{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, GADTs #-} import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.Process import System.Exit import System.IO import Control.Exception as E import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Version import Data.Functor import Data.Function import qualified Distribution.Compat.ReadP as Dist import Distribution.Version (VersionRange, withinRange) import Distribution.Text import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad import Prelude import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Compat.Environment import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Compat.Version import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Compile import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Types import CabalHelper.Shared.Common runReadP'Dist :: Dist.ReadP t t -> String -> t runReadP'Dist p i = case filter ((=="") . snd) $ Dist.readP_to_S p i of (a,""):[] -> a _ -> error $ "Error parsing: " ++ show i withinRange'CH :: Either HEAD Version -> VersionRange -> Bool withinRange'CH v r = withinRange (fromDataVersion v') r where v' = either (const $ parseVer "1000000000") id v setupHOME :: IO () setupHOME = do tmp <- fromMaybe "/tmp" <$> lookupEnv "TMPDIR" let home = tmp "compile-test-home" _ <- rawSystem "rm" ["-r", home] createDirectory home setEnv "HOME" home main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs let action | null args = testAllCabalVersions | otherwise = testCabalVersions $ map parseVer' args setupHOME _ <- rawSystem "cabal" ["update"] action parseVer' :: String -> Either HEAD Version parseVer' "HEAD" = Left HEAD parseVer' v = Right $ parseVer v testAllCabalVersions :: IO () testAllCabalVersions = do let cabal_versions :: [Either HEAD Version] cabal_versions = map parseVer' -- "1.14.0" -- not supported at runtime [ "1.16.0" , "" , "" , "" , "1.18.0" , "1.18.1" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "HEAD" ] ghc_ver <- ghcVersion defaultOptions let constraint :: VersionRange constraint = fromMaybe (snd $ last constraint_table) $ fmap snd $ find (and . (zipWith (==) `on` versionBranch) ghc_ver . fst) $ constraint_table constraint_table = map (parseVer *** runReadP'Dist parse) $ [ ("7.4" , ">= 1.14 && < 2") , ("7.6" , ">= 1.16 && < 2") , ("7.8" , ">= 1.18 && < 2") , ("7.10" , ">= 1.22.2 && < 2") , ("8.0.1", ">= 1.24 ") , ("8.0.2", ">= 1.24.2 ") , ("8.2.1", ">= ") , ("8.2.2", ">= ") , ("8.4.1", ">= ") ] relevant_cabal_versions = reverse $ filter (flip withinRange'CH constraint) cabal_versions testCabalVersions relevant_cabal_versions testCabalVersions :: [Either HEAD Version] -> IO () testCabalVersions versions = do rvs <- forM versions $ \ver -> do let sver = either show showVersion ver hPutStrLn stderr $ "\n\n\n\n\n\n====== Compiling with Cabal-" ++ sver compilePrivatePkgDb ver let printStatus (cv, rv) = putStrLn $ "- Cabal "++ver++" "++status where ver = case cv of Left _ -> "HEAD"; Right v -> showVersion v status = case rv of Right _ -> "succeeded" Left rvc -> "failed (exit code "++show rvc++")" let drvs = versions `zip` rvs mapM_ printStatus drvs if any isLeft' $ map snd $ filter ((/=Left HEAD) . fst) drvs then exitFailure else exitSuccess where isLeft' (Left _) = True isLeft' (Right _) = False compilePrivatePkgDb :: Either HEAD Version -> IO (Either ExitCode FilePath) compilePrivatePkgDb eCabalVer = do res <- E.try $ installCabal defaultOptions { oVerbose = True } eCabalVer case res of Right (db, cabalVer) -> compileWithPkg db cabalVer Left (ioe :: IOException) -> do print ioe return $ Left (ExitFailure 1) compileWithPkg :: PackageDbDir -> CabalVersion -> IO (Either ExitCode FilePath) compileWithPkg db cabalVer = do appdir <- appCacheDir let comp = CompileWithCabalPackage (Just db) cabalVer [cabalPkgId cabalVer] CPSGlobal compile comp (compPaths appdir (error "compile-test: distdir not available") comp) defaultOptions { oVerbose = True } cabalPkgId :: CabalVersion -> String cabalPkgId (CabalHEAD _commitid) = "Cabal" cabalPkgId (CabalVersion v) = "Cabal-" ++ showVersion v