_mtime <- modificationTime <$> getFileStatus plan_path plan@PlanJson { pjCabalLibVersion=Ver pjCabalLibVersion , pjCompilerId=PkgId (PkgName compName) (Ver compVer) } <- decodePlanJson plan_path Just units <- NonEmpty.nonEmpty <$> CabalInstall.planUnits plan return ProjInfo { piCabalVersion = makeDataVersion pjCabalLibVersion , piProjConfModTimes = pcm , piUnits = units , piImpl = ProjInfoV2 { piV2Plan = plan , piV2PlanModTime = plan_mtime , piV2CompilerId = (Text.unpack compName, makeDataVersion compVer) } } (DistDirStack{}, _) -> do Just cabal_files <- NonEmpty.nonEmpty <$> Stack.listPackageCabalFiles qe units <- mapM (Stack.getUnit qe) cabal_files proj_paths <- Stack.projPaths qe let piImpl = ProjInfoStack { piStackProjPaths = proj_paths } Just (cabalVer:_) <- withProgs piImpl qe $ runMaybeT $ GHC.listCabalVersions (Just (sppGlobalPkgDb proj_paths)) -- ^ See [Note Stack Cabal Version] return ProjInfo { piCabalVersion = cabalVer , piProjConfModTimes = pcm , piUnits = units , .. } readUnitInfo :: Helper pt -> Unit pt -> IO UnitInfo readUnitInfo helper unit@Unit {uUnitId=uiUnitId} = do res <- runHelper helper unit [ "package-id" , "package-db-stack" , "flags" , "compiler-id" , "config-flags" , "non-default-config-flags" , "component-info" ] let [ Just (ChResponseVersion uiPackageId), Just (ChResponsePkgDbs uiPackageDbStack), Just (ChResponseFlags uiPackageFlags), Just (ChResponseVersion uiCompilerId), Just (ChResponseFlags uiConfigFlags), Just (ChResponseFlags uiNonDefaultConfigFlags), Just (ChResponseComponentsInfo uiComponents) ] = res uiModTimes <- getUnitModTimes unit return $ UnitInfo {..} readHelper :: QueryEnvI c pt -> FilePath -> CabalFile -> DistDirLib -> [String] -> IO [Maybe ChResponse] readHelper qe exe cabal_file distdir args = do out <- invokeHelper qe exe cabal_file distdir args let res :: [Maybe ChResponse] res = read out liftIO $ evaluate res `E.catch` \ex@ErrorCall{} -> do md <- lookupEnv' "CABAL_HELPER_DEBUG" let msg = "readHelper: exception: '" ++ show ex ++ "'" panicIO $ msg ++ case md of Nothing -> "\n for more information set the environment variable CABAL_HELPER_DEBUG and try again" Just _ -> "\n output:\n'"++ out ++"'" invokeHelper :: QueryEnvI c pt -> FilePath -> CabalFile -> DistDirLib -> [String] -> IO String invokeHelper QueryEnv {..} exe (CabalFile cabal_file_path) (DistDirLib distdir) args0 = do let args1 = cabal_file_path : distdir : args0 evaluate =<< qeReadProcess "" Nothing exe args1 `E.catch` \(_ :: E.IOException) -> panicIO $ concat ["invokeHelper", ": ", exe, " " , intercalate " " (map show args1) , " failed!" ] -- | Make sure the appropriate helper executable for the given project is -- installed and ready to run queries. prepare :: QueryEnv pt -> IO () prepare qe = do proj_info <- getProjInfo qe void $ getHelper proj_info qe -- | Create @cabal_macros.h@ and @Paths_\@ possibly other generated files -- in the usual place. See 'Distribution.Simple.Build.initialBuildSteps'. writeAutogenFiles :: Unit pt -> Query pt () writeAutogenFiles unit = Query $ \qe -> do proj_info <- getProjInfo qe helper <- getHelper proj_info qe void $ runHelper helper unit ["write-autogen-files"] -- | Get the path to the sandbox package-db in a project getSandboxPkgDb :: String -- ^ Cabal build platform, i.e. @buildPlatform@ -> GHC.GhcVersion -- ^ GHC version (@cProjectVersion@ is your friend) -> FilePath -- ^ Path to the project directory, i.e. a directory containing a -- @cabal.sandbox.config@ file -> IO (Maybe FilePath) getSandboxPkgDb buildPlat ghcVer projdir = CabalHelper.Compiletime.Sandbox.getSandboxPkgDb buildPlat ghcVer projdir buildPlatform :: String buildPlatform = display Distribution.System.buildPlatform lookupEnv' :: String -> IO (Maybe String) lookupEnv' k = lookup k <$> getEnvironment withVerbosity :: (Verbose => IO a) -> IO a withVerbosity act = do x <- lookup "CABAL_HELPER_DEBUG" <$> getEnvironment let ?verbose = \level -> case x >>= readMaybe of Just x | x >= level -> True _ -> False act -- | Bring 'Programs' and 'CompPrograms' into scope as implicit parameters withProgs :: Verbose => ProjInfoImpl pt -> QueryEnvI c pt -> (Env => IO a) -> IO a withProgs impl QueryEnv{..