. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); //Helper class to create the HTML of the page list class Helper_Pages extends Helper_Html { protected $_urlViewAction; //url of the current page protected $_currentPage; //number of the page protected $_numbOfPages; //number of pages protected $_variableArg = ''; //value of the $viewArgs key that has to be modified public $previousString = null; //string of the link to the previous page public $nextString = null; //string of the link to the next page //instance of Lang_{language}_Generic public $strings = null; public function __construct() { //get the generic language class $this->strings = Factory_Strings::generic(Params::$language); } public function build($urlViewAction = '' , $variableArg = 'page', $previousString = 'previous', $nextString = 'next') { $this->_variableArg = $variableArg; $this->_urlViewAction =$urlViewAction; //url of the controller and (/) main action $this->previousString = $this->strings->gtext($previousString); $this->nextString = $this->strings->gtext($nextString); } //return the number of pages public function getNumbOfPages() { return $this->_numbOfPages; } //get the limit of the select query clause public function getLimit($currentPage,$recordNumber,$recordPerPage) { $this->_currentPage = $currentPage; $this->_numbOfPages=(($recordNumber%$recordPerPage)===0) ? (int) ($recordNumber/$recordPerPage) : ((int) ($recordNumber/$recordPerPage))+1; $start=(($currentPage-1)*$recordPerPage); return "$start,$recordPerPage"; } //return the page list string public function render($pageNumber,$numberOfPages) { $pageList = null; $pageList .= $this->pageLink($this->_currentPage-1,$this->previousString); $pageList .= $this->recursiveLink($pageNumber,$numberOfPages); $pageList .= $this->pageLink($this->_currentPage+1,$this->nextString); return $pageList; } //recorsive function in order to write the page list public function recursiveLink($pageNumber,$numberOfPages) { if ($numberOfPages === 0) return null; if ($numberOfPages === 1) { return $this->pageLink($pageNumber); } else { return $this->pageLink($pageNumber) . $this->recursiveLink($pageNumber+1,$numberOfPages-1); } } public function pageLink($pageNumber, $string = null) { if ($pageNumber > 0 and $pageNumber <= $this->_numbOfPages) { return $this->html($pageNumber,$string); } else { return null; } } //return the html link public function html($pageNumber,$string = null) { if (isset($string)) { $strNumber = $string; $strClass = "class='itemListPage'"; } else { if ($pageNumber === $this->_currentPage) { $strNumber = $pageNumber; $strClass = "class='currentPage'"; } else { $strNumber = $pageNumber; $strClass = "class='itemListPage'"; } } $this->viewArgs[$this->_variableArg] = $pageNumber; $viewStatus = Url::createUrl(array_values($this->viewArgs)); $href= Url::getRoot(null) . $this->_urlViewAction .$viewStatus; return $this->getATag($href,$strNumber,$strClass); } //get the HTMl of the tag //$href: href of the link //$text: the text of the link //$strClass: the class of the link public function getATag($href,$text,$strClass) { return "$text"; } }