. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); class Lang { public static $allowed = array('en','es','fr','it'); public static $current = 'en'; public static $complete = array( 'en' => 'gb.png,English', 'es' => 'es.png,Español', 'fr' => 'fr.png,Français', 'it' => 'it.png,Italiano', ); public static $i18n = array( 'it' => array ( "Search one device in the archive" => "Cerca un dispositivo nell'archivio", "hardware type" => "tipo di hardware", "the model name contains" => "il nome del modello contiene", "List of issues" => "Lista di questioni", "TITLE" => "TITOLO", "TOPIC" => "ARGOMENTO", "OPENED BY" => "APERTO DA", "DATE" => "DATA", "REPLIES" => "MESSAGGI", "PRIORITY" => "PRIORITÀ", "STATUS" => "STATO", "You have to" => "Devi eseguire il", "in order to submit an issue" => "per poter aprire una nuova questione", "in order to add a message" => "per poter inviare un messaggio", "Description" => "Descrizione", "Messages" => "Messaggi", "this message has been deleted" => "questo messaggio è stato cancellato", "in order to submit a message to this issue" => "per aggiungere un messaggio a questa questione", "model name" => "nome del modello", "model type" => "tipo di device", "year of commercialization" => "anno di commercializzazione", "Results of the search" => "Risultati della ricerca", "page list" => "pagine", "No devices found" => "Non è stato trovato alcun device", "vendor" => "marca", "compatibility" => "compatibilità", "year" => "anno", "subtype" => "sottotipo", "sort by" => "ordina per", "interface" => "interfaccia", "does it work?" => "funziona?", "preview of the message" => "anteprima del messaggio", "preview of the new issue message" => "anteprima del testo della questione", "Add a message to this issue" => "Aggiungi un messaggio a questa questione", "Add a new issue" => "Aggiungi una nuova questione", "MESSAGE" => "MESSAGGIO", "there are no messages" => "non ci sono messaggi", "No notebooks found" => "Non è stato trovato alcun notebook", "subtype (notebook or netbook)" => "sottotipo (notebook or netbook)", "compatibility with free software" => "compatibilità con il software libero", "view the other specifications" => "guarda le altre specifiche", "model" => "modello", "model id" => "id del modello", "tested on" => "testato con", "tested with the following kernel libre" => "testato con il seguente kernel libre", "video card model" => "modello di scheda video", "wifi model" => "modello di scheda wifi", "GNU/Linux distribution used for the test" => "distribuzione GNU/Linux usata per il test", "does the video card work?" => "funziona la scheda video?", "does the wifi card work?" => "funziona la scheda wifi?", "Description: (write here all the useful information)" => "Descrizione (scrivi sotto tutte le informazioni utili)", "discover all the wiki tags" => "scopri tutti i tag della wiki", "Fields marked with * are mandatory" => "I campi marcati con * sono obbligatori", "No printers found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna stampante", "interface" => "interfaccia", "VendorID:ProductID code of the device" => "codice VendorID:ProductID del prodotto", "free driver used" => "driver liberi usati", "set not-specified if not sure" => "seleziona not-specified se non sei sicuro/a", "see the help page or leave blank if you are not sure" => "guarda nella pagina di help o lascia vuoto se non sei sicuro/a", "No scanners found" => "Non sono è stato trovato alcuno scanner", "No video cards found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna scheda grafica", "how does it work with free software?" => "come funziona con il software libero?", "No wifi cards found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna scheda wifi", "does it work with free software?" => "funziona con il software libero?", "differences in the entry" => "differenze nel campo", "No 3G cards found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna scheda 3G", "Please specify in the below description entry the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the country where the service is provided" => "Per favore specifica nel sottostante campo descrizione l'Internet Service Provider (ISP) e il Paese dove il servizio viene fornito", "webcam model" => "modello di webcam", "does it have a free bios?" => "ha il