From 07f5140771388c9e0c8a99b0dd2e5d950bdb173b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Yuchen Pei Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2021 15:16:42 +1100 Subject: moving h-source subdir out. --- h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left.php | 87 --------------------- h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_de.php | 86 --------------------- h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_es.php | 86 --------------------- h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_fr.php | 88 ---------------------- h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_gr.php | 87 --------------------- h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_it.php | 88 ---------------------- 6 files changed, 522 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left.php delete mode 100644 h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_de.php delete mode 100644 h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_es.php delete mode 100644 h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_fr.php delete mode 100644 h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_gr.php delete mode 100644 h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_it.php (limited to 'h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home') diff --git a/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left.php b/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left.php deleted file mode 100644 index b4ec21e..0000000 --- a/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ - - -. -?> - -
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- Home -
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- Objectives: -
- The project aims at the construction of a hardware database in order to identify what devices work with a fully free operating system. The website is structured like a wiki in which all the users can modify or insert new contents. The h-node project is developed in collaboration and as an activity of the FSF. -
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- Contribute: -
- You can contribute by creating an account at and editing its user-generated contents. All your modification will be saved in the history of the product you are editing/adding. Each revision (the current one or the old ones) will be marked by the name of the user who created it.
You can also contribute by suggesting new hardware that should be added to the database or features that should be implemented. -
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- Free software: -
- - - In order to add a device to the h-node database, you must verify that it works using only free software. For this purpose, you must be running either: - -

1) A GNU/Linux distribution that is on the FSF's list of endorsed distributions

- -

2) Debian GNU/Linux, with only the main archive area enabled. The "contrib" and "non-free" areas must not be enabled when testing hardware. Double-check this by running apt-cache policy. The only package archive area mentioned in the output should be main.

- -

h-node lists only hardware that works with free drivers and without non-free firmware. Other GNU/Linux distributions (or Debian with contrib, non-free, or some 3rd-party archives enabled) include non-free firmware files, so they cannot be used for testing.

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- License: -
- Any text submitted by you will be put in the Public Domain (see the CC0 page for detailed information). Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, sell, or distribute the text you have submitted to, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means. -
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- Other resources on the net: -

Here is a list of other archives collecting information about hardware working with free software:

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- About the website: -
- The has to be considered in beta version. It is constantly growing and many features have not been implemented yet (for example new hardware devices have to be inserted in the database). Some problems may occur: if you find out a bug please add an issue ">here with the topic maybe a bug. -
diff --git a/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_de.php b/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_de.php deleted file mode 100644 index 75467ea..0000000 --- a/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_de.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ - - -. -?> - -
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- Home -
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- Ziele: -
- Mit dem Projekt soll eine Hardwaredatenbank mit Peripheriegeräten aufgebaut werdem, die mit einem vollständig freien Betriebssystem arbeiten. Die Webseite von ist wie ein Wiki aufgebaut, dessen Inhalte von allen Benutzer geändert und ergänzt werden können. Das Projekt h-node wird in Zusammenarbeit und als eine Aktivität der FSF entwickelt. -
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- Mithelfen: -
- Sie können nach Ihrer Anmeldung bei dazu beitragen und die benutzergenerierten Inhalte bearbeiten. Alle Änderungen die Sie bearbeiten oder hinzufügen, werden im Produktverlauf protokolliert. Jede Version (die aktuelle oder die alte) wird der/dem BenutzerIn zugeordnet, die/der sie erstellte.
- Neue Hardware, die in die Datenbank aufgenommen, oder neue Funktionen, die hinzugefügt werden sollten, können Sie ebenfalls vorschlagen. -
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- Freie Software: -
- In order to add a device to the h-node database, you must verify that it works using only free software. For this purpose, you must be running either: - -

1) A GNU/Linux distribution that is on the FSF's list of endorsed distributions

- -

2) Debian GNU/Linux, with only the main archive area enabled. The "contrib" and "non-free" areas must not be enabled when testing hardware. Double-check this by running apt-cache policy. The only package archive area mentioned in the output should be main.

- -

h-node lists only hardware that works with free drivers and without non-free firmware. Other GNU/Linux distributions (or Debian with contrib, non-free, or some 3rd-party archives enabled) include non-free firmware files, so they cannot be used for testing.

