From 24841386cff6fdccc11accf9daa815c2c7444d65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Peyton Jones <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 13:24:01 +0000
Subject: Track changes to follow Trac #14529

This tracks the refactoring of HsDecl.ConDecl.
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

(limited to 'haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs')

diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
index a1009c1f..4963d2f8 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module Haddock.GhcUtils where
 import Control.Arrow
+import Haddock.Types( DocNameI )
 import Exception
 import Outputable
@@ -148,6 +149,32 @@ nubByName f ns = go emptyNameSet ns
         y = f x
+getGADTConType :: ConDecl p -> LHsType p
+-- The full type of a GADT data constructor We really only get this in
+-- order to pretty-print it, and currently only in Haddock's code.  So
+-- we are cavalier about locations and extensions, hence the
+-- 'undefined's
+getGADTConType (ConDeclGADT { con_forall = has_forall
+                            , con_qvars = qtvs
+                            , con_mb_cxt = mcxt, con_args = args
+                            , con_res_ty = res_ty })
+ | has_forall = noLoc (HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = hsQTvExplicit qtvs
+                                  , hst_body  = theta_ty })
+ | otherwise  = theta_ty
+ where
+   theta_ty | Just theta <- mcxt
+            = noLoc (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = theta, hst_body = tau_ty })
+            | otherwise
+            = tau_ty
+   tau_ty = case args of
+              RecCon flds -> noLoc (HsFunTy (noLoc (HsRecTy (unLoc flds))) res_ty)
+              PrefixCon pos_args -> foldr (\ a b -> noLoc (HsFunTy a b)) res_ty pos_args
+              InfixCon {} -> panic "InfixCon for GADT"
+getGADTConType (ConDeclH98 {}) = panic "getGADTConType"
+  -- Should only be called on ConDeclGADT
 -- * Located
@@ -179,7 +206,7 @@ class Parent a where
 instance Parent (ConDecl GhcRn) where
   children con =
-    case getConDetails con of
+    case con_args con of
       RecCon fields -> map (selectorFieldOcc . unL) $
                          concatMap (cd_fld_names . unL) (unL fields)
       _             -> []
@@ -259,3 +286,5 @@ setStubDir    f d = d{ stubDir    = Just f, includePaths = f : includePaths d }
   -- -stubdir D adds an implicit -I D, so that gcc can find the _stub.h file
   -- \#included from the .hc file when compiling with -fvia-C.
 setOutputDir  f = setObjectDir f . setHiDir f . setStubDir f
cgit v1.2.3

From 48ee5587b574105a231072999b06aa56c37292c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ryan Scott <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 04:44:02 -0500
Subject: Fix #732 (#733)

 haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

(limited to 'haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs')

diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
index 4963d2f8..17c92688 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
@@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ getGADTConType (ConDeclGADT { con_forall = has_forall
    tau_ty = case args of
               RecCon flds -> noLoc (HsFunTy (noLoc (HsRecTy (unLoc flds))) res_ty)
-              PrefixCon pos_args -> foldr (\ a b -> noLoc (HsFunTy a b)) res_ty pos_args
-              InfixCon {} -> panic "InfixCon for GADT"
+              PrefixCon pos_args -> foldr nlHsFunTy res_ty pos_args
+              InfixCon arg1 arg2 -> arg1 `nlHsFunTy` (arg2 `nlHsFunTy` res_ty)
 getGADTConType (ConDeclH98 {}) = panic "getGADTConType"
   -- Should only be called on ConDeclGADT
cgit v1.2.3

From 4804e39144dc0ded9b38dbb3442b6016ac719a1a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tamar Christina <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 04:34:49 +0000
Subject: Haddock: support splitted include paths. (#689)

 haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs | 4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

(limited to 'haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs')

diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
index 17c92688..b3260fd5 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import Module
 import HscTypes
 import GHC
 import Class
+import DynFlags
 moduleString :: Module -> String
@@ -282,7 +283,8 @@ minimalDef n = do
 setObjectDir, setHiDir, setStubDir, setOutputDir :: String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
 setObjectDir  f d = d{ objectDir  = Just f}
 setHiDir      f d = d{ hiDir      = Just f}
-setStubDir    f d = d{ stubDir    = Just f, includePaths = f : includePaths d }
+setStubDir    f d = d{ stubDir    = Just f
+                     , includePaths = addGlobalInclude (includePaths d) [f] }
   -- -stubdir D adds an implicit -I D, so that gcc can find the _stub.h file
   -- \#included from the .hc file when compiling with -fvia-C.
 setOutputDir  f = setObjectDir f . setHiDir f . setStubDir f
cgit v1.2.3

From c84939c8428a9e9ae0753e75ca6b48fcbbc1ecd6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alan Zimmerman <>
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2018 16:21:27 +0200
Subject: Match GHC changes for TTG

 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs         |  38 ++---
 .../src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs        |  16 +-
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs          |  52 +++----
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs     |  71 ++++-----
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs                 |  54 ++++---
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs                |  54 ++++++-
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs        |  34 ++---
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs        |  72 ++++-----
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs    | 162 ++++++++++-----------
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs                   |  44 +++++-
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs                   |  15 +-
 11 files changed, 343 insertions(+), 269 deletions(-)

(limited to 'haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs')

diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
index 2feb0fb9..9e0b5102 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
@@ -74,18 +74,18 @@ dropHsDocTy :: HsType a -> HsType a
 dropHsDocTy = f
         g (L src x) = L src (f x)
-        f (HsForAllTy a e) = HsForAllTy a (g e)
-        f (HsQualTy a e) = HsQualTy a (g e)
-        f (HsBangTy a b) = HsBangTy a (g b)
-        f (HsAppTy a b) = HsAppTy (g a) (g b)
-        f (HsFunTy a b) = HsFunTy (g a) (g b)
-        f (HsListTy a) = HsListTy (g a)
-        f (HsPArrTy a) = HsPArrTy (g a)
-        f (HsTupleTy a b) = HsTupleTy a (map g b)
-        f (HsOpTy a b c) = HsOpTy (g a) b (g c)
-        f (HsParTy a) = HsParTy (g a)
-        f (HsKindSig a b) = HsKindSig (g a) b
-        f (HsDocTy a _) = f $ unL a
+        f (HsForAllTy x a e) = HsForAllTy x a (g e)
+        f (HsQualTy x a e) = HsQualTy x a (g e)
+        f (HsBangTy x a b) = HsBangTy x a (g b)
+        f (HsAppTy x a b) = HsAppTy x (g a) (g b)
+        f (HsFunTy x a b) = HsFunTy x (g a) (g b)
+        f (HsListTy x a) = HsListTy x (g a)
+        f (HsPArrTy x a) = HsPArrTy x (g a)
+        f (HsTupleTy x a b) = HsTupleTy x a (map g b)
+        f (HsOpTy x a b c) = HsOpTy x (g a) b (g c)
+        f (HsParTy x a) = HsParTy x (g a)
+        f (HsKindSig x a b) = HsKindSig x (g a) b
+        f (HsDocTy _ a _) = f $ unL a
         f x = x
 outHsType :: (a ~ GhcPass p, OutputableBndrId a)
@@ -237,12 +237,12 @@ ppCtor dflags dat subdocs con@ConDeclH98 {}
         f (PrefixCon args) = [typeSig name $ args ++ [resType]]
         f (InfixCon a1 a2) = f $ PrefixCon [a1,a2]
         f (RecCon (L _ recs)) = f (PrefixCon $ map cd_fld_type (map unLoc recs)) ++ concat
-                          [(concatMap (lookupCon dflags subdocs . noLoc . selectorFieldOcc . unLoc) (cd_fld_names r)) ++
-                           [out dflags (map (selectorFieldOcc . unLoc) $ cd_fld_names r) `typeSig` [resType, cd_fld_type r]]
+                          [(concatMap (lookupCon dflags subdocs . noLoc . extFieldOcc . unLoc) (cd_fld_names r)) ++
+                           [out dflags (map (extFieldOcc . unLoc) $ cd_fld_names r) `typeSig` [resType, cd_fld_type r]]
                           | r <- map unLoc recs]
-        funs = foldr1 (\x y -> reL $ HsFunTy x y)
-        apps = foldl1 (\x y -> reL $ HsAppTy x y)
+        funs = foldr1 (\x y -> reL $ HsFunTy PlaceHolder x y)
+        apps = foldl1 (\x y -> reL $ HsAppTy PlaceHolder x y)
         typeSig nm flds = operator nm ++ " :: " ++ outHsType dflags (unL $ funs flds)
@@ -250,13 +250,13 @@ ppCtor dflags dat subdocs con@ConDeclH98 {}
         -- docs for con_names on why it is a list to begin with.
         name = commaSeparate dflags . map unL $ getConNames con
-        resType = apps $ map (reL . HsTyVar NotPromoted . reL) $
-                        (tcdName dat) : [hsTyVarName v | L _ v@(UserTyVar _) <- hsQTvExplicit $ tyClDeclTyVars dat]
+        resType = apps $ map (reL . HsTyVar PlaceHolder NotPromoted . reL) $
+                        (tcdName dat) : [hsTyVarName v | L _ v@(UserTyVar _ _) <- hsQTvExplicit $ tyClDeclTyVars dat]
 ppCtor dflags _dat subdocs con@(ConDeclGADT { })
    = concatMap (lookupCon dflags subdocs) (getConNames con) ++ f
-        f = [typeSig name (getGADTConType con)]
+        f = [typeSig name (getGADTConTypeG con)]
         typeSig nm ty = operator nm ++ " :: " ++ outHsType dflags (unL ty)
         name = out dflags $ map unL $ getConNames con
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs
index 57ff72ff..3d7575eb 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ variables =
     everythingInRenamedSource (var `Syb.combine` rec)
     var term = case cast term of
-        (Just ((GHC.L sspan (GHC.HsVar name)) :: GHC.LHsExpr GHC.GhcRn)) ->
+        (Just ((GHC.L sspan (GHC.HsVar _ name)) :: GHC.LHsExpr GHC.GhcRn)) ->
             pure (sspan, RtkVar (GHC.unLoc name))
-        (Just (GHC.L _ (GHC.RecordCon (GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _))) ->
+        (Just (GHC.L _ (GHC.RecordCon _ (GHC.L sspan name) _))) ->
             pure (sspan, RtkVar name)
         _ -> empty
     rec term = case cast term of
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ types :: GHC.RenamedSource -> LTokenDetails
 types = everythingInRenamedSource ty
     ty term = case cast term of
-        (Just ((GHC.L sspan (GHC.HsTyVar _ name)) :: GHC.LHsType GHC.GhcRn)) ->
+        (Just ((GHC.L sspan (GHC.HsTyVar _ _ name)) :: GHC.LHsType GHC.GhcRn)) ->
             pure (sspan, RtkType (GHC.unLoc name))
         _ -> empty
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ binds = everythingInRenamedSource
             pure (sspan, RtkBind name)
         _ -> empty
     pat term = case cast term of
-        (Just ((GHC.L sspan (GHC.VarPat name)) :: GHC.LPat GHC.GhcRn)) ->
+        (Just ((GHC.L sspan (GHC.VarPat _ name)) :: GHC.LPat GHC.GhcRn)) ->
             pure (sspan, RtkBind (GHC.unLoc name))
         (Just (GHC.L _ (GHC.ConPatIn (GHC.L sspan name) recs))) ->
             [(sspan, RtkVar name)] ++ everythingInRenamedSource rec recs
-        (Just (GHC.L _ (GHC.AsPat (GHC.L sspan name) _))) ->
+        (Just (GHC.L _ (GHC.AsPat _ (GHC.L sspan name) _))) ->
             pure (sspan, RtkBind name)
         _ -> empty
     rec term = case cast term of
@@ -130,9 +130,9 @@ binds = everythingInRenamedSource
             pure (sspan, RtkVar name)
         _ -> empty
     tvar term = case cast term of
-        (Just ((GHC.L sspan (GHC.UserTyVar name)) :: GHC.LHsTyVarBndr GHC.GhcRn)) ->
+        (Just ((GHC.L sspan (GHC.UserTyVar _ name)) :: GHC.LHsTyVarBndr GHC.GhcRn)) ->
             pure (sspan, RtkBind (GHC.unLoc name))
-        (Just (GHC.L _ (GHC.KindedTyVar (GHC.L sspan name) _))) ->
+        (Just (GHC.L _ (GHC.KindedTyVar _ (GHC.L sspan name) _))) ->
             pure (sspan, RtkBind name)
         _ -> empty
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ decls (group, _, _, _) = concatMap ($ group)
         _ -> empty
     fld term = case cast term of
         Just (field :: GHC.ConDeclField GHC.GhcRn)
-          -> map (decl . fmap GHC.selectorFieldOcc) $ GHC.cd_fld_names field
+          -> map (decl . fmap GHC.extFieldOcc) $ GHC.cd_fld_names field
         Nothing -> empty
     sig (GHC.L _ (GHC.TypeSig names _)) = map decl names
     sig _ = []
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
index 51e183c7..1229a8d3 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
@@ -412,22 +412,22 @@ ppSubSigLike unicode typ argDocs subdocs leader = do_args 0 leader typ
     arg_doc n = rDoc . fmap _doc $ Map.lookup n argDocs
     do_args :: Int -> LaTeX -> HsType DocNameI -> [(LaTeX, LaTeX)]
-    do_args _n leader (HsForAllTy tvs ltype)
+    do_args _n leader (HsForAllTy _ tvs ltype)
       = [ ( decltt leader
           , decltt (hsep (forallSymbol unicode : ppTyVars tvs ++ [dot]))
               <+> ppLType unicode ltype
           ) ]
-    do_args n leader (HsQualTy lctxt ltype)
+    do_args n leader (HsQualTy _ lctxt ltype)
       = (decltt leader, ppLContextNoArrow lctxt unicode <+> nl)
         : do_largs n (darrow unicode) ltype
-    do_args n leader (HsFunTy (L _ (HsRecTy fields)) r)
+    do_args n leader (HsFunTy _ (L _ (HsRecTy _ fields)) r)
       = [ (decltt ldr, latex <+> nl)
         | (L _ field, ldr) <- zip fields (leader <+> gadtOpen : repeat gadtComma)
         , let latex = ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode field
         ++ do_largs (n+1) (gadtEnd <+> arrow unicode) r
-    do_args n leader (HsFunTy lt r)
+    do_args n leader (HsFunTy _ lt r)
       = (decltt leader, decltt (ppLFunLhType unicode lt) <-> arg_doc n <+> nl)
         : do_largs (n+1) (arrow unicode) r
     do_args n leader t
@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode (ConDeclField names ltype _) =
     -- don't use cd_fld_doc for same reason we don't use con_doc above
     -- Where there is more than one name, they all have the same documentation
-    mbDoc = lookup (selectorFieldOcc $ unLoc $ head names) subdocs >>= fmap _doc . combineDocumentation . fst
+    mbDoc = lookup (extFieldOcc $ unLoc $ head names) subdocs >>= fmap _doc . combineDocumentation . fst
 -- | Pretty-print a bundled pattern synonym
@@ -957,57 +957,57 @@ ppr_mono_lty ctxt_prec ty unicode = ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (unLoc ty) unicode
 ppr_mono_ty :: Int -> HsType DocNameI -> Bool -> LaTeX
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsForAllTy tvs ty) unicode
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsForAllTy _ tvs ty) unicode
   = maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_FUN $
     sep [ hsep (forallSymbol unicode : ppTyVars tvs) <> dot
         , ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty unicode ]
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsQualTy ctxt ty) unicode
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsQualTy _ ctxt ty) unicode
   = maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_FUN $
     sep [ ppLContext ctxt unicode
         , ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty unicode ]
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsBangTy b ty)     u = ppBang b <> ppLParendType u ty
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsTyVar NotPromoted (L _ name)) _ = ppDocName name
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsTyVar Promoted    (L _ name)) _ = char '\'' <> ppDocName name
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsFunTy ty1 ty2)   u = ppr_fun_ty ctxt_prec ty1 ty2 u
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsTupleTy con tys) u = tupleParens con (map (ppLType u) tys)
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsSumTy tys) u       = sumParens (map (ppLType u) tys)
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsKindSig ty kind) u = parens (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u <+> dcolon u <+> ppLKind u kind)
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsListTy ty)       u = brackets (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u)
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsPArrTy ty)       u = pabrackets (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u)
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsIParamTy (L _ n) ty) u = brackets (ppIPName n <+> dcolon u <+> ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u)
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsBangTy _ b ty)     u = ppBang b <> ppLParendType u ty
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsTyVar _ NotPromoted (L _ name)) _ = ppDocName name
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsTyVar _ Promoted    (L _ name)) _ = char '\'' <> ppDocName name
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsFunTy _ ty1 ty2)   u = ppr_fun_ty ctxt_prec ty1 ty2 u
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsTupleTy _ con tys) u = tupleParens con (map (ppLType u) tys)
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsSumTy _ tys) u       = sumParens (map (ppLType u) tys)
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsKindSig _ ty kind) u = parens (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u <+> dcolon u <+> ppLKind u kind)
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsListTy _ ty)       u = brackets (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u)
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsPArrTy _ ty)       u = pabrackets (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u)
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsIParamTy _ (L _ n) ty) u = brackets (ppIPName n <+> dcolon u <+> ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u)
 ppr_mono_ty _         (HsSpliceTy {})     _ = error "ppr_mono_ty HsSpliceTy"
 ppr_mono_ty _         (HsRecTy {})        _ = text "{..}"
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsCoreTy {})       _ = error "ppr_mono_ty HsCoreTy"
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsExplicitListTy Promoted _ tys) u = Pretty.quote $ brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u) tys
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsExplicitListTy NotPromoted _ tys) u = brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u) tys
+ppr_mono_ty _         (XHsType (NHsCoreTy {}))  _ = error "ppr_mono_ty HsCoreTy"
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsExplicitListTy _ Promoted tys) u = Pretty.quote $ brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u) tys
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsExplicitListTy _ NotPromoted tys) u = brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u) tys
 ppr_mono_ty _         (HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys) u = Pretty.quote $ parenList $ map (ppLType u) tys
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsEqTy ty1 ty2) unicode
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsEqTy _ ty1 ty2) unicode
   = maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_OP $
     ppr_mono_lty pREC_OP ty1 unicode <+> char '~' <+> ppr_mono_lty pREC_OP ty2 unicode
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsAppTy fun_ty arg_ty) unicode
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsAppTy _ fun_ty arg_ty) unicode
   = maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_CON $
     hsep [ppr_mono_lty pREC_FUN fun_ty unicode, ppr_mono_lty pREC_CON arg_ty unicode]
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsOpTy ty1 op ty2) unicode
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsOpTy _ ty1 op ty2) unicode
   = maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_FUN $
     ppr_mono_lty pREC_OP ty1 unicode <+> ppr_op <+> ppr_mono_lty pREC_OP ty2 unicode
     ppr_op = if not (isSymOcc occName) then char '`' <> ppLDocName op <> char '`' else ppLDocName op
     occName = nameOccName . getName . unLoc $ op
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsParTy ty) unicode
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsParTy _ ty) unicode
 --  = parens (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty)
   = ppr_mono_lty ctxt_prec ty unicode
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsDocTy ty _) unicode
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsDocTy _ ty _) unicode
   = ppr_mono_lty ctxt_prec ty unicode
 ppr_mono_ty _ (HsWildCardTy (AnonWildCard _)) _ = char '_'
-ppr_mono_ty _ (HsTyLit t) u = ppr_tylit t u
+ppr_mono_ty _ (HsTyLit _ t) u = ppr_tylit t u
 ppr_mono_ty _ (HsAppsTy {}) _ = panic "ppr_mono_ty:HsAppsTy"
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
index fcc52a99..a4f2a4a5 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
@@ -146,26 +146,26 @@ ppSubSigLike unicode qual typ argDocs subdocs sep emptyCtxts = do_args 0 sep typ
     do_largs n leader (L _ t) = do_args n leader t
     do_args :: Int -> Html -> HsType DocNameI -> [SubDecl]
-    do_args n leader (HsForAllTy tvs ltype)
+    do_args n leader (HsForAllTy _ tvs ltype)
       = do_largs n leader' ltype
         leader' = leader <+> ppForAll tvs unicode qual
-    do_args n leader (HsQualTy lctxt ltype)
+    do_args n leader (HsQualTy _ lctxt ltype)
       | null (unLoc lctxt)
       = do_largs n leader ltype
       | otherwise
       = (leader <+> ppLContextNoArrow lctxt unicode qual emptyCtxts, Nothing, [])
         : do_largs n (darrow unicode) ltype
-    do_args n leader (HsFunTy (L _ (HsRecTy fields)) r)
+    do_args n leader (HsFunTy _ (L _ (HsRecTy _ fields)) r)
       = [ (ldr <+> html, mdoc, subs)
         | (L _ field, ldr) <- zip fields (leader <+> gadtOpen : repeat gadtComma)
         , let (html, mdoc, subs) = ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode qual field
         ++ do_largs (n+1) (gadtEnd <+> arrow unicode) r
-    do_args n leader (HsFunTy lt r)
+    do_args n leader (HsFunTy _ lt r)
       = (leader <+> ppLFunLhType unicode qual emptyCtxts lt, argDoc n, [])
         : do_largs (n+1) (arrow unicode) r
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ ppSubSigLike unicode qual typ argDocs subdocs sep emptyCtxts = do_args 0 sep typ
 ppForAll :: [LHsTyVarBndr DocNameI] -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
 ppForAll tvs unicode qual =
-  case [ppKTv n k | L _ (KindedTyVar (L _ n) k) <- tvs] of
+  case [ppKTv n k | L _ (KindedTyVar _ (L _ n) k) <- tvs] of
     [] -> noHtml
     ts -> forallSymbol unicode <+> hsep ts +++ dot
   where ppKTv n k = parens $
@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode qual (ConDeclField names ltype _) =
     -- don't use cd_fld_doc for same reason we don't use con_doc above
     -- Where there is more than one name, they all have the same documentation
-    mbDoc = lookup (selectorFieldOcc $ unLoc $ head names) subdocs >>= combineDocumentation . fst
+    mbDoc = lookup (extFieldOcc $ unLoc $ head names) subdocs >>= combineDocumentation . fst
 ppShortField :: Bool -> Unicode -> Qualification -> ConDeclField DocNameI -> Html
@@ -1114,11 +1114,12 @@ ppParendType unicode qual emptyCtxts ty = ppr_mono_ty pREC_CON ty unicode qual e
 ppFunLhType  unicode qual emptyCtxts ty = ppr_mono_ty pREC_FUN ty unicode qual emptyCtxts
 ppHsTyVarBndr :: Unicode -> Qualification -> HsTyVarBndr DocNameI -> Html
-ppHsTyVarBndr _       qual (UserTyVar (L _ name)) =
+ppHsTyVarBndr _       qual (UserTyVar _ (L _ name)) =
     ppDocName qual Raw False name
-ppHsTyVarBndr unicode qual (KindedTyVar name kind) =
+ppHsTyVarBndr unicode qual (KindedTyVar _ name kind) =
     parens (ppDocName qual Raw False (unLoc name) <+> dcolon unicode <+>
             ppLKind unicode qual kind)
+ppHsTyVarBndr _ _ (XTyVarBndr _) = error "haddock:ppHsTyVarBndr"
 ppLKind :: Unicode -> Qualification -> LHsKind DocNameI -> Html
 ppLKind unicode qual y = ppKind unicode qual (unLoc y)
@@ -1133,16 +1134,16 @@ patSigContext typ | hasNonEmptyContext typ && isFirstContextEmpty typ =  ShowEmp
     hasNonEmptyContext :: LHsType name -> Bool
     hasNonEmptyContext t =
       case unLoc t of
-        HsForAllTy _ s -> hasNonEmptyContext s
-        HsQualTy cxt s -> if null (unLoc cxt) then hasNonEmptyContext s else True
-        HsFunTy _ s -> hasNonEmptyContext s
+        HsForAllTy _ _ s -> hasNonEmptyContext s
+        HsQualTy _ cxt s -> if null (unLoc cxt) then hasNonEmptyContext s else True
+        HsFunTy _ _ s    -> hasNonEmptyContext s
         _ -> False
     isFirstContextEmpty :: LHsType name -> Bool
     isFirstContextEmpty t =
       case unLoc t of
-        HsForAllTy _ s -> isFirstContextEmpty s
-        HsQualTy cxt _ -> null (unLoc cxt)
-        HsFunTy _ s -> isFirstContextEmpty s
+        HsForAllTy _ _ s -> isFirstContextEmpty s
+        HsQualTy _ cxt _ -> null (unLoc cxt)
+        HsFunTy _ _ s    -> isFirstContextEmpty s
         _ -> False
@@ -1160,50 +1161,50 @@ ppr_mono_lty ctxt_prec ty = ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (unLoc ty)
 ppr_mono_ty :: Int -> HsType DocNameI -> Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsForAllTy tvs ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsForAllTy _ tvs ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
   = maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_FUN $
     ppForAllPart unicode qual tvs <+> ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty unicode qual emptyCtxts
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsQualTy ctxt ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsQualTy _ ctxt ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
   = maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_FUN $
     ppLContext ctxt unicode qual emptyCtxts <+> ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty unicode qual emptyCtxts
 -- UnicodeSyntax alternatives
-ppr_mono_ty _ (HsTyVar _ (L _ name)) True _ _
+ppr_mono_ty _ (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ name)) True _ _
   | getOccString (getName name) == "*"    = toHtml "★"
   | getOccString (getName name) == "(->)" = toHtml "(→)"
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsBangTy b ty)     u q _ = ppBang b +++ ppLParendType u q HideEmptyContexts ty
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsTyVar _ (L _ name)) _ q _ = ppDocName q Prefix True name
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsFunTy ty1 ty2)   u q e = ppr_fun_ty ctxt_prec ty1 ty2 u q e
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsTupleTy con tys) u q _ = tupleParens con (map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys)
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsSumTy tys) u q _ = sumParens (map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys)
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsKindSig ty kind) u q e =
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsBangTy _ b ty)     u q _ = ppBang b +++ ppLParendType u q HideEmptyContexts ty
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ name)) _ q _ = ppDocName q Prefix True name
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsFunTy _ ty1 ty2)   u q e = ppr_fun_ty ctxt_prec ty1 ty2 u q e
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsTupleTy _ con tys) u q _ = tupleParens con (map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys)
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsSumTy _ tys) u q _ = sumParens (map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys)
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsKindSig _ ty kind) u q e =
     parens (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u q e <+> dcolon u <+> ppLKind u q kind)
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsListTy ty)       u q _ = brackets (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u q HideEmptyContexts)
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsPArrTy ty)       u q _ = pabrackets (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u q HideEmptyContexts)
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsIParamTy (L _ n) ty) u q _ =
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsListTy _ ty)       u q _ = brackets (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u q HideEmptyContexts)
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsPArrTy _ ty)       u q _ = pabrackets (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u q HideEmptyContexts)
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsIParamTy _ (L _ n) ty) u q _ =
     maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_CTX $ ppIPName n <+> dcolon u <+> ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u q HideEmptyContexts
 ppr_mono_ty _         (HsSpliceTy {})     _ _ _ = error "ppr_mono_ty HsSpliceTy"
 ppr_mono_ty _         (HsRecTy {})        _ _ _ = toHtml "{..}"
        -- Can now legally occur in ConDeclGADT, the output here is to provide a
        -- placeholder in the signature, which is followed by the field
        -- declarations.
