. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); class Lang { public static $allowed = array('en','es','fr','it'); public static $current = 'en'; public static $complete = array( 'en' => 'gb.png,English', 'es' => 'es.png,Español', 'fr' => 'fr.png,Français', 'it' => 'it.png,Italiano', ); public static $i18n = array( 'it' => array ( "List of issues" => "Lista di questioni", "TITLE" => "TITOLO", "TOPIC" => "ARGOMENTO", "OPENED BY" => "APERTO DA", "DATE" => "DATA", "REPLIES" => "MESSAGGI", "PRIORITY" => "PRIORITÀ", "STATUS" => "STATO", "You have to" => "Devi eseguire il", "in order to submit an issue" => "per poter aprire una nuova questione", "in order to add a message" => "per poter inviare un messaggio", "Description" => "Descrizione", "Messages" => "Messaggi", "this message has been deleted" => "questo messaggio è stato cancellato", "in order to submit a message to this issue" => "per aggiungere un messaggio a questa questione", "model name" => "nome del modello", "model type" => "tipo di device", "year of commercialization" => "anno di commercializzazione", "Results of the search" => "Risultati della ricerca", "page list" => "pagine", "No devices found" => "Non è stato trovato alcun device", "vendor" => "marca", "compatibility" => "compatibilità", "year" => "anno", "subtype" => "sottotipo", "sort by" => "ordina per", "interface" => "interfaccia", "does it work?" => "funziona?", "preview of the message" => "anteprima del messaggio", "preview of the new issue message" => "anteprima del testo della questione", "Add a message to this issue" => "Aggiungi un messaggio a questa questione", "Add a new issue" => "Aggiungi una nuova questione", "MESSAGE" => "MESSAGGIO", "there are no messages" => "non ci sono messaggi", "No notebooks found" => "Non è stato trovato alcun notebook", "subtype (notebook or netbook)" => "sottotipo (notebook or netbook)", "compatibility with free software" => "compatibilità con il software libero", "view the other specifications" => "guarda le altre specifiche", "model" => "modello", "model id" => "id del modello", "tested on" => "testato con", "tested with the following kernel libre" => "testato con il seguente kernel libre", "video card model" => "modello di scheda video", "wifi model" => "modello di scheda wifi", "GNU/Linux distribution used for the test" => "distribuzione GNU/Linux usata per il test", "does the video card work?" => "funziona la scheda video?", "does the wifi card work?" => "funziona la scheda wifi?", "Description: (write here all the useful information)" => "Descrizione (scrivi sotto tutte le informazioni utili)", "discover all the wiki tags" => "scopri tutti i tag della wiki", "Fields marked with * are mandatory" => "I campi marcati con * sono obbligatori", "No printers found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna stampante", "interface" => "interfaccia", "VendorID:ProductID code of the device" => "codice VendorID:ProductID del prodotto", "free driver used" => "driver liberi usati", "set not-specified if not sure" => "seleziona not-specified se non sei sicuro/a", "see the help page or leave blank if you are not sure" => "guarda nella pagina di help o lascia vuoto se non sei sicuro/a", "No scanners found" => "Non sono è stato trovato alcuno scanner", "No video cards found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna scheda grafica", "how does it work with free software?" => "come funziona con il software libero?", "No wifi cards found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna scheda wifi", "does it work with free software?" => "funziona con il software libero?", "differences in the entry" => "differenze nel campo", "No 3G cards found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna scheda 3G", "Please specify in the below description entry the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the country where the service is provided" => "Per favore specifica nel sottostante campo descrizione l'Internet Service Provider (ISP) e il Paese dove il servizio viene fornito", "webcam model" => "modello di webcam", "does it have a free bios?" => "ha il bios libero?", "does the webcam work?" => "funziona la webcam?", "Current revision" => "Revisione corrente", ), 'es' => array ( "List of issues" => "Lista de