{"id":2435113,"channel":"listed","compatibility":{"firefox":{"max":"*","min":"57.0a1"}},"edit_url":"https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/developers/addon/video-downloadhelper/versions/2435113","files":[{"id":977764,"created":"2018-06-05T09:23:06Z","hash":"sha256:ec0810b29ae61086caaf494eafb5bdbcf3565ff2f1245c102c55bc995af85b2f","is_restart_required":false,"is_webextension":true,"is_mozilla_signed_extension":false,"platform":"all","size":713208,"status":"public","url":"https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/977764/video_downloadhelper-7.3.1-an+fx.xpi?src=","permissions":["tabs","contextMenus","nativeMessaging","","webRequest","webRequestBlocking","downloads","clipboardWrite","webNavigation","notifications","storage","cookies","menus","*://*.downloadhelper.net/*"]}],"is_strict_compatibility_enabled":false,"license":{"id":839,"name":{"en-US":"Custom License"},"text":{"en-US":"You are free to use Video DownloadHelper with any of the applications or services offered by Mozilla. All Other Rights Reserved."},"url":"https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper/license/7.3.1"},"release_notes":{"en-US":"Video DownloadHelper 7.3.1 brings a number of improvements and fixes that have been requested or reported by our users.\n\nSome of those fixes are located in the add-on itself, some had to be made in the companion application (the external application that is to be installed along with the extension in order to provide the necessary capabilities removed from Firefox Quantum v57). As a consequence, Video DownloadHelper 7.3.1 will request you to update the companion app to version 1.2.2.\n\nWe understand that updating this companion application is a bit tedious if you compare to how smoothly the add-on updates, and we try to keep this requirement as seldom as possible. But in this case, we had no other choice. We apologize in advance.\n\nChanges from 7.3.0\n\n Fix: gallery downloads failure through CoApp 1.2.2 requirement\n\nChanges from 7.2.2\n\n Fix: SaveAs dialogs closing unexpectedly when request CoApp downloads\n Fix: downloads of big (>2GB) files failing with error invalid typed array length\n Fix: YouTube file names are now taken in priority from the video metadata and not the page title that produces a \"- Youtube\" trailing\n Fix: requesting a Download & Convert operation from a DASH streaming to an audio-only format caused the action to be stalled at 50%\n Improvement: in order to minimize the impact of Video DownloadHelper to the user experience, whenever the extension opens a tab and the user closes it, the original tab is restored\n Improvement: DASH downloads are now of much better quality with an improved management of video synchronisation frames\n Improvement: videos from Tumblr now display a proper thumbnail\n Fix: some running downloads did appear amongst other detected videos and not in the in the running section\n Improvement: SaveAs dialogs now sorts file names in a case-insensitive way\n CoApp: Converter is now based on ffmpeg 4.0\n CoApp: Comodo IceDragon browser support\n CoApp: include libbz2 library that is missing by default in Fedora and some other Linux distributions\n CoApp: include libnuma library that is missing by default in GenToo and some other Linux distributions\n CoApp: on Fedora and some other Linux distributions, the companion app manifests are now correctly installed to directory /usr/lib64"},"reviewed":null,"url":"https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper/versions/7.3.1","version":"7.3.1"}