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsCoreTy {})       _ _ _ = error "ppr_mono_ty HsCoreTy"
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsExplicitListTy Promoted _ tys) u q _ = promoQuote $ brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys
-ppr_mono_ty _         (HsExplicitListTy NotPromoted _ tys) u q _ = brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys
+ppr_mono_ty _         (XHsType (NHsCoreTy {})) _ _ _ = error "ppr_mono_ty HsCoreTy"
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsExplicitListTy _ Promoted tys) u q _ = promoQuote $ brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys
+ppr_mono_ty _         (HsExplicitListTy _ NotPromoted tys) u q _ = brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys
 ppr_mono_ty _         (HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys) u q _ = promoQuote $ parenList $ map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys
 ppr_mono_ty _         (HsAppsTy {})       _ _ _ = error "ppr_mono_ty HsAppsTy"
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsEqTy ty1 ty2) unicode qual _
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsEqTy _ ty1 ty2) unicode qual _
   = maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_CTX $
     ppr_mono_lty pREC_OP ty1 unicode qual HideEmptyContexts <+> char '~' <+> ppr_mono_lty pREC_OP ty2 unicode qual HideEmptyContexts
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsAppTy fun_ty arg_ty) unicode qual _
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsAppTy _ fun_ty arg_ty) unicode qual _
   = maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_CON $
     hsep [ppr_mono_lty pREC_FUN fun_ty unicode qual HideEmptyContexts, ppr_mono_lty pREC_CON arg_ty unicode qual HideEmptyContexts]
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsOpTy ty1 op ty2) unicode qual _
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsOpTy _ ty1 op ty2) unicode qual _
   = maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_FUN $
     ppr_mono_lty pREC_OP ty1 unicode qual HideEmptyContexts <+> ppr_op <+> ppr_mono_lty pREC_OP ty2 unicode qual HideEmptyContexts
@@ -1214,15 +1215,15 @@ ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsOpTy ty1 op ty2) unicode qual _
         | otherwise = ppr_op'
     ppr_op' = ppLDocName qual Infix op
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsParTy ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsParTy _ ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
 --  = parens (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty)
   = ppr_mono_lty ctxt_prec ty unicode qual emptyCtxts
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsDocTy ty _) unicode qual emptyCtxts
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsDocTy _ ty _) unicode qual emptyCtxts
   = ppr_mono_lty ctxt_prec ty unicode qual emptyCtxts
 ppr_mono_ty _ (HsWildCardTy (AnonWildCard _)) _ _ _ = char '_'
-ppr_mono_ty _ (HsTyLit n) _ _ _ = ppr_tylit n
+ppr_mono_ty _ (HsTyLit _ n) _ _ _ = ppr_tylit n
 ppr_tylit :: HsTyLit -> Html
 ppr_tylit (HsNumTy _ n) = toHtml (show n)
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
index 37fad036..fac448a2 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ synifyTyCon _coax tc
     DataDecl { tcdLName = synifyName tc
              , tcdTyVars =       -- tyConTyVars doesn't work on fun/prim, but we can make them up:
                          let mk_hs_tv realKind fakeTyVar
-                                = noLoc $ KindedTyVar (noLoc (getName fakeTyVar))
+                                = noLoc $ KindedTyVar noExt (noLoc (getName fakeTyVar))
                                                       (synifyKindSig realKind)
                          in HsQTvs { hsq_implicit = []   -- No kind polymorphism
                                    , hsq_explicit = zipWith mk_hs_tv (fst (splitFunTys (tyConKind tc)))
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ synifyFamilyResultSig :: Maybe Name -> Kind -> LFamilyResultSig GhcRn
 synifyFamilyResultSig  Nothing    kind =
    noLoc $ KindSig  (synifyKindSig kind)
 synifyFamilyResultSig (Just name) kind =
-   noLoc $ TyVarSig (noLoc $ KindedTyVar (noLoc name) (synifyKindSig kind))
+   noLoc $ TyVarSig (noLoc $ KindedTyVar noExt (noLoc name) (synifyKindSig kind))
 -- User beware: it is your responsibility to pass True (use_gadt_syntax)
 -- for any constructor that would be misrepresented by omitting its
@@ -292,12 +292,12 @@ synifyDataCon use_gadt_syntax dc =
                let tySyn = synifyType WithinType ty
                in case bang of
                     (HsSrcBang _ NoSrcUnpack NoSrcStrict) -> tySyn
-                    bang' -> noLoc $ HsBangTy bang' tySyn)
+                    bang' -> noLoc $ HsBangTy noExt bang' tySyn)
             arg_tys (dataConSrcBangs dc)
   field_tys = zipWith con_decl_field (dataConFieldLabels dc) linear_tys
   con_decl_field fl synTy = noLoc $
-    ConDeclField [noLoc $ FieldOcc (noLoc $ mkVarUnqual $ flLabel fl) (flSelector fl)] synTy
+    ConDeclField [noLoc $ FieldOcc (flSelector fl) (noLoc $ mkVarUnqual $ flLabel fl)] synTy
   hs_arg_tys = case (use_named_field_syntax, use_infix_syntax) of
           (True,True) -> Left "synifyDataCon: contradiction!"
@@ -347,8 +347,8 @@ synifyTyVars ktvs = HsQTvs { hsq_implicit = []
 synifyTyVar :: TyVar -> LHsTyVarBndr GhcRn
 synifyTyVar tv
-  | isLiftedTypeKind kind = noLoc (UserTyVar (noLoc name))
-  | otherwise             = noLoc (KindedTyVar (noLoc name) (synifyKindSig kind))
+  | isLiftedTypeKind kind = noLoc (UserTyVar noExt (noLoc name))
+  | otherwise             = noLoc (KindedTyVar noExt (noLoc name) (synifyKindSig kind))
     kind = tyVarKind tv
     name = getName tv
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ annotHsType True ty hs_ty
   | not $ isEmptyVarSet $ filterVarSet isTyVar $ tyCoVarsOfType ty
   = let ki    = typeKind ty
         hs_ki = synifyType WithinType ki
-    in noLoc (HsKindSig hs_ty hs_ki)
+    in noLoc (HsKindSig noExt hs_ty hs_ki)
 annotHsType _    _ hs_ty = hs_ty
 -- | For every type variable in the input,
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ synifyPatSynSigType :: PatSyn -> LHsSigType GhcRn
 synifyPatSynSigType ps = mkEmptyImplicitBndrs (synifyPatSynType ps)
 synifyType :: SynifyTypeState -> Type -> LHsType GhcRn
-synifyType _ (TyVarTy tv) = noLoc $ HsTyVar NotPromoted $ noLoc (getName tv)
+synifyType _ (TyVarTy tv) = noLoc $ HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted $ noLoc (getName tv)
 synifyType _ (TyConApp tc tys)
   = maybe_sig res_ty
@@ -420,41 +420,43 @@ synifyType _ (TyConApp tc tys)
       | tc `hasKey` tYPETyConKey
       , [TyConApp lev []] <- tys
       , lev `hasKey` liftedRepDataConKey
-      = noLoc (HsTyVar NotPromoted (noLoc starKindTyConName))
+      = noLoc (HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted (noLoc starKindTyConName))
       -- Use non-prefix tuple syntax where possible, because it looks nicer.
       | Just sort <- tyConTuple_maybe tc
       , tyConArity tc == length tys
-      = noLoc $ HsTupleTy (case sort of
+      = noLoc $ HsTupleTy noExt
+                          (case sort of
                               BoxedTuple      -> HsBoxedTuple
                               ConstraintTuple -> HsConstraintTuple
                               UnboxedTuple    -> HsUnboxedTuple)
                            (map (synifyType WithinType) vis_tys)
       -- ditto for lists
       | getName tc == listTyConName, [ty] <- tys =
-         noLoc $ HsListTy (synifyType WithinType ty)
+         noLoc $ HsListTy noExt (synifyType WithinType ty)
       -- ditto for implicit parameter tycons
       | tc `hasKey` ipClassKey
       , [name, ty] <- tys
       , Just x <- isStrLitTy name
-      = noLoc $ HsIParamTy (noLoc $ HsIPName x) (synifyType WithinType ty)
+      = noLoc $ HsIParamTy noExt (noLoc $ HsIPName x) (synifyType WithinType ty)
       -- and equalities
       | tc `hasKey` eqTyConKey
       , [ty1, ty2] <- tys
-      = noLoc $ HsEqTy (synifyType WithinType ty1) (synifyType WithinType ty2)
+      = noLoc $ HsEqTy noExt (synifyType WithinType ty1) (synifyType WithinType ty2)
       -- and infix type operators
       | isSymOcc (nameOccName (getName tc))
       , ty1:ty2:tys_rest <- vis_tys
-      = mk_app_tys (HsOpTy (synifyType WithinType ty1)
+      = mk_app_tys (HsOpTy noExt
+                           (synifyType WithinType ty1)
                            (noLoc $ getName tc)
                            (synifyType WithinType ty2))
       -- Most TyCons:
       | otherwise
-      = mk_app_tys (HsTyVar NotPromoted $ noLoc (getName tc))
+      = mk_app_tys (HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted $ noLoc (getName tc))
         mk_app_tys ty_app ty_args =
-          foldl (\t1 t2 -> noLoc $ HsAppTy t1 t2)
+          foldl (\t1 t2 -> noLoc $ HsAppTy noExt t1 t2)
                 (noLoc ty_app)
                 (map (synifyType WithinType) $
                  filterOut isCoercionTy ty_args)
@@ -468,7 +470,7 @@ synifyType _ (TyConApp tc tys)
       | needs_kind_sig
       = let full_kind  = typeKind (mkTyConApp tc tys)
             full_kind' = synifyType WithinType full_kind
-        in noLoc $ HsKindSig ty' full_kind'
+        in noLoc $ HsKindSig noExt ty' full_kind'
       | otherwise = ty'
     needs_kind_sig :: Bool
@@ -489,22 +491,24 @@ synifyType s (AppTy t1 (CoercionTy {})) = synifyType s t1
 synifyType _ (AppTy t1 t2) = let
   s1 = synifyType WithinType t1
   s2 = synifyType WithinType t2
-  in noLoc $ HsAppTy s1 s2
+  in noLoc $ HsAppTy noExt s1 s2
 synifyType _ (FunTy t1 t2) = let
   s1 = synifyType WithinType t1
   s2 = synifyType WithinType t2
-  in noLoc $ HsFunTy s1 s2
+  in noLoc $ HsFunTy noExt s1 s2
 synifyType s forallty@(ForAllTy _tv _ty) =
   let (tvs, ctx, tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy forallty
       sPhi = HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = synifyCtx ctx
+                      , hst_xqual   = noExt
                       , hst_body = synifyType WithinType tau }
   in case s of
     DeleteTopLevelQuantification -> synifyType ImplicitizeForAll tau
     WithinType        -> noLoc $ HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = map synifyTyVar tvs
+                                            , hst_xforall = noExt
                                             , hst_body  = noLoc sPhi }
     ImplicitizeForAll -> noLoc sPhi
-synifyType _ (LitTy t) = noLoc $ HsTyLit $ synifyTyLit t
+synifyType _ (LitTy t) = noLoc $ HsTyLit noExt $ synifyTyLit t
 synifyType s (CastTy t _) = synifyType s t
 synifyType _ (CoercionTy {}) = error "synifyType:Coercion"
@@ -517,10 +521,12 @@ synifyPatSynType ps = let
                -- possible by taking theta = [], as that will print no context at all
              | otherwise = req_theta
   sForAll []  s = s
-  sForAll tvs s = HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = map synifyTyVar tvs
-                             , hst_body  = noLoc s }
-  sQual theta s = HsQualTy   { hst_ctxt  = synifyCtx theta
-                             , hst_body  = noLoc s }
+  sForAll tvs s = HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs   = map synifyTyVar tvs
+                             , hst_xforall = noExt
+                             , hst_body    = noLoc s }
+  sQual theta s = HsQualTy   { hst_ctxt    = synifyCtx theta
+                             , hst_xqual   = noExt
+                             , hst_body    = noLoc s }
   sTau = unLoc $ synifyType WithinType $ mkFunTys arg_tys res_ty
   in noLoc $ sForAll univ_tvs $ sQual req_theta' $ sForAll ex_tvs $ sQual prov_theta sTau
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
index b3260fd5..48a9f99e 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, FlexibleInstances, ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
@@ -150,7 +151,12 @@ nubByName f ns = go emptyNameSet ns
         y = f x
-getGADTConType :: ConDecl p -> LHsType p
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- This function is duplicated as getGADTConType and getGADTConTypeG,
+-- as I can't get the types to line up otherwise. AZ.
+getGADTConType :: ConDecl DocNameI -> LHsType DocNameI
 -- The full type of a GADT data constructor We really only get this in
 -- order to pretty-print it, and currently only in Haddock's code.  So
 -- we are cavalier about locations and extensions, hence the
@@ -159,23 +165,57 @@ getGADTConType (ConDeclGADT { con_forall = has_forall
                             , con_qvars = qtvs
                             , con_mb_cxt = mcxt, con_args = args
                             , con_res_ty = res_ty })
- | has_forall = noLoc (HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = hsQTvExplicit qtvs
+ | has_forall = noLoc (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = PlaceHolder
+                                  , hst_bndrs = hsQTvExplicit qtvs
                                   , hst_body  = theta_ty })
  | otherwise  = theta_ty
    theta_ty | Just theta <- mcxt
-            = noLoc (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = theta, hst_body = tau_ty })
+            = noLoc (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = PlaceHolder, hst_ctxt = theta, hst_body = tau_ty })
             | otherwise
             = tau_ty
    tau_ty = case args of
-              RecCon flds -> noLoc (HsFunTy (noLoc (HsRecTy (unLoc flds))) res_ty)
-              PrefixCon pos_args -> foldr nlHsFunTy res_ty pos_args
-              InfixCon arg1 arg2 -> arg1 `nlHsFunTy` (arg2 `nlHsFunTy` res_ty)
+              RecCon flds -> noLoc (HsFunTy noExt (noLoc (HsRecTy noExt (unLoc flds))) res_ty)
+              PrefixCon pos_args -> foldr mkFunTy res_ty pos_args
+              InfixCon arg1 arg2 -> arg1 `mkFunTy` (arg2 `mkFunTy` res_ty)
+   mkFunTy a b = noLoc (HsFunTy noExt a b)
 getGADTConType (ConDeclH98 {}) = panic "getGADTConType"
   -- Should only be called on ConDeclGADT
+-- -------------------------------------
+getGADTConTypeG :: ConDecl (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
+-- The full type of a GADT data constructor We really only get this in
+-- order to pretty-print it, and currently only in Haddock's code.  So
+-- we are cavalier about locations and extensions, hence the
+-- 'undefined's
+getGADTConTypeG (ConDeclGADT { con_forall = has_forall
+                            , con_qvars = qtvs
+                            , con_mb_cxt = mcxt, con_args = args
+                            , con_res_ty = res_ty })
+ | has_forall = noLoc (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = PlaceHolder
+                                  , hst_bndrs = hsQTvExplicit qtvs
+                                  , hst_body  = theta_ty })
+ | otherwise  = theta_ty
+ where
+   theta_ty | Just theta <- mcxt
+            = noLoc (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = PlaceHolder, hst_ctxt = theta, hst_body = tau_ty })
+            | otherwise
+            = tau_ty
+   tau_ty = case args of
+              RecCon flds -> noLoc (HsFunTy noExt (noLoc (HsRecTy noExt (unLoc flds))) res_ty)
+              PrefixCon pos_args -> foldr mkFunTy res_ty pos_args
+              InfixCon arg1 arg2 -> arg1 `mkFunTy` (arg2 `mkFunTy` res_ty)
+   mkFunTy a b = noLoc (HsFunTy noExt a b)
+getGADTConTypeG (ConDeclH98 {}) = panic "getGADTConType"
+  -- Should only be called on ConDeclGADT
 -- * Located
@@ -208,7 +248,7 @@ class Parent a where
 instance Parent (ConDecl GhcRn) where
   children con =
     case con_args con of
-      RecCon fields -> map (selectorFieldOcc . unL) $
+      RecCon fields -> map (extFieldOcc . unL) $
                          concatMap (cd_fld_names . unL) (unL fields)
       _             -> []
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
index 4866f76b..88b8bc67 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
@@ -454,12 +454,12 @@ subordinates instMap decl = case decl of
         cons = map unL $ (dd_cons dd)
         constrs = [ (unL cname, maybeToList $ fmap unL $ con_doc c, conArgDocs c)
                   | c <- cons, cname <- getConNames c ]
-        fields  = [ (selectorFieldOcc n, maybeToList $ fmap unL doc, M.empty)
+        fields  = [ (extFieldOcc n, maybeToList $ fmap unL doc, M.empty)
                   | RecCon flds <- map getConArgs cons
                   , L _ (ConDeclField ns _ doc) <- (unLoc flds)
                   , L _ n <- ns ]
         derivs  = [ (instName, [unL doc], M.empty)
-                  | HsIB { hsib_body = L l (HsDocTy _ doc) }
+                  | HsIB { hsib_body = L l (HsDocTy _ _ doc) }
                       <- concatMap (unLoc . deriv_clause_tys . unLoc) $
                            unLoc $ dd_derivs dd
                   , Just instName <- [M.lookup l instMap] ]
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ conArgDocs con = case getConArgs con of
                    InfixCon arg1 arg2 -> go 0 ([unLoc arg1, unLoc arg2] ++ ret)
                    RecCon _ -> go 1 ret
-    go n (HsDocTy _ (L _ ds) : tys) = M.insert n ds $ go (n+1) tys
+    go n (HsDocTy _ _ (L _ ds) : tys) = M.insert n ds $ go (n+1) tys
     go n (_ : tys) = go (n+1) tys
     go _ [] = M.empty
@@ -494,9 +494,9 @@ typeDocs = go 0
     go n (HsForAllTy { hst_body = ty }) = go n (unLoc ty)
     go n (HsQualTy   { hst_body = ty }) = go n (unLoc ty)
-    go n (HsFunTy (L _ (HsDocTy _ (L _ x))) (L _ ty)) = M.insert n x $ go (n+1) ty
-    go n (HsFunTy _ ty) = go (n+1) (unLoc ty)
-    go n (HsDocTy _ (L _ doc)) = M.singleton n doc
+    go n (HsFunTy _ (L _ (HsDocTy _ _ (L _ x))) (L _ ty)) = M.insert n x $ go (n+1) ty
+    go n (HsFunTy _ _ ty) = go (n+1) (unLoc ty)
+    go n (HsDocTy _ _ (L _ doc)) = M.singleton n doc
     go _ _ = M.empty
 -- | All the sub declarations of a class (that we handle), ordered by
@@ -535,10 +535,10 @@ ungroup group_ =
   mkDecls (typesigs . hs_valds)  SigD   group_ ++
   mkDecls (valbinds . hs_valds)  ValD   group_
-    typesigs (ValBindsOut _ sigs) = filter isUserLSig sigs
+    typesigs (XValBindsLR (NValBinds _ sigs)) = filter isUserLSig sigs
     typesigs _ = error "expected ValBindsOut"
-    valbinds (ValBindsOut binds _) = concatMap bagToList . snd . unzip $ binds
+    valbinds (XValBindsLR (NValBinds binds _)) = concatMap bagToList . snd . unzip $ binds
     valbinds _ = error "expected ValBindsOut"
@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ extractDecl declMap name decl
                            , RecCon rec <- map (getConArgs . unLoc) (dd_cons (feqn_rhs d))
                            , ConDeclField { cd_fld_names = ns } <- map unLoc (unLoc rec)
                            , L _ n <- ns
-                           , selectorFieldOcc n == name
+                           , extFieldOcc n == name
         in case matches of
           [d0] -> extractDecl declMap name (noLoc . InstD $ DataFamInstD d0)
@@ -1094,17 +1094,17 @@ extractPatternSyn nm t tvs cons =
         typ = longArrow args (data_ty con)
         typ' =
           case con of
-            ConDeclH98 { con_mb_cxt = Just cxt } -> noLoc (HsQualTy cxt typ)
+            ConDeclH98 { con_mb_cxt = Just cxt } -> noLoc (HsQualTy noExt cxt typ)
             _ -> typ
-        typ'' = noLoc (HsQualTy (noLoc []) typ')
+        typ'' = noLoc (HsQualTy noExt (noLoc []) typ')
     in PatSynSig [noLoc nm] (mkEmptyImplicitBndrs typ'')
-  longArrow :: [LHsType name] -> LHsType name -> LHsType name
-  longArrow inputs output = foldr (\x y -> noLoc (HsFunTy x y)) output inputs
+  longArrow :: [LHsType GhcRn] -> LHsType GhcRn -> LHsType GhcRn
+  longArrow inputs output = foldr (\x y -> noLoc (HsFunTy noExt x y)) output inputs
   data_ty con
     | ConDeclGADT{} <- con = con_res_ty con
-    | otherwise = foldl' (\x y -> noLoc (HsAppTy x y)) (noLoc (HsTyVar NotPromoted (noLoc t))) tvs
+    | otherwise = foldl' (\x y -> noLoc (HsAppTy noExt x y)) (noLoc (HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted (noLoc t))) tvs
 extractRecSel :: Name -> Name -> [LHsType GhcRn] -> [LConDecl GhcRn]
               -> LSig GhcRn
@@ -1113,16 +1113,16 @@ extractRecSel _ _ _ [] = error "extractRecSel: selector not found"
 extractRecSel nm t tvs (L _ con : rest) =
   case getConArgs con of
     RecCon (L _ fields) | ((l,L _ (ConDeclField _nn ty _)) : _) <- matching_fields fields ->
-      L l (TypeSig [noLoc nm] (mkEmptySigWcType (noLoc (HsFunTy data_ty (getBangType ty)))))
+      L l (TypeSig [noLoc nm] (mkEmptySigWcType (noLoc (HsFunTy noExt data_ty (getBangType ty)))))
     _ -> extractRecSel nm t tvs rest
   matching_fields :: [LConDeclField GhcRn] -> [(SrcSpan, LConDeclField GhcRn)]
   matching_fields flds = [ (l,f) | f@(L _ (ConDeclField ns _ _)) <- flds
-                                 , L l n <- ns, selectorFieldOcc n == nm ]
+                                 , L l n <- ns, extFieldOcc n == nm ]
     -- ResTyGADT _ ty <- con_res con = ty
     | ConDeclGADT{} <- con = con_res_ty con
-    | otherwise = foldl' (\x y -> noLoc (HsAppTy x y)) (noLoc (HsTyVar NotPromoted (noLoc t))) tvs
+    | otherwise = foldl' (\x y -> noLoc (HsAppTy noExt x y)) (noLoc (HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted (noLoc t))) tvs
 -- | Keep export items with docs.
 pruneExportItems :: [ExportItem GhcRn] -> [ExportItem GhcRn]
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
index 6a0a20cf..c8d9cb7d 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
@@ -212,61 +212,61 @@ renameType t = case t of
   HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = tyvars, hst_body = ltype } -> do
     tyvars'   <- mapM renameLTyVarBndr tyvars
     ltype'    <- renameLType ltype
-    return (HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = tyvars', hst_body = ltype' })
+    return (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = PlaceHolder, hst_bndrs = tyvars', hst_body = ltype' })
   HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = lcontext , hst_body = ltype } -> do
     lcontext' <- renameLContext lcontext
     ltype'    <- renameLType ltype
-    return (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = lcontext', hst_body = ltype' })
+    return (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = PlaceHolder, hst_ctxt = lcontext', hst_body = ltype' })
-  HsTyVar ip (L l n) -> return . HsTyVar ip . L l =<< rename n
-  HsBangTy b ltype -> return . HsBangTy b =<< renameLType ltype
+  HsTyVar _ ip (L l n) -> return . HsTyVar PlaceHolder ip . L l =<< rename n
+  HsBangTy _ b ltype -> return . HsBangTy PlaceHolder b =<< renameLType ltype
-  HsAppTy a b -> do
+  HsAppTy _ a b -> do
     a' <- renameLType a
     b' <- renameLType b
-    return (HsAppTy a' b')
+    return (HsAppTy PlaceHolder a' b')
-  HsFunTy a b -> do
+  HsFunTy _ a b -> do
     a' <- renameLType a
     b' <- renameLType b
-    return (HsFunTy a' b')
+    return (HsFunTy PlaceHolder a' b')
-  HsListTy ty -> return . HsListTy =<< renameLType ty
