. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); class Lang { public static $allowed = array('en','es','fr','it','de'); public static $current = 'en'; public static $complete = array( 'en' => 'gb.png,English', 'es' => 'es.png,Español', 'fr' => 'fr.png,Français', 'it' => 'it.png,Italiano', 'de' => 'de.png,Deutsch', ); public static function getLabel($langCode) { if (array_key_exists($langCode,self::$complete)) { $all = explode(',',self::$complete[$langCode]); return $all[1]; } return $langCode; } public static $i18n = array( 'it' => array ( /*0001*/"Search one device in the archive" => "Cerca un dispositivo nell'archivio", /*0002*/"hardware type" => "tipo di hardware", /*0003*/"the model name contains" => "il nome del modello contiene", /*0004*/"List of issues" => "Lista di questioni", /*0005*/"TITLE" => "TITOLO", /*0006*/"TOPIC" => "ARGOMENTO", /*0007*/"OPENED BY" => "APERTO DA", /*0008*/"DATE" => "DATA", /*0009*/"REPLIES" => "MESSAGGI", /*0010*/"PRIORITY" => "PRIORITÀ", /*0011*/"STATUS" => "STATO", /*0012*/"You have to" => "Devi eseguire il", /*0013*/"in order to submit an issue" => "per poter aprire una nuova questione", /*0014*/"in order to add a message" => "per poter inviare un messaggio", /*0015*/"Description" => "Descrizione", /*0016*/"Messages" => "Messaggi", /*0017*/"this message has been deleted" => "questo messaggio è stato cancellato", /*0018*/"in order to submit a message to this issue" => "per aggiungere un messaggio a questa questione", /*0019*/"model name" => "nome del modello", /*0020*/"model type" => "tipo di device", /*0021*/"year of commercialization" => "anno di commercializzazione", /*0022*/"Results of the search" => "Risultati della ricerca", /*0023*/"page list" => "pagine", /*0024*/"No devices found" => "Non è stato trovato alcun device", /*0025*/"vendor" => "marca", /*0026*/"compatibility" => "compatibilità", /*0027*/"year" => "anno", /*0028*/"subtype" => "sottotipo", /*0029*/"sort by" => "ordina per", /*0030*/"interface" => "interfaccia", /*0031*/"does it work?" => "funziona?", /*0032*/"preview of the message" => "anteprima del messaggio", /*0033*/"preview of the new issue message" => "anteprima del testo della questione", /*0034*/"Add a message to this issue" => "Aggiungi un messaggio a questa questione", /*0035*/"Add a new issue" => "Aggiungi una nuova questione", /*0036*/"MESSAGE" => "MESSAGGIO", /*0037*/"there are no messages" => "non ci sono messaggi", /*0038*/"No notebooks found" => "Non è stato trovato alcun notebook", /*0039*/"subtype (notebook, netbook, tablet)" => "sottotipo (notebook, netbook, tablet)", /*0040*/"compatibility with free software" => "compatibilità con il software libero", /*0041*/"view the other specifications" => "guarda le altre specifiche", /*0042*/"model" => "modello", /*0043*/"model id" => "id del modello", /*0044*/"tested on" => "testato con", /*0045*/"tested with the following kernel libre" => "testato con il seguente kernel libre", /*0046*/"video card model" => "modello di scheda video", /*0047*/"wifi model" => "modello di scheda wifi", /*0048*/"GNU/Linux distribution used for the test" => "distribuzione GNU/Linux usata per il test", /*0049*/"does the video card work?" => "funziona la scheda video?", /*0050*/"does the wifi card work?" => "funziona la scheda wifi?", /*0051*/"Description: (write here all the useful information)" => "Descrizione (scrivi sotto tutte le informazioni utili)", /*0052*/"discover all the wiki tags" => "scopri tutti i tag della wiki", /*0053*/"Fields marked with * are mandatory" => "I campi marcati con * sono obbligatori", /*0054*/"No printers found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna stampante", /*0055*/"interface" => "interfaccia", /*0056*/"VendorID:ProductID code of the device" => "codice VendorID:ProductID del prodotto", /*0057*/"free driver used" => "driver liberi usati", /*0058*/"set not-specified if not sure" => "seleziona not-specified se non sei sicuro/a", /*0059*/"see the help page or leave blank if you are not sure" => "guarda nella pagina di help o lascia vuoto se non sei sicuro/a", /*0060*/"No scanners found" => "Non sono è stato trovato alcuno scanner", /*0061*/"No video cards found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna scheda grafica", /*0062*/"how does it work with free software?" => "come funziona con il software libero?", /*0063*/"No wifi cards found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna scheda wifi", /*0064*/"does it work with free software?" => "funziona con il software libero?", /*0065*/"differences in the entry" => "differenze nel campo", /*0066*/"No 3G cards found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna scheda 3G", /*0067*/"Please specify in the below description entry the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the country where the service is provided" => "Per favore specifica nel sottostante campo descrizione l'Internet Service Provider (ISP) e il Paese dove il servizio viene fornito", /*0068*/"webcam model" => "modello di webcam", /*0069*/"does it have a free BIOS?" => "ha il BIOS libero?", /*0070*/"does the webcam work?" => "funziona la webcam?", /*0071*/"Current revision" => "Revisione corrente", /*0072*/"Hello" => "Ciao", /*0073*/"Your" => "il ", /*0074*/"control panel" => "pannello di controllo", /*0075*/"create new account" => "crea un account", /*0076*/"request new password" => "richiedi nuova password", /*0077*/"website statistics" => "statistiche del sito", /*0078*/"hardware in the database" => "hardware nel database", /*0079*/"users logged" => "utenti loggati", /*0080*/"Watch your public profile" => "Guarda il tuo profilo pubblico", /*0081*/"Edit your profile" => "Modifica il tuo profilo", /*0082*/"Change your e-mail address" => "Cambia il tuo indirizzo e-mail", /*0083*/"Change your password" => "Cambia la tua password", /*0084*/"Delete your account" => "Chiudi il tuo account", /*0085*/"choose the username" => "scegli lo username", /*0086*/"characters allowed" => "caratteri ammessi", /*0087*/"your e-mail address" => "il tuo indirizzo e-mail", /*0088*/"necessary to confirm the registration" => "necessario per confermare la registrazione", /*0089*/"choose the password" => "scegli la password", /*0090*/"confirm the password" => "conferma la password", /*0091*/"write the code above" => "scrivi il codice mostrato sopra", /*0092*/"write your username" => "scrivi il tuo username", /*0093*/"Actions carried out by moderators" => "Azioni compiute dai moderatori", /*0094*/"meet" => "conosci", /*0095*/"Public profile of" => "Profilo pubblico di", /*0096*/"See all the contributions of" => "Guarda tutti i contributi di ", /*0097*/"My website" => "Il mio sito personale", /*0098*/"My real name" => "Il mio vero nome", /*0099*/"My e-mail address" => "Il mio indirizzo e-mail", /*0100*/"I'm from" => "Vengo da", /*0101*/"Birthdate" => "Sono nato il", /*0102*/"My favourite distribution" => "La mia distribuzione favorita", /*0103*/"Free software projects I'm working on" => "Progetti di software libero con i quali collaboro", /*0104*/"My description" => "La mia descrizione", /*0105*/"contributions" => "contributi", /*0106*/"contributions of" => "contributi di", /*0107*/"No sound cards found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna scheda audio", /*0108*/"LAST UPDATE" => "ULTIMA MODIFICA", /*0109*/"search by" => "cerca per", /*0110*/"analyze the output of the lspci command" => "analizza l'output del comando lscpi", /*0111*/"paste the output of the lspci command" => "incolla l'output del comand lspci", /*0112*/"works, but without 3D acceleration" => "funziona, ma senza accelerazione 3D", /*0113*/"the text submitted by you does not seem the lspci -vmmnn output. Please check the text and try again" => "il testo che hai inviato non sembra l'output del comando lspci -vmmnn. Per favore ricontrolla il testo e riprova", /*0114*/"Search form" => "Form della ricerca", /*0115*/"write here the output of lspci -vmmnn" => "scrivi qui l'output del comando lspci -vmmnn", /*0116*/"The following devices has been found in the database" => "I seguenti device sono stati trovati nel database", /*0117*/"yes" => "sì", /*0118*/"no" => "no", /*0119*/"The following devices has not been found in the database" => "I seguenti device non sono stati trovati nel database", /*0120*/"can you please insert them?" => "puoi gentilmente inserirli?", /*0121*/"No webcams found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna webcam", /*0122*/"Download the xml file of all the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutto il database", /*0123*/"Download the xml file of all the notebooks in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutti i notebook presenti nel database", /*0124*/"Download the xml file of all the wifi cards in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutte le schede wifi presenti nel database", /*0125*/"Download the xml file of all the video cards in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutte le schede video presenti nel database", /*0126*/"Download the xml file of all the printers in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutte le stampanti presenti nel database", /*0127*/"Download the xml file of all the 3G cards in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutte le schede 3G presenti nel database", /*0128*/"Download the xml file of all the sound cards in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutte le schede audio presenti nel database", /*0129*/"Download the xml file of all the webcams in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutte le webcam presenti nel database", /*0130*/"You can download all the h-node database in one unique xml file in order to parse its contents by means of some proper script (for example a Python or Perl or PHP script)" => "Puoi scaricare l'intero database di h-node in un unico file xml per analizzarne i contenuti utilizzando uno script appropriato (ad esempio uno script Python o Perl o PHP)", /*0131*/"Download the h-node hardware database in xml format" => "Scarica il database dell'hardware di h-node in formato xml", /*0132*/"Database modifications" => "Modifiche al database", /*0133*/"List of the database modifications carried out by users" => "Lista delle modifiche apportate al database dagli utenti", /*0134*/"the model" => "il modello", /*0135*/"has been inserted by" => "è stato inserito da", /*0136*/"has been updated by" => "è stato modificato da", /*0137*/"at" => "alle ore", /*0138*/"last modifications" => "ultime