{"url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/collections/DavidHedlund/webextensions/", "iconUrl": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/static/img/icons/collection.png", "addons": [{"last_updated": 1510349409, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/simple-form-fill/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 139, "guid": "simpleformfill@sblask", "id": 642690, "adu": 2235, "support": "https://github.com/sblask/webextension-simple-form-fill", "version": "2.1.6", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}], "homepage": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/simple-form-fill/", "total_dls": 37404, "status": "public", "description": "Simple Form Fill\n================\nEnter text into input fields by choosing configured items from the context menu\nor using the optional autocomplete (not autofill) which suggest items based on\ntyped input.\n\nNew items can be added through the context menu while having some text selected\nor in the extension's preferences (click on toolbar icon).\n\nPlease have a look at the screenshots to see how it works.\n\nFeedback\n--------\n\nYou can report bugs or make feature requests on\nhttps://github.com/sblask/webextension-simple-form-fill.\n\nPatches are welcome.", "previews": [{"caption": "Configure the items you can fill into text fields in the add-on preferences (get there directly by clicking the toolbar button or through the context menu).", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/184/184693.png?src=api&modified=1496669599", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/184/184693.png?src=api&modified=1496669599"}, {"caption": "Or add items from selected text using the context menu.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/184/184694.png?src=api&modified=1496669599", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/184/184694.png?src=api&modified=1496669599"}, {"caption": "Use the context menu on input fields to fill one of the configured items.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/184/184695.png?src=api&modified=1496669599", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/184/184695.png?src=api&modified=1496669599"}, {"caption": "Enable autocomplete in the preferences to get a list of matching items to choose from when typing in input fields. You can configure comments in the preferences - they are matched against but removed from the item before filling.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/184/184696.png?src=api&modified=1496669599", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/184/184696.png?src=api&modified=1496669599"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/sblask/?src=api", "id": 10503078, "name": "Sebastian Blask"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/642/642690-32.png?modified=1511387554", "name": "Simple Form Fill", "created": 1439539729, "type": "extension", "summary": "Enter text into input fields by choosing items from the context menu or using the optional autocomplete.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/simple-form-fill/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1524816310, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/zoom-page-we/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 2243, "guid": "zoompage-we@DW-dev", "id": 725990, "adu": 42793, "support": null, "version": "10.4", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "51.0"}}], "homepage": "https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/zoom-page-we/", "total_dls": 214112, "status": "public", "description": "-------------------------------------------------------\nVersions 10.4\n\u2022 Allows zoom levels outside of 30-300 in Firefox.\n\u2022 This requires changes to Firefox preferences.\n-------------------------------------------------------\n\nOVERVIEW\n\nZoom Page WE provides facilities to zoom a web page (either per-site or per-tab) using full-page zoom, text-only zoom and minimum font size. Automatic fit-to-width zoom can be applied instead of the default zoom level. Small images can be scaled to fit the browser window. Please see the 'Zoom Mode', 'Zoom Type' and 'Image Scaling' sections for more details.\n\nZoom Page WE is an alternative simpler no-restart version of the well established Zoom Page add-on.\n\nZoom Page WE is implemented using the new WebExtensions API and is available for both Firefox and Chrome with identical functions and user interfaces.\n\nOPTIONS PAGE\n\nThe options page for Zoom Page WE can be accessed as follows:\n\n\u2022 Firefox - On the menu bar select Tools > Add-ons (or press Ctrl+Shift+A), select the Extensions tab, and then click on the Options button.\n\n\u2022 Chrome - Right-click on the toolbar button, and then select Options.\n\nTOOLBAR BUTTON\n\nAfter installation of Zoom Page WE, there will be a new icon on the main toolbar with a blue badge showing the current zoom level.\n\nTo change the zoom level for a page, click on the Zoom Page WE toolbar button to show the popup panel, then click on one of the six buttons on the right side of the popup panel:\n\n\u2022 Zoom Type - toggles the zoom type between Full zoom and Text zoom.\n\u2022 Zoom Level (%) - shows a drop-down menu from which a specific zoom level can be selected.\n\u2022 Zoom In (+) - increases the zoom level to the next defined zoom level or by a fixed zoom step.\n\u2022 Zoom Out (-) - reduces the zoom level to the next defined zoom level or by a fixed zoom step.\n\u2022 Zoom Autofit - automatically adjusts the zoom level so the page contents fit the width of the browser window.\n\u2022 Zoom Reset - applies the defined default full/text zoom level depending on the current zoom type.\n\nNote, Ctrl+Click on the Zoom Reset button sets the default full/text zoom level to the currently applied zoom level.\n\nTo change the minimum font size for a page, click on the Zoom Page WE toolbar button to show the popup panel, then click on one of the two buttons on the left side of the popup panel:\n\n\u2022 Font Minimum Size (px) - shows a drop-down from which a specific minimum font size can be selected.\n\u2022 Font Reset - applies the defined default minimum font size.\n\nNote, Ctrl+Click on the Font Reset button sets the default font size to the currently applied font size.\n\nThere are options to:\n\n\u2022 define the set of zoom levels that are applied when zooming in/out.\n\u2022 define the default full zoom and text zoom levels.\n\u2022 define the autofit minimum and maximum zoom levels.\n\u2022 zoom to the next defined zoom level or by a fixed zoom step when zooming in/out.\n\u2022 define the fixed zoom step.\n\u2022 define the default minimum font size.\n\u2022 adjust the line space factor for text zoom and minimum font size.\n\u2022 not apply text zoom and minimum font size to dynamic content.\n\u2022 show the zoom level and minimum font size state on the button.\n\u2022 clear all per-site data (site-specific zoom types, zoom levels and minimum font sizes).\n\nNote, when using Firefox, it is possible to apply zoom levels outside of 30-300 if the 'zoom.minPercent' and 'zoom.maxPercent' preferences are changed in the 'about:config' page.\n\nCONTEXT MENU & BUTTON MENU\n\nTo change the zoom level of a page, right-click on the page contents to open the context menu, select the 'Zoom Page WE' sub-menu, and then select one of the menu items.\n\nAlternatively, right-click on the Zoom Page WE toolbar button to open the button menu, and then select one of the menu items.\n\nThe available menu items are:\n\n\u2022 Zoom In\n\u2022 Zoom Out\n\u2022 Zoom Reset\n\u2022 Zoom Type\n\u2022 Zoom AutoFit\n\u2022 Font Reset\n\nThese menu items have the same effect as the similarly named buttons on the toolbar button popup panel.\n\nThere is an option to show/hide the Zoom Page WE submenu on the context menu.\n\nKEYBOARD SHORTCUTS\n\nTo open the toolbar button popup panel, press Alt+Z.\n\nTo change the zoom level of a page, press one of these five keyboard shortcuts:\n\n\u2022 Zoom In - Ctrl+Plus\n\u2022 Zoom Out - Ctrl+Minus\n\u2022 Zoom Reset - Ctrl+0\n\u2022 Zoom Type - Ctrl+9\n\u2022 Zoom AutoFit - Ctrl+8\n\u2022 Font Reset - Ctrl+7\n\nThese keyboard shortcuts have the same effect as the similarly named buttons on the toolbar button popup panel.\n\nThere is an option to enable/disable the Ctrl+7, Ctrl+8 and Ctrl+9 keyboard shortcuts.\n\nMOUSE WHEEL\n\nTo change the zoom level of a page, when the mouse is over the page contents, hold down the 'Ctrl' key (or hold down the right mouse button) and rotate the mouse wheel.\n\nTo change the zoom level of a page, when the mouse is over the right-side of the toolbar button popup panel, simply rotate the mouse wheel.\n\nTo change the minimum font size of a page, when the mouse is over the left-side of the toolbar button popup panel, simply rotate the mouse wheel.\n\nZOOM MODE\n\nThere is an option to set the 'Zoom Mode' as either 'Per Site' or 'Per Tab'.\n\n'Per Site' zoom is also known as 'site-specific' zoom. 'Per Tab' zoom is always independent in each tab.\n\nWhen using 'Per Tab' zoom, there is an option to reset to the default zoom level when loading a page (this is the default in Chrome, but not in Firefox).\n\nThere is an option to use a CSS Zoom engine instead of the browser's built-in zoom engine, which is particularly useful when using Chrome, since it avoids frequent zoom popups in the address bar.\n\nThere is an option to apply AutoFit zoom when a page is loaded or when the browser is resized. AutoFit is only applied if there is no site-specific zoom level already applied.\n\nThere is an option to show/hide the zoom mode and privacy warnings (only in Firefox).\n\nZOOM TYPE\n\nThere is an option to set the 'Zoom Type' as either 'Full' or 'Text'.\n\nWhen using the 'Full' zoom type, the currently selected zoom level will be applied to all elements (text, graphics and containers) in the page.\n\nWhen using the 'Text' zoom type, the currently selected zoom level will be applied to text elements in the page, and the default full zoom level will be applied to the other elements (graphics and containers) in the page.\n\nIMAGE SCALING\n\nZoom Page WE extends Firefox's 'View Image' functionality so that small images can be scaled to fit the browser window.\n\nThere are options to enable scaling of small images (so that images scale when clicked) and to apply scaling to images when they are loaded.\n\nSUPPORT\n\nPlease e-mail: dw-dev@gmx.com\n\nLICENSE\n\nDistributed under the GNU General Public License version 2.\nSee LICENCE.txt file and http://www.gnu.org/licenses/", "previews": [{"caption": "Zoom Page WE - toolbar button popup", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/180/180729.png?src=api&modified=1506865779", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/180/180729.png?src=api&modified=1506865779"}, {"caption": "Zoom Page WE - popup zoom menu", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/180/180730.png?src=api&modified=1506865779", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/180/180730.png?src=api&modified=1506865779"}, {"caption": "Zoom Page WE - toolbar button menu", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/180/180731.png?src=api&modified=1506865779", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/180/180731.png?src=api&modified=1506865779"}, {"caption": "Zoom Page WE - context menu sub-menu", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/180/180732.png?src=api&modified=1506865779", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/180/180732.png?src=api&modified=1506865779"}, {"caption": "Zoom Page WE - options page", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/180/180733.png?src=api&modified=1506865779", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/180/180733.png?src=api&modified=1506865779"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/dw-dev/?src=api", "id": 1236621, "name": "DW-dev"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/725/725990-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Zoom Page WE", "created": 1471620098, "type": "extension", "summary": "Zoom web pages (either per-site or per-tab) using full-page zoom, text-only zoom and minimum font size. Fit-to-width zooming can be applied to pages automatically. Fit-to-window scaling can be applied to small images.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/zoom-page-we/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1522428616, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "dev_comments": "If you encounter an issue or any enhancement requests, please report it to our issue tracker.", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/snaplinksplus/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 1352, "guid": "snaplinks@snaplinks.mozdev.org", "id": 332432, "adu": 23697, "support": "https://github.com/cpriest/SnapLinksPlus/issues", "version": "", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "50.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "50.0"}}], "homepage": "http://cpriest.github.io/SnapLinksPlus/", "total_dls": 534016, "status": "public", "description": "New Version 3.1.1 is fully compatible with FF 50+ and multi-process.\n\nReviews are not an appropriate place to request features and remember that this software is free and open-source. Please report any issues or feature requests to our Issue Tracker.\n\nVersion 3.1.1 brings most of the features of the original v2 and with a minimal configuration panel, further configuration is planned for the next minor release (v3.2).\n\nI am looking for volunteers to help develop version 3, if you have any experience with JavaScript and would like to contribute, please contact me\n\nWith Snap Links Plus you can open multiple links in to new tabs by drawing a selection rectangle. You can also use it to click multiple check boxes, a single radio button, regular buttons and JavaScript links with a single action. Many other actions are available for the selected links such as open links in one new window, open each link in separate windows, copy links to the clipboard and more.", "previews": [{"caption": "Original Snapshot", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/61/61402.png?src=api&modified=1466717865", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/61/61402.png?src=api&modified=1466717865"}, {"caption": "Version 3 Snapshot", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/175/175540.png?src=api&modified=1466717869", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/175/175540.png?src=api&modified=1466717869"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/cpriest/?src=api", "id": 705334, "name": "Clint Priest"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/332/332432-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Snap Links Plus", "created": 1312288510, "type": "extension", "summary": "Select a number of links with a rectangle and open them all in new tabs in the same or a new window(s), download them or copy them to the clipboard. You can also lasso checkboxes to quickly check or uncheck them.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/snaplinksplus/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1520761219, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/google-search-link-fix/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 2203, "guid": "jid0-XWJxt5VvCXkKzQK99PhZqAn7Xbg@jetpack", "id": 351740, "adu": 65447, "support": "https://github.com/palant/searchlinkfix/issues", "version": "1.6.7", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "42.0"}}], "homepage": "https://github.com/palant/searchlinkfix", "total_dls": 1427296, "status": "public", "description": "Google and Yandex search pages have the annoying habit of changing the result link when you click it. So if you right-click the link in order to copy it you get some gibberish instead of what you wanted. This extension disables that behavior \u2013 on any Google or Yandex domain, without having to configure anything. Simply install and enjoy! As an added bonus, the search engine can no longer track your clicks.\n\nKnown limitations\n\n This extension cannot recover links after they have been modified. This means that it doesn\u2019t work on Google Search on smartphones (tablet version will work fine) or if JavaScript is disabled \u2014 Google will produce modified links from the start rather than changing them when you click the link.\nSource code / Contributing\n\nThe extension source code is available under https://github.com/palant/searchlinkfix.", "previews": [{"caption": "Before", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/65/65241.png?src=api&modified=1406075587", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/65/65241.png?src=api&modified=1406075587"}, {"caption": "After", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/65/65243.png?src=api&modified=1406075587", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/65/65243.png?src=api&modified=1406075587"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/palant/?src=api", "id": 13616734, "name": "Wladimir Palant"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/351/351740-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Google search link fix", "created": 1322461186, "type": "extension", "summary": "This extension prevents Google and Yandex search pages from modifying search result links when you click them. This is useful when copying links but it also helps privacy by preventing the search engines from recording your clicks.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/google-search-link-fix/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1525981510, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/privacy-badger17/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 23338, "guid": "jid1-MnnxcxisBPnSXQ@jetpack", "id": 506646, "adu": 402262, "support": "https://github.com/EFForg/privacybadger", "version": "2018.5.10", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "50.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "50.0"}}], "homepage": "https://www.eff.org/privacybadger", "total_dls": 3610985, "status": "public", "description": "Privacy Badger automatically blocks spying ads and invisible trackers as you browse. It's there to ensure that companies can't track your browsing without your consent.\n\nPrivacy Badger sends the Do Not Track header with each request and evaluates the likelihood that you are still being tracked. If a domain appears to be tracking you on multiple websites, Privacy Badger automatically blocks your request from being sent to the tracking domain. \n\nOur extension shows you one of three states for each tracker. Red means block the tracker. Yellow means that we don't send cookies or referers to the tracker. Green means unblocked (probably because the third party does not appear to be tracking you - yet). You can click on the Privacy Badger icon in your browser's toolbar if you wish to override the automatic blocking settings.\n\nNothing can stop the Privacy Badger from eating cookies when it's hungry!\n\nPrivacy Badger is a project of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (https://www.eff.org)", "previews": [{"caption": "Privacy Badger at work on the whitehouse.gov privacy policy.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/171/171793.png?src=api&modified=1457053084", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/171/171793.png?src=api&modified=1457053084"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/eff-technologists/?src=api", "id": 5474073, "name": "EFF Technologists"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/506/506646-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Privacy Badger", "created": 1398968596, "type": "extension", "summary": "Protects your privacy by blocking spying ads and invisible trackers.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/privacy-badger17/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1526999107, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/forecastfox-fix-version/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 1339, "guid": "forecastfox@s3_fix_version", "id": 583250, "adu": 54688, "support": "http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=2913287", "version": "4.16", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "51.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "51.0"}}], "homepage": "http://www.s3blog.org/forecastfox.html", "total_dls": 784869, "status": "public", "description": "Original Forecastfox Weather add-on for Mozilla Firefox is abandoned October 6, 2012:\nhttps://addons.mozilla.org/addon/forecastfox-weather/\n\nDoes it mean its death? Of course not! It has been reborn! I brought it back to life!\nNow it is called Forecastfox (fix version) and works with all Firefox versions.\n\n\n=====================\n!!!!! About version 4.x !!!!!\n=====================\n\nSorry, but the statusbar/addonbar is missing in new versions of Firefox.\nThe current version of Forecastfox is the version for the new API: WebExtensions (supported Firefox and Google Chrome)\n\nWebExtensions not supported \"statusbar/addonbar\" from xul-addons like as \"Addon-bar restored\", \"Status-4-ever\" , etc\n\nThese are the inevitable changes in Firefox - all Xul-addons is die in Firefox 57 (November 2017)\nhttps://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2017/02/16/the-road-to-firefox-57-compatibility-milestones/\n\nForecastfox WebExtensions Features:\n1. Addon Permissions: Access your data for all websites\n2. Forecast bar now has 2 mode: Vertical (by default) and Horizontal\n3. Forecast bar will not be displayed on some sites from mozilla.org and google.com\n4. Forecast bar will not be displayed on sites that do not have pages, for example error 404 (page not found)\n5. Forecast bar will not be displayed on internal Firefox and GoogleChrome pages, for example about:addons , about:config , chrome://extensions/ , chrome://settings/ , etc.\n6. Forecast bar will not be displayed on the WebExtensions pages \"moz-extension://....\" , \"chrome-extension://....\"\n7. Forecast bar may not be displayed correctly on some sites. In this case, report the problem on the forum\n\nSorry for the inconvenience and thanks for understanding!\n\nPS:\nversion 2.4.8 (last for XUL-technology) - is broken: City search does not work\nI could not fix and make version 2.4.9, because 2.4.8 uses the outdated version of jQuery\njQuery 1.x is now forbidden by Mozilla, read more: https://bit.ly/1TRIyZY\nand I had to choose - either completely rewrite code for WebExtensions (version 3.4) or completely rewrite code for a new jQuery (version 2.4.9)\nI chose WebExtensions. \nSorry!\n\n=====================\nWhat is Forecastfox?\n\nGet international weather forecasts from AccuWeather.com and display them in any toolbar or statusbar with this highly customizable and unobtrusive extension.\n\n=====================\nForecastfox (fix version) - correction relative to the original Forecastfox Weather\nbased on last version 2.2.4\nhttp://static.getforecastfox.com/downloads/forecastfox-2.2.4.xpifixed receiving of weather forecasts for non-English localesfixed receiving weather - in some cases come obsolete datachanged url to accuweather.com\noriginal:\nhttp://spotlight.accuweather.com/dyndoc/goto/spotlight/adc_qxa3506/forecastfox.gif|www.accuweather.com/US/NY/Two Bridges/10038/city-weather-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox\n\nfix version:\nhttp://www.accuweather.com/US/NY/Two Bridges/10038/city-weather-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfoxfixed display in the case when the addon-bar is turned off or missing (Firefox 29+)added Date in tooltipsother minor bugs fixes\nForecastfox (fix version) for Google Chrome:\nhttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/forecastfox-fix-version/boljdehmejbffnfiiicckjhafabdepnd\n\n============\nforums mozillaZine:\nhttp://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=2913287\n\nforums mozilla-russia:\nhttps://forum.mozilla-russia.org/viewtopic.php?id=6652", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/184/184447.png?src=api&modified=1505804352", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/184/184447.png?src=api&modified=1505804352"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/185/185032.png?src=api&modified=1505804352", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/185/185032.png?src=api&modified=1505804352"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/185/185031.png?src=api&modified=1505804352", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/185/185031.png?src=api&modified=1505804352"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/184/184457.png?src=api&modified=1505804352", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/184/184457.png?src=api&modified=1505804352"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/184/184456.png?src=api&modified=1505804352", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/184/184456.png?src=api&modified=1505804352"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/184/184451.png?src=api&modified=1505804352", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/184/184451.png?src=api&modified=1505804352"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/184/184450.png?src=api&modified=1505804352", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/184/184450.png?src=api&modified=1505804352"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/184/184448.png?src=api&modified=1505804352", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/184/184448.png?src=api&modified=1505804352"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/184/184449.png?src=api&modified=1505804352", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/184/184449.png?src=api&modified=1505804352"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/184/184452.png?src=api&modified=1505804352", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/184/184452.png?src=api&modified=1505804352"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/184/184453.png?src=api&modified=1505804352", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/184/184453.png?src=api&modified=1505804352"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/184/184454.png?src=api&modified=1505804352", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/184/184454.png?src=api&modified=1505804352"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/184/184455.png?src=api&modified=1505804352", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/184/184455.png?src=api&modified=1505804352"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/senselius/?src=api", "id": 5642089, "name": "Oleksandr"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/583/583250-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Forecastfox (fix version)", "created": 1423236673, "type": "extension", "summary": "Get international weather forecasts from AccuWeather.com and display them in any toolbar or statusbar with this highly customizable and unobtrusive extension.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/forecastfox-fix-version/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/s3blog/10"}}, {"last_updated": 1524637813, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/violentmonkey/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 2541, "guid": "{aecec67f-0d10-4fa7-b7c7-609a2db280cf}", "id": 797378, "adu": 29626, "support": null, "version": "2.9.4", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "42.0"}}], "homepage": "https://violentmonkey.github.io/", "total_dls": 166431, "status": "public", "description": "Violentmonkey provides userscripts support for browsers. It works on browsers with WebExtensions support. It supports most scripts for Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey.\nFeatures:\n- Update automatically according to the meta data.\n- Scripts will be executed in order as shown in the list.\n- GM functions are supported.\n- Support import from and export to a zip file.\n- Sync to Dropbox and OneDrive!\n- Open source!", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/186/186154.png?src=api&modified=1500309053", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/186/186154.png?src=api&modified=1500309053"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/186/186155.png?src=api&modified=1500309054", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/186/186155.png?src=api&modified=1500309054"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/gera2ld/?src=api", "id": 6458157, "name": "Gerald"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/797/797378-32.png?modified=1524717559", "name": "Violentmonkey", "created": 1490058181, "type": "extension", "summary": "Violentmonkey provides userscripts support for browsers.\nIt's open source! https://github.com/violentmonkey/violentmonkey", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/violentmonkey/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/gera2ld"}}, {"last_updated": 1518250216, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/yass-we/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 353, "guid": "yetanothersmoothscrollingwe@kataho", "id": 832256, "adu": 3573, "support": null, "version": "2.0.1", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0"}}], "homepage": null, "total_dls": 22202, "status": "public", "description": "With this extension, you can customize smooth scrolling behavior.\nThe extension is worth to use, if you are frustrated at any of below.\n- Step size for scrolling by the cursor keys is so short.\n- A built-in smooth scrolling is somewhat less sensitive and laggy.\n- When you flick a wheel so quick, it should scrolls farther but just count ticks of a wheel.\n- When you flick a wheel so much on a loooong web page, it should scrolls farther.\n\nOf cource the \"Access your data for all websites\" permission request is for overriding scroll behavior. For instance it needs website's geometric data to know which is scrollable. \nYou may would like to read \nhttps://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/permission-request-messages-firefox-extensions\nfor more info.", "previews": [], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/kataho/?src=api", "id": 238015, "name": "kataho"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/832/832256-32.png?modified=1518250823", "name": "Yet Another Smooth Scrolling WE", "created": 1499755316, "type": "extension", "summary": "Replaces scrolling with the mouse wheel and the arrow keys into totally customizable smooth one.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/yass-we/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1526035509, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/bookmarks-manager-and-viewer/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 1932, "guid": "{beb1b1c0-32b9-47d8-bbd1-f65bed4e7c22}", "id": 743689, "adu": 10388, "support": "http://add0n.com/bookmarks-manager.html", "version": "0.2.0", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "52.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "52.0"}}], "homepage": "http://add0n.com/bookmarks-manager.html", "total_dls": 93200, "status": "public", "description": "Bookmarks Manager and Viewer provides a panel view to browser and modify your bookmarks the easy way. The panel is equipped with fuzzy search (like Google search) to help you easily find the matched bookmarks. You have a full set of tools to edit your bookmarks on the fly. It is even possible to drag a bookmark to a new position in the tree or create a new directory and place the bookmark inside it.\n\nThe fuzzy search can be used to find matching items even if you are not sure what was the exact title of the stored bookmark was.\n\nIt is even possible to delete unused bookmarks or directory right in the panel.\n\nThere is a validation button to find broken links; combining this with the delete button you can clean your bookmarks tree.\n\nThe properties section can be used to modify the title or address of a stored bookmark.\n\nThe color of the toolbar button indicates whether the current tab is in your bookmark tree or not. Using the panel view you can add the current tab to the specified location in the tree and edit the title once the bookmark is placed inside a branch.\n\n--- notes:\n1. This extension can be used as a workaround to Firefox bug \"Add \"Open Enclosing Folder\" context menu to search results of bookmarks in the Library window (link to view/open containing folder, parent folder button) \"\n2. In the Firefox version, to resolve favicons, www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain_url= is used. Unfortunately, Firefox still does not support chrome://favicon/ at the moment.\n\nFor more FAQs please visit:\n http://add0n.com/bookmarks-manager.html\n\nFor technical bug reports use:\n https://github.com/inbasic/bookmarks-manager\nFor general reports use:\n http://add0n.com/bookmarks-manager.html#reviews", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/179/179679.png?src=api&modified=1479026232", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/179/179679.png?src=api&modified=1479026232"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/inbasic/?src=api", "id": 40154, "name": "InBasic"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/743/743689-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Bookmarks Manager and Viewer", "created": 1477213374, "type": "extension", "summary": "An elegant bookmarks manager with fuzzy search and more", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/bookmarks-manager-and-viewer/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/addondonation/10usd"}}, {"last_updated": 1524560411, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/smart-https-revived/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 1314, "guid": "{b3e677f4-1150-4387-8629-da738260a48e}", "id": 776805, "adu": 13945, "support": "http://mybrowseraddon.com/smart-https.html", "version": "0.2.4", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}], "homepage": "http://mybrowseraddon.com/smart-https.html", "total_dls": 104208, "status": "public", "description": "Note: Smart HTTPS (revived) is a revised version of Smart HTTPS addon and, is written with the new WebExtensions API. This new version has better performance and robustness comparing to the old Smart HTTPS which was written with addon-sdk API. If you have Firefox (version 51 and above), please consider using this addon.\n\nSmart HTTPS is a Firefox addon that helps you always use the secure HTTPS protocol, if supported by the server. It automatically changes HTTP protocol to the secure HTTPS, and if loading encounters error, reverts it back to the HTTP protocol.\n\nHTTP vs. HTTPS:\nHTTP, or Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol, is the way a server communicates with the browser. HTTP enables visitors to view a website and send information back and forth to the server. HTTPS, or Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol Secure, is communication through a secured connection. Communications through an HTTPS with the server are encrypted by a secure certificate known as an SSL. The encryption prevents third-parties from eavesdropping on all communications to and from the server. Read more about HTTPS at the Addon's Homepage.\n\nSome Key Features:\na. Seamlessly changes all HTTP requests to the secure HTTPS, and if an error occurs, reverts it back to the HTTP address (and remembers this choice).