. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); class PrintersModel extends GenericModel { public $type = 'printer'; //device type public function __construct() { $this->_popupItemNames = array( 'vendor' => 'vendor', 'compatibility' => 'compatibility', 'comm_year' => 'comm_year', 'interface' => 'interface', ); $this->_popupLabels = array( 'vendor' => gtext("vendor"), 'compatibility' => gtext("compatibility"), 'comm_year' => gtext("year"), 'interface' => gtext("interface"), ); $this->createPopupWhere('vendor,compatibility,comm_year,interface'); $this->diffFields = array( 'vendor' => gtext("vendor"), 'model' => gtext('model name'), 'other_names' => gtext('possible other names of the device'), 'subtype' => gtext('subtype')." (laser, inkjet, ..)", 'pci_id' => gtext("VendorID:ProductID code of the device"), 'comm_year' => gtext('year of commercialization'), 'interface' => gtext("interface"), 'distribution' => gtext('GNU/Linux distribution used for the test'), 'compatibility' => gtext('compatibility with free software'), 'kernel' => gtext('tested with the following kernel libre'), 'driver' => gtext("free driver used"), 'description' => gtext('Description'), ); $this->fieldsWithBreaks = array(gtext('Description'),gtext('possible other names of the device')); parent::__construct(); } }