-  HsPArrTy ty -> return . HsPArrTy =<< renameLType ty
-  HsIParamTy n ty -> liftM (HsIParamTy n) (renameLType ty)
-  HsEqTy ty1 ty2 -> liftM2 HsEqTy (renameLType ty1) (renameLType ty2)
+  HsListTy _ ty -> return . (HsListTy PlaceHolder) =<< renameLType ty
+  HsPArrTy _ ty -> return . (HsPArrTy PlaceHolder) =<< renameLType ty
+  HsIParamTy _ n ty -> liftM (HsIParamTy PlaceHolder n) (renameLType ty)
+  HsEqTy _ ty1 ty2 -> liftM2 (HsEqTy PlaceHolder) (renameLType ty1) (renameLType ty2)
-  HsTupleTy b ts -> return . HsTupleTy b =<< mapM renameLType ts
-  HsSumTy ts -> HsSumTy <$> mapM renameLType ts
+  HsTupleTy _ b ts -> return . HsTupleTy PlaceHolder b =<< mapM renameLType ts
+  HsSumTy _ ts -> HsSumTy PlaceHolder <$> mapM renameLType ts
-  HsOpTy a (L loc op) b -> do
+  HsOpTy _ a (L loc op) b -> do
     op' <- rename op
     a'  <- renameLType a
     b'  <- renameLType b
-    return (HsOpTy a' (L loc op') b')
+    return (HsOpTy PlaceHolder a' (L loc op') b')
-  HsParTy ty -> return . HsParTy =<< renameLType ty
+  HsParTy _ ty -> return . (HsParTy PlaceHolder) =<< renameLType ty
-  HsKindSig ty k -> do
+  HsKindSig _ ty k -> do
     ty' <- renameLType ty
     k' <- renameLKind k
-    return (HsKindSig ty' k')
+    return (HsKindSig PlaceHolder ty' k')
-  HsDocTy ty doc -> do
+  HsDocTy _ ty doc -> do
     ty' <- renameLType ty
     doc' <- renameLDocHsSyn doc
-    return (HsDocTy ty' doc')
+    return (HsDocTy PlaceHolder ty' doc')
-  HsTyLit x -> return (HsTyLit x)
+  HsTyLit _ x -> return (HsTyLit PlaceHolder x)
-  HsRecTy a               -> HsRecTy <$> mapM renameConDeclFieldField a
-  HsCoreTy a              -> pure (HsCoreTy a)
-  HsExplicitListTy i a b  -> HsExplicitListTy i a <$> mapM renameLType b
-  HsExplicitTupleTy a b   -> HsExplicitTupleTy a <$> mapM renameLType b
-  HsSpliceTy _ _          -> error "renameType: HsSpliceTy"
-  HsWildCardTy a          -> HsWildCardTy <$> renameWildCardInfo a
-  HsAppsTy _              -> error "renameType: HsAppsTy"
+  HsRecTy _ a               -> HsRecTy PlaceHolder <$> mapM renameConDeclFieldField a
+  (XHsType (NHsCoreTy a))   -> pure (XHsType (NHsCoreTy a))
+  HsExplicitListTy x i b    -> HsExplicitListTy x i <$> mapM renameLType b
+  HsExplicitTupleTy x b     -> HsExplicitTupleTy x <$> mapM renameLType b
+  HsSpliceTy _ _            -> error "renameType: HsSpliceTy"
+  HsWildCardTy a            -> HsWildCardTy <$> renameWildCardInfo a
+  HsAppsTy _ _              -> error "renameType: HsAppsTy"
 renameLHsQTyVars :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> RnM (LHsQTyVars DocNameI)
 renameLHsQTyVars (HsQTvs { hsq_implicit = _, hsq_explicit = tvs })
@@ -275,13 +275,14 @@ renameLHsQTyVars (HsQTvs { hsq_implicit = _, hsq_explicit = tvs })
                 -- This is rather bogus, but I'm not sure what else to do
 renameLTyVarBndr :: LHsTyVarBndr GhcRn -> RnM (LHsTyVarBndr DocNameI)
-renameLTyVarBndr (L loc (UserTyVar (L l n)))
+renameLTyVarBndr (L loc (UserTyVar x (L l n)))
   = do { n' <- rename n
-       ; return (L loc (UserTyVar (L l n'))) }
-renameLTyVarBndr (L loc (KindedTyVar (L lv n) kind))
+       ; return (L loc (UserTyVar x (L l n'))) }
+renameLTyVarBndr (L loc (KindedTyVar x (L lv n) kind))
   = do { n' <- rename n
        ; kind' <- renameLKind kind
-       ; return (L loc (KindedTyVar (L lv n') kind')) }
+       ; return (L loc (KindedTyVar x (L lv n') kind')) }
+renameLTyVarBndr (L _ (XTyVarBndr _ )) = error "haddock:renameLTyVarBndr"
 renameLContext :: Located [LHsType GhcRn] -> RnM (Located [LHsType DocNameI])
 renameLContext (L loc context) = do
@@ -472,9 +473,10 @@ renameConDeclFieldField (L l (ConDeclField names t doc)) = do
   return $ L l (ConDeclField names' t' doc')
 renameLFieldOcc :: LFieldOcc GhcRn -> RnM (LFieldOcc DocNameI)
-renameLFieldOcc (L l (FieldOcc lbl sel)) = do
+renameLFieldOcc (L l (FieldOcc sel lbl)) = do
   sel' <- rename sel
-  return $ L l (FieldOcc lbl sel')
+  return $ L l (FieldOcc sel' lbl)
+renameLFieldOcc (L _ (XFieldOcc _)) = error "haddock:renameLFieldOcc"
 renameSig :: Sig GhcRn -> RnM (Sig DocNameI)
 renameSig sig = case sig of
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
index 6d2888d3..18d93fae 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
@@ -28,20 +28,18 @@ import Data.Set (Set)
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
 -- | Instantiate all occurrences of given names with corresponding types.
-specialize :: forall name a. (Ord (IdP name), DataId name, NamedThing (IdP name))
-            => Data a
-            => [(IdP name, HsType name)] -> a -> a
+specialize :: Data a => [(Name, HsType GhcRn)] -> a -> a
 specialize specs = go
     go :: forall x. Data x => x -> x
-    go = everywhereButType @name $ mkT $ sugar . strip_kind_sig . specialize_ty_var
+    go = everywhereButType @Name $ mkT $ sugar . strip_kind_sig . specialize_ty_var
     strip_kind_sig :: HsType name -> HsType name
-    strip_kind_sig (HsKindSig (L _ t) _) = t
+    strip_kind_sig (HsKindSig _ (L _ t) _) = t
     strip_kind_sig typ = typ
-    specialize_ty_var :: HsType name -> HsType name
-    specialize_ty_var (HsTyVar _ (L _ name'))
+    specialize_ty_var :: HsType GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn
+    specialize_ty_var (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ name'))
       | Just t <- Map.lookup name' spec_map = t
     specialize_ty_var typ = typ
     -- This is a tricky recursive definition that is guaranteed to terminate
@@ -54,35 +52,33 @@ specialize specs = go
 -- Again, it is just a convenience function around 'specialize'. Note that
 -- length of type list should be the same as the number of binders.
-specializeTyVarBndrs :: (Ord (IdP name), DataId name, NamedThing (IdP name))
-                     => Data a
-                     => LHsQTyVars name -> [HsType name]
+specializeTyVarBndrs :: Data a
+                     => LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> [HsType GhcRn]
                      -> a -> a
 specializeTyVarBndrs bndrs typs =
     specialize $ zip bndrs' typs
     bndrs' = map (bname . unLoc) . hsq_explicit $ bndrs
-    bname (UserTyVar (L _ name)) = name
-    bname (KindedTyVar (L _ name) _) = name
+    bname (UserTyVar _ (L _ name)) = name
+    bname (KindedTyVar _ (L _ name) _) = name
+    bname (XTyVarBndr _) = error "haddock:specializeTyVarBndrs"
-specializePseudoFamilyDecl :: (Ord (IdP name), DataId name, NamedThing (IdP name))
-                           => LHsQTyVars name -> [HsType name]
-                           -> PseudoFamilyDecl name
-                           -> PseudoFamilyDecl name
+specializePseudoFamilyDecl :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> [HsType GhcRn]
+                           -> PseudoFamilyDecl GhcRn
+                           -> PseudoFamilyDecl GhcRn
 specializePseudoFamilyDecl bndrs typs decl =
   decl {pfdTyVars = map (specializeTyVarBndrs bndrs typs) (pfdTyVars decl)}
-specializeSig :: forall name . (Ord (IdP name), DataId name, SetName (IdP name), NamedThing (IdP name))
-              => LHsQTyVars name -> [HsType name]
-              -> Sig name
-              -> Sig name
+specializeSig :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> [HsType GhcRn]
+              -> Sig GhcRn
+              -> Sig GhcRn
 specializeSig bndrs typs (TypeSig lnames typ) =
   TypeSig lnames (typ {hswc_body = (hswc_body typ) {hsib_body = noLoc typ'}})
-    true_type :: HsType name
+    true_type :: HsType GhcRn
     true_type = unLoc (hsSigWcType typ)
-    typ' :: HsType name
+    typ' :: HsType GhcRn
     typ' = rename fv $ specializeTyVarBndrs bndrs typs true_type
     fv = foldr Set.union Set.empty . map freeVariables $ typs
 specializeSig _ _ sig = sig
@@ -90,8 +86,7 @@ specializeSig _ _ sig = sig
 -- | Make all details of instance head (signatures, associated types)
 -- specialized to that particular instance type.
-specializeInstHead :: (Ord (IdP name), DataId name, SetName (IdP name), NamedThing (IdP name))
-                   => InstHead name -> InstHead name
+specializeInstHead :: InstHead GhcRn -> InstHead GhcRn
 specializeInstHead ihd@InstHead { ihdInstType = clsi@ClassInst { .. }, .. } =
     ihd { ihdInstType = instType' }
@@ -110,27 +105,26 @@ specializeInstHead ihd = ihd
 -- and tuple literals resulting in types like @[] a@ or @(,,) a b c@. This
 -- can be fixed using 'sugar' function, that will turn such types into @[a]@
 -- and @(a, b, c)@.
-sugar :: forall name. (NamedThing (IdP name), DataId name)
-      => HsType name -> HsType name
+sugar :: HsType GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn
 sugar = sugarOperators . sugarTuples . sugarLists
-sugarLists :: NamedThing (IdP name) => HsType name -> HsType name
-sugarLists (HsAppTy (L _ (HsTyVar _ (L _ name))) ltyp)
-    | isBuiltInSyntax name' && strName == "[]" = HsListTy ltyp
+sugarLists :: NamedThing (IdP (GhcPass p)) => HsType (GhcPass p) -> HsType (GhcPass p)
+sugarLists (HsAppTy _ (L _ (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ name))) ltyp)
+    | isBuiltInSyntax name' && strName == "[]" = HsListTy PlaceHolder ltyp
     name' = getName name
     strName = occNameString . nameOccName $ name'
 sugarLists typ = typ
-sugarTuples :: NamedThing (IdP name) => HsType name -> HsType name
+sugarTuples :: NamedThing (IdP (GhcPass p)) => HsType (GhcPass p) -> HsType (GhcPass p)
 sugarTuples typ =
     aux [] typ
-    aux apps (HsAppTy (L _ ftyp) atyp) = aux (atyp:apps) ftyp
-    aux apps (HsParTy (L _ typ')) = aux apps typ'
-    aux apps (HsTyVar _ (L _ name))
-        | isBuiltInSyntax name' && suitable = HsTupleTy HsBoxedTuple apps
+    aux apps (HsAppTy _ (L _ ftyp) atyp) = aux (atyp:apps) ftyp
+    aux apps (HsParTy _ (L _ typ')) = aux apps typ'
+    aux apps (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ name))
+        | isBuiltInSyntax name' && suitable = HsTupleTy PlaceHolder HsBoxedTuple apps
         name' = getName name
         strName = occNameString . nameOccName $ name'
@@ -140,10 +134,10 @@ sugarTuples typ =
     aux _ _ = typ
-sugarOperators :: NamedThing (IdP name) => HsType name -> HsType name
-sugarOperators (HsAppTy (L _ (HsAppTy (L _ (HsTyVar _ (L l name))) la)) lb)
+sugarOperators :: NamedThing (IdP (GhcPass p)) => HsType (GhcPass p) -> HsType (GhcPass p)
+sugarOperators (HsAppTy _ (L _ (HsAppTy _ (L _ (HsTyVar _ _ (L l name))) la)) lb)
     | isSymOcc $ getOccName name' = mkHsOpTy la (L l name) lb
-    | isBuiltInSyntax name' && getOccString name == "(->)" = HsFunTy la lb
+    | isBuiltInSyntax name' && getOccString name == "(->)" = HsFunTy PlaceHolder la lb
     name' = getName name
 sugarOperators typ = typ
@@ -208,15 +202,14 @@ setInternalOccName occ name =
 -- | Compute set of free variables of given type.
-freeVariables :: forall name. (NamedThing (IdP name), DataId name)
-              => HsType name -> Set Name
+freeVariables :: HsType GhcRn -> Set Name
 freeVariables =
     everythingWithState Set.empty Set.union query
-    query term ctx = case cast term :: Maybe (HsType name) of
-        Just (HsForAllTy bndrs _) ->
+    query term ctx = case cast term :: Maybe (HsType GhcRn) of
+        Just (HsForAllTy _ bndrs _) ->
             (Set.empty, Set.union ctx (bndrsNames bndrs))
-        Just (HsTyVar _ (L _ name))
+        Just (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ name))
             | getName name `Set.member` ctx -> (Set.empty, ctx)
             | otherwise -> (Set.singleton $ getName name, ctx)
         _ -> (Set.empty, ctx)
@@ -231,8 +224,7 @@ freeVariables =
 -- different type variable than latter one. Applying 'rename' function
 -- will fix that type to be visually unambiguous again (making it something
 -- like @(a -> b0) -> b@).
-rename :: (Eq (IdP name), DataId name, SetName (IdP name))
-       => Set Name-> HsType name -> HsType name
+rename :: Set Name -> HsType GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn
 rename fv typ = evalState (renameType typ) env
     env = RenameEnv
@@ -252,63 +244,58 @@ data RenameEnv name = RenameEnv
-renameType :: (Eq (IdP name), SetName (IdP name))
-           => HsType name -> Rename (IdP name) (HsType name)
-renameType (HsForAllTy bndrs lt) =
-    HsForAllTy
+renameType :: HsType GhcRn -> Rename (IdP GhcRn) (HsType GhcRn)
+renameType (HsForAllTy x bndrs lt) =
+    HsForAllTy x
         <$> mapM (located renameBinder) bndrs
         <*> renameLType lt
-renameType (HsQualTy lctxt lt) =
-    HsQualTy
+renameType (HsQualTy x lctxt lt) =
+    HsQualTy x
         <$> located renameContext lctxt
         <*> renameLType lt
-renameType (HsTyVar ip name) = HsTyVar ip <$> located renameName name
-renameType (HsAppTy lf la) = HsAppTy <$> renameLType lf <*> renameLType la
-renameType (HsFunTy la lr) = HsFunTy <$> renameLType la <*> renameLType lr
-renameType (HsListTy lt) = HsListTy <$> renameLType lt
-renameType (HsPArrTy lt) = HsPArrTy <$> renameLType lt
-renameType (HsTupleTy srt lt) = HsTupleTy srt <$> mapM renameLType lt
-renameType (HsSumTy lt) = HsSumTy <$> mapM renameLType lt
-renameType (HsOpTy la lop lb) =
-    HsOpTy <$> renameLType la <*> located renameName lop <*> renameLType lb
-renameType (HsParTy lt) = HsParTy <$> renameLType lt
-renameType (HsIParamTy ip lt) = HsIParamTy ip <$> renameLType lt
-renameType (HsEqTy la lb) = HsEqTy <$> renameLType la <*> renameLType lb
-renameType (HsKindSig lt lk) = HsKindSig <$> renameLType lt <*> pure lk
+renameType (HsTyVar x ip name) = HsTyVar x ip <$> located renameName name
+renameType (HsAppTy x lf la) = HsAppTy x <$> renameLType lf <*> renameLType la
+renameType (HsFunTy x la lr) = HsFunTy x <$> renameLType la <*> renameLType lr
+renameType (HsListTy x lt) = HsListTy x <$> renameLType lt
+renameType (HsPArrTy x lt) = HsPArrTy x <$> renameLType lt
+renameType (HsTupleTy x srt lt) = HsTupleTy x srt <$> mapM renameLType lt
+renameType (HsSumTy x lt) = HsSumTy x <$> mapM renameLType lt
+renameType (HsOpTy x la lop lb) =
+    HsOpTy x <$> renameLType la <*> located renameName lop <*> renameLType lb
+renameType (HsParTy x lt) = HsParTy x <$> renameLType lt
+renameType (HsIParamTy x ip lt) = HsIParamTy x ip <$> renameLType lt
+renameType (HsEqTy x la lb) = HsEqTy x <$> renameLType la <*> renameLType lb
+renameType (HsKindSig x lt lk) = HsKindSig x <$> renameLType lt <*> pure lk
 renameType t@(HsSpliceTy _ _) = pure t
-renameType (HsDocTy lt doc) = HsDocTy <$> renameLType lt <*> pure doc
-renameType (HsBangTy bang lt) = HsBangTy bang <$> renameLType lt
-renameType t@(HsRecTy _) = pure t
-renameType t@(HsCoreTy _) = pure t
-renameType (HsExplicitListTy ip ph ltys) =
-    HsExplicitListTy ip ph <$> renameLTypes ltys
-renameType (HsExplicitTupleTy phs ltys) =
-    HsExplicitTupleTy phs <$> renameLTypes ltys
-renameType t@(HsTyLit _) = pure t
+renameType (HsDocTy x lt doc) = HsDocTy x <$> renameLType lt <*> pure doc
+renameType (HsBangTy x bang lt) = HsBangTy x bang <$> renameLType lt
+renameType t@(HsRecTy _ _) = pure t
+renameType t@(XHsType (NHsCoreTy _)) = pure t
+renameType (HsExplicitListTy x ip ltys) =
+    HsExplicitListTy x ip <$> renameLTypes ltys
+renameType (HsExplicitTupleTy x ltys) =
+    HsExplicitTupleTy x <$> renameLTypes ltys
+renameType t@(HsTyLit _ _) = pure t
 renameType (HsWildCardTy wc) = pure (HsWildCardTy wc)
-renameType (HsAppsTy _) = error "HsAppsTy: Only used before renaming"
+renameType (HsAppsTy _ _) = error "HsAppsTy: Only used before renaming"
-renameLType :: (Eq (IdP name), SetName (IdP name))
-            => LHsType name -> Rename (IdP name) (LHsType name)
+renameLType :: LHsType GhcRn -> Rename (IdP GhcRn) (LHsType GhcRn)
 renameLType = located renameType
-renameLTypes :: (Eq (IdP name), SetName (IdP name))
-             => [LHsType name] -> Rename (IdP name) [LHsType name]
+renameLTypes :: [LHsType GhcRn] -> Rename (IdP GhcRn) [LHsType GhcRn]
 renameLTypes = mapM renameLType
-renameContext :: (Eq (IdP name), SetName (IdP name))
-              => HsContext name -> Rename (IdP name) (HsContext name)
+renameContext :: HsContext GhcRn -> Rename (IdP GhcRn) (HsContext GhcRn)
 renameContext = renameLTypes
-renameBinder :: (Eq (IdP name), SetName (IdP name))
-             => HsTyVarBndr name -> Rename (IdP name) (HsTyVarBndr name)
-renameBinder (UserTyVar lname) = UserTyVar <$> located renameName lname
-renameBinder (KindedTyVar lname lkind) =
-  KindedTyVar <$> located renameName lname <*> located renameType lkind
+renameBinder :: HsTyVarBndr GhcRn -> Rename (IdP GhcRn) (HsTyVarBndr GhcRn)
+renameBinder (UserTyVar x lname) = UserTyVar x <$> located renameName lname
+renameBinder (KindedTyVar x lname lkind) =
+  KindedTyVar x <$> located renameName lname <*> located renameType lkind
+renameBinder (XTyVarBndr _) = error "haddock:renameBinder"
 -- | Core renaming logic.
 renameName :: (Eq name, SetName name) => name -> Rename name name
@@ -363,5 +350,6 @@ located f (L loc e) = L loc <$> f e
 tyVarName :: HsTyVarBndr name -> IdP name
-tyVarName (UserTyVar name) = unLoc name
-tyVarName (KindedTyVar (L _ name) _) = name
+tyVarName (UserTyVar _ name) = unLoc name
+tyVarName (KindedTyVar _ (L _ name) _) = name
+tyVarName (XTyVarBndr _ ) = error "haddock:tyVarName"
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
index af8904d3..b4b16d62 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ data PseudoFamilyDecl name = PseudoFamilyDecl
-mkPseudoFamilyDecl :: FamilyDecl name -> PseudoFamilyDecl name
+mkPseudoFamilyDecl :: FamilyDecl (GhcPass p) -> PseudoFamilyDecl (GhcPass p)
 mkPseudoFamilyDecl (FamilyDecl { .. }) = PseudoFamilyDecl
     { pfdInfo = fdInfo
     , pfdLName = fdLName
@@ -380,11 +380,12 @@ mkPseudoFamilyDecl (FamilyDecl { .. }) = PseudoFamilyDecl
     , pfdKindSig = fdResultSig
-    mkType (KindedTyVar (L loc name) lkind) =
-        HsKindSig tvar lkind
+    mkType (KindedTyVar _ (L loc name) lkind) =
+        HsKindSig PlaceHolder tvar lkind
-        tvar = L loc (HsTyVar NotPromoted (L loc name))
-    mkType (UserTyVar name) = HsTyVar NotPromoted name
+        tvar = L loc (HsTyVar PlaceHolder NotPromoted (L loc name))
+    mkType (UserTyVar _ name) = HsTyVar PlaceHolder NotPromoted name
+    mkType (XTyVarBndr _ ) = panic "haddock:mkPseudoFamilyDecl"
 -- | An instance head that may have documentation and a source location.
@@ -662,3 +663,36 @@ type instance PostRn DocNameI DocName        = DocName
 type instance PostTc DocNameI Kind     = PlaceHolder
 type instance PostTc DocNameI Type     = PlaceHolder
 type instance PostTc DocNameI Coercion = PlaceHolder
+type instance XForAllTy        DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XQualTy          DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XTyVar           DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XAppsTy          DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XAppTy           DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XFunTy           DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XListTy          DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XPArrTy          DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XTupleTy         DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XSumTy           DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XOpTy            DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XParTy           DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XIParamTy        DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XEqTy            DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XKindSig         DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XSpliceTy        DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XDocTy           DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XBangTy          DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XRecTy           DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XExplicitListTy  DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XExplicitTupleTy DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XTyLit           DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XWildCardTy      DocNameI = HsWildCardInfo DocNameI
+type instance XXType           DocNameI = NewHsTypeX
+type instance XUserTyVar    DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XKindedTyVar  DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XXTyVarBndr   DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XFieldOcc    DocNameI = DocName
+type instance XXFieldOcc   DocNameI = PlaceHolder
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
index 1993fb5d..5de539c0 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ import Haddock.GhcUtils
 import GHC
 import Name
 import NameSet ( emptyNameSet )
-import HsTypes (selectorFieldOcc)
+import HsTypes (extFieldOcc)
 import Control.Monad ( liftM )
 import Data.Char ( isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isAscii, ord, chr )
@@ -136,11 +136,14 @@ addClassContext cls tvs0 (L pos (ClassOpSig _ lname ltype))
           -- The mkEmptySigWcType is suspicious
     go (L loc (HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = tvs, hst_body = ty }))
-       = L loc (HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = tvs, hst_body = go ty })
+       = L loc (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = PlaceHolder
+                           , hst_bndrs = tvs, hst_body = go ty })
     go (L loc (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = ctxt, hst_body = ty }))
-       = L loc (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = add_ctxt ctxt, hst_body = ty })
+       = L loc (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = PlaceHolder
+                         , hst_ctxt = add_ctxt ctxt, hst_body = ty })
     go (L loc ty)
-       = L loc (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = add_ctxt (L loc []), hst_body = L loc ty })
+       = L loc (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = PlaceHolder
+                         , hst_ctxt = add_ctxt (L loc []), hst_body = L loc ty })
     extra_pred = nlHsTyConApp cls (lHsQTyVarsToTypes tvs0)
     add_ctxt (L loc preds) = L loc (extra_pred : preds)
@@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ addClassContext _ _ sig = sig   -- E.g. a MinimalSig is fine
 lHsQTyVarsToTypes :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> [LHsType GhcRn]
 lHsQTyVarsToTypes tvs
-  = [ noLoc (HsTyVar NotPromoted (noLoc (hsLTyVarName tv)))
+  = [ noLoc (HsTyVar PlaceHolder NotPromoted (noLoc (hsLTyVarName tv)))
     | tv <- hsQTvExplicit tvs ]
@@ -193,7 +196,7 @@ restrictCons names decls = [ L p d | L p (Just d) <- map (fmap keep) decls ]
         field_avail :: LConDeclField GhcRn -> Bool
         field_avail (L _ (ConDeclField fs _ _))
-            = all (\f -> selectorFieldOcc (unLoc f) `elem` names) fs
+            = all (\f -> extFieldOcc (unLoc f) `elem` names) fs
         field_types flds = [ t | ConDeclField _ t _ <- flds ]
     keep _ = Nothing
cgit v1.2.3

