. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); class Model_Map extends Model_Base { // //many to many model public $printAssError = 'yes'; //'yes': print association error if the association/dissociation is already present. 'no': doen't print association error public $boxIdentifierName = 'boxIdentifier';//key of the value of the $_POST array that represent the id of the Box that we want to associate with the Item having the id $_POST[$this->identifierName] protected $_boxIdentifierValue = null; //the id of the box that has to be associated with the item public function __construct() { //add some submit names (method => form_submit_value) $this->submitNames['associate'] = 'associateAction'; $this->submitNames['dissociate'] = 'dissociateAction'; //add the allowed methods $this->_allowedDbMethods[] = 'associate'; $this->_allowedDbMethods[] = 'dissociate'; parent::__construct(); } public function createMapWhere($choice) { //create the where join clause //$choice=(first,last,all) if (isset($this->on)) { return $this->on; } else { $first = $this->_tablesArray[0].'.'.$this->_idFieldsArray[0].'='.$this->_tablesArray[2].'.'.$this->_idFieldsArray[0]; $last = $this->_tablesArray[1].'.'.$this->_idFieldsArray[1].'='.$this->_tablesArray[2].'.'.$this->_idFieldsArray[1]; switch ($choice) { case 'first': return $first; break; case 'last': return $last; break; case 'all': return $first. ' and '.$last; break; } } } //check if a join query is necessary or not //$val: 0 or 1 (items or boxes) //$whereClauseLevel: array containing the field=>value statements of the where clause. If $whereClause = null than $this->where is considered public function checkIfJoinNeeded($val, $whereClauseLevel = null) { $whereClause = isset($whereClauseLevel) ? $whereClauseLevel : $this->where; foreach ($whereClause as $field => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { if ($this->checkIfJoinNeeded($val, $value) === true) return true; } else { if (strcmp($this->getTableName($field),$this->_tablesArray[$val]) !== 0) { if (strcmp($value,Params::$nullQueryValue) !== 0 or (Params::$nullQueryValue === false)) return true; } } } //return false if no where clause has been defined return false; } //method to create the where clause and the list of tables of the select query public function mapQueryElements($val) { // $val = $element === 'Items' ? 0 : 1; $tables = $this->_tablesArray[$val]; $where = null; $fields = $this->_tablesArray[$val].'.*'; if ($this->checkIfJoinNeeded($val)) { $tables = $this->_tables; $fields = $this->_tablesArray[$val].'.*'; $wherePlus = $this->createWhereClause(); $wherePlus = isset($wherePlus) ? ' AND ' . $wherePlus : null; $where = $this->createMapWhere('all') . $wherePlus; } else { $where = $this->createWhereClause(); } return array('tables' => $tables,'where' => $where,'fields' => $fields); } //$element: Items or Boxes. //get all Item or Boxes public function getAll($element = 'Items') { return $this->getFields('',$element); } //method to get the values of the selected fields //$fields: the fields that have to be excracted from the tableName public function getFields($fields = '',$element = 'Items') { //get all Item or Boxes if ((strcmp($element,'Items') !== 0) and (strcmp($element,'Boxes') !== 0)) { throw new Exception('"'.$element. '" argument not allowed in '.__METHOD__.' method'); } $val = $element === 'Items' ? 