. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); define('DB', 'h-source'); define('USER', 'root'); define('PWD', 'Nnppdclp12vag'); define('HOST', 'localhost'); /*default controller name*/ define('DEFAULT_CONTROLLER','home'); /*default action*/ define('DEFAULT_ACTION','index'); /*website parameters*/ define('DOMAIN_NAME','h-source'); /*type of database.*/ //it can be: Mysql, Mysqli or None (first letter in uppercase) define('DATABASE_TYPE','Mysqli'); /*error controller*/ /*if you set ERROR_CONTROLLER to false, than EasyGiant will set ERROR_CONTROLLER equal to DEFAULT_CONTROLLER*/ define('ERROR_CONTROLLER','home'); /*error action*/ /*if you set ERROR_ACTION to false, than EasyGiant will set ERROR_ACTION equal to DEFAULT_ACTION*/ define('ERROR_ACTION','index'); /*charset*/ // set the charset used by all the functions that manage multi byte strings (mb_string functions, htmlentitites, etc) define('DEFAULT_CHARSET','UTF-8'); /*rewrite settings*/ //set MOD_REWRITE_MODULE to true if you have installed the mod_rewrite module of the server, otherwise MOD_REWRITE_MODULE to false define('MOD_REWRITE_MODULE',true);