\nb. All websites (addresses) that do not support HTTPS, are saved to memory in order to speedup the protocol-check process. Note that you can see and delete these items from the Addon's Options page.\nc. Toolbar button serves as the ON-OFF switch to turn the extension ON or OFF. Blue color indicates ON state and Gray color is for OFF state.\nd. (v0.1.2) You can now add desired websites to the white-list manually (see Addon's options page).\n\nA Sample Scenario (based on a question from a user):\nWhen you install the Addon for the first time, you will visit its support page. Since this page does not support HTTPS protocol; the Addon first loads the address in HTTPS, and when it sees the error (it this case the error is the Firefox\u2019s certificate-error page) reverts the address back to HTTP. But this operation is so fast that you will not see the error page at all. However, it is available in the browser\u2019s log (or history) if you check. In simple words, SMART HTTPS\u2019s procedure is as following:\n\nFor any HTTP address, loads the page in HTTPS >>> watch for any sort or ERROR page (such as cert-error, blank-page, not-found-page, etc.) >>> reverts the page back to HTTP\n\nFurthermore, SMART HTTPS only monitors HTTP websites and does not have any effect on HTTPS addresses at all. The behavior of SMART HTTPS is very similar to what human does to check for HTTPS protocol. You first change an HTTP address to HTTPS and if you see any errors happening, you will change the address back to HTTP. This is exactly what SMART HTTPS does, but in a much faster manner. This Addon is also available for Google Chrome and Opera browsers and has exactly the same behavior in three browsers.\n\nNote: in order to report Bugs, please visit Addon's Homepage and fill the Bug report form.", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/181/181916.png?src=api&modified=1524560415", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/181/181916.png?src=api&modified=1524560415"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/181/181913.png?src=api&modified=1524560415", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/181/181913.png?src=api&modified=1524560415"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/181/181914.png?src=api&modified=1524560415", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/181/181914.png?src=api&modified=1524560415"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/181/181915.png?src=api&modified=1524560415", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/181/181915.png?src=api&modified=1524560415"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/ilGur1132/?src=api", "id": 11791768, "name": "ilGur"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/776/776805-32.png?modified=fd00b4de", "name": "Smart HTTPS", "created": 1485591756, "type": "extension", "summary": "Automatically changes HTTP addresses to the secure HTTPS, and if loading encounters error, reverts it back to HTTP.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/smart-https-revived/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1526253911, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/cookie-autodelete/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 9560, "guid": "CookieAutoDelete@kennydo.com", "id": 784287, "adu": 106788, "support": "https://github.com/Cookie-AutoDelete/Cookie-AutoDelete/issues", "version": "2.2.0", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "56.0"}}], "homepage": "https://github.com/mrdokenny/Cookie-AutoDelete", "total_dls": 469316, "status": "public", "description": "Please don't use reviews for support request. Use GitHub instead.\n\nPlease note that even if it doesn't work for you, it works for other people so it's probably a problem with your Firefox settings and not with the extension. See troubleshooting steps.\n\nPermission Request Explanations\n- Access your data for all websites: CAD requests this to delete cookies for all sites\n- Clear recent browsing history, cookies and related data: Ability to delete Localstorage.\n- Display notifications to you: Self explanatory.\n- Read and modify privacy settings: Automatic detection of First Party Isolation support. Although the Privacy permission gives CAD \"read and modify\" permissions, NO MODIFICATIONS are done to your privacy settings, CAD only reads the setting of First Party Isolation. The privacy permission unfortunately cannot be given granular control, so this will stay for now.\n- Access browser tabs: CAD uses this permission to display the site hostname in the popup for easy whitelisting/greylisting, displaying the amount of cookies for that site, and which rules apply to that site.\n\nTake the permission wording with a grain of salt.\n\nMain Features\n- Auto Deletes Cookies from Closed Tabs\n- WhiteList/GreyList Support for Cookies\n- Easily Export/Import your Whitelist/Greylist\n- Clear All Cookies for a Domain\n- Supports Manual Mode Cleaning from the popup\n- Easily See the Number of Cookies for a site \n- Support for Container Tabs (Firefox 53+ Only)\n\nUsage\nThis extension does not clean cookies automatically until you enable \"Auto-clean\". This gives you the chance to add sites to the WhiteList.\n\n1. Add the sites you want to keep cookies in the WhiteList (permanently) or GreyList (until Browser restart)\n2. Toggle \"Auto-clean\" in the popup or \"Automatic cleaning\" in the settings\n3. Watch those unused cookies disappear :)\n\nYou must enable cookies in the browser as this extension will replace the internal cookie manager.\n\nYou can disable Cleanup Notifications via the Settings.\n\nPopup Menu Features\nClean: This is basically a quick way of activating the Cookie Cleanup on demand. This looks at all your cookies and deletes them if they are not in any Open Tabs or the WhiteList.\nClean, include open tabs: Same thing as Cookie Cleanup except that it only deletes cookies only if they are not in the WhiteList. Open tabs are not taken into consideration.\nClear All Cookies for This Domain: Easy way to delete all cookies for one particular domain that you are on.\n\nSome things to Note:\n- This extension can clear localstorage as of version 2.1.0 and Firefox 58+. Enable it in the settings.\n\n- Even though third party cookies are cleared with this extension, it is better to disable third party cookies from the settings\n\nTroubleshooting\n- If anything goes wrong or cookies are not being deleted:\n1. Clear all your cookies (start with a clean slate)\n2. Reset settings other cookie extensions might have made in about:config -> restore default of all network.cookie.* preferences\n3. WebExtension Cookie API is not compatible with first party isolation so make sure privacy.firstparty.isolate = false (this is fixed for Firefox 59+, make sure to restart the browser after enabling in about:config). Make sure you clear your cookies after changing this setting.\n\n- If you are coming from SDC and find that some cookies are deleted on shutdown, it's probably because SDC still has it whitelist intact in Firefox permissions. In this case, try deleting permissions.sqlite in your profile.\n\n- If you get notifications for a google cookie (with the name: NID) that can't be deleted, then it's probably this Firefox bug. The workaround is to just delete that cookie from Firefox's cookie manager.\n\n- The Default Setting will clear any storage (including whitelists) made by the extension, but it is essentially a \"clean slate\".\n\n- If nothing works, then you can make a new profile and see if the issue persists there.\n\n- If a new profile still doesn't work or if you have any other problem, file an issue on GitHub. Maybe we can work it out.\n\nBTC: 16km6pFV33S6kaeb8rCaDLZXUyo3uyVnsk", "previews": [{"caption": "Popup", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/189/189656.png?src=api&modified=1507873221", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/189/189656.png?src=api&modified=1507873221"}, {"caption": "Notifications", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/185/185648.png?src=api&modified=1507873217", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/185/185648.png?src=api&modified=1507873217"}, {"caption": "Settings", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/189/189657.png?src=api&modified=1507873221", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/189/189657.png?src=api&modified=1507873221"}, {"caption": "Expression Table", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/189/189658.png?src=api&modified=1507873221", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/189/189658.png?src=api&modified=1507873221"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/anonymous-8bc6cd6a45c7c386b10ad255c60b79b2/?src=api", "id": 12748480, "name": "Kenny Do"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/784/784287-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Cookie AutoDelete", "created": 1487055317, "type": "extension", "summary": "Control your cookies! This WebExtension is inspired by Self Destructing Cookies. When a tab closes, any cookies not being used are automatically deleted. Whitelist the ones you trust while deleting the rest. Support for Container Tabs.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/cookie-autodelete/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/mrkennyd/5"}}, {"last_updated": 1514360411, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/popup-blocker/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 2350, "guid": "{de22fd49-c9ab-4359-b722-b3febdc3a0b0}", "id": 742681, "adu": 32619, "support": "https://github.com/schomery/popup-blocker/issues", "version": "0.4.2", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}], "homepage": "http://add0n.com/popup-blocker.html", "total_dls": 422219, "status": "public", "description": "Popup Blocker (Strict) is a lightweight WebExtension to prevent websites from opening popups. The extension pauses all sort of window opening requests for user attention. You can either accept or deny a request. Multiple unique requests are shown in an array. If a websites requests a single URL more than once, a badge number will be shown indicating the total number of requests to this particular URL.\n\nNote: the name of the extension is changed from Popup Blocker (ultimate) to Popup Blocker (strict) to prevent conflict with another extension.\n\nOptions:\nDeny popup requestAllow popup requestOpen popup request in a background tabRedirect current page to popup URL source\nSupported blocking methods:\nwindow.opena->target=_blank\n---\n\nFor FAQs please go to:\nhttp://add0n.com/popup-blocker.html\n\nFor bug reports please go to:\nhttps://github.com/schomery/popup-blocker/issues\n\nTo check your current popup blocker visit:\nhttp://tools.add0n.com/popup-blocker.html\n\n---\nYou can now translate Popup Blocker (strict) into your language; https://www.transifex.com/github-7/popup-blocker-strict/dashboard/\n---", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/179/179585.png?src=api&modified=1477310141", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/179/179585.png?src=api&modified=1477310141"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/j_schomery/?src=api", "id": 11568224, "name": "Jeremy Schomery"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/742/742681-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Popup Blocker (strict)", "created": 1476857909, "type": "extension", "summary": "Strictly block all popup requests from any website by default. A notification window is opened to allow you accept, reject, open the popup in background page, or redirect the current page to popup address", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/popup-blocker/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/addondonation/15usd"}}, {"last_updated": 1504701627, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ageless/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 554, "guid": "2341n4m3@gmail.com", "id": 532854, "adu": 10259, "support": "https://diedrich.me/contact/", "version": "1.3", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "50.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "50.0"}}], "homepage": null, "total_dls": 190103, "status": "public", "description": "With Ageless you can watch age restricted videos on Youtube without signing in. By the push of a button the age restricted video will open in a new tab and you will be able to watch it. Ageless does not work for videos where the video owner has disabled playback on other websites.\n\nDemo video: https://diedrich.me/assets/videos/Ageless-for-YouTube.mp4\n\nWikipedia Context Menu Search", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/142/142518.png?src=api&modified=1411192881", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/142/142518.png?src=api&modified=1411192881"}, {"caption": "You can also use the context menu instead of the toolbar button", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/143/143430.png?src=api&modified=1411192881", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/143/143430.png?src=api&modified=1411192881"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/NickDi/?src=api", "id": 11010096, "name": "Nick Diedrich"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/532/532854-32.png?modified=1504704020", "name": "Ageless for YouTube", "created": 1406226718, "type": "extension", "summary": "Watch age restricted YouTube videos without signing in.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ageless/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1496145071, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sky-timer/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 16, "guid": "{858efc07-0b91-40c3-82eb-9ce2781d9724}", "id": 799791, "adu": 213, "support": null, "version": "1.5.4", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}], "homepage": null, "total_dls": 1566, "status": "public", "description": "None", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/183/183415.png?src=api&modified=1490645509", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/183/183415.png?src=api&modified=1490645509"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/183/183416.png?src=api&modified=1490645509", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/183/183416.png?src=api&modified=1490645509"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/azim-ut/?src=api", "id": 10417111, "name": "Azim"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/799/799791-32.png?modified=1496146820", "name": "Sky Timer", "created": 1490643664, "type": "extension", "summary": "Sky timer. London Big Ben, Pockemon or sample sounds! Don't miss your time.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sky-timer/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1526818536, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 192277, "guid": "uBlock0@raymondhill.net", "id": 607454, "adu": 4792997, "support": "https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/", "version": "1.16.6", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "52.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "52.0"}}], "homepage": "https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock#ublock-origin", "total_dls": 45099114, "status": "public", "description": "Firefox WebExtensions: Issues with uBO/webext? If so, then read carefully before filing any issue.\n\n***\n\nAn efficient blocker: easy on memory and CPU footprint, and yet can load and enforce thousands more filters than other popular blockers out there.\n\nIllustrated overview of its efficiency: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/uBlock-vs.-ABP:-efficiency-compared\n\nUsage: The big power button in the popup is to permanently disable/enable uBlock for the current web site. It applies to the current web site only, it is not a global power button.\n\n***\n\nFlexible, it's more than an \"ad blocker\": it can also read and create filters from hosts files.\n\nOut of the box, these lists of filters are loaded and enforced:\n\n- EasyList\n- Peter Lowe\u2019s Ad server list\n- EasyPrivacy\n- Malware domains\n\nMore lists are available for you to select if you wish:\n\n- Fanboy\u2019s Enhanced Tracking List\n- Dan Pollock\u2019s hosts file\n- hpHosts\u2019s Ad and tracking servers\n- MVPS HOSTS\n- Spam404\n- And many others\n\nOf course, the more filters enabled, the higher the memory footprint. Yet, even after adding Fanboy's two extra lists, hpHosts\u2019s Ad and tracking servers, uBlock Origin still has a lower memory footprint than other very popular blockers out there.\n\nAlso, be aware that selecting some of these extra lists may lead to higher likelihood of web site breakage -- especially those lists which are normally used as hosts file.\n\n***\n\nFree.\nOpen source with public license (GPLv3)\nFor users by users.\n\nIf ever you really do want to contribute something, think about the people working hard to maintain the filter lists you are using, which were made available to use by all for free.\n\n***\n\nDocumentation:\nhttps://github.com/gorhill/uBlock#ublock-origin\n\nProject change log:\nhttps://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/releases\n\nContributors @ Github:\nhttps://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/graphs/contributors\n\nContributors @ Crowdin:\nhttps://crowdin.net/project/ublock", "previews": [{"caption": "Default mode", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/157/157572.png?src=api&modified=1433479123", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/157/157572.png?src=api&modified=1433479123"}, {"caption": "The dashboard: stock filter lists", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/157/157576.png?src=api&modified=1433479123", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/157/157576.png?src=api&modified=1433479123"}, {"caption": "Dynamic filtering allows default-deny mode", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/157/157592.png?src=api&modified=1433479123", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/157/157592.png?src=api&modified=1433479123"}, {"caption": "The dashboard: settings", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/159/159634.png?src=api&modified=1433479123", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/159/159634.png?src=api&modified=1433479123"}, {"caption": "Unified logger", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/158/158734.png?src=api&modified=1433479123", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/158/158734.png?src=api&modified=1433479123"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/gorhill/?src=api", "id": 11423598, "name": "Raymond Hill"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/607/607454-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "uBlock Origin", "created": 1429946782, "type": "extension", "summary": "Finally, an efficient blocker. Easy on CPU and memory.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1524204607, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/wappalyzer/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 4146, "guid": "wappalyzer@crunchlabz.com", "id": 10229, "adu": 70866, "support": "https://www.wappalyzer.com", "version": "5.4.14", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}], "homepage": "https://www.wappalyzer.com", "total_dls": 1404162, "status": "public", "description": "Wappalyzer is a browser extension that uncovers the technologies used on websites. It detects content management systems, eCommerce platforms, web servers, JavaScript frameworks, analytics tools and many more.\n\nBrowse the full list applications Wappalyzer detects.\n\nAlso available for Google Chrome.\n\nNote that by default anonymous data is gathered for research purposes. You may opt-out in the settings. See the privacy policy.\n\nFollow Wappalyzer on Twitter.\n\nDonate Bitcoin: 16gb4uGDAjaeRJwKVmKr2EXa8x2fmvT8EQ - Thanks!", "previews": [{"caption": "Expanded panel", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/125/125386.png?src=api&modified=1489037659", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/125/125386.png?src=api&modified=1489037659"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/AliasIO/?src=api", "id": 3609035, "name": "Elbert Alias"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/10/10229-32.png?modified=1524205223", "name": "Wappalyzer", "created": 1230747233, "type": "extension", "summary": "Wappalyzer is a browser extension that identifies software on websites.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/wappalyzer/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1484135551, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/noflash/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 1552, "guid": "jid1-n8wH2cBfc2QaUj@jetpack", "id": 593672, "adu": 19412, "support": "http://mybrowseraddon.com/noflash.html", "version": "0.1.6", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "54.0", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "54.0", "min": "48.0"}}], "homepage": "http://mybrowseraddon.com/noflash.html", "total_dls": 276994, "status": "public", "description": "Flash Block (Plus) Addon controls all Adobe Flash contents (including ads, games, video and music players) in webpages. As you browse, a placeholder frame(s) stating 'Flash Content' appears instead of the actual Flash. Clicking on the frame loads the original content. Moreover, you can white-list any website from toolbar-popup to disable the extension.\n\nImportant Features:\n1. Allows you to block flash contents in all webpages.\n2. Easily switch the extension On or Off from toolbar popup.\n3. Add or remove websites to the white-list from toolbar-popup.\n4. An empty frame appears in place of the actual flash, clicking on the frame will load the flash.\n\nNote: in order to report Bugs, please visit Addon's Homepage and fill the Bug report form.", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/181/181013.png?src=api&modified=1482216256", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/181/181013.png?src=api&modified=1482216256"}, {"caption": "Blocked Flash Content", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/172/172584.png?src=api&modified=1482216252", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/172/172584.png?src=api&modified=1482216252"}, {"caption": "Blocked Flash Content", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/154/154752.png?src=api&modified=1482216252", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/154/154752.png?src=api&modified=1482216252"}, {"caption": "Toolbar Panel UI", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/154/154754.png?src=api&modified=1482216252", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/154/154754.png?src=api&modified=1482216252"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/arl1232smg/?src=api", "id": 11285580, "name": "AdblockLite"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/593/593672-32.png?modified=1508395710", "name": "Flash Block (Plus)", "created": 1426150618, "type": "extension", "summary": "Provides control over Flash contents", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/noflash/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://paypal.me/addondev/10usd"}}, {"last_updated": 1503092425, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/org-capture/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 21, "guid": "{ddefd400-12ea-4264-8166-481f23abaa87}", "id": 806779, "adu": 429, "support": "https://github.com/sprig/org-capture-extension", "version": "0.2.0", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "42.0"}}], "homepage": "https://github.com/sprig/org-capture-extension", "total_dls": 2123, "status": "public", "description": "This is extension adds a \"Capture\" button, sending the site address, title, and selected text (if any) to emacs via org-protocol, see the Org-Mode site for instructions for setting that up org-protocol. The extentsion itself is available at the Chrome App Store.", "previews": [{"caption": "Extension in action", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/187/187192.png?src=api&modified=1503092219", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/187/187192.png?src=api&modified=1503092219"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/slumpy/?src=api", "id": 12944557, "name": "kosta"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/806/806779-32.png?modified=1503094821", "name": "Org Capture", "created": 1492443908, "type": "extension", "summary": "A helper for capturing things via org-protocol in emacs: First, set up: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-protocol.html or https://github.com/sprig/org-capture-extension\n\nSee https://youtu.be/zKDHto-4wsU for example usage", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/org-capture/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1519503019, "platforms": ["Mac OS X", "Windows", "Linux"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/to-google-translate/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 13267, "guid": "jid1-93WyvpgvxzGATw@jetpack", "id": 445852, "adu": 308268, "support": "https://github.com/itsecurityco/", "version": "3.1", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "42.0"}}], "homepage": "https://github.com/itsecurityco/to-google-translate", "total_dls": 2804803, "status": "public", "description": "This extension creates one context menu item in Firefox. When you click on a menu item, the previously selected text is sent to Google Translate for translating or to Google TTS for listen pronunciation. You can setup the default languages for translation in the options page.", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/198/198330.png?src=api&modified=1519503044", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/198/198330.png?src=api&modified=1519503044"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/181/181450.png?src=api&modified=1519503040", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/181/181450.png?src=api&modified=1519503040"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/juanescobar/?src=api", "id": 10030826, "name": "Juan Escobar"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/445/445852-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "To Google Translate", "created": 1370957758, "type": "extension", "summary": "Right-click on a section of text and click on Translate icon next to it to translate or listen it to your language.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/to-google-translate/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1524081009, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/wayback-machine_new/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 230, "guid": "wayback_machine@mozilla.org", "id": 711438, "adu": 10240, "support": "http://web.archive.org", "version": "1.8.6", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}], "homepage": null, "total_dls": 26694, "status": "public", "description": "Detects dead pages, 404s, DNS failures & a range of other web breakdowns, offering to show archived versions via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine. In addition you can archive web pages, and see their most recent & first archives.\n\nIf you used No More 404s on Test Pilot, this extention is for you!", "previews": [{"caption": "Save an archive or a URL to the Wayback Machine or see the first, or most recent, archive of that URL.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/182/182679.png?src=api&modified=1488317420", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/182/182679.png?src=api&modified=1488317420"}, {"caption": "If there is an archive in the Wayback Machine, of a page not available via the \"live web\" you will be shown this pop-up.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/182/182680.png?src=api&modified=1488317420", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/182/182680.png?src=api&modified=1488317420"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/InternetArchive/?src=api", "id": 12373129, "name": "Internet Archive"}, {"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/Mark_Graham/?src=api", "id": 12835321, "name": "Mark Graham"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/711/711438-32.png?modified=1524082823", "name": "Wayback Machine", "created": 1466640811, "type": "extension", "summary": "Detects dead pages, 404s, DNS failures & a range of other web breakdowns, offering to show archived versions via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine. In addition you can archive web pages, and see their most recent & first archives.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/wayback-machine_new/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1483979015, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/porn-site-blocker/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 256, "guid": "{100d4af3-b61a-4cbc-bc3c-b340c7cb2121}", "id": 768481, "adu": 134, "support": "https://github.com/hashemirafsan/porn-site-blocker-addons/issues", "version": "1.0.2", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox": {"max": "53.*", "min": "42.0"}}], "homepage": null, "total_dls": 24238, "status": "public", "description": "A basic porn site blocker addons for firefox browser.\nIt blocks the detected site automatically.\n\nYou can help us to prevent the porn site. Please send us a review,\ncreate a issue and give the site name which site is not listed\nand don't work our addons.", "previews": [], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/Hashemirafsan/?src=api", "id": 12735165, "name": "Hashemi Rafsan"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/768/768481-32.png?modified=1486551029", "name": "Porn site Blocker", "created": 1483871062, "type": "extension", "summary": "A basic porn site blocker addons for firefox browser.t blocks the detected site automatically.You can help us to prevent the porn site. Please send us a review,\ncreate a issue and give the site name which site is not listed.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/porn-site-blocker/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1504594824, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/stop-autoplay-next-for-youtube/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 300, "guid": "jid1-nbzaq9ol2hyY64gGe@jetpack", "id": 697840, "adu": 6228, "support": "https://github.com/james-fray/youtube-stop-autoplay/", "version": "0.1.7", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}], "homepage": "http://add0n.com/stop-autoplay.html", "total_dls": 47427, "status": "public", "description": "Stop AutoPlay Next for YouTube\u2122 permanently disables YouTube from auto-playing the next suggested track by rejecting access to a module that is responsible for loading the next suggested tracks.\n\n--- My other YouTube tools ---\nYouTube use Flash PlayerYouTube in HD (720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2160p)YouTube no AnnotationsYouTube no Buffer (no autoplay)YouTube Stop AutoPlay NextYouTube toggle Flash and HTMLYouTube Player AdBlockerYouTube auto Pause and ResumeYouTube\u2122 Stop ButtonTheater Mode for YouTube (YouTube Wide Screen)Note that this extension does not have any options. It just works out of the box.\n\n----\n\nNote: The FAQs page of this extension has Google Analytics code; Terms can be found here: https://www.google.com/analytics/terms/us.html", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/173/173174.png?src=api&modified=1460793317", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/173/173174.png?src=api&modified=1460793317"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/james_fray/?src=api", "id": 11271922, "name": "James Fray"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/697/697840-32.png?modified=1508239478", "name": "YouTube Stop AutoPlay Next", "created": 1460793244, "type": "extension", "summary": "Stop YouTube from Playing next tracks (aka disable autoplay button).", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/stop-autoplay-next-for-youtube/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/addondonation/10usd"}}, {"last_updated": 1519296611, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/reader/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 1361, "guid": "{20068ab2-1901-4140-9f3c-81207d4dacc4}", "id": 184617, "adu": 24543, "support": null, "version": "64.1.0", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "42.0"}}], "homepage": "http://barisderin.com/?p=372", "total_dls": 1132599, "status": "public", "description": "Reader is the ultimate Reader tool for your Firefox that provides you the best reading experience by transforming text on any website using fonts, colors, and layouts of your choosing in a clean and distraction free environment.\n\n\u2713 16 Million Color\n\nReader lets you adjust your Reading pane to the ultimate possible level. You can choose any color from Color Pickerpanel for your text, background and anchor elements.\n\n\u2713 Custom Fonts\n\nReader lets you assign any Font on your Operating System for your Reading pane. You choose your favorite font from Helvetica to Verdana.\n\n\u2713 Print Less\n\nReader lets you print your Reading pane in user and economy friendly way.\n\n\u2713 Auto Scroll\n\nReader provides Auto Scroll functionality so that you can read your web pages in a steady pace.\n\n\u2713 Select and Read\n\nReader lets you select any portion of the web page and read it by choosing Read in Reader option in the context menu.\n\nTo use it just click the Reader icon on Firefox add-on bar. Also by right clicking on Reader status-bar icon you can get other Styling Options.\n\nAfter a few seconds the web page will be simplified and you will achieve easy to read content panel. To exit the panel just click anywhere outside the content area.\n\nYou can mail and print the page, access options and exit the Reader mode from controls panel.\n\nIf the add-on can not achieve a desired success you can manually select the text and then click the add-on bar icon or toolbar icon or choose Read in Reader option from the context menu to get the simplified version of the selected text.\n\nYou can also add a Toolbar button to the navigation toolbox. Right click on any toolbar button and choose the \u201cCustomise\u201d option to drag the icon in toolbox.\n\nKeyboard short-cut to activate Reader is CTRL+ALT+R combination.\n\nKeyboard short-cut to activate Auto Scroll is CTRL+SHIFT+S combination.\n\nReader based on Gabriel Coarna's Readable bookmarklet.", "previews": [{"caption": "None", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/46/46828.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/46/46828.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "None", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/46/46877.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/46/46877.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "None", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/46/46878.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/46/46878.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "None", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/46/46879.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/46/46879.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "None", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/46/46880.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/46/46880.