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- Lizenz: -
- Jeder von Ihnen übermittelte Text wird in die Gemeinfreiheit („Public Domain“) entlassen (siehe CC0 1.0 Universell (CC0 1.0) für detaillierte Informationen). Jede Person darf das Werk/den Inhalt, den Sie an übermittelt haben, kopieren, verändern, verbreiten und aufführen, sogar zu kommerziellen Zwecken, ohne um weitere Erlaubnis bitten zu müssen und auf jedem Medium. -
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- Weitere Ressourcen im Internet: -

Weitere Archive mit gesammelten Informationen über Hardware, die mit Freie Software arbeitet:

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- Über -
- h-node muss als im Beta-Stadium betrachtet werden. Es wird ständig ergänzt haben und viele Funktionen wurden noch nicht implementiert (z. B. müssen neue Hardware-Geräte in die Datenbank eingepflegt werden). Es können Probleme auftreten: Wenn Sie einen Fehler finden, melden Sie diesen bitte im ">Web-Log mit dem Thema evtl. ein Fehler. -
diff --git a/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_es.php b/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_es.php deleted file mode 100644 index 4b310c7..0000000 --- a/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_es.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ - - -. -?> - -
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- Home -
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- Objetivos: -
- El proyecto tiene como meta la construcción de una base de datos de todo el hardware de manera que se pueda identificar que dispositivos funcionan con un sistema operativo completamente libre. El sitio esta estructurado como un wiki, en el cual todos los usuarios pueden modificar o integrar nuevos contenidos. El proyecto h-node es desarrollado en colaboración y como una actividad de la FSF. -
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- Contribuir: -
- Puede contribuir creando una cuenta en y editar los contenidos generados. Todas sus modificaciones serás guardadas en el historial del producto que edite/agregue. Cada revisión (actual o previa) será marcada con el nombre del usuario que la creo.
También puede contribuir al sugerir nuevo hardware que deba ser agregado a la base de datos o características que deberían ser implementadas. -
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- Software Libre: -
- In order to add a device to the h-node database, you must verify that it works using only free software. For this purpose, you must be running either: - -

1) A GNU/Linux distribution that is on the FSF's list of endorsed distributions

- -

2) Debian GNU/Linux, with only the main archive area enabled. The "contrib" and "non-free" areas must not be enabled when testing hardware. Double-check this by running apt-cache policy. The only package archive area mentioned in the output should be main.

- -

h-node lists only hardware that works with free drivers and without non-free firmware. Other GNU/Linux distributions (or Debian with contrib, non-free, or some 3rd-party archives enabled) include non-free firmware files, so they cannot be used for testing.

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- Licencias: -
- Cualquier texto agregado por usted sera colocado en Dominio Publico (vea la página CC0 para información detallada). Cualquiera es libre de copiar, modificar, publicar, usar, vender o distribuir el texto que ha integrado a, para cualquier propósito, comercial o no comercial, y por cualquier método. -
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- Otros recursos en la red: -

Aquí una lista de otras actividades recolectando información acerca de hardware funcionando con software libre:

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- Acerca del sitio : -
- El sitio debe ser considerado una versión beta. Esta en constantemente crecimiento y varias características no han sido implementadas aun (por ejemplo, nuevos dispositivos de hardware tienen que ser incluidos en la base de datos). Algunos problemas pueden ocurrir: Si encuentra un error por favor agregue una incidencia ">aquí bajo el tema maybe a bug. -
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diff --git a/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_fr.php b/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_fr.php deleted file mode 100644 index f68a53f..0000000 --- a/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_fr.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ - - -. -?> - -
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- Home -
- - - -
- Objectifs: -
- -
- Le but du projet h-node est de créer une base de données de matériel afin d'identifier les dispositifs qui fonctionne avec un système d’exploitation entièrement libre. Le site h-node est structuré comme un wiki, dont tout les utilisateurs peuvent modifier ou insérer des contenus. Le projet h-node est dévellopé en collaboration et en tant qu'activitée de la FSF. -
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- Contribution: -
- Vous pouvez contribuer en créant un compte sur h-node et modifier le contenus créé par les utilisateurs. Toutes vos modifications seront enregistrées dans l’historique de l’élément que vous modifiez ou ajouter. Toutes versions (l’actuelle ou les précédentes) seront marquées au nom de l’utilisateur qui les a crées.
Vous pouvez aussi contribuer en suggérant un autre type de matériel qui devrais être ajouté à la base de données ou une nouvelle fonctionnalitée qui devrais être implémentée -
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- Logiciel libre: -
- In order to add a device to the h-node database, you must verify that it works using only free software. For this purpose, you must be running either: - -

