. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); class HardwareModel extends Model_Map { public $id_user = 0; public $type = ''; //device type public $lastId = 0; //the id of the last record inserted public $formStruct = array( 'entries' => array( 'deleted'=> array('type'=>'Select','options'=>'no,yes'), 'id_hard' => array( 'type' => 'Hidden' ) ), ); public function __construct() { $this->_tables='hardware,regusers,hardware_users'; $this->_idFields='id_hard,id_user'; $this->_where=array( 'type' => 'hardware', 'username' => 'regusers', 'id_user' => 'regusers', 'has_confirmed' => 'regusers', 'deleted' => 'regusers', '-deleted' => 'hardware' ); $this->orderBy = 'hardware.id_hard desc'; $this->printAssError = "no"; $this->_popupItemNames = array( 'type'=>'type', 'ask_for_del'=>'ask_for_del', '-deleted'=>'deleted', ); $this->_popupLabels = array( 'type'=>'TYPE', 'ask_for_del'=>'ASK FOR DEL?', '-deleted'=>'DELETED?', ); // $this->databaseConditions['insert'] = array( // 'checkUnique' => 'model', // ); // // $this->databaseConditions['update'] = array( // 'checkUniqueCompl' => 'model', // ); parent::__construct(); } //set the soft and strong conditions public function setConditions($worksOptions,$worksField,$interfaceOptions) { $this->strongConditions['update'] = array( "checkNotEmpty" => "model|you have to fill the model name entry", "checkMatch|".Hardware::$regExpressions['model'] => "model|characters not allowed in the model name entry", "+checkMatch|".Hardware::$regExpressions['vendorid_productid'] => "pci_id|VendorID:ProductID has to have the following format: [a-zA-Z0-9]{4}(\:)[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}", "checkLength|190" => "model", "+checkLength|299" => "distribution", "++checkIsStrings|".Hardware::getCommYears() => "comm_year", "+++checkIsStrings|".$worksOptions => $worksField, "++++checkIsStrings|".$interfaceOptions => "interface", ); $this->strongConditions['insert'] = $this->strongConditions['update']; $this->softConditions['update'] = array( "checkMatch|".Hardware::$regExpressions['kernel'] => "kernel|characters not allowed in the kernel entry", "checkLength|40000" => "description", "+checkLength|49" => "kernel", "++checkLength|49" => "driver", "++checkMatch|".Hardware::$regExpressions['driver'] => "driver|only the following characters are allowed for the driver entry: a-z A-Z 0-9 - _ . + s / , : ; ( ) [ ]", "+++checkLength|1000" => "other_names|the other names entry exceeds the value of 1000 characters", ); $this->softConditions['insert'] = $this->softConditions['update']; } public function permanentlyDelete($id) { $clean['id'] = (int)$id; $record = $this->selectId($clean['id']); $this->values['deleted'] = 'no'; $this->values['approved'] = 'yes'; $this->values['pci_id'] = ''; $this->values['model'] = '[permanently deleted] '.$record['model']; return parent::update($clean['id']); } public function pUpdate($id) { if (isset($this->values['approved'])) { if (strcmp($this->values['approved'],'yes') === 0) { $this->values['deleted'] = 'no'; } } else if (isset($this->values['deleted'])) { if (strcmp($this->values['deleted'],'no') === 0) { $this->values['approved'] = 'yes'; } } return parent::update($id); } public function insert() { $this->values['created_by'] = (int)$this->id_user; $this->values['updated_by'] = (int)$this->id_user; $this->values['update_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if ($this->values['created_by'] === 0) { $this->values['deleted'] = 'yes'; $this->values['approved'] = 'no'; } //random ID $randomId = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(),true)); $this->values["type"] = $randomId; parent::insert(); // echo $this->getQuery(); //associate the user to the record if ($this->queryResult) { $resId = $this->db->select("hardware","id_hard","type='$randomId'"); $clean['id'] = $resId[0]['hardware']['id_hard']; $this->lastId = $clean['id']; $this->db->update('hardware','type',array($this->type),'id_hard='.$clean['id']); //update the history table $this->updateHistory('insert'); if ($this->values['created_by'] !