modifiche", /*0139*/"watch all modifications" => "guarda tutte le modifiche", /*0140*/"the title" => "il titolo", /*0141*/"the text of the wiki page" => "il testo della pagina", /*0142*/"the wiki page has not been found" => "la pagina della wiki non è stata trovata", /*0143*/"Page not-found" => "Pagina non trovata", /*0144*/"Insert" => "Inserisci", /*0145*/"Update" => "Modifica", /*0146*/"History" => "History", /*0147*/"Revision" => "Revisione", /*0148*/"Differences" => "Differenze", /*0149*/"Insert a new wiki page" => "Inserisci una nuova pagina nella wiki", /*0150*/"Edit the wiki page" => "Modifica la pagina della wiki", /*0151*/"Make current" => "Rendi revisione corrente", /*0152*/"I want to make this revision the current revision" => "Voglio che questa revisione diventi quella corrente", /*0153*/"Confirm" => "Conferma", /*0154*/"Make this revision the current revision of the page" => "Rendi questa revisione la revisione corrente della pagina", /*0155*/"This wiki page has been deleted" => "Questa pagina della wiki è stata cancellata", /*0156*/"Talk" => "Discussione", /*0157*/"Talk page of the wiki page" => "Pagina di discussione della pagina della wiki", /*0158*/"a page with the same title already exists" => "esiste già una pagina con questo titolo", /*0159*/"title is too long" => "il titolo è troppo lungo", /*0160*/"the page text is too long" => "il testo della pagina è troppo lungo", /*0161*/"History of the wiki page" => "History della pagina della wiki", /*0162*/"Would you like to insert it?" => "Vuoi inserirla?", /*0163*/"Wiki modifications" => "Modifiche alla Wiki", /*0164*/"List of the wiki modifications carried out by users" => "Lista delle modifiche apportate alla Wiki dagli utenti", /*0165*/"list of pages" => "lista delle pagine", /*0166*/"List of wiki pages" => "Lista delle pagine della wiki", /*0167*/"This wiki page has been blocked" => "Questa pagina della wiki è stata bloccata", /*0168*/"unblock the wiki page" => "sblocca la pagina", /*0169*/"block the wiki page" => "blocca la pagina", /*0170*/"show the wiki page" => "mostra la pagina della wiki", /*0171*/"hide the wiki page" => "nascondi la pagina della wiki", /*0172*/"list of deleted pages" => "lista delle pagine cancellate", /*0173*/"restore the wiki page" => "ripristina la pagina", /*0174*/"delete the wiki page" => "cancella la pagina", /*0175*/"list of blocked pages" => "lista delle pagine bloccate", /*0176*/"special pages" => "pagine speciali", /*0177*/"Actions carried out by administrators" => "Azioni compiute dagli amministratori", /*0178*/"No bluetooth devices found" => "Non è stato trovato alcun dispositivo bluetooth", /*0179*/"learn how to find it" => "scopri come individuarlo", /*0180*/"Download the xml file of all the bluetooth devices in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutti i dispositivi bluetooth presenti nel database", /*0181*/"License information" => "Informazioni sulla licenza", /*0182*/"No acquisition card found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna scheda d'acquisizione", /*0183*/"No fingerprint readers found" => "Non è stato trovato alcun lettore di impronte digitali", /*0184*/"Download the xml file of all the acquisition cards in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutte le schede di acquisizione presenti nel database", /*0185*/"Download the xml file of all the fingerprint readers in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutti i lettori di impronte digitali presenti nel database", /*0186*/"architecture" => "architettura", /*0187*/"Add here the device name as written on the device itself or on the device box. Add it only if it is different from the model name already inserted inside the above entry. Add the new name in such a way that there is one name per row." => "Aggiungi qui il nome del dispositivo così com'è scritto sul dispositivo stesso o sulla confezione. Aggiungi tale nome solo se è diverso dal nome del modello già inserito nel campo precedente. Aggiungi il nuovo nome in modo che ci sia un nome per riga.", /*0188*/"Write here the model name obtained by the lspci or lsusb command." => "Scrivi qui il nome del modello ottenuto dal comando lspci o dal comando lsusb.", /*0189*/"This is the name of the chipset of your device." => "Questo è il nome del chipset del tuo dispositivo.", /*0190*/"possible other names of the device" => "eventuali altri nomi del dispositivo", /*0191*/"Description entry preview" => "Anteprima del campo descrizione", /*0192*/"Page preview" => "Anteprima della pagina", /*0193*/"This device page has been hidden" => "La pagina di questo dispositivo è stata nascosta", /*0194*/"restore the device page" => "ripristina la pagina", /*0195*/"hide the device page" => "nascondi la pagina", /*0196*/"Download the xml file of all the scanners in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutti gli scanner presenti nel database", /*0197*/"Special pages for administrators" => "Pagine speciali per gli amministratori", /*0198*/"Special pages for moderators" => "Pagine speciali per i moderatori", /*0199*/"see the page" => "guarda la pagina", /*0200*/"hidden device pages" => "pagine nascoste di dispositivi", /*0201*/"panel" => "pannello", /*0202*/"List of hidden device pages" => "Lista di pagine nascoste di dispositivi", /*0203*/"approve the device page" => "approva la pagina del dispositivo", /*0204*/"This device page has not been approved yet" => "La pagina del dispositivo non è ancora stata approvata", /*0205*/"Device pages that have to be approved" => "Pagine di dispositivi da approvare", /*0206*/"The device page has to be approved by an administrator of the website" => "La pagina del dispositivo deve essere approvata da un amministratore del sito", /*0207*/"permanently delete the device page" => "cancella definitivamente la pagina", /*0208*/"This page has been permanently deleted by an administrator of the website" => "Questa pagina è stata definitivamente cancellata da un amministratore del sito", /*0209*/"No ethernet devices found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna scheda ethernet", /*0210*/"free BIOS" => "BIOS libero?", /*0211*/"You are not a registered user or you have not logged in. Your contribution won't be published until an administrator approves it. If you want your contributions to be automatically published please log in or create an account." => "Noi sei un utente registrato oppure non hai eseguito il login. Il tuo contributo non verrà pubblicato finché un amministratore non l'avrà approvato. Se desideri che il tuo contributo sia automaticamente pubblicato per favore esegui il login oppure crea un account.", /*0212*/"has been inserted by an anonymous user, it has to be approved by an administrator in order to be published" => "è stato inserito da un utente anonimo, deve essere approvato da un amministratore per essere pubblicato", /*0213*/"you can also subscribe to the feed in order to receive the new modifications that need a moderation" => "puoi anche iscriverti al feed per ricevere le nuove modifiche che richiedono una moderazione", /*0214*/"you need javascript enabled in order to correctly use the language's tabs (see below)" => "deve abilitare Javascript per usare correttamente le schede della lingua (vedi sotto)", /*0215*/"yes" => "sì", /*0216*/"works with 3D acceleration" => "funziona con accelerazione 3D", /*0217*/"works, but without 3D acceleration" => "funziona, ma senza accelerazione 3D", /*0218*/"it does not work" => "non funziona", /*0219*/"Notebooks, netbooks, tablet PC" => "Notebooks, netbooks, tablet PC", /*0220*/"Wifi cards" => "Schede wifi", /*0221*/"Video cards" => "Schede video", /*0222*/"Printers and multifunction" => "Stampanti e multifunzione", /*0223*/"Scanners" => "Scanner", /*0224*/"3G cards" => "Schede 3G", /*0225*/"Sound cards" => "Schede audio", /*0226*/"Webcams" => "Webcam", /*0227*/"Bluetooth devices" => "Dispositivi bluetooth", /*0228*/"TV/Video/FM acquisition cards" => "Schede di acquisizione TV/Video/FM", /*0229*/"Fingerprint readers" => "Lettori di impronte digitali", /*0230*/"Ethernet cards" => "Schede ethernet", /*0231*/"Hardware" => "Hardware", /*0232*/"Issues" => "Questioni", /*0233*/"Search" => "Cerca", /*0234*/"News" => "Notizie", /*0235*/"Download" => "Scarica", /*0236*/"Help" => "Aiuto", /*0237*/"List of" => "Lista di", /*0238*/"talk messages" => "messaggi", /*0239*/"History" => "Revisioni", /*0240*/"Revision" => "Revisione", /*0241*/"This is an old revision of this page, as edited by" => "Questa è una vecchia revisione della pagina, così come è stata modificata da", /*0242*/"It may differ significantly from the" => "Può differire significativamente dalla", /*0243*/"Differences between the revision of" => "Differenze tra la revisione del", /*0244*/"created by" => "creata da", /*0245*/"and the revision of" => "e la revisione del", /*0246*/"Notice: the text in red has been deleted from the previous revision, the text in green has been added in this revision and the text in gray has not been changed." => "Nota: il testo in rosso è stato cancellato dalla revisione precedente, il testo in verde è stato aggiunto in questa revisione e il testo in grigio non è stato cambiato", /*0247*/"Insert" => "Inserisci", /*0248*/"Edit" => "Modifica", /*0249*/"Talk page" => "Pagina di discussione", /*0250*/"Download the xml file of all the ethernet cards in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutte le schede ethernet presenti nel database", /*0251*/"No SD card readers found" => "Non è stato trovato alcun lettore di schede SD", /*0252*/"SD card readers" => "Lettori di schede SD", /*0253*/"Download the xml file of all the SD card readers in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutti i lettori di schede SD presenti nel database", /*0254*/"There are no devices in the database with the vendorid:productid code specified by you." => "Non ci sono dispositivi nel database con il codice vendorid:productid da te specificato", /*0255*/"Would you like to add it to the database?" => "Vorresti inserirlo nel database?", /*0256*/"can free operating systems be installed?" => "possono essere installati sistemi operativi liberi?", /*0257*/"This issue has been deleted" => "Questa questione è stata cancellata", /*0258*/"hidden for those who are not moderators" => "Nascosto per coloro che non sono moderatori", /*0259*/"This issue is hidden for all the users that are not moderators" => "Questa questione è nascosta per tutti gli utenti non moderatori", /*0260*/"hide the issue" => "nascondi