. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); class Version { public static $mobileAllowed = array( 'home,index', 'contact,index', 'credits,index', 'project,index', ); //get the subfolder of the Views folder where to look for the view files public static function getViewSubfolder() { $type = self::get(); if ($type === 'mobile') { return 'Mobile'; } return 'Desktop'; } //get the type of version: desktop or mobile public static function get() { if (isset($_COOKIE['version'])) { if (strcmp($_COOKIE['version'],'mobile') === 0) { return 'mobile'; } else if (strcmp($_COOKIE['version'],'desktop') === 0) { return 'desktop'; } } return 'desktop'; } //set the version public static function set() { if (isset($_GET['version'])) { if (strcmp($_GET['version'],'mobile') === 0) { self::setMobile(); } else if (strcmp($_GET['version'],'desktop') === 0) { self::setDesktop(); } $h = new HeaderObj(DOMAIN_NAME); $h->redirect("home/index/".Lang::$current); } } public static function setMobile() { if (!isset($_COOKIE['version']) or strcmp($_COOKIE['version'],'desktop') === 0) { setcookie("version","mobile",0,'/'); } } public static function setDesktop() { if (!isset($_COOKIE['version']) or strcmp($_COOKIE['version'],'mobile') === 0) { setcookie("version","desktop",0,'/'); } } }