#+title: f2md A utility to fetch new items from feeds and write them to maildir. This program is similar to [[https://pypi.org/project/feed2maildir/][feed2maildir]]. * Install #+begin_src sh git clone https://g.ypei.me/f2md.git cd f2md cabal install #+end_src and make sure =~/.cabal/bin= is included in =$PATH=. * Usage Prepare a config file =~/.f2md.json=: #+begin_src json [ { "dbPath": "~/.f2mdb.json", "maildir": "~/Mail/best", "feeds": [ "https://static.fsf.org/fsforg/rss/news.xml", "https://www.gnu.org/rss/whatsnew.rss" ] }, { "dbPath": "~/.f2mdb.json", "maildir": "~/Mail/audio", "feeds": [ "https://haskellweekly.news/podcast.rss" ] } ] #+end_src Then run #+begin_src sh f2md #+end_src and all new news should be placed in =~/Mail/f2md=. You can also use =--config= or =-c= to specify a config file: #+begin_src sh f2md --config ~/.config/f2md/config #+end_src * Contact and copyright - For any issues email . - Copyright (C) 2022 Yuchen Pei. - Licensed under AGPLv3+.