la questione", /*0261*/"show the issue" => "mostra la questione", /*0262*/"open the issue again" => "apri nuovamente la questione", /*0263*/"close the issue" => "chiudi la questione", /*0264*/"This issue is closed" => "Questa questione è stata chiusa", /*0265*/"This issue is opened" => "Questa questione è aperta", /*0266*/"does it adopt any techniques to track users?" => "adotta qualche tecnica per tracciare gli utenti?", /*0267*/"Actions carried out by users" => "Azioni compiute dagli utenti", /*0268*/"No modems found" => "Non è stato trovato alcun modem", /*0269*/"Download the xml file of all the modems in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutti i modem presenti nel database", /*0270*/"Modems and ADSL cards" => "Modem e schede ADSL", /*0271*/"Table of contents" => "Indice dei contenuti", /*0272*/"by" => "creato da", /*0273*/"Add a message" => "Aggiungi un messaggio", /*0274*/"Save" => "Salva", /*0275*/"Revision of the wiki page" => "Revisione della pagina della wiki", /*0276*/"Preview" => "Anteprima", /*0277*/"January" => "gennaio", /*0278*/"February" => "febbraio", /*0279*/"March" => "marzo", /*0280*/"April" => "aprile", /*0281*/"May" => "maggio", /*0282*/"June" => "giugno", /*0283*/"July" => "luglio", /*0284*/"August" => "agosto", /*0285*/"September" => "settembre", /*0286*/"October" => "ottobre", /*0287*/"November" => "novembre", /*0288*/"December" => "dicembre", /*0289*/"not-specified" => "non specificato", /*0290*/"last-inserted" => "ultimo inserito", /*0291*/"last inserted" => "ultimo inserito", /*0292*/"alphabetically" => "alfabeticamente", /*0293*/"alphabetically-desc" => "alfabeticamente decresc", /*0294*/"alphabetically desc" => "alfabeticamente decresc", /*0295*/"undef" => "tutti", /*0296*/"All" => "Tutti", /*0297*/"inkjet" => "getto d'inchiostro", /*0298*/"A-Full" => "A-Piena", /*0299*/"B-Partial" => "B-Parziale", /*0300*/"C-None" => "C-Nessuna", /*0301*/"A-platinum" => "A-platino", /*0302*/"B-gold" => "B-oro", /*0303*/"C-silver" => "C-argento", /*0304*/"D-bronze" => "D-bronzo", /*0305*/"E-garbage" => "E-spazzatura", /*0306*/"not specified how it works" => "non è stato specificato come funziona", /*0307*/"there is no wifi card" => "la scheda wifi non è presente", /*0308*/"there is no webcam" => "la webcam non è presente", /*0309*/"it works" => "funziona", ), 'es' => array ( /*0001*/"Search one device in the archive" => "Busque un dispositivo en el archivo", /*0002*/"hardware type" => "tipo de hardware", /*0003*/"the model name contains" => "el nombre del modelo contiene", /*0004*/"List of issues" => "Lista de incidencias", /*0005*/"TITLE" => "TITULO", /*0006*/"TOPIC" => "ARGUMENTO", /*0007*/"OPENED BY" => "ABIERTO POR", /*0008*/"DATE" => "FECHA", /*0009*/"REPLIES" => "RESPUESTAS", /*0010*/"PRIORITY" => "PRIORIDAD", /*0011*/"STATUS" => "ESTADO", /*0012*/"You have to" => "Tiene que", /*0013*/"in order to submit an issue" => "para poder agregar una incidencia", /*0014*/"in order to add a message" => "para poder agregar un mensaje", /*0015*/"Description" => "Descripción", /*0016*/"Messages" => "Mensajes", /*0017*/"this message has been deleted" => "este mensaje ha sido borrado", /*0018*/"in order to submit a message to this issue" => "para poder agregar un mensaje a esta incidencia", /*0019*/"model name" => "nombre del modelo", /*0020*/"model type" => "tipo de modelo", /*0021*/"year of commercialization" => "año de comercialización", /*0022*/"Results of the search" => "Resultado de la búsqueda", /*0023*/"page list" => "página", /*0024*/"No devices found" => "No se encontró ningún dispositivo", /*0025*/"vendor" => "fabricante", /*0026*/"compatibility" => "compatibilidad", /*0027*/"year" => "año", /*0028*/"subtype" => "subtipo", /*0029*/"sort by" => "ordenar por", /*0030*/"interface" => "interfaz", /*0031*/"does it work?" => "¿funciona?", /*0032*/"preview of the message" => "vista previa del mensaje", /*0033*/"preview of the new issue message" => "vista previa del mensaje de la incidencia", /*0034*/"Add a message to this issue" => "Agregue un mensaje a esta incidencia", /*0035*/"Add a new issue" => "Agregue una nueva incidencia", /*0036*/"MESSAGE" => "MENSAJE", /*0037*/"there are no messages" => "no hay mensajes", /*0038*/"No notebooks found" => "No se encontró ningún computador portátil", /*0039*/"subtype (notebook, netbook, tablet)" => "subtipo (portátil, subportátil, tablet)", /*0040*/"compatibility with free software" => "compatibilidad con software libre", /*0041*/"view the other specifications" => "ver otras especificaciones", /*0042*/"model" => "modelo", /*0043*/"model id" => "id del modelo", /*0044*/"tested on" => "probado con", /*0045*/"tested with the following kernel libre" => "probado con el siguiente kernel libre", /*0046*/"video card model" => "modelo de tarjeta de video", /*0047*/"wifi model" => "modelo de tarjeta de red inalámbrica", /*0048*/"GNU/Linux distribution used for the test" => "distribución GNU/Linux usada para la prueba", /*0049*/"does the video card work?" => "¿funciona la tarjeta de video?", /*0050*/"does the wifi card work?" => "¿funciona la tarjeta de red inalámbrica?", /*0051*/"Description: (write here all the useful information)" => "Descripción (escriba aquí toda la información útil)", /*0052*/"discover all the wiki tags" => "mostrar todas las etiquetas del wiki", /*0053*/"Fields marked with * are mandatory" => "Campos marcados con * son obligatorios", /*0054*/"No printers found" => "No se encontró ninguna impresora", /*0055*/"interface" => "interfaz", /*0056*/"VendorID:ProductID code of the device" => "código VendorID:ProductID del dispositivo", /*0057*/"free driver used" => "driver libre usado", /*0058*/"set not-specified if not sure" => "seleccione not-specified si no esta seguro/a", /*0059*/"see the help page or leave blank if you are not sure" => "vea la página de ayuda o deje vacío si no esta seguro/a", /*0060*/"No scanners found" => "No se encontró ningun escáner", /*0061*/"No video cards found" => "No se encontró ninguna tarjeta de video", /*0062*/"how does it work with free software?" => "¿como funciona con software libre?", /*0063*/"No wifi cards found" => "No se encontró ninguna tarjeta de red inalámbrica", /*0064*/"does it work with free software?" => "¿funciona con software libre?", /*0065*/"differences in the entry" => "diferencias en el campo", /*0066*/"No 3G cards found" => "No se encontró ninguna tarjeta 3G", /*0067*/"Please specify in the below description entry the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the country where the service is provided" => "Por favor especifique en el campo de descripción inferior el Proveedor de Internet (ISP) y el país donde se provee el servicio", /*0068*/"webcam model" => "modelo de cámara web", /*0069*/"does it have a free BIOS?" => "¿tiene BIOS libre?", /*0070*/"does the webcam work?" => "¿funciona la cámara web?", /*0071*/"Current revision" => "Revisión actual", /*0072*/"Hello" => "Hola", /*0073*/"Your" => "Su ", /*0074*/"control panel" => "panel de control", /*0075*/"create new account" => "crear una cuenta", /*0076*/"request new password" => "solicitar nueva contraseña", /*0077*/"website statistics" => "estadísticas del sito", /*0078*/"hardware in the database" => "hardware en la base de datos", /*0079*/"users logged" => "usuarios en línea", /*0080*/"Watch your public profile" => "Ver su perfil público", /*0081*/"Edit your profile" => "Editar su perfil", /*0082*/"Change your e-mail address" => "Cambiar su dirección e-mail", /*0083*/"Change your password" => "Cambiar su contraseña", /*0084*/"Delete your account" => "Borrar su cuenta", /*0085*/"choose the username" => "elija su nombre de usuario", /*0086*/"characters allowed" => "caracteres permitidos", /*0087*/"your e-mail address" => "su dirección e-mail", /*0088*/"necessary to confirm the registration" => "necesario para confirmar el registro", /*0089*/"choose the password" => "elija la contraseña", /*0090*/"confirm the password" => "confirme la contraseña", /*0091*/"write the code above" => "escriba el código mostrado superior", /*0092*/"write your username" => "escriba su nombre de usuario", /*0093*/"Actions carried out by moderators" => "Acciones efectuadas por los moderadores", /*0094*/"meet" => "conoce a", /*0095*/"Public profile of" => "Perfil público de", /*0096*/"See all the contributions of" => "Ver todas las contribuciones de", /*0097*/"My website" => "Mi sitio web", /*0098*/"My real name" => "Mi nombre real", /*0099*/"My e-mail address" => "Mi dirección e-mail", /*0100*/"I'm from" => "Soy de", /*0101*/"Birthdate" => "Fecha de nacimiento", /*0102*/"My favourite distribution" => "Mi distribución favorita", /*0103*/"Free software projects I'm working on" => "Proyectos de Software Libre en los que colaboro", /*0104*/"My description" => "Mi descripción", /*0105*/"contributions" => "contribuciones", /*0106*/"contributions of" => "contribuciones de", /*0107*/"No sound cards found" => "No se encontró ninguna tarjeta de audio", /*0108*/"LAST UPDATE" => "ÚLTIMA MODIFICACIÓN", /*0109*/"search by" => "buscar por", /*0110*/"analyze the output of the lspci command" => "analice la salida de la orden lscpi", /*0111*/"paste the output of the lspci command" => "pegue la salida de la orden lspci", /*0112*/"works, but without 3D acceleration" => "funciona, pero sin aceleración 3D", /*0113*/"the text submitted by you does not seem the lspci -vmmnn output. Please check the text and try again" => "el texto insertado no parece ser la salida de la orden lspci -vmmnn. Por favor revise el texto e intente nuevamente", /*0114*/"Search form" => "Formulario de búsqueda", /*0115*/"write here the output of lspci -vmmnn" => "escriba aquí la salida de la orden lspci -vmmnn", /*0116*/"The following devices has been found in the database" => "Los siguientes dispositivos han sido encontrados en la base de datos", /*0117*/"yes" => "si", /*0118*/"no" => "no", /*0119*/"The following devices has not been found in the database" => "Los siguientes dispositivos no han sido encontrados en la base de datos", /*0120*/"can you please insert them?" => "¿podría insertarlos?", /*0121*/"No webcams found" => "No se encontró ninguna cámara web", /*0122*/"Download the xml file of all the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de toda la base de datos", /*0123*/"Download the xml file of all the notebooks in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todos los computadores portátiles presentes en la base de datos", /*0124*/"Download the xml file of all