From a8ca2ae8737d29145fe57a7709e59be8cb7a00dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alan Zimmerman <>
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2018 23:37:50 +0200
Subject: Match GHC for TTG implemented on HsBinds, D4581

 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs         |  4 +-
 .../src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs        |  6 +--
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs          | 24 ++++++------
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs     | 20 +++++-----
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs                 | 10 ++---
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs                | 44 +++++++++++-----------
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs        | 16 ++++----
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs        | 20 +++++-----
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs    |  4 +-
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs                   |  7 ++++
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs                   | 10 ++---
 11 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)

(limited to 'haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs')

diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
index 9e0b5102..09f62a19 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ ppExport dflags ExportDecl { expItemDecl    = L _ decl
 ppExport _ _ = []
 ppSigWithDoc :: DynFlags -> Sig GhcRn -> [(Name, DocForDecl Name)] -> [String]
-ppSigWithDoc dflags (TypeSig names sig) subdocs
+ppSigWithDoc dflags (TypeSig _ names sig) subdocs
     = concatMap mkDocSig names
         mkDocSig n = concatMap (ppDocumentation dflags) (getDoc n)
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ ppCtor dflags _dat subdocs con@(ConDeclGADT { })
         name = out dflags $ map unL $ getConNames con
 ppFixity :: DynFlags -> (Name, Fixity) -> [String]
-ppFixity dflags (name, fixity) = [out dflags ((FixitySig [noLoc name] fixity) :: FixitySig GhcRn)]
+ppFixity dflags (name, fixity) = [out dflags ((FixitySig noExt [noLoc name] fixity) :: FixitySig GhcRn)]
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs
index 3d7575eb..19d638d9 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ binds = everythingInRenamedSource
       (fun `Syb.combine` pat `Syb.combine` tvar)
     fun term = case cast term of
-        (Just (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _ _ :: GHC.HsBind GHC.GhcRn)) ->
+        (Just (GHC.FunBind _ (GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _ :: GHC.HsBind GHC.GhcRn)) ->
             pure (sspan, RtkBind name)
         _ -> empty
     pat term = case cast term of
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ decls (group, _, _, _) = concatMap ($ group)
         GHC.FamDecl fam -> pure . decl $ GHC.fdLName fam
         GHC.ClassDecl{..} -> [decl tcdLName] ++ concatMap sig tcdSigs
     fun term = case cast term of
-        (Just (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _ _ :: GHC.HsBind GHC.GhcRn))
+        (Just (GHC.FunBind _ (GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _ :: GHC.HsBind GHC.GhcRn))
             | GHC.isExternalName name -> pure (sspan, RtkDecl name)
         _ -> empty
     con term = case cast term of
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ decls (group, _, _, _) = concatMap ($ group)
         Just (field :: GHC.ConDeclField GHC.GhcRn)
           -> map (decl . fmap GHC.extFieldOcc) $ GHC.cd_fld_names field
         Nothing -> empty
-    sig (GHC.L _ (GHC.TypeSig names _)) = map decl names
+    sig (GHC.L _ (GHC.TypeSig _ names _)) = map decl names
     sig _ = []
     decl (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkDecl name)
     tyref (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkType name)
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
index 1229a8d3..4535979e 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ processExports (e : es) =
 isSimpleSig :: ExportItem DocNameI -> Maybe ([DocName], HsType DocNameI)
-isSimpleSig ExportDecl { expItemDecl = L _ (SigD (TypeSig lnames t))
+isSimpleSig ExportDecl { expItemDecl = L _ (SigD (TypeSig _ lnames t))
                        , expItemMbDoc = (Documentation Nothing Nothing, argDocs) }
   | Map.null argDocs = Just (map unLoc lnames, unLoc (hsSigWcType t))
 isSimpleSig _ = Nothing
@@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ declNames :: LHsDecl DocNameI
 declNames (L _ decl) = case decl of
   TyClD d  -> (empty, [tcdName d])
-  SigD (TypeSig lnames _ ) -> (empty, map unLoc lnames)
-  SigD (PatSynSig lnames _) -> (text "pattern", map unLoc lnames)
+  SigD (TypeSig _ lnames _ ) -> (empty, map unLoc lnames)
+  SigD (PatSynSig _ lnames _) -> (text "pattern", map unLoc lnames)
   ForD (ForeignImport (L _ n) _ _ _) -> (empty, [n])
   ForD (ForeignExport (L _ n) _ _ _) -> (empty, [n])
   _ -> error "declaration not supported by declNames"
@@ -300,13 +300,13 @@ ppDecl decl pats (doc, fnArgsDoc) instances subdocs _fxts = case unLoc decl of
 --  TyClD d@TySynonym{}
 --    | Just _  <- tcdTyPats d    -> ppTyInst False loc doc d unicode
 -- Family instances happen via FamInst now
-  TyClD d@ClassDecl{}        -> ppClassDecl instances doc subdocs d unicode
-  SigD (TypeSig lnames ty)   -> ppFunSig (doc, fnArgsDoc) (map unLoc lnames) (hsSigWcType ty) unicode
-  SigD (PatSynSig lnames ty) -> ppLPatSig (doc, fnArgsDoc) (map unLoc lnames) ty unicode
-  ForD d                     -> ppFor (doc, fnArgsDoc) d unicode
-  InstD _                    -> empty
-  DerivD _                   -> empty
-  _                          -> error "declaration not supported by ppDecl"
+  TyClD d@ClassDecl{}          -> ppClassDecl instances doc subdocs d unicode
+  SigD (TypeSig _ lnames ty)   -> ppFunSig (doc, fnArgsDoc) (map unLoc lnames) (hsSigWcType ty) unicode
+  SigD (PatSynSig _ lnames ty) -> ppLPatSig (doc, fnArgsDoc) (map unLoc lnames) ty unicode
+  ForD d                       -> ppFor (doc, fnArgsDoc) d unicode
+  InstD _                      -> empty
+  DerivD _                     -> empty
+  _                            -> error "declaration not supported by ppDecl"
     unicode = False
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ ppClassDecl instances doc subdocs
     methodTable =
       text "\\haddockpremethods{}\\textbf{Methods}" $$
       vcat  [ ppFunSig doc names (hsSigWcType typ) unicode
-            | L _ (TypeSig lnames typ) <- lsigs
+            | L _ (TypeSig _ lnames typ) <- lsigs
             , let doc = lookupAnySubdoc (head names) subdocs
                   names = map unLoc lnames ]
               -- FIXME: is taking just the first name ok? Is it possible that
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ ppDataDecl pats instances subdocs doc dataDecl unicode =
           text "\\enspace" <+> emph (text "Bundled Patterns") <> text "\\par" $$
           text "\\haddockbeginconstrs" $$
           vcat [ empty <-> ppSideBySidePat lnames typ d unicode
-               | (SigD (PatSynSig lnames typ), d) <- pats
+               | (SigD (PatSynSig _ lnames typ), d) <- pats
                ] $$
           text "\\end{tabulary}\\par"
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
index a4f2a4a5..5f253cbd 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ ppDecl summ links (L loc decl) pats (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) instances fixities subdoc
   TyClD d@(DataDecl {})        -> ppDataDecl summ links instances fixities subdocs loc mbDoc d pats splice unicode qual
   TyClD d@(SynDecl {})         -> ppTySyn summ links fixities loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) d splice unicode qual
   TyClD d@(ClassDecl {})       -> ppClassDecl summ links instances fixities loc mbDoc subdocs d splice unicode qual
-  SigD (TypeSig lnames lty)    -> ppLFunSig summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) lnames
+  SigD (TypeSig _ lnames lty)  -> ppLFunSig summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) lnames
                                          (hsSigWcType lty) fixities splice unicode qual
-  SigD (PatSynSig lnames lty)   -> ppLPatSig summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) lnames
+  SigD (PatSynSig _ lnames lty) -> ppLPatSig summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) lnames
                                          (hsSigType lty) fixities splice unicode qual
   ForD d                       -> ppFor summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) d fixities splice unicode qual
   InstD _                      -> noHtml
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ ppShortClassDecl summary links (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = lctxt, tcdLName = lname, t
             [ ppFunSig summary links loc doc names (hsSigWcType typ)
                        [] splice unicode qual
-              | L _ (TypeSig lnames typ) <- sigs
+              | L _ (TypeSig _ lnames typ) <- sigs
               , let doc = lookupAnySubdoc (head names) subdocs
                     names = map unLoc lnames ]
               -- FIXME: is taking just the first name ok? Is it possible that
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ ppClassDecl summary links instances fixities loc d subdocs
     methodBit = subMethods [ ppFunSig summary links loc doc names (hsSigType typ)
                                       subfixs splice unicode qual
-                           | L _ (ClassOpSig _ lnames typ) <- lsigs
+                           | L _ (ClassOpSig _ _ lnames typ) <- lsigs
                            , let doc = lookupAnySubdoc (head names) subdocs
                                  subfixs = [ f | n <- names
                                                , f@(n',_) <- fixities
@@ -570,15 +570,15 @@ ppClassDecl summary links instances fixities loc d subdocs
                            -- N.B. taking just the first name is ok. Signatures with multiple names
                            -- are expanded so that each name gets its own signature.
-    minimalBit = case [ s | MinimalSig _ (L _ s) <- sigs ] of
+    minimalBit = case [ s | MinimalSig _ _ (L _ s) <- sigs ] of
       -- Miminal complete definition = every shown method
       And xs : _ | sort [getName n | L _ (Var (L _ n)) <- xs] ==
-                   sort [getName n | TypeSig ns _ <- sigs, L _ n <- ns]
+                   sort [getName n | TypeSig _ ns _ <- sigs, L _ n <- ns]
         -> noHtml
       -- Minimal complete definition = the only shown method
       Var (L _ n) : _ | [getName n] ==
-                        [getName n' | L _ (TypeSig ns _) <- lsigs, L _ n' <- ns]
+                        [getName n' | L _ (TypeSig _ ns _) <- lsigs, L _ n' <- ns]
         -> noHtml
       -- Minimal complete definition = nothing
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ ppInstanceSigs :: LinksInfo -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification
               -> [Sig DocNameI]
               -> [Html]
 ppInstanceSigs links splice unicode qual sigs = do
-    TypeSig lnames typ <- sigs
+    TypeSig _ lnames typ <- sigs
     let names = map unLoc lnames
         L _ rtyp = hsSigWcType typ
     -- Instance methods signatures are synified and thus don't have a useful
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ ppShortDataDecl summary dataInst dataDecl pats unicode qual
                    , dcolon unicode
                    , ppPatSigType unicode qual (hsSigType typ)
-            | (SigD (PatSynSig lnames typ),_) <- pats
+            | (SigD (PatSynSig _ lnames typ),_) <- pats
@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ ppDataDecl summary links instances fixities subdocs loc doc dataDecl pats
     patternBit = subPatterns qual
       [ ppSideBySidePat subfixs unicode qual lnames typ d
-      | (SigD (PatSynSig lnames typ), d) <- pats
+      | (SigD (PatSynSig _ lnames typ), d) <- pats
       , let subfixs = filter (\(n,_) -> any (\cn -> cn == n)
                                             (map unLoc lnames)) fixities
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
index fac448a2..fd9f0089 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ tyThingToLHsDecl t = case t of
          , tcdFDs = map (\ (l,r) -> noLoc
                         (map (noLoc . getName) l, map (noLoc . getName) r) ) $
                          snd $ classTvsFds cl
-         , tcdSigs = noLoc (MinimalSig NoSourceText . noLoc . fmap noLoc $ classMinimalDef cl) :
+         , tcdSigs = noLoc (MinimalSig noExt NoSourceText . noLoc . fmap noLoc $ classMinimalDef cl) :
                       map (noLoc . synifyTcIdSig DeleteTopLevelQuantification)
                         (classMethods cl)
          , tcdMeths = emptyBag --ignore default method definitions, they don't affect signature
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ tyThingToLHsDecl t = case t of
   ACoAxiom ax -> synifyAxiom ax >>= allOK
   -- a data-constructor alone just gets rendered as a function:
-  AConLike (RealDataCon dc) -> allOK $ SigD (TypeSig [synifyName dc]
+  AConLike (RealDataCon dc) -> allOK $ SigD (TypeSig noExt [synifyName dc]
     (synifySigWcType ImplicitizeForAll (dataConUserType dc)))
   AConLike (PatSynCon ps) ->
-    allOK . SigD $ PatSynSig [synifyName ps] (synifyPatSynSigType ps)
+    allOK . SigD $ PatSynSig noExt [synifyName ps] (synifyPatSynSigType ps)
     withErrs e x = return (e, x)
     allOK x = return (mempty, x)
@@ -331,10 +331,10 @@ synifyName n = L (srcLocSpan (getSrcLoc n)) (getName n)
 synifyIdSig :: SynifyTypeState -> Id -> Sig GhcRn
-synifyIdSig s i = TypeSig [synifyName i] (synifySigWcType s (varType i))
+synifyIdSig s i = TypeSig noExt [synifyName i] (synifySigWcType s (varType i))
 synifyTcIdSig :: SynifyTypeState -> Id -> Sig GhcRn
-synifyTcIdSig s i = ClassOpSig False [synifyName i] (synifySigType s (varType i))
+synifyTcIdSig s i = ClassOpSig noExt False [synifyName i] (synifySigType s (varType i))
 synifyCtx :: [PredType] -> LHsContext GhcRn
 synifyCtx = noLoc . map (synifyType WithinType)
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
index 48a9f99e..14111a6a 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
@@ -74,30 +74,30 @@ getInstLoc (TyFamInstD (TyFamInstDecl
 --   foo, bar :: Types..
 -- but only one of the names is exported and we have to change the
 -- type signature to only include the exported names.
-filterLSigNames :: (IdP name -> Bool) -> LSig name -> Maybe (LSig name)
+filterLSigNames :: (IdP (GhcPass p) -> Bool) -> LSig (GhcPass p) -> Maybe (LSig (GhcPass p))
 filterLSigNames p (L loc sig) = L loc <$> (filterSigNames p sig)
-filterSigNames :: (IdP name -> Bool) -> Sig name -> Maybe (Sig name)
-filterSigNames p orig@(SpecSig n _ _)          = ifTrueJust (p $ unLoc n) orig
-filterSigNames p orig@(InlineSig n _)          = ifTrueJust (p $ unLoc n) orig
-filterSigNames p (FixSig (FixitySig ns ty)) =
+filterSigNames :: (IdP (GhcPass p) -> Bool) -> Sig (GhcPass p) -> Maybe (Sig (GhcPass p))
+filterSigNames p orig@(SpecSig _ n _ _)          = ifTrueJust (p $ unLoc n) orig
+filterSigNames p orig@(InlineSig _ n _)          = ifTrueJust (p $ unLoc n) orig
+filterSigNames p (FixSig _ (FixitySig _ ns ty)) =
   case filter (p . unLoc) ns of
     []       -> Nothing
-    filtered -> Just (FixSig (FixitySig filtered ty))
-filterSigNames _ orig@(MinimalSig _ _)      = Just orig
-filterSigNames p (TypeSig ns ty) =
+    filtered -> Just (FixSig noExt (FixitySig noExt filtered ty))
+filterSigNames _ orig@(MinimalSig _ _ _)      = Just orig
+filterSigNames p (TypeSig _ ns ty) =
   case filter (p . unLoc) ns of
     []       -> Nothing
-    filtered -> Just (TypeSig filtered ty)
-filterSigNames p (ClassOpSig is_default ns ty) =
+    filtered -> Just (TypeSig noExt filtered ty)
+filterSigNames p (ClassOpSig _ is_default ns ty) =
   case filter (p . unLoc) ns of
     []       -> Nothing
-    filtered -> Just (ClassOpSig is_default filtered ty)
-filterSigNames p (PatSynSig ns ty) =
+    filtered -> Just (ClassOpSig noExt is_default filtered ty)
+filterSigNames p (PatSynSig _ ns ty) =
   case filter (p . unLoc) ns of
     []       -> Nothing
-    filtered -> Just (PatSynSig filtered ty)
-filterSigNames _ _                           = Nothing
+    filtered -> Just (PatSynSig noExt filtered ty)
+filterSigNames _ _                             = Nothing
 ifTrueJust :: Bool -> name -> Maybe name
 ifTrueJust True  = Just
@@ -107,13 +107,13 @@ sigName :: LSig name -> [IdP name]
 sigName (L _ sig) = sigNameNoLoc sig
 sigNameNoLoc :: Sig name -> [IdP name]
-sigNameNoLoc (TypeSig      ns _)       = map unLoc ns
-sigNameNoLoc (ClassOpSig _ ns _)       = map unLoc ns
-sigNameNoLoc (PatSynSig    ns _)       = map unLoc ns
-sigNameNoLoc (SpecSig      n _ _)      = [unLoc n]
-sigNameNoLoc (InlineSig    n _)        = [unLoc n]
-sigNameNoLoc (FixSig (FixitySig ns _)) = map unLoc ns
-sigNameNoLoc _                         = []
+sigNameNoLoc (TypeSig    _   ns _)         = map unLoc ns
+sigNameNoLoc (ClassOpSig _ _ ns _)         = map unLoc ns
+sigNameNoLoc (PatSynSig  _   ns _)         = map unLoc ns
+sigNameNoLoc (SpecSig    _   n _ _)        = [unLoc n]
+sigNameNoLoc (InlineSig  _   n _)          = [unLoc n]
+sigNameNoLoc (FixSig _ (FixitySig _ ns _)) = map unLoc ns
+sigNameNoLoc _                             = []
 -- | Was this signature given by the user?
 isUserLSig :: LSig name -> Bool
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ instance Parent (TyClDecl GhcRn) where
                               $ (dd_cons . tcdDataDefn) $ d
     | isClassDecl d =
         map (unL . fdLName . unL) (tcdATs d) ++
-        [ unL n | L _ (TypeSig ns _) <- tcdSigs d, n <- ns ]
+        [ unL n | L _ (TypeSig _ ns _) <- tcdSigs d, n <- ns ]
     | otherwise = []
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
index 88b8bc67..c119f3c3 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
@@ -481,9 +481,9 @@ conArgDocs con = case getConArgs con of
 -- | Extract function argument docs from inside top-level decls.
 declTypeDocs :: HsDecl GhcRn -> Map Int HsDocString
-declTypeDocs (SigD (TypeSig _ ty))      = typeDocs (unLoc (hsSigWcType ty))
-declTypeDocs (SigD (ClassOpSig _ _ ty)) = typeDocs (unLoc (hsSigType ty))
-declTypeDocs (SigD (PatSynSig _ ty))    = typeDocs (unLoc (hsSigType ty))
+declTypeDocs (SigD (TypeSig _ _ ty))      = typeDocs (unLoc (hsSigWcType ty))
+declTypeDocs (SigD (ClassOpSig _ _ _ ty)) = typeDocs (unLoc (hsSigType ty))
+declTypeDocs (SigD (PatSynSig _ _ ty))    = typeDocs (unLoc (hsSigType ty))
 declTypeDocs (ForD (ForeignImport _ ty _ _))   = typeDocs (unLoc (hsSigType ty))
 declTypeDocs (TyClD (SynDecl { tcdRhs = ty })) = typeDocs (unLoc ty)
 declTypeDocs _ = M.empty
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ topDecls = filterClasses . filterDecls . collectDocs . sortByLoc . ungroup
 -- | Extract a map of fixity declarations only
 mkFixMap :: HsGroup GhcRn -> FixMap
 mkFixMap group_ = M.fromList [ (n,f)
-                             | L _ (FixitySig ns f) <- hs_fixds group_,
+                             | L _ (FixitySig _ ns f) <- hs_fixds group_,
                                L _ n <- ns ]
@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ availExportItem is_sig modMap thisMod semMod warnings exportedNames
                   L loc (TyClD cl@ClassDecl{}) -> do
                     mdef <- liftGhcToErrMsgGhc $ minimalDef t
-                    let sig = maybeToList $ fmap (noLoc . MinimalSig NoSourceText . noLoc . fmap noLoc) mdef
+                    let sig = maybeToList $ fmap (noLoc . MinimalSig noExt NoSourceText . noLoc . fmap noLoc) mdef
                     availExportDecl avail
                       (L loc $ TyClD cl { tcdSigs = sig ++ tcdSigs cl }) docs_
@@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ extractDecl declMap name decl
           matchesMethod =
             [ lsig
             | lsig <- tcdSigs d
-            , ClassOpSig False _ _ <- pure $ unLoc lsig
+            , ClassOpSig _ False _ _ <- pure $ unLoc lsig
               -- Note: exclude `default` declarations (see #505)
             , name `elem` sigName lsig
@@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@ extractPatternSyn nm t tvs cons =
             ConDeclH98 { con_mb_cxt = Just cxt } -> noLoc (HsQualTy noExt cxt typ)
             _ -> typ
         typ'' = noLoc (HsQualTy noExt (noLoc []) typ')
-    in PatSynSig [noLoc nm] (mkEmptyImplicitBndrs typ'')
+    in PatSynSig noExt [noLoc nm] (mkEmptyImplicitBndrs typ'')
   longArrow :: [LHsType GhcRn] -> LHsType GhcRn -> LHsType GhcRn
   longArrow inputs output = foldr (\x y -> noLoc (HsFunTy noExt x y)) output inputs
@@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ extractRecSel _ _ _ [] = error "extractRecSel: selector not found"
 extractRecSel nm t tvs (L _ con : rest) =
   case getConArgs con of
     RecCon (L _ fields) | ((l,L _ (ConDeclField _nn ty _)) : _) <- matching_fields fields ->
-      L l (TypeSig [noLoc nm] (mkEmptySigWcType (noLoc (HsFunTy noExt data_ty (getBangType ty)))))
+      L l (TypeSig noExt [noLoc nm] (mkEmptySigWcType (noLoc (HsFunTy noExt data_ty (getBangType ty)))))
     _ -> extractRecSel nm t tvs rest
   matching_fields :: [LConDeclField GhcRn] -> [(SrcSpan, LConDeclField GhcRn)]
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
index c8d9cb7d..0652ae47 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
@@ -480,24 +480,24 @@ renameLFieldOcc (L _ (XFieldOcc _)) = error "haddock:renameLFieldOcc"
 renameSig :: Sig GhcRn -> RnM (Sig DocNameI)
 renameSig sig = case sig of
-  TypeSig lnames ltype -> do
+  TypeSig _ lnames ltype -> do
     lnames' <- mapM renameL lnames
     ltype' <- renameLSigWcType ltype
-    return (TypeSig lnames' ltype')
-  ClassOpSig is_default lnames sig_ty -> do
+    return (TypeSig noExt lnames' ltype')
+  ClassOpSig _ is_default lnames sig_ty -> do
     lnames' <- mapM renameL lnames
     ltype' <- renameLSigType sig_ty
-    return (ClassOpSig is_default lnames' ltype')
-  PatSynSig lnames sig_ty -> do
+    return (ClassOpSig noExt is_default lnames' ltype')
+  PatSynSig _ lnames sig_ty -> do
     lnames' <- mapM renameL lnames
     sig_ty' <- renameLSigType sig_ty
-    return $ PatSynSig lnames' sig_ty'
-  FixSig (FixitySig lnames fixity) -> do
+    return $ PatSynSig noExt lnames' sig_ty'
+  FixSig _ (FixitySig _ lnames fixity) -> do
     lnames' <- mapM renameL lnames
-    return $ FixSig (FixitySig lnames' fixity)
-  MinimalSig src (L l s) -> do
+    return $ FixSig noExt (FixitySig noExt lnames' fixity)
+  MinimalSig _ src (L l s) -> do
     s' <- traverse renameL s
-    return $ MinimalSig src (L l s')
+    return $ MinimalSig noExt src (L l s')
   -- we have filtered out all other kinds of signatures in Interface.Create
   _ -> error "expected TypeSig"
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
index 18d93fae..b84a676f 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ specializePseudoFamilyDecl bndrs typs decl =
 specializeSig :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> [HsType GhcRn]
               -> Sig GhcRn
               -> Sig GhcRn
-specializeSig bndrs typs (TypeSig lnames typ) =
-  TypeSig lnames (typ {hswc_body = (hswc_body typ) {hsib_body = noLoc typ'}})
+specializeSig bndrs typs (TypeSig _ lnames typ) =
+  TypeSig noExt lnames (typ {hswc_body = (hswc_body typ) {hsib_body = noLoc typ'}})
     true_type :: HsType GhcRn
     true_type = unLoc (hsSigWcType typ)
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
index b4b16d62..2234894c 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
@@ -696,3 +696,10 @@ type instance XXTyVarBndr   DocNameI = PlaceHolder
 type instance XFieldOcc    DocNameI = DocName
 type instance XXFieldOcc   DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XFixitySig   DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XFixSig      DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XPatSynSig   DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XClassOpSig  DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XTypeSig     DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XMinimalSig  DocNameI = PlaceHolder
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
index 5de539c0..1ebf7ffa 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
@@ -131,18 +131,18 @@ mkEmptySigWcType ty = mkEmptyWildCardBndrs (mkEmptyImplicitBndrs ty)
 addClassContext :: Name -> LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> LSig GhcRn -> LSig GhcRn
 -- Add the class context to a class-op signature
-addClassContext cls tvs0 (L pos (ClassOpSig _ lname ltype))
-  = L pos (TypeSig lname (mkEmptySigWcType (go (hsSigType ltype))))
+addClassContext cls tvs0 (L pos (ClassOpSig _ _ lname ltype))
+  = L pos (TypeSig noExt lname (mkEmptySigWcType (go (hsSigType ltype))))
           -- The mkEmptySigWcType is suspicious
     go (L loc (HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = tvs, hst_body = ty }))
-       = L loc (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = PlaceHolder
+       = L loc (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = noExt
                            , hst_bndrs = tvs, hst_body = go ty })
     go (L loc (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = ctxt, hst_body = ty }))
-       = L loc (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = PlaceHolder
+       = L loc (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExt
                          , hst_ctxt = add_ctxt ctxt, hst_body = ty })
     go (L loc ty)
-       = L loc (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = PlaceHolder
+       = L loc (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExt
                          , hst_ctxt = add_ctxt (L loc []), hst_body = L loc ty })
     extra_pred = nlHsTyConApp cls (lHsQTyVarsToTypes tvs0)
cgit v1.2.3