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/baris-derin/?src=api", "id": 4010195, "name": "Baris Derin"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/184/184617-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Reader", "created": 1277407713, "type": "extension", "summary": "Reader is the ultimate Reader tool for Firefox.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/reader/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1524941709, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tile-tabs-we/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 937, "guid": "tiletabs-we@DW-dev", "id": 726488, "adu": 25306, "support": null, "version": "9.2", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "53.0"}}], "homepage": "https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/tile-tabs-we/", "total_dls": 140336, "status": "public", "description": "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\nVersion 9.2\n\u2022 New option to reload pages in tiled tabs during Refresh Layout.\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\nIMPORTANT NOTICE\n\nWhy Tile Tabs WE is different to the original Tile Tabs\n\nTile Tabs WE works differently to the original Tile Tabs because of changes that Mozilla is making in Firefox 57.\n \nThe original Tile Tabs was developed using technologies that are no longer available in Firefox 57.\n\nFirefox 57 and later versions will only support add-ons that have been built using the new WebExtensions API's (which are the same as the Chrome extension API's).\n\nUsing the new WebExtensions API's, it is not possible to display multiple pages simultaneously within the same browser window. This is why Tile Tabs WE has to move each tiled tab into a separate window.\n\nIt is hoped that Mozilla will provide a new WebExtensions interface that will allow a new add-on to be developed that is more similar to the original Tile Tabs.\n\nReasons why you might want to use Tile Tabs WE\n\n\u2022 To compare multiple web pages side-by-side.\n\u2022 To synchronize scroll multiple web pages side-by-side.\n\u2022 To open links from one tab in adjacent existing tabs.\n\u2022 To save tiled layouts which can be re-opened for future use.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nOVERVIEW\n\nTile Tabs WE provides facilities to take tabs from a parent window and arrange them in a layout of tiled sub-windows. This makes it easy to browse or monitor multiple web pages, or to compare multiple web pages using synchronized scroll. Layouts can be saved and later re-opened.\n\nTile Tabs WE is an alternative no-restart version of the well established Tile Tabs add-on for Firefox.\n\nTile Tabs WE is implemented using the new WebExtensions API and is available for both Firefox and Chrome with identical functions and user interfaces.\n\nBASIC OPERATION\n\nTile Tabs WE emulates 'split browser' functionality with simple switching between the normal view and the tiled view.\n\nTile Tabs WE displays multiple tabs in a layout of tiled sub-windows ('tiles') within the area of the parent browser window. The tiles can be arranged horizontally, vertically, or in a grid.\n\nA tiled layout can be created using the toolbar button, button menu, context menu, quick menu, or keyboard shortcuts. The parent window is indicated by a badge on the toolbar button showing the current number of tiles. Tiles are indicated by a badge on their toolbar buttons showing the letter 'T'.\n\nWhen a tiled layout is created, tabs from the parent window are moved into the new tiles in the following order: first the selected tab, then tabs to the right of the selected tab, then tabs to the left of the selected tab, and finally if there are insufficient tabs then new tabs will be created.\n\nA tiled layout can be saved and previously saved layouts can be opened or deleted. A default layout can be configured.\n\nDragging the borders between two tiles will resize both tiles (and any sub-tiles).\n\nOPTIONS PAGE\n\nThe options page for Tile Tabs WE can be accessed as follows:\n\n\u2022 Firefox - On the menu bar select Tools > Add-ons (or press Ctrl+Shift+A), select the Extensions tab, and then click on the Options button.\n\n\u2022 Chrome - Right-click on the toolbar button, and then select Options.\n\nTOOLBAR BUTTON\n\nAfter installation of Tile Tabs WE, there will be a new blue 'tiled-layout' button on the main toolbar.\n\nTo create a new tiled layout, click on the Tile Tabs WE toolbar button.\n\nTo switch between the tiled view and the normal view, click on the Tile Tabs WE toolbar button again.\n\nCONTEXT MENU & BUTTON MENU\n\nTo perform any layout or tiling operation, right-click on the page contents to open the context menu, select the 'Tile Tabs WE' sub-menu, and then select one of the menu items:\n\n\u2022 New Layout - creates a new layout and moves one tab from the parent window into each tile.\n\u2022 Close Layout - closes the existing layout and moves tabs from all tiles back into the parent window.\n\u2022 Hide Layout - hides the existing layout and moves tabs from all tiles back into the parent window.\n\u2022 Show Layout - shows the existing layout and moves one tab from the parent window into each tile.\n\u2022 Refresh Layout - brings all of the tiles to the front and focuses one of the tiles.\n\u2022 Toggle Toolbars - toggles the tab bar and address bar in the currently focused tile or all tiles.\n\u2022 Tile Tab - tiles an existing tab above, below, left or right of the currently focused tile.\n\u2022 Add Tile - adds a new tile (with a new tab) above, below, left or right of the currently focused tile.\n\u2022 Remove Tile - removes the currently focused tile and expands the other tiles as necessary.\n\u2022 Expand Tile - expands the currently focused tile to the full size of the layout.\n\u2022 Contract Tile - contracts the currently focused tile back to its original size.\n\u2022 Open Layout - opens a previously saved layout and assigns the saved tabs (if any) to the tiles.\n\u2022 Save Layout - saves the current layout and optionally saves the tabs assigned to the tiles.\n\u2022 Delete Layout - deletes a previously saved layout.\n\u2022 Default Layout - sets the default layout to be one of the previously saved layouts.\n\u2022 Sync Scroll - enables/disables synchronized scrolling of tiled tab contents.\n\nAlternatively, right-click on the Tile Tabs WE toolbar button to open the button menu, and then select one of the menu items.\n\nThere are options to:\n\n\u2022 define the default page for new tabs created by New Layout or Add Tile.\n\u2022 show/hide the Tile Tabs WE submenu item on the context menu.\n\u2022 show/hide the toolbars for new tiles created by New Layout or Add Tile.\n\u2022 reload pages in tiled tabs during Refresh Layout.\n\u2022 synchronize scroll only when scrolling the focused window.\n\u2022 assign existing tabs before creating new tabs.\n\u2022 automatically close tabs created by Open Layout.\n\u2022 automatically close tabs created by user in tiles.\n\nQUICK MENU\n\nTo provide quicker access to frequently used commands, a small Quick Menu icon is displayed in the bottom-right corner of the page contents of each tile. The Quick Menu is especially useful when the toolbars are hidden or when the Tile Tabs WE toolbar button has overflowed off the toolbar.\n\nTo perform frequently used commands, hover the mouse over the Quick Menu icon, and then select one of the available commands:\n\n\u2022 Close Layout\n\u2022 Hide Layout\n\u2022 Refresh Layout\n\u2022 Toggle (This or All)\n\u2022 Sync Scroll\n\u2022 Add Tile (Above, Left, Right or Below)\n\u2022 Remove Tile\n\u2022 Expand Tile\n\u2022 Contract Tile\n\nNote, the Quick Menu icon is not displayed in some special pages (e.g. about: or chrome://...).\n\nThere is an option to show/hide the Quick Menu icon in all tiles.\n\nKEYBOARD SHORTCUTS\n\nTo perform the most frequently used operations, press one of the four keyboard shortcuts:\n\n\u2022 New/Close Layout - Alt+Shift+Up (Windows and Linux) or Control+Shift+Up (Mac OS X)\n\u2022 Hide/Show Layout - Alt+Shift+Down (Windows and Linux) or Control+Shift+Down (Mac OS X)\n\u2022 Refresh Layout - Alt+Shift+Left (Windows and Linux) or Control+Shift+Left (Mac OS X)\n\u2022 Toggle Toolbars - Alt+Shift+Right (Windows and Linux) or Control+Shift+Right (Mac OS X)\n\nThere is an option to set the Toggle Toolbars keyboard shortcut to toggle all toolbars.\n\nOPEN LINKS IN NEXT OR PREVIOUS TILE\n\nCtrl+Middle-click on a link in a tile to open the link in the next tile (to the right or below). Press 'Shift' as well to open the link in the previous tile (to the left or above).\n\nThere are options to open links as normal or to configure the click type as: Ctrl+Click, Middle-click or Ctrl+Middle-click.\n\nMOVE OR RESIZE LAYOUT\n\nTo move or resize a tiled layout, first hide the layout, then move or resize the parent window, and then show the layout again. \n\nRESIZE TILES\n\nDragging the borders between two tiles will resize both tiles. Resizing of tiles is limited by minimum width and minimum height constraints.\n\nWINDOW MARGINS\n\nThere are options to configure the window margins for tiles for different operating systems.\n\nOn initial installation:\n\n\u2022 The top margin for tiles is 0px for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.\n\u2022 The other (left/right/bottom) margins for tiles with toolbars are 7px for Windows or 0px for Linux and Mac OS X.\n\u2022 The other (left/right/bottom) margins for tiles without toolbars are 7px for Windows or 0px for Linux and Mac OS X.\n\u2022 The adjustment if the parent window is maximized is 1px for Windows or 0px for Linux or Mac OS X.\n\nSUPPORT\n\nPlease e-mail: dw-dev@gmx.com\n\nLICENSE\n\nDistributed under the GNU General Public License version 2.\nSee LICENCE.txt file and http://www.gnu.org/licenses/", "previews": [{"caption": "Tile Tabs WE - create tiled layout using context menu", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/180/180738.png?src=api&modified=1482654401", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/180/180738.png?src=api&modified=1482654401"}, {"caption": "Tile Tabs WE - toggle tile toolbars off using quick menu", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/180/180739.png?src=api&modified=1482654401", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/180/180739.png?src=api&modified=1482654401"}, {"caption": "Tile Tabs WE - resize adjacent tiles by dragging their borders", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/180/180740.png?src=api&modified=1482654401", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/180/180740.png?src=api&modified=1482654401"}, {"caption": "Tile Tabs WE - add new tile to left using button menu", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/180/180741.png?src=api&modified=1482654401", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/180/180741.png?src=api&modified=1482654401"}, {"caption": "Tile Tabs WE - save tiled layout and re-open when needed", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/180/180742.png?src=api&modified=1482654401", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/180/180742.png?src=api&modified=1482654401"}, {"caption": "Tile Tabs WE - options page", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/181/181188.png?src=api&modified=1482654405", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/181/181188.png?src=api&modified=1482654405"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/dw-dev/?src=api", "id": 1236621, "name": "DW-dev"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/726/726488-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Tile Tabs WE", "created": 1471779277, "type": "extension", "summary": "Take tabs from parent windows and arrange them in layouts of tiled sub-windows, using the toolbar button, context menu or keyboard shortcuts. Makes it easy to browse, compare or monitor multiple pages. Synchronize scroll. Save and re-open layouts.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tile-tabs-we/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1521145809, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/print-edit-we/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 1545, "guid": "printedit-we@DW-dev", "id": 726880, "adu": 48945, "support": null, "version": "21.6", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "55.0"}}], "homepage": "https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/print-edit-we/", "total_dls": 221837, "status": "public", "description": "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nVersions 21.5\n\u2022 New option not to save elements that have been deleted when using Save As HTML.\n\u2022 New options to set Header/Footer edges in saved PDF files (Firefox 59+) (not Mac OS X).\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nVersions 21.6\n\u2022 Fixes the bug that prevented Save As PDF working with Firefox 56-58.\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nOVERVIEW\n\nPrint Edit WE provides facilities to edit the contents of a web page prior to printing or saving as HTML or PDF. Elements in the web page can be formatted, hidden or deleted and text can be edited or inserted. Unwanted content, such as adverts and sidebars, can easily be removed.\n\nPrint Edit WE is the successor to the well established Print Edit add-on. Print Edit WE is implemented using the new WebExtensions API and is available for both Firefox and Chrome with identical functions and user interfaces.\n\nBASIC OPERATION\n\nTo start editing the page, click on the Print Edit WE button on the main toolbar, or select Print Edit WE > Print Edit on the context menu. A blue 'EDIT' (editing) badge will appear on the button.\n\nThe 'Web Style' feature is disabled by default, so that the page displayed looks similar to how the page would look if printed normally. When the 'Web Style' feature is enabled, the page displayed will look similar to how the page looks during normal browsing.\n\nThe 'Text Pieces' feature is disabled by default, so that only whole blocks of text can be selected. When the 'Text Pieces' feature is enabled, individual pieces of text can be selected and edited and line breaks are displayed.\n\nAn edited web page can be saved as a single HTML file, which can be viewed or re-edited using Firefox or Chrome. An edited web page can also be saved as a PDF file.\n\nClick the 'Preview' button to see how the edited web page will look when printed. Close the preview window to return to editing.\n\nNote, if you are using Print Edit WE in Firefox 55 or earlier, clicking the 'Preview' button (or pressing 'P' or 'Ctrl+P') will always open the Print dialog, rather than the preview window.\n\nThere are options to:\n\n\u2022 default to enabling selection of Text Pieces on entry.\n\u2022 default to enabling display with Web Style on entry.\n\u2022 not ask the user about saving edits when closing an edited web page.\n\u2022 ask the user about leaving an edited web page only if the edits are not saved.\n\nOPTIONS PAGE\n\nThe options page for Print Edit WE can be accessed as follows:\n\n\u2022 Firefox - On the menu bar select Tools > Add-ons (or press Ctrl+Shift+A), select the Extensions tab, and then click on the Options button.\n\n\u2022 Chrome - Right-click on the toolbar button, and then select Options.\n\nTOOLBAR BUTTON\n\nAfter installation of Print Edit WE, there will be a new grey and blue 'printer-pencil' button on the main toolbar.\n\nIf Print Edit WE cannot be used with the current page, the toolbar button will be disabled (greyed-out).\n\nTo start editing the page, click on the Print Edit WE toolbar button and a blue editing 'EDIT' (editing) badge will appear.\n\nTo suspend editing, click on the Print Edit WE toolbar button again, and a red 'SUS' (suspended) badge will appear. To resume editing, click on the Print Edit WE toolbar button again.\n\nCONTEXT MENU & BUTTON MENU\n\nTo start editing the page, right-click on the page contents to open the context menu, select the Print Edit WE sub-menu, and then select the 'Print Edit' menu item.\n\nAs an alternative to using the context menu, right-click on the Print Edit WE toolbar button and use the button menu.\n\nThere is an option to show/hide the Print Edit WE submenu item on the context menu.\n\nPRINT EDIT WE TOOLBAR\n\nThe buttons available on the Print Edit WE toolbar are:\n\n\u2022 Select - select all elements or all graphic elements, or re-select elements from previous command.\n\u2022 Deselect - deselect all currently selected elements.\n\u2022 Hide - hide currently selected elements.\n\u2022 Delete - delete currently selected elements.\n\u2022 Hide Except - hide all elements except those currently selected.\n\u2022 Delete Except - delete all elements except those currently selected.\n\u2022 Format - apply format pproperties to currently selected elements.\n\u2022 Text - edit a text piece or insert new text before or after element.\n\u2022 Undo - undo the action of previous edit command.\n\u2022 Undo All - undo the actions of all previous edit commands.\n\u2022 Save - save web page as a single HTML or PDF file.\n\u2022 Text Pieces - allow selection and editing of individual text pieces.\n\u2022 Web Style - alternately remove or apply CSS print stylesheets.\n\n\u2022 Preview - open the Print Preview window.\n\u2022 Close - finish editing.\n\n\u2022 Help - show the Help panel.\n\u2022 Tools- access to the Fix Page Breaks feature and the Options dialog.\n\nKEYBOARD SHORTCUTS\n\nTo initiate Print Edit, press Alt+P. To initiate Print Preview when not editing a web page, press Alt+Shift+P.\n\nEach button or menu item on the Print Edit WE toolbar has a keyboard shortcut, which is the letter that is underlined in the name of the button or menu item.\n\nThe other keyboard shortcuts are:\n\n\u2022 ] - deselect all elements.\n\u2022 [ - select previously selected elements.\n\u2022 # - apply breaks before selected elements.\n\u2022 Up - expand highlight box.\n\u2022 Down - shrink highlight box.\n\u2022 Enter - select or deselect highlighted element.\n\u2022 Insert - hide selected elements.\n\u2022 Delete - delete selected elements.\n\u2022 Backspace - undo previous edit command.\n\u2022 Escape - close panel or menu - or close Print Preview window\n\u2022 Ctrl+A - select all elements.\n\u2022 Crtl+P - open Print Preview window.\n\u2022 Ctrl+S - save web page as a single HTML file.\n\u2022 Ctrl+Z - undo previous edit command.\n\nMOUSE ACTIONS\n\nThe mouse actions are:\n\n\u2022 Move - move highlight box to highlight element.\n\u2022 Click - select or deselect highlighted element.\n\u2022 Right-Click - inspect format properties for highlighted element.\n\u2022 Drag - select all elements within capture box.\n\u2022 Shift+Drag - select all graphic elements within capture box.\n\u2022 Ctrl+Drag - deselect all elements within capture box.\n\nHIGHLIGHT BOX\n\nThe highlight box (solid border) is positioned over an element by moving the mouse over the element. If necessary, the position of the highlight box can be adjusted using the Expand (Up Arrow) and Shrink (Down Arrow) keys. The element is then selected by clicking the mouse or by pressing the Select (Enter) key.\n\nThe position of the highlight box can also be adjusted and the element selected using the Expand, Shrink and Select buttons in the Inspect panel. \n\nSELECTING ELEMENTS\n\nAn individual element is selected by moving the mouse, so that the highlight box (solid border) is positioned over the element, and then clicking the mouse (or pressing Enter). The highlight box then changes to a selection box (dashed border). Any number of elements can be selected, one after another, before applying an edit command.\n\nAny selected element can be deselected by moving the mouse, so that the highlight box (solid border) is positioned over the selected element, and then clicking the mouse (or pressing Enter). The selection box (dashed border) then disappears.\n\nMultiple elements can be selected together by dragging the mouse to draw a rectangular capture area which encloses the elements. When the mouse is released, all of the elements within the capture area are selected. To select just graphic elements, hold down the Shift key when dragging the mouse.\n\nTo deselet multiple elements, hold down the the Ctrl key when dragging the mouse.\n\nIf the start point of the capture area is within a <frame> or <iframe>, then the capture area can only be dragged within the boundaries of the <frame> or <iframe>.\n\nAll selected elements can be deselected by clicking the Deselect button.\n\nThere are options to:\n\n\u2022 make elements still selectable after a Hide command.\n\u2022 reinstate select boxes after an Undo command.\n\u2022 show wider borders for the highlight and selection boxes.\n\u2022 shade the background for selection boxes.\n\u2022 snap the capture box start point to the web page edge.\n\nEDITING AND INSERTING TEXT\n\nThe Text command allows a selected piece of text to be edited, or new text to be inserted before or after a selected element or selected piece of text. The Text command button is only enabled when a single element or single piece of text is selected.\n\nNormally, an individual piece of text can only be selected if the Text Pieces feature is enabled. However, when the Text Pieces feature is disabled, any individual pieces of text that have been previously edited will remain selectable and editable.\n\nThe Text popup panel provides a text box where an existing piece of text can be edited or new text can be prepared before being inserted. All of the standard editing keyboard shortcuts (e.g. arrow keys, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) can be used in the text box.\n\nThere is an option to show line breaks when the Text Pieces feature is enabled.\n\nAPPLYING FORMAT PROPERTIES\n\nThe Format command allows up to twenty-six format properties to be applied to the selected elements. These format properties affect both the layout of the content and its appearance, and can be used to reduce the space that the content occupies on the printed page and to improve its readability.\n\nThe format properties can be applied individually by ticking the checkboxes in the Properties section, or in groups by using the buttons in the Quick Styles section. The value of a format property can be changed by clicking the small arrow buttons next to the property value. Click on the property value to reset it to the default value.\n\nThe Properties section can be shown or hidden by clicking the Show/Hide Properties (down/up chevron) button. The values of all of the format properties can be reset to their default values by clicking the Reset Properties (arrows target) button.\n\nThe format properties can be applied to just the selected elements or to their nested sub-elements as well, and can also be restricted to specific content types (e.g. Blocks or List Items). The Format command can be applied multiple times to the same element.\n\nINSPECTING FORMAT PROPERTIES\n\nThe current format properties for an element can be displayed in the Inspect popup panel. This is displayed by moving the mouse, so that the highlight box (solid border) is positioned over the element, and then right-clicking the mouse.\n\nThe Inspect panel has three buttons (Expand, Shrink and Select) which allow positioning of the highlight box and selection of the highlighted element.\n\nADJUSTING PAGE BREAKS\n\nPage breaks can be applied or avoided using the 'Page Break' property in the Format panel. \n\nPage breaks can also be applied using the 'Page Breaks' button in the Format panel or using the hash (#) keyboard shortcut.\n\nThere is an option to default to avoiding page breaks inside images.\n\nSAVING AS HTML FILE\n\nThe Save As HTML menu item allows an edited web page to be saved as a single HTML file (including styling, images and fonts) that can be opened and re-edited in Firefox or Chrome.\n\nThere are two available save methods:\n\nSave Basic Items - saves these items:\n\n\u2022 HTML elements\n\u2022 HTML image files (currently displayed)\n\u2022 CSS style sheets\n\u2022 CSS image files (currently displayed)\n\u2022 CSS font files (used by this browser)\n \nSave Standard Items - saves the Basic Items and these items:\n\n\u2022 HTML image files (all)\n\u2022 HTML audio & video files\n\u2022 HTML object & embed files\n\u2022 CSS font files (woff for any browser)\n\nThere is an option to choose the save method.\n\nThere is an option to not save elements that have been deleted.\n\nSAVING AS PDF FILE\n\nThe Save As PDF menu item allows an edited web page to be saved as a PDF file. This feature is only available with Firefox 56 or later, and is not available on Mac OS X.\n\nThe PDF Setup menu item allows fast configuration of paper size, orientation, scale and background for the saved PDF file.\n\nThere are options to configure the paper size, orientation, scale, background, content margins, header/footer margins and header/footer fields for the saved PDF file.\n\nThe page title, page URL, page numbers, date and time, etc can be inserted into the header/footer fields using the following codes:\n\n\u2022 &T - Page Title\n\u2022 &U - Page URL\n\u2022 &D - Date and Time\n\u2022 &P - Page Number\n\u2022 &PT - Page Number and Total Pages\n\nSUPPORT\n\nPlease e-mail: dw-dev@gmx.com\n\nLICENSE\n\nDistributed under the GNU General Public License version 2.\nSee LICENCE.txt file and http://www.gnu.org/licenses/", "previews": [{"caption": "Print Edit WE - toolbar button", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/178/178254.png?src=api&modified=1491907483", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/178/178254.png?src=api&modified=1491907483"}, {"caption": "Print Edit WE - toolbar button menu", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/183/183808.png?src=api&modified=1491907488", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/183/183808.png?src=api&modified=1491907488"}, {"caption": "Print Edit WE - context menu sub-menu", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/183/183795.png?src=api&modified=1491907483", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/183/183795.png?src=api&modified=1491907483"}, {"caption": "Print Edit WE - Preparing [PREP] - before editing", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/183/183796.png?src=api&modified=1491907483", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/183/183796.png?src=api&modified=1491907483"}, {"caption": "Print Edit WE - Editing [EDIT] - two elements selected", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/183/183797.png?src=api&modified=1491907483", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/183/183797.png?src=api&modified=1491907483"}, {"caption": "Print Edit WE - after Hide command", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/183/183798.png?src=api&modified=1491907483", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/183/183798.png?src=api&modified=1491907483"}, {"caption": "Print Edit WE - after Delete command", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/183/183799.png?src=api&modified=1491907483", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/183/183799.png?src=api&modified=1491907483"}, {"caption": "Print Edit WE - after Delete Except Restricted command", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/183/183800.png?src=api&modified=1491907483", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/183/183800.png?src=api&modified=1491907483"}, {"caption": "Print Edit WE - capture select of multiple elements", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/183/183801.png?src=api&modified=1491907483", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/183/183801.png?src=api&modified=1491907483"}, {"caption": "Print Edit WE - Inspect panel", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/183/183803.png?src=api&modified=1491907483", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/183/183803.png?src=api&modified=1491907483"}, {"caption": "Print Edit WE - Format panel", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/183/183802.png?src=api&modified=1491907483", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/183/183802.png?src=api&modified=1491907483"}, {"caption": "Print Edit WE - Text panel", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/183/183804.png?src=api&modified=1491907483", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/183/183804.png?src=api&modified=1491907483"}, {"caption": "Print Edit WE - Help panel", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/183/183805.png?src=api&modified=1491907483", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/183/183805.png?src=api&modified=1491907483"}, {"caption": "Print Edit WE - Suspended [SUS] - use 'Print this page' button to preview", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/183/183806.png?src=api&modified=1491907483", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/183/183806.png?src=api&modified=1491907483"}, {"caption": "Print Edit WE - Firefox's print preview window", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/178/178267.png?src=api&modified=1491907483", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/178/178267.png?src=api&modified=1491907483"}, {"caption": "Print Edit WE - options page", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/183/183807.png?src=api&modified=1491907483", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/183/183807.png?src=api&modified=1491907483"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/dw-dev/?src=api", "id": 1236621, "name": "DW-dev"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/726/726880-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Print Edit WE", "created": 1471893036, "type": "extension", "summary": "Edit the contents of a web page prior to printing or saving. Elements in the web page can be edited, formatted, hidden or deleted. Unwanted content, such as adverts and sidebars, can easily be removed.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/print-edit-we/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1498466917, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/font-inspect/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 1075, "guid": "{a658a273-612e-489e-b4f1-5344e672f4f5}", "id": 737353, "adu": 19344, "support": "https://github.com/andy-portmen/font-finder", "version": "0.1.8", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "42.0"}}], "homepage": "http://add0n.com/font-finder.html", "total_dls": 115829, "status": "public", "description": "\"Font Finder (revived)\" is WebExtension implementation of the XUL \"FontFinder\". This extension is created for designers, developers and typographers. It allows a user to analyze the font information of any element on a page, copy any piece(s) of that information to the clipboard.\n\n\"Font Finder\" has 3 key pieces of functionality:\n 1. Any font on a page can be completely analyzed\n 2. Any piece of an element's information can be copied to the clipboard\n 3. Any active element can have any piece of the font's options (such as color, size or family) adjusted inline\n\nAny of these options can be quickly accessed through highlight & right-click, or right-click on page and inspect element item.\n\nInformation Captured:\n 1. Font color (rgb and hex)\n 2. Background color (rgb and hex)\n 3. Font family (including actual font being rendered!)\n 4. Font size\n 5. Line-height, vertical-align, letter and word spacing\n 6. Font weight, style, variant\n 7. Text transform, decoration, align and indent\n 8. Element's type, class and ID\n\nFor FAQs and bug reports please visit:\nhttp://add0n.com/font-finder.html", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/178/178879.png?src=api&modified=1475049906", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/178/178879.png?src=api&modified=1475049906"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/178/178880.png?src=api&modified=1475049906", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/178/178880.png?src=api&modified=1475049906"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/AndyPortmen/?src=api", "id": 5429276, "name": "Andy Portmen"}, {"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/eric-caron/?src=api", "id": 3690611, "name": "Eric Caron"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/737/737353-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Font Finder (revived)", "created": 1475049685, "type": "extension", "summary": "Get all CSS styles of selected text", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/font-inspect/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/addondonation/10usd"}}, {"last_updated": 1517680811, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/new-tab-override/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 6968, "guid": "newtaboverride@agenedia.com", "id": 626810, "adu": 127721, "support": "https://github.com/cadeyrn/newtaboverride/issues", "version": "12.0.0", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "58.0"}}], "homepage": "https://www.soeren-hentzschel.at/firefox-webextensions/new-tab-override/", "total_dls": 1373871, "status": "public", "description": "PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION AND INSTRUCTIONS IN THE ADD-ON BEFORE GIVING BAD REVIEWS, IN PARTICULAR THE PARTS ABOUT ACCESS TO LOCAL FILES AND PERMISSIONS !!!!!\n\nNew Tab Override brings back the ability to change the page which is shown when opening a new tab.\n\nSince Firefox 41 it's no longer possible to customize the page shown in a new tab via changing the preference browser.newtab.url in about.config. Because of the fact that hijackers abused the preference in the past, Mozilla decided to remove it. Fortunately, by removing it, Mozilla also introduced a new API to bring this functionality back to life as an add-on. This add-on allows the user to choose a certain page in a new tab. New Tab Override, today with more than 150,000 users, was the first add-on providing this functionality and is therefore the original.\n\nNew Tab Override is a WebExtension and also compatible with Firefox 57 and later.\n\nIMPORTANT NOTICE FOR USERS OF PREVIOUS VERSIONS - PLEASE READ\n\nNew Tab Override was developed from the ground up as so-called WebExtension. This makes New Tab Override compatible with Firefox 57 and later. Not all options of the previous version are currently available as WebExtension. As soon as Mozilla implements support for missing functionalities in Firefox, they will be integrated in a future update of New Tab Override.\n\nYou have to re-configure the add-on. After the update the settings page will automatically be opened.\n\nFeatures\n\nchange the new tab page to whatever web accesible URL you likeuse a blank page as new tab pageuse about:home, the default home page of Firefox, as new tab pageuse your current home page as new tab pageuse any color as background color for the new tab pagestore a local HTML file in the extension's storage and use the content as new tab contentget the latest news about Mozilla as new tab page (only in German language)set the focus either to the address bar or to the web page (for example Google search field)beautiful settings UI to make it easy to customize your new tab experienceautomatically prepend http:// if protocol is missingcan be used together with the container tabs feature of Firefox\nShortcuts\n\nThe settings interface can also be accessed via the keyboard. For this purpose the combination Shift + F12 is reserved. It is also possible to open the settings interface via entering newtab settings in the address bar or via the menu entry in the tools menu.