the wifi cards in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas las tarjetas de red inalámbrica presentes en la base de datos", /*0125*/"Download the xml file of all the video cards in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas las tarjetas de video presentes en la base de datos", /*0126*/"Download the xml file of all the printers in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas las impresoras presentes en la base de datos", /*0127*/"Download the xml file of all the 3G cards in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas las tarjetas 3G presentes en la base de datos", /*0128*/"Download the xml file of all the sound cards in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas las tarjetas de audio presentes en la base de datos", /*0129*/"Download the xml file of all the webcams in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas las cámaras web presentes en la base de datos", /*0130*/"You can download all the h-node database in one unique xml file in order to parse its contents by means of some proper script (for example a Python or Perl or PHP script)" => "Puede descargar toda la base de datos de h-node en un archivo xml único para poder analizarlo su contenido por medio de otro script apropiado (por ejemplo un script en Python, Perl o PHP)", /*0131*/"Download the h-node hardware database in xml format" => "Descargue la base de datos de h-node en formato xml", /*0132*/"Database modifications" => "Modificaciones a la base de datos", /*0133*/"List of the database modifications carried out by users" => "Lista de modificaciones realizada por los usuarios", /*0134*/"the model" => "el modelo", /*0135*/"has been inserted by" => "ha sido agregado por", /*0136*/"has been updated by" => "ha sido modificado por", /*0137*/"at" => "en", /*0138*/"last modifications" => "últimas modificaciones", /*0139*/"watch all modifications" => "ver todas las modificaciones", /*0140*/"the title" => "el titulo", /*0141*/"the text of the wiki page" => "el texto de la página", /*0142*/"the wiki page has not been found" => "la página del wiki no ha sido encontrada", /*0143*/"Page not-found" => "Página no encontrada", /*0144*/"Insert" => "Agregar", /*0145*/"Update" => "Actualizar", /*0146*/"History" => "Historial", /*0147*/"Revision" => "Revisión", /*0148*/"Differences" => "Diferencias", /*0149*/"Insert a new wiki page" => "Agregar una página nueva al wiki", /*0150*/"Edit the wiki page" => "Editar la página del wiki", /*0151*/"Make current" => "Hacer revisión actual", /*0152*/"I want to make this revision the current revision" => "Quiero hacer ésta revisión la revisión actual", /*0153*/"Confirm" => "Confirmar", /*0154*/"Make this revision the current revision of the page" => "Hacer esta revisión la revisión actual de la página", /*0155*/"This wiki page has been deleted" => "Ésta página del wiki ha sido borrada", /*0156*/"Talk" => "Discusión", /*0157*/"Talk page of the wiki page" => "Página de discusión de la página del wiki", /*0158*/"a page with the same title already exists" => "una página con el mismo titulo ya existe", /*0159*/"title is too long" => "el titulo es demasiado largo", /*0160*/"the page text is too long" => "el texto de la página es demasiado largo", /*0161*/"History of the wiki page" => "Historial de la página del wiki", /*0162*/"Would you like to insert it?" => "¿Le gustaría agregarlo?", /*0163*/"Wiki modifications" => "Modificaciones al Wiki", /*0164*/"List of the wiki modifications carried out by users" => "Lista de modificaciones aportadas al Wiki por los usuarios", /*0165*/"list of pages" => "lista de páginas", /*0166*/"List of wiki pages" => "Lista de las páginas del wiki", /*0167*/"This wiki page has been blocked" => "Ésta página del wiki ha sido bloqueada", /*0168*/"unblock the wiki page" => "desbloquear la página", /*0169*/"block the wiki page" => "bloquear la página", /*0170*/"show the wiki page" => "mostrar la página del wiki", /*0171*/"hide the wiki page" => "esconder la página del wiki", /*0172*/"list of deleted pages" => "lista de las páginas borradas", /*0173*/"restore the wiki page" => "restaurar la página", /*0174*/"delete the wiki page" => "borrar la página", /*0175*/"list of blocked pages" => "lista de las páginas bloqueadas", /*0176*/"special pages" => "páginas especiales", /*0177*/"Actions carried out by administrators" => "Acciones realizadas por administradores", /*0178*/"No bluetooth devices found" => "No se encontró ningún dispositivo bluetooth", /*0179*/"learn how to find it" => "aprenda como encontrarlo", /*0180*/"Download the xml file of all the bluetooth devices in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas los dispositivos bluetooth presentes en la base de datos", /*0181*/"License information" => "Información de licencia", /*0182*/"No acquisition card found" => "No se encontró ninguna tarjeta de adquisición", /*0183*/"No fingerprint readers found" => "No se encontró ningún lector de huellas digitales", /*0184*/"Download the xml file of all the acquisition cards in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas las tarjetas de adquisición presentes en la base de datos", /*0185*/"Download the xml file of all the fingerprint readers in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas los lectores de huellas digitales presentes en la base de datos", /*0186*/"architecture" => "arquitectura", /*0187*/"Add here the device name as written on the device itself or on the device box. Add it only if it is different from the model name already inserted inside the above entry. Add the new name in such a way that there is one name per row." => "Inserte aquí el nombre del dispositivo como esta escrito en el dispositivo o la caja del dispositivo. Inserte solo y si es diferente del model name que ya se encuentra dentro de la entrada superior. Inserte de manera que exista un nombre diferente en cada linea", /*0188*/"Write here the model name obtained by the lspci or lsusb command." => "Escriba aquí el nombre del modelo obtenido por la orden lspci o lsusb.", /*0189*/"This is the name of the chipset of your device." => "Este es el nombre del chipset de tu dispositivo.", /*0190*/"possible other names of the device" => "otros posibles nombres del dispositivo", /*0191*/"Description entry preview" => "Vista previa de la descripción", /*0192*/"Page preview" => "Vista previa", /*0193*/"This device page has been hidden" => "La página del dispositivo ha sido escondida", /*0194*/"restore the device page" => "restaure la página del dispositivo", /*0195*/"hide the device page" => "esconda la página del dispositivo", /*0196*/"Download the xml file of all the scanners in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todos los escáneres presentes en la base de datos", /*0197*/"Special pages for administrators" => "Páginas especiales para administradores", /*0198*/"Special pages for moderators" => "Páginas especiales para moderadores", /*0199*/"see the page" => "ver la página", /*0200*/"hidden device pages" => "página escondida del dispositivo", /*0201*/"panel" => "panel", /*0202*/"List of hidden device pages" => "Lista de páginas de dispositivos escondidos", /*0203*/"approve the device page" => "apruebe la página del dispositivo", /*0204*/"This device page has not been approved yet" => "Esta página del dispositivo aun no ha sido aprobada", /*0205*/"Device pages that have to be approved" => "Páginas de dispositivos para ser aprobadas", /*0206*/"The device page has to be approved by an administrator of the website" => "La página del dispositivo tiene que ser aprobada por un administrador del sito", /*0207*/"permanently delete the device page" => "eliminar la página del dispositivo permanentemente", /*0208*/"This page has been permanently deleted by an administrator of the website" => "Esta página ha sido permanentemente eliminada por un administrador del sitio", /*0209*/"No ethernet devices found" => "No se encontró ningún dispositivo ethernet", /*0210*/"free BIOS" => "¿BIOS libre?", /*0211*/"You are not a registered user or you have not logged in. Your contribution won't be published until an administrator approves it. If you want your contributions to be automatically published please log in or create an account." => "No es un usuario registrado o no ha iniciado sesión. Su contribución no será publicada hasta que un administrador la apruebe. Si quiere que sus contribuciones sean publicadas automáticamente por favor inicie sesión o cree una cuenta.", /*0212*/"has been inserted by an anonymous user, it has to be approved by an administrator in order to be published" => "ha sido agregado por un usuario anónimo, tiene que ser aprobado por un administrador para ser publicado", /*0213*/"you can also subscribe to the feed in order to receive the new modifications that need a moderation" => "puede también suscribirse al feed para recibir las nuevas modificaciones que necesitan moderación", /*0214*/"you need javascript enabled in order to correctly use the language's tabs (see below)" => "necesita javascript habilitado para poder usar correctamente las pestañas de idioma (vea debajo)", /*0215*/"yes" => "si", /*0216*/"works with 3D acceleration" => "funciona con aceleración 3D", /*0217*/"works, but without 3D acceleration" => "funciona, pero sin aceleración 3D", /*0218*/"it does not work" => "no funciona", /*0219*/"Notebooks, netbooks, tablet PC" => "Computadores portátiles, subportátiles, tablet PC", /*0220*/"Wifi cards" => "Tarjetas de red inalámbrica", /*0221*/"Video cards" => "Tarjetas de video", /*0222*/"Printers and multifunction" => "Impresoras y multifuncionales", /*0223*/"Scanners" => "Escáners", /*0224*/"3G cards" => "Tarjetas 3G", /*0225*/"Sound cards" => "Tarjetas de audio", /*0226*/"Webcams" => "Cámaras web", /*0227*/"Bluetooth devices" => "Dispositivos bluetooth", /*0228*/"TV/Video/FM acquisition cards" => "Tarjetas de adquisición TV/Video/FM", /*0229*/"Fingerprint readers" => "Lectores de huellas digitales", /*0230*/"Ethernet cards" => "Tarjetas de ethernet", /*0231*/"Hardware" => "Hardware", /*0232*/"Issues" => "Incidencias", /*0233*/"Search" => "Búsqueda", /*0234*/"News" => "Noticias", /*0235*/"Download" => "Descarga", /*0236*/"Help" => "Ayuda", /*0237*/"List of" => "Lista de", /*0238*/"talk messages" => "mensajes", /*0239*/"History" => "Historial", /*0240*/"Revision" => "Revisión", /*0241*/"This is an old revision of this page, as edited by" => "Esta es una revisión anterior de esta página, editada por", /*0242*/"It may differ significantly