From 271a9cb0c7a070deef8df2d4fb54ebe47a0bf560 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alan Zimmerman <>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 14:04:04 +0200
Subject: Match changes in GHC for TTG

 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs         |  21 +--
 .../src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs        |  18 +--
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs          |  43 +++---
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs          |   2 +-
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs     |  49 ++++---
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs                 |  77 +++++-----
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs                |  44 +++---
 .../src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs       |   2 +-
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs        | 118 ++++++++--------
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs        | 155 ++++++++++++---------
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs    |   6 +-
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs                   | 124 ++++++++++-------
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs                   |  26 ++--
 13 files changed, 386 insertions(+), 299 deletions(-)

(limited to 'haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs')

diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
index 09f62a19..2c7be079 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
@@ -126,12 +126,12 @@ ppExport dflags ExportDecl { expItemDecl    = L _ decl
                            , expItemFixities = fixities
                            } = ppDocumentation dflags dc ++ f decl
-        f (TyClD d@DataDecl{})  = ppData dflags d subdocs
-        f (TyClD d@SynDecl{})   = ppSynonym dflags d
-        f (TyClD d@ClassDecl{}) = ppClass dflags d subdocs
-        f (ForD (ForeignImport name typ _ _)) = [pp_sig dflags [name] (hsSigType typ)]
-        f (ForD (ForeignExport name typ _ _)) = [pp_sig dflags [name] (hsSigType typ)]
-        f (SigD sig) = ppSig dflags sig ++ ppFixities
+        f (TyClD _ d@DataDecl{})  = ppData dflags d subdocs
+        f (TyClD _ d@SynDecl{})   = ppSynonym dflags d
+        f (TyClD _ d@ClassDecl{}) = ppClass dflags d subdocs
+        f (ForD _ (ForeignImport _ name typ _)) = [pp_sig dflags [name] (hsSigType typ)]
+        f (ForD _ (ForeignExport _ name typ _)) = [pp_sig dflags [name] (hsSigType typ)]
+        f (SigD _ sig) = ppSig dflags sig ++ ppFixities
         f _ = []
         ppFixities = concatMap (ppFixity dflags) fixities
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ ppClass dflags decl subdocs =
             , tcdTyVars = feqn_pats tfe
             , tcdFixity = feqn_fixity tfe
             , tcdRhs    = feqn_rhs tfe
-            , tcdFVs    = emptyNameSet
+            , tcdSExt   = emptyNameSet
@@ -241,8 +241,8 @@ ppCtor dflags dat subdocs con@ConDeclH98 {}
                            [out dflags (map (extFieldOcc . unLoc) $ cd_fld_names r) `typeSig` [resType, cd_fld_type r]]
                           | r <- map unLoc recs]
-        funs = foldr1 (\x y -> reL $ HsFunTy PlaceHolder x y)
-        apps = foldl1 (\x y -> reL $ HsAppTy PlaceHolder x y)
+        funs = foldr1 (\x y -> reL $ HsFunTy NoExt x y)
+        apps = foldl1 (\x y -> reL $ HsAppTy NoExt x y)
         typeSig nm flds = operator nm ++ " :: " ++ outHsType dflags (unL $ funs flds)
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ ppCtor dflags dat subdocs con@ConDeclH98 {}
         -- docs for con_names on why it is a list to begin with.
         name = commaSeparate dflags . map unL $ getConNames con
-        resType = apps $ map (reL . HsTyVar PlaceHolder NotPromoted . reL) $
+        resType = apps $ map (reL . HsTyVar NoExt NotPromoted . reL) $
                         (tcdName dat) : [hsTyVarName v | L _ v@(UserTyVar _ _) <- hsQTvExplicit $ tyClDeclTyVars dat]
 ppCtor dflags _dat subdocs con@(ConDeclGADT { })
@@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ ppCtor dflags _dat subdocs con@(ConDeclGADT { })
         typeSig nm ty = operator nm ++ " :: " ++ outHsType dflags (unL ty)
         name = out dflags $ map unL $ getConNames con
+ppCtor _ _ _ XConDecl {} = panic "haddock:ppCtor"
 ppFixity :: DynFlags -> (Name, Fixity) -> [String]
 ppFixity dflags (name, fixity) = [out dflags ((FixitySig noExt [noLoc name] fixity) :: FixitySig GhcRn)]
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs
index 19d638d9..56137f51 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import qualified Haddock.Syb as Syb
 import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types
 import qualified GHC
+import qualified Outputable as GHC
 import Control.Applicative
 import Control.Monad (guard)
@@ -146,9 +147,10 @@ decls (group, _, _, _) = concatMap ($ group)
     typ (GHC.L _ t) = case t of
         GHC.DataDecl { tcdLName = name } -> pure . decl $ name
-        GHC.SynDecl name _ _ _ _ -> pure . decl $ name
-        GHC.FamDecl fam -> pure . decl $ GHC.fdLName fam
+        GHC.SynDecl _ name _ _ _ -> pure . decl $ name
+        GHC.FamDecl _ fam -> pure . decl $ GHC.fdLName fam
         GHC.ClassDecl{..} -> [decl tcdLName] ++ concatMap sig tcdSigs
+        GHC.XTyClDecl {} -> GHC.panic "haddock:decls"
     fun term = case cast term of
         (Just (GHC.FunBind _ (GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _ :: GHC.HsBind GHC.GhcRn))
             | GHC.isExternalName name -> pure (sspan, RtkDecl name)
@@ -159,10 +161,10 @@ decls (group, _, _, _) = concatMap ($ group)
               ++ everythingInRenamedSource fld cdcl
         Nothing -> empty
     ins term = case cast term of
-        (Just ((GHC.DataFamInstD (GHC.DataFamInstDecl eqn))
+        (Just ((GHC.DataFamInstD _ (GHC.DataFamInstDecl eqn))
                 :: GHC.InstDecl GHC.GhcRn))
           -> pure . tyref $ GHC.feqn_tycon $ GHC.hsib_body eqn
-        (Just (GHC.TyFamInstD (GHC.TyFamInstDecl eqn))) ->
+        (Just (GHC.TyFamInstD _ (GHC.TyFamInstDecl eqn))) ->
             pure . tyref $ GHC.feqn_tycon $ GHC.hsib_body eqn
         _ -> empty
     fld term = case cast term of
@@ -183,10 +185,10 @@ imports src@(_, imps, _, _) =
     everythingInRenamedSource ie src ++ mapMaybe (imp . GHC.unLoc) imps
     ie term = case cast term of
-        (Just ((GHC.IEVar v) :: GHC.IE GHC.GhcRn)) -> pure $ var $ GHC.ieLWrappedName v
-        (Just (GHC.IEThingAbs t)) -> pure $ typ $ GHC.ieLWrappedName t
-        (Just (GHC.IEThingAll t)) -> pure $ typ $ GHC.ieLWrappedName t
-        (Just (GHC.IEThingWith t _ vs _fls)) ->
+        (Just ((GHC.IEVar _ v) :: GHC.IE GHC.GhcRn)) -> pure $ var $ GHC.ieLWrappedName v
+        (Just (GHC.IEThingAbs _ t)) -> pure $ typ $ GHC.ieLWrappedName t
+        (Just (GHC.IEThingAll _ t)) -> pure $ typ $ GHC.ieLWrappedName t
+        (Just (GHC.IEThingWith _ t _ vs _fls)) ->
           [typ $ GHC.ieLWrappedName t] ++ map (var . GHC.ieLWrappedName) vs
         _ -> empty
     typ (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkType name)
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
index 4535979e..1b2515fa 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ processExports (e : es) =
 isSimpleSig :: ExportItem DocNameI -> Maybe ([DocName], HsType DocNameI)
-isSimpleSig ExportDecl { expItemDecl = L _ (SigD (TypeSig _ lnames t))
+isSimpleSig ExportDecl { expItemDecl = L _ (SigD _ (TypeSig _ lnames t))
                        , expItemMbDoc = (Documentation Nothing Nothing, argDocs) }
   | Map.null argDocs = Just (map unLoc lnames, unLoc (hsSigWcType t))
 isSimpleSig _ = Nothing
@@ -256,11 +256,11 @@ declNames :: LHsDecl DocNameI
              , [DocName]       -- ^ names being declared
 declNames (L _ decl) = case decl of
-  TyClD d  -> (empty, [tcdName d])
-  SigD (TypeSig _ lnames _ ) -> (empty, map unLoc lnames)
-  SigD (PatSynSig _ lnames _) -> (text "pattern", map unLoc lnames)
-  ForD (ForeignImport (L _ n) _ _ _) -> (empty, [n])
-  ForD (ForeignExport (L _ n) _ _ _) -> (empty, [n])
+  TyClD _ d  -> (empty, [tcdName d])
+  SigD _ (TypeSig _ lnames _ ) -> (empty, map unLoc lnames)
+  SigD _ (PatSynSig _ lnames _) -> (text "pattern", map unLoc lnames)
+  ForD _ (ForeignImport _ (L _ n) _ _) -> (empty, [n])
+  ForD _ (ForeignExport _ (L _ n) _ _) -> (empty, [n])
   _ -> error "declaration not supported by declNames"
@@ -293,20 +293,20 @@ ppDecl :: LHsDecl DocNameI                         -- ^ decl to print
        -> LaTeX
 ppDecl decl pats (doc, fnArgsDoc) instances subdocs _fxts = case unLoc decl of
-  TyClD d@FamDecl {}         -> ppTyFam False doc d unicode
-  TyClD d@DataDecl {}        -> ppDataDecl pats instances subdocs (Just doc) d unicode
-  TyClD d@SynDecl {}         -> ppTySyn (doc, fnArgsDoc) d unicode
+  TyClD _ d@FamDecl {}         -> ppTyFam False doc d unicode
+  TyClD _ d@DataDecl {}        -> ppDataDecl pats instances subdocs (Just doc) d unicode
+  TyClD _ d@SynDecl {}         -> ppTySyn (doc, fnArgsDoc) d unicode
 -- Family instances happen via FamInst now
---  TyClD d@TySynonym{}
+--  TyClD _ d@TySynonym{}
 --    | Just _  <- tcdTyPats d    -> ppTyInst False loc doc d unicode
 -- Family instances happen via FamInst now
-  TyClD d@ClassDecl{}          -> ppClassDecl instances doc subdocs d unicode
-  SigD (TypeSig _ lnames ty)   -> ppFunSig (doc, fnArgsDoc) (map unLoc lnames) (hsSigWcType ty) unicode
-  SigD (PatSynSig _ lnames ty) -> ppLPatSig (doc, fnArgsDoc) (map unLoc lnames) ty unicode
-  ForD d                       -> ppFor (doc, fnArgsDoc) d unicode
-  InstD _                      -> empty
-  DerivD _                     -> empty
-  _                            -> error "declaration not supported by ppDecl"
+  TyClD _ d@ClassDecl{}          -> ppClassDecl instances doc subdocs d unicode
+  SigD _ (TypeSig _ lnames ty)   -> ppFunSig (doc, fnArgsDoc) (map unLoc lnames) (hsSigWcType ty) unicode
+  SigD _ (PatSynSig _ lnames ty) -> ppLPatSig (doc, fnArgsDoc) (map unLoc lnames) ty unicode
+  ForD _ d                       -> ppFor (doc, fnArgsDoc) d unicode
+  InstD _ _                      -> empty
+  DerivD _ _                     -> empty
+  _                              -> error "declaration not supported by ppDecl"
     unicode = False
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ ppTyFam _ _ _ _ =
 ppFor :: DocForDecl DocName -> ForeignDecl DocNameI -> Bool -> LaTeX
-ppFor doc (ForeignImport (L _ name) typ _ _) unicode =
+ppFor doc (ForeignImport _ (L _ name) typ _) unicode =
   ppFunSig doc [name] (hsSigType typ) unicode
 ppFor _ _ _ = error "ppFor error in Haddock.Backends.LaTeX"
 --  error "foreign declarations are currently not supported by --latex"
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ ppDataDecl pats instances subdocs doc dataDecl unicode =
           text "\\enspace" <+> emph (text "Bundled Patterns") <> text "\\par" $$
           text "\\haddockbeginconstrs" $$
           vcat [ empty <-> ppSideBySidePat lnames typ d unicode
-               | (SigD (PatSynSig _ lnames typ), d) <- pats
+               | (SigD _ (PatSynSig _ lnames typ), d) <- pats
                ] $$
           text "\\end{tabulary}\\par"
@@ -726,6 +726,7 @@ ppSideBySideConstr subdocs unicode leader (L _ con) =
                             -- ++AZ++ make this prepend "{..}" when it is a record style GADT
                             , ppLType unicode (getGADTConType con)
+      XConDecl{} -> panic "haddock:ppSideBySideConstr"
     fieldPart = case (con, getConArgs con) of
         -- Record style GADTs
@@ -759,6 +760,7 @@ ppSideBySideConstr subdocs unicode leader (L _ con) =
         [ l <+> text "\\enspace" <+> r
         | (l,r) <- ppSubSigLike unicode (unLoc (getGADTConType con)) argDocs subdocs (dcolon unicode)
+      XConDecl{} -> panic "haddock:doConstrArgsWithDocs"
     -- don't use "con_doc con", in case it's reconstructed from a .hi file,
@@ -771,13 +773,14 @@ ppSideBySideConstr subdocs unicode leader (L _ con) =
 -- | Pretty-print a record field
 ppSideBySideField :: [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)] -> Bool -> ConDeclField DocNameI ->  LaTeX
-ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode (ConDeclField names ltype _) =
+ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode (ConDeclField _ names ltype _) =
   decltt (cat (punctuate comma (map (ppBinder . rdrNameOcc . unLoc . rdrNameFieldOcc . unLoc) names))
     <+> dcolon unicode <+> ppLType unicode ltype) <-> rDoc mbDoc
     -- don't use cd_fld_doc for same reason we don't use con_doc above
     -- Where there is more than one name, they all have the same documentation
     mbDoc = lookup (extFieldOcc $ unLoc $ head names) subdocs >>= fmap _doc . combineDocumentation . fst
+ppSideBySideField _ _ (XConDeclField _) = panic "haddock:ppSideBySideField"
 -- | Pretty-print a bundled pattern synonym
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs
index 00937245..464c166b 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ numberSectionHeadings = go 1
 processExport :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> Bool -> Qualification
               -> ExportItem DocNameI -> Maybe Html
-processExport _ _ _ _ ExportDecl { expItemDecl = L _ (InstD _) } = Nothing -- Hide empty instances
+processExport _ _ _ _ ExportDecl { expItemDecl = L _ (InstD {}) } = Nothing -- Hide empty instances
 processExport summary _ _ qual (ExportGroup lev id0 doc)
   = nothingIf summary $ groupHeading lev id0 << docToHtml (Just id0) qual (mkMeta doc)
 processExport summary links unicode qual (ExportDecl decl pats doc subdocs insts fixities splice)
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
index 5f253cbd..8ac3d91b 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import GHC.Exts
 import Name
 import BooleanFormula
 import RdrName ( rdrNameOcc )
+import Outputable ( panic )
 -- | Pretty print a declaration
 ppDecl :: Bool                                     -- ^ print summary info only
@@ -54,18 +55,18 @@ ppDecl :: Bool                                     -- ^ print summary info only
        -> Qualification
        -> Html
 ppDecl summ links (L loc decl) pats (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) instances fixities subdocs splice unicode qual = case decl of
-  TyClD (FamDecl d)            -> ppTyFam summ False links instances fixities loc mbDoc d splice unicode qual
-  TyClD d@(DataDecl {})        -> ppDataDecl summ links instances fixities subdocs loc mbDoc d pats splice unicode qual
-  TyClD d@(SynDecl {})         -> ppTySyn summ links fixities loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) d splice unicode qual
-  TyClD d@(ClassDecl {})       -> ppClassDecl summ links instances fixities loc mbDoc subdocs d splice unicode qual
-  SigD (TypeSig _ lnames lty)  -> ppLFunSig summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) lnames
+  TyClD _ (FamDecl _ d)          -> ppTyFam summ False links instances fixities loc mbDoc d splice unicode qual
+  TyClD _ d@(DataDecl {})        -> ppDataDecl summ links instances fixities subdocs loc mbDoc d pats splice unicode qual
+  TyClD _ d@(SynDecl {})         -> ppTySyn summ links fixities loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) d splice unicode qual
+  TyClD _ d@(ClassDecl {})       -> ppClassDecl summ links instances fixities loc mbDoc subdocs d splice unicode qual
+  SigD _ (TypeSig _ lnames lty)  -> ppLFunSig summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) lnames
                                          (hsSigWcType lty) fixities splice unicode qual
-  SigD (PatSynSig _ lnames lty) -> ppLPatSig summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) lnames
+  SigD _ (PatSynSig _ lnames lty) -> ppLPatSig summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) lnames
                                          (hsSigType lty) fixities splice unicode qual
-  ForD d                       -> ppFor summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) d fixities splice unicode qual
-  InstD _                      -> noHtml
-  DerivD _                     -> noHtml
-  _                            -> error "declaration not supported by ppDecl"
+  ForD _ d                       -> ppFor summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) d fixities splice unicode qual
+  InstD _ _                      -> noHtml
+  DerivD _ _                     -> noHtml
+  _                              -> error "declaration not supported by ppDecl"
 ppLFunSig :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> DocForDecl DocName ->
@@ -225,7 +226,7 @@ tyvarNames = map (getName . hsLTyVarName) . hsQTvExplicit
 ppFor :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> DocForDecl DocName
       -> ForeignDecl DocNameI -> [(DocName, Fixity)]
       -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
-ppFor summary links loc doc (ForeignImport (L _ name) typ _ _) fixities
+ppFor summary links loc doc (ForeignImport _ (L _ name) typ _) fixities
       splice unicode qual
   = ppFunSig summary links loc doc [name] (hsSigType typ) fixities splice unicode qual
 ppFor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "ppFor"
@@ -318,12 +319,14 @@ ppTyFamHeader summary associated d@(FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info
      ClosedTypeFamily _ -> keyword "where ..."
      _                  -> mempty
+ppTyFamHeader _ _ (XFamilyDecl _) _ _ = panic "haddock;ppTyFamHeader"
 ppResultSig :: FamilyResultSig DocNameI -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
 ppResultSig result unicode qual = case result of
-    NoSig               -> noHtml
-    KindSig kind        -> dcolon unicode  <+> ppLKind unicode qual kind
-    TyVarSig (L _ bndr) -> equals <+> ppHsTyVarBndr unicode qual bndr
+    NoSig _               -> noHtml
+    KindSig _ kind        -> dcolon unicode  <+> ppLKind unicode qual kind
+    TyVarSig _ (L _ bndr) -> equals <+> ppHsTyVarBndr unicode qual bndr
+    XFamilyResultSig _    -> panic "haddock:ppResultSig"
 ppPseudoFamilyHeader :: Unicode -> Qualification -> PseudoFamilyDecl DocNameI
                      -> Html
@@ -367,6 +370,8 @@ ppTyFam summary associated links instances fixities loc doc decl splice unicode
       = ( ppAppNameTypes (unLoc n) (map unLoc ts) unicode qual
           <+> equals <+> ppType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts (unLoc rhs)
         , Nothing, [] )
+    ppTyFamEqn (XHsImplicitBndrs _) = panic "haddock:ppTyFam"
+    ppTyFamEqn (HsIB { hsib_body = XFamEqn _}) = panic "haddock:ppTyFam"
@@ -399,6 +404,7 @@ ppAssocType summ links doc (L loc decl) fixities splice unicode qual =
 ppFamDeclBinderWithVars :: Bool -> Unicode -> Qualification -> FamilyDecl DocNameI -> Html
 ppFamDeclBinderWithVars summ unicode qual (FamilyDecl { fdLName = lname, fdTyVars = tvs }) =
   ppAppDocNameTyVarBndrs summ unicode qual (unLoc lname) (hsq_explicit tvs)
+ppFamDeclBinderWithVars _ _ _ (XFamilyDecl _) = panic "haddock:ppFamDeclBinderWithVars"
 -- | Print a newtype / data binder and its variables
 ppDataBinderWithVars :: Bool -> Unicode -> Qualification -> TyClDecl DocNameI -> Html
@@ -740,13 +746,14 @@ ppShortDataDecl summary dataInst dataDecl pats unicode qual
     isH98     = case unLoc (head cons) of
                   ConDeclH98 {} -> True
                   ConDeclGADT{} -> False
+                  XConDecl{}    -> False
     pats1 = [ hsep [ keyword "pattern"
                    , hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppBinder summary . getOccName) lnames
                    , dcolon unicode
                    , ppPatSigType unicode qual (hsSigType typ)
-            | (SigD (PatSynSig _ lnames typ),_) <- pats
+            | (SigD _ (PatSynSig _ lnames typ),_) <- pats
@@ -772,6 +779,7 @@ ppDataDecl summary links instances fixities subdocs loc doc dataDecl pats
     isH98     = case unLoc (head cons) of
                   ConDeclH98 {} -> True
                   ConDeclGADT{} -> False
+                  XConDecl{}    -> False
     header_ = topDeclElem links loc splice [docname] $
              ppDataHeader summary dataDecl unicode qual <+> whereBit <+> fix
@@ -793,7 +801,7 @@ ppDataDecl summary links instances fixities subdocs loc doc dataDecl pats
     patternBit = subPatterns qual
       [ ppSideBySidePat subfixs unicode qual lnames typ d
-      | (SigD (PatSynSig _ lnames typ), d) <- pats
+      | (SigD _ (PatSynSig _ lnames typ), d) <- pats
       , let subfixs = filter (\(n,_) -> any (\cn -> cn == n)
                                             (map unLoc lnames)) fixities
@@ -854,6 +862,7 @@ ppShortConstrParts summary dataInst con unicode qual
           , noHtml
           , noHtml
+      XConDecl {} -> panic "haddock:ppShortConstrParts"
     occ        = map (nameOccName . getName . unLoc) $ getConNames con
@@ -923,6 +932,7 @@ ppSideBySideConstr subdocs fixities unicode qual (L _ con)
                               , ppLType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts (getGADTConType con)
                               , fixity
+      XConDecl{} -> panic "haddock:ppSideBySideConstr"
     fieldPart = case (con, getConArgs con) of
         -- Record style GADTs
@@ -951,6 +961,7 @@ ppSideBySideConstr subdocs fixities unicode qual (L _ con)
       ConDeclGADT{} ->
         ppSubSigLike unicode qual (unLoc (getGADTConType con))
                      argDocs subdocs (dcolon unicode) HideEmptyContexts
+      XConDecl{} -> panic "haddock:doConstrArgsWithDocs"
     -- don't use "con_doc con", in case it's reconstructed from a .hi file,
     -- or also because we want Haddock to do the doc-parsing, not GHC.
@@ -980,7 +991,7 @@ ppConstrHdr forall_ tvs ctxt unicode qual = ppForall +++ ppCtxt
 -- | Pretty-print a record field
 ppSideBySideField :: [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)] -> Unicode -> Qualification
                   -> ConDeclField DocNameI -> SubDecl
-ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode qual (ConDeclField names ltype _) =
+ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode qual (ConDeclField _ names ltype _) =
   ( hsep (punctuate comma [ ppBinder False (rdrNameOcc field)
                           | L _ name <- names
                           , let field = (unLoc . rdrNameFieldOcc) name
@@ -994,12 +1005,14 @@ ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode qual (ConDeclField names ltype _) =
     -- don't use cd_fld_doc for same reason we don't use con_doc above
     -- Where there is more than one name, they all have the same documentation
     mbDoc = lookup (extFieldOcc $ unLoc $ head names) subdocs >>= combineDocumentation . fst
+ppSideBySideField _ _ _ (XConDeclField _) = panic "haddock:ppSideBySideField"
 ppShortField :: Bool -> Unicode -> Qualification -> ConDeclField DocNameI -> Html
-ppShortField summary unicode qual (ConDeclField names ltype _)
+ppShortField summary unicode qual (ConDeclField _ names ltype _)
   = hsep (punctuate comma (map ((ppBinder summary) . rdrNameOcc . unLoc . rdrNameFieldOcc . unLoc) names))
     <+> dcolon unicode <+> ppLType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts ltype
+ppShortField _ _ _ (XConDeclField _) = panic "haddock:ppShortField"
 -- | Pretty print an expanded pattern (for bundled patterns)
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
index fd9f0089..b4804758 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE CPP, PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, PatternGuards, TypeFamilies #-}
 -- |
 -- Module      :  Haddock.Convert
@@ -62,14 +62,14 @@ tyThingToLHsDecl t = case t of
   -- in a future code version we could turn idVarDetails = foreign-call
   -- into a ForD instead of a SigD if we wanted.  Haddock doesn't
   -- need to care.
-  AnId i -> allOK $ SigD (synifyIdSig ImplicitizeForAll i)
+  AnId i -> allOK $ SigD noExt (synifyIdSig ImplicitizeForAll i)
   -- type-constructors (e.g. Maybe) are complicated, put the definition
   -- later in the file (also it's used for class associated-types too.)
   ATyCon tc
     | Just cl <- tyConClass_maybe tc -- classes are just a little tedious
     -> let extractFamilyDecl :: TyClDecl a -> Either ErrMsg (LFamilyDecl a)
-           extractFamilyDecl (FamDecl d) = return $ noLoc d
+           extractFamilyDecl (FamDecl _ d) = return $ noLoc d
            extractFamilyDecl _           =
              Left "tyThingToLHsDecl: impossible associated tycon"
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ tyThingToLHsDecl t = case t of
            atFamDecls  = map extractFamilyDecl (rights atTyClDecls)
            tyClErrors = lefts atTyClDecls
            famDeclErrors = lefts atFamDecls
-       in withErrs (tyClErrors ++ famDeclErrors) . TyClD $ ClassDecl
+       in withErrs (tyClErrors ++ famDeclErrors) . TyClD noExt $ ClassDecl
          { tcdCtxt = synifyCtx (classSCTheta cl)
          , tcdLName = synifyName cl
          , tcdTyVars = synifyTyVars (tyConVisibleTyVars (classTyCon cl))
@@ -93,20 +93,20 @@ tyThingToLHsDecl t = case t of
          , tcdATs = rights atFamDecls
          , tcdATDefs = [] --ignore associated type defaults
          , tcdDocs = [] --we don't have any docs at this point
-         , tcdFVs = placeHolderNamesTc }
+         , tcdCExt = placeHolderNamesTc }
     | otherwise
-    -> synifyTyCon Nothing tc >>= allOK . TyClD
+    -> synifyTyCon Nothing tc >>= allOK . TyClD noExt
   -- type-constructors (e.g. Maybe) are complicated, put the definition
   -- later in the file (also it's used for class associated-types too.)
   ACoAxiom ax -> synifyAxiom ax >>= allOK
   -- a data-constructor alone just gets rendered as a function:
-  AConLike (RealDataCon dc) -> allOK $ SigD (TypeSig noExt [synifyName dc]
+  AConLike (RealDataCon dc) -> allOK $ SigD noExt (TypeSig noExt [synifyName dc]
     (synifySigWcType ImplicitizeForAll (dataConUserType dc)))
   AConLike (PatSynCon ps) ->
-    allOK . SigD $ PatSynSig noExt [synifyName ps] (synifyPatSynSigType ps)
+    allOK . SigD noExt $ PatSynSig noExt [synifyName ps] (synifyPatSynSigType ps)
     withErrs e x = return (e, x)
     allOK x = return (mempty, x)
@@ -119,9 +119,10 @@ synifyAxBranch tc (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tkvs, cab_lhs = args, cab_rhs = rhs })
         annot_typats    = zipWith3 annotHsType (mkIsPolyTvs fam_tvs)
                                    args_types_only typats
         hs_rhs          = synifyType WithinType rhs
-    in HsIB { hsib_vars   = map tyVarName tkvs
-            , hsib_closed = True
-            , hsib_body   = FamEqn { feqn_tycon  = name
+    in HsIB { hsib_ext = HsIBRn { hsib_vars   = map tyVarName tkvs
+                                , hsib_closed = True }
+            , hsib_body   = FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noExt
+                                   , feqn_tycon  = name
                                    , feqn_pats   = annot_typats
                                    , feqn_fixity = Prefix
                                    , feqn_rhs    = hs_rhs } }
@@ -132,13 +133,13 @@ synifyAxiom :: CoAxiom br -> Either ErrMsg (HsDecl GhcRn)
 synifyAxiom ax@(CoAxiom { co_ax_tc = tc })
   | isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon tc
   , Just branch <- coAxiomSingleBranch_maybe ax
-  = return $ InstD
-           $ TyFamInstD
+  = return $ InstD noExt
+           $ TyFamInstD noExt
            $ TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = synifyAxBranch tc branch }
   | Just ax' <- isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe tc
   , getUnique ax' == getUnique ax   -- without the getUniques, type error
-  = synifyTyCon (Just ax) tc >>= return . TyClD
+  = synifyTyCon (Just ax) tc >>= return . TyClD noExt
   | otherwise
   = Left "synifyAxiom: closed/open family confusion"
@@ -153,14 +154,17 @@ synifyTyCon _coax tc
                          let mk_hs_tv realKind fakeTyVar
                                 = noLoc $ KindedTyVar noExt (noLoc (getName fakeTyVar))
                                                       (synifyKindSig realKind)
-                         in HsQTvs { hsq_implicit = []   -- No kind polymorphism
+                         in HsQTvs { hsq_ext =
+                                       HsQTvsRn { hsq_implicit = []   -- No kind polymorphism
+                                                , hsq_dependent = emptyNameSet }
