. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); //ERROR REPORTING DIRECTIVES //set RUNTIME_CONFIGURATION to true if you can't access the php.ini file of your PHP installation and you need to modify some PHP directives //set RUNTIME_CONFIGURATION to false if you can access the php.ini file. In this case, modify the PHP directives in the php.ini file. define ('RUNTIME_CONFIGURATION',true); // !!! the following four directives will be applied only if RUNTIME_CONFIGURATION has been set to true !!! //set the php.ini error_reporting directive define ('ERROR_REPORTING_DIRECTIVE',E_ALL); //set the php.ini display_errors directive //set to On or Off define ('DISPLAY_ERRORS','On'); //set if the error file (see the next directive) has to be created or not //set ERROR_REPORTING_FILE to true if you want that EasyGiant saves the errors in the LOG_ERROR_FILE (next), otherwise set ERROR_REPORTING_FILE to false define ('ERROR_REPORTING_FILE',true); //only if ERROR_REPORTING_FILE has been set to true //set the file where the errors will be saved //default: EasyGiant_root/Logs/Errors.log //check that the LOG_ERROR_FILE is writeble (by the apache user if you are using mod_apache) define ('LOG_ERROR_FILE','default'); //max length of each $_POST element //set MAX_POST_LENGTH equal to 0 if you don't want any checks upon the $_POST elements define ('MAX_POST_LENGTH',50000); //max length of the REQUEST_URI //set MAX_REQUEST_URI_LENGTH equal to 0 if you don't want to set an upper limit in the length of the REQUEST_URI define ('MAX_REQUEST_URI_LENGTH',200);