from the" => "Puede diferir significantemente de la", /*0243*/"Differences between the revision of" => "Diferencias entre las revisiones de", /*0244*/"created by" => "creado por", /*0245*/"and the revision of" => "y la revisión de", /*0246*/"Notice: the text in red has been deleted from the previous revision, the text in green has been added in this revision and the text in gray has not been changed." => "Nota: el texto en rojo ha sido borrado de la revisión anterior, el texto en verde ha sido agregado en esta revisión y el texto en gris no ha sido cambiado", /*0247*/"Insert" => "Insertar", /*0248*/"Edit" => "Editar", /*0249*/"Talk page" => "Página de discusión", /*0250*/"Download the xml file of all the ethernet cards in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas las tarjetas de ethernet presentes en la base de datos", /*0251*/"No SD card readers found" => "No se encontró ningún lector de tarjetas SD", /*0252*/"SD card readers" => "Lectores de tarjetas SD", /*0253*/"Download the xml file of all the SD card readers in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todos los lectores de tarjetas SD presentes en la base de datos", /*0254*/"There are no devices in the database with the vendorid:productid code specified by you." => "No hay dispositivos en la base de datos con el código vendorid:productid que ha especificado", /*0255*/"Would you like to add it to the database?" => "¿Le gustaría agregarlo a la base de datos?", /*0256*/"can free operating systems be installed?" => "¿puede ser instalado un sistema libre?", /*0257*/"This issue has been deleted" => "Esta incidencia ha sido eliminada", /*0258*/"hidden for those who are not moderators" => "Oculta para aquellos que no son moderadores", /*0259*/"This issue is hidden for all the users that are not moderators" => "Esta incidencia está oculta para todos los usuarios que no son moderadores", /*0260*/"hide the issue" => "esconder la incidencia", /*0261*/"show the issue" => "mostrar la incidencia", /*0262*/"open the issue again" => "abrir nuevamente la incidencia", /*0263*/"close the issue" => "cerrar la incidencia", /*0264*/"This issue is closed" => "Esta incidencia está cerrada", /*0265*/"This issue is opened" => "Esta incidencia está abierta", /*0266*/"does it adopt any techniques to track users?" => "¿adopta alguna técnica para rastrear a los usuarios?", /*0267*/"Actions carried out by users" => "Acciones realizadas por usuarios", /*0268*/"No modems found" => "No se encontró ningún modem", /*0269*/"Download the xml file of all the modems in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todos los modems presentes en la base de datos", /*0270*/"Modems and ADSL cards" => "Modems y tarjetas ADSL", /*0271*/"Table of contents" => "Tabla de contenido", ), 'fr' => array ( /*0001*/"Search one device in the archive" => "Chercher un périphérique dans les archives", /*0002*/"hardware type" => "type de matériel", /*0003*/"the model name contains" => "le nom du modèle contient", /*0004*/"List of issues" => "Liste des problèmes", /*0005*/"TITLE" => "TITRE", /*0006*/"TOPIC" => "SUJET", /*0007*/"OPENED BY" => "OUVERT PAR", /*0008*/"DATE" => "DATE", /*0009*/"REPLIES" => "REPONSES", /*0010*/"PRIORITY" => "PRIORITE", /*0011*/"STATUS" => "STATUS", /*0012*/"You have to" => "Vous devez", /*0013*/"in order to submit an issue" => "pour pouvoir soumettre un problème", /*0014*/"in order to add a message" => "pour pouvoir envoyer un message", /*0015*/"Description" => "Description", /*0016*/"Messages" => "Messages", /*0017*/"this message has been deleted" => "ce message a été supprimé", /*0018*/"in order to submit a message to this issue" => "pour pouvoir envoyer un message concernant ce problème", /*0019*/"model name" => "nom de modèle", /*0020*/"model type" => "type de modèle", /*0021*/"year of commercialization" => "année de commercialisation", /*0022*/"Results of the search" => "Resultat de la recherche", /*0023*/"page list" => "liste de page", /*0024*/"No devices found" => "Aucun périphérique trouvé", /*0025*/"vendor" => "vendeur", /*0026*/"compatibility" => "compatibilitée", /*0027*/"year" => "année", /*0028*/"subtype" => "sous-type", /*0029*/"sort by" => "afficher par", /*0030*/"interface" => "interface", /*0031*/"does it work?" => "cela fonctionne-t-il ?", /*0032*/"preview of the message" => "prévisualisation du message", /*0033*/"preview of the new issue message" => "prévisualisation du message du nouveau problème", /*0034*/"Add a message to this issue" => "Ajouter un message à ce problème", /*0035*/"Add a new issue" => "Ajouter un nouveau problème", /*0036*/"MESSAGE" => "MESSAGE", /*0037*/"there are no messages" => "Il n'y a pas de messages", /*0038*/"No notebooks found" => "Aucun notebook trouvé", /*0039*/"subtype (notebook, netbook, tablet)" => "sous-type (notebook, netbook, tablet)", /*0040*/"compatibility with free software" => "compatibilitée avec le logiciel libre", /*0041*/"view the other specifications" => "voir les autres spécifications", /*0042*/"model" => "modèle", /*0043*/"model id" => "ID du modèle", /*0044*/"tested on" => "testé sur", /*0045*/"tested with the following kernel libre" => "testé avec le kernel libre suivant", /*0046*/"video card model" => "modèle de carte vidéo", /*0047*/"wifi model" => "modèle de carte wifi", /*0048*/"GNU/Linux distribution used for the test" => "Distribution GNU/Linux utilisée pour le test", /*0049*/"does the video card work?" => "La carte graphique fonctionne-t-elle ?", /*0050*/"does the wifi card work?" => "La carte wifi fonctionne-t-elle ?", /*0051*/"Description: (write here all the useful information)" => "Description (écrivez ici toutes les informations utiles)", /*0052*/"discover all the wiki tags" => "voir tous les tags wiki", /*0053*/"Fields marked with * are mandatory" => "Les champs marqués avec * sont obligatoires", /*0054*/"No printers found" => "Aucun imprimante trouvée", /*0055*/"interface" => "interface", /*0056*/"VendorID:ProductID code of the device" => "VendorID:ProductID du périphérique", /*0057*/"free driver used" => "pilote libre utilisé", /*0058*/"set not-specified if not sure" => "définir comme non-spécifié en cas de doute", /*0059*/"see the help page or leave blank if you are not sure" => "voir la page d'aide ou laisser blanc si vous n'êtes pas sur(e)", /*0060*/"No scanners found" => "Aucun scanneur trouvé", /*0061*/"No video cards found" => "Aucun carte graphique trouvée", /*0062*/"how does it work with free software?" => "A quel point cela fonctionne-t-il avec du logiciel libre ?", /*0063*/"No wifi cards found" => "Aucune carte wifi trouvée", /*0064*/"does it work with free software?" => "cela fonctionne-t-il avec le logiciel libre ?", /*0065*/"differences in the entry" => "differences dans l'entrée", /*0066*/"No 3G cards found" => "Aucune carte 3G trouvée", /*0067*/"Please specify in the below description entry the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the country where the service is provided" => "Merci de préciser dans cette description le fournisseur d'accès et le pays dans lequel le service est fourni", /*0068*/"webcam model" => "modèle de webcam", /*0069*/"does it have a free BIOS?" => "a-t-il un BIOS libre ?", /*0070*/"does the webcam work?" => "la webcam fonctionne t'elle ?", /*0071*/"Current revision" => "Révision actuelle", /*0072*/"Hello" => "Bonjour", /*0073*/"Your" => "Votre", /*0074*/"control panel" => "panneau de contrôle", /*0075*/"create new account" => "créer un compte", /*0076*/"request new password" => "demander un nouveau mot de passe", /*0077*/"website statistics" => "statistiques du site", /*0078*/"hardware in the database" => "hardware dans la base de données", /*0079*/"users logged" => "utilisateurs connectés", /*0080*/"Watch your public profile" => "Voir votre profil public", /*0081*/"Edit your profile" => "Éditer votre profil", /*0082*/"Change your e-mail address" => "Changer votre adresse e-mail", /*0083*/"Change your password" => "Changer votre mot de passe", /*0084*/"Delete your account" => "Supprimer votre compte", /*0085*/"choose the username" => "choisissez le nom d'utilisateur", /*0086*/"characters allowed" => "caractères autorisés", /*0087*/"your e-mail address" => "votre adresse e-mail", /*0088*/"necessary to confirm the registration" => "nécessaire pour confirmer la création", /*0089*/"choose the password" => "choisissez le mot de passe", /*0090*/"confirm the password" => "confirmez le mot de passe", /*0091*/"write the code above" => "écrivez le code ci-dessous", /*0092*/"write your username" => "écrivez votre nom d'utilisateur", /*0093*/"Actions carried out by moderators" => "Actions gérées par les modérateurs", /*0094*/"meet" => "rencontrer", /*0095*/"Public profile of" => "Profil public de", /*0096*/"See all the contributions of" => "Voir toute les distributions de", /*0097*/"My website" => "Mon site web", /*0098*/"My real name" => "Mon vrai nom", /*0099*/"My e-mail address" => "Mon adresse e-mail", /*0100*/"I'm from" => "Je viens de", /*0101*/"Birthdate" => "Date de naissance", /*0102*/"My favourite distribution" => "Ma distribution favorite", /*0103*/"Free software projects I'm working on" => "Les projets de logiciel libre sur lesquels je travaille", /*0104*/"My description" => "Ma description", /*0105*/"contributions" => "contributions", /*0106*/"contributions of" => "contributions de", /*0107*/"No sound cards found" => "Aucune carte son trouvée", /*0108*/"LAST UPDATE" => "DERNIERE MISE A JOUR", /*0109*/"search by" => "cherchez par", /*0110*/"analyze the output of the lspci command" => "analisez le retour de la commande lspci", /*0111*/"paste the output of the lspci command" => "copiez le retour de la commande lspci", /*0112*/"works, but without 3D acceleration" => "fonctionne, mais sans accélération 3D", /*0113*/"the text submitted by you does not seem the lspci -vmmnn output. Please check the text and try again" => "le texte que vous avez soumis n'a pas l'air d'être le résultat de la commande lspci -vmmnn, merci de vérifier", /*0114*/"Search form" => "Formulaire de recherche", /*0115*/"write here the output of lspci -vmmnn" => "écrivez ici le retour de la commande lspci -vmmnn", /*0116*/"The following devices has been found in the database" => "Ces périphériques ont été trouvés dans la base de données", /*0117*/"yes" => "oui", /*0118*/"no" => "non", /*0119*/"The following devices has not been found in the database" => "Ces périphériques n'ont pas été trouvés dans la base de données", /*0120*/"can you please insert them?" => "pouvez