                                    , hsq_explicit = zipWith mk_hs_tv (fst (splitFunTys (tyConKind tc)))
                                                                 alphaTyVars --a, b, c... which are unfortunately all kind *
-                                   , hsq_dependent = emptyNameSet }
+                                   }
            , tcdFixity = Prefix
-           , tcdDataDefn = HsDataDefn { dd_ND = DataType  -- arbitrary lie, they are neither
+           , tcdDataDefn = HsDataDefn { dd_ext = noExt
+                                      , dd_ND = DataType  -- arbitrary lie, they are neither
                                                     -- algebraic data nor newtype:
                                       , dd_ctxt = noLoc []
                                       , dd_cType = Nothing
@@ -168,8 +172,7 @@ synifyTyCon _coax tc
                                                -- we have their kind accurately:
                                       , dd_cons = []  -- No constructors
                                       , dd_derivs = noLoc [] }
-           , tcdDataCusk = False
-           , tcdFVs = placeHolderNamesTc }
+           , tcdDExt = DataDeclRn False placeHolderNamesTc }
 synifyTyCon _coax tc
   | Just flav <- famTyConFlav_maybe tc
@@ -190,8 +193,9 @@ synifyTyCon _coax tc
         -> mkFamDecl DataFamily
     resultVar = famTcResVar tc
-    mkFamDecl i = return $ FamDecl $
-      FamilyDecl { fdInfo = i
+    mkFamDecl i = return $ FamDecl noExt $
+      FamilyDecl { fdExt = noExt
+                 , fdInfo = i
                  , fdLName = synifyName tc
                  , fdTyVars = synifyTyVars (tyConVisibleTyVars tc)
                  , fdFixity = Prefix
@@ -204,11 +208,11 @@ synifyTyCon _coax tc
 synifyTyCon coax tc
   | Just ty <- synTyConRhs_maybe tc
-  = return $ SynDecl { tcdLName = synifyName tc
+  = return $ SynDecl { tcdSExt   = emptyNameSet
+                     , tcdLName  = synifyName tc
                      , tcdTyVars = synifyTyVars (tyConVisibleTyVars tc)
                      , tcdFixity = Prefix
-                     , tcdRhs = synifyType WithinType ty
-                     , tcdFVs = placeHolderNamesTc }
+                     , tcdRhs = synifyType WithinType ty }
   | otherwise =
   -- (closed) newtype and data
@@ -241,7 +245,8 @@ synifyTyCon coax tc
   cons = rights consRaw
   -- "deriving" doesn't affect the signature, no need to specify any.
   alg_deriv = noLoc []
-  defn = HsDataDefn { dd_ND      = alg_nd
+  defn = HsDataDefn { dd_ext     = noExt
+                    , dd_ND      = alg_nd
                     , dd_ctxt    = alg_ctx
                     , dd_cType   = Nothing
                     , dd_kindSig = fmap synifyKindSig kindSig
@@ -251,7 +256,7 @@ synifyTyCon coax tc
   [] -> return $
         DataDecl { tcdLName = name, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdFixity = Prefix
                  , tcdDataDefn = defn
-                 , tcdDataCusk = False, tcdFVs = placeHolderNamesTc }
+                 , tcdDExt = DataDeclRn False placeHolderNamesTc }
   dataConErrs -> Left $ unlines dataConErrs
 synifyInjectivityAnn :: Maybe Name -> [TyVar] -> Injectivity
@@ -264,9 +269,9 @@ synifyInjectivityAnn (Just lhs) tvs (Injective inj) =
 synifyFamilyResultSig :: Maybe Name -> Kind -> LFamilyResultSig GhcRn
 synifyFamilyResultSig  Nothing    kind =
-   noLoc $ KindSig  (synifyKindSig kind)
+   noLoc $ KindSig  noExt (synifyKindSig kind)
 synifyFamilyResultSig (Just name) kind =
-   noLoc $ TyVarSig (noLoc $ KindedTyVar noExt (noLoc name) (synifyKindSig kind))
+   noLoc $ TyVarSig noExt (noLoc $ KindedTyVar noExt (noLoc name) (synifyKindSig kind))
 -- User beware: it is your responsibility to pass True (use_gadt_syntax)
 -- for any constructor that would be misrepresented by omitting its
@@ -297,7 +302,7 @@ synifyDataCon use_gadt_syntax dc =
   field_tys = zipWith con_decl_field (dataConFieldLabels dc) linear_tys
   con_decl_field fl synTy = noLoc $
-    ConDeclField [noLoc $ FieldOcc (flSelector fl) (noLoc $ mkVarUnqual $ flLabel fl)] synTy
+    ConDeclField noExt [noLoc $ FieldOcc (flSelector fl) (noLoc $ mkVarUnqual $ flLabel fl)] synTy
   hs_arg_tys = case (use_named_field_syntax, use_infix_syntax) of
           (True,True) -> Left "synifyDataCon: contradiction!"
@@ -311,7 +316,8 @@ synifyDataCon use_gadt_syntax dc =
       \hat ->
         if use_gadt_syntax
            then return $ noLoc $
-              ConDeclGADT { con_names  = [name]
+              ConDeclGADT { con_g_ext  = noExt
+                          , con_names  = [name]
                           , con_forall = True
                           , con_qvars  = synifyTyVars (univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs)
                           , con_mb_cxt = Just ctx
@@ -319,7 +325,8 @@ synifyDataCon use_gadt_syntax dc =
                           , con_res_ty = synifyType WithinType res_ty
                           , con_doc    =  Nothing }
            else return $ noLoc $
-              ConDeclH98 { con_name   = name
+              ConDeclH98 { con_ext    = noExt
+                         , con_name   = name
                          , con_forall = True
                          , con_ex_tvs = map synifyTyVar ex_tvs
                          , con_mb_cxt = Just ctx
@@ -341,9 +348,9 @@ synifyCtx = noLoc . map (synifyType WithinType)
 synifyTyVars :: [TyVar] -> LHsQTyVars GhcRn
-synifyTyVars ktvs = HsQTvs { hsq_implicit = []
-                           , hsq_explicit = map synifyTyVar ktvs
-                           , hsq_dependent = emptyNameSet }
+synifyTyVars ktvs = HsQTvs { hsq_ext = HsQTvsRn { hsq_implicit = []
+                                                , hsq_dependent = emptyNameSet }
+                           , hsq_explicit = map synifyTyVar ktvs }
 synifyTyVar :: TyVar -> LHsTyVarBndr GhcRn
 synifyTyVar tv
@@ -546,7 +553,7 @@ synifyInstHead (_, preds, cls, types) = specializeInstHead $ InstHead
         , clsiTyVars = synifyTyVars (tyConVisibleTyVars cls_tycon)
         , clsiSigs = map synifyClsIdSig $ classMethods cls
         , clsiAssocTys = do
-            (Right (FamDecl fam)) <- map (synifyTyCon Nothing) $ classATs cls
+            (Right (FamDecl _ fam)) <- map (synifyTyCon Nothing) $ classATs cls
             pure $ mkPseudoFamilyDecl fam
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
index 14111a6a..2d254414 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
@@ -47,28 +47,36 @@ isConSym = isLexConSym . occNameFS
 getMainDeclBinder :: HsDecl name -> [IdP name]
-getMainDeclBinder (TyClD d) = [tcdName d]
-getMainDeclBinder (ValD d) =
+getMainDeclBinder (TyClD _ d) = [tcdName d]
+getMainDeclBinder (ValD _ d) =
   case collectHsBindBinders d of
     []       -> []
     (name:_) -> [name]
-getMainDeclBinder (SigD d) = sigNameNoLoc d
-getMainDeclBinder (ForD (ForeignImport name _ _ _)) = [unLoc name]
-getMainDeclBinder (ForD (ForeignExport _ _ _ _)) = []
+getMainDeclBinder (SigD _ d) = sigNameNoLoc d
+getMainDeclBinder (ForD _ (ForeignImport _ name _ _)) = [unLoc name]
+getMainDeclBinder (ForD _ (ForeignExport _ _ _ _)) = []
 getMainDeclBinder _ = []
 -- Extract the source location where an instance is defined. This is used
 -- to correlate InstDecls with their Instance/CoAxiom Names, via the
 -- instanceMap.
 getInstLoc :: InstDecl name -> SrcSpan
-getInstLoc (ClsInstD (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = ty })) = getLoc (hsSigType ty)
-getInstLoc (DataFamInstD (DataFamInstDecl
+getInstLoc (ClsInstD _ (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = ty })) = getLoc (hsSigType ty)
+getInstLoc (DataFamInstD _ (DataFamInstDecl
   { dfid_eqn = HsIB { hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L l _ }}})) = l
-getInstLoc (TyFamInstD (TyFamInstDecl
+getInstLoc (TyFamInstD _ (TyFamInstDecl
   -- Since CoAxioms' Names refer to the whole line for type family instances
   -- in particular, we need to dig a bit deeper to pull out the entire
   -- equation. This does not happen for data family instances, for some reason.
   { tfid_eqn = HsIB { hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_rhs = L l _ }}})) = l
+getInstLoc (ClsInstD _ (XClsInstDecl _)) = panic "getInstLoc"
+getInstLoc (DataFamInstD _ (DataFamInstDecl (HsIB _ (XFamEqn _)))) = panic "getInstLoc"
+getInstLoc (TyFamInstD _ (TyFamInstDecl (HsIB _ (XFamEqn _)))) = panic "getInstLoc"
+getInstLoc (XInstDecl _) = panic "getInstLoc"
+getInstLoc (DataFamInstD _ (DataFamInstDecl (XHsImplicitBndrs _))) = panic "getInstLoc"
+getInstLoc (TyFamInstD _ (TyFamInstDecl (XHsImplicitBndrs _))) = panic "getInstLoc"
 -- Useful when there is a signature with multiple names, e.g.
 --   foo, bar :: Types..
@@ -124,16 +132,16 @@ isUserLSig _                    = False
 isClassD :: HsDecl a -> Bool
-isClassD (TyClD d) = isClassDecl d
+isClassD (TyClD _ d) = isClassDecl d
 isClassD _ = False
 isValD :: HsDecl a -> Bool
-isValD (ValD _) = True
+isValD (ValD _ _) = True
 isValD _ = False
 declATs :: HsDecl a -> [IdP a]
-declATs (TyClD d) | isClassDecl d = map (unL . fdLName . unL) $ tcdATs d
+declATs (TyClD _ d) | isClassDecl d = map (unL . fdLName . unL) $ tcdATs d
 declATs _ = []
@@ -165,13 +173,13 @@ getGADTConType (ConDeclGADT { con_forall = has_forall
                             , con_qvars = qtvs
                             , con_mb_cxt = mcxt, con_args = args
                             , con_res_ty = res_ty })
- | has_forall = noLoc (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = PlaceHolder
+ | has_forall = noLoc (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = NoExt
                                   , hst_bndrs = hsQTvExplicit qtvs
                                   , hst_body  = theta_ty })
  | otherwise  = theta_ty
    theta_ty | Just theta <- mcxt
-            = noLoc (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = PlaceHolder, hst_ctxt = theta, hst_body = tau_ty })
+            = noLoc (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = NoExt, hst_ctxt = theta, hst_body = tau_ty })
             | otherwise
             = tau_ty
@@ -184,6 +192,7 @@ getGADTConType (ConDeclGADT { con_forall = has_forall
 getGADTConType (ConDeclH98 {}) = panic "getGADTConType"
   -- Should only be called on ConDeclGADT
+getGADTConType (XConDecl {}) = panic "getGADTConType"
 -- -------------------------------------
@@ -196,13 +205,13 @@ getGADTConTypeG (ConDeclGADT { con_forall = has_forall
                             , con_qvars = qtvs
                             , con_mb_cxt = mcxt, con_args = args
                             , con_res_ty = res_ty })
- | has_forall = noLoc (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = PlaceHolder
+ | has_forall = noLoc (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = NoExt
                                   , hst_bndrs = hsQTvExplicit qtvs
                                   , hst_body  = theta_ty })
  | otherwise  = theta_ty
    theta_ty | Just theta <- mcxt
-            = noLoc (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = PlaceHolder, hst_ctxt = theta, hst_body = tau_ty })
+            = noLoc (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = NoExt, hst_ctxt = theta, hst_body = tau_ty })
             | otherwise
             = tau_ty
@@ -213,8 +222,9 @@ getGADTConTypeG (ConDeclGADT { con_forall = has_forall
    mkFunTy a b = noLoc (HsFunTy noExt a b)
-getGADTConTypeG (ConDeclH98 {}) = panic "getGADTConType"
+getGADTConTypeG (ConDeclH98 {}) = panic "getGADTConTypeG"
   -- Should only be called on ConDeclGADT
+getGADTConTypeG (XConDecl {}) = panic "getGADTConTypeG"
 -- * Located
@@ -286,7 +296,7 @@ parentMap d = [ (c, p) | (p, cs) <- families d, c <- cs ]
 -- | The parents of a subordinate in a declaration
 parents :: Name -> HsDecl GhcRn -> [Name]
-parents n (TyClD d) = [ p | (c, p) <- parentMap d, c == n ]
+parents n (TyClD _ d) = [ p | (c, p) <- parentMap d, c == n ]
 parents _ _ = []
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs
index 4fd9d264..286907e5 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ attachToExportItem
   -> Ghc (ExportItem GhcRn)
 attachToExportItem index expInfo iface ifaceMap instIfaceMap export =
   case attachFixities export of
-    e@ExportDecl { expItemDecl = L eSpan (TyClD d) } -> do
+    e@ExportDecl { expItemDecl = L eSpan (TyClD _ d) } -> do
       insts <-
         let mb_instances  = lookupNameEnv index (tcdName d)
             cls_instances = maybeToList mb_instances >>= fst
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
index c119f3c3..bc93449f 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
                         $  map getName instances
                         ++ map getName fam_instances
       -- Locations of all TH splices
-      splices = [ l | L l (SpliceD _) <- hsmodDecls hsm ]
+      splices = [ l | L l (SpliceD _ _) <- hsmodDecls hsm ]
   warningMap <- liftErrMsg (mkWarningMap dflags warnings gre exportedNames)
@@ -406,9 +406,9 @@ mkMaps dflags gre instances decls = do
     instanceMap = M.fromList [ (getSrcSpan n, n) | n <- instances ]
     names :: SrcSpan -> HsDecl GhcRn -> [Name]
-    names l (InstD d) = maybeToList (M.lookup loc instanceMap) -- See note [2].
+    names l (InstD _ d) = maybeToList (M.lookup loc instanceMap) -- See note [2].
       where loc = case d of
-              TyFamInstD _ -> l -- The CoAx's loc is the whole line, but only for TFs
+              TyFamInstD _ _ -> l -- The CoAx's loc is the whole line, but only for TFs
               _ -> getInstLoc d
     names l (DerivD {}) = maybeToList (M.lookup l instanceMap) -- See note [2].
     names _ decl = getMainDeclBinder decl
@@ -433,16 +433,16 @@ subordinates :: InstMap
              -> HsDecl GhcRn
              -> [(Name, [HsDocString], Map Int HsDocString)]
 subordinates instMap decl = case decl of
-  InstD (ClsInstD d) -> do
+  InstD _ (ClsInstD _ d) -> do
     DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = HsIB { hsib_body =
       FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L l _
              , feqn_rhs   = defn }}} <- unLoc <$> cid_datafam_insts d
     [ (n, [], M.empty) | Just n <- [M.lookup l instMap] ] ++ dataSubs defn
-  InstD (DataFamInstD (DataFamInstDecl (HsIB { hsib_body = d })))
+  InstD _ (DataFamInstD _ (DataFamInstDecl (HsIB { hsib_body = d })))
     -> dataSubs (feqn_rhs d)
-  TyClD d | isClassDecl d -> classSubs d
-          | isDataDecl  d -> dataSubs (tcdDataDefn d)
+  TyClD _ d | isClassDecl d -> classSubs d
+            | isDataDecl  d -> dataSubs (tcdDataDefn d)
   _ -> []
     classSubs dd = [ (name, doc, declTypeDocs d) | (L _ d, doc) <- classDecls dd
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ subordinates instMap decl = case decl of
                   | c <- cons, cname <- getConNames c ]
         fields  = [ (extFieldOcc n, maybeToList $ fmap unL doc, M.empty)
                   | RecCon flds <- map getConArgs cons
-                  , L _ (ConDeclField ns _ doc) <- (unLoc flds)
+                  , L _ (ConDeclField _ ns _ doc) <- (unLoc flds)
                   , L _ n <- ns ]
         derivs  = [ (instName, [unL doc], M.empty)
                   | HsIB { hsib_body = L l (HsDocTy _ _ doc) }
@@ -481,11 +481,11 @@ conArgDocs con = case getConArgs con of
 -- | Extract function argument docs from inside top-level decls.
 declTypeDocs :: HsDecl GhcRn -> Map Int HsDocString
-declTypeDocs (SigD (TypeSig _ _ ty))      = typeDocs (unLoc (hsSigWcType ty))
-declTypeDocs (SigD (ClassOpSig _ _ _ ty)) = typeDocs (unLoc (hsSigType ty))
-declTypeDocs (SigD (PatSynSig _ _ ty))    = typeDocs (unLoc (hsSigType ty))
-declTypeDocs (ForD (ForeignImport _ ty _ _))   = typeDocs (unLoc (hsSigType ty))
-declTypeDocs (TyClD (SynDecl { tcdRhs = ty })) = typeDocs (unLoc ty)
+declTypeDocs (SigD  _ (TypeSig _ _ ty))          = typeDocs (unLoc (hsSigWcType ty))
+declTypeDocs (SigD  _ (ClassOpSig _ _ _ ty))     = typeDocs (unLoc (hsSigType ty))
+declTypeDocs (SigD  _ (PatSynSig _ _ ty))        = typeDocs (unLoc (hsSigType ty))
+declTypeDocs (ForD  _ (ForeignImport _ _ ty _))  = typeDocs (unLoc (hsSigType ty))
+declTypeDocs (TyClD _ (SynDecl { tcdRhs = ty })) = typeDocs (unLoc ty)
 declTypeDocs _ = M.empty
 -- | Extract function argument docs from inside types.
@@ -505,10 +505,10 @@ classDecls :: TyClDecl GhcRn -> [(LHsDecl GhcRn, [HsDocString])]
 classDecls class_ = filterDecls . collectDocs . sortByLoc $ decls
     decls = docs ++ defs ++ sigs ++ ats
-    docs  = mkDecls tcdDocs DocD class_
-    defs  = mkDecls (bagToList . tcdMeths) ValD class_
-    sigs  = mkDecls tcdSigs SigD class_
-    ats   = mkDecls tcdATs (TyClD . FamDecl) class_
+    docs  = mkDecls tcdDocs (DocD noExt) class_
+    defs  = mkDecls (bagToList . tcdMeths) (ValD noExt) class_
+    sigs  = mkDecls tcdSigs (SigD noExt) class_
+    ats   = mkDecls tcdATs (TyClD noExt . FamDecl noExt) class_
 -- | The top-level declarations of a module that we care about,
@@ -526,14 +526,14 @@ mkFixMap group_ = M.fromList [ (n,f)
 -- | Take all declarations except pragmas, infix decls, rules from an 'HsGroup'.
 ungroup :: HsGroup GhcRn -> [LHsDecl GhcRn]
 ungroup group_ =
-  mkDecls (tyClGroupTyClDecls . hs_tyclds) TyClD  group_ ++
-  mkDecls hs_derivds             DerivD group_ ++
-  mkDecls hs_defds               DefD   group_ ++
-  mkDecls hs_fords               ForD   group_ ++
-  mkDecls hs_docs                DocD   group_ ++
-  mkDecls (tyClGroupInstDecls . hs_tyclds) InstD  group_ ++
-  mkDecls (typesigs . hs_valds)  SigD   group_ ++
-  mkDecls (valbinds . hs_valds)  ValD   group_
+  mkDecls (tyClGroupTyClDecls . hs_tyclds) (TyClD noExt)  group_ ++
+  mkDecls hs_derivds             (DerivD noExt) group_ ++
+  mkDecls hs_defds               (DefD noExt)   group_ ++
+  mkDecls hs_fords               (ForD noExt)   group_ ++
+  mkDecls hs_docs                (DocD noExt)   group_ ++
+  mkDecls (tyClGroupInstDecls . hs_tyclds) (InstD noExt)  group_ ++
+  mkDecls (typesigs . hs_valds)  (SigD noExt)   group_ ++
+  mkDecls (valbinds . hs_valds)  (ValD noExt)   group_
     typesigs (XValBindsLR (NValBinds _ sigs)) = filter isUserLSig sigs
     typesigs _ = error "expected ValBindsOut"
@@ -564,14 +564,14 @@ sortByLoc = sortBy (comparing getLoc)
 filterDecls :: [(LHsDecl a, doc)] -> [(LHsDecl a, doc)]
 filterDecls = filter (isHandled . unL . fst)
-    isHandled (ForD (ForeignImport {})) = True
+    isHandled (ForD _ (ForeignImport {})) = True
     isHandled (TyClD {})  = True
     isHandled (InstD {})  = True
     isHandled (DerivD {}) = True
-    isHandled (SigD d) = isUserLSig (reL d)
-    isHandled (ValD _) = True
+    isHandled (SigD _ d)  = isUserLSig (reL d)
+    isHandled (ValD {})   = True
     -- we keep doc declarations to be able to get at named docs
-    isHandled (DocD _) = True
+    isHandled (DocD {})   = True
     isHandled _ = False
@@ -580,8 +580,8 @@ filterClasses :: [(LHsDecl a, doc)] -> [(LHsDecl a, doc)]
 filterClasses decls = [ if isClassD d then (L loc (filterClass d), doc) else x
                       | x@(L loc d, doc) <- decls ]
-    filterClass (TyClD c) =
-      TyClD $ c { tcdSigs = filter (liftA2 (||) isUserLSig isMinimalLSig) $ tcdSigs c }
+    filterClass (TyClD x c) =
+      TyClD x $ c { tcdSigs = filter (liftA2 (||) isUserLSig isMinimalLSig) $ tcdSigs c }
     filterClass _ = error "expected TyClD"
@@ -600,10 +600,10 @@ collectDocs = go Nothing []
     go Nothing _ [] = []
     go (Just prev) docs [] = finished prev docs []
-    go prev docs (L _ (DocD (DocCommentNext str)) : ds)
+    go prev docs (L _ (DocD _ (DocCommentNext str)) : ds)
       | Nothing <- prev = go Nothing (str:docs) ds
       | Just decl <- prev = finished decl docs (go Nothing [str] ds)
-    go prev docs (L _ (DocD (DocCommentPrev str)) : ds) = go prev (str:docs) ds
+    go prev docs (L _ (DocD _ (DocCommentPrev str)) : ds) = go prev (str:docs) ds
     go Nothing docs (d:ds) = go (Just d) docs ds
     go (Just prev) docs (d:ds) = finished prev docs (go (Just d) [] ds)
@@ -644,22 +644,22 @@ mkExportItems
         decls maps fixMap splices instIfaceMap dflags allExports
     Just exports -> liftM concat $ mapM lookupExport exports
-    lookupExport (IEGroup lev docStr, _)  = liftErrMsg $ do
+    lookupExport (IEGroup _ lev docStr, _)  = liftErrMsg $ do
       doc <- processDocString dflags gre docStr
       return [ExportGroup lev "" doc]
-    lookupExport (IEDoc docStr, _)        = liftErrMsg $ do
+    lookupExport (IEDoc _ docStr, _)        = liftErrMsg $ do
       doc <- processDocStringParas dflags gre docStr
       return [ExportDoc doc]
-    lookupExport (IEDocNamed str, _)      = liftErrMsg $
+    lookupExport (IEDocNamed _ str, _)      = liftErrMsg $
       findNamedDoc str [ unL d | d <- decls ] >>= \case
         Nothing -> return  []
         Just docStr -> do
           doc <- processDocStringParas dflags gre docStr
           return [ExportDoc doc]
-    lookupExport (IEModuleContents (L _ mod_name), _)
+    lookupExport (IEModuleContents _ (L _ mod_name), _)
       -- only consider exporting a module if we are sure we
       -- are really exporting the whole module and not some
       -- subset. We also look through module aliases here.
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ availExportItem is_sig modMap thisMod semMod warnings exportedNames
       let t = availName avail
       r    <- findDecl avail
       case r of
-        ([L l (ValD _)], (doc, _)) -> do
+        ([L l (ValD _ _)], (doc, _)) -> do
           -- Top-level binding without type signature
           export <- hiValExportItem dflags t l doc (l `elem` splices) $ M.lookup t fixMap
           return [export]
@@ -721,17 +721,17 @@ availExportItem is_sig modMap thisMod semMod warnings exportedNames
                   -- A single signature might refer to many names, but we
                   -- create an export item for a single name only.  So we
                   -- modify the signature to contain only that single name.
-                  L loc (SigD sig) ->
+                  L loc (SigD _ sig) ->
                     -- fromJust is safe since we already checked in guards
                     -- that 't' is a name declared in this declaration.
-                    let newDecl = L loc . SigD . fromJust $ filterSigNames (== t) sig
+                    let newDecl = L loc . SigD noExt . fromJust $ filterSigNames (== t) sig
                     in availExportDecl avail newDecl docs_
-                  L loc (TyClD cl@ClassDecl{}) -> do
+                  L loc (TyClD _ cl@ClassDecl{}) -> do
                     mdef <- liftGhcToErrMsgGhc $ minimalDef t
                     let sig = maybeToList $ fmap (noLoc . MinimalSig noExt NoSourceText . noLoc . fmap noLoc) mdef
                     availExportDecl avail
-                      (L loc $ TyClD cl { tcdSigs = sig ++ tcdSigs cl }) docs_
+                      (L loc $ TyClD noExt cl { tcdSigs = sig ++ tcdSigs cl }) docs_
                   _ -> availExportDecl avail decl docs_
@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ fullModuleContents is_sig modMap thisMod semMod warnings exportedNames
     for (getMainDeclBinder (unLoc decl)) $ \nm -> do
       case lookupNameEnv availEnv nm of
         Just avail
-          | L _ (ValD valDecl) <- decl
+          | L _ (ValD _ valDecl) <- decl
           , (name:_) <- collectHsBindBinders valDecl
           , Just (L _ SigD{}:_) <- filter isSigD <$> M.lookup name declMap
           -> pure []
@@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ extractDecl declMap name decl
   | name `elem` getMainDeclBinder (unLoc decl) = decl
   | otherwise  =
     case unLoc decl of
-      TyClD d@ClassDecl {} ->
+      TyClD _ d@ClassDecl {} ->
           matchesMethod =
             [ lsig
@@ -1037,8 +1037,8 @@ extractDecl declMap name decl
         in case (matchesMethod, matchesAssociatedType)  of
           ([s0], _) -> let (n, tyvar_names) = (tcdName d, tyClDeclTyVars d)
                            L pos sig = addClassContext n tyvar_names s0
-                       in L pos (SigD sig)
-          (_, [L pos fam_decl]) -> L pos (TyClD (FamDecl fam_decl))
+                       in L pos (SigD noExt sig)
+          (_, [L pos fam_decl]) -> L pos (TyClD noExt (FamDecl noExt fam_decl))
           ([], [])
             | Just (famInstDecl:_) <- M.lookup name declMap
@@ -1047,21 +1047,21 @@ extractDecl declMap name decl
                                          O.$$ O.nest 4 (O.ppr d)
                                          O.$$ O.text "Matches:"
                                          O.$$ O.nest 4 (O.ppr matchesMethod O.<+> O.ppr matchesAssociatedType))
-      TyClD d@DataDecl {} ->
+      TyClD _ d@DataDecl {} ->
         let (n, tyvar_tys) = (tcdName d, lHsQTyVarsToTypes (tyClDeclTyVars d))
         in if isDataConName name
-           then SigD <$> extractPatternSyn name n tyvar_tys (dd_cons (tcdDataDefn d))
-           else SigD <$> extractRecSel name n tyvar_tys (dd_cons (tcdDataDefn d))
-      TyClD FamDecl {}
+           then SigD noExt <$> extractPatternSyn name n tyvar_tys (dd_cons (tcdDataDefn d))
+           else SigD noExt <$> extractRecSel name n tyvar_tys (dd_cons (tcdDataDefn d))
+      TyClD _ FamDecl {}
         | isValName name
         , Just (famInst:_) <- M.lookup name declMap
         -> extractDecl declMap name famInst
-      InstD (DataFamInstD (DataFamInstDecl (HsIB { hsib_body =
+      InstD _ (DataFamInstD _ (DataFamInstDecl (HsIB { hsib_body =
                              FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L _ n
                                     , feqn_pats  = tys
                                     , feqn_rhs   = defn }}))) ->
-        SigD <$> extractRecSel name n tys (dd_cons defn)
-      InstD (ClsInstD ClsInstDecl { cid_datafam_insts = insts }) ->
+        SigD noExt <$> extractRecSel name n tys (dd_cons defn)
+      InstD _ (ClsInstD _ ClsInstDecl { cid_datafam_insts = insts }) ->
         let matches = [ d' | L _ d'@(DataFamInstDecl (HsIB { hsib_body = d }))
                                <- insts
                              -- , L _ ConDecl { con_details = RecCon rec } <- dd_cons (feqn_rhs d)
@@ -1071,7 +1071,7 @@ extractDecl declMap name decl
                            , extFieldOcc n == name
         in case matches of
-          [d0] -> extractDecl declMap name (noLoc . InstD $ DataFamInstD d0)
+          [d0] -> extractDecl declMap name (noLoc . InstD noExt $ DataFamInstD noExt d0)
           _ -> error "internal: extractDecl (ClsInstD)"
       _ -> error "internal: extractDecl"
@@ -1112,12 +1112,12 @@ extractRecSel _ _ _ [] = error "extractRecSel: selector not found"
 extractRecSel nm t tvs (L _ con : rest) =
   case getConArgs con of
-    RecCon (L _ fields) | ((l,L _ (ConDeclField _nn ty _)) : _) <- matching_fields fields ->
+    RecCon (L _ fields) | ((l,L _ (ConDeclField _ _nn ty _)) : _) <- matching_fields fields ->
       L l (TypeSig noExt [noLoc nm] (mkEmptySigWcType (noLoc (HsFunTy noExt data_ty (getBangType ty)))))
     _ -> extractRecSel nm t tvs rest
   matching_fields :: [LConDeclField GhcRn] -> [(SrcSpan, LConDeclField GhcRn)]
-  matching_fields flds = [ (l,f) | f@(L _ (ConDeclField ns _ _)) <- flds
+  matching_fields flds = [ (l,f) | f@(L _ (ConDeclField _ ns _ _)) <- flds
                                  , L l n <- ns, extFieldOcc n == nm ]
     -- ResTyGADT _ ty <- con_res con = ty
@@ -1142,8 +1142,8 @@ mkVisibleNames (_, _, _, instMap) exports opts
       where subs    = map fst (expItemSubDocs e)
             patsyns = concatMap (getMainDeclBinder . fst) (expItemPats e)
             name = case unLoc $ expItemDecl e of
-              InstD d -> maybeToList $ M.lookup (getInstLoc d) instMap
-              decl    -> getMainDeclBinder decl
+              InstD _ d -> maybeToList $ M.lookup (getInstLoc d) instMap
+              decl      -> getMainDeclBinder decl
     exportName ExportNoDecl {} = [] -- we don't count these as visible, since
                                     -- we don't want links to go to them.
     exportName _ = []
@@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ findNamedDoc name = search
     search [] = do
       tell ["Cannot find documentation for: $" ++ name]
       return Nothing
-    search (DocD (DocCommentNamed name' doc) : rest)
+    search (DocD _ (DocCommentNamed name' doc) : rest)
       | name == name' = return (Just doc)