0 : 1; $elements = $this->mapQueryElements($val); $queryFields = (strcmp($fields,'') === 0) ? $elements['fields'] : $fields; return $row = $this->db->select($elements['tables'],$queryFields,$elements['where'],$this->groupBy,$this->orderBy,$this->limit); } public function send($element = 'Items') { $table = $this->getFields($this->select, $element); if ($this->toList) { $key = $this->listArray[0]; $value = isset($this->listArray[1]) ? $this->listArray[1] : null; $this->toList = false; return $this->getList($table, $key, $value); } else { return $table; } } //the fields that have to be extracted from the table public function getTable($fields = null) { return isset($fields) ? $this->getFields($fields) : $this->getAll(); } //select the values of a specified record //$id: the id (primary key) of the record //$fields: the comma separated list of fields that have to be extracted public function selectId($id,$fields = null) { $id = (int)$id; $this->setWhereQueryClause(array($this->_idFieldsArray[0] => $id)); if (isset($fields)) { $values = $this->getFields($fields,'Items'); } else { $values = $this->getAll('Items'); } return (count($values) > 0) ? $values[0][$this->_tablesArray[0]] : array(); } //get the number of records (items or boxes) public function recordNumber($element) { $val = $element === 'Items' ? 0 : 1; $elements = $this->mapQueryElements($val); return $this->db->get_num_rows($elements['tables'],$elements['where'],$this->groupBy); } //get the number of records (only items) public function rowNumber() { return $this->recordNumber('Items'); } public function getMax($field) { $elements = $this->mapQueryElements(0); return $this->db->getMax($elements['tables'],$field,$elements['where'],$this->groupBy); } public function getMin($field) { $elements = $this->mapQueryElements(0); return $this->db->getMin($elements['tables'],$field,$elements['where'],$this->groupBy); } public function getSum($field) { $elements = $this->mapQueryElements(0); return $this->db->getSum($elements['tables'],$field,$elements['where'],$this->groupBy); } public function getAvg($field) { $elements = $this->mapQueryElements(0); return $this->db->getAvg($elements['tables'],$field,$elements['where'],$this->groupBy); } //check if the table has the field $field equal to $value public function has($field,$value) { $elements = $this->mapQueryElements(0); return $this->db->recordExists($elements['tables'],$field,$value,$elements['where'],$this->groupBy); } //associate an item with a box //$idItem : name of the field of the Items table, $idGroup : name of the field of the Boxes table public function associate($idItem = null,$idGroup = null) { $this->queryResult = false; if (isset($idItem) and isset($idGroup)) { $idItem = (int)$idItem; $idGroup = (int)$idGroup; $values = array($idItem,$idGroup); //values relative to the fields $this->_idFields $var = $this->checkAssociation($idItem,$idGroup); if (!$var) { $result = $this->db->insert($this->_tablesArray[2],$this->_idFields,$values); $this->setNotice($result); return $result; } else { if (strcmp($this->printAssError,'yes') === 0) $this->notice = $this->_resultString->getString('linked'); $this->result = false; } } else { $this->notice = $this->_resultString->getString('no-id'); $this->result = false; } return false; } //associate an item with a box //$idItem : name of the field of the Items table, $idGroup : name of the field of the Boxes table public function dissociate($idItem = null,$idGroup = null) { $this->queryResult = false; if (isset($idItem) and isset($idGroup)) { $idItem = (int)$idItem; $idGroup = (int)$idGroup; $var = $this->checkAssociation($idItem,$idGroup); if ($var) { $result = $this->db->del($this->_tablesArray[2],$this->_idFieldsArray[0].'='.$idItem.' and '.$this->_idFieldsArray[1].'='.$idGroup); $this->setNotice($result); return $result; } else { if (strcmp($this->printAssError,'yes') === 0) $this->notice = $this->_resultString->getString('not-linked'); $this->result = false; } } else { $this->notice = $this->_resultString->getString('no-id'); $this->result = false; } return false; } public function checkAssociation($idItem,$idGroup) { $idItem = (int)$idItem; $idGroup = (int)$idGroup; $numRow = $this->db->get_num_rows($this->_tablesArray[2],$this->_idFieldsArray[0].'='.$idItem.' and '.$this->_idFieldsArray[1].'='.