vous les insérer ?", /*0121*/"No webcams found" => "Aucune webcam trouvée", /*0122*/"Download the xml file of all the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier XML de la base de données complètes", /*0123*/"Download the xml file of all the notebooks in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier XML de tout les notebooks dans la base de données", /*0124*/"Download the xml file of all the wifi cards in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier XML de toute les cartes wifi dans la base de données", /*0125*/"Download the xml file of all the video cards in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier XML de toute les cartes graphiques dans la base de données", /*0126*/"Download the xml file of all the printers in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier XML de toute les imprimantes dans la base de données", /*0127*/"Download the xml file of all the 3G cards in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier XML de toute les cartes 3G dans la base de données", /*0128*/"Download the xml file of all the sound cards in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier XML de toutes les cartes son dans la base de données", /*0129*/"Download the xml file of all the webcams in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier XML de toutes les webcams dans la base de données", /*0130*/"You can download all the h-node database in one unique xml file in order to parse its contents by means of some proper script (for example a Python or Perl or PHP script)" => "Vous pouvez téléchargez toute la base de donnée de h-node en un seul fichier XML pour pouvoir ensuite l'exploiter avec des scripts (par exemple un script Python, Perl ou PHP)", /*0131*/"Download the h-node hardware database in xml format" => "Téléchargez la base de données matérielle de h-node au format XML", /*0132*/"Database modifications" => "Modification de la base de données", /*0133*/"List of the database modifications carried out by users" => "Liste des modifications faites à la base de données par les utilisateurs", /*0134*/"the model" => "le modèle", /*0135*/"has been inserted by" => "a été inséré par", /*0136*/"has been updated by" => "a été mis à jour par", /*0137*/"at" => "à", /*0138*/"last modifications" => "dernières modifications", /*0139*/"watch all modifications" => "voir toutes les modifications", /*0140*/"the title" => "le titre", /*0141*/"the text of the wiki page" => "le texte de la page du wiki", /*0142*/"the wiki page has not been found" => "la page du wiki n'a pas été trouvée", /*0143*/"Page not-found" => "Page introuvable", /*0144*/"Insert" => "Insérer", /*0145*/"Update" => "Mettre à jour", /*0146*/"History" => "Historique", /*0147*/"Revision" => "Révisions", /*0148*/"Differences" => "Différences", /*0149*/"Insert a new wiki page" => "Insérer une nouvelle page wiki", /*0150*/"Edit the wiki page" => "Editer la page wiki", /*0151*/"Make current" => "Rendre actuel", /*0152*/"I want to make this revision the current revision" => "Je veux faire de cette révision la révision actuelle", /*0153*/"Confirm" => "Confirmer", /*0154*/"Make this revision the current revision of the page" => "Je veux faire de cette révision la révision actuelle de cette page", /*0155*/"This wiki page has been deleted" => "La page wiki a été supprimée", /*0156*/"Talk" => "Discussion", /*0157*/"Talk page of the wiki page" => "Page de discussion de la page de wiki", /*0158*/"a page with the same title already exists" => "une page avec le même titre existe déja", /*0159*/"title is too long" => "le titre est trop long", /*0160*/"the page text is too long" => "le texte de la page est trop long", /*0161*/"History of the wiki page" => "Historique de la page wiki", /*0162*/"Would you like to insert it?" => "Voulez-vous l'insérer ?", /*0163*/"Wiki modifications" => "Modifications du wiki", /*0164*/"List of the wiki modifications carried out by users" => "Liste des modification faites au wiki par les utilisateurs", /*0165*/"list of pages" => "list des pages", /*0166*/"List of wiki pages" => "Liste des pages du wiki", /*0167*/"This wiki page has been blocked" => "La page wiki a été bloquée", /*0168*/"unblock the wiki page" => "débloquer la page wiki", /*0169*/"block the wiki page" => "bloquer la page wiki", /*0170*/"show the wiki page" => "montrer la page wiki", /*0171*/"hide the wiki page" => "cacher la page wiki", /*0172*/"list of deleted pages" => "liste des pages supprimées", /*0173*/"restore the wiki page" => "restaurer la page wiki", /*0174*/"delete the wiki page" => "supprimer la page wiki", /*0175*/"list of blocked pages" => "liste de pages bloquées", /*0176*/"special pages" => "pages spéciales", /*0177*/"Actions carried out by administrators" => "Actions faites par les administrateurs", /*0178*/"No bluetooth devices found" => "Aucun périphérique bluetooth trouvé", /*0179*/"learn how to find it" => "apprenez à le trouver", /*0180*/"Download the xml file of all the bluetooth devices in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier xml de tous les périphériques bluetooth dans la base de données", /*0181*/"License information" => "Information de license", /*0182*/"No acquisition card found" => "Aucune carte d'acquisition trouvée", /*0183*/"No fingerprint readers found" => "Aucun lecteur d'empreintes digitales trouvé", /*0184*/"Download the xml file of all the acquisition cards in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier xml de toutes les cartes d'acquisition dans la base de données", /*0185*/"Download the xml file of all the fingerprint readers in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier xml de tous les lecteurs d'empreintes digitales dans la base de données", /*0186*/"architecture" => "architecture", /*0187*/"Add here the device name as written on the device itself or on the device box. Add it only if it is different from the model name already inserted inside the above entry. Add the new name in such a way that there is one name per row." => "Insérez ici le nom du périphérique tel qu'écris sur le périphérique lui même ou sur son emballage. Ajoutez-le uniquement s'il est différent du nom du modèle déja inséré dans l'entrée ci-dessus. Ajoutez le nouveau nom de façon à ce qu'il n'y ait qu'un nom par rangée. ", /*0188*/"Write here the model name obtained by the lspci or lsusb command." => "Ecrivez ici le nom du modèle obtenu par la commande lspci ou lsusb.", /*0189*/"This is the name of the chipset of your device." => "Ceci est le nom du chipset de votre périphérique.", /*0190*/"possible other names of the device" => "autres noms possibles du périphérique", /*0191*/"Description entry preview" => "Description de la prévisualisation de l'entrée", /*0192*/"Page preview" => "Prévisualisation de la page", /*0193*/"This device page has been hidden" => "La page de ce périhérique a été cachée", /*0194*/"restore the device page" => "restaurer la page de ce périphérique", /*0195*/"hide the device page" => "cacher la page de ce périphérique", /*0196*/"Download the xml file of all the scanners in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier xml de tous les scanneur dans la base de données", /*0197*/"Special pages for administrators" => "Page spéciale pour les administrateurs", /*0198*/"Special pages for moderators" => "Page spéciale pour les modérateurs", /*0199*/"see the page" => "voir la page", /*0200*/"hidden device pages" => "pages de périphériques cachées", /*0201*/"panel" => "panneau", /*0202*/"List of hidden device pages" => "Liste des pages de périphériques cachées", /*0203*/"approve the device page" => "approuver la page du périphérique", /*0204*/"This device page has not been approved yet" => "La page du périphérique n'a pas encore été approuvée", /*0205*/"Device pages that have to be approved" => "Pages de périphériques en attente d'être approuvées", /*0206*/"The device page has to be approved by an administrator of the website" => "La page du périphérique est en attente d'être approuvée par un administrateur", /*0207*/"permanently delete the device page" => "supprimer définitivement la page", /*0208*/"This page has been permanently deleted by an administrator of the website" => "Cette page a été définitivement supprimée par un administrateur du site", /*0209*/"No ethernet devices found" => "Pas de périphériques ethernet trouvés", /*0210*/"free BIOS" => "BIOS libre", /*0211*/"You are not a registered user or you have not logged in. Your contribution won't be published until an administrator approves it. If you want your contributions to be automatically published please log in or create an account." => "Vous n'êtes pas un utilisateur enregistré ou vous n'êtes pas authentifié. Votre contribution ne sera pas publiée tant qu'un administrateur de l'aura pas approuvée. Si vous souhaitez que vos contributions soient automatiquement publiées, veuillez vous authentifier ou de créer un compte.", /*0212*/"has been inserted by an anonymous user, it has to be approved by an administrator in order to be published" => "a été inséré par un utilisateur anonyme et doit-être approuvé par un administrateur afin d'être publié", /*0213*/"you can also subscribe to the feed in order to receive the new modifications that need a moderation" => "vous pouvez également vous abonner au flux afin de recevoir les nouvelles modifications en attente de modération", /*0214*/"you need javascript enabled in order to correctly use the language's tabs (see below)" => "il est nécessaire d'activer javascript afin d'utiliser correctement les onglets de langue (voir ci-dessous)", /*0215*/"yes" => "oui", /*0216*/"works with 3D acceleration" => "fonctionne avec accélération 3D", /*0217*/"works, but without 3D acceleration" => "fonctionne, mais sans accélération 3D", /*0218*/"it does not work" => "ne fonctionne pas", /*0219*/"Notebooks, netbooks, tablet PC" => "Notebooks, netbooks, tablettes", /*0220*/"Wifi cards" => "Cartes wifi", /*0221*/"Video cards" => "Cartes graphiques", /*0222*/"Printers and multifunction" => "Imprimantes et multifonctions", /*0223*/"Scanners" => "Scanneurs", /*0224*/"3G cards" => "Cartes 3G", /*0225*/"Sound cards" => "Cartes son", /*0226*/"Webcams" => "Webcams", /*0227*/"Bluetooth devices" => "Périphériques bluetooth", /*0228*/"TV/Video/FM acquisition cards" => "Cartes d'acquisition TV/Video/FM", /*0229*/"Fingerprint readers" => "Lecteurs d'empreintes digitales", /*0230*/"Ethernet cards" => "Cartes