\n\nPlanned features\n\nThere are already some new features planned for the future. Please suggest your feature requests in the issues tracker.\n\nLanguages\n\nThe extension is currently available in the following languages:\n\nEnglishGermanFrench (Thanks, SuperPat45!)Dutch (Thanks, Tonnes!)Polish (Thanks, WaldiPL!)Upper Sorbian (Thanks, milupo!)Lower Sorbian (Thanks, milupo!)\nPermissions\n\nNew Tab Override needs several permissions to work properly. Some permissions are mandatory, some are optional. To give you full transparency this overview also lists \"silent\" permissions.\n\nmandatory permissions\n\nNew Tab Override does not work without the following permissions:\n\n- access browser history\n(since 9.0.0)\n\nThe permission to access the browser history is needed to prevent spammy \"moz-extension://\" entries in your browsing history every time you open a new tab. There is no way to prevent this without this permission.\n\n- access browser tabs\n\nThe permission to access the browser tabs is needed so that New Tab Override can jump to the already opened settings page if the settings page is already opened in another tab and you click the button to open New Tab Override's settings.\n\noptional permissions\n\nThese permissions are not needed to install and use New Tab Override. New Tab Override asks you at runtime once one of these permissions is needed:\n\n- access data for www.soeren-hentzschel.at\n\nThe permission to access data for www.soeren-hentzschel.at is only needed if you enable the option to see the latest news about Mozilla as new tab page. If enabled, New Tab Override reads the feed of www.soeren-hentzschel.at to show you the latest news.\n\n- read and modify browser settings\n(since 9.0.0)\n\nThe permission to read and modify browser settings is only needed if you enable the option to automatically use your home page as new tab page. Without this permission New Tab Override does not know your home page and you have to manually set your home page as new tab page.\n\nsilent permissions\n\nNew Tab Override needs some more permissions, but Firefox does not prompt for the following permissions:\n\n- cookies\n(since 10.0.0)\n\nThe cookies permission is needed to prevent the loss of the container information if the option \"Set focus to the web page instead of the address bar\" and the container tabs feature of Firefox are used.\n\n- menus\n(since 10.0.0)\n\nThe menus permission is needed for providing an menu entry in the tools menu for accessing New Tab Override's settings.\n\n- storage\n\nThe storage permission is needed so that New Tab Override can store settings such as your new tab page.\n\nCompatibility\n\nThe extension requires at least Firefox 58. Because the extension makes use of modern web technologies and the latest WebExtension APIs, support for older versions of Firefox is not possible for technical reasons.", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/187/187261.png?src=api&modified=1503342042", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/187/187261.png?src=api&modified=1503342042"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/187/187262.png?src=api&modified=1503342044", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/187/187262.png?src=api&modified=1503342044"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/187/187263.png?src=api&modified=1503342042", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/187/187263.png?src=api&modified=1503342042"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/187/187264.png?src=api&modified=1503342043", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/187/187264.png?src=api&modified=1503342043"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/187/187265.png?src=api&modified=1503342042", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/187/187265.png?src=api&modified=1503342042"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/187/187266.png?src=api&modified=1503342042", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/187/187266.png?src=api&modified=1503342042"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/cadeyrn/?src=api", "id": 1351101, "name": "S\u00f6ren Hentzschel"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/626/626810-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "New Tab Override (WebExtension)", "created": 1435393679, "type": "extension", "summary": "New Tab Override brings back the ability to change the page which is shown when opening a new tab.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/new-tab-override/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/agenedia/3"}}, {"last_updated": 1517063409, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/foxytab/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 850, "guid": "foxytab@eros.man", "id": 540732, "adu": 15597, "support": "https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/support-foxytab/", "version": "2.11", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "53.0"}}], "homepage": "https://addons.mozilla.org/user/azbb/", "total_dls": 101123, "status": "public", "description": "FoxyTab is a small extension that adds a great number of Tab related actions to the Tab Context Menu. \n\nIts functions relates to Tabs as a whole and not the content of the pages.\nI will add more actions if needed. \n\nAs of v2.9, AFAIK this is the only WebExtension with the ability to Enable/Disable/Rearrange its context-menus.\nAs of v2.10, AFAIK this is the only WebExtension with the ability to Create/Import/Export/Apply your own personal Lightweight Themes.\n\nNote: None of my extensions contain any tracking, advertising or privacy infringement.\n\n\nPermissions Explanation: (as it is causing confusion)\n Access your data for all websites: Used to get IP for the Copy IP & Flag Input data to the clipboard: Used to Copy to Clipboard Download files and read and modify the browser\u2019s download history: Used by the user to save Themes to the computer (nothing to do with download history) Display notifications to you: Used to inform users Access browser tabs: Used to get data for tab operations Store unlimited amount of client-side data: Used by the user to store Images and Themes in the add-on (there is no other way to do it in WebExtensions) Read and modify Bookmarks: Used only to add bookmarks (v2.11)\n\nFeatures\n Multi Process Compatible (v2.0 FF53+)\n (Firefox restricts some functions on some URLs.)\nFixed in v2.11 Bookmark Tabs, Left, Right (Firefox already has a Bookmark All Tabs) (v2.11) Create Desktop Shortcut for the Tab (v2.11) Copy URLs with Titles, All, Left, Right (v2.11) Custom Reload Interval (v2.11) Multiple Date displays in preferred languages in the Toolbar popup (v2.11) Multiple Clock displays in preferred languages and Time-zones in the Toolbar popup (v2.11) Personal Lightweight Themes (v2.10) Host Location Country Flag (v2.10) Copy Tab Title: Copies the tile of any tab, active or not (v1.2) Copy Tab Title & URL (v2.7) Copy Tabs URLs: All, To the Left/Right\n Close Tabs to the Left: Closes all Tabs to the left of current tab, warns if there are more than 1 tab to close\nKeeps the Pinned Tabs, unless Ctrl is pressed (v2.11) Duplicate Tab: Duplicates the current tab Close Duplicate Tabs: Close all duplicate tabs, ignoring location.hash (v1.3) Sort Tabs by URL or Title, Ascending or Descending (v2.5) Move Tab to the Start/End of tabs (v2.5) Move Tabs to the Left/Right to a New Window (v2.5) Move Tab, Tabs to the Left/Right to a New Private Window (v2.5) Merge All Windows: Merge all tabs (including pinned) into the active window (v2.5) Reload Tabs: All, To the Left/Right (v2.5) Reload Tab every 1-5 minutes + Stop Reload (v2.5) Save Tab as PDF (Firefox 56+ only and not on Mac OS X) (uses Firefox Built-in PDF creation) (v2.5) ContextMenu Icons FF56+ (v2.5) Tab Counter (v2.8) Enable/Disable Tab Counter (v2.9) Change Tab Counter Badge Background Color (v2.9) Enable/Disable/Reorder Context Menu Items (v2.9) Restore Defaults (v2.9) Close Other Windows (v2.8) Copy Tab IP (v2.8) Help Guide (v2.5) Host based Tab Actions (v1.1) (Note: No warning)\n Keep Host Tab: Keep all the tabs from the same host, close others Close Host Tabs: Close all the tabs from the same host, keep others Close Host other Tabs: Close all other tabs from the same host but keep the right-clicked tab, keep others \nExternal Reviews\nDica do Dia: Extens\u00e3o FoxyTab para o Firefox\nMozilla Re-Mix: Firefox\u306e\u30bf\u30d6\u30b3\u30f3\u30c6\u30ad\u30b9\u30c8\u30e1\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u304b\u3089URL\u306e\u4e00\u62ec\u30b3\u30d4\u30fc\u306a\u3069\u304c\u3067\u304d\u308b\u30a2\u30c9\u30aa\u30f3\u300cFoxyTab\u300d\n\u958b\u3044\u3066\u3044\u308b\u30bf\u30d6\u306eURL \u3092\u4e00\u62ec\u3057\u3066\u30b3\u30d4\u30fc\u3057\u305f\u308a\u3001\u5de6\u306b\u3042\u308b\u30bf\u30d6\u3092\u4e00\u62ec\u3057\u3066\u9589\u3058\u305f\u308a\u3067\u304d\u308b\u3088\u3046\u306b\u3059\u308bFirefox \u30a2\u30c9\u30aa\u30f3\u300cFoxyTab\u300d - \u30d5\u30ea\u30fc\u30bd\u30d5\u30c8\u30fb\u7121\u6599\u30bd\u30d5\u30c8\u306e\u756a\u5916\u7de8\nHow to add new tab options to context menu in Firefox [Tip] | Reviews, news, tips, and tricks | dotTechdotTech\n[WebExt\u6269\u5c55] FoxyTab\uff08\u7b80\u6d01\u7684\u6807\u7b7e\u9875\u589e\u5f3a\u6269\u5c55\nFoxyTab \u2013 \u589e\u5f3a\u6807\u7b7e\u9875\u680f\u4e0a\u9f20\u6807\u53f3\u952e\u83dc\u5355[Firefox \u6269\u5c55]\nHow to Customize Firefox\u2019s Context Menus With Extensions", "previews": [{"caption": "Context Menu v2.5 FF56+", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/188/188211.png?src=api&modified=1516478265", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/188/188211.png?src=api&modified=1516478265"}, {"caption": "Toolbar Popup v2.11", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/196/196296.png?src=api&modified=1516478265", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/196/196296.png?src=api&modified=1516478265"}, {"caption": "Toolbar Popup v2.11 (with many Dates and Clocks)", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/196/196297.png?src=api&modified=1516478265", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/196/196297.png?src=api&modified=1516478265"}, {"caption": "Toolbar Popup v2.11 (without any Dates and Clocks)", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/196/196298.png?src=api&modified=1516478269", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/196/196298.png?src=api&modified=1516478269"}, {"caption": "Context Menu v2.5 FF56+", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/188/188212.png?src=api&modified=1516478265", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/188/188212.png?src=api&modified=1516478265"}, {"caption": "Context Menu v2.5 FF56+", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/188/188213.png?src=api&modified=1516478265", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/188/188213.png?src=api&modified=1516478265"}, {"caption": "Context Menu v2.5 FF56+", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/188/188214.png?src=api&modified=1516478265", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/188/188214.png?src=api&modified=1516478265"}, {"caption": "Context Menu v2.5 FF56+", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/188/188215.png?src=api&modified=1516478265", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/188/188215.png?src=api&modified=1516478265"}, {"caption": "Context Menu v2.5 FF56+", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/188/188216.png?src=api&modified=1516478265", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/188/188216.png?src=api&modified=1516478265"}, {"caption": "Options v2.9", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/189/189320.png?src=api&modified=1516478265", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/189/189320.png?src=api&modified=1516478265"}, {"caption": "Context Menu v1.3", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/151/151652.png?src=api&modified=1516478265", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/151/151652.png?src=api&modified=1516478265"}, {"caption": "Saved to Clipboard Notification", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/142/142662.png?src=api&modified=1516478265", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/142/142662.png?src=api&modified=1516478265"}, {"caption": "Context Menu v1.0", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/142/142660.png?src=api&modified=1516478265", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/142/142660.png?src=api&modified=1516478265"}, {"caption": "Context Menu v1.1", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/144/144690.png?src=api&modified=1516478265", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/144/144690.png?src=api&modified=1516478265"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/azbb/?src=api", "id": 690471, "name": "erosman"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/540/540732-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "FoxyTab", "created": 1409805485, "type": "extension", "summary": "Collection of Tab Related Actions e.g. Duplicate, Close Duplicates, Close to the Left, Copy Title, Merge Windows, Save as PDF, Copy Urls Tab/All/Left/Right, Host keep/close/close other, Sort by URL/Title, Asce/Desc, Move, Reload, Reload Timer", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/foxytab/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1487648236, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/search-image/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 397, "guid": "searchimage@searchimage.fr", "id": 455926, "adu": 48178, "support": null, "version": "0.1.3", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}], "homepage": null, "total_dls": 601650, "status": "public", "description": "Select some text, right-click and choose\"Search image\" in the menu, a Google Image tab will open with your results.", "previews": [{"caption": "Right-click on some text", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/108/108516.png?src=api&modified=1374147937", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/108/108516.png?src=api&modified=1374147937"}, {"caption": "After", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/108/108518.png?src=api&modified=1374147937", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/108/108518.png?src=api&modified=1374147937"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/didier-lafleur/?src=api", "id": 754071, "name": "Didier Lafleur"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/455/455926-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Search image", "created": 1374144341, "type": "extension", "summary": "Select some text, right-click and choose\"Search image\" in the menu, a Google Image tab will open with your results.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/search-image/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1524728409, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/country-flags-ip-whois/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 1326, "guid": "{802a552e-13d1-4683-a40a-1e5325fba4bb}", "id": 747451, "adu": 22996, "support": "http://add0n.com/country-flags.html", "version": "0.2.5", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}], "homepage": "http://add0n.com/country-flags.html", "total_dls": 129399, "status": "public", "description": "Country Flags & IP Whois add-on is an extension that displays a flag toolbar button indicating the current webserver's physical location using an off-line database. Knowing the server location adds an extra layer of awareness to your browsing and can be useful to indicate the native languages and legal jurisdictions that may apply. Additional information about Geolocation or Whois info can be obtained via the click on the toolbar icon.\n\nFor FAQs and general bug reports please visit:\n-> http://add0n.com/country-flags.html\nFor technical bug reports use:\n-> https://github.com/andy-portmen/country-flags/issues\n\nDatabase info:\n[IP4] https://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoIPCountryCSV.zip\n[IP6] https://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoIPv6.csv.gz\n\nNote that the CSV databases are compressed. For more info please visit the FAQs page and the source code.\n\nAvailable tools in the right-click menu (only 5 menu items are visible in the root menu):\n1. SSL Checker: Check SSL certificate\n2. Traceroute: Display the route and transit delays of packets\n3. Ping: Test the reachability of this IP address\n4. TinyURL: Shorten the URL using TinyURL.com\n5. DNS Lookup: Perform an authoritative DNS lookup\n6. Whois Lookup: Find the registration and delegation of a domain name\n7. HTTP Headers: List all the response HTTP headers\n8. Copy IP: Copy IP address to the clipboard\n9. Alexa: Website traffic, statistics, and analytics\n10. WOT Scorecard: Website reputation ratings\n11. Virustotal: A free virus, malware, and URL scanning service\n12. Check Server Status: Helps finding whether a website is down or not\n13. Google Translate: Free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages\n14. Google Cache: Google cached pages for any website\n15. Wikipedia: Domain search\n16. intoDNS: Checks the health and configuration of DNS and mail servers\n17. Netcraft: Provides internet security services including anti-fraud and anti-phishing services\n18. Wave Report: Provides web accessibility solutions\n19. Validate.nu: HTML5 Validator\n20. W3C CSS Validator: CSS Validator\n21. W3C Validator: HTML5 Validator\n22. Internet Archive: Free universal access to archived web pages\n23. Google: Search by domain\n24. Wolfram|Alpha : Access to the world's facts and data\n\nCustom Commands accepting [ip], [host], [curl], [enurl] and [url] keywords\n\nAs of version 0.2.0, it is possible to ask extension to open new tabs in the background and adjacent to the current tab.\n\n-- Permissions:\nFor the comprehensive description of why a permission is required by this extension check:\nhttps://add0n.com/country-flags.html#permissions", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/180/180047.png?src=api&modified=1507147245", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/180/180047.png?src=api&modified=1507147245"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/189/189282.png?src=api&modified=1507147250", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/189/189282.png?src=api&modified=1507147250"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/AndyPortmen/?src=api", "id": 5429276, "name": "Andy Portmen"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/747/747451-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Country Flags & IP Whois", "created": 1478420122, "type": "extension", "summary": "Displays country flag of website's server location, Whois and Geo info on a browser addressbar icon", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/country-flags-ip-whois/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/addondonation/10usd"}}, {"eula": "End User License Agreement\n\n\nTHIS END USER LICENSES AGREEMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE PRIVACY POLICY WHICH IS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE TO THIS END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT, SET FORTH THE LEGALLY BINDING AGREEMENT (\"AGREEMENT\") BETWEEN YOU (AN INDIVIDUAL) AND FRAUDSCORE. (\"FRAUDSCORE\" OR \u00ecFS\u00ee OR \"US\" OR \"OUR\" OR \"WE\"); THIS AGREEMENT GOVERNS YOUR ACCESS AND USE OF, THE FRAUDSCORE SOFTWARE (\"SOFTWARE\"), THE FRAUDSCORE WEBSITE AT WWW.FRAUDSCO.RE (\"SITE\") AND ANY ACCOMPYING SERVICES, FEATURES, CONTENT AND APPLICATIONS (\"FEATURES\") OFFERED BY US (THE SITE, THE SOFTWARE AND THE FEATURES WILL COLLECTIVELY REFERRED HEREIN AS THE \"SERVICES\"). PLEASE READ THESE TERMS CAREFULLY IF YOU WISH TO USE THE SERVICES. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS OR DO NOT CONSENT TO OUR PRIVACY POLICY, PLEASE DO NOT USE THE SERVICES. YOUR USE OF THE SERVICES IS UNDER LICENSE AS SET FORTH IN THESE TERMS. FRAUDSCORE RESERVES ALL RIGHTS IN THE SERVICES INCLUDING ANY RIGHT WHICH IS NOT EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT. BY USING THE SERVICES, YOU AGREE THAT YOU WILL NOT USE THEM FOR ANY ILLEGAL OR UNAUTHORIZED PURPOSE.\n\n\n\nPrivacy\n\n\nWe value your privacy and take efforts to protect it. Please see our Privacy policy to know more about our data collection and usage practices.\n\n\n\nYour Use of Service\n\n\nWe will via the Services make best efforts to provide malware monitoring and blocking.\n\nThe Services are provided to you free of charge in our standard format, but some of the Features or functionalities may not be available to you under our standard version of the Software; If you decide to purchase a premium version of the Software, additional features and functionalities may be available;\n\nYou may not use the Services if you are under the age of 13 or if you are not the owner or approved administrator of the device on which you install the Software or otherwise use the Services.\n\nWe reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or delete any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement or any portion thereof at any time including without limitation the availability of any Features. If we will materially change this Agreement, we will post a notice on the Site. Your continued use of the Service following any revision of the Services or this Agreement constitutes your complete and irrevocable acceptance of any and all such changes. If you do not agree to be bound by the amended Agreement, you may not use or access (or continue to use or access) the Services.\n\n\n\nPayment, renewals and Refund\n\n\nYou can use the free version of the Software or try the trial version of the premium version. If you decide to purchase the premium version of the Software you will be charged with our then-current monthly fee or 'one time' fees. The premium account will be automatically renewed each month until you notify us that you wish to terminate it. You may send request to terminate premium account to: billing@fraudsco.re or cancel your payment on your 'my account' page. We may use third party services to collect payment from you and manage any payment procedure. Before using such third party services, we recommend that you read and understand the applicable terms and conditions of such services and privacy policies and ensure that you agree to their terms. You acknowledge that we are not responsible for any third party services or for the content or privacy practices of such third parties. You are knowingly and voluntarily assume all risks of using such third party services.\n\n\n\nLimited License\n\n\nDuring the Term, we hereby grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-sub-licensable, revocable and limited license to access and use the Services and to install a copy of the Software on your personal device. This limited license is solely and expressly for your personal and non-commercial use. Any commercial use of the Services or Software, including, but not limited to, any use by an individual on behalf of a company or corporate entity, shall be considered a breach of this Agreement. If you wish to make any commercial use of the Services (or any portion of them), you must enter into an agreement with us in advance. Please contact report@fraudsco.re for more information. \n\nThe Software is licensed to you, not sold. Except as expressly indicated in this Agreement or within any of the Services you may not: (a) copy, modify, port, adapt, translate or distribute the Services or the Software or any portion of them; (b) sell, lend, rent, assign, export, sublicense or otherwise transfer the Software or the Services; (c) modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, emulate, hack, create derivative works based on the Software or the Services or otherwise attempt to discover any source code, protocol or process used within or in connection with the Software or the Services; (d) alter, delete or conceal any copyright, trademark or other notices in connection with the Services or the Software; (e) use data-mining, robots, or any other data-gathering and extraction tools; (f) interfere with or impair the use of others of the Services or the Software or with any network connected to the Services or the Software; (h) use the Services or the Software by themselves or in conjunction with any other products to infringe upon any third party's rights, including without limitation third party's intellectual property rights, to invade users' privacy in any way, or to track, store, transmit or record personal information about any other user of the Services or the Software;(g) otherwise violate applicable laws including without limitation copyright and trademark laws and applicable communications regulations and statutes. Any such forbidden uses shall immediately and automatically terminate your license to use the Software and the Services, without derogating from any other remedies available to us at law or in equity.\n\n\n\nProhibited Conduct\n\n\nYou may not use the Services in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair our servers or interfere with any other party's use and enjoyment of the Services. You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any aspect of the Services or to information for which you have not been granted access through password mining or any other process. We may take any and all legal, equitable, technical or operational means available to prevent or cease any violation or breach of this Agreement and to otherwise enforce this Agreement.\n\n\n\nRegistration and Security\n\n\nIn order to activate some of the Services you will have to create an account sign up and provide a username, password and your email address (\"Registration Data\"); You hereby agree to: (a) provide true, accurate, current and complete information as may be prompted by any registration forms regarding your registration or use of the Services; and (b) maintain and promptly update the Registration Data, and any other information you provided to us, for the purpose of keeping such information accurate, current and complete. You may not let anyone else access your account or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your account or enable unauthorized use. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your Registration Data and for all activities that occur under your account. You must notify us immediately when the security of your Registration Data or account has been breached. We will not be liable for any loss that you may incur as a result of someone else using your password of account, either with or without your knowledge.\n\n\n\nProprietary Rights\n\n\nThe Software, Site and Features including any versions, revisions, corrections, modifications, enhancements and/or upgrades thereto, accompanying materials, services and any copies you are permitted to make under this Agreement are owned by us or our licensors and are protected under intellectual property laws, including copyright laws and treaties.\n\nYou acknowledge that all right, title, and interest in and to the Software, Site and Features and associated intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, any patents (registered or pending), copyrights, trade secrets, designs or trademarks), evidenced by or embodied in or attached or connected or related to the Software, Site and Features are and shall remain owned solely by us or our licensors. This Agreement does not convey to you any interest in or to the Software, Site or Features, or any of the Services, but only a limited, revocable right of use in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement constitutes a waiver of our intellectual property rights under any law. Nothing in this Agreement constitutes a waiver of our intellectual property rights under any law.\n\nThe Fraudscore logo and trademarks are our trademarks and no right, license, or interest in any such trademarks is granted hereunder.\n\nWe respect the intellectual property of others, and we ask you to do the same. It is important (and a condition of this Agreement) that you comply with all copyright laws and other provisions in connection with any content agreement to which you may be a party through the Services.\n\n\n\nUser Generated Content\n\n\nThe Site may contain comments and recommendations, sections, discussion forums, bulletin boards, or other interactive features (\"Interactive Section(s)\") in which you may post or upload comments or user-generated content such as text, video, photos, messages, other materials or items (collectively, \"User Content\"). You are solely responsible for your use of any Interactive Section (either by posting User Content or otherwise interacting with User Content or making decisions based on User Content) and your use of them is at your own risk and under your sole responsibility.\n\n\n\nUser Conduct\n\n\nBy submitting User Content to an Interactive Section, you hereby agree to abide by the following restrictions:\n\n\nyou may not upload, post or otherwise transmit any User Content that: (i) violates any law or engage in activity that would constitute a criminal offense or give rise to a civil liability; (ii) violates or infringes in any way upon the rights of others, including any intellectual property rights or make statements which may defame, harass, stalk or threaten others; (iii) is offensive in any fashion, including blatant expressions, racism, abusiveness, vulgarity, profanity, pornography, pedophilia, incest, bestiality, or otherwise obscene; (iv) advocates or provides instruction on illegal activity or discuss illegal activities or encourage illegal activity; (v) is soliciting terrorism; (vi) contains advertising, promotional materials or any solicitation with respect to products or services; (vii) is not generally related to the designated topic or theme; (viii) contains software or other materials which contain a virus or other harmful or disruptive component;\n\nDo not impersonate others or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent any endorsement by or affiliation with any person or entity;\nDo not interfere with any other end user's right, including the right for privacy, copyrights or any other right;\nDo not interfere with or disrupt the Site or the Services or networks connected to the Site or to other users, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Site;\nDo not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit for any commercial purpose, any portion of the Site or Services or User Content, use of the Site domain, or access to the Site in an unauthorized fashion;\nWe shall have the right, but not the obligation, to monitor User Content posted or uploaded to the Site to determine compliance with these terms and conditions and any operating rules established by us and to address any law or regulation. Although we have no obligation to monitor, screen, edit or remove any of the User Content posted or uploaded to the Site, we reserve the right, and have absolute discretion, to screen, edit, refuse to post or remove without notice any User Content posted or uploaded to the Site at any time and for any reason. You shall be solely liable for any damage resulting from any infringement of copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, rights of publicity or other proprietary rights or any other harm resulting from any User Content submitted by you or third party.\n\n\n\nInfringement Notices And Counter-Notice\n\n\nIf you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, you may submit a notification by providing our agent with the following information in writing:\na physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;\nidentification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site;\nidentification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled and information reasonably sufficient to permit the Company to locate the material;\ninformation reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact you, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an email address;\na statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and\na statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. You can file such complaint over the email at: report@fraudsco.re. You acknowledge that if you fail to comply with all of the requirements of this section, your infringement notice may not be valid.\n\n\nAutomatic Software Updates and Upgrades\n\n\nThe Software is automatically updated or upgraded at our discretion and without any action on your part. The updates and upgrades may include error corrections, bug fixes, updates, upgrades, software compatibility components, security updates and new features or functionalities. The updates or upgrades will be deemed part of the Software, and will be subjected to the terms of this Agreement, unless the updates or upgrades are expressly provided subject to a separate agreement. We reserve the right to change, modify or alter the Software or the Services, or any portion of them (including their names, title, logo or design) and/or to completely cease providing the Services in our sole discretion.\n\n\n\nAutomatic Uploading, Routing and Caching\n\n\nThe Services improve your use of the Internet, among other means by enabling your device to load portions of data from various websites and servers and by re-routing some of your requests through other Fraudscore resources. Your use of the Services will in turn enable Fraudscore to access portions of data from your device and to be re-routed through your device, thereby improving the Internet for other Fraudscore users by allowing Fraudscore and partners to access resources for security research. By using the Services you consent to the use of your device in the described manner and agree that other Fraudscore users and partners may use your network connection and resources in return for your potential use of other users' resources for your own use of our malware detection service. Note that Fraudscore will make its best effort not to enable any use of your device's resources unless your resources are idle at that time, and to maintain the highest levels of privacy and security. Fraudscore may also cache information you have accessed on your hard drive for future use. If you purchased a Premium account, portions of this section may not be applicable to you. You represent that your entry into this Agreement and your use of the Services does not breach any contract, duty, law, regulation or right, and that if sharing your resources is not desirable or allowed in your case, you will not use the Services, or purchase a Premium account to use the network but not to contribute resources to it.\n\n\n\nBeta program\n\n\nYou acknowledge that the Software is still in beta stage and therefore you may encounter bugs and/or limited functionality.