bios libero?", "does the webcam work?" => "funziona la webcam?", "Current revision" => "Revisione corrente", "Hello" => "Ciao", "Your" => "il ", "control panel" => "pannello di controllo", "create new account" => "crea un account", "request new password" => "richiedi nuova password", "website statistics" => "statistiche del sito", "hardware in the database" => "hardware nel database", "users logged" => "utenti loggati", "Watch your public profile" => "Guarda il tuo profilo pubblico", "Edit your profile" => "Modifica il tuo profilo", "Change your e-mail address" => "Cambia il tuo indirizzo e-mail", "Change your password" => "Cambia la tua password", "Delete your account" => "Chiudi il tuo account", "choose the username" => "scegli lo username", "characters allowed" => "caratteri ammessi", "your e-mail address" => "il tuo indirizzo e-mail", "necessary to confirm the registration" => "necessario per confermare la registrazione", "choose the password" => "scegli la password", "confirm the password" => "conferma la password", "write the code above" => "scrivi il codice mostrato sopra", "write your username" => "scrivi il tuo username", "Watch all the actions carried out by moderators" => "Guarda tutte le azioni compiute dai moderatori", "meet" => "conosci", "Public profile of" => "Profilo pubblico di", "See all the contributions of" => "Guarda tutti i contributi di ", "My website" => "Il mio sito personale", "My real name" => "Il mio vero nome", "My e-mail address" => "Il mio indirizzo e-mail", "I'm from" => "Vengo da", "Birthdate" => "Sono nato il", "My favourite distribution" => "La mia distribuzione favorita", "Free software projects I'm working on" => "Progetti di software libero con i quali collaboro", "My description" => "La mia descrizione", "contributions" => "contributi", "contributions of" => "contributi di", "No sound cards found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna scheda audio", "LAST UPDATE" => "ULTIMA MODIFICA", "search by" => "cerca per", "analyze the output of the lspci command" => "analizza l'output del comando lscpi", "paste the output of the lspci command" => "incolla l'output del comand lspci", "works, but without 3D acceleration" => "funziona, ma senza accelerazione 3D", "the text submitted by you does not seem the lspci -vmmnn output. Please check the text and try again" => "il testo che hai inviato non sembra l'output del comando lspci -vmmnn. Per favore ricontrolla il testo e riprova", "Search form" => "Form della ricerca", "write here the output of lspci -vmmnn" => "scrivi qui l'output del comando lspci -vmmnn", "The following devices has been found in the database" => "I seguenti device sono stati trovati nel database", "yes" => "sì", "no" => "no", "The following devices has not been found in the database" => "I seguenti device non sono stati trovati nel database", "can you please insert them?" => "puoi gentilmente inserirli?", "No webcams found" => "Non è stata trovata alcuna webcam", "Download the xml file of all the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutto il database", "Download the xml file of all the notebooks in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutti i notebook presenti nel database", "Download the xml file of all the wifi cards in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutte le schede wifi presenti nel database", "Download the xml file of all the video cards in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutte le schede video presenti nel database", "Download the xml file of all the printers in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutte le stampanti presenti nel database", "Download the xml file of all the 3G cards in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutte le schede 3G presenti nel database", "Download the xml file of all the sound cards in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutte le schede audio presenti nel database", "Download the xml file of all the webcams in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutte le webcams presenti nel database", "You can download all the h-node database in one unique xml file in order to parse its contents by means of some proper script (for example a Python or Perl or PHP script)" => "Puoi scaricare l'intero database di