ethernet", /*0231*/"Hardware" => "Hardware", /*0232*/"Issues" => "Problème", /*0233*/"Search" => "Recherche", /*0234*/"News" => "Nouvelles", /*0235*/"Download" => "Télécharger", /*0236*/"Help" => "Aide", /*0237*/"List of" => "Liste de", /*0238*/"talk messages" => "discussion", /*0239*/"History" => "Historique", /*0240*/"Revision" => "Révision", /*0241*/"This is an old revision of this page, as edited by" => "Ceci est une version antérieure de la page, telle qu'éditée par", /*0242*/"It may differ significantly from the" => "Il peut y avoir une différence significative avec", /*0243*/"Differences between the revision of" => "Différences entre les révisions de", /*0244*/"created by" => "créé par", /*0245*/"and the revision of" => "et la révision de", /*0246*/"Notice: the text in red has been deleted from the previous revision, the text in green has been added in this revision and the text in gray has not been changed." => "Note : le texte en rouge a été supprimé de la version précédente, le texte en vert a été ajouté à cette version et le texte en gris n'a pas été changé.", /*0247*/"Insert" => "Insérer", /*0248*/"Edit" => "Modifier", /*0249*/"Talk page" => "Page de discussion", /*0250*/"Download the xml file of all the ethernet cards in the database" => "Télécharger le fichier xml de toutes les cartes ethernet présentes dans la base de données", ), 'de' => array ( /*0001*/"Search one device in the archive" => "Ein Gerät im Archiv suchen", /*0002*/"hardware type" => "Hardware-Typ", /*0003*/"the model name contains" => "die Modellbezeichnung enthält", /*0004*/"List of issues" => "Vorhandene Beiträge", /*0005*/"TITLE" => "Titel", /*0006*/"TOPIC" => "Thema", /*0007*/"OPENED BY" => "Angelegt von", /*0008*/"DATE" => "Datum", /*0009*/"REPLIES" => "Nachricht", /*0010*/"PRIORITY" => "Priorität", /*0011*/"STATUS" => "Stand", /*0012*/"You have to" => "Sie müssen", /*0013*/"in order to submit an issue" => "um ein Thema einzusenden", /*0014*/"in order to add a message" => "um eine Nachricht hinzufügen", /*0015*/"Description" => "Beschreibung", /*0016*/"Messages" => "Nachrichten", /*0017*/"this message has been deleted" => "Diese Nachricht wurde gelöscht", /*0018*/"in order to submit a message to this issue" => "um eine Antwort zu senden", /*0019*/"model name" => "Modellbezeichnung", /*0020*/"model type" => "Modelltyp", /*0021*/"year of commercialization" => "Jahr der Markteinführung", /*0022*/"Results of the search" => "Suchergebnisse", /*0023*/"page list" => "Seite/n", /*0024*/"No devices found" => "Es wurde kein Gerät gefunden", /*0025*/"vendor" => "Hersteller", /*0026*/"compatibility" => "Kompatibilität", /*0027*/"year" => "Jahr", /*0028*/"subtype" => "Typ", /*0029*/"sort by" => "Sortierung nach", /*0030*/"interface" => "Schnittstelle", /*0031*/"does it work?" => "Funktionsweise", /*0032*/"preview of the message" => "Nachrichtenvorschau", /*0033*/"preview of the new issue message" => "Nachrichtenvorschau", /*0034*/"Add a message to this issue" => "Auf diese Nachricht antworten", /*0035*/"Add a new issue" => "Neue Nachricht erstellen", /*0036*/"MESSAGE" => "Nachricht", /*0037*/"there are no messages" => "Es sind keine Antworten vorhanden", /*0038*/"No notebooks found" => "Es wurden keine Notebooks gefunden", /*0039*/"subtype (notebook, netbook, tablet)" => "Typ (Notebook, Netbook, Tablet)", /*0040*/"compatibility with free software" => "Kompatibilität mit Freie Software", /*0041*/"view the other specifications" => "Weitere Angaben", /*0042*/"model" => "Modell", /*0043*/"model id" => "Modell-ID", /*0044*/"tested on" => "überprüft mit Distribution", /*0045*/"tested with the following kernel libre" => "Überbrüft mit folgendem freien Betriebssystemkern (Libre Kernel)", /*0046*/"video card model" => "Grafikkarte", /*0047*/"wifi model" => "WLAN", /*0048*/"GNU/Linux distribution used for the test" => "Verwendete GNU/Linux-Distribution für die Überprüfung", /*0049*/"does the video card work?" => "Funktioniert die Grafik einwandfrei?", /*0050*/"does the wifi card work?" => "Funktioniert das WLAN einwandfrei?", /*0051*/"Description: (write here all the useful information)" => "Beschreibung: (alle nützliche Informationen)", /*0052*/"discover all the wiki tags" => "Wiki-Elemente", /*0053*/"Fields marked with * are mandatory" => "* Pflichtangabe", /*0054*/"No printers found" => "Es wurden keine Drucker gefunden", /*0055*/"interface" => "Schnittstelle", /*0056*/"VendorID:ProductID code of the device" => "Hersteller-ID:Produkt-ID des Gerätes", /*0057*/"free driver used" => "Verwendete Freie Firmware/Treiber", /*0058*/"set not-specified if not sure" => "Bitte „Keine Angabe“, wenn nicht sicher", /*0059*/"see the help page or leave blank if you are not sure" => "Siehe „Hilfe“, oder freilassen, wenn nicht sicher", /*0060*/"No scanners found" => "Es wurden keine Scanner gefunden", /*0061*/"No video cards found" => "Es wurde keine Grafikkarte gefunden", /*0062*/"how does it work with free software?" => "Funktioniert einwandfrei mit Freie Software?", /*0063*/"No wifi cards found" => "Es wurde kein WLAN (intern/extern) gefunden", /*0064*/"does it work with free software?" => "Funktioniert mit Freie Software?", /*0065*/"differences in the entry" => "Unterschiede", /*0066*/"No 3G cards found" => "Es wurde kein Mobilfunkstandard der dritten Generation (3G) gefunden", /*0067*/"Please specify in the below description entry the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the country where the service is provided" => "Bitte geben Sie in der folgenden Beschreibung den Internetdienstanbieter (ISP) und Land an, in dem die Dienstleistung erbracht wird", /*0068*/"webcam model" => "Webcam", /*0069*/"does it have a free BIOS?" => "Hat eine freies BIOS?", /*0070*/"does the webcam work?" => "Funktioniert einwandfrei mit Freie Software?", /*0071*/"Current revision" => "Aktuelle Version", /*0072*/"Hello" => "Hallo", /*0073*/"Your" => "Ihre ", /*0074*/"control panel" => "Einstellungen", /*0075*/"create new account" => "Neu registrieren", /*0076*/"request new password" => "Passwort vergessen", /*0077*/"website statistics" => "Website-Statistiken:", /*0078*/"hardware in the database" => "Hardware-Datenbank", /*0079*/"users logged" => "Angemeldete Benutzer", /*0080*/"Watch your public profile" => "Öffentliches Profil", /*0081*/"Edit your profile" => "Profil bearbeiten", /*0082*/"Change your e-mail address" => "E-Mail-Adresse ändern", /*0083*/"Change your password" => "Passwort ändern", /*0084*/"Delete your account" => "Konto löschen", /*0085*/"choose the username" => "Benutzername", /*0086*/"characters allowed" => "Erlaubte Zeichen", /*0087*/"your e-mail address" => "E-Mail-Adresse", /*0088*/"necessary to confirm the registration" => "Zur Bestätigung der Registrierung erforderlich", /*0089*/"choose the password" => "Passwort", /*0090*/"confirm the password" => "Passwort (Wiederholung)", /*0091*/"write the code above" => "Geben Sie die Zeichen ein", /*0092*/"write your username" => "Geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen ein", /*0093*/"Actions carried out by moderators" => "Moderatoren durchgeführte Änderungen", /*0094*/"meet" => "treffen", /*0095*/"Public profile of" => "Öffentliches Profil auf", /*0096*/"See all the contributions of" => "Alle Beiträge von", /*0097*/"My website" => "Meine Webseite", /*0098*/"My real name" => "Mein bürgerlicher Name", /*0099*/"My e-mail address" => "Meine E-Mail-Adresse", /*0100*/"I'm from" => "Ich bin aus", /*0101*/"Birthdate" => "Geburtsdatum", /*0102*/"My favourite distribution" => "Meine favorisierte Distribution", /*0103*/"Free software projects I'm working on" => "Freie-Software-Projekte, an denen ich arbeite", /*0104*/"My description" => "Meine Beschreibung", /*0105*/"contributions" => "Beiträge", /*0106*/"contributions of" => "Beiträge von", /*0107*/"No sound cards found" => "Es wurde keine Soundkarte gefunden", /*0108*/"LAST UPDATE" => "Letzte Aktualisierung", /*0109*/"search by" => "Suchen nach", /*0110*/"analyze the output of the lspci command" => "Analyse der Ausgabe des Befehls „lspci“", /*0111*/"paste the output of the lspci command" => "Fügen Sie Ausgabe des Befehls „lspci“ ein", /*0112*/"works, but without 3D acceleration" => "Funktioniert, aber ohne 3D-Beschleunigung", /*0113*/"the text submitted by you does not seem the lspci -vmmnn output. Please check the text and try again" => "Der von Ihnen übermittelte Text scheint nicht der „lspci-vmmnn“-Ausgabe zu entsprechen. Bitte überprüfen Sie den Text und versuchen es erneut", /*0114*/"Search form" => "Suchen", /*0115*/"write here the output of lspci -vmmnn" => "Geben Sie hier die Ausgabe von „lspci-vmmnn“ ein", /*0116*/"The following devices has been found in the database" => "Die folgenden Geräte wurden in der Datenbank gefunden", /*0117*/"yes" => "Ja", /*0118*/"no" => "Nein", /*0119*/"The following devices has not been found in the database" => "Folgende Geräte wurden nicht in der Datenbank gefunden", /*0120*/"can you please insert them?" => "Kann dies bitte eingefügt werden?", /*0121*/"No webcams found" => "Es wurde keine Webcam gefunden", /*0122*/"Download the xml file of all the database" => "Die vollständige Datenbank herunterladen (XML-Format)", /*0123*/"Download the xml file of all the notebooks in the database" => "Alle enthaltenen Notebooks herunterladen (XML-Format)", /*0124*/"Download the xml file of all the wifi cards in the database" => "Alle enthaltenen WLAN-Geräte herunterladen (XML-Format)", /*0125*/"Download the xml file of all the video cards in the database" => "Alle enthaltenen Grafikkarten herunterladen (XML-Format)", /*0126*/"Download the xml file of all the printers in the database" => "Alle enthaltenen Drucker herunterladen (XML-Format)", /*0127*/"Download the xml file of all the 3G cards in the database" => "Alle enthaltenen 3G-Geräte herunterladen (XML-Format)", /*0128*/"Download the xml file of all the sound cards in the database" => "Alle enthaltenen Soundkarten herunterladen (XML-Format)", /*0129*/"Download the xml file of all the webcams in the database" => "Alle enthaltenen Webcams herunterladen (XML-Format)", /*0130*/"You can download all the h-node database in one unique xml file in order to parse its contents by means of some proper script (for example a Python or Perl or PHP script)" => "Sie können alle h-node-Datenbanken als XML-Datei herunterladen, um den Inhalt durch ein Skript (bspw. ein Python-, Perl- oder PHP-Skript) analysieren zu können.", /*0131*/"Download the h-node hardware database in xml format" => "Die h-node-Hardware-Datenbank im XML-Format herunterladen", /*0132*/"Database