\n\n\n\nThird Party Websites and Content\n\n\nThe Service may contain links to other web sites (\"Third Party Sites\") as well as articles, photographs, text, graphics, pictures, designs, video, audio, information, mobile applications, \"plug-ins\", offers and other content or items which belong to or originate from third parties (\"Third Party Applications or Content\"). Such Third Party Sites and Third Party Applications or Content are not investigated, monitored or checked for accuracy, appropriateness, or completeness by us, and we are not responsible for any Third Party Sites accessed through the Services or any Third Party Applications or Content posted on, available through or installed from the Services, including without limitation the content, accuracy, offensiveness, opinions, reliability, privacy practices or other policies of the Third Party Sites or the Third Party Applications or Content. Inclusion of, linking to or permitting the use or installation of any Third Party Site or any Third Party Applications or Content does not imply approval or endorsement thereof by us. If you decide to leave the Service and access the Third Party Sites or to use or install any Third Party Applications or Content, you do so at your own risk and you should be aware that our terms and policies no longer govern. You should review the applicable terms and policies, including privacy and data collection practices of any Third Party Site to which you navigate from the Services or which relate to any applications you use or install from the Third Party Site.\n\n\n\nWarranty Disclaimers\n\n\nTHE SOFTWARE AND THE SERVICES ARE PROVIDED ON AN \"AS IS\" AND \"AS AVAILABLE\" BASIS, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING SUPPORT OR OTHER SERVICES BY US OR OUR LICENSORES).YOU AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF THE SERVICES AND SOFTWARE SHALL BE AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND RESPONSIBILTY. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, WE, OUR LICENSORS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT. WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE OR SERVICES: (A) WILL BE ERROR OR DEFECT FREE OR OTHERWISE FREE FROM ANY INTERRUPTIONS OR OTHER FAILURES; (B) WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS; OR (C) THAT ANY ERROR WILL BE IMMEDIATELY FIXED; WE MAKE NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENT (INCLUDING ANY USER CONTENT) OR TO ANY THIRD PARTY SITES OR APPLICATIONS OR CONTENT OR ANY PORTION OR COMPONENT OF EITHER AND ASSUME NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY AND DISCLAIM ALL WARRANITES FOR ANY (I) PROBLEMS OR AVAILABILITY OF INTERNET CONNECTIONS (II) ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR INACCURACIES IN CONTENT OR SERVICES, (III) PROPERTY DAMAGE, OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, RESULTING FROM YOUR ACCESS TO AND USE OF THE SERVICES OR TO ANY THIRD PARTY SITE, (IV) ANY UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO YOUR DEVICE OR USE OF OUR SECURE SERVERS OR ANY AND ALL PERSONAL INFORMATION OR FINANCIAL INFORMATION STORED THEREIN, (V) ANY INTERRUPTION OR CESSATION OF TRANSMISSION REGARDING THE SERVICES, (VI) ANY BUGS, VIRUSES, TROJAN HORSES, OR OTHER MALICIOUS CODE WHICH MAY BE TRANSMITTED TO OR THROUGH THE SERVICES BY ANY THIRD PARTY, (VII) ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN ANY CONTENT OR FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED AS A RESULT OF THE USE OF ANY CONTENT POSTED, EMAILED, TRANSMITTED OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE VIA THE SERVICES, OR (VIII) ANY USER CONTENT. WE DO NOT WARRANT, ENDORSE, GUARANTEE, OR ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE ADVERTISED OR OFFERED BY A THIRD PARTY THROUGH THE SERVICES OR ANY HYPERLINKED WEBSITE OR FEATURED IN ANY BANNER OR OTHER ADVERTISING, AND WE WILL NOT BE A PARTY TO ANY TRANSACTION OR OTHER ENGAGEMENT WITH SUCH ADVERTISING OR IN ANY WAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING ANY TRANSACTION BETWEEN YOU AND THIRD-PARTY PROVIDERS OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. YOU ASSUME ALL RISK AS TO THE QUALITY, FUNCTION, AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICE, AND TO ALL TRANSACTIONS YOU UNDERTAKE ON THROUGH THE SERVICE.\n\n\n\nLimitation of Liability\n\n\nIN NO EVENT WILL WE OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION, PROMOTION, OR MARKETING OF THE SERVICE BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, RELIANCE, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA OR PROFITS, OR FOR INABILITY TO USE THE SERVICE, EVEN IF WE OR SUCH OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SUCH LIMITATION SHALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. IN NO EVENT, SHALL OUR AGGREGATE LIABILITY TO YOU AND ANY OTHER PARTY, WHETHER DIRECT OR INDIRECT, EXCEED FIFTY DOLLARS ($50.00) FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, DAMAGES, AND OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY.\n\n\n\nIndemnification\n\n\nYou hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold us, our subsidiaries, parent corporation and affiliates, partners, sponsors and all of their respective officers, directors, owners, employees, agents, attorneys, licensors, representatives, licensees, and suppliers (collectively, \"Parties\"), harmless from and against any and all liabilities, losses, expenses, damages, and costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees), incurred by any of the Parties in connection with any claim arising out of your use of the Site or Services, any use or alleged use of your account or your password by any person, whether or not authorized by you, your violation or breach of this Agreement or your violation of the rights of any other person or entity.\n\n\n\nTerm and Termination\n\n\nThis Agreement becomes effective upon the earlier of your access to the Services or installation of the Software until terminated by either you or us (the \"Term\"). You may terminate your relationship with us at any time by completely uninstalling the Software. Your failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement or any other agreement you have with us will terminate your license and this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement the license granted to you shall automatically expire and you shall discontinue all further use of the Software and Services.\n\nWe have the right to take any of the following actions in our sole discretion at any time without any prior notice to you:\nRestrict, deactivate, suspend, or terminate your access to the Services, including deleting your accounts and all related information and files contained in your account;\nRefuse, move, or remove any material that is available on or through the Services; Establish additional general practices and limits concerning use of the Services.\nWe may take any of the above actions for any reason, as determined by us in our sole discretion, including, but not be limited to, (a) your breach or violation of this Agreement, (b) requests by law enforcement authority or other governmental agency, (c) a request by you, (d) discontinuance or material modification to the Services (or any part thereof), and (e) unexpected technical or security issues or problems. You agree that we will not be liable to you or any third party for taking any of these actions.\n\n\n\nCompliance with Law & Export Control\n\n\nThe Software is intended for use only in compliance with applicable laws and you undertake to use it in accordance with all such applicable laws. Without derogating from the foregoing and from any other terms herein, you agree to comply with all applicable export laws and restrictions and regulations and agree that you will not export, or allow the export or re-export of the Software in violation of any such restrictions, laws or regulations. You agree to the foregoing and represent and warrant that you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any restricted country under US or other applicable law.\n\n\n\nGeneral\n\n\nEntire Agreement; This Agreement, including the policies you may be referred to in the Agreement, constitute the entire agreement between you and us with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede and replace all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding such subject matter.\n\nNotifications; We may be required by applicable law to notify you of certain events. You hereby acknowledge and consent that such notices will be effective upon our posting them on the Site or through the Services or delivering them to you via email. You may update your email address through the Services where you have provided us with your contact information. If you do not provide us with accurate information, we cannot be held liable if we fail to notify you. If you are a resident of the State of California, U.S.A., you may have this same information emailed to you by sending a letter to the foregoing address with your email address and a request for this information.\n\nAssignment; You agree that this Agreement and our rights hereunder may be assigned, in whole or in part, by us or our affiliate to any third party, at our sole discretion, including an assignment in connection with a merger, acquisition, reorganization or sale of substantially all of our assets, or otherwise, in whole or in part. You may not assign, sublicense, or delegate your rights under this Agreement.\n\nGoverning Law; The Agreement and the relationship between you and Fraudscore shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, without giving effect to its choice of law rules. You agree that any legal action arising out of or relating to the Agreement or your use of, or inability to use, the Site or Services shall be filed exclusively in the competent courts of Nassau located in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and you hereby consent and submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction and venue of, and waive any jurisdictional, venue, or inconvenient forum objections to, such courts. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may seek injunctive relief in any court of competent jurisdiction. In this Agreement, there shall be no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement.\n\nNo waiver; The failure by us to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of this Agreement remain in full force and effect.\n\nYou agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Service or this Agreement must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.\n\n\n\nContact us:\n\n\nFor any question you may contact us at: report@fraudsco.re\n\nCopyright 2016 Fraudscore. All rights reserved.\nUse of the Service constitutes acceptance of Fraudscore Terms of Use and Privacy Notice", "last_updated": 1470849203, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/fraudscore/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 559, "guid": "fraudsco@re.net", "id": 717957, "adu": 5873, "support": null, "version": "0.3.69", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "42.0"}}], "homepage": null, "total_dls": 57868, "status": "public", "description": "Block unwanted dangerous malware while keeping your personal information safe. Fraudscore's Artificial Intelligence tracks and blocks shady advertisements, malicious websites, and software that tries to steal your personal information. \n\nOur software does not contain advertisements and we are committed to your privacy: we will never track or store any of your personal information.\n\n\nFraudscore will:\n\n- Block dangerous websites\n- Protect you from shady advertisements\n- Stop malicious software from stealing your information\n- Protect your computer from malware\n- Stop you from being tracked by bad ads", "previews": [{"caption": "Fraudscore malware detection screen.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/176/176418.png?src=api&modified=1469418862", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/176/176418.png?src=api&modified=1469418862"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/Fraudscore/?src=api", "id": 12434942, "name": "Fraudscore"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/717/717957-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Fraudscore", "created": 1469418656, "type": "extension", "summary": "Block unwanted dangerous malware while keeping your personal information safe. Fraudscore's Artificial Intelligence tracks and blocks shady advertisements, malicious websites, and software that tries to steal your personal information.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/fraudscore/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1501142331, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/qr-code-image-generator/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 588, "guid": "jid0-RwTySlpoKU14fw7yw2AflOAihhA@jetpack", "id": 411216, "adu": 19175, "support": "http://www.qrutils.com", "version": "3.0.0", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "42.0"}}], "homepage": null, "total_dls": 260878, "status": "public", "description": "", "previews": [{"caption": "QR Code Generator in action!", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/138/138728.png?src=api&modified=1404298889", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/138/138728.png?src=api&modified=1404298889"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/138/138730.png?src=api&modified=1404298889", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/138/138730.png?src=api&modified=1404298889"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/138/138732.png?src=api&modified=1404298889", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/138/138732.png?src=api&modified=1404298889"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/webdev7/?src=api", "id": 5798370, "name": "webdev7"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/411/411216-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "QR Code Image Generator", "created": 1354770460, "type": "extension", "summary": "Create a QR code of the selected text, current url or hyperlink. Also possible to create a QR Code from free text within Firefox. Now with UTF8 support.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/qr-code-image-generator/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1510725614, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dictionary-anywhere/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 1363, "guid": "jid0-fbHwsGfb6kJyq2hj65KnbGte3yT@jetpack", "id": 608412, "adu": 28313, "support": "https://github.com/schomery/dictionary", "version": "0.3.6", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "52.0"}}], "homepage": "http://add0n.com/dictionary.html", "total_dls": 307440, "status": "public", "description": "\"Dictionary (Google\u2122 Translate) Anywhere\" add-on provides access to a floating multilingual Google Translate panel on any webpage.\n\nFeatures:\nAccess to Google Translate anywhereAutomatic spell checkingListen to input phrase and its translation in a native tongueSupport for more than 90 languages\nNote: You can even access the translation panel in PDF documents provided that the document is opened by native Firefox PDF reader\n\nNote: Whereas other translator extensions, this one works on local files as well.\n\nNote: This extension is not officially related to Google. The sole purpose of this extension is to provide an easier way to access our beloved Google Translate.", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/157/157698.png?src=api&modified=1430268989", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/157/157698.png?src=api&modified=1430268989"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/j_schomery/?src=api", "id": 11568224, "name": "Jeremy Schomery"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/608/608412-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Dictionary (Google\u2122 Translate) Anywhere", "created": 1430191725, "type": "extension", "summary": "\"Dictionary (Google\u2122 Translate) Anywhere\" extension provides access to a floating multilingual Google Translate panel on any webpage.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dictionary-anywhere/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/addondonation/10usd"}}, {"last_updated": 1525571108, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "dev_comments": "Please file any issues at github: https://github.com/samueljun/tomato-clock/issues.", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tomato-clock/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 739, "guid": "jid1-Kt2kYYgi32zPuw@jetpack", "id": 627490, "adu": 11879, "support": "https://github.com/samueljun/tomato-clock/issues", "version": "4.3.0", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "42.0"}}], "homepage": "https://github.com/samueljun/tomato-clock", "total_dls": 71050, "status": "public", "description": "Tomato Clock is a simple browser extension for managing your productivity. Use the extension to break down your work into 25 minute 'Tomato' intervals separated by short breaks. Use the long break after completing four Tomato intervals.\n\nFeatures:\n\n* Customizable timer lengths\n* Browser notifications\n* Stat tracking\n\nYou can customize the length of the Tomatoes and breaks in the extension page. The extension uses the default browser notification system, accompanied by a sound, to let you know when the timer is over. The extension also features stats for tracking how many Tomatoes you complete. Your stats are synced across devices using the browser's cloud storage support.\n\n---\n\nPlease file any issues or feature requests at https://github.com/samueljun/tomato-clock/issues.\n\n---\n\nDue to a trademark complaint, the extension was renamed from Pomodoro Clock to Tomato Clock.", "previews": [{"caption": "Start your Tomatoes from the extension panel", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/194/194335.png?src=api&modified=1513478320", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/194/194335.png?src=api&modified=1513478320"}, {"caption": "Customize the length of your timers and if there's a notification sound", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/194/194333.png?src=api&modified=1513478320", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/194/194333.png?src=api&modified=1513478320"}, {"caption": "Track how many Tomatoes you accomplish in the stats page", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/194/194334.png?src=api&modified=1513478320", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/194/194334.png?src=api&modified=1513478320"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/samueljun/?src=api", "id": 10883076, "name": "Samuel Jun"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/627/627490-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Tomato Clock", "created": 1435577074, "type": "extension", "summary": "Tomato Clock is a simple browser extension for managing your productivity.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tomato-clock/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1504518476, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "dev_comments": "Please report any problem or give us your feedback at participation@pearltrees.com\n\nFollow us on twitter and our blog.", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/pearltrees/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 180, "guid": "collector@broceliand.fr", "id": 11255, "adu": 11482, "support": null, "version": "8.1", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}], "homepage": "http://www.pearltrees.com", "total_dls": 1070550, "status": "public", "description": "What is Pearltrees ?\nPearltrees is a place to organize everything. This free service lets you organize, explore and share everything you like. Save web pages, files, photos or notes and organize them meaningful collections. Explore amazing collections that relate to your interests and subscribe to their updates. Access your account anytime and share anything from your computer, mobile and tablet. Pearltrees offers dedicated versions for individuals, Schools and Companies.\n\nWhat people are saying about Pearltrees?\n\"The most elegant and visual of collecting and sharing online content\" The Next Web\n\"Pearltrees puts a library in your pocket\" Digital Trends\n\"It makes a wonderful experience navigating the collections\" Forbes\n\nWhat makes Pearltrees unique?\n\u2605 Have everything you like at your fingertips all the time\n\u2605 Access your collections from anywhere: computers, mobiles and tablets\n\u2605 Keep everything you like: web pages, files, photos and notes\n\u2605 Browse your favorite things blazingly fast\n\u2605 Discover interesting new stuff in your areas of interests \n\u2605 Collaborate on your favorite topics\n\u2605 Share all of this!\n\nMore details in this video.", "previews": [{"caption": "Organize, explore and share everything you like", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/147/147318.png?src=api&modified=1417402332", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/147/147318.png?src=api&modified=1417402332"}, {"caption": "Save web pages, files, photos, notes and more...", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/147/147320.png?src=api&modified=1417402332", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/147/147320.png?src=api&modified=1417402332"}, {"caption": "Create beautiful collections and organize your favorite topics", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/147/147322.png?src=api&modified=1417402332", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/147/147322.png?src=api&modified=1417402332"}, {"caption": "Explore millions of contents and collaborate on your interests", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/147/147324.png?src=api&modified=1417402332", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/147/147324.png?src=api&modified=1417402332"}, {"caption": "Create your account to have a place to organize all your interests!", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/147/147326.png?src=api&modified=1417402332", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/147/147326.png?src=api&modified=1417402332"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/pearltrees/?src=api", "id": 4556620, "name": "Pearltrees"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/11/11255-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Pearltrees", "created": 1238064776, "type": "extension", "summary": "Pearltrees lets you organize everything.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/pearltrees/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1523276428, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/lesspass/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 158, "guid": "contact@lesspass.com", "id": 703289, "adu": 2797, "support": "https://lesspass.com", "version": "3.1.2", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}], "homepage": "https://github.com/lesspass/webextension", "total_dls": 70854, "status": "public", "description": "This add-on allows you to build LessPass passwords directly in your browser.\n\nLessPass is a password manager that guarantees you to generate the same password on the basis of unique information you provide. You can use LessPass to create passwords for various internet services (social networks , email, server passwords , ...).\n\nYou can use this extension to generate complex password for your sites without the need to store them. You are the only one to know the information needed to generate a password. You can regenerate your passwords anywhere. No database, no sync needed.\n\nTip: Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + L to launch LessPass", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/194/194477.png?src=api&modified=1513677017", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/194/194477.png?src=api&modified=1513677017"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/194/194478.png?src=api&modified=1513677015", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/194/194478.png?src=api&modified=1513677015"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/guillaumevincent/?src=api", "id": 12310873, "name": "Guillaume Vincent"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/703/703289-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "lesspass", "created": 1463591061, "type": "extension", "summary": "Use LessPass add-on to generate complex passwords and log in automatically to all your sites", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/lesspass/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1514959208, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/auto-sort-bookmarks/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 242, "guid": "sortbookmarks@bouanto", "id": 392659, "adu": 6645, "support": "https://github.com/eric-bixby/auto-sort-bookmarks-webext/issues", "version": "3.2", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "52.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "52.0"}}], "homepage": "https://github.com/eric-bixby/auto-sort-bookmarks-webext", "total_dls": 286703, "status": "public", "description": "Provides a way to sort bookmarks automatically or manually. This extension considers separators by sorting bookmarks between separators.\n\nBackup your current bookmarks in case you do not like the new bookmarks order.\n\nReviewers: Your constructive feedback is appreciated. However, if you need technical support, discover a bug, or have a feature request, then write an issue on the support site.\n\nSettings:\n Auto-sort: If this option is enabled, the bookmarks will be sorted when bookmarks are added, changed, moved or deleted. This means you cannot move any bookmarks in the same folder, unless it is moved over a separator. Inactivity Wait: Specifies how long to wait (in seconds) for inactivity before sorting bookmarks. This applies to automatic and manual sorting. Minimum value of 3 and maximum of 255. Case Insensitive: If this option is enabled, the bookmarks will be sorted without considering the letter case. Sort By: Specifies the first sort criteria to sort the bookmarks. Inverse Order: if this option is enabled, the order specified in 'Sort By' will be reversed. So the order will be descending. Then Sort By: Specifies the second sort criteria to sort the bookmarks. Inverse Second Order: If this option is enabled, the order specified in 'Then Sort By' will be reversed. Sort Folder By: Specifies a sort criteria to sort folders. Inverse Folder Order: If this option is enabled, the order speficied in 'Sort Folder By' will be reversed. Folder Sort Order: Specifies the folder sort order. Minimum value of 1 and maximum of 2. Bookmark Sort Order: Specifies the bookmark sort order. Minimum value of 1 and maximum of 2. Logging: If this option is enabled, debug information will be shown in the browser console.\tConfigure Folders: This button opens a new tab allowing you to exclude folders when sorting. If you uncheck the checkbox next to a folder, it won't be sorted, but the children folders will be sorted. If you want to exclude a folder recursively from being sorted, check the recursive checkbox.", "previews": [], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/ebixby/?src=api", "id": 11846640, "name": "Eric Bixby"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/392/392659-32.png?modified=1514960423", "name": "Auto-Sort Bookmarks", "created": 1346151229, "type": "extension", "summary": "Sort bookmarks by multiple criteria", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/auto-sort-bookmarks/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1505551528, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ubo-scope/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 254, "guid": "uBO-Scope@raymondhill.net", "id": 847740, "adu": 1954, "support": "https://github.com/gorhill/uBO-Scope", "version": "0.1.10", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "55.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "55.0"}}], "homepage": "https://github.com/gorhill/uBO-Scope", "total_dls": 15892, "status": "public", "description": "Warnings:\n\nuBO-Scope will be able to function accurately only for WebExtensions-based blockers -- it is unable to do its job properly with legacy-based blockers.\n\nThe popup panel of this extension may sometimes be affected by an issue which has been fixed in Firefox 57:\n\"WebExtension browser action popup scrolls to the top on changing an element's style\"\nhttps://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1324499\n\n***\n\nYou should read the documentation to better understand purpose and usage:\nhttps://github.com/gorhill/uBO-Scope#preamble\n\nTo inform you about your own third-party exposure on the web pages you visit through a third party exposure score.\n\nImportant: The lower the 3rd-party exposure score, the better.\n\nThird-party (\"3rd-party\") exposure is quite an important component of the more general concept of privacy exposure.\n\nIn the scope of uBO-Scope, \"3rd-party\" is defined as follow:\n\nA network request to a remote server which has a different base domain name than the base domain name of the URL in the address bar is deemed \"3rd-party\".\n\nA 3rd-party exposure score is derived not only from the number of distinct third parties on a web page, but also from the ubiquitousness of each of these distinct third parties.\n\nThe ubiquitousness of a specific 3rd party is measured according to how frequently this 3rd party is used on web pages you visit. This means the ubiquitousness of a 3rd party will be representative of your browsing history and whether the 3rd party was blocked or not on the pages you visited.\n\nuBO-Scope does not alter network traffic, it only observes it. For every network request, blocked or allowed, it will extract the base domain name. If the base domain name of the network request is different from the base domain name extracted from the URL of the web page, the network request will be deemed 3rd-party and uBO-Scope will store the pair [3rd-party base domain name, 1st-party base domain name] in its database, to be used to compute and show your overall 3rd-party exposure score of web pages you visit in the future.\n\nYour 3rd-party exposure score depends on your past browsing history and the tools you used (if any) which have blocked network requests, and how these tools (if any) are configured. uBO-Scope does not depend on uBlock Origin to do its job, it will work with any content blocker, or no content blocker.", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/187/187927.png?src=api&modified=1505478383", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/187/187927.png?src=api&modified=1505478383"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/187/187928.png?src=api&modified=1505478383", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/187/187928.png?src=api&modified=1505478383"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/187/187929.png?src=api&modified=1505478383", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/187/187929.png?src=api&modified=1505478383"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/gorhill/?src=api", "id": 11423598, "name": "Raymond Hill"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/847/847740-32.png?modified=1505553622", "name": "uBO-Scope", "created": 1503679327, "type": "extension", "summary": "A tool to measure your 3rd-party exposure score for web sites you visit.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ubo-scope/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1523491814, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/https-everywhere/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 26999, "guid": "https-everywhere@eff.org", "id": 229918, "adu": 492221, "support": "https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere", "version": "2018.4.11", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "52.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "52.0"}}], "homepage": "https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere", "total_dls": 4056218, "status": "public", "description": "Many sites on the web offer some limited support for encryption over HTTPS, but make it difficult to use. For instance, they may default to unencrypted HTTP, or fill encrypted pages with links that go back to the unencrypted site.\n\nThe HTTPS Everywhere extension fixes these problems by rewriting all requests to these sites to HTTPS.", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/176/176226.png?src=api&modified=1468886911", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/176/176226.png?src=api&modified=1468886911"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/eff-technologists/?src=api", "id": 5474073, "name": "EFF Technologists"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/229/229918-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "HTTPS Everywhere", "created": 1284649750, "type": "extension", "summary": "Encrypt the web! HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox extension to protect your communications by enabling HTTPS encryption automatically on sites that are known to support it, even when you type URLs or follow links that omit the https: prefix.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/https-everywhere/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1527027606, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "dev_comments": "The latest version of LibreJS is always available here: http://www.gnu.org/software/librejs/", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/librejs/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 88, "guid": "jid1-KtlZuoiikVfFew@jetpack", "id": 350590, "adu": 655, "support": "https://gnu.org/software/librejs", "version": "7.14.1", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0"}}], "homepage": "https://www.gnu.org/software/librejs/", "total_dls": 22864, "status": "public", "description": "GNU LibreJS --an add-on for GNU IceCat and Mozilla Firefox-- detects and blocks nonfree nontrivial JavaScript while allowing its execution on pages containing code that is either trivial and/or free.\n\nMany websites run nontrivial JavaScript on your computer. Some use it for complex tasks; many use it gratuitously for minor jobs that could be done easily with plain HTML. Sometimes this JavaScript code is malicious. Either way, the JavaScript code is often nonfree. For explanation of the issue, see The JavaScript Trap.\n\nIf you care about freedom in your computing, and don't wish to let all and sundry make you run nonfree programs, now you can prevent it by using LibreJS.", "previews": [{"caption": "LibreJS showing the panel on a page with free JavaScript.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/202/202329.png?src=api&modified=1526071827", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/202/202329.png?src=api&modified=1526071827"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/lduros/?src=api", "id": 5942745, "name": "Loic J. Duros"}, {"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/nnyby/?src=api", "id": 11079870, "name": "nnyby"}, {"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/rubenquidam/?src=api", "id": 11729378, "name": "Ruben Rodriguez"}, {"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/NateN1222/?src=api", "id": 12985142, "name": "NateN1222"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/350/350590-32.png?modified=1527031225", "name": "GNU LibreJS", "created": 1321862688, "type": "extension", "summary": "GNU LibreJS aims to address the JavaScript problem described in Richard Stallman's article The JavaScript Trap. It is a free add-on for Mozilla browsers. It blocks nonfree nontrivial JavaScript while allowing JavaScript that is free and/or trivial.