h-node in un unico file xml per analizzarne i contenuti utilizzando uno script appropriato (ad esempio uno script Python o Perl o PHP)", "Download the h-node hardware database in xml format" => "Scarica il database dell'hardware di h-node in formato xml", "Database modifications" => "Modifiche al database", "List of the database modifications carried out by users" => "Lista delle modifiche apportate al database dagli utenti", "the model" => "il modello", "has been inserted by" => "è stato inserito da", "has been updated by" => "è stato modificato da", "at" => "alle ore", "last modifications" => "ultime modifiche", "watch all modifications" => "guarda tutte le modifiche", "the title" => "il titolo", "the text of the wiki page" => "il testo della pagina", "the wiki page has not been found" => "la pagina della wiki non è stata trovata", "Page not-found" => "Pagina non trovata", "Insert" => "Inserisci", "Update" => "Modifica", "History" => "History", "Revision" => "Revisione", "Differences" => "Differenze", "Insert a new wiki page" => "Inserisci una nuova pagina nella wiki", "Edit the wiki page" => "Modifica la pagina della wiki", "Make current" => "Rendi revisione corrente", "I want to make this revision the current revision" => "Voglio che questa revisione diventi quella corrente", "Confirm" => "Conferma", "Make this revision the current revision of the page" => "Rendi questa revisione la revisione corrente della pagina", "This wiki page has been deleted" => "Questa pagina della wiki è stata cancellata", "Talk" => "Discussione", "Talk page of the wiki page" => "Pagina di discussione della pagina della wiki", "a page with the same title already exists" => "esiste già una pagina con questo titolo", "title is too long" => "il titolo è troppo lungo", "the page text is too long" => "il testo della pagina è troppo lungo", "History of the wiki page" => "History della pagina della wiki", "Would you like to insert it?" => "Vuoi inserirla?", "Wiki modifications" => "Modifiche alla Wiki", "List of the wiki modifications carried out by users" => "Lista delle modifiche apportate alla Wiki dagli utenti", "list of pages" => "lista delle pagine", "List of wiki pages" => "Lista delle pagine della wiki", "This wiki page has been blocked" => "Questa pagina della wiki è stata bloccata", "unblock the wiki page" => "sblocca la pagina", "block the wiki page" => "blocca la pagina", "show the wiki page" => "mostra la pagina della wiki", "hide the wiki page" => "nascondi la pagina della wiki", "list of deleted pages" => "lista delle pagine cancellate", "restore the wiki page" => "ripristina la pagina", "delete the wiki page" => "cancella la pagina", "list of blocked pages" => "lista delle pagine bloccate", "special pages" => "pagine speciali", "Watch all the actions carried out by administrators" => "Guarda tutte le azioni compiute dagli amministratori", "No bluetooth devices found" => "Non è stato trovato alcun dispositivo bluetooth", "learn how to find it" => "scopri come individuarlo", "Download the xml file of all the bluetooth devices in the database" => "Scarica il file xml di tutti i dispositivi bluetooth presenti nel database", ), 'es' => array ( "Search one device in the archive" => "Busque un dispositivo en el archivo", "hardware type" => "tipo de hardware", "the model name contains" => "el nombre del modelo contiene", "List of issues" => "Lista de incidencias", "TITLE" => "TITULO", "TOPIC" => "ARGUMENTO", "OPENED BY" => "ABIERTO POR", "DATE" => "FECHA", "REPLIES" => "RESPUESTAS", "PRIORITY" => "PRIORIDAD", "STATUS" => "ESTADO", "You have to" => "Tiene que", "in order to submit an issue" => "para poder agregar una incidencia", "in order to add a message" => "para poder agregar un mensaje", "Description" => "Descripción", "Messages" => "Mensajes", "this message has been deleted" => "este mensaje ha sido borrado", "in order to submit a message to this issue" => "para poder agregar un mensaje a esta incidencia", "model name" => "nombre del modelo", "model type" => "tipo de modelo", "year of commercialization" => "año de comercialización", "Results of the search" => "Resultado de la búsqueda", "page list" => "página", "No devices found" => "No se encontró ningún dispositivo", "vendor" => "fabricante", "compatibility" => "compatibilidad", "year" => "año", "subtype" => "subtipo", "sort