modifications" => "Datenbank-Änderungen", /*0133*/"List of the database modifications carried out by users" => "Von Benutzern durchgeführte Datenbank-Änderungen", /*0134*/"the model" => "Das Modell", /*0135*/"has been inserted by" => "wurde eingefügt von", /*0136*/"has been updated by" => "wurde aktualisiert von", /*0137*/"at" => "am", /*0138*/"last modifications" => "Letzte Änderungen", /*0139*/"watch all modifications" => "Alle Änderungen anzeigen", /*0140*/"the title" => "Der Titel", /*0141*/"the text of the wiki page" => "der Text des Wikis", /*0142*/"the wiki page has not been found" => "Das Wiki wurde nicht gefunden", /*0143*/"Page not-found" => "Seite nicht gefunden", /*0144*/"Insert" => "Einfügen", /*0145*/"Update" => "Aktualisieren", /*0146*/"History" => "Historie", /*0147*/"Revision" => "Version", /*0148*/"Differences" => "Unterschiede", /*0149*/"Insert a new wiki page" => "Ein neues Wiki einfügen", /*0150*/"Edit the wiki page" => "Wiki bearbeiten", /*0151*/"Make current" => "Aktualisieren", /*0152*/"I want to make this revision the current revision" => "Ich möchte diese Version zur aktuellen Version machen", /*0153*/"Confirm" => "Ok", /*0154*/"Make this revision the current revision of the page" => "Diese Version zur aktuellen Version machen", /*0155*/"This wiki page has been deleted" => "Dieses Wiki wurde gelöscht", /*0156*/"Talk" => "Diskussion", /*0157*/"Talk page of the wiki page" => "Diskussionsseite des Wikis", /*0158*/"a page with the same title already exists" => "Es ist bereits eine Seite mit den gleichen Titel vorhanden", /*0159*/"title is too long" => "Titel ist zu lang", /*0160*/"the page text is too long" => "Der Text ist zu lang", /*0161*/"History of the wiki page" => "Historie des Wikis", /*0162*/"Would you like to insert it?" => "Wiki einfügen?", /*0163*/"Wiki modifications" => "Wiki-Änderungen", /*0164*/"List of the wiki modifications carried out by users" => "Von Benutzern durchgeführte Wiki-Änderungen", /*0165*/"list of pages" => "Seiten", /*0166*/"List of wiki pages" => "Wiki-Seiten", /*0167*/"This wiki page has been blocked" => "Dieses Wiki wurde gesperrt", /*0168*/"unblock the wiki page" => "Wiki entsperren", /*0169*/"block the wiki page" => "Wiki sperren", /*0170*/"show the wiki page" => "Wiki anzeigen", /*0171*/"hide the wiki page" => "Wiki ausblenden", /*0172*/"list of deleted pages" => "Gelöschte Seiten", /*0173*/"restore the wiki page" => "Wiki wiederherstellen", /*0174*/"delete the wiki page" => "Wiki löschen", /*0175*/"list of blocked pages" => "Gesperrte Seiten", /*0176*/"special pages" => "Sonderseiten", /*0177*/"Actions carried out by administrators" => "Administratoren durchgeführten Aktionen anzeigen", /*0178*/"No bluetooth devices found" => "Es wurden keine Bluetooth-Geräte gefunden", /*0179*/"learn how to find it" => "Wie kann man das herausfinden?", /*0180*/"Download the xml file of all the bluetooth devices in the database" => "Alle enthaltenen Bluetooth-Geräte herunterladen (XML-Format)", /*0181*/"License information" => "Informationen zur Lizenz", /*0182*/"No acquisition card found" => "Es wurde keine TV/Video/FM-Erweiterung gefunden", /*0183*/"No fingerprint readers found" => "Es wurde kein Fingerabdruck-Lesegerät gefunden", /*0184*/"Download the xml file of all the acquisition cards in the database" => "Alle enthaltenen TV/Video/FM-Erweiterungen herunterladen (XML-Format", /*0185*/"Download the xml file of all the fingerprint readers in the database" => "Alle enthaltenen Fingerabdruck-Lesegeräte herunterladen (XML-Format", /*0186*/"architecture" => "Architektur", /*0187*/"Add here the device name as written on the device itself or on the device box. Add it only if it is different from the model name already inserted inside the above entry. Add the new name in such a way that there is one name per row." => "Fügen Sie hier den Gerätenamen hinzu, wie auf dem Gerät selbst oder auf der Verpackung angegeben, jedoch nur, wenn dieser von der bereits genannten Modellbezeichnung abweicht (ein Gerätename/pro Zeile).", /*0188*/"Write here the model name obtained by the lspci or lsusb command." => "Geben Sie hier die vom Befehl „lspci“ oder „lsusb“ ermittelte Modellbezeichnung ein.", /*0189*/"This is the name of the chipset of your device." => "Dies ist der Name des Chipsatzes Ihres Gerätes.", /*0190*/"possible other names of the device" => "Andere mögliche Gerätenamen", ) ); public static $singular = array( 'en' => array( 'notebooks' => 'notebook', 'wifi' => 'wifi card', 'videocards' => 'video card', 'printers' => 'printer', 'scanners' => 'scanner', 'threegcards' => '3G-card', 'soundcards' => 'soundcard', 'webcams' => 'webcam', 'bluetooth' => 'bluetooth device', 'acquisitioncards' => 'acquisition card', 'fingerprintreaders' => 'fingerprint reader', 'ethernetcards' => 'ethernet card', 'sdcardreaders' => 'sd card reader', 'modems' => 'modem', ), 'it' => array( 'notebooks' => 'notebook', 'wifi' => 'scheda wifi', 'videocards' => 'scheda video', 'printers' => 'stampante', 'scanners' => 'scanner', 'threegcards' => 'scheda 3G', 'soundcards' => 'scheda audio', 'webcams' => 'webcam', 'bluetooth' => 'dispositivo bluetooth', 'acquisitioncards' => 'scheda di acquisizione', 'fingerprintreaders' => 'lettore di impronte digitali', 'ethernetcards' => 'scheda ethernet', 'sdcardreaders' => 'lettore di schede sd', 'modems' => 'modem', ), 'es' => array( 'notebooks' => 'portátil', 'wifi' => 'tarjeta wifi', 'videocards' => 'tarjeta de video', 'printers' => 'impresora', 'scanners' => 'escáner', 'threegcards' => 'tarjeta 3G', 'soundcards' => 'tarjeta de audio', 'webcams' => 'camara web', 'bluetooth' => 'dispositivo bluetooth', 'acquisitioncards' => 'tarjeta de adquisición', 'fingerprintreaders' => 'lector de huella digital', 'ethernetcards' => 'tarjeta de ethernet', 'sdcardreaders' => 'lector de tarjetas sd', 'modems' => 'modem', ), 'fr' => array( 'notebooks' => 'notebook', 'wifi' => 'carte wifi', 'videocards' => 'carte graphique', 'printers' => 'imprimante', 'scanners' => 'scanneur', 'threegcards' => 'carte 3G', 'soundcards' => 'carte son', 'webcams' => 'webcam', 'bluetooth' => 'périphérique bluetooth', 'acquisitioncards' => 'carte d\'acquisition', 'fingerprintreaders' => 'lecteur d\'empreintes digitales', 'ethernetcards' => 'carte ethernet', 'sdcardreaders' => 'sd card reader', 'modems' => 'modem', ), 'de' => array( 'notebooks' => 'notebook', 'wifi' => 'wifi card', 'videocards' => 'video card', 'printers' => 'printer', 'scanners' => 'scanner', 'threegcards' => '3G-card', 'soundcards' => 'soundcard', 'webcams' => 'webcam', 'bluetooth' => 'bluetooth device', 'acquisitioncards' => 'acquisition card', 'fingerprintreaders' => 'fingerprint reader', 'ethernetcards' => 'ethernet card', 'sdcardreaders' => 'sd card reader', 'modems' => 'modem', ), ); public static $plural = array( 'en' => array( 'notebooks' => 'notebooks', 'wifi' => 'wifi cards', 'videocards' => 'video cards', 'printers' => 'printers', 'scanners' => 'scanners', 'threegcards' => '3G-cards', 'soundcards' => 'soundcards', 'webcams' => 'webcams', 'bluetooth' => 'bluetooth devices', 'acquisitioncards' => 'acquisition cards', 'fingerprintreaders' => 'fingerprint readers', 'ethernetcards' => 'ethernet cards', 'sdcardreaders' => 'sd card readers', 'modems' => 'modems', ), 'it' => array( 'notebooks' => 'notebook', 'wifi' => 'schede wifi', 'videocards' => 'schede video', 'printers' => 'stampanti', 'scanners' => 'scanner', 'threegcards' => 'schede 3G', 'soundcards' => 'schede audio', 'webcams' => 'webcam', 'bluetooth' => 'dispositivi bluetooth', 'acquisitioncards' => 'schede di acquisizione', 'fingerprintreaders' => 'lettori di impronte digitali', 'ethernetcards' => 'schede ethernet', 'sdcardreaders' => 'lettori di schede sd', 'modems' => 'modem', ), 'es' => array( 'notebooks' => 'portátiles', 'wifi' => 'tarjetas wifi', 'videocards' => 'tarjetas de video', 'printers' => 'impresoras', 'scanners' => 'escáneres', 'threegcards' => 'tarjetas 3G', 'soundcards' => 'tarjetas de audio', 'webcams' => 'cámaras web', 'bluetooth' => 'dispositivos bluetooth', 'acquisitioncards' => 'tarjetas de adquisición', 'fingerprintreaders' => 'lectores de huella digital', 'ethernetcards' => 'tarjetas de ethernet', 'sdcardreaders' => 'lectores de tarjetas sd', 'modems' => 'modems', ), 'fr' => array( 'notebooks' => 'notebooks', 'wifi' => 'cartes wifi', 'videocards' => 'cartes graphiques', 'printers' => 'imprimantes', 'scanners' => 'scanneurs', 'threegcards' => 'cartes 3G', 'soundcards' => 'cartes son', 'webcams' => 'webcams', 'bluetooth' => 'périphériques bluetooth', 'acquisitioncards' => 'cartes d\'acquisition', 'fingerprintreaders' => 'lecteurs d\'empreintes digitales ', 'ethernetcards' => 'cartes ethernet', 'sdcardreaders' => 'sd card readers', 'modems' => 'modems', ), 'de' => array( 'notebooks' => 'notebooks', 'wifi' => 'wifi cards', 'videocards' => 'video cards', 'printers' => 'printers', 'scanners' => 'scanners', 'threegcards' => '3G-cards', 'soundcards' => 'soundcards', 'webcams' => 'webcams', 'bluetooth' => 'bluetooth devices', 'acquisitioncards' => 'acquisition cards', 'fingerprintreaders' => 'fingerprint readers', 'ethernetcards' => 'ethernet cards', 'sdcardreaders' => 'sd card readers', 'modems' => 'modems', ), ); public static function sanitize($lang = 'en') { return (in_array($lang,self::$allowed)) ? sanitizeAll($lang) : 'en'; } } class Go { public static function toHardwareType($type) { return "http://".DOMAIN_NAME."/".Hardware::getControllerFromType($type)."/catalogue/".Lang::$current; } public static function toHardwareInsert($type) { return "http://".DOMAIN_NAME."/".Hardware::getControllerFromType($type)."/insert/".Lang::$current; } //go to the page of one device from the id of that device public static function toHardwarePage($idHard = 0) { $clean['idHard'] = (int)$idHard; $urls = getUrlsFromIdHard($clean['idHard']); return $urls['urlView']; } } class MyStrings { public static $view = array( ); //type => controller public static $reverse = array( 'notebook' => 'notebooks', 'wifi' => 'wifi', 'videocard' => 'videocards', 'printer' => 'printers', 'scanner' => 'scanners', '3G-card' => 'threegcards', 'soundcard' => 'soundcards', 'webcam' => 'webcams', 'bluetooth' => 'bluetooth', 'acquisition-card' => 'acquisitioncards', 'fingerprint-reader' => 'fingerprintreaders', 'ethernet-card' => 'ethernetcards', 'sd-card-reader' => 'sdcardreaders', 'modem' => 'modems', ); public static function getTypes() { return implode(',',array_keys(self::$reverse)); } }