. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); class BaseController extends Controller { protected $lang; protected $islogged = 'no'; protected $ismoderator = false; protected $isadmin = false; protected $querySanitized = true; protected $token = 'token'; protected $_updating = 'no'; protected $_configXml = null; protected $_topMenuClasses = array( "home" => null, "hardware" => null, "credits" => null, "issues" => null, "contact" => null, "search" => null, "news" => null, "download" => null, "help" => null, "wiki" => null, "project" => null, ); public function __construct($model, $controller, $queryString) { parent::__construct($model, $controller, $queryString); header("Cache-Control: no-cache"); $this->model('BoxesModel'); $this->model('HistoryModel'); $this->model('ParamsModel'); $this->model('UsersModel'); $this->load('header'); $this->load('footer','last'); $this->session('registered'); $this->s['registered']->checkStatus(); $data['username'] = null; $data['user_groups'] = null; $data['islogged'] = 'no'; $data['token'] = 'token'; $data['ismoderator'] = false; $data['isadmin'] = false; if ($this->s['registered']->status['status'] === 'logged') { $data['username'] = $this->s['registered']->status['user']; $groups = $this->s['registered']->status['groups']; $groups[] = 'registered'; $data['user_groups'] = implode(',',$groups); $data['islogged'] = 'yes'; $this->islogged = $data['islogged']; $data['token'] = $this->s['registered']->status['token']; $this->token = $data['token']; $data['ismoderator'] = in_array('moderator',$this->s['registered']->status['groups']) ? true : false; $this->ismoderator = $data['ismoderator']; $data['isadmin'] = in_array('admin',$this->s['registered']->status['groups']) ? true : false; $this->isadmin = $data['isadmin']; } $data['lang'] = 'en'; $this->lang = 'en'; if (isset($this->_queryString[0])) { $lang = (strcmp($this->_queryString[0],'') !== 0) ? $this->_queryString[0] : 'en'; $data['lang'] = Lang::sanitize($lang); $this->lang = $data['lang']; Lang::$current = $data['lang']; } $data['langIcon'] = Lang::getIcon(Lang::$current); $data['langLabel'] = Lang::getLabel(Lang::$current); //set desktop or mobile version Version::set(); //subfolder of the Views folder where to look for view files Params::$viewSubfolder = Version::getViewSubfolder(); $data['tm'] = $this->_topMenuClasses; $this->_queryString = $this->sanitizeQueryString($this->_queryString); $data['querySanitized'] = $this->querySanitized; $data['queryString'] = Url::createUrl($this->_queryString); //check ft they are updating the website $updating = $this->m['ParamsModel']->select('updating')->where(array('id_par'=>1))->toList('updating')->send(); $data['updating_flag'] = 'no'; if (count($updating)>0) { $data['updating_flag'] = $updating[0]; $this->_updating = $data['updating_flag']; } //get the configuration xml $xmlRes = $this->m['ParamsModel']->select('boxes_xml')->where(array('id_par'=>1))->toList('boxes_xml')->send(); if (count($xmlRes)>0) { $configXml = htmlspecialchars_decode($xmlRes[0],ENT_QUOTES); if (Website::$useXmlConfigFile) { $xmlConfigFile = rtrim(Website::$xmlConfigFileFolder,'/') . '/config.xml'; if (@simplexml_load_file($xmlConfigFile)) { $this->_configXml = simplexml_load_file($xmlConfigFile); } } else { if (@simplexml_load_string($configXml)) { $this->_configXml = simplexml_load_string($configXml); } } } //elements of the top menu from the config.xml file //help link $mod = new BoxParser($this->getBox(array("top_menu","help_page_link"))); $data["topMenuHelpLink"] = $mod->modules[0]->render($this->_topMenuClasses["help"]); $this->append($data); } //get the right box from the configuration xml protected function getBox($xmlPath,$xmlString = null) { if (!isset($xmlString)) { $xmlString = $this->_configXml; } if (is_array($xmlPath)) { if (isset($xmlString)) { $tempXml = $xmlString->{$xmlPath[0]}; if (count($xmlPath) === 1) { if (isset($tempXml->{$this->lang})) { return $tempXml->{$this->lang}->asXml(); } else if (isset($tempXml->{"en"})) { return $tempXml->{"en"}->asXml(); } else { return null; } } else { array_shift($xmlPath); return $this->getBox($xmlPath,$tempXml); } } } return null; } // get the HTML of a module from the xml configuration string // $xmlPath: array conitaining the path protected function getModule($xmlPath) { $tracksHelpLabel = null; $xml = $this->getBox($xmlPath); if ($xml) { $box_news = new BoxParser($xml); $tracksHelpLabel = $box_news->render(); } return $tracksHelpLabel; } protected function right($lang = 'en') { $hard = new HardwareModel(); $data['stat'] = $hard->clear()->select('type,count(*) AS numb')->where(array('-deleted'=>'no','cleared'=>'no'))->groupBy('type')->toList('type','aggregate.numb')->send(); $logged = $this->s['registered']->getUsersLogged(); $data['numbLogged'] = count($logged); //render the boxes inside the right column $data['htmlRightBox'] = $this->getModule(array('right_column')); $data['language_links'] = $this->buildLanguageLinks($this->lang); $data['lastModif'] = $this->m['HistoryModel'] ->clear()->select() ->inner('hardware') ->on('hardware.id_hard=history.id') ->where(array('type'=>'hardware','gr'=>'registered','deleted'=>'no','cleared'=>'no',)) ->orderBy('id_history desc') ->limit(5) ->send(); $this->append($data); $this->load('right'); } protected function sanitizeQueryString($queryArray) { $resArray = array(); foreach ($queryArray as $item) { if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.\+\s]+$/',$item)) { $resArray[] = sanitizeAll($item); } else { $this->querySanitized = false; return array('en'); } } return $resArray; } protected function buildLanguageLinks($lang) { $status = $this->_queryString; $cPage = $this->querySanitized ? $this->currPage : $this->baseUrl."/home/index"; $mobileDataRole = Version::get() === "mobile" ? "data-role='listview'" : null; $link = "\n"; return $link; } protected function cleverLoad($file) { $fileInt = $file."_".$this->lang; if (file_exists(ROOT . DS . APPLICATION_PATH . DS . 'Views' . DS . Params::$viewSubfolder . DS . ucwords($this->controller) . DS . $fileInt . '.php')) { $this->load($fileInt); } else { $this->load($file); } } }