module name tag defines the name of the object that has to be instantiate and saved in the //$modules property (that is an array referencing different module objects) array(moduleObj1,moduleObj2, ...) //if the module class corresponding ot the module name tag does not exists, than no module is created and the next module name is checked class BoxParser { public $modules = array(); //array referencing different module classes --> array(moduleObj1,moduleObj2, ...) See files inside the Application/Modules folder //$simpleXMLText: it has to be an XML text //$type; it can be string or file. public function __construct($simpleXMLText, $type = 'string') { if ($type === 'string') { if (@simplexml_load_string($simpleXMLText)) { $simpleXmlObj = simplexml_load_string($simpleXMLText); $this->populate($simpleXmlObj); } } else if ($type === 'file') { if (@simplexml_load_file($simpleXMLText)) { $simpleXmlObj = simplexml_load_file($simpleXMLText); $this->populate($simpleXmlObj); } } } //inistantiate the module objects and save them in the $this->modules property array private function populate($simpleXmlObj) { foreach ($simpleXmlObj as $mod) { $className = 'Mod'.ucwords((string)$mod->type); if (class_exists($className)) { if (file_exists(ROOT . DS . APPLICATION_PATH . DS . 'Modules' . DS . $className . '.php')) { $newModule = new $className($mod); if ($newModule instanceof ModAbstract) { $this->modules[] = $newModule; } } } } } //create the HTML of the modules public function render() { $HTML = null; foreach ($this->modules as $module) { $HTML .= $module->render(); } return $HTML; } }