. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); //manage the associative arrays inside the request ($_GET,$_POST,$_COOKIE) class Request { public function get($name, $default = null, $func = 'none') { if (!function_exists($func)) { throw new Exception('Error in '.__METHOD__.': function '.$func. ' does not exists'); } return isset($_GET[$name]) ? call_user_func($func,$_GET[$name]) : $default; } public function post($name, $default = null, $func = 'none') { if (!function_exists($func)) { throw new Exception('Error in '.__METHOD__.': function '.$func. ' does not exists'); } return isset($_POST[$name]) ? call_user_func($func,$_POST[$name]) : $default; } public function cookie($name, $default = null, $func = 'none') { if (!function_exists($func)) { throw new Exception('Error in '.__METHOD__.': function '.$func. ' does not exists'); } return isset($_COOKIE[$name]) ? call_user_func($func,$_COOKIE[$name]) : $default; } }