incidencias", "TITLE" => "TITULO", "TOPIC" => "ARGUMENTO", "OPENED BY" => "ABIERTO POR", "DATE" => "FECHA", "REPLIES" => "RESPUESTAS", "PRIORITY" => "PRIORIDAD", "STATUS" => "ESTADO", "You have to" => "Tiene que", "in order to submit an issue" => "para poder agregar una incidencia", "in order to add a message" => "para poder agregar un mensaje", "Description" => "Descripción", "Messages" => "Mensajes", "this message has been deleted" => "este mensaje ha sido borrado", "in order to submit a message to this issue" => "para poder agregar un mensaje a esta incidencia", "model name" => "nombre del modelo", "model type" => "tipo de modelo", "year of commercialization" => "año de comercialización", "Results of the search" => "Resultado de la búsqueda", "page list" => "página", "No devices found" => "No se encontró ningún dispositivo", "vendor" => "fabricante", "compatibility" => "compatibilidad", "year" => "año", "subtype" => "subtipo", "sort by" => "ordenar por", "interface" => "interfaz", "does it work?" => "¿funciona?", "preview of the message" => "vista previa del mensaje", "preview of the new issue message" => "vista previa del mensaje de la incidencia", "Add a message to this issue" => "Agregue un mensaje a esta incidencia", "Add a new issue" => "Agregue una nueva incidencia", "MESSAGE" => "MENSAJE", "there are no messages" => "no hay mensajes", "No notebooks found" => "No se encontró ninguna laptop", "subtype (notebook or netbook)" => "subtipo (laptop o netbook)", "compatibility with free software" => "compatibilidad con software libre", "view the other specifications" => "ver otras especificaciones", "model" => "modelo", "model id" => "id del modelo", "tested on" => "probado con", "tested with the following kernel libre" => "probado con el siguiente kernel libre", "video card model" => "modelo de tarjeta de video", "wifi model" => "modelo de tarjeta de red inalámbrica", "GNU/Linux distribution used for the test" => "distribución GNU/Linux usada para la prueba", "does the video card work?" => "¿funciona la tarjeta de video?", "does the wifi card work?" => "¿funciona la tarjeta de red inalámbrica?", "Description: (write here all the useful information)" => "Descripción (escriba aquí toda la información útil)", "discover all the wiki tags" => "mostrar todas las etiquetas del wiki", "Fields marked with * are mandatory" => "Campos marcados con * son obligatorios", "No printers found" => "No se encontró ninguna impresora", "interface" => "interfaz", "VendorID:ProductID code of the device" => "código VendorID:ProductID del dispositivo", "free driver used" => "driver libre usado", "set not-specified if not sure" => "seleccione not-specified si no esta seguro/a", "see the help page or leave blank if you are not sure" => "vea la página de ayuda o deje vacío si no esta seguro/a", "No scanners found" => "No se encontró ningun escáner", "No video cards found" => "No se encontró ninguna tarjeta de video", "how does it work with free software?" => "¿como funciona con software libre?", "No wifi cards found" => "No se encontró ninguna tarjeta de red inalámbrica", "does it work with free software?" => "¿funciona con software libre?", "differences in the entry" => "diferencias en el campo", ), 'fr' => array ( "List of issues" => "Liste de problème", "TITLE" => "TITRE", "TOPIC" => "SUJET", "OPENED BY" => "OUVERT PAR", "DATE" => "DATE", "REPLIES" => "REPONSES", "PRIORITY" => "PRIORITE", "STATUS" => "STATUS", "You have to" => "Vous devez", "in order to submit an issue" => "pour pouvoir soumettre un problème", "in order to add a message" => "pour pouvoir envoyer un message", "Description" => "Description", "Messages" => "Messagges", "this message has been deleted" => "ce message à été supprimé", "in order to submit a message to this issue" => "pour pouvoir envoyer un message concernant ce problème", "model name" => "nom de modèle", "model type" => "type de modèle", "year of commercialization" => "année de commercialisation", "Results of the search" => "Resultat de la recherche", "page list" => "liste de page", "No devices found" => "Aucun appareil trouvé", "vendor" => "vendeur", "compatibility" => "compatibilitée", "year" => "année", "subtype" => "sous-type", "sort by" => "afficher par", "interface" => "interface", "does it work?" => "cela fonctionne?", "preview of