-- cabal-helper: Simple interface to Cabal's configuration state -- Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Daniel Gröber -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable, DefaultSignatures, StandaloneDeriving, GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures, RankNTypes #-} {-| Module : CabalHelper.Compiletime.Types Description : Types used throughout License : GPL-3 -} module CabalHelper.Compiletime.Types where import Cabal.Plan ( PlanJson ) import Data.IORef import Data.Version import Data.Typeable import GHC.Generics import System.FilePath import System.Posix.Types import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Types.RelativePath import CabalHelper.Shared.InterfaceTypes import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) --import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import Data.Map.Strict (Map) --import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Strict -- | The kind of project being managed by a 'QueryEnv' (pun intended). data ProjType = V1 -- ^ @cabal v1-build@ project, see 'DistDirV1' | V2 -- ^ @cabal v2-build@ project, see 'DistDirV2' | Stack -- ^ @stack@ project. deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data SProjType pt where SV1 :: SProjType 'V1 SV2 :: SProjType 'V2 SStack :: SProjType 'Stack demoteSProjType :: SProjType pt -> ProjType demoteSProjType SV1 = V1 demoteSProjType SV2 = V2 demoteSProjType SStack = Stack -- | Location of project sources. The project type of a given directory can be -- determined by trying to access a set of marker files. See below. data ProjLoc (pt :: ProjType) where -- | A @cabal v1-build@ project directory can be identified by one file -- ending in @.cabal@ existing in the directory. More than one such files -- existing is a user error. Note: For this project type the concepts of -- project and package coincide. ProjLocCabalFile :: { plCabalFile :: !FilePath } -> ProjLoc 'V1 -- | A @cabal v2-build@ project\'s marker file is called -- @cabal.project@. This configuration file points to the packages that make -- up this project. ProjLocV2File :: { plCabalProjectFile :: !FilePath } -> ProjLoc 'V2 ProjLocV2Dir :: { plV2Dir :: !FilePath } -> ProjLoc 'V2 -- | A @stack@ project\'s marker file is called @stack.yaml@. This -- configuration file points to the packages that make up this project. ProjLocStackYaml :: { plStackYaml :: !FilePath } -> ProjLoc 'Stack deriving instance Show (ProjLoc pt) plV1Dir :: ProjLoc 'V1 -> FilePath plV1Dir (ProjLocCabalFile cabal_file) = takeDirectory cabal_file data DistDir (pt :: ProjType) where -- | Build directory for cabal /old-build/ aka. /v1-build/ aka. just -- /build/. Planned to be superceeded by /v2-build/, see 'DistDirV2' for -- that. -- -- You can tell a builddir is a /v1/ builddir by looking for a file -- called @setup-config@ directly underneath it. DistDirV1 :: !FilePath -> DistDir 'V1 -- | Build directory for cabal /new-build/ aka. /v2-build/, as of the time -- of this writing it is usually called @dist-newstyle/@ but this will -- presumably change once it becomes the default /build/ command. -- -- You can tell a builddir is a /v2/ builddir by trying to access the path -- @cache/plan.json@ directly underneath it. DistDirV2 :: !FilePath -> DistDir 'V2 -- | Build directory for stack, aka. /work-dir/. Optionally override Stack's -- /work-dir/. If you just want to use Stack's default set to @Nothing@ DistDirStack :: !(Maybe RelativePath) -> DistDir 'Stack deriving instance Show (DistDir pt) -- | Environment for running a 'Query'. The constructor is not exposed in the -- API to allow extending it with more fields without breaking user code. -- -- To create a 'QueryEnv' use the 'mkQueryEnv' smart constructor instead. The -- field accessors are exported and may be used to override the defaults filled -- in by 'mkQueryEnv'. See below. -- -- Note that this environment contains an 'IORef' used as a cache. If you want -- to take advantage of this you should not simply discard the value returned by -- the smart constructor after one use. -- -- If you do not wish to use the built-in caching feel free to discard the -- 'QueryEnv' value though. type QueryEnv (pt :: ProjType) = QueryEnvI QueryCache pt data QueryEnvI c (pt :: ProjType) = QueryEnv { qeReadProcess :: !ReadProcessWithCwd -- ^ Field accessor for 'QueryEnv'. Function used to to start -- processes. Useful if you need to, for example, redirect standard error -- output of programs started by cabal-helper. , qeCallProcess :: !