. if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!'); class Url { //get the url starting from the root folder public static function getRoot($pathFromRootFolder = null) { $url = MOD_REWRITE_MODULE === true ? 'http://' . DOMAIN_NAME . '/' . $pathFromRootFolder : 'http://' . DOMAIN_NAME . '/index.php/' . $pathFromRootFolder; return $url; } //create an url string (element1/element2/element4) from the values of the array $valuesArray considering only the elements indicated in the numeric string $numericString (in this case '1,2,4') public static function createUrl($valuesArray,$numericString = null) { $elementsArray = explode(',',$numericString); $valuesArray = array_values($valuesArray); $urlString = null; for ($i = 0; $i < count($valuesArray); $i++) { if (isset($numericString)) { if (isset($valuesArray[$i]) and in_array($i,$elementsArray)) { $urlString .= "/".$valuesArray[$i]; } } else { if (isset($valuesArray[$i])) { $urlString .= "/".$valuesArray[$i]; } } } return $urlString; } }