by" => "ordenar por", "interface" => "interfaz", "does it work?" => "¿funciona?", "preview of the message" => "vista previa del mensaje", "preview of the new issue message" => "vista previa del mensaje de la incidencia", "Add a message to this issue" => "Agregue un mensaje a esta incidencia", "Add a new issue" => "Agregue una nueva incidencia", "MESSAGE" => "MENSAJE", "there are no messages" => "no hay mensajes", "No notebooks found" => "No se encontró ninguna laptop", "subtype (notebook or netbook)" => "subtipo (laptop o netbook)", "compatibility with free software" => "compatibilidad con software libre", "view the other specifications" => "ver otras especificaciones", "model" => "modelo", "model id" => "id del modelo", "tested on" => "probado con", "tested with the following kernel libre" => "probado con el siguiente kernel libre", "video card model" => "modelo de tarjeta de video", "wifi model" => "modelo de tarjeta de red inalámbrica", "GNU/Linux distribution used for the test" => "distribución GNU/Linux usada para la prueba", "does the video card work?" => "¿funciona la tarjeta de video?", "does the wifi card work?" => "¿funciona la tarjeta de red inalámbrica?", "Description: (write here all the useful information)" => "Descripción (escriba aquí toda la información útil)", "discover all the wiki tags" => "mostrar todas las etiquetas del wiki", "Fields marked with * are mandatory" => "Campos marcados con * son obligatorios", "No printers found" => "No se encontró ninguna impresora", "interface" => "interfaz", "VendorID:ProductID code of the device" => "código VendorID:ProductID del dispositivo", "free driver used" => "driver libre usado", "set not-specified if not sure" => "seleccione not-specified si no esta seguro/a", "see the help page or leave blank if you are not sure" => "vea la página de ayuda o deje vacío si no esta seguro/a", "No scanners found" => "No se encontró ningun escáner", "No video cards found" => "No se encontró ninguna tarjeta de video", "how does it work with free software?" => "¿como funciona con software libre?", "No wifi cards found" => "No se encontró ninguna tarjeta de red inalámbrica", "does it work with free software?" => "¿funciona con software libre?", "differences in the entry" => "diferencias en el campo", "No 3G cards found" => "No se encontró ninguna tarjeta 3G", "Please specify in the below description entry the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the country where the service is provided" => "Por favor especifique en el campo de descripción inferior el Proveedor de Internet (ISP) y el país donde se provee el servicio", "webcam model" => "modelo de cámara web", "does it have a free bios?" => "¿tiene bios libre?", "does the webcam work?" => "¿funciona la cámara web?", "Current revision" => "Revisión actual", "Hello" => "Hola", "Your" => "Su ", "control panel" => "panel de control", "create new account" => "crear una cuenta", "request new password" => "solicitar nueva contraseña", "website statistics" => "estadísticas del sito", "hardware in the database" => "hardware en la base de datos", "users logged" => "usuarios en línea", "Watch your public profile" => "Ver su perfil público", "Edit your profile" => "Editar su perfil", "Change your e-mail address" => "Cambiar su dirección e-mail", "Change your password" => "Cambiar su contraseña", "Delete your account" => "Borrar su cuenta", "choose the username" => "elija su nombre de usuario", "characters allowed" => "caracteres permitidos", "your e-mail address" => "su dirección e-mail", "necessary to confirm the registration" => "necesario para confirmar el registro", "choose the password" => "elija la contraseña", "confirm the password" => "confirme la contraseña", "write the code above" => "escriba el código mostrado superior", "write your username" => "escriba su nombre de usuario", "Watch all the actions carried out by moderators" => "Ver todas las acciones efectuadas por los moderadores", "meet" => "conoce a", "Public profile of" => "Perfil público de", "See all the contributions of" => "Ver todas las contribuciones de", "My website" => "Mi sitio web", "My real name" => "Mi nombre real", "My e-mail address" => "Mi dirección e-mail", "I'm from" => "Soy