class License(object): def __init__(self, name): = name def __iter__(self): yield self def flatten(self): yield def __str__(self, depth=0): return def __repr__(self): return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, class Licenses(object): def __init__(self, xs): self.xs = xs def __iter__(self): for x in self.xs: yield x def flatten(self): for x in self.xs: for y in x.flatten(): yield y def __str__(self, depth=0): j = ' %s ' % (self._join,) ss = [x.__str__(depth=depth+1) for x in self.xs] s = j.join(ss) if depth > 0: s = '(%s)' % s return s def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.xs) class AllLicenses(Licenses): _join = 'and' class AnyLicense(Licenses): _join = 'or' def parse_licenses(s): """ >>> ls = parse_licenses("X") >>> ls >>> print ls X >>> list(ls) [] >>> list(ls.flatten()) ['X'] >>> ls = parse_licenses("X or Y or Z") >>> ls , , ]> >>> print ls X or Y or Z >>> list(ls) [, , ] >>> list(ls.flatten()) ['X', 'Y', 'Z'] >>> ls = parse_licenses("X and Y and Z") >>> ls , , ]> >>> print ls X and Y and Z >>> list(ls) [, , ] >>> list(ls.flatten()) ['X', 'Y', 'Z'] >>> print parse_licenses("X or Y and Z") X or (Y and Z) >>> print parse_licenses("X and Y or Z") (X and Y) or Z >>> print parse_licenses("X, and Y or Z") X and (Y or Z) """ splits = ( (', and ', AllLicenses), (' or ', AnyLicense), (' and ', AllLicenses)) for (split_str, cls) in splits: if split_str in s: return cls([parse_licenses(sub) for sub in s.split(split_str)]) return License(s)