. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); //class to manage arrays class ArrayExt { public $errorString = null; //string containing the list fields not found public $errorsNumb = null; //numbers of errors //get the subset of the associative array $associativeArray defined by the keys in the string $keyString (keys separated by comma) public function subset($associativeArray,$keyString,$func = 'none') { if (!in_array($func,explode(',',Params::$allowedSanitizeFunc))) { throw new Exception('"'.$func. '" argument not allowed in '.__METHOD__.' method'); } $tempArray = array(); if (strcmp($keyString,'') !== 0) { $keyArray=explode(',',$keyString); for ($i = 0; $i < count($keyArray); $i++) { $temp = array(); //extract the function after the colon if (strstr($keyArray[$i],':')) { $temp = explode(':',$keyArray[$i]); } else { $temp[0] = $keyArray[$i]; $temp[1] = 'none'; } //exception if (!in_array($temp[1],explode(',',Params::$allowedSanitizeFunc))) { throw new Exception('"'.$temp[1]. '" function not allowed'); } if (array_key_exists($temp[0],$associativeArray)) { $tempArray[$temp[0]] = call_user_func($temp[1],$associativeArray[$temp[0]]); } else { $tempArray[$temp[0]] = ''; } } } else { $tempArray = $associativeArray; } return call_user_func($func.'Deep',$tempArray); //clean the array values } //exctract the complementary subset from an associative array ($associativeArray) of the subset identified by the keys $keyString public function subsetComplementary($associativeArray,$keyString,$func = 'none') { if (!in_array($func,explode(',',Params::$allowedSanitizeFunc))) { throw new Exception('"'.$func. '" argument not allowed in '.__METHOD__.' method'); } $keyArray=explode(',',$keyString); $complementaryKeyArray = array(); $keys = array_keys($associativeArray); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (!in_array($key,$keyArray)) { $complementaryKeyArray[] = $key; } } $complementaryKeyString = implode(',',$complementaryKeyArray); return $this->subset($associativeArray,$complementaryKeyString,$func); } }