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/librejs/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1517524807, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/location-guard/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 1015, "guid": "jid1-HdwPLukcGQeOSh@jetpack", "id": 496120, "adu": 15512, "support": "https://github.com/chatziko/location-guard/issues", "version": "2.1.3", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "56.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "55.0"}}], "homepage": "https://github.com/chatziko/location-guard", "total_dls": 516519, "status": "public", "description": "Modern browsers such as Mozilla Firefox can tell websites where you're located in order to provide location-aware functionality. Your geographic location is obtained through various means (eg. using wifi data) and is often highly accurate, which can be a violation of your privacy.\n\nThis extension allows you to enjoy the useful applications of geolocation while protecting your privacy. It does so by reporting a fake location to websites, obtained by adding a certain amount of \"noise\" to the real location. The noise is randomly selected in a way that ensures that the real location cannot be inferred with high accuracy.\n\nThree configurable privacy levels are provided. The higher the privacy level the greater the amount of noise, which gives better privacy at the expense of a less accurate fake location. This can be configured per-website for flexibility: a more accurate location can be provided for driving directions than for a weather forecast. There's also an option to use a fixed location, instead of adding noise to the real one. This offers the best privacy (no dependence on the real location at all), at the cost of very low accuracy.\n\nNote: your location can be also detected from your IP address, but usually with poor accuracy. Location Guard protects the accurate location revealed through the javascript API.", "previews": [{"caption": "Location guard in use on openstreetmap.org", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/152/152196.png?src=api&modified=1422927979", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/152/152196.png?src=api&modified=1422927979"}, {"caption": "Privacy levels configuration.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/152/152198.png?src=api&modified=1422927979", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/152/152198.png?src=api&modified=1422927979"}, {"caption": "Location Guard on Android.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/152/152264.png?src=api&modified=1422927980", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/152/152264.png?src=api&modified=1422927980"}, {"caption": "Options page on Android.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/152/152266.png?src=api&modified=1422927980", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/152/152266.png?src=api&modified=1422927980"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/chatziko/?src=api", "id": 11105256, "name": "Kostas Chatzikokolakis"}, {"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/paracetamolo/?src=api", "id": 10695384, "name": "Marco Stronati"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/496/496120-32.png?modified=1517527222", "name": "Location Guard", "created": 1395436437, "type": "extension", "summary": "Hide your geographic location from websites. Report a fake location with the addition of random noise in order to protect your privacy. Per site settings with three configurable levels of accuracy or even the possibility to use a fixed location.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/location-guard/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1526471710, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 372251, "guid": "{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}", "id": 1865, "adu": 11823178, "support": "http://adblockplus.org/forum/", "version": "3.1", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "51.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "51.0"}}], "homepage": "https://adblockplus.org/", "total_dls": 478197286, "status": "public", "description": "Adblock Plus allows you to regain control of the internet and view the web the way you want to. The add-on is supported by over forty filter subscriptions in dozens of languages which automatically configure it for purposes ranging from removing online advertising to blocking all known malware domains. Adblock Plus also allows you to customize your filters with the assistance of a variety of useful features, including a context option for images, a block tab for Flash and Java objects, and a list of blockable items to remove scripts and stylesheets.\n\nStarting with Adblock Plus 2.0 there is an option in Filter Preferences to allow some non-intrusive advertising. The goal is to support websites using non-intrusive ways to advertise and to encourage more websites to do the same. Read more", "previews": [{"caption": "Easily remove all annoying ads from Firefox.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/137/137084.png?src=api&modified=1401935427", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/137/137084.png?src=api&modified=1401935427"}, {"caption": "Adblock Plus can do more than adblocking. Enable powerful features in one click.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/137/137086.png?src=api&modified=1401935427", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/137/137086.png?src=api&modified=1401935427"}, {"caption": "Clean up your Facebook experience with Adblock Plus.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/137/137088.png?src=api&modified=1401935427", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/137/137088.png?src=api&modified=1401935427"}, {"caption": "Adblock Plus even removes those annoying 30-second video ads on YouTube.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/137/137090.png?src=api&modified=1401935427", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/137/137090.png?src=api&modified=1401935427"}, {"caption": "Remove all annoying blinking banners!", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/137/137092.png?src=api&modified=1401935427", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/137/137092.png?src=api&modified=1401935427"}, {"caption": "Browse the web as it once used to be.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/137/137094.png?src=api&modified=1401935427", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/137/137094.png?src=api&modified=1401935427"}, {"caption": "Please help us by reporting bugs.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/137/137096.png?src=api&modified=1401935427", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/137/137096.png?src=api&modified=1401935427"}, {"caption": "You can even create your own blocking lists to customize the web to your exact needs.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/137/137098.png?src=api&modified=1401935427", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/137/137098.png?src=api&modified=1401935427"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/Eyeo/?src=api", "id": 13462625, "name": "Eyeo"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/1/1865-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Adblock Plus", "created": 1137482910, "type": "extension", "summary": "Blocks annoying video ads on YouTube, Facebook ads, banners and much more.\n\nAdblock Plus blocks all annoying ads, and supports websites by not blocking unobtrusive ads by default (configurable).", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1523569810, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "dev_comments": "YouTube download in a single click:\n * Download YouTube As MP4.\n * Download YouTube As FLV.\n * Download YouTube As 3GP.\n * Download YouTube HD videos - high definition videos.\n", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1-click-youtube-video-downl/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 63068, "guid": "YoutubeDownloader@PeterOlayev.com", "id": 13990, "adu": 674398, "support": null, "version": "4.0.92", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "52.0a2"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "52.0a2"}}], "homepage": "http://www.clickvideodownload.com", "total_dls": 28610579, "status": "public", "description": "Download YouTube videos quickly and easily!\nThis is an easy YouTube Video Downloader - If all you need is a simple, intuitive, and non-intrusive Add-on to download YouTube videos, seek no more.\n1-Click YouTube Video Download is a great Download Helper Tool and works great in combination with Video DownloadHelper, DownThemAll and FlashGot.\n\nHow it works?\nThis Add-on adds a simple red button to YouTube video pages, which enables you to download videos.\nThe button is integrated in a simple manner below the video and next to other YouTube buttons (check the screenshots).\nClick this button to populate a list of available formats to download and select the one you want.\n\nDownload options\nThese are the formats and qualities available:\n- MP4 720p (1280 x 720)\n- MP4 360p (640 x 360)\n- WebM 360p (640 x 360)\n- 3GP 240p (320 x 240)\n- 3GP 144p (176 \u00d7 144)\n\n480p and 1080p are no longer available as a direct download from YouTube.\nYouTube support them only through DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming), which means the video is split into 2 separate files - video and audio and is required to be merged together to get a fully watchable video.\nTo merge audio and video, it requires special tools like \"ffmpeg\" and \"avconv\" and also requires an additional installation (something that may be supported by this Add-on in the future).\n\nImportant - How to report bugs\nIf you find any bugs, please feel free to send an email to \"support@clickvideodownload.com\", rather than just give bad reviews with the bug mentioned there :(\nA great deal of effort will be made to reply within a couple of days.\n\nHow to watch downloaded videos?\nAfter downloading videos, you can play them using these free applications (or similar to these):\n- VLC - Windows/Mac/Linux - very popular\n- Windows Media Player Windows Media Player 12 - Windows\n- iTunes - Windows/Mac\n\nOther stuff\nFLV format is no longer available ever since YouTube stopped supporting Flash Player.", "previews": [{"caption": "The easiest YouTube Downloader!\r\nOne simple button that does it all...", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/192/192921.png?src=api&modified=1511794295", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/192/192921.png?src=api&modified=1511794295"}, {"caption": "To Download a YouTube video - whenever you're on a video page in YouTube you'll see the \"Download\" button, click on it to populate the list of files.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/192/192922.png?src=api&modified=1511794295", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/192/192922.png?src=api&modified=1511794295"}, {"caption": "Supports all formats! MP4, FLV, WebM, 3GP.\r\nSupports all qualities! 144p, 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p, 3072p.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/192/192923.png?src=api&modified=1511794295", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/192/192923.png?src=api&modified=1511794295"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/the-1-click-youtube-video-download-team/?src=api", "id": 4885287, "name": "The 1-Click YouTube Video Download Team"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/13/13990-32.png?modified=1523571624", "name": "1-Click YouTube Video Download", "created": 1251545297, "type": "extension", "summary": "The simplest YouTube Video Downloader for all of YouTube videos.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1-click-youtube-video-downl/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1522080609, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "dev_comments": "If you have problems installing or using FlashVideoDownloader, you should have a look at the following resources:\n* FAQ: http://www.flashvideodownloader.org/faq.php\n* Contact form: http://www.flashvideodownloader.org/fvd-suite/contact/index.php\n* Our blog: http://www.flashvideodownloader.org/blog/", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/flash-video-downloader/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 52262, "guid": "artur.dubovoy@gmail.com", "id": 6584, "adu": 677716, "support": "https://fvdmedia.userecho.com/list/21650-firefox-extensions/?category=4944", "version": "16.0.12", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "50.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "50.0"}}], "homepage": "http://www.flashvideodownloader.org/", "total_dls": 51285903, "status": "public", "description": "Flash Video Downloader \u2013 the add-on that will help you download video and audio from practically any website.\n\nFlash Video Downloader helps you find links to videos, pictures, audio and files of other formats (such as .swf or .exe) on the site you are viewing.\n\nWhen the arrow on the add-on button changes its color to blue, it means that the add-on has found a downloadable video on the page that you are viewing.\n\nFor instance, you will be able to record video from YouTube in several different formats (HD, MP4, Low FLV, etc.).\n\nIt\u2019s worth pointing out that the add-on can also filter out ad clips!\n\nCurrently supported sites: YouTube, Google Video (video.google.com), DailyMotion (dailymotion.com), Metacafe (metacafe.com),\u00a0Break.com\u00a0(break.com),\u00a0Blip.tv\u00a0(blip.tv),\u00a0MyVideo.de\u00a0(myvideo.de) and others.\n\nNow you can download Flash games from:\ngamespot.com,\u00a0community.games.com,\u00a0armorgames.com,\u00a0net-games.biz,\u00a0gamesvine.com,\u00a0zoopgames.com,flashgames247.com\nWhen you get the download link, right click on it >> Save Target As\n\n* Download video in mp4 (iPod)\n* Download video in avi format\n* You can now choose and set hotkeys\n* You can now set a favorites folder and save all your videos there\n* The plug-in button changes shape depending on the site you are visiting\n* New tube sites added\n* Now you can search videos\n* You can download several embedded videos from one page!\n* User can download embedded YouTube videos from any site if there is only one embedded video on the page!\n\nWe do not download video protected by copyright law such as videos from Vevo, Warner Bros, Sony Music, etc.! Please read our license. You are responsible for downloading media that is copyrighted.\n\nUse this add-on as your favorite Facebook downloader, video downloader, Metacafe downloader", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/180/180291.png?src=api&modified=1479319619", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/180/180291.png?src=api&modified=1479319619"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/180/180292.png?src=api&modified=1479319619", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/180/180292.png?src=api&modified=1479319619"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/180/180293.png?src=api&modified=1479319619", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/180/180293.png?src=api&modified=1479319619"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/NextGenDev/?src=api", "id": 810766, "name": "FVD Media"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/6/6584-32.png?modified=1522081222", "name": "Flash Video Downloader - YouTube HD Download [4K]", "created": 1203794783, "type": "extension", "summary": "\u2605 Most popular and ONLY \u2605 Video Downloader that downloads most of the Streaming Videos, YouTube 4K and Full HD. Flash Video Downloader helps you to download any video from YouTube, Facebook, etc. You can download mp3, music and more.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/flash-video-downloader/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1526426411, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "dev_comments": "The Flash and Video Download is a powerful tool.\nI would love to hear you thought about this downloader, you are welcome to suggest any new ideas how to improve the download process or the downloader UI.\n", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/download-flash-and-video/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 49024, "guid": "{bee6eb20-01e0-ebd1-da83-080329fb9a3a}", "id": 53003, "adu": 580038, "support": null, "version": "3.1.4", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "52.0a2"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "52.0a2"}}], "homepage": "www.fnvfox.com", "total_dls": 23701333, "status": "public", "description": "FLASH AND VIDEO DOWNLOAD:\nDownload Flash and videos with a single click - the only download tool that is a video downloader and a flash downloader mix together.\nYou can download any flash file on the web plus Flash games on Facebook or any other web site of Flash games. Compatible with DownThemAll and NoScript.\nThe downloader is great for users who like to visit YouTube and download videos, or like to play Flash games on the internet and download them later.\n\nDOWNLOAD VIDEOS FROM:\nDownload web videos from YouTube, Dailymotion, Google Videos, Facebook, Metacafe, MySpace Video, Break.com, Blip.tv, MyVideo.de, Spike, vimeo.com, YourFileHost, zippyvideos.com, yikers.com, revver.com, kontraband.com, collegehumor.com, blastro.com and all the other popular of flash videos sites.\nYou can download videos in popular formats.\n\nDOWNLOAD FLASH FROM:\nDownload Flash Games from community.games.com, gamespot.com, zoopgames.com, armorgames.com, net-games.biz, gamesvine.com, flashgames247.com and other popular flash download web sites.\n\nDOWNLOAD PROCEES:\nThe download process is very easy, whenever you want to download a flash or a video from a site, just click on the status bar icon (see screenshots), and choose the desired file to download and the downloader will start immediately (to download Flash files you need to choose the files with the swf extension, downloading videos option will be enabled once you're visit one of the popular videos websites)\n\nAs a super user myself who likes to download videos from the internet (as a super user, FlashGot Downthemall NoScript and AdBlock are my must addons of course :)), if you are like me, this download helper is for you.", "previews": [{"caption": "Download YouTube Videos!", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/186/186754.png?src=api&modified=1502059062", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/186/186754.png?src=api&modified=1502059062"}, {"caption": "Download Dailymotion Videos!", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/186/186755.png?src=api&modified=1502059062", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/186/186755.png?src=api&modified=1502059062"}, {"caption": "2 themes to select from - \"Light\" and \"Dark\"!\r\n(Set in the options menu from the Add-ons page)", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/178/178479.png?src=api&modified=1502059062", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/178/178479.png?src=api&modified=1502059062"}, {"caption": "Download Vimeo Videos!", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/186/186753.png?src=api&modified=1502059062", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/186/186753.png?src=api&modified=1502059062"}, {"caption": "Download Flash Games!", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/186/186756.png?src=api&modified=1502059062", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/186/186756.png?src=api&modified=1502059062"}, {"caption": "Full support for all YouTube / Dailymotion formats in any quality!", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/178/178478.png?src=api&modified=1502059062", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/178/178478.png?src=api&modified=1502059062"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/download-flash-and-video/?src=api", "id": 5051851, "name": "Download Flash and Video"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/53/53003-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Download Flash and Video", "created": 1259920640, "type": "extension", "summary": "Download Flash and Video is a great download helper tool that lets you download Flash games and Flash videos (YouTube, Facebook, Dailymotion, Google Videos and more) with a single click.\nThe downloader is very easy to use.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/download-flash-and-video/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1527027714, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "dev_comments": "Since this is not a support forum, you won't receive any help here, while your question will likely disappear.\n\nIf you need support, please\n1) read the FAQ: https://noscript.net/faq \n2) visit this forum: https://noscript.net/forum \n3) contact me directly: httpsmaone.net\n\nYou're welcome!\n\nINSTALLATION ISSUES ARE COVERED BY FAQ 2.1, https://noscript.net/faq#qa2_1\n\nIMPORTANT: before asking or commenting about the *completely anonymous* request made to https://secure.informaction.com/ipecho on startup, or the those sent to your own WAN IP periodically, please read about the WAN IP protection feature at http://noscript.net/abe/wan (mentioned also in the release notes for 2.0 and in the privacy policy here). If you're in doubt about the full anonymity and total privacy of this feature, just check (or let someone you trust check) the source code here, the file is content/DNS.js. Thanks.", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/noscript/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 34381, "guid": "{73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232}", "id": 722, "adu": 1042124, "support": "https://noscript.net/forum", "version": "", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "59.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "59.0"}}], "homepage": "https://noscript.net", "total_dls": 120268448, "status": "public", "description": "IMPORTANT\nA Basic NoScript 10 Guide\n\nStill confused by NoScript 10's new UI?\nCheck this user-contributed NoScript 10 primer.\nand this NoScript 10 \"Quantum\" vs NoScript 5 \"Classic\" (or \"Legacy\") comparison.\n\nWinner of the \"PC World World Class Award\" and bundled with the Tor Browser, NoScript gives you with the best available protection on the web.\n\nIt allows JavaScript, Flash, Java and other executable content to run only from trusted domains of your choice, e.g. your home-banking site, mitigating remotely exploitable vulnerabilities including Spectre and Meltdown.\n\nIt protects your \"trust boundaries\" against cross-site scripting attacks (XSS), cross-zone DNS rebinding / CSRF attacks (router hacking), and Clickjacking attempts, thanks to its unique ClearClick technology. \n\nSuch a preemptive approach prevents exploitation of security vulnerabilities (known and even unknown!) with no loss of functionality where you need it.\nExperts do agree: Firefox is really safer with NoScript ;-)\n\nFAQ: https://noscript.net/faq\nForum: https://noscript.net/forum", "previews": [{"caption": "Enable JavaScript only where you're sure it is safe, with ONE CLICK!", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/0/846.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/0/846.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "NoScript can block any kind of potentially dangerous active content, not just JavaScript!", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/1/1060.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/1/1060.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "NoScript's ClearClick module is the first and only client-side protection against Clickjacking!", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/1/1062.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/1/1062.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "NoScript's powerful XSS filter has been the first and is still the most effective.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/52/52395.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/52/52395.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/giorgio-maone/?src=api", "id": 143, "name": "Giorgio Maone"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/0/722-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "NoScript Security Suite", "created": 1115981492, "type": "extension", "summary": "The best security you can get in a web browser!\nAllow active content to run only from sites you trust, and protect yourself against XSS and Clickjacking attacks, \"Spectre\", \"Meltdown\" and other JavaScript exploits.\nFx52? https://noscript.net/getit", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/noscript/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/NoScript"}}, {"last_updated": 1522843212, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/s3google-translator/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 14828, "guid": "s3google@translator", "id": 285546, "adu": 305027, "support": "http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=2829503", "version": "6.15", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "52.0"}}], "homepage": "http://www.s3blog.org/s3translator.html", "total_dls": 6092577, "status": "public", "description": "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\nIMPORTANT:\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nOld name: \"S3.Google Translator\"\nNew name - now this \"S3.Translator\"\n\nSince version 6.1, S3.Translator is now fully compatible with WebExtensions (Firefox 52+) and Google Chrome\nthe latest XUL version for older versions of Firefox, SeaMonkey and PaleMoon is here:\nhttps://addons.mozilla.org/addon/s3google-translator/versions/5.35\n\nThunderbird:\nhttps://addons.mozilla.org/thunderbird/addon/s3google-translator/versions/5.35\n\nWhy S3.Translator was remade for WebExtensions?\n\nThis is the inevitable change in Firefox - all Xul-addons will die out in Firefox 57\nhttps://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2017/02/16/the-road-to-firefox-57-compatibility-milestones/\n\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\nTranslate-WebExtensions Limitations:\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n1. Not processed some sites from mozilla.org and google.com\n2. Not processed on sites that do not have pages, for example error 404 (page not found)\n3. Not processed on internal Firefox and GoogleChrome pages, for example about:addons , about:config , chrome://extensions/ , chrome://settings/ , etc.\n4. Not processed on the extensions pages \"moz-extension://....\" , \"chrome-extension://....\"\n\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\nAbout Permissions:\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n> Access your data for all websites\n> Access browser tabs\n> Access browser activity during navigation\n\nfor translations web-sites, for translation selected text, for showing fly-translate-window\n\n> Get data from the clipboard\n\nfor translate text from clipboard\n\n> Input data to the clipboard\n\nfor copy text\n\n> Display notifications to you\n\nfor notify after copy text\n\n> Store unlimited amount of client-side data\n\nfor store a extension settings\n\n> Download files and read and modify the browser\u2019s download history\n\nfor backup (save and load) your preferences\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nS3.Translator - this extension for Firefox browser make much easy visit of websites on foreign language.\n\nNew Features:\nLanguage learning!\nNow you can not only translate, but also learn the selected language!How do I use the Learning Language mode?\n http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?p=13761749#p13761749Automatic translation of subtitles on YouTube!\nFor enable/disable: Open settings - tab Translate - YouTube SubtitlesText-to-Speech!\nOptions: Actions: \"Selected text\" and \"Single word\"\nThe extension uses the Google translation public API http://translate.google.com/ and therefore it have more than 100 languages which you can use for quick translation.\n\nAlso, the extension able to auto-detect the language of the original text.\n\nThere are a lot of simple and complex extensions for Firefox browser but they all have same problem: when translating, the format of selected text is lost, while S3.Translator retains the HTML formatting of web pages.\n\nI hope that this extension will be very useful for you.\n\nHint!\nFor translation and normal work on the pages of addons.mozilla.org\nonly for Firefox 57+\n\n1. in the address bar: about:config\n2. right-click to create a logical\n3. setting name: privacy.resistFingerprinting.block_mozAddonManager\n4. value: true\n\nMozilla changed the functionality in Firefox 60. Firefox 60 comes with a new preference called extensions.webextensions.restrictedDomains which lists domains that WebExtensions are not permitted to run on by default.\n\n1. load about:config?filter=extensions.webextensions.restrictedDomains in the Firefox address bar\n2. remove one, some or all of the domains listed under value to remove the restriction\n\nyou do not need to restart the browser, just update the tab addons.mozilla.orgPress \"Ctrl\" + \"Translate full page\" - for translate full page via Google Web siteAutomatic translation algorithm when source and target languages are the same (en->en, fr->fr, ru->ru, etc.)\nlaunch a translation.if both languages (source and target) are the same, the add-on checks the target one and if it is not the default translation language, it then translates to it.if it is the default translation language, the add-on checks that \"Language Learning\" is enabled, if it is and the source language is the same as the studied one (in the settings: \"replace phrase in this language\"), it then translates to the studied language.if it doesn't match neither point 2 nor point 3, then it is left as is: en->en, fr->fr, ru->ru, etc.\n\n============\nS3.Translator for Google Chrome:\nhttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/s3translator/debnnjfbneojbmioajinefnflopdohjk\n\n\n============\nforums mozillaZine:\nhttp://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=2829503\n\nforums mozilla-russia:\nhttps://forum.mozilla-russia.org/viewtopic.php?id=54242\n\n----\nMozilla\u2019s Pick of the Month: S3.Google Translator\nhttps://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2013/11/01/november-featured-add-ons/", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/190/190877.png?src=api&modified=1514932666", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/190/190877.png?src=api&modified=1514932666"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/190/190540.png?src=api&modified=1514932666", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/190/190540.png?src=api&modified=1514932666"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/190/190541.png?src=api&modified=1514932666", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/190/190541.png?src=api&modified=1514932666"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/190/190542.png?src=api&modified=1514932666", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/190/190542.png?src=api&modified=1514932666"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/190/190543.png?src=api&modified=1514932666", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/190/190543.png?src=api&modified=1514932666"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/192/192716.png?src=api&modified=1514932666", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/192/192716.png?src=api&modified=1514932666"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/senselius/?src=api", "id": 5642089, "name": "Oleksandr"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/285/285546-32.png?modified=1526564702", "name": "S3.Translator", "created": 1298445452, "type": "extension", "summary": "S3.Translator adds the power of Google Translate\u2019s automatic translations to your browser! \nIt supports translation of selected text, entered phrase or whole webpage between any of 100+ languages.\n\nNew Feature: Language learning!", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/s3google-translator/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/s3blog4u/10"}}, {"last_updated": 1525295710, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "dev_comments": "Note for NoScript users:\n\nPLEASE BE SURE THAT IMTRANSLATOR RECORD HAS DEFAULT SETTINGS \"FETCH\" ON", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/imtranslator/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 14087, "guid": "{9AA46F4F-4DC7-4c06-97AF-5035170634FE}", "id": 2257, "adu": 197042, "support": "http://imtranslator.net/plugin-tr.asp", "version": "14.6", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0"}}], "homepage": "http://about.imtranslator.net/tutorials/presentations/imtranslator-translator-for-firefox/", "total_dls": 25473022, "status": "public", "description": "**************************************************************\nTranslator, Dictionary, Voice\n\nThe new version allows you to listen to the translation as well as to the original text in ImTranslator Pop-up Bubble.\n\nWe added Speaker icon \"Listen to the translation\" in to Pop-up Bubble window before translation.\nNow, the Pop-up Bubble tool bar Speaker icon is dedicated to listening to the original (selected) text.\n\nNOW YOU CAN CHOOSE A DOMAIN FOR GOOGLE TRANSLATE SERVICE \n\nUSE GOOGLE, MICROSOFT BING AND OTHER TRANSLATORS\n\nImTranslator translates selected text up to 5,000 characters, single words using Dictionary, phrases and webpages. ImTranslator translates between more than 100 languages using three translation providers (Google, Microsoft Bing, Translator). The extension contains 5 translation applications: ImTranslator, Pop-up Bubble, Inline Translator, Translator, and Webpage Translation.\n\n************************************************************************\nTranslate selected text with:\nImTranslator where you can edit text and see reverse translationFloating Pop-up Bubble Inline Translator with embedded side-by-side highlighted translationTranslator using helpful language tools (virtual keyboard, speller, dictionary, decoder)\nTranslate Words with Dictionary via:\nFloating Pop-up BubbleImTranslator with voiceInline Translator with embedded highlighted translation\nTranslate Webpages (including HTTPS pages)\n\n************************************************************************\nTranslation applications\n Inline Translator (embedded translation): Alt+C ImTranslator (translation in window): Ctrl+Alt+Z Pop-up Bubble (pop-up translation): Alt Translator (translation in window) Webpage Translation: Alt+P\nFeatures:\ntranslation between more than 90 languagesup to 5 thousand characters per translation5 translation applicationsmultiple translation providers (Google Translate, Microsoft Bing, Translator)words translation using Dictionaryswitch between Translator and Dictionary modes (ImTranslator)translation of the entire webpage with mouseover translation optiontranslation historytext-to-speechautomatic language detectionback translationshortcuts customizationcomplete customization of each translation toolpossibility to disable multiple translation providersmultilingual text input with virtual keyboard (Translator)text editing (Translator)spelling checking in 8 languages (Translator)dictionary search in 8 languages (Translator)Russian text encoding and transliteration (Translator)language synchronization (Translator)auto functions (Translator)interface localization in 23 languagesprinting (Translator)\n************************************************************************\nImTranslator Tutorial: http://about.imtranslator.net/tutorials/presentations/imtranslator-translator-for-firefox/\n\n***********************************************************************\nFollow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ImTranslator\n************************************************************************\n\nTranslation Applications\nInline Translator: performs a unique translation of a selected text on a webpage by splitting it into sentences, and inserts the translation into a webpage while keeping the original formatting.