de", "Birthdate" => "Fecha de nacimiento", "My favourite distribution" => "Mi distribución favorita", "Free software projects I'm working on" => "Proyectos de Software Libre en los que colaboro", "My description" => "Mi descripción", "contributions" => "contribuciones", "contributions of" => "contribuciones de", "No sound cards found" => "No se encontró ninguna tarjeta de audio", "LAST UPDATE" => "ULTIMA MODIFICACIÓN", "LAST UPDATE" => "ÚLTIMA MODIFICACIÓN", "search by" => "buscar por", "analyze the output of the lspci command" => "analice la salida de la orden lscpi", "paste the output of the lspci command" => "pegue la salida de la orden lspci", "works, but without 3D acceleration" => "funciona, pero sin aceleración 3D", "the text submitted by you does not seem the lspci -vmmnn output. Please check the text and try again" => "el texto insertado no parece ser la salida de la orden lspci -vmmnn. Por favor revise el texto e intente nuevamente", "Search form" => "Formulario de búsqueda", "write here the output of lspci -vmmnn" => "escriba aquí la salida de la orden lspci -vmmnn", "The following devices has been found in the database" => "Los siguientes dispositivos han sido encontrados en la base de datos", "yes" => "si", "no" => "no", "The following devices has not been found in the database" => "Los siguientes dispositivos no han sido encontrados en la base de datos", "can you please insert them?" => "¿podría insertarlos?", "No webcams found" => "No se encontró ninguna cámara web", "Download the xml file of all the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de toda la base de datos", "Download the xml file of all the notebooks in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas las laptops presentes en la base de datos", "Download the xml file of all the wifi cards in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas las tarjetas de red inalámbrica presentes en la base de datos", "Download the xml file of all the video cards in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas las tarjetas de video presentes en la base de datos", "Download the xml file of all the printers in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas las impresoras presentes en la base de datos", "Download the xml file of all the 3G cards in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas las tarjetas 3G presentes en la base de datos", "Download the xml file of all the sound cards in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas las tarjetas de audio presentes en la base de datos", "Download the xml file of all the webcams in the database" => "Descargue el archivo xml de todas las cámaras web presentes en la base de datos", "You can download all the h-node database in one unique xml file in order to parse its contents by means of some proper script (for example a Python or Perl or PHP script)" => "Puede descargar toda la base de datos de h-node en un archivo xml único para poder analizarlo su contenido por medio de otro script apropiado (por ejemplo un script en Python, Perl o PHP)", "Download the h-node hardware database in xml format" => "Descargue la base de datos de h-node en formato xml", "Database modifications" => "Modificaciones a la base de datos", "List of the database modifications carried out by users" => "Lista de modificaciones realizada por los usuarios", "the model" => "el modelo", "has been inserted by" => "ha sido agregado por", "has been updated by" => "ha sido modificado por", "at" => "en", "last modifications" => "ultimas modificaciones", "watch all modifications" => "ver todas las modificaciones", "the title" => "el titulo", "the text of the wiki page" => "el texto de la página", "the wiki page has not been found" => "la página del wiki no ha sido encontrada", "Page not-found" => "Página no encontrada", "Insert" => "Agregar", "Update" => "Actualizar", "History" => "Historial", "Revision" => "Revisión", "Differences" => "Diferencias", "Insert a new wiki page" => "Agregar una página nueva al wiki", "Edit the wiki page" => "Editar la página del wiki", "Make current" => "Hacer revisión actual", "I want to make this revision the current revision" => "Quiero hacer ésta revisión la revisión actual", "Confirm" => "Confirmar", "Make this revision the current revision of the page" => "Hacer