if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!');
class Lang_Eng_ValCondStrings {
//if the element is not defined
public function getNotDefinedResultString($element)
return "
". $element ." not defined!
//if the elements are not equal
public function getNotEqualResultString($element)
return "Different values: $element
//if the element is not alphabetic
public function getNotAlphabeticResultString($element)
return "".$element." has to be alphabetic
//if the element is not alphanumeric
public function getNotAlphanumericResultString($element)
return "".$element." has to be alphanumeric
//if the element is not a decimal digit
public function getNotDecimalDigitResultString($element)
return "".$element." has to be a decimal digit
//if the element hasn't the mail format
public function getNotMailFormatResultString($element)
return "".$element." doesn't seem an e-mail address
//if the element is not numeric
public function getNotNumericResultString($element)
return "".$element." has to be a numeric
//if the element is not an integer
public function getNotIntegerFormatResultString($element)
return "".$element." has to be an integer
//if the element is not a real date
public function getNotDateResultString($element)
return "".$element." has to be a real date (YYYY-MM-DD)
//if the element (string) length exceeds the value of characters (defined by $maxLength)
public function getLengthExceedsResultString($element,$maxLength)
return "".$element." exceeds the value of $maxLength characters
//if the element is one of the strings indicated by $stringList (a comma-separated list of strings)
public function getIsForbiddenStringResultString($element,$stringList)
return "".$element." can't be one of the following strings: $stringList
//if the element is not one of the strings indicated by $stringList (a comma-separated list of strings)
public function getIsNotStringResultString($element,$stringList)
return "".$element." has to be one of the following strings: $stringList
//if the element does not match the reg expr indicated by $regExp
public function getDoesntMatchResultString($element,$regExp)
return "".$element." has to match the following regular expression: $regExp
//if the element is not decimal
public function getNotDecimalResultString($element, $format)
$t = explode(",",$format);
$M = (int)$t[0];
$D = (int)$t[1];
$I = $M - $D;
return "".$element." has to be a decimal number (maximum number of integer digits:$I, maximum number of decimal digits: $D)