\nTutorial: http://about.imtranslator.net/tutorials/presentations/imtranslator-translator-for-firefox/firefox-inline-translator/\nImTranslator: performs an instant translation of words, phrases and text between 91 languages using 3 translation providers.\nTutorial: http://about.imtranslator.net/tutorials/presentations/imtranslator-translator-for-firefox/imtranslator-application/\nPop-up Bubble: translates selected words, sentences and text on any website and displays the translation in a pop-up bubble without leaving the page.\nTutorial: http://about.imtranslator.net/tutorials/presentations/imtranslator-translator-for-firefox/popup-bubble-application/\nTranslator: performs instant translation of text, phrases and words using various language tools.\nTutorial: http://about.imtranslator.net/tutorials/presentations/imtranslator-translator-for-firefox/translator-application/\nWebpage Translation: translates an entire webpage between more than 100 languages with mouseover translation option.\nTutorial: http://about.imtranslator.net/tutorials/presentations/imtranslator-translator-for-firefox/webpage-translation/\n\nThe interface of ImTranslator is localized to 23 languages: English, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, Filipino, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese, Ukrainian languages.\n\n***********************************************************************\nHow to launch ImTranslator\nclick ImTranslator button on the Firefox toolbarright-click context menu ImTranslator, then choose preferred translation applicationchoose a preferred translator from the Firefox Tools, ImTranslator menuuse shortcut keys to run ImTranslator (Alt+Z) or Translator (Ctrl+Alt+T)\nHow to translate selection\nSelect the text and:\nclick ImTranslator extension button on the Firefox toolbar to run ImTranslator standalone application (Ctrl+Alt+Z)click ImTranslator floating button to run Pop-up Bubble Translator (Alt)choose a preferred translator from the Firefox Tools, ImTranslator menuright-click the context menu and select a desired application\nImTranslator Options\nOptions give you the possibility to customize all translation applications\nSet unique language settings for each translation application.Set one language settings for all translation applications.Enable the auto language detection.Enable Dictionary to translate single words.Enable the back translation for translation applications.Choose shortcuts to work with translation applications.Modify the Pop-up Bubble behavior. Perform translation by selecting the text with the mouse.Choose the size of the font.Change the appearance of the Inline translation.Enable Translation History to store translation records for each translation tool.Access Translation History records to search, sort, split by sentences, export and save.", "previews": [{"caption": "ImTranslator translates selected text, words (Dictionary), phrases and webpages between more than 100 languages using 3 translation providers.\r\nImTranslator includes Translator, Dictionary, Inline and Pop-up Bubble Translation, Webpage Translator and Translation History.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191780.png?src=api&modified=1513186437", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191780.png?src=api&modified=1513186437"}, {"caption": "Inline Translator translates a selected text on a webpage by splitting it into sentences and inserts the translation into a webpage. Based on settings, the translation can be placed before, after the original text or simply replaced the original.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191782.png?src=api&modified=1513186437", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191782.png?src=api&modified=1513186437"}, {"caption": "Pop-up Bubble Translator translates selected words, phrases and text on any website and displays the translation in a pop-up bubble without leaving the page. Translation is powered by Google, Microsoft Bing and Translator.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191781.png?src=api&modified=1513186437", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191781.png?src=api&modified=1513186437"}, {"caption": "ImTranslator is a standalone application that translates words, phrases and text between more than 100 languages using 3 translation providers. Switch between Translator and Dictionary modes.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191783.png?src=api&modified=1513186437", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191783.png?src=api&modified=1513186437"}, {"caption": "Webpage Translation translates an entire webpage between over 100 languages using Google Translate service.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/111/111728.png?src=api&modified=1513186437", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/111/111728.png?src=api&modified=1513186437"}, {"caption": "ImTranslator Dictionary translates single words and displays alternative translations along with its part of speech.\r\nIn addition to the translation variants, each dictionary entry displays a set of reverse translations into the original language, if available.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191784.png?src=api&modified=1513186437", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191784.png?src=api&modified=1513186437"}, {"caption": "Translator translates words, phrases and text using 3 translation providers and advanced language tools (virtual keyboard, spellchecker, multilingual dictionary, Russian decoder, TTS and others).", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/130/130194.png?src=api&modified=1513186437", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/130/130194.png?src=api&modified=1513186437"}, {"caption": "Translation History keeps track of all your translation activity, and stores translation records in the Translation History.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/173/173112.png?src=api&modified=1513186437", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/173/173112.png?src=api&modified=1513186437"}, {"caption": "Options allow you to customize ImTranslator applications according to your preferences.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191785.png?src=api&modified=1513186437", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191785.png?src=api&modified=1513186437"}, {"caption": "ImTranslator uses customizable shortcuts to make the work with translation application more convenient. The shortcuts can be used to run ImTranslator applications, to make translations, or to perform other tasks.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/173/173113.png?src=api&modified=1513186437", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/173/173113.png?src=api&modified=1513186437"}, {"caption": "Advanced settings allow to choose a domain for Google Translate service. The following Google Translate domains available: google.com, google.cn, google.com.hk, google.com.tw, google.com.jp, google.com.kr, google.de, and many others.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/194/194160.png?src=api&modified=1513186441", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/194/194160.png?src=api&modified=1513186441"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/smart-link-corporation/?src=api", "id": 10249, "name": "Smart Link Corporation"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/2/2257-32.png?modified=1525312479", "name": "Google Translate, ImTranslator, Dictionary, TTS", "created": 1142844926, "type": "extension", "summary": "COMPLETELY REDESIGNED TRANSLATOR FOR FIREFOX\nImTranslator translates text, words, webpages between more than 100 languages.\nNEW: Inline Translator, Dictionary, access to Google Translate, Microsoft Translator. Unique on the fly localization.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/imtranslator/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/imtranslator"}}, {"last_updated": 1513894209, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "dev_comments": "Please report bugs to http://forums.getfoxyproxy.org or support@getfoxyproxy.org", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/foxyproxy-standard/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 12249, "guid": "foxyproxy@eric.h.jung", "id": 2464, "adu": 169640, "support": "http://getfoxyproxy.org/", "version": "6.2", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0"}}], "homepage": "http://getfoxyproxy.org", "total_dls": 20231798, "status": "public", "description": "UPGRADING\nPlease import your old FoxyProxy settings using the Import button!\n\nFirefox 57+ is significantly different than previous Firefox versions. I was forced to re-write 10 years of mature FoxyProxy code from scratch. There are many missing features, and in almost all cases that is due to Firefox 57+ limitations or bugs (for example, custom-colored toolbar icons). The UI also had to change; I could no longer make FoxyProxy look like a native application. It now looks more like a traditional web site.\n\nI understand your frustration. Please refrain from attacking me because there is nothing I can do to change Mozilla's decisions. Thank you for using my labor of love.\n-- Eric H. Jung, November 2017\n\nOlder Firefox Versions\nInstall FoxyProxy 4.6.5. from here:\nhttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/foxyproxy-standard/versions/\nNote: 4.6.5 is not maintained.\n\nPERMISSIONS\nThe \"Download files\" permission is used to export FoxyProxy settings to a file (so you can import it elsewhere). The \"Download history\" permission is required only because Firefox does not allow add-ons to specify just \"download files\" without \"download history\". It's all or nothing. Internally, nothing is done with your download history. This is open source software and you can view the code yourself at https://code.getfoxyproxy.org\n\nWHAT IS IT?\nFoxyProxy is a Firefox extension which automatically switches an internet connection across one or more proxy servers based on URL patterns. Put simply, FoxyProxy automates the manual process of editing Firefox's Connection Settings dialog. Proxy server switching occurs based on the loading URL and the switching rules you define.\n\nSwitch proxies with URL pattern matchingCustom colors make it easy to see which proxy is in useAdvanced logging shows you which proxies were used and whenAutomatically synchronize all of your proxy settings with your other Firefox instances when you use Firefox Sync. Import/Export settings to files when not using Firefox Sync", "previews": [{"caption": "None", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/5/5857.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/5/5857.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "Proxies Tab", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/11/11313.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/11/11313.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "Global Settings", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/20/20059.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/20/20059.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "QuickAdd Settings", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/20/20060.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/20/20060.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "AutoAdd Settings", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/20/20061.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/20/20061.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "Logging", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/20/20062.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/20/20062.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "Proxy Settings - General Info", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/20/20063.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/20/20063.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "Proxy Settings - Details", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/20/20064.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/20/20064.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "Proxy Settings - URL Patterns", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/20/20065.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/20/20065.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "Add/Edit Pattern", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/20/20066.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/20/20066.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "QuickAdd Prompt", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/20/20067.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/20/20067.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "About Dialog", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/20/20068.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/20/20068.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "Toolbar icon with drop-down menu", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/36/36178.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/36/36178.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "Wildcard Reference: help on how to use wildcards", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/48/48944.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/48/48944.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "Pattern Template Reference: help on how to use pattern templates for QuickAdd and AutoAdd", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/48/48945.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/48/48945.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/eric-h-jung/?src=api", "id": 323, "name": "Eric H. Jung"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/2/2464-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "FoxyProxy Standard", "created": 1146058854, "type": "extension", "summary": "FoxyProxy is an advanced proxy management tool that completely replaces Firefox's limited proxying capabilities. For a simpler tool and less advanced configuration options, please use FoxyProxy Basic.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/foxyproxy-standard/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/ericjung2/9.99"}}, {"last_updated": 1527076209, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/stylish/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 7673, "guid": "{46551EC9-40F0-4e47-8E18-8E5CF550CFB8}", "id": 2108, "adu": 316172, "support": "http://userstyles.org/help/stylish_firefox", "version": "3.1.1", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "42.0"}}], "homepage": "http://userstyles.org/", "total_dls": 31728189, "status": "public", "description": "Stylish lets you style the web according to your personal taste.\n\n\u2605 Give Reddit a dark mode, use minimalist Facebook themes, or change the look of Google, Twitter and any of your favorite sites\n\u2605 Customize website backgrounds, color schemes, youtube skins, fonts and even animations\n\u2605 Easily disable, enable, edit or delete any of your installed styles (themes)\n\u2605 Create your own user styles (themes) using Stylish\u2019s CSS editor, and share it with millions of Stylish users\n \nStylish has themes & skins for websites and web apps from all over the world, such as:\n\n\u2714 Search Engines \u2013 Google, Baidu, Yahoo\n\u2714 Email \u2013 Gmail themes style & personalize your email to your liking\n\u2714 Social Networks \u2013 Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, WeChat, and even Whatsapp themes!\n\u2714 Developer Sites \u2013 Stackoverflow, Github, JIRA, Thunderbird\n\u2714 Browsers \u2013 Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Baidu\n\u2714 Youtube Themes \u2013 Stream videos night and day with your favorite Youtube skins\n\n***Request a Theme***\nIf you find a site with no styles/themes, or you want a new style created based on your favorite artist, movie or holiday, ask the Stylish community to create that theme on the Stylish forum - https://forum.userstyles.org\n\n***Contribute a Theme***\nIf you know CSS, become a Youtube skins or Facebook theme creator - create and share styles for Facebook, Youtube, and other popular websites.\n\n***Stylish Communities***\n\u2714 Official: https://forum.userstyles.org\n\u2714 https://www.reddit.com/r/userstyles/\n\u2714 https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/userstyles\n\u2714 https://github.com/UserStyles\n\n***Getting in Touch***\nStylish is a living, breathing product that is updating and growing all the time. If you have comments, suggestions, or experience any issues with Stylish, feel free to contact us at https://userstyles.org/contact. We\u2019ll get back to you as soon as we can.\n \n***Support***\nYou\u2019ll find tutorials on how to use Stylish, including how to install styles (themes), create, and upload them to the Stylish library at https://userstyles.org/help. \n\nIf you\u2019ve encountered a broken theme, go to the theme\u2019s page on the Stylish website and contact the style creator. The Stylish community is very responsive and eager to receive feedback. Don\u2019t forget to give themes a thumbs-up if you like them!\n \n\u2714 To build your own styles, check out instructions here: https://github.com/stylish-userstyles/stylish/wiki\n\n* Note that currently App and Global themes are not supported in the \u2018Style Library\u2019 tab. You can reach them through the Website Library:\n\u2605 Web Apps - https://userstyles.org/categories/app\n\u2605 Global Styles - https://userstyles.org/styles/browse/global", "previews": [{"caption": "Change how your favorite websites look. Instantly.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191051.png?src=api&modified=1510145281", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191051.png?src=api&modified=1510145281"}, {"caption": "Access hundres of thousands of themes and skins created by the Stylish community.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191052.png?src=api&modified=1510145281", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191052.png?src=api&modified=1510145281"}, {"caption": "Easily manage your installed styles.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191053.png?src=api&modified=1510145281", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191053.png?src=api&modified=1510145281"}, {"caption": "CSS Ninjas, create your own themes.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191054.png?src=api&modified=1510145283", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191054.png?src=api&modified=1510145283"}, {"caption": "Join the community!", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191055.png?src=api&modified=1510145283", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191055.png?src=api&modified=1510145283"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/userstyles/?src=api", "id": 11864468, "name": "userstyles.org"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/2/2108-32.png?modified=1524572423", "name": "Stylish - Custom themes for any website", "created": 1140466290, "type": "extension", "summary": "Stylish lets you customize any website with custom user styles (themes for websites). Choose from the largest userstyles library to change the color scheme, background, and skin for Google, Facebook, YouTube and many, many more sites.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/stylish/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1519239610, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/decentraleyes/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 7906, "guid": "jid1-BoFifL9Vbdl2zQ@jetpack", "id": 521554, "adu": 114582, "support": "https://decentraleyes.org", "version": "2.0.3", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "56.0a1"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "56.0a1"}}], "homepage": "https://decentraleyes.org", "total_dls": 1150087, "status": "public", "description": "Websites have increasingly begun to rely much more on large third-parties for content delivery. Canceling requests for ads or trackers is usually without issue, however blocking actual content, not unexpectedly, breaks pages. The aim of this add-on is to cut-out the middleman by providing lightning speed delivery of local (bundled) files to improve online privacy.\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u2022 Protects privacy by evading large delivery networks that claim to offer free services.\n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u2022 Complements regular blockers such as uBlock Origin (recommended), Adblock Plus, et al.\n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u2022 Works directly out of the box; absolutely no prior configuration required.\n\nNote: Decentraleyes is no silver bullet, but it does prevent a lot of websites from making you send these kinds of requests. Ultimately, you can make Decentraleyes block requests for any missing CDN resources, too.\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0> Simpler introduction: https://github.com/Synzvato/decentraleyes/wiki/Simple-Introduction\n\nAm I Currently Protected?\n\nThe following testing utility shows you if you are properly protected. It's the recommended and, probably, fastest way to see if this add-on is installed, enabled, and correctly configured.\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0> Full link to testing utility: https://decentraleyes.org/test\n\nFrequently Asked Questions\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0> Full link to FAQ: https://github.com/Synzvato/decentraleyes/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions\n\nTechnical Information\n\n- Supported Networks: Google Hosted Libraries, Microsoft Ajax CDN, CDNJS (Cloudflare), jQuery CDN (MaxCDN), jsDelivr (MaxCDN), Yandex CDN, Baidu CDN, Sina Public Resources, and UpYun Libraries.\n\n- Bundled Resources: AngularJS, Backbone.js, Dojo, Ember.js, Ext Core, jQuery, jQuery UI, Modernizr, MooTools, Prototype, Scriptaculous, SWFObject, Underscore.js, and Web Font Loader.\n\nPersonal Support\n\nIs your question not listed above, or do you have any other reason to contact me personally? You can always reach me at decentraleyes@protonmail.com. Bug reports or suggestions are highly welcome and I reply to every single email.\n\nFeel free to use this public PGP key for encrypted communication.\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0> Full link to public PGP key: https://decentraleyes.org/3f774aff6d/public-key.txt\n\nAre You Enjoying this Add-on?\n\nDecentraleyes is, and will always be, free, but you can support its continued development by making a Bitcoin donation, by contributing on GitHub, or by spreading the word (which does wonders). Any help would be greatly appreciated!\n\n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u2022 GitHub: https://github.com/Synzvato/decentraleyes\n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u2022 Bitcoin: https://decentraleyes.org/donate/bitcoin\n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u2022 Monero: https://decentraleyes.org/donate/monero", "previews": [{"caption": "Evades Content Delivery Networks without breaking websites.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/137/137406.png?src=api&modified=1507836662", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/137/137406.png?src=api&modified=1507836662"}, {"caption": "Complements regular content blockers (e.g. uBlock Origin).", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/189/189647.png?src=api&modified=1507836665", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/189/189647.png?src=api&modified=1507836665"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/Synzvato/?src=api", "id": 6937656, "name": "Thomas Rientjes"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/521/521554-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Decentraleyes", "created": 1402379162, "type": "extension", "summary": "Protects you against tracking through \"free\", centralized, content delivery. It prevents a lot of requests from reaching networks like Google Hosted Libraries, and serves local files to keep sites from breaking. Complements regular content blockers.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/decentraleyes/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1517087412, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/happy-bonobo-disable-webrtc/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 11019, "guid": "jid1-5Fs7iTLscUaZBgwr@jetpack", "id": 497366, "adu": 57946, "support": null, "version": "1.0.20", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "55.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "55.0"}}], "homepage": "https://github.com/ChrisAntaki/disable-webrtc-firefox", "total_dls": 1649460, "status": "public", "description": "WebRTC is a communication protocol that relies on JavaScript that can leak your actual IP address from behind your VPN, by default. This addon fixes that, making VPNs more effective [1].\n\nThis add-on allows you to easily disable WebRTC. You'll also be able to quickly toggle WebRTC back on/off by clicking the add-on's icon.\n\n[1] https://www.privacytools.io/webrtc.html\n\nSource code is available here: https://github.com/ChrisAntaki/disable-webrtc-firefox\n\nIf there's an issue with the plugin, please let me know: https://github.com/ChrisAntaki/disable-webrtc-firefox/issues", "previews": [], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/ChrisAntaki/?src=api", "id": 10548482, "name": "Chris Antaki"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/497/497366-32.png?modified=1520341588", "name": "Disable WebRTC", "created": 1395805058, "type": "extension", "summary": "WebRTC leaks your actual IP addresses from behind your VPN, by default.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/happy-bonobo-disable-webrtc/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1510764608, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "dev_comments": "The best place for support is not in the reviews section below, but on the Web Developer site:\n\nhttp://chrispederick.com/work/web-developer/firefox/help/", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/web-developer/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 7405, "guid": "{c45c406e-ab73-11d8-be73-000a95be3b12}", "id": 60, "adu": 251382, "support": "http://chrispederick.com/work/web-developer/firefox/help/", "version": "2.0.1", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}], "homepage": "http://chrispederick.com/work/web-developer/firefox/", "total_dls": 29398566, "status": "public", "description": "The Web Developer extension adds various web developer tools to the browser.", "previews": [{"caption": "The Web Developer toolbar", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/11/11916.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/11/11916.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/chrispederick/?src=api", "id": 45, "name": "chrispederick"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/0/60-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Web Developer", "created": 1087011229, "type": "extension", "summary": "The Web Developer extension adds various web developer tools to the browser.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/web-developer/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/chrispederick/"}}, {"last_updated": 1526402972, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/umatrix/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 6763, "guid": "uMatrix@raymondhill.net", "id": 613250, "adu": 83204, "support": "https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/support-umatrix/5131", "version": "1.3.8", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "56.0a1"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "56.0a1"}}], "homepage": "https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix", "total_dls": 1203290, "status": "public", "description": "uMatrix: A point-and-click matrix-based firewall, with many privacy-enhancing tools.\n\n*For advanced users.*\n\nuMatrix put you in full control of where your browser is allowed to connect, what type of data it is allowed to download, and what it is allowed to execute. Nobody else decides for you: You choose. You are in full control of your privacy.\n\nOut of the box, uMatrix works in relax block-all/allow-exceptionally mode, meaning web sites which require 3rd-party scripts are likely to be \"broken\". With two clicks, uMatrix can be set to work in allow-all/block-exceptionally mode, which generally will not break web sites. See https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/wiki/How-to-use-HTTP-Switchboard:-Two-opposing-views for more details on this topic.\n\n* See ALL the remote connections, failed or attempted, depending on whether they were blocked or allowed (you decide).\n\n* A single-click to whitelist/blacklist one or multiple classes of requests according to the destination and type of data (a blocked request will NEVER leave your browser).\n\n* Efficient blacklisting: cookies won't leave your browser, JavaScript won't execute, plugins won't play, tracking pixels won't download, etc.\n\n* You do not have to solely rely on just one particular curated blacklist (arguably with many missing entries) outside which nothing else can be blocked: You are in full control.\n\n* Ease of use: uMatrix lets you easily whitelist/blacklist net requests which originate from within a web page according to a point-and-click matrix:\n\n- domain names (left column)\n * from very specific\n * to very generic\n\n- type of requests (top row)\n * cookies\n * CSS-related resources (stylesheets and web fonts)\n * images\n * plugins\n * scripts\n * XHR (requests made by scripts)\n * frames\n * others\n\nYou can blacklist/whitelist a single cell, an entire row, a group of rows, an entire column, or the whole matrix with just one click.\n\nuMatrix's filtering engine uses precedence logic to evaluate what is blocked/allowed according to which cells are blacklisted/whitelisted. For example, this allows you to whitelist a whole page with one click, without having to repeatedly whitelist whatever new data appear on the page.\n\nAll rules are scoped. For example, you can block `facebook.com` and `facebook.net` everywhere except when visiting a page on `www.facebook.com`. This way Facebook won't be able to build a profile of your browsing habits.\n\nThe goal of this extension is to make the allowing or blocking of web sites, wholly or partly, as straightforward as possible, so as to encourage users to care about their privacy.\n\nThe extension comes with 3rd-party hosts files totaling over 62,000 distinct hostnames (lists can be selectively disabled/enabled according to your choice).\n\nUltimately, you can choose however you browse the net:\n\n* Blacklist all by default, and whitelist as needed (default mode).\n\n* Whitelist all by default, and blacklist as needed.\n\nEither way, you still benefit from the preset blacklists so that at least you get basic protection from trackers, malware sites, etc. Or you can disable all of these preset blacklists.\n\nYour choice.\n\nRandomly assembled documentation: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/wiki\n\n=====\n\nThis extension is also useful to understand what the web page in your browser is doing, often without your knowledge. You have full ability to see and decide with whom a web page communicates, and to restrict these communications to specific classes of objects within the web page.\n\nThe number which appear in the extension icon correspond to the total number of distinct requests attempted (successfully or not depending on whether these were allowed or blocked) by the web page.\n\nSimply click on the appropriate entry in the matrix in order to white-, black- or graylist a component. Graylisting means the blocked or allowed status will be inherited from another cell with higher precedence in the matrix.\n\nRed square = effectively blacklisted, i.e. requests are prevented from reaching their intended destination:\n* Dark red square: the domain name and/or type of request is specifically blacklisted.\n* Faded red square: the blacklist status is inherited because the entry is graylisted.\n\nGreen square = effectively whitelisted, i.e. requests are allowed to reach their intended destination:\n* Dark green square: the domain name and/or type of request is specifically whitelisted.\n* Faded green square: the whitelist status is inherited because the entry is graylisted.\n\nThe top-left cell in the matrix, the \"all\" cell, represents the default global setting, which allows you to choose whether allowing or blocking everything is the default behavior. Some prefer to allow everything while blocking exceptionally. My personal preference is of course the reverse, blocking everything and allowing exceptionally.\n\nThis extension is also useful if you wish to speed up your browsing, by globally blocking all requests for images as an example.\n\n=====\n\nBUGS, ISSUES: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues\n\nSOURCE CODE: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix (GPLv3)\n\nCHANGE LOG: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/releases", "previews": [{"caption": "Point and click to allow/block narrow or broad classes of network requests. Click the \"all\" cell to toggle the whole matrix between allow and block.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/158/158458.png?src=api&modified=1431417020", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/158/158458.png?src=api&modified=1431417020"}, {"caption": "Privacy features.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/158/158460.png?src=api&modified=1431417020", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/158/158460.png?src=api&modified=1431417020"}, {"caption": "Hosts files allow to automatically blacklist thousands of hostnames.