esta revisión la revisión actual de la página", "This wiki page has been deleted" => "Ésta página del wiki ha sido borrada", "Talk" => "Discusión", "Talk page of the wiki page" => "Página de discusión de la página del wiki", "a page with the same title already exists" => "una página con el mismo titulo ya existe", "title is too long" => "el titulo es demasiado largo", "the page text is too long" => "el texto de la página es demasiado largo", "History of the wiki page" => "Historial de la página del wiki", "Would you like to insert it?" => "¿Le gustaría agregarlo?", "Wiki modifications" => "Modificaciones al Wiki", "List of the wiki modifications carried out by users" => "Lista de modificaciones aportadas al Wiki por los usuarios", "list of pages" => "lista de páginas", "List of wiki pages" => "Lista de las páginas del wiki", "This wiki page has been blocked" => "Ésta página del wiki ha sido bloqueada", "unblock the wiki page" => "desbloquear la página", "block the wiki page" => "bloquear la página", "show the wiki page" => "mostrar la página del wiki", "hide the wiki page" => "esconder la página del wiki", "list of deleted pages" => "lista de las páginas borradas", "restore the wiki page" => "restaurar la página", "delete the wiki page" => "borrar la página", "list of blocked pages" => "lista de las páginas bloqueadas", "special pages" => "páginas especiales", ), 'fr' => array ( "Search one device in the archive" => "Chercher un appareil dans les archives", "hardware type" => "type de matériel", "the model name contains" => "le nom du modèle contient", "List of issues" => "Liste de problème", "TITLE" => "TITRE", "TOPIC" => "SUJET", "OPENED BY" => "OUVERT PAR", "DATE" => "DATE", "REPLIES" => "REPONSES", "PRIORITY" => "PRIORITE", "STATUS" => "STATUS", "You have to" => "Vous devez", "in order to submit an issue" => "pour pouvoir soumettre un problème", "in order to add a message" => "pour pouvoir envoyer un message", "Description" => "Description", "Messages" => "Messagges", "this message has been deleted" => "ce message à été supprimé", "in order to submit a message to this issue" => "pour pouvoir envoyer un message concernant ce problème", "model name" => "nom de modèle", "model type" => "type de modèle", "year of commercialization" => "année de commercialisation", "Results of the search" => "Resultat de la recherche", "page list" => "liste de page", "No devices found" => "Aucun appareil trouvé", "vendor" => "vendeur", "compatibility" => "compatibilitée", "year" => "année", "subtype" => "sous-type", "sort by" => "afficher par", "interface" => "interface", "does it work?" => "cela fonctionne?", "preview of the message" => "prévisualisation du message", "preview of the new issue message" => "prévisualisation du message du nouveau problème", "Add a message to this issue" => "Ajouter un message à ce problème", "Add a new issue" => "Ajouter un nouveau problème", "MESSAGE" => "MESSAGE", "there are no messages" => "Il n'y a pas de messages", "No notebooks found" => "Aucun notebooks trouvé", "subtype (notebook or netbook)" => "sous-type (notebook ou netbook)", "compatibility with free software" => "compatibilitée avec le logiciel libre", "view the other specifications" => "voir les autres spécifications", "model" => "modèle", "model id" => "ID du modèle", "tested on" => "testé sur", "tested with the following kernel libre" => "testé avec le kernel libre suivant", "video card model" => "modèle de carte vidéo", "wifi model" => "modèle de carte wifi", "GNU/Linux distribution used for the test" => "Distribution GNU/Linux utilisée pour le test", "does the video card work?" => "La carte vidéo fonctionne t'elle?", "does the wifi card work?" => "La carte wifi fonctionne t'elle?", "Description: (write here all the useful information)" => "Description (écrivez ici toutes informations utile)", "discover all the wiki tags" => "voir tout les tags wiki", "Fields marked with * are mandatory" => "Les champs marqués avec * sont mandatoire", "No printers found" => "Aucun imprimante trouvée", "interface" => "interface", "VendorID:ProductID code of the device" => "VendorID:ProductID de l'appareil", "free driver used" => "pilote libre utilisé", "set not-specified if not sure" => "voir non-spécifié en cas de doute", "see the help page