== 0) { $this->associate($clean['id']); } } } public function update($id = null, $where = null) { $clean['id'] = (int)$id; $this->values['updated_by'] = (int)$this->id_user; $this->values['update_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //save the old fields in the revisions table $this->setWhereQueryClause(array('id_hard' => $clean['id'])); $oldStruct = $this->getFields($this->fields.',vendor,created_by,updated_by,update_date,type,id_hard'); if (count($oldStruct > 0)) { if (strcmp($oldStruct[0]['hardware']['type'],$this->type) === 0) { $oldValues = $oldStruct[0]['hardware']; $revisions = new RevisionsModel(); $revisions->values = $oldValues; $revisions->sanitize(); if ($revisions->insert()) { parent::update($clean['id']); if ($this->queryResult) { $this->lastId = $clean['id']; //update the history table $this->updateHistory('update'); if (!$this->checkAssociation($clean['id'],(int)$this->id_user)) { $this->associate($clean['id']); } } } } } } public function makeCurrent($id_rev) { $clean['id_rev'] = (int)$id_rev; $revisions = new RevisionsModel(); $clean['id_hard'] = (int)$revisions->getIdHard($clean['id_rev']); //save the old fields in the revisions table $this->setWhereQueryClause(array('id_hard'=>$clean['id_hard'])); $oldStruct = $this->getFields($this->fields.',vendor,created_by,updated_by,update_date,type,id_hard'); if (count($oldStruct > 0)) { if (strcmp($oldStruct[0]['hardware']['type'],$this->type) === 0) { //get the values of the revision $revisions->setWhereQueryClause(array('id_rev'=>$clean['id_rev'])); $newStruct = $revisions->getFields($this->fields.',vendor,created_by,updated_by,update_date,type'); if (count($newStruct > 0)) { $revisions->values = $oldStruct[0]['hardware']; $revisions->sanitize(); $this->values = $newStruct[0]['revisions']; $this->values['updated_by'] = (int)$this->id_user; $this->values['update_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $this->sanitize(); if ($revisions->insert()) { if (parent::update($clean['id_hard'])) { $this->lastId = $clean['id_hard']; //update the history table $this->updateHistory('update'); if (!$this->checkAssociation($clean['id_hard'],(int)$this->id_user)) { $this->associate($clean['id_hard']); } } } } } else { $this->notice = "
Wrong type..
\n"; } } } public function associate($id_record = null, $idGroup = null) { return parent::associate((int)$id_record,(int)$this->id_user); } //get the model name public function getTheModelName($id) { $clean['id'] = (int)$id; $this->setWhereQueryClause(array('id_hard' => $clean['id'])); $res = $this->getFields('model'); $name = count($res) > 0 ? $res[0]['hardware']['model'] : ''; return $name; } //get the model info by the vendorid:productid code public function getModelByCode($code) { $res = $this->clear()->where(array('pci_id'=>sanitizePciid($code)))->send(); if (count($res) > 0) { return $res[0]['hardware']; } return false; } //save in the history all the action carried out by users protected function updateHistory($action) { $translations = array( 'insert' => 'inserted', 'update' => 'updated', ); $allowedActions = array('insert','update'); if (in_array($action,$allowedActions)) { $users = new UsersModel(); $clean['user'] = sanitizeAll($users->getUser($this->id_user)); $history = new HistoryModel(); $history->values = array( 'created_by' => $this->id_user, 'type' => 'hardware', 'action' => $action, 'id' => $this->lastId, 'message' => 'The device having id='.$this->lastId.' has been '.$translations[$action].' by the user ' . $clean['user'] . ' (id_user='.$this->id_user.') ', 'gr' => 'registered', ); $history->insert(); } } public function isDeleted($id) { $clean['id'] = (int)$id; $res = $this->select('hardware.deleted')->where(array('id_hard'=>$clean['id']))->send(); if ( count($res) > 0 ) { return strcmp($res[0]['hardware']['deleted'],'no') === 0 ? false : true; } return false; } public function isCleared($id) { $clean['id'] = (int)$id; $res = $this->select('hardware.cleared')->where(array('id_hard'=>$clean['id']))->send(); if ( count($res) > 0 ) { return strcmp($res[0]['hardware']['cleared'],'no') === 0 ? false : true; } return false; } }