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/158/158462.png?src=api&modified=1431417020", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/158/158462.png?src=api&modified=1431417020"}, {"caption": "Logger: see all network requests, including the ones made by the browser and other extensions (behind-the-scene requests).", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/158/158464.png?src=api&modified=1431417020", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/158/158464.png?src=api&modified=1431417020"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/gorhill/?src=api", "id": 11423598, "name": "Raymond Hill"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/613/613250-32.png?modified=1526404822", "name": "uMatrix", "created": 1431415234, "type": "extension", "summary": "Point & click to forbid/allow any class of requests made by your browser. Use it to block scripts, iframes, ads, facebook, etc.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/umatrix/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1511021407, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "dev_comments": "If your Firefox version is 57+ please install Web Extension versions otherwise install older versions from version history.", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/popup-blocker-ultimate/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 4821, "guid": "{60B7679C-BED9-11E5-998D-8526BB8E7F8B}", "id": 697677, "adu": 85970, "support": "http://www.PopupBlocker.ir", "version": "9.5", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0a1"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0a1"}}], "homepage": "http://www.PopupBlocker.ir/", "total_dls": 681674, "status": "public", "description": "Popup Blocker Ultimate makes it easy to block pop-ups.\n\nSupport Desktop and Android\n\nIMPORTANT: If your Firefox version is 57+ please install Web Extension versions otherwise install older versions from version history.\n\nAs you know, the default Firefox pop-up blocker cannot block all pop-ups, especially the ones which are triggered upon clicking. These tricky pop-ups can be annoying and waste precious time, effort and bandwidth.\n\nPopup Blocker Ultimate is designed to identify and block these pop-ups.\n\nWeb Extension version:\n\nStrict: Through this method, Popup Blocker Ultimate will change the browser\u2019s settings so that the browser can identify and block popups by itself.\n\nFurthermore, you can white list specific websites if you wish so.\n\nLegacy version:\n\nThis add-on has two methods to prevent popups from showing up:\n\nStrict: Through this method, Popup Blocker Ultimate will change the browser\u2019s settings so that the browser can identify and block popups by itself.\n\nAnalyze: Using a Analyze approach, Popup Blocker Ultimate will first analyze a website\u2019s codes and then block the identified popup sections.\nWhile using Analyze method, you might encounter some irregular behavior in web pages which can be solved by white listing said web page.\n\nFurthermore, you can white list or blacklist specific websites if you wish so.\n\nIf you have any suggestions or found bugs/errors, please feel free to contact us on MojtabaDaneshi@Gmail.com\nWe look forward to your feedback.\n\nHappy Blocking!\n", "previews": [{"caption": "Web Extension Version", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191718.png?src=api&modified=1510676411", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191718.png?src=api&modified=1510676411"}, {"caption": "Legacy Version.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/180/180779.png?src=api&modified=1510676411", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/180/180779.png?src=api&modified=1510676411"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/Daneshi/?src=api", "id": 5345640, "name": "Mojtaba Daneshi"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/697/697677-32.png?modified=1513944454", "name": "Popup Blocker Ultimate", "created": 1460714825, "type": "extension", "summary": "Best Popup Blocker in the world. (Best in Rating, Performance, This addon does NOT track user activities same as others)\nIf your Firefox version is 57+ please install Web Extension versions otherwise install older versions from version history.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/popup-blocker-ultimate/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/mojtabadaneshi"}}, {"last_updated": 1512643807, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/strict-pop-up-blocker/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 3962, "guid": "jid1-P34HaABBBpOerQ@jetpack", "id": 515226, "adu": 87414, "support": null, "version": "0.6", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0"}}], "homepage": null, "total_dls": 1802372, "status": "public", "description": "By default Firefox blocks most pop-up windows but allows some to appear.\nThis add-on adds a button on the toolbar to toggle between: the default Firefox behavior of allowing some pop-ups, andblocking all pop-up windows.", "previews": [{"caption": "All pop-up windows are blocked", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/136/136284.png?src=api&modified=1400560652", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/136/136284.png?src=api&modified=1400560652"}, {"caption": "Some pop-up windows allowed (default Firefox behavior)", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/136/136286.png?src=api&modified=1400560652", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/136/136286.png?src=api&modified=1400560652"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/anikos/?src=api", "id": 6209726, "name": "Nikos Asimakis"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/515/515226-32.png?modified=1512645621", "name": "Strict Pop-up Blocker", "created": 1400560277, "type": "extension", "summary": "Quickly toggle between blocking all pop-up windows and allowing some pop-ups", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/strict-pop-up-blocker/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1516027206, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/privacy-settings/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 1199, "guid": "jid1-CKHySAadH4nL6Q@jetpack", "id": 627512, "adu": 14920, "support": "https://github.com/schomery/privacy-settings/issues", "version": "0.3.4", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0"}}], "homepage": "http://add0n.com/privacy-settings.html", "total_dls": 418489, "status": "public", "description": "Privacy Settings extension keeps all the built-in privacy and security related settings in one place. Each setting has a description and you can alter it right-from the extension's popup. Here is the complete list of settings that can be altered\n\n1. privacy.network.networkPredictionEnabled\n2. privacy.network.webRTCIPHandlingPolicy\n3. privacy.services.alternateErrorPagesEnabled\n4. privacy.services.autofillEnabled\n5. privacy.services.hotwordSearchEnabled\n6. privacy.services.passwordSavingEnabled\n7. privacy.services.safeBrowsingEnabled\n8. privacy.services.safeBrowsingExtendedReportingEnabled\n9. privacy.services.searchSuggestEnabled\n10. privacy.services.spellingServiceEnabled\n11. privacy.services.translationServiceEnabled\n12. privacy.websites.firstPartyIsolate\n13. privacy.websites.thirdPartyCookiesAllowed\n14. privacy.websites.hyperlinkAuditingEnabled\n15. privacy.websites.referrersEnabled\n16. privacy.websites.protectedContentEnabled\n\nNote that some of these settings might not yet be supported by Firefox and hence are disabled.\n\nFor FAQs and general bug reports please visit:\nhttps://add0n.com/privacy-settings.html\n\nFor technical bug reports use:\nhttps://github.com/schomery/privacy-settings/", "previews": [{"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/161/161746.png?src=api&modified=1447288401", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/161/161746.png?src=api&modified=1447288401"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/168/168245.png?src=api&modified=1447288402", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/168/168245.png?src=api&modified=1447288402"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/j_schomery/?src=api", "id": 11568224, "name": "Jeremy Schomery"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/627/627512-32.png?modified=1516029623", "name": "Privacy Settings", "created": 1435582287, "type": "extension", "summary": "Alter Firefox's built-in privacy settings easily with a toolbar panel.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/privacy-settings/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/addondonation/15usd"}}, {"last_updated": 1509776408, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "dev_comments": "(@2006.3.12) I know that the \"Linkification\" extension provides similar result. My advantages are:\n\n * URIs which are split in multiple text-nodes, like \"http://www.< em >mozilla< /em >.org/\".\n * URIs written with multi-byte characters. In Japan, an website of a major news uses this rule.\n * This doesn't defile appearance of webpages, because this doesn't modify webpages.\n\nSee testcases in my site:\nhttp://piro.sakura.ne.jp/xul/_textlink.html.en#testcases\nText LInk can recognize all of them completely.", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/text-link/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 695, "guid": "{54BB9F3F-07E5-486c-9B39-C7398B99391C}", "id": 1939, "adu": 67054, "support": "https://github.com/piroor/textlink/issues", "version": "6.0.1", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0a1"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0a1"}}], "homepage": "http://piro.sakura.ne.jp/xul/_textlink.html.en", "total_dls": 2328776, "status": "public", "description": "Allows URI texts written in webpages to be loaded by double clicks.\n\nWithout this extension, when you discover an URI text not linked, like \"http://piro.sakura.ne.jp/\", you have to do following steps to load the page:\n\n 1. Select the URI text completely. (It may be a hard work if the page is rendered with a propotional font. This operation always chafes me.)\n 2. Copy it. (press \"Ctrl-C\" or use \"Copy\" from the \"Edit\" menu)\n 3. Paste it to the location bar.\n 4. Press \"Enter\". Then, Firefox loads it.\n\nor,\n\n 1. Select the URI text completely. (It chafes me again!)\n 2. Drag the selection string to the tab bar and drop it. Then, Firefox loads it.\n\nWith this extension, you can load the URI only following one step:\n\n 1. Double-click on the URI text. Then, Firefox loads it. I'm happy.", "previews": [{"caption": "URI detection from selection", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/30/30847.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/30/30847.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "Text Link replaces URI detection method of Thunderbird.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/30/30850.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/30/30850.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/piro-piro_or/?src=api", "id": 9480, "name": "Piro (piro_or)"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/1/1939-32.png?modified=1509780021", "name": "Text Link", "created": 1138128636, "type": "extension", "summary": "Allows URI texts written in webpages to be loaded by double clicks.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/text-link/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1513962011, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "dev_comments": "Supported Languages:\nEnglish (en-US), Greek (el), Dutch (nl)\n\nBug reports: formhistory@yahoo.com", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/form-history-control/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 694, "guid": "formhistory@yahoo.com", "id": 12021, "adu": 19232, "support": "https://formhistory.blogspot.com", "version": "", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "56.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "56.0"}}], "homepage": "https://formhistory.blogspot.com", "total_dls": 722761, "status": "public", "description": "An extension to Save, View and Manage text form data.\n\nThis plugin stores text from text-fields and editor fields as you type, so you never have to lose your work when disaster strikes. Recover your lost work after session timeouts, network failures, browser crashes, power failures and all other things that will destroy the hard work you just put into writing that important email, essay or blog post. \n\nThis extension can also be used as an easy form filler. It will restore text and editor fields as well as various input controls. On each submission of a webform, the state of controls like radio-buttons and check-boxes are saved. You can autofill textfields and various controls in a web form using either the most used or the last used formhistory data.\n\nAll text data that has been stored can easily be retrieved and managed. Use it to correct misspelled entries, get rid of sensitive data like private banking info or delete passwords that were entered into the wrong formfield.\n\nThe extension also offers the possibility to export/import form history data allowing you to exchange data between multiple browser configurations. You can even import data from the old (pre webextension) version.\n\nIf you experience problems regarding form history not being saved, please check if you have cookies enabled.\nThis add-on uses indexeddb to store its information and by disabling cookies this issue (see bugzilla) may prevent data to be stored. So please check the Privacy and Security preferences of the browser and make sure that cookies are accepted or Form History Control will not be able to store your data. \n\nThis add-on now uses the new mandatory WebExtensions API which no longer offers access to Firefox's built-in formhistory database. To overcome this limitation this add-on will create and maintain its own private formhistory database which initially will be empty.\nThere are however two ways to get the formhistory data from the old version back into the new version:\nIf you have an export file from the old version, you can simply import that file into the new version. The exportfile is compatible with the new version.If you have no importfile, I can provide you with a standalone Java application that can export the formhistory data from the old version. I will publish a help page with instructions very soon but for now you may contact me by e-mail or post a request on the support website and I will send you the instructions directly.", "previews": [{"caption": "The main control dialog, opens from right-click menu on icon. This lists the input and edit fields that are saved as you type so you never have to loose your work when disaster strikes.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191532.png?src=api&modified=1510525166", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191532.png?src=api&modified=1510525166"}, {"caption": "Quick access to the form history of the current page by clicking on the icon (simplified version of the main dialog)", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191533.png?src=api&modified=1510525166", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191533.png?src=api&modified=1510525166"}, {"caption": "Right-click on the page or a text form-element opens the context-menu and gives access to various actions. Saved text and control-state can be copied back to restore lost work or quickly restore webforms.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191534.png?src=api&modified=1510525166", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191534.png?src=api&modified=1510525166"}, {"caption": "Form history text entries can be viewed, edited or added manually.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191535.png?src=api&modified=1510525166", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191535.png?src=api&modified=1510525166"}, {"caption": "Use the HTML view option to inspect content with markup", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191536.png?src=api&modified=1510525166", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191536.png?src=api&modified=1510525166"}, {"caption": "When viewing details of a formhistory entry, right-click gives access to clipboard copy actions", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191537.png?src=api&modified=1510525166", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191537.png?src=api&modified=1510525166"}, {"caption": "Files can be exported and imported in XML format. You can even import files from the old version.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191538.png?src=api&modified=1510525166", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191538.png?src=api&modified=1510525166"}, {"caption": "You can alter various preferences, including the date format and themes.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191539.png?src=api&modified=1510525166", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191539.png?src=api&modified=1510525166"}, {"caption": "This is the default theme", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191540.png?src=api&modified=1510525166", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191540.png?src=api&modified=1510525166"}, {"caption": "This is the Dark theme, more themes will be added later...", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191541.png?src=api&modified=1510525166", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191541.png?src=api&modified=1510525166"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/stephan-mahieu/?src=api", "id": 2022897, "name": "Stephan Mahieu"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/12/12021-32.png?modified=1520769588", "name": "Form History Control", "created": 1242800598, "type": "extension", "summary": "Manage form history entries (search, edit, cleanup, export/import) and easy text formfiller.\n\nAuto-save text entered in any form while typing to allow fast recovery when disaster strikes.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/form-history-control/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/formhistorycontrol"}}, {"last_updated": 1515697812, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/word-count-tool/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 85, "guid": "jid0-YHLk2psjhEWXNJqMKTU7dDcMJcN@jetpack", "id": 447302, "adu": 2147, "support": "https://coolfont.org", "version": "4.0", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}], "homepage": "https://wordcounttools.com", "total_dls": 40573, "status": "public", "description": "This add-on reports the number of words, characters of the selected text, including the number of words, characters, characters without spaces, sentences, paragraphs, Mean Word Length, Mean Sentence Length is easily accessed by one of the following ways:\n- Right clicking to view the context menu (when there is some text selected), and choose Word Count Tool item.\n- Using hot key combination: Alt + Shift + C\n\nThe web version of this tool is also available at https://wordcounttools.com.", "previews": [{"caption": "Accessing the extensive report via the context menu.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/112/112623.png?src=api&modified=1439778919", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/112/112623.png?src=api&modified=1439778919"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/harryngh/?src=api", "id": 10043906, "name": "Harry N."}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/447/447302-32.png?modified=1520162530", "name": "Word Count Tool", "created": 1371482371, "type": "extension", "summary": "A word counter that counts the number of words, characters without any extra clicks. Just select the text and right click to select the context menu to invoke the report. It gives detail report about the numbers words, characters, sentences...", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/word-count-tool/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1520586926, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/personas-plus/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 1270, "guid": "personas@christopher.beard", "id": 10900, "adu": 126960, "support": "https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/support-personas-plus/", "version": "2.0.1", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "42.0"}}], "homepage": "https://github.com/mozilla/personas-plus/", "total_dls": 44023297, "status": "public", "description": "Personas (now known as lightweight themes) are free, easy-to-install \"skins\" for Firefox. Personas Plus extends that built-in functionality to give you even greater control and easier access to new, popular, and even your own favorite themes.\n\nInstalling the add-on places a small \"fox mask\" icon in your toolbar which, when you click on it, pops up a menu where you can select, change, or even randomize your Firefox themes.\n\nIf you create an account on the addons.mozilla.org, you can add themes to your favorites collection there, which will then appear in your Personas Plus menu!", "previews": [{"caption": "What Will Your Browser Wear Today?", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/30/30018.png?src=api&modified=1510318076", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/30/30018.png?src=api&modified=1510318076"}, {"caption": "", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/191/191317.png?src=api&modified=1510318076", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/191/191317.png?src=api&modified=1510318076"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/mozilla/?src=api", "id": 4757633, "name": "Mozilla"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/10/10900-32.png?modified=1520342422", "name": "Personas Plus", "created": 1235565516, "type": "extension", "summary": "Personas (now known as lightweight themes) are free, easy-to-install \"skins\" for Firefox. Personas Plus extends that built-in functionality to give you even more control and easier access to new, popular, and your own favorite themes.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/personas-plus/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1524738017, "platforms": ["Mac OS X", "Windows", "Linux"], "dev_comments": "While reviews are of course always welcome, please note that the review system is not a support forum. If you are having problems with using your eID under firefox (Windows, OSX or Linux), please contact the Fedict service desk for help in getting things to work.", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/belgium-eid/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 11400, "guid": "belgiumeid@eid.belgium.be", "id": 51744, "adu": 135798, "support": "https://eid.belgium.be/en/contact", "version": "1.0.28", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "57.0"}}], "homepage": "https://eid.belgium.be/", "total_dls": 2406641, "status": "public", "description": "Use the Belgian electronic identity card (eID) in Firefox. In addition to this add-on, the eID middleware should also be installed on your computer: download the middleware for your operating system on eid.belgium.be.\n\nThe card reader should be connected before starting Firefox.\n\nFor Firefox 58, at least the following versions of the middleware are required to support this add-on:\n\nWindows: 4.3.2Linux: 4.3.3macOS: 4.3.5\nFor Firefox ESR 52, please install version 1.0.23 of this add-on.", "previews": [{"caption": "None", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/39/39332.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/39/39332.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "None", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/39/39333.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/39/39333.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}, {"caption": "None", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/39/39334.png?src=api&modified=1331218902", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/39/39334.png?src=api&modified=1331218902"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/Frederik1976/?src=api", "id": 5630939, "name": "Fedict"}, {"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/wve/?src=api", "id": 11380344, "name": "Wouter Verhelst"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/51/51744-32.png?modified=1525871748", "name": "Belgium eID", "created": 1259280223, "type": "extension", "summary": "Use the Belgian electronic identity card (eID) in Firefox", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/belgium-eid/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1506661216, "platforms": ["All Platforms"], "dev_comments": "Development of the current (WebExtension) version of this addon is at: https://github.com/bsiegel/http2-indicator\n
Development history of the legacy extension can be found at: https://github.com/chengsun/moz-spdy-indicator", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/http2-indicator/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 273, "guid": "spdyindicator@chengsun.github.com", "id": 367327, "adu": 33155, "support": "https://github.com/bsiegel/http2-indicator", "version": "3.0", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox for Android": {"max": "*", "min": "48.0"}}, {"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "42.0"}}], "homepage": "https://github.com/bsiegel/http2-indicator", "total_dls": 143459, "status": "public", "description": "This extension adds a useful indicator in the address bar of sites where HTTP/2 was used to fetch the page.", "previews": [{"caption": "HTTP/2 indicator icon shown in the URL bar for Google", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/188/188929.png?src=api&modified=1506662232", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/188/188929.png?src=api&modified=1506662232"}, {"caption": "Partial HTTP/2 indicator icon shown in the URL bar for AOL", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/188/188930.png?src=api&modified=1506662232", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/188/188930.png?src=api&modified=1506662232"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/chengsun/?src=api", "id": 6133590, "name": "Cheng Sun"}, {"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/brandonsiegel/?src=api", "id": 2493938, "name": "Brandon Siegel"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/367/367327-32.png?modified=1506667634", "name": "HTTP/2 Indicator", "created": 1331459453, "type": "extension", "summary": "An indicator showing HTTP/2 support in the address bar.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/http2-indicator/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1514310013, "platforms": ["Mac OS X", "Windows", "Linux"], "dev_comments": "For support with this add-on, visit the support forum.\n\nIf you've found a bug or want to have a certain service or feature, please file a report at the bug tracker.", "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/bloody-vikings/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 648, "guid": "bloodyvikings@ffs.bplaced.net", "id": 261959, "adu": 15277, "support": "http://forum.florianfieber.de/", "version": "0.9.4", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "52.0"}}], "homepage": null, "total_dls": 382131, "status": "public", "description": "\"You can't have egg, bacon, spam and sausage without the spam.\"\n\nBloody Vikings! simplifies the use of temporary email addresses, helping you to protect your real address from spam and to stay anonymous.\n\nInstead of exposing your real email address to every random site asking for it, simply right-click on the designated input field and select \"Bloody Vikings!\". Bloody Vikings! automatically inserts a temporary email address and opens the corresponding mailbox in a new background tab.\n\nBloody Vikings! currently supports the following services:\n10minutemail.com: Temporary email addresses are valid for 10 minutes and can be extended for another 10 minutes.anonbox.net: Creates random email and mailbox addresses with no direct connection. Unfetched Mailboxes are valid until midnight on the following day, fetched Mailboxes will be deleted 5 minutes after delivery. The connection is established over HTTPS.discard.emaildispostable.comdropmail.mefakemailgenerator.comgetairmail.commailcatch.commailforspam.commailinator.commytemp.emailtrash-mail.comyopmail.com", "previews": [{"caption": "To generate a temporary e-mail address, simply right-click on the designated input field and select \"Bloody Vikings!\".", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/68/68372.png?src=api&modified=1463413025", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/68/68372.png?src=api&modified=1463413025"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/florian_fieber/?src=api", "id": 5570848, "name": "Florian Fieber"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/261/261959-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "Bloody Vikings!", "created": 1291817701, "type": "extension", "summary": "Simplifies the use of temporary e-mail addresses in order to protect your real address from spam. Supports inter alia 10minutemail.com and anonbox.net.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/bloody-vikings/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1489709677, "platforms": ["Mac OS X", "Windows", "Linux"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/nemid-n%C3%B8glefilsprogram/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 634, "guid": "nemidnoglefilsprogram@nets.eu", "id": 767341, "adu": 16787, "support": "https://nets.eu/nemidsupport", "version": "1.41", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "50.0"}}], "homepage": "https://www.medarbejdersignatur.dk", "total_dls": 31557, "status": "public", "description": "NemID N\u00f8glefilsprogram best\u00e5r af 1) en udvidelse til Firefox og 2) et program p\u00e5 din computer. Du guides til installation af begge dele p\u00e5: www.medarbejdersignatur.dk/nemid-noglefilsprogram/download/\nDu kan kontrollere, at begge dele er installeret korrekt ved fx at logge p\u00e5 selvbetjening p\u00e5: medarbejdersignatur.dk\nHar du brug for hj\u00e6lp? G\u00e5 til FAQ og vejledninger p\u00e5: nets.eu/javafri-nemid\nH\u00e9r kan du ogs\u00e5 se, hvordan du om n\u00f8dvendigt kontakter NemID erhvervssupport.", "previews": [], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/tvmadnets/?src=api", "id": 12667563, "name": "Nets DanID A/S"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/767/767341-32.png?modified=1512129879", "name": "NemID N\u00f8glefilsprogram", "created": 1483617552, "type": "extension", "summary": "NemID N\u00f8glefilsprogram er n\u00f8dvendigt for at bruge NemID n\u00f8glefil eller NemID p\u00e5 hardware.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/nemid-n%C3%B8glefilsprogram/reviews/"}, {"last_updated": 1498586625, "platforms": ["Mac OS X", "Windows", "Linux"], "learnmore": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tineye-reverse-image-search/?src=api", "weekly_dls": 1218, "guid": "tineye@ideeinc.com", "id": 8922, "adu": 67281, "support": "https://tineye.com/extensions", "version": "1.3.2", "compatible_apps": [{"Firefox": {"max": "*", "min": "52.0"}}], "homepage": "https://tineye.com/", "total_dls": 3432041, "status": "public", "description": "This is the official TinEye extension for Firefox. \n\nABOUT TINEYE\n\nTinEye is the first image search engine on the web to use image identification technology rather than keywords, metadata or watermarks. When you submit an image to be searched, TinEye creates a unique and compact digital signature or 'fingerprint' for it, then compares this fingerprint to every other image in our index to retrieve matches. TinEye does not typically find similar images; it finds exact matches including those that have been cropped, edited or resized. \n\nTinEye adds tens of millions of new images to its database every week. \nFollow our image updates here: https://tineye.com/releases\n\nFor the latest updates you can also: \n\n- Read the TinEye blog: http://blog.tineye.com/\n- Become a fan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tineye\n- Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tineye\n\nHOW TO INSTALL\n\nPlease see our TinEye extensions page.\n\nHOW TO USE THIS ADD-ON\n\nTo use the add-on, simply right-click on any web image and select \"Search image on TinEye\" from the context menu. Results are displayed for you at tineye.com.\n\nTo set add-on preferences go to Tools > Add-ons in the Firefox menu bar.\nLocate 'TinEye Reverse Image search' in the Add-ons window list and click the 'Preferences' button.\nFrom here you can:\n\n* Show/hide TinEye icon in context menu\n* Set sort order preference\n* Open searches in background, foreground or current tab\n\nTinEye Terms and Conditions", "previews": [{"caption": "When you submit an image to be searched, TinEye creates a unique and compact digital signature or 'fingerprint' for it, then compares this fingerprint to every other image in our index to retrieve matches.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/114/114037.png?src=api&modified=1380273459", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/114/114037.png?src=api&modified=1380273459"}, {"caption": "The TinEye browser plugin is the fastest way to search for web images right from Firefox. With the plugin installed, simply right-click on any web image and select 'Search Image on TinEye'.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/114/114038.png?src=api&modified=1380273459", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/114/114038.png?src=api&modified=1380273459"}, {"caption": "TinEye will display any instance of your image that it finds on the web. By default, your results are sorted by 'best match'. However, you can also sort by 'biggest image' or 'most changed' (which is usually the most heavily edited image result).", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/114/114130.png?src=api&modified=1380273459", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/114/114130.png?src=api&modified=1380273459"}, {"caption": "When an image match has been heavily altered, use the 'Compare' feature to quickly switch back and forth between the two images and highlight any differences between them.", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/114/114039.png?src=api&modified=1380273459", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/114/114039.png?src=api&modified=1380273459"}, {"caption": "TinEye's database of images grows by tens of millions of images every week. If you don't find what you are looking for, be sure to check back again soon!", "full": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/114/114040.png?src=api&modified=1380273459", "thumbnail": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/thumbs/114/114040.png?src=api&modified=1380273459"}], "authors": [{"link": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/tineye/?src=api", "id": 3304309, "name": "TinEye"}], "icon": "https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addon_icons/8/8922-32.png?modified=mcrushed", "name": "TinEye Reverse Image Search", "created": 1221735440, "type": "extension", "summary": "TinEye is a reverse image search engine. The extension adds a context menu item so you can search for an image to find out where it came from, how it is being used, if modified versions of the image exist, or to find higher resolution versions.", "reviews": "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tineye-reverse-image-search/reviews/", "contribution": {"meet_developers": "https://www.paypal.me/tineye"}}, {"last_updated": 1487164265, "platforms": ["Mac OS X", "Windows", "Linux"], "dev_comments": "Translators:\n