import Distribution.Helper import System.Environment.Extra (lookupEnv) import System.Posix.Env (setEnv) import System.Process import System.Exit import Data.Maybe import Data.Version import Data.Functor import Control.Exception as E import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad import Prelude import CabalHelper.Common import CabalHelper.Compile import CabalHelper.Types main :: IO () main = do flip (setEnv "HOME") True =<< fromMaybe "/tmp" <$> lookupEnv "TMPDIR" _ <- rawSystem "cabal" ["update"] writeAutogenFiles' $ defaultQueryEnv "." "./dist" let parseVer' "HEAD" = Left HEAD parseVer' v = Right $ parseVer v let vers :: [(Version, [Either HEAD Version])] vers = map (parseVer *** map parseVer') [ ("7.4", [ -- "1.14.0" -- not supported at runtime ]), ("7.6", [ "1.16.0" , "" , "" , "" ]), ("7.8", [ "1.18.0" , "1.18.1" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ]), ("7.10", [ "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ]), ("8.0.1", [ "" , "" ]), ("8.0.2", [ "" , "HEAD" ]) ] ghcVer <- ghcVersion defaultOptions let cabalVers = reverse $ concat $ map snd $ dropWhile (( do let sver = either show showVersion ver putStrLn $ "\n\n\n\n\n\n====== Compiling with Cabal-" ++ sver compilePrivatePkgDb ver let printStatus (cv, rv) = putStrLn $ "- Cabal "++show cv++" "++status where status = case rv of Right _ -> "suceeded" Left rvc -> "failed (exit code "++show rvc++")" let drvs = cabalVers `zip` rvs mapM_ printStatus (cabalVers `zip` rvs) if any isLeft' $ map snd $ filter ((/=Left HEAD) . fst) drvs then exitFailure else exitSuccess where isLeft' (Left _) = True isLeft' (Right _) = False data HEAD = HEAD deriving (Eq, Show) compilePrivatePkgDb :: Either HEAD Version -> IO (Either ExitCode FilePath) compilePrivatePkgDb (Left HEAD) = do _ <- rawSystem "rm" [ "-r", "/tmp/.ghc-mod" ] (db, commit) <- installCabalHEAD defaultOptions { verbose = True } `E.catch` \(SomeException ex) -> error $ "Installing cabal HEAD failed: " ++ show ex compileWithPkg "." (Just db) (Left commit) compilePrivatePkgDb (Right cabalVer) = do _ <- rawSystem "rm" [ "-r", "/tmp/.ghc-mod" ] db <- installCabal defaultOptions { verbose = True } cabalVer `E.catch` \(SomeException _) -> errorInstallCabal cabalVer "dist" compileWithPkg "." (Just db) (Right cabalVer) compileWithPkg :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> Either String Version -> IO (Either ExitCode FilePath) compileWithPkg chdir mdb ver = compile "dist" defaultOptions { verbose = True } $ Compile chdir Nothing mdb ver [cabalPkgId ver] cabalPkgId :: Either String Version -> String cabalPkgId (Left _commitid) = "Cabal" cabalPkgId (Right v) = "Cabal-" ++ showVersion v