. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); //RESRICTED ACCESS PARAMETERS //define the hash algoritm to be used in order to protect your password //only md5 and sha1 are supported define('PASSWORD_HASH','sha1'); //ADMINISTRATOR USERS LOGIN DIRECTIVES: //time that has to pass after a login failure before the user is allowed to try to login another time (in seconds) define('ADMIN_TIME_AFTER_FAILURE','5'); //redirect to panel when successfully logged in: define('ADMIN_PANEL_CONTROLLER', 'panel'); define('ADMIN_PANEL_MAIN_ACTION', 'main'); //redirect to login form if access not allowed: define('ADMIN_USERS_CONTROLLER', 'adminusers'); define('ADMIN_USERS_LOGIN_ACTION', 'login'); //admin cookie: define('ADMIN_COOKIE_NAME','uid'); define('ADMIN_SESSION_EXPIRE', '3600'); define('ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH', '/'); define('ADMIN_COOKIE_DOMAIN', ''); define('ADMIN_COOKIE_SECURE', false); //tables: define('ADMIN_USERS_TABLE','adminusers'); define('ADMIN_GROUPS_TABLE','admingroups'); define('ADMIN_SESSIONS_TABLE','adminsessions'); define('ADMIN_MANYTOMANY_TABLE','adminusers_groups'); define('ADMIN_ACCESSES_TABLE','accesses'); //hijacking checks define('ADMIN_HIJACKING_CHECK',true); //can be true or false //session hijacking //set ADMIN_ON_HIJACKING_EVENT equal to 'forceout' if you want to cause the logout of the user if there is the suspect of a session hijacking //set ADMIN_ON_HIJACKING_EVENT equal to 'redirect' if you want to redirect the user to the ADMIN_HIJACKING_ACTION (see later) if there is the suspect of a session hijacking define('ADMIN_ON_HIJACKING_EVENT','forceout'); //it can be 'forceout' or 'redirect' //only if ADMIN_ON_HIJACKING_EVENT = 'redirect' //redirect the user to ADMIN_USERS_CONTROLLER/ADMIN_HIJACKING_ACTION if there is the suspect of a session hijacking define('ADMIN_HIJACKING_ACTION','retype'); //REGISTERED USERS LOGIN DIRECTIVES: //time that has to pass after a login failure before the user is allowed to try to login another time (in seconds) define('REG_TIME_AFTER_FAILURE','5'); //redirect to home when successfully logged in: define('REG_PANEL_CONTROLLER', 'home'); define('REG_PANEL_MAIN_ACTION', 'index'); //redirect to login form if access not allowed: define('REG_USERS_CONTROLLER', 'users'); define('REG_USERS_LOGIN_ACTION', 'login'); //registered cookie: //NB: REG_COOKIE_NAME must be different from ADMIN_COOKIE_NAME!!! define('REG_COOKIE_NAME','uidr'); define('REG_SESSION_EXPIRE', '86400'); define('REG_COOKIE_PATH', '/'); define('REG_COOKIE_DOMAIN', ''); define('REG_COOKIE_SECURE', false); //tables: define('REG_USERS_TABLE','regusers'); define('REG_GROUPS_TABLE','reggroups'); define('REG_SESSIONS_TABLE','regsessions'); define('REG_MANYTOMANY_TABLE','regusers_groups'); define('REG_ACCESSES_TABLE','regaccesses'); //hijacking checks define('REG_HIJACKING_CHECK',true); //can be true or false //session hijacking //set ADMIN_ON_HIJACKING_EVENT equal to 'forceout' if you want to cause the logout of the user if there is the suspect of a session hijacking //set ADMIN_ON_HIJACKING_EVENT equal to 'redirect' if you want to redirect the user to the ADMIN_HIJACKING_ACTION (see later) if there is the suspect of a session hijacking define('REG_ON_HIJACKING_EVENT','forceout'); //it can be 'forceout' or 'redirect' //only if ADMIN_ON_HIJACKING_EVENT = 'redirect' //redirect the user to ADMIN_USERS_CONTROLLER/ADMIN_HIJACKING_ACTION if there is the suspect of a session hijacking define('REG_HIJACKING_ACTION','retype');