or leave blank if you are not sure" => "Voir la page d'aide ou laisser blanc si vous n'êtes pas sur", "No scanners found" => "Aucun scanner trouvé", "No video cards found" => "Aucun carte vidéo trouvée", "how does it work with free software?" => "A quel point cela fonctionne t'il avec du logiciel libre?", "No wifi cards found" => "Aucune carte wifi trouvée", "does it work with free software?" => "cela fonctionne t'il avec le logiciel libre", "differences in the entry" => "difference dans l'entrée", "No 3G cards found" => "Aucune carte 3G trouvée", "Please specify in the below description entry the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the country where the service is provided" => "Merci de préciser dans cette description le fournisseur d'accès et le pays dans lequel le service est fournis", "webcam model" => "modèle de webcam", "does it have a free bios?" => "à t'il un bios libre?", "does the webcam work?" => "la webcam fonctionne t'elle?", "does the webcam work?" => "la webcam fonctionne-t'elle?", "Current revision" => "Révision actuelle", "Hello" => "Bonjour", "Your" => "votre", "control panel" => "panneau de contrôle", "create new account" => "créer un compte", "request new password" => "demander un nouveau mot de passe", "website statistics" => "statistique du site", "hardware in the database" => "hardware dans la base de données", "users logged" => "utilisateur connecté", "Watch your public profile" => "Voir votre profil public", "Edit your profile" => "Editer votre profil", "Change your e-mail address" => "Changer votre adresse e-mail", "Change your password" => "Changer votre mot de passe", "Delete your account" => "Supprimer votre compte", "choose the username" => "choisissez le nom d'utilisateur", "characters allowed" => "charactères autorisés", "your e-mail address" => "votre adresse e-mail", "necessary to confirm the registration" => "nécessaire pour confirmer la création", "choose the password" => "choisissez le mot de passe", "confirm the password" => "confirmez le mot de passe", "write the code above" => "écrivez le code si-dessous", "write your username" => "écrivez votre nom d'utilisateur", "Watch all the actions carried out by moderators" => "Regardez toutes les actions prises par les modérateurs", "meet" => "rencontrer", "Public profile of" => "Profil public de", "See all the contributions of" => "Voir toute les distributions de", "My website" => "Mon site web", "My real name" => "Mon vrais nom", "My e-mail address" => "Mon adresse e-mail", "I'm from" => "Je viens de", "Birthdate" => "Date de naissance", "My favourite distribution" => "Ma distribution favorite", "Free software projects I'm working on" => "Les projets de logiciel libre sur lesquels je travaille", "My description" => "Ma description", "contributions" => "contributions", "contributions of" => "contributions de", "No sound cards found" => "Aucune carte son trouvée", "LAST UPDATE" => "DERNIERE MISE A JOUR", "search by" => "cherchez par", "analyze the output of the lspci command" => "analisez le retour de la commande lspci", "paste the output of the lspci command" => "copier le retour de la commande lspci", "works, but without 3D acceleration" => "fonctionne, mais sans l'accélération 3D", "the text submitted by you does not seem the lspci -vmmnn output. Please check the text and try again" => "le texte que vous avez soumis n'a pas l'air d'être le résultat de la commande lspci -vmmnn, merci de vérifier", "Search form" => "Formulaire de recherche", "write here the output of lspci -vmmnn" => "écrivez ici le retour de la commande lspci -vmmnn", "The following devices has been found in the database" => "Ces appareils ont été trouvés dans la base de données", "yes" => "oui", "no" => "non", "The following devices has not been found in the database" => "Ces appareils n'ont pas été trouvés dans la base de données", "can you please insert them?" => "pouvez vous les insérez?", "No webcams found" => "Aucune webcam trouvée", "Download the xml file of all the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier XML de la base de données complètes", "Download the xml file of all the notebooks in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier XML de tout les notebooks dans la base de données", "Download the xml file of