$idGroup); if ($numRow === 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } //check what items are associate to a box //itemsArray:array of items to check public function checkAssociationDeep($itemsArray) { $associatedItems = array(); $itemsArray = is_array($itemsArray) ? array_values($itemsArray) : array($itemsArray); foreach ($itemsArray as $item) { if ($this->db->recordExists($this->_tablesArray[2],$this->_idFieldsArray[0],$item)) { $associatedItems[] = $item; } } return $associatedItems; } //method to call the delete query (overriding of the del method of Model.php) //check the referential integrity public function del($id = null, $whereClause = null) { $this->queryResult = false; if (isset($whereClause)) { return parent::del(null,$whereClause); } else { if ($this->_onDelete === 'check') { if ($this->db->recordExists($this->_tablesArray[2],$this->_idFieldsArray[0],(int)$id)) { $this->notice = $this->_resultString->getString('associate'); $this->identifierValue = null; $this->result = false; } else { return parent::del((int)$id); } } else if ($this->_onDelete === 'nocheck') { return parent::del((int)$id); } } return false; } //override of the updateTable method of the parent class //method that calls the function indicated in $this->submitNames. Ex: if $_POST['delAction'] is found, then the "del" method is called. public function updateTable($methodsList = '',$id = null) { $allowedMethodsArray = explode(',',$methodsList); $resultArray = array(); $this->identifierValue = null; if (isset($id)) { $this->identifierValue = (int)$id; } else if (isset($_POST[$this->identifierName])) { $this->identifierValue = (int)$_POST[$this->identifierName]; } foreach ($this->submitNames as $methodName => $submitName) { if (array_key_exists($submitName,$_POST)) { $this->submitName = $submitName; if (method_exists($this,$methodName)) { if (in_array($methodName,$allowedMethodsArray)) { if ($this->checkConditions($methodName,$this->identifierValue)) { $this->notice = null; $methodArray = array('associate','dissociate'); if (in_array($methodName,$methodArray)) { $this->_boxIdentifierValue = null; if (isset($_POST[$this->boxIdentifierName])) { $this->_boxIdentifierValue = (int)$_POST[$this->boxIdentifierName]; } call_user_func_array(array($this,$methodName),array($this->identifierValue,$this->_boxIdentifierValue)); } else { call_user_func_array(array($this,$methodName),array($this->identifierValue)); } } } } else { throw new Exception('method "'.$methodName. '" not defined in class '.__CLASS__.'; error in method '.__METHOD__); } return; //only one cycle! } } } //method to obtain one columns from the tables $this->_tablesArray as an associative array //$valueField: the column that have to be extracted (array_values of the resulting associative array), $keyField: the column that have to play the role of array_keys //$valueField = field:table, $keyField = field:table public function getFieldArray($valueField,$keyField = null, $groupBy = null, $orderBy = null, $limit = null) { $keyField = isset($keyField) ? $keyField : $valueField; $valueFieldArray = explode(':',$valueField); $keyFieldArray = explode(':',$keyField); $keyFieldTable = $keyFieldArray[0]; $valueFieldTable = $valueFieldArray[0]; $keyFieldName = $keyFieldArray[1]; $valueFieldName = $valueFieldArray[1]; $fields = implode('.',$keyFieldArray) . ',' . implode('.',$valueFieldArray); $temp = $this->where; //save the $this->where array $this->where = array(); $val = array_search($keyFieldTable,$this->_tablesArray); if (strcmp($keyFieldTable,$valueFieldTable) !== 0) { throw new Exception("the tables '$valueFieldTable' and '$keyFieldTable' do not match in ".__METHOD__); } if ($val === false or !in_array($val,array(0,1))) { throw new Exception("the table '$keyFieldTable' is not allowed in ".__METHOD__); } $elements = $this->mapQueryElements($val); $table = $this->db->select($elements['tables'],$fields,$elements['where'],$groupBy,$orderBy,$limit); $this->where = $temp; $returnArray = array(); foreach ($table as $record) { $returnArray[$record[$keyFieldTable][$keyFieldName]] = $record[$valueFieldTable][$valueFieldName]; } return $returnArray; } }