the message" => "prévisualisation du message", "preview of the new issue message" => "prévisualisation du message du nouveau problème", "Add a message to this issue" => "Ajouter un message à ce problème", "Add a new issue" => "Ajouter un nouveau problème", "MESSAGE" => "MESSAGE", "there are no messages" => "Il n'y a pas de messages", "No notebooks found" => "Aucun notebooks trouvé", "subtype (notebook or netbook)" => "sous-type (notebook ou netbook)", "compatibility with free software" => "compatibilitée avec le logiciel libre", "view the other specifications" => "voir les autres spécifications", "model" => "modèle", "model id" => "ID du modèle", "tested on" => "testé sur", "tested with the following kernel libre" => "testé avec le kernel libre suivant", "video card model" => "modèle de carte vidéo", "wifi model" => "modèle de carte wifi", "GNU/Linux distribution used for the test" => "Distribution GNU/Linux utilisée pour le test", "does the video card work?" => "La carte vidéo fonctionne t'elle?", "does the wifi card work?" => "La carte wifi fonctionne t'elle?", "Description: (write here all the useful information)" => "Description (écrivez ici toutes informations utile)", "discover all the wiki tags" => "voir tout les tags wiki", "Fields marked with * are mandatory" => "Les champs marqués avec * sont mandatoire", "No printers found" => "Aucun imprimante trouvée", "interface" => "interface", "VendorID:ProductID code of the device" => "VendorID:ProductID de l'appareil", "free driver used" => "pilote libre utilisé", "set not-specified if not sure" => "voir non-spécifié en cas de doute", "see the help page or leave blank if you are not sure" => "Voir la page d'aide ou laisser blanc si vous n'êtes pas sur", "No scanners found" => "Aucun scanner trouvé", "No video cards found" => "Aucun carte vidéo trouvée", "how does it work with free software?" => "A quel point cela fonctionne t'il avec du logiciel libre?", "No wifi cards found" => "Aucune carte wifi trouvée", "does it work with free software?" => "cela fonctionne t'il avec le logiciel libre", "differences in the entry" => "difference dans l'entrée", "No 3G cards found" => "Aucune carte 3G trouvée", "Please specify in the below description entry the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the country where the service is provided" => "Merci de préciser dans cette description le fournisseur d'accès et le pays dans lequel le service est fournis", "webcam model" => "modèle de webcam", "does it have a free bios?" => "à t'il un bios libre?", "does the webcam work?" => "la webcam fonctionne t'elle?", ), ); public static function sanitize($lang = 'en') { return (in_array($lang,self::$allowed)) ? sanitizeAll($lang) : 'en'; } } class MyStrings { public static $view = array( 'en' => array( 'notebooks' => array( 'element' => 'notebook' ), 'wifi' => array( 'element' => 'wifi card' ), 'videocards'=> array( 'element' => 'video card' ), 'printers'=> array( 'element' => 'printer' ), 'scanners'=> array( 'element' => 'scanner' ), 'threegcards' => array( 'element' => '3G-card', ), ), 'fr' => array( 'notebooks' => array( 'element' => 'notebook' ), 'wifi' => array( 'element' => 'wifi card' ), 'videocards'=> array( 'element' => 'video card' ), 'printers'=> array( 'element' => 'printer' ), 'scanners'=> array( 'element' => 'scanner' ), 'threegcards' => array( 'element' => '3G-card', ), ), 'it' => array( 'notebooks' => array( 'element' => 'notebook' ), 'wifi' => array( 'element' => 'wifi card' ), 'videocards'=> array( 'element' => 'video card' ), 'printers'=> array( 'element' => 'printer' ), 'scanners'=> array( 'element' => 'scanner' ), 'threegcards' => array( 'element' => '3G-card', ), ), 'es' => array( 'notebooks' => array( 'element' => 'notebook' ), 'wifi' => array( 'element' => 'wifi card' ), 'videocards'=> array( 'element' => 'video card' ), 'printers'=> array( 'element' => 'printer' ), 'scanners'=> array( 'element' => 'scanner' ), 'threegcards' => array( 'element' => '3G-card', ), ), ); //type => controller public static $reverse = array( 'notebook' => 'notebooks', 'wifi' => 'wifi', 'videocard' => 'videocards', 'printer' => 'printers', 'scanner' => 'scanners', '3G-card' => 'threegcards' ); public static function getTypes() { return implode(',',array_keys(self::$reverse)); } }