all the wifi cards in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier XML de toute les cartes wifi dans la base de données", "Download the xml file of all the video cards in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier XML de toute les cartes vidéos dans la base de données", "Download the xml file of all the printers in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier XML de toute les imprimantes dans la base de données", "Download the xml file of all the 3G cards in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier XML de toute les cartes 3G dans la base de données", "Download the xml file of all the sound cards in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier XML de toutes les cartes son dans la base de données", "Download the xml file of all the webcams in the database" => "Téléchargez le fichier XML de toutes les webcam dans la base de données", "You can download all the h-node database in one unique xml file in order to parse its contents by means of some proper script (for example a Python or Perl or PHP script)" => "Vous pouvez téléchargez toute la base de donnée de h-node en un seul fichier XML pour pouvoir ensuite l'exploiter avec des scripts (Par exemple un script Python , Perl ou PHP)", "Download the h-node hardware database in xml format" => "Téléchargez la base de données matérielle de h-node au format XML", ), ); public static function sanitize($lang = 'en') { return (in_array($lang,self::$allowed)) ? sanitizeAll($lang) : 'en'; } } class Go { public static function toHardwareType($type) { return "http://".DOMAIN_NAME."/".Hardware::getControllerFromType($type)."/catalogue/".Lang::$current; } public static function toHardwareInsert($type) { return "http://".DOMAIN_NAME."/".Hardware::getControllerFromType($type)."/insert/".Lang::$current; } //go to the page of one device from the id of that device public static function toHardwarePage($idHard = 0) { $clean['idHard'] = (int)$idHard; $urls = getUrlsFromIdHard($clean['idHard']); return $urls['urlView']; } } class MyStrings { public static $view = array( 'en' => array( 'notebooks' => array( 'element' => 'notebook' ), 'wifi' => array( 'element' => 'wifi card' ), 'videocards'=> array( 'element' => 'video card' ), 'printers'=> array( 'element' => 'printer' ), 'scanners'=> array( 'element' => 'scanner' ), 'threegcards' => array( 'element' => '3G-card', ), 'soundcards' => array( 'element' => 'sound card', ), 'webcams' => array( 'element' => 'webcam', ), 'bluetooth' => array( 'element' => 'bluetooth', ), ), 'fr' => array( 'notebooks' => array( 'element' => 'notebook' ), 'wifi' => array( 'element' => 'wifi card' ), 'videocards'=> array( 'element' => 'video card' ), 'printers'=> array( 'element' => 'printer' ), 'scanners'=> array( 'element' => 'scanner' ), 'threegcards' => array( 'element' => '3G-card', ), 'soundcards' => array( 'element' => 'sound card', ), 'webcams' => array( 'element' => 'webcam', ), 'bluetooth' => array( 'element' => 'bluetooth', ), ), 'it' => array( 'notebooks' => array( 'element' => 'notebook' ), 'wifi' => array( 'element' => 'wifi card' ), 'videocards'=> array( 'element' => 'video card' ), 'printers'=> array( 'element' => 'printer' ), 'scanners'=> array( 'element' => 'scanner' ), 'threegcards' => array( 'element' => '3G-card', ), 'soundcards' => array( 'element' => 'sound card', ), 'webcams' => array( 'element' => 'webcam', ), 'bluetooth' => array( 'element' => 'bluetooth', ), ), 'es' => array( 'notebooks' => array( 'element' => 'notebook' ), 'wifi' => array( 'element' => 'wifi card' ), 'videocards'=> array( 'element' => 'video card' ), 'printers'=> array( 'element' => 'printer' ), 'scanners'=> array( 'element' => 'scanner' ), 'threegcards' => array( 'element' => '3G-card', ), 'soundcards' => array( 'element' => 'sound card', ), 'webcams' => array( 'element' => 'webcam', ), 'bluetooth' => array( 'element' => 'bluetooth', ), ), ); //type => controller public static $reverse = array( 'notebook' => 'notebooks', 'wifi' => 'wifi', 'videocard' => 'videocards', 'printer' => 'printers', 'scanner' => 'scanners', '3G-card' => 'threegcards', 'soundcard' => 'soundcards', 'webcam' => 'webcams', 'bluetooth' => 'bluetooth', ); public static function getTypes() { return implode(',',array_keys(self::$reverse)); } }