1) A GNU/Linux distribution that is on the FSF's list of endorsed distributions

- -

2) Debian GNU/Linux, with only the main archive area enabled. The "contrib" and "non-free" areas must not be enabled when testing hardware. Double-check this by running apt-cache policy. The only package archive area mentioned in the output should be main.

- -

h-node lists only hardware that works with free drivers and without non-free firmware. Other GNU/Linux distributions (or Debian with contrib, non-free, or some 3rd-party archives enabled) include non-free firmware files, so they cannot be used for testing.

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- License: -
- -
- Tout les textes que vous publierez sur le site seront dans le Domain public (Consultez la page CC0 pour plus d'informations). Tout un chacun est autorisé à copier, modifier, publier, utiliser, vendre ou distribuer le texte que vous avez envoyé sur, pour quelque utilisation que ce soit et par tout les moyens. -
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- Ressource supplémentaire sur Internet: -

Voici une liste d'autres archives qui collecte des informations à propos du matériel fonctionnant avec du logiciel libre:

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- A propos du site : -
- Le site doit être considéré comme en version beta, il s’aggrandit constamment et beaucoup de fonctionnalitée n’ont pas encore été implémentée ( par exemple, de nouveau type d’appareil doivent être ajouter dans la base de données) . Des problèmes peuvent arriver, si vous trouver un bug, merci de remplir un ">ticket bug (maybe a bug). -
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diff --git a/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_gr.php b/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_gr.php deleted file mode 100644 index 5e15b4c..0000000 --- a/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_gr.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ - - -. -?> - -
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- Home -
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- Σκοποί: -
- - Το project έχει ως σκοπό την κατασκευή μίας βάσης δεδομένων υλικού, έτσι ώστε να μπορεί να εντοπισθεί ποιες συσκευές δουλεύουν με ένα πλήρως ελεύθερο Λειτουργικό Σύστημα. Ο ιστότοπος είναι δομημένος σαν ένα wiki, εντός του οποίου όλοι οι χρήστες μπορούν να τροποποιούν ή να εισαγάγουν νέα περιεχόμενα. Το h-node project αναπτύχθηκε σε συνεργασία με και σαν δραστηριότητα του FSF. -
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- Συνεισφέρετε: -
- Μπορείτε να συνεισφέρετε φτιάχνοντας έναν λογαριασμό στο και τροποποιώντας τα περιεχόμενα που δημιούργησαν οι ίδιοι οι χρήστες. Όλες σας οι τροποποιήσεις θα αποθηκεύονται στο ιστορικό του προϊόντος το οποίο επεξεργάζεσθε/εμπλουτίζετε. Κάθε αναθεώρηση (τόσο η τρέχουσα όσο και οι παλιές) θα επισημαίνεται με το όνομα του χρήστη που την δημιούργησε. Μπορείτε, επίσης, να συνεισφέρετε προτείνοντας νέο υλικό που θα έπρεπε να προστεθεί στη βάση δεδομένων, ή εισηγούμενοι χαρακτηριστικά που θα έπρεπε να υλοποιηθούν. -
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- Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό -
- - In order to add a device to the h-node database, you must verify that it works using only free software. For this purpose, you must be running either: - -

1) A GNU/Linux distribution that is on the FSF's list of endorsed distributions

- -

2) Debian GNU/Linux, with only the main archive area enabled. The "contrib" and "non-free" areas must not be enabled when testing hardware. Double-check this by running apt-cache policy. The only package archive area mentioned in the output should be main.

- -

h-node lists only hardware that works with free drivers and without non-free firmware. Other GNU/Linux distributions (or Debian with contrib, non-free, or some 3rd-party archives enabled) include non-free firmware files, so they cannot be used for testing.