(CallProcessWithCwd ()) , qePrograms :: !Programs -- ^ Field accessor for 'QueryEnv'. , qeCompPrograms :: !CompPrograms -- ^ Field accessor for 'QueryEnv'. , qeProjLoc :: !(ProjLoc pt) -- ^ Field accessor for 'QueryEnv'. Defines path to the project directory, -- i.e. a directory containing a @cabal.project@ file , qeDistDir :: !(DistDir pt) -- ^ Field accessor for 'QueryEnv'. Defines path to the @dist/@ or -- @dist-newstyle/@ directory, aka. /builddir/ in Cabal terminology. , qeCacheRef :: !(IORef (c pt)) -- ^ Cache for query results, only accessible when type parameter @c@ is -- instantiated with 'QueryCache'. This is the case wherever the type alias -- 'QueryEnv' is used. } type ReadProcessWithCwd = String -> CallProcessWithCwd String type CallProcessWithCwd a = Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO a data QueryCache pt = QueryCache { qcProjInfo :: !(Maybe (ProjInfo pt)) , qcUnitInfos :: !(Map DistDirLib UnitInfo) } newtype DistDirLib = DistDirLib FilePath deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | A 'Unit' is used as reference to a set of components (exes, libs, tests -- etc.) which are managed by an certain instance of the Cabal build system. We -- may get information on the components in a unit by retriving the -- corresponding 'UnitInfo'. -- -- Note that a 'Unit' value is only valid within the 'QueryEnv' context it was -- created in. However this is not enforced in the API. data Unit pt = Unit { uUnitId :: !UnitId , uPackageDir :: !FilePath , uCabalFile :: !CabalFile , uDistDir :: !DistDirLib , uImpl :: !(UnitImpl pt) } deriving (Show) data UnitImpl pt where UnitImplV1 :: UnitImpl 'V1 UnitImplV2 :: { uiV2ComponentNames :: ![ChComponentName] , uiV2Components :: ![String] } -> UnitImpl 'V2 UnitImplStack :: UnitImpl 'Stack deriving instance Show (UnitImpl pt) -- | This returns the component a 'Unit' corresponds to. This information is -- only available if the correspondence happens to be unique and known before -- querying setup-config for the respective project type. Currently this only -- applies to @pt=@'V2'. -- -- This is intended to be used as an optimization, to allow reducing the number -- of helper invocations for clients that don't need to know the entire project -- structure. uComponentName :: Unit pt -> Maybe ChComponentName uComponentName Unit { uImpl=UnitImplV2 { uiV2ComponentNames=[comp] } } = Just comp uComponentName _ = Nothing newtype UnitId = UnitId String deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | The information extracted from a 'Unit'\'s on-disk configuration cache. data UnitInfo = UnitInfo { uiUnitId :: !UnitId -- ^ A unique identifier of this unit within the originating project. , uiPackageId :: !(String, Version) -- ^ The package-name and version this unit belongs to. , uiComponents :: !(Map ChComponentName ChComponentInfo) -- ^ The components of the unit: libraries, executables, test-suites, -- benchmarks and so on. , uiCompilerId :: !(String, Version) -- ^ The version of GHC the unit is configured to use , uiPackageDbStack :: !([ChPkgDb]) -- ^ List of package databases to use. , uiPackageFlags :: !