#+title: docshack: Getting docs easy on Emacs docshack is a set of tools to get docs for projects for Emacs browsing. * MDN Requires [[https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/markdown-mode.html][markdown-mode]]. You may use docshack to get MDN markdown docs for local browsing. To do so, first build the docs: #+begin_src sh make mdn make DESTDIR=~/docs install-mdn #+end_src Then add in your emacs init file (assuming you cloned docshack to ~~/docshack~). #+begin_src elisp (add-to-list 'load-path "~/docshack/lisp") (require 'docshack-mdn) #+end_src Most of the internal links now work in mdn. A nice way to look up mdn is with an indexer, like [[https://lesbonscomptes.com/recoll/pages/index-recoll.html][recoll]] (an emacs client is [[https://github.com/alraban/org-recoll][org-recoll]]). ** TODOs - [ ] JSxRef links don't work. * Contact and copyright docshack is maintained by Yuchen Pei , and covered by GNU AGPLv3+. You may find the license text in a file named COPYING.agpl3 in the project tree.