} f = do cprogs <- guessCompProgramPaths $ case impl of ProjInfoStack projPaths -> Stack.patchCompPrograms projPaths qeCompPrograms _ -> qeCompPrograms let ?cprogs = cprogs in let ?progs = qePrograms in f where -- | Determine ghc-pkg path from ghc path guessCompProgramPaths :: Verbose => CompPrograms -> IO CompPrograms guessCompProgramPaths progs | same ghcProgram progs dprogs = return progs guessCompProgramPaths progs = do let v | ?verbose 2 = normal | ?verbose 3 = verbose | ?verbose 4 = deafening | otherwise = silent mGhcPath0 | same ghcProgram progs dprogs = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ ghcProgram progs mGhcPkgPath0 | same ghcPkgProgram progs dprogs = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ ghcPkgProgram progs (_compiler, _mplatform, progdb) <- GHC.configure v mGhcPath0 mGhcPkgPath0 ProgDb.defaultProgramDb let getProg p = ProgDb.programPath <$> ProgDb.lookupProgram p progdb mghcPath1 = getProg ProgDb.ghcProgram mghcPkgPath1 = getProg ProgDb.ghcPkgProgram return progs { ghcProgram = fromMaybe (ghcProgram progs) mghcPath1 , ghcPkgProgram = fromMaybe (ghcProgram progs) mghcPkgPath1 } same f o o' = f o == f o' dprogs = defaultCompPrograms newtype Helper pt = Helper { runHelper :: Unit pt -> [String] -> IO [Maybe ChResponse] } getHelper :: ProjInfo pt -> QueryEnvI c pt -> IO (Helper pt) getHelper ProjInfo{piCabalVersion} QueryEnv{..} | piCabalVersion == bultinCabalVersion = return $ Helper $ \Unit{ uCabalFile=CabalFile cabal_file , uDistDir=DistDirLib distdir } args -> helper_main $ cabal_file : distdir : args getHelper proj_info qe@QueryEnv{..} = do withVerbosity $ withProgs (piImpl proj_info) qe $ do t0 <- Clock.getTime Monotonic eexe <- compileHelper $ mkCompHelperEnv qeProjLoc qeDistDir proj_info t1 <- Clock.getTime Monotonic let dt = (/10e9) $ fromInteger $ Clock.toNanoSecs $ Clock.diffTimeSpec t0 t1 dt :: Float vLog $ printf "compileHelper took %.5fs" dt case eexe of Left rv -> panicIO $ "compileHelper': compiling helper failed! exit code "++ show rv Right exe -> return $ Helper $ \Unit{uCabalFile, uDistDir} args -> readHelper qe exe uCabalFile uDistDir args mkCompHelperEnv :: Verbose => ProjLoc pt -> DistDir pt -> ProjInfo pt -> CompHelperEnv mkCompHelperEnv projloc (DistDirCabal SCV1 distdir) ProjInfo{piCabalVersion} = CompHelperEnv { cheCabalVer = CabalVersion piCabalVersion , cheProjDir = plV1Dir projloc , cheProjLocalCacheDir = distdir , chePkgDb = Nothing , chePlanJson = Nothing , cheDistV2 = Nothing } mkCompHelperEnv projloc (DistDirCabal SCV2 distdir) ProjInfo{piImpl=ProjInfoV2{piV2Plan=plan}} = case projloc of ProjLocV2Dir projdir -> let cheProjDir = projdir in CompHelperEnv {..} ProjLocV2File proj_file -> let cheProjDir = takeDirectory proj_file in CompHelperEnv {..} where cheCabalVer = CabalVersion $ makeDataVersion pjCabalLibVersion cheProjLocalCacheDir = distdir "cache" chePkgDb = Nothing chePlanJson = Just plan cheDistV2 = Just distdir PlanJson {pjCabalLibVersion=Ver pjCabalLibVersion } = plan mkCompHelperEnv (ProjLocStackYaml stack_yaml) (DistDirStack mworkdir) ProjInfo { piCabalVersion , piImpl = ProjInfoStack { piStackProjPaths=StackProjPaths { sppGlobalPkgDb } } } = let workdir = fromMaybe ".stack-work" $ unRelativePath <$> mworkdir in let projdir = takeDirectory stack_yaml in CompHelperEnv { cheCabalVer = CabalVersion $ piCabalVersion , cheProjDir = projdir , cheProjLocalCacheDir = projdir workdir , chePkgDb = Just sppGlobalPkgDb , chePlanJson = Nothing , cheDistV2 = Nothing }