([(String, Bool)]) -- ^ Flag definitions from cabal file , uiConfigFlags :: ![(String, Bool)] -- ^ Flag assignments from active configuration , uiNonDefaultConfigFlags :: ![(String, Bool)] -- ^ Flag assignments from setup-config which differ from the default -- setting. This can also include flags which cabal decided to modify, -- i.e. don't rely on these being the flags set by the user directly. , uiModTimes :: !UnitModTimes -- ^ Key for cache invalidation. When this is not equal to the value -- returned by 'getUnitModTimes' this 'UnitInfo' is considered invalid. } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | Files relevant to the project-scope configuration. We gather them here so -- we can refer to their paths conveniently throughout the code. These files are -- not necessarily guaranteed to even exist. data ProjConf pt where ProjConfV1 :: { pcV1CabalFile :: !FilePath } -> ProjConf 'V1 ProjConfV2 :: { pcV2CabalProjFile :: !FilePath , pcV2CabalProjLocalFile :: !FilePath , pcV2CabalProjFreezeFile :: !FilePath } -> ProjConf 'V2 ProjConfStack :: { pcStackYaml :: !FilePath } -> ProjConf 'Stack -- This is supposed to be opaque, as it's only meant to be used only for cache -- invalidation. newtype ProjConfModTimes = ProjConfModTimes [(FilePath, EpochTime)] deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Project-scope information cache. data ProjInfo pt = ProjInfo { piCabalVersion :: !Version , piUnits :: !(NonEmpty (Unit pt)) , piImpl :: !(ProjInfoImpl pt) , piProjConfModTimes :: !ProjConfModTimes -- ^ Key for cache invalidation. When this is not equal to the return -- value of 'getProjConfModTime' this 'ProjInfo' is considered invalid. } deriving (Show) data ProjInfoImpl pt where ProjInfoV1 :: ProjInfoImpl 'V1 ProjInfoV2 :: { piV2Plan :: !PlanJson , piV2PlanModTime :: !EpochTime , piV2CompilerId :: !(String, Version) } -> ProjInfoImpl 'V2 ProjInfoStack :: { piStackProjPaths :: !StackProjPaths } -> ProjInfoImpl 'Stack instance Show (ProjInfoImpl pt) where show ProjInfoV1 = "ProjInfoV1" show ProjInfoV2 {..} = concat [ "ProjInfoV2 {" , "piV2Plan = ", show piV2Plan, ", " , "piV2PlanModTime = ", show piV2PlanModTime, ", " , "piV2CompilerId = ", show piV2CompilerId , "}" ] show ProjInfoStack {..} = concat [ "ProjInfoStack {" , "piStackProjPaths = ", show piStackProjPaths , "}" ] data UnitModTimes = UnitModTimes { umtPkgYaml :: !(Maybe (FilePath, EpochTime)) , umtCabalFile :: !(FilePath, EpochTime) , umtSetupConfig :: !(Maybe (FilePath, EpochTime)) } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) newtype CabalFile = CabalFile FilePath deriving (Show) data StackProjPaths = StackProjPaths { sppGlobalPkgDb :: !PackageDbDir , sppSnapPkgDb :: !PackageDbDir , sppLocalPkgDb :: !PackageDbDir , sppCompExe :: !FilePath } deriving (Show) -- Beware: GHC 8.0.2 doesn't like these being recursively defined for some -- reason so just keep them unrolled. type Verbose = (?verbose :: Word -> Bool) type Env = ( ?cprogs :: CompPrograms , ?progs :: Programs , ?verbose :: Word -> Bool) type Progs = (?cprogs :: CompPrograms, ?progs :: Programs) type CProgs = (?cprogs :: CompPrograms) -- | Configurable paths to various programs we use. data Programs = Programs { cabalProgram :: !FilePath -- ^ The path to the @cabal@ program. , cabalArgsBefore :: ![String] , cabalArgsAfter :: ![String] , stackProgram :: !FilePath -- ^ The path to the @stack@ program. , stackArgsBefore :: ![String] , stackArgsAfter :: ![String] } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic, Typeable) -- | Configurable paths to programs only used during helper compilation. data CompPrograms = CompPrograms { ghcProgram :: !FilePath -- ^ The path to the @ghc@ program. , ghcPkgProgram :: !FilePath -- ^ The path to the @ghc-pkg@ program. If not changed it will be derived -- from the path to 'ghcProgram'. } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic, Typeable) -- | By default all programs use their unqualified names, i.e. they will be -- searched for on @PATH@. defaultPrograms :: Programs defaultPrograms = Programs "cabal" [] [] "stack" [] [] defaultCompPrograms :: CompPrograms defaultCompPrograms = CompPrograms "ghc" "ghc-pkg" data CompileOptions = CompileOptions { oVerbose :: Bool , oCabalPkgDb :: Maybe PackageDbDir , oCabalVersion :: Maybe Version , oPrograms :: Programs } oCabalProgram :: Env => FilePath oCabalProgram = cabalProgram ?progs defaultCompileOptions :: CompileOptions defaultCompileOptions = CompileOptions False Nothing Nothing defaultPrograms newtype PackageDbDir = PackageDbDir { unPackageDbDir :: FilePath } deriving (Show) newtype PackageEnvFile = PackageEnvFile { unPackageEnvFile :: FilePath } deriving (Show)