. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); class SearchController extends BaseController { public function __construct($model, $controller, $queryString) { $this->_topMenuClasses['search'] = " class='currentitem'"; parent::__construct($model, $controller, $queryString); $this->model('HardwareModel'); $data['title'] = 'search - '.Website::$generalName; $this->append($data); } public function form($lang = 'en') { $this->cleverLoad('form'); $this->right(); } public function results($lang = 'en') { Params::$nullQueryValue = 'undef'; $argKeys = array( 'page:forceNat' => 1, 'action:sanitizeAlphanum' => 'search', 'type:sanitizeString' => 'notebook', 'model:sanitizeString' => 'undef', ); $this->setArgKeys($argKeys); $this->shift(1); if (strcmp($this->viewArgs['action'],'search') === 0) { Params::$whereClauseSymbolArray = array('like'); $whereClause = array( 'type' => $this->viewArgs['type'], 'model' => "like '%".$this->viewArgs['model']."%'", '-deleted' => "no", ); $recordNumber = $this->m['HardwareModel']->clear()->where($whereClause)->orderBy("id_hard desc")->rowNumber(); $data['recordNumber'] = $recordNumber; //load the Pages helper $this->helper('Pages',$this->controller.'/results/'.$this->lang,'page'); $page = $this->viewArgs['page']; //set the limit clause $limit = $this->h['Pages']->getLimit($page,$recordNumber,10); $data['table'] = $this->m['HardwareModel']->clear()->select('id_hard,model,type,comm_year')->where($whereClause)->limit($limit)->orderBy("id_hard desc")->send(); // echo $this->m['HardwareModel']->getQuery(); $data['pageList'] = $this->h['Pages']->render($page-3,7); $this->append($data); $this->cleverLoad('results'); $this->right(); } } public function pciid($lang = 'en') { if (isset($_POST['pciid'])) { $clean['pciid'] = $this->request->post('pciid','','sanitizePciid'); $data['table'] = $this->m['HardwareModel']->clear()->select()->where(array('pci_id'=>$clean['pciid']))->send(); $data['recordNumber'] = 0; $this->append($data); $this->cleverLoad('results'); $this->right(); } } public function lspci($lang = 'en') { if (isset($_POST['lspci'])) { $data['notice'] = null; $lspci = $this->request->post('lspci','','sanitizeHtml'); $lspciResult = array(); $flag = true; if (strlen($lspci)<50000) { $lspci = nl2br($lspci); $lspciArray = explode('
',$lspci); reset($lspciArray); while(current($lspciArray) !== false) { $item = current($lspciArray); if (stristr($item,'Slot')) { $temp = array(); // class if (next($lspciArray) !== false) { $item = trim(current($lspciArray)); if( !preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.\,\;\:\+\s\(\)\/\[\]\#]+$/i', $item ) ) { $flag = false; break; } if( preg_match( '/Class\:(.*)\[(.*)\]/i', $item, $matches ) ) { $temp['className'] = sanitizeAll($matches[1]); $temp['classId'] = sanitizeAll($matches[2]); } else { $temp['className'] = "unknown"; $temp['classId'] = "unknown"; } } else { $flag = false; break; } // vendor if (next($lspciArray) !== false) { $item = trim(current($lspciArray)); if( !preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.\,\;\:\+\s\(\)\/\[\]\#]+$/i', $item ) ) { $flag = false; break; } if( preg_match( '/Vendor\:(.*)\[(.*)\]/i', $item, $matches ) ) { $temp['vendorName'] = sanitizeAll($matches[1]); $temp['vendorId'] = sanitizeAll($matches[2]); } else { $temp['vendorName'] = "unknown"; $temp['vendorId'] = "unknown"; } } else { $flag = false; break; } // device if (next($lspciArray) !== false) { $item = trim(current($lspciArray)); if( !preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.\,\;\:\+\s\(\)\/\[\]\#]+$/i', $item ) ) { $flag = false; break; } if( preg_match( '/Device\:(.*)\[(.*)\]/i', $item, $matches ) ) { $temp['deviceName'] = sanitizeAll($matches[1]); $temp['deviceId'] = sanitizeAll($matches[2]); } else { $temp['deviceName'] = "unknown"; $temp['deviceId'] = "unknown"; } } else { $flag = false; break; } $lspciResult[] = $temp; } next($lspciArray); } if (count($lspciResult) === 0 or $flag === false) { $data['notice'] = "
".gtext('the text submitted by you does not seem the lspci -vmmnn output. Please check the text and try again')."
\n"; $flag = false; } } else { $data['notice'] = "
the lspci output is too long
\n"; $flag = false; } $data['flag'] = $flag; $data['table'] = array(); $data['notFoundDevices'] = array(); if ($flag) { $lspciFiltered = array(); $vendorIDProductIDArray = array(); foreach ($lspciResult as $device) { if (array_key_exists($device['classId'],Hardware::$deviceClasses)) { $vendorIDProductIDArray[] = sanitizePciid($device['vendorId'].":".$device['deviceId']); $lspciFiltered[] = $device; } } $whereString = "'".implode("','",$vendorIDProductIDArray)."'"; $data['table'] = $this->m['HardwareModel']->select()->where(array('pci_id'=>"in($whereString)"))->send(); $foundPciidArray = $this->m['HardwareModel'] ->select('pci_id') ->where(array('pci_id'=>"in($whereString)")) ->toList('pci_id') ->send(); $notFoundDevices = array(); foreach ($lspciFiltered as $device) { if (!in_array($device['vendorId'].":".$device['deviceId'],$foundPciidArray)) { $notFoundDevices[] = $device; } } $data['notFoundDevices'] = $notFoundDevices; } $this->append($data); $this->cleverLoad('lspci_results'); $this->right(); } } }