. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); //class containing all the parameters necessary to EasyGiant to work properly class Params { //allowed database type public static $allowedDb = array('Mysql','Mysqli','None'); //allowed sanitize functions public static $allowedSanitizeFunc = 'sanitizeAll,sanitizeDb,sanitizeHtml,forceInt,forceNat,none,md5,sha1'; //allowed hash functions public static $allowedHashFunc = array('md5','sha1'); //conventional null value for the value of the field in the createWhereClause method of the Model class public static $nullQueryValue = false; //class name of the div that contains the error strings public static $errorStringClassName = 'alert'; //table name in the returning structure of the select queries in the case of an aggregate function. Ex count(*),sum(*) public static $aggregateKey = 'aggregate'; //htmlentities function charset //see http://php.net/manual/en/function.htmlentities.php for a complete list of the allowed values public static $htmlentititiesCharset = DEFAULT_CHARSET; //list of symbols used in the statements of the where clause of the select queries public static $whereClauseSymbolArray = array('<','>','!=','<=','>=','in(','not in(','like'); //is the mbstring extension enabled? public static $mbStringLoaded = false; //subfolder of the View folder where to look for view files public static $viewSubfolder = null; //global website language used by the models and by the helpers public static $language = 'It'; }