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- Άδεια: -
- Οποιοδήποτε κείμενο που υποβάλετε, θα μπαίνει σε Δημόσια Διάθεση/Public Domain (δείτε τη σελίδα CC0 page για πιο λεπτομερείς πληροφορίες). Οποιοσδήποτε είναι ελεύθερος να αντιγράφει, να τροποποιεί, να δημοσιεύει, να χρησιμοποιεί, να πωλεί, ή και να ανδιανέμει το κείμενο που εσείς υποβάλλατε στο, για οποιοδήποτε λόγο, εμπορικό ή μη-εμπορικό, και με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο. -
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- Άλλοι πόροι στο Διαδίκτυο: -

Ακολουθεί, εδώ, ένας κατάλογος άλλων αρχείων που συγκεντρώνουν πληροφορίες σχετικά με υλικό που δουλεύει με ελεύθερο λογισμικό:

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- -
- Σχετικά με τον ιστότοπο : -
- Το πρέπει να θεωρείται πως βρίκεται σε έκδοση beta. Αναπτύσσεται συνεχώς και πολλά χαρακτηριστικά δεν έχουν ακόμη υλοποιηθεί (π.χ. πρέπει ακόμη να προστεθούν νέες συσκευές υλικού στη βάση δεδομένων). Μπορεί να παρατηρηθούν ορισμένα προβλήματα: αν εντοπίσετε ένα σφάλμα (bug), παρακαλώ προσθέστε μία αναφορά προβλήματος ">εδώ με θέμα ίσως να πρόκειται για ένα bug. -
diff --git a/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_it.php b/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_it.php deleted file mode 100644 index dc9a6bb..0000000 --- a/h-source/Application/Views/Mobile/Home/left_it.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ - - -. -?> - -
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- Home -
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- Obiettivi: -
- -
- Il progetto h-node mira alla costruzione di un database di hardware allo scopo di identificare quali dispositivi funzionino con un sistema operativo completamente libero. Il sito è strutturato come una wiki in cui tutti gli utenti possono inserire nuovi contenuti o modificare i contenuti già presenti. Il progetto h-node è sviluppato in collaborazione e come attività della FSF. -
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- Contribuire: -
- Puoi contribuire creandoti un account su e modificando i suoi contenuti generati dagli utenti. Tutte le tue modifiche saranno salvate nella storia del prodotto che stai modificando/aggiungendo. Ogni revisione (quella attuale o le precedenti) sarà contrassegnata col nome dell'utente che l'ha creata.
Puoi inoltre contribuire suggerendo del nuovo hardware da aggiungere al database o delle caratteristiche da implementare. -
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- Software libero: -
- Per poter aggiungere un dispositivo nel database di h-node, devi verificare che funzioni usando solo software libero. Per questo scopo, puoi unicamente utilizzare: - -

1) Una delle distribuzioni GNU/Linux elencate nella lista delle distribuzioni approvate dalla FSF

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2) Debian GNU/Linux, con solo la zona archivio main attivata. Le aree "contrib" e "non-free" non devono essere abilitate durante il test dell'hardware. Controlla che sia così lanciando apt-cache policy. La sola zona archivio dei pacchetti deve essere main.

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h-node elenca solo hardware che funziona con driver liberi e senza firmware non libero. Le altre distribuzioni GNU/Linux (oppure Debian con contrib, non-free, o archivi di terze parti abilitati) includono file di firmware non liberi, quindi non possono essere utilizzate per i test.

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- Licenza: -
- -
- Qualsiasi testo da te inserito diventerà di Pubblico Dominio (visita la pagina CC0 per informazioni dettagliate). Chiunque è libero di copiare, modificare, pubblicare, usare, vendere o distribuire il testo che hai inserito su, per qualsiasi fine, commerciale o non commerciale, e con ogni mezzo. -
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- Altre risorse in rete: -

Di seguito una lista di altri archivi contenenti informazioni sull' hardware funzionante con software libero:

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- A proposito del sito : -
- deve essere considerato una versione beta. E' in costante sviluppo e molte caratteristiche non sono ancora state implementate (per esempio nuovi dispositivi hardware devono essere aggiunti al database). Potrebbero esserci dei problemi: se scopri un bug per favore invia una segnalazione ">qui con l'argomento maybe a bug. -
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-- cgit v1.2.3