       | otherwise = search rest
     search (_other_decl : rest) = search rest
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
index 0652ae47..5b588964 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Haddock.Types
 import Bag (emptyBag)
 import GHC hiding (NoLink)
 import Name
+import Outputable ( panic )
 import Control.Applicative
 import Control.Monad hiding (mapM)
@@ -188,14 +189,15 @@ renameMaybeLKind :: Maybe (LHsKind GhcRn) -> RnM (Maybe (LHsKind DocNameI))
 renameMaybeLKind = traverse renameLKind
 renameFamilyResultSig :: LFamilyResultSig GhcRn -> RnM (LFamilyResultSig DocNameI)
-renameFamilyResultSig (L loc NoSig)
-    = return (L loc NoSig)
-renameFamilyResultSig (L loc (KindSig ki))
+renameFamilyResultSig (L loc (NoSig _))
+    = return (L loc (NoSig noExt))
+renameFamilyResultSig (L loc (KindSig _ ki))
     = do { ki' <- renameLKind ki
-         ; return (L loc (KindSig ki')) }
-renameFamilyResultSig (L loc (TyVarSig bndr))
+         ; return (L loc (KindSig noExt ki')) }
+renameFamilyResultSig (L loc (TyVarSig _ bndr))
     = do { bndr' <- renameLTyVarBndr bndr
-         ; return (L loc (TyVarSig bndr')) }
+         ; return (L loc (TyVarSig noExt bndr')) }
+renameFamilyResultSig (L _ (XFamilyResultSig _)) = panic "haddock:renameFamilyResultSig"
 renameInjectivityAnn :: LInjectivityAnn GhcRn -> RnM (LInjectivityAnn DocNameI)
 renameInjectivityAnn (L loc (InjectivityAnn lhs rhs))
@@ -212,55 +214,55 @@ renameType t = case t of
   HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = tyvars, hst_body = ltype } -> do
     tyvars'   <- mapM renameLTyVarBndr tyvars
     ltype'    <- renameLType ltype
-    return (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = PlaceHolder, hst_bndrs = tyvars', hst_body = ltype' })
+    return (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = NoExt, hst_bndrs = tyvars', hst_body = ltype' })
   HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = lcontext , hst_body = ltype } -> do
     lcontext' <- renameLContext lcontext
     ltype'    <- renameLType ltype
-    return (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = PlaceHolder, hst_ctxt = lcontext', hst_body = ltype' })
+    return (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = NoExt, hst_ctxt = lcontext', hst_body = ltype' })
-  HsTyVar _ ip (L l n) -> return . HsTyVar PlaceHolder ip . L l =<< rename n
-  HsBangTy _ b ltype -> return . HsBangTy PlaceHolder b =<< renameLType ltype
+  HsTyVar _ ip (L l n) -> return . HsTyVar NoExt ip . L l =<< rename n
+  HsBangTy _ b ltype -> return . HsBangTy NoExt b =<< renameLType ltype
   HsAppTy _ a b -> do
     a' <- renameLType a
     b' <- renameLType b
-    return (HsAppTy PlaceHolder a' b')
+    return (HsAppTy NoExt a' b')
   HsFunTy _ a b -> do
     a' <- renameLType a
     b' <- renameLType b
-    return (HsFunTy PlaceHolder a' b')
+    return (HsFunTy NoExt a' b')
-  HsListTy _ ty -> return . (HsListTy PlaceHolder) =<< renameLType ty
-  HsPArrTy _ ty -> return . (HsPArrTy PlaceHolder) =<< renameLType ty
-  HsIParamTy _ n ty -> liftM (HsIParamTy PlaceHolder n) (renameLType ty)
-  HsEqTy _ ty1 ty2 -> liftM2 (HsEqTy PlaceHolder) (renameLType ty1) (renameLType ty2)
+  HsListTy _ ty -> return . (HsListTy NoExt) =<< renameLType ty
+  HsPArrTy _ ty -> return . (HsPArrTy NoExt) =<< renameLType ty
+  HsIParamTy _ n ty -> liftM (HsIParamTy NoExt n) (renameLType ty)
+  HsEqTy _ ty1 ty2 -> liftM2 (HsEqTy NoExt) (renameLType ty1) (renameLType ty2)
-  HsTupleTy _ b ts -> return . HsTupleTy PlaceHolder b =<< mapM renameLType ts
-  HsSumTy _ ts -> HsSumTy PlaceHolder <$> mapM renameLType ts
+  HsTupleTy _ b ts -> return . HsTupleTy NoExt b =<< mapM renameLType ts
+  HsSumTy _ ts -> HsSumTy NoExt <$> mapM renameLType ts
   HsOpTy _ a (L loc op) b -> do
     op' <- rename op
     a'  <- renameLType a
     b'  <- renameLType b
-    return (HsOpTy PlaceHolder a' (L loc op') b')
+    return (HsOpTy NoExt a' (L loc op') b')
-  HsParTy _ ty -> return . (HsParTy PlaceHolder) =<< renameLType ty
+  HsParTy _ ty -> return . (HsParTy NoExt) =<< renameLType ty
   HsKindSig _ ty k -> do
     ty' <- renameLType ty
     k' <- renameLKind k
-    return (HsKindSig PlaceHolder ty' k')
+    return (HsKindSig NoExt ty' k')
   HsDocTy _ ty doc -> do
     ty' <- renameLType ty
     doc' <- renameLDocHsSyn doc
-    return (HsDocTy PlaceHolder ty' doc')
+    return (HsDocTy NoExt ty' doc')
-  HsTyLit _ x -> return (HsTyLit PlaceHolder x)
+  HsTyLit _ x -> return (HsTyLit NoExt x)
-  HsRecTy _ a               -> HsRecTy PlaceHolder <$> mapM renameConDeclFieldField a
+  HsRecTy _ a               -> HsRecTy NoExt <$> mapM renameConDeclFieldField a
   (XHsType (NHsCoreTy a))   -> pure (XHsType (NHsCoreTy a))
   HsExplicitListTy x i b    -> HsExplicitListTy x i <$> mapM renameLType b
   HsExplicitTupleTy x b     -> HsExplicitTupleTy x <$> mapM renameLType b
@@ -269,10 +271,11 @@ renameType t = case t of
   HsAppsTy _ _              -> error "renameType: HsAppsTy"
 renameLHsQTyVars :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> RnM (LHsQTyVars DocNameI)
-renameLHsQTyVars (HsQTvs { hsq_implicit = _, hsq_explicit = tvs })
+renameLHsQTyVars (HsQTvs { hsq_explicit = tvs })
   = do { tvs' <- mapM renameLTyVarBndr tvs
-       ; return (HsQTvs { hsq_implicit = error "haddock:renameLHsQTyVars", hsq_explicit = tvs', hsq_dependent = error "haddock:renameLHsQTyVars" }) }
-                -- This is rather bogus, but I'm not sure what else to do
+       ; return (HsQTvs { hsq_ext = noExt
+                        , hsq_explicit = tvs' }) }
+renameLHsQTyVars (XLHsQTyVars _) = panic "haddock:renameLHsQTyVars"
 renameLTyVarBndr :: LHsTyVarBndr GhcRn -> RnM (LHsTyVarBndr DocNameI)
 renameLTyVarBndr (L loc (UserTyVar x (L l n)))
@@ -289,8 +292,8 @@ renameLContext (L loc context) = do
   context' <- mapM renameLType context
   return (L loc context')
-renameWildCardInfo :: HsWildCardInfo GhcRn -> RnM (HsWildCardInfo DocNameI)
-renameWildCardInfo (AnonWildCard  (L l name)) = AnonWildCard . L l <$> rename name
+renameWildCardInfo :: HsWildCardInfo -> RnM HsWildCardInfo
+renameWildCardInfo (AnonWildCard  (L l name)) = return (AnonWildCard (L l name))
 renameInstHead :: InstHead GhcRn -> RnM (InstHead DocNameI)
 renameInstHead InstHead {..} = do
@@ -321,21 +324,21 @@ renamePats = mapM
 renameDecl :: HsDecl GhcRn -> RnM (HsDecl DocNameI)
 renameDecl decl = case decl of
-  TyClD d -> do
+  TyClD _ d -> do
     d' <- renameTyClD d
-    return (TyClD d')
-  SigD s -> do
+    return (TyClD noExt d')
+  SigD _ s -> do
     s' <- renameSig s
-    return (SigD s')
-  ForD d -> do
+    return (SigD noExt s')
+  ForD _ d -> do
     d' <- renameForD d
-    return (ForD d')
-  InstD d -> do
+    return (ForD noExt d')
+  InstD _ d -> do
     d' <- renameInstD d
-    return (InstD d')
-  DerivD d -> do
+    return (InstD noExt d')
+  DerivD _ d -> do
     d' <- renameDerivD d
-    return (DerivD d')
+    return (DerivD noExt d')
   _ -> error "renameDecl"
 renameLThing :: (a GhcRn -> RnM (a DocNameI)) -> Located (a GhcRn) -> RnM (Located (a DocNameI))
@@ -346,19 +349,21 @@ renameTyClD d = case d of
 --  TyFamily flav lname ltyvars kind tckind -> do
   FamDecl { tcdFam = decl } -> do
     decl' <- renameFamilyDecl decl
-    return (FamDecl { tcdFam = decl' })
+    return (FamDecl { tcdFExt = noExt, tcdFam = decl' })
-  SynDecl { tcdLName = lname, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdFixity = fixity, tcdRhs = rhs, tcdFVs = _fvs } -> do
+  SynDecl { tcdLName = lname, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdFixity = fixity, tcdRhs = rhs } -> do
     lname'    <- renameL lname
     tyvars'   <- renameLHsQTyVars tyvars
     rhs'     <- renameLType rhs
-    return (SynDecl { tcdLName = lname', tcdTyVars = tyvars', tcdFixity = fixity, tcdRhs = rhs', tcdFVs = placeHolderNames })
+    return (SynDecl { tcdSExt = noExt, tcdLName = lname', tcdTyVars = tyvars'
+                    , tcdFixity = fixity, tcdRhs = rhs' })
-  DataDecl { tcdLName = lname, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdFixity = fixity, tcdDataDefn = defn, tcdFVs = _fvs } -> do
+  DataDecl { tcdLName = lname, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdFixity = fixity, tcdDataDefn = defn } -> do
     lname'    <- renameL lname
     tyvars'   <- renameLHsQTyVars tyvars
     defn'     <- renameDataDefn defn
-    return (DataDecl { tcdLName = lname', tcdTyVars = tyvars', tcdFixity = fixity, tcdDataDefn = defn', tcdDataCusk = PlaceHolder, tcdFVs = placeHolderNames })
+    return (DataDecl { tcdDExt = noExt, tcdLName = lname', tcdTyVars = tyvars'
+                     , tcdFixity = fixity, tcdDataDefn = defn' })
   ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = lcontext, tcdLName = lname, tcdTyVars = ltyvars, tcdFixity = fixity
             , tcdFDs = lfundeps, tcdSigs = lsigs, tcdATs = ats, tcdATDefs = at_defs } -> do
@@ -373,7 +378,8 @@ renameTyClD d = case d of
     return (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = lcontext', tcdLName = lname', tcdTyVars = ltyvars'
                       , tcdFixity = fixity
                       , tcdFDs = lfundeps', tcdSigs = lsigs', tcdMeths= emptyBag
-                      , tcdATs = ats', tcdATDefs = at_defs', tcdDocs = [], tcdFVs = placeHolderNames })
+                      , tcdATs = ats', tcdATDefs = at_defs', tcdDocs = [], tcdCExt = NoExt })
+  XTyClDecl _ -> panic "haddock:renameTyClD"
     renameLFunDep (L loc (xs, ys)) = do
@@ -394,11 +400,12 @@ renameFamilyDecl (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info, fdLName = lname
     ltyvars'     <- renameLHsQTyVars ltyvars
     result'      <- renameFamilyResultSig result
     injectivity' <- renameMaybeInjectivityAnn injectivity
-    return (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info', fdLName = lname'
+    return (FamilyDecl { fdExt = noExt, fdInfo = info', fdLName = lname'
                        , fdTyVars = ltyvars'
                        , fdFixity = fixity
                        , fdResultSig = result'
                        , fdInjectivityAnn = injectivity' })
+renameFamilyDecl (XFamilyDecl _) = panic "renameFamilyDecl"
 renamePseudoFamilyDecl :: PseudoFamilyDecl GhcRn
@@ -424,9 +431,11 @@ renameDataDefn (HsDataDefn { dd_ND = nd, dd_ctxt = lcontext, dd_cType = cType
     k'        <- renameMaybeLKind k
     cons'     <- mapM (mapM renameCon) cons
     -- I don't think we need the derivings, so we return Nothing
-    return (HsDataDefn { dd_ND = nd, dd_ctxt = lcontext', dd_cType = cType
+    return (HsDataDefn { dd_ext = noExt
+                       , dd_ND = nd, dd_ctxt = lcontext', dd_cType = cType
                        , dd_kindSig = k', dd_cons = cons'
                        , dd_derivs = noLoc [] })
+renameDataDefn (XHsDataDefn _) = panic "haddock:renameDataDefn"
 renameCon :: ConDecl GhcRn -> RnM (ConDecl DocNameI)
 renameCon decl@(ConDeclH98 { con_name = lname, con_ex_tvs = ltyvars
@@ -437,7 +446,7 @@ renameCon decl@(ConDeclH98 { con_name = lname, con_ex_tvs = ltyvars
       lcontext' <- traverse renameLContext lcontext
       details'  <- renameDetails details
       mbldoc'   <- mapM renameLDocHsSyn mbldoc
-      return (decl { con_name = lname', con_ex_tvs = ltyvars'
+      return (decl { con_ext = noExt, con_name = lname', con_ex_tvs = ltyvars'
                    , con_mb_cxt = lcontext'
                    , con_args = details', con_doc = mbldoc' })
@@ -451,9 +460,10 @@ renameCon decl@(ConDeclGADT { con_names = lnames, con_qvars = ltyvars
       details'  <- renameDetails details
       res_ty'   <- renameLType res_ty
       mbldoc'   <- mapM renameLDocHsSyn mbldoc
-      return (decl { con_names = lnames', con_qvars = ltyvars'
+      return (decl { con_g_ext = noExt, con_names = lnames', con_qvars = ltyvars'
                    , con_mb_cxt = lcontext', con_args = details'
                    , con_res_ty = res_ty', con_doc = mbldoc' })
+renameCon (XConDecl _) = panic "haddock:renameCon"
 renameDetails :: HsConDeclDetails GhcRn -> RnM (HsConDeclDetails DocNameI)
 renameDetails (RecCon (L l fields)) = do
@@ -466,11 +476,12 @@ renameDetails (InfixCon a b) = do
   return (InfixCon a' b')
 renameConDeclFieldField :: LConDeclField GhcRn -> RnM (LConDeclField DocNameI)
-renameConDeclFieldField (L l (ConDeclField names t doc)) = do
+renameConDeclFieldField (L l (ConDeclField _ names t doc)) = do
   names' <- mapM renameLFieldOcc names
   t'   <- renameLType t
   doc' <- mapM renameLDocHsSyn doc
-  return $ L l (ConDeclField names' t' doc')
+  return $ L l (ConDeclField noExt names' t' doc')
+renameConDeclFieldField (L _ (XConDeclField _)) = panic "haddock:renameConDeclFieldField"
 renameLFieldOcc :: LFieldOcc GhcRn -> RnM (LFieldOcc DocNameI)
 renameLFieldOcc (L l (FieldOcc sel lbl)) = do
@@ -503,35 +514,39 @@ renameSig sig = case sig of
 renameForD :: ForeignDecl GhcRn -> RnM (ForeignDecl DocNameI)
-renameForD (ForeignImport lname ltype co x) = do
+renameForD (ForeignImport _ lname ltype x) = do
   lname' <- renameL lname
   ltype' <- renameLSigType ltype
-  return (ForeignImport lname' ltype' co x)
-renameForD (ForeignExport lname ltype co x) = do
+  return (ForeignImport noExt lname' ltype' x)
+renameForD (ForeignExport _ lname ltype x) = do
   lname' <- renameL lname
   ltype' <- renameLSigType ltype
-  return (ForeignExport lname' ltype' co x)
+  return (ForeignExport noExt lname' ltype' x)
+renameForD (XForeignDecl _) = panic "haddock:renameForD"
 renameInstD :: InstDecl GhcRn -> RnM (InstDecl DocNameI)
 renameInstD (ClsInstD { cid_inst = d }) = do
   d' <- renameClsInstD d
-  return (ClsInstD { cid_inst = d' })
+  return (ClsInstD { cid_d_ext = noExt, cid_inst = d' })
 renameInstD (TyFamInstD { tfid_inst = d }) = do
   d' <- renameTyFamInstD d
-  return (TyFamInstD { tfid_inst = d' })
+  return (TyFamInstD { tfid_ext = noExt, tfid_inst = d' })
 renameInstD (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = d }) = do
   d' <- renameDataFamInstD d
-  return (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = d' })
+  return (DataFamInstD { dfid_ext = noExt, dfid_inst = d' })
+renameInstD (XInstDecl _) = panic "haddock:renameInstD"
 renameDerivD :: DerivDecl GhcRn -> RnM (DerivDecl DocNameI)
 renameDerivD (DerivDecl { deriv_type = ty
                         , deriv_strategy = strat
                         , deriv_overlap_mode = omode }) = do
   ty' <- renameLSigWcType ty
-  return (DerivDecl { deriv_type = ty'
+  return (DerivDecl { deriv_ext = noExt
+                    , deriv_type = ty'
                     , deriv_strategy = strat
                     , deriv_overlap_mode = omode })
+renameDerivD (XDerivDecl _) = panic "haddock:renameDerivD"
 renameClsInstD :: ClsInstDecl GhcRn -> RnM (ClsInstDecl DocNameI)
 renameClsInstD (ClsInstDecl { cid_overlap_mode = omode
@@ -540,10 +555,11 @@ renameClsInstD (ClsInstDecl { cid_overlap_mode = omode
   ltype' <- renameLSigType ltype
   lATs'  <- mapM (mapM renameTyFamInstD) lATs
   lADTs' <- mapM (mapM renameDataFamInstD) lADTs
-  return (ClsInstDecl { cid_overlap_mode = omode
+  return (ClsInstDecl { cid_ext = noExt, cid_overlap_mode = omode
                       , cid_poly_ty = ltype', cid_binds = emptyBag
                       , cid_sigs = []
                       , cid_tyfam_insts = lATs', cid_datafam_insts = lADTs' })
+renameClsInstD (XClsInstDecl _) = panic "haddock:renameClsInstD"
 renameTyFamInstD :: TyFamInstDecl GhcRn -> RnM (TyFamInstDecl DocNameI)
@@ -563,10 +579,12 @@ renameTyFamInstEqn eqn
       = do { tc' <- renameL tc
            ; pats' <- mapM renameLType pats
            ; rhs' <- renameLType rhs
-           ; return (FamEqn { feqn_tycon  = tc'
+           ; return (FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noExt
+                            , feqn_tycon  = tc'
                             , feqn_pats   = pats'
                             , feqn_fixity = fixity
                             , feqn_rhs    = rhs' }) }
+    rename_ty_fam_eqn (XFamEqn _) = panic "haddock:renameTyFamInstEqn"
 renameLTyFamDefltEqn :: LTyFamDefltEqn GhcRn -> RnM (LTyFamDefltEqn DocNameI)
 renameLTyFamDefltEqn (L loc (FamEqn { feqn_tycon = tc, feqn_pats = tvs
@@ -574,10 +592,12 @@ renameLTyFamDefltEqn (L loc (FamEqn { feqn_tycon = tc, feqn_pats = tvs
   = do { tc'  <- renameL tc
        ; tvs' <- renameLHsQTyVars tvs
        ; rhs' <- renameLType rhs
-       ; return (L loc (FamEqn { feqn_tycon  = tc'
+       ; return (L loc (FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noExt
+                               , feqn_tycon  = tc'
                                , feqn_pats   = tvs'
                                , feqn_fixity = fixity
                                , feqn_rhs    = rhs' })) }
+renameLTyFamDefltEqn (L _ (XFamEqn _)) = panic "haddock:renameLTyFamDefltEqn"
 renameDataFamInstD :: DataFamInstDecl GhcRn -> RnM (DataFamInstDecl DocNameI)
 renameDataFamInstD (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = eqn })
@@ -592,10 +612,12 @@ renameDataFamInstD (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = eqn })
       = do { tc' <- renameL tc
            ; pats' <- mapM renameLType pats
            ; defn' <- renameDataDefn defn
-           ; return (FamEqn { feqn_tycon  = tc'
+           ; return (FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noExt
+                            , feqn_tycon  = tc'
                             , feqn_pats   = pats'
                             , feqn_fixity = fixity
                             , feqn_rhs    = defn' }) }
+    rename_data_fam_eqn (XFamEqn _) = panic "haddock:renameDataFamInstD"
 renameImplicit :: (in_thing -> RnM out_thing)
                -> HsImplicitBndrs GhcRn in_thing
@@ -603,8 +625,8 @@ renameImplicit :: (in_thing -> RnM out_thing)
 renameImplicit rn_thing (HsIB { hsib_body = thing })
   = do { thing' <- rn_thing thing
        ; return (HsIB { hsib_body = thing'
-                      , hsib_vars = PlaceHolder
-                      , hsib_closed = PlaceHolder }) }
+                      , hsib_ext = noExt }) }
+renameImplicit _ (XHsImplicitBndrs _) = panic "haddock:renameImplicit"
 renameWc :: (in_thing -> RnM out_thing)
          -> HsWildCardBndrs GhcRn in_thing
@@ -612,7 +634,8 @@ renameWc :: (in_thing -> RnM out_thing)
 renameWc rn_thing (HsWC { hswc_body = thing })
   = do { thing' <- rn_thing thing
        ; return (HsWC { hswc_body = thing'
-                      , hswc_wcs = PlaceHolder }) }
+                      , hswc_ext = noExt }) }
+renameWc _ (XHsWildCardBndrs _) = panic "haddock:renameWc"
 renameDocInstance :: DocInstance GhcRn -> RnM (DocInstance DocNameI)
 renameDocInstance (inst, idoc, L l n) = do
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
index b84a676f..c49663db 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ sugar = sugarOperators . sugarTuples . sugarLists
 sugarLists :: NamedThing (IdP (GhcPass p)) => HsType (GhcPass p) -> HsType (GhcPass p)
 sugarLists (HsAppTy _ (L _ (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ name))) ltyp)
-    | isBuiltInSyntax name' && strName == "[]" = HsListTy PlaceHolder ltyp
+    | isBuiltInSyntax name' && strName == "[]" = HsListTy NoExt ltyp
     name' = getName name
     strName = occNameString . nameOccName $ name'
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ sugarTuples typ =
     aux apps (HsAppTy _ (L _ ftyp) atyp) = aux (atyp:apps) ftyp
     aux apps (HsParTy _ (L _ typ')) = aux apps typ'
     aux apps (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ name))
-        | isBuiltInSyntax name' && suitable = HsTupleTy PlaceHolder HsBoxedTuple apps
+        | isBuiltInSyntax name' && suitable = HsTupleTy NoExt HsBoxedTuple apps
         name' = getName name
         strName = occNameString . nameOccName $ name'
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ sugarTuples typ =
 sugarOperators :: NamedThing (IdP (GhcPass p)) => HsType (GhcPass p) -> HsType (GhcPass p)
 sugarOperators (HsAppTy _ (L _ (HsAppTy _ (L _ (HsTyVar _ _ (L l name))) la)) lb)
     | isSymOcc $ getOccName name' = mkHsOpTy la (L l name) lb
-    | isBuiltInSyntax name' && getOccString name == "(->)" = HsFunTy PlaceHolder la lb
+    | isBuiltInSyntax name' && getOccString name == "(->)" = HsFunTy NoExt la lb
     name' = getName name
 sugarOperators typ = typ
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
index 2234894c..99fccf2a 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
@@ -381,11 +381,12 @@ mkPseudoFamilyDecl (FamilyDecl { .. }) = PseudoFamilyDecl
     mkType (KindedTyVar _ (L loc name) lkind) =
-        HsKindSig PlaceHolder tvar lkind
+        HsKindSig NoExt tvar lkind
-        tvar = L loc (HsTyVar PlaceHolder NotPromoted (L loc name))
-    mkType (UserTyVar _ name) = HsTyVar PlaceHolder NotPromoted name
+        tvar = L loc (HsTyVar NoExt NotPromoted (L loc name))
+    mkType (UserTyVar _ name) = HsTyVar NoExt NotPromoted name
     mkType (XTyVarBndr _ ) = panic "haddock:mkPseudoFamilyDecl"
+mkPseudoFamilyDecl (XFamilyDecl {}) = panic "haddock:mkPseudoFamilyDecl"
 -- | An instance head that may have documentation and a source location.
@@ -652,54 +653,77 @@ instance Monad ErrMsgGhc where
 -- * Pass sensitive types
-type instance PostRn DocNameI NameSet        = PlaceHolder
-type instance PostRn DocNameI Fixity         = PlaceHolder
-type instance PostRn DocNameI Bool           = PlaceHolder
-type instance PostRn DocNameI Name           = DocName
-type instance PostRn DocNameI (Located Name) = Located DocName
-type instance PostRn DocNameI [Name]         = PlaceHolder
-type instance PostRn DocNameI DocName        = DocName
-type instance PostTc DocNameI Kind     = PlaceHolder
-type instance PostTc DocNameI Type     = PlaceHolder
-type instance PostTc DocNameI Coercion = PlaceHolder
-type instance XForAllTy        DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XQualTy          DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XTyVar           DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XAppsTy          DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XAppTy           DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XFunTy           DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XListTy          DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XPArrTy          DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XTupleTy         DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XSumTy           DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XOpTy            DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XParTy           DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XIParamTy        DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XEqTy            DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XKindSig         DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XSpliceTy        DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XDocTy           DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XBangTy          DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XRecTy           DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XExplicitListTy  DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XExplicitTupleTy DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XTyLit           DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XWildCardTy      DocNameI = HsWildCardInfo DocNameI
+type instance XForAllTy        DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XQualTy          DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XTyVar           DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XAppsTy          DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XAppTy           DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XFunTy           DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XListTy          DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XPArrTy          DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XTupleTy         DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XSumTy           DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XOpTy            DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XParTy           DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XIParamTy        DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XEqTy            DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XKindSig         DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XSpliceTy        DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XDocTy           DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XBangTy          DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XRecTy           DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XExplicitListTy  DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XExplicitTupleTy DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XTyLit           DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XWildCardTy      DocNameI = HsWildCardInfo
 type instance XXType           DocNameI = NewHsTypeX
-type instance XUserTyVar    DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XKindedTyVar  DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XXTyVarBndr   DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XUserTyVar    DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XKindedTyVar  DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XXTyVarBndr   DocNameI = NoExt
 type instance XFieldOcc    DocNameI = DocName
-type instance XXFieldOcc   DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XFixitySig   DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XFixSig      DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XPatSynSig   DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XClassOpSig  DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XTypeSig     DocNameI = PlaceHolder
-type instance XMinimalSig  DocNameI = PlaceHolder
+type instance XXFieldOcc   DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XFixitySig   DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XFixSig      DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XPatSynSig   DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XClassOpSig  DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XTypeSig     DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XMinimalSig  DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XForeignExport  DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XForeignImport  DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XConDeclGADT    DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XConDeclH98     DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XDerivD     DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XInstD      DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XForD       DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XSigD       DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XTyClD      DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XNoSig      DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XCKindSig   DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XTyVarSig   DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XCFamEqn       DocNameI _ _ = NoExt
+type instance XCClsInstDecl DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XCDerivDecl   DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XDataFamInstD DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XTyFamInstD   DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XClsInstD     DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XCHsDataDefn  DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XCFamilyDecl  DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XClassDecl    DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XDataDecl     DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XSynDecl      DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XFamDecl      DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XHsIB      DocNameI _ = NoExt
+type instance XHsWC      DocNameI _ = NoExt
+type instance XHsQTvs        DocNameI = NoExt
+type instance XConDeclField  DocNameI = NoExt
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
index 1ebf7ffa..e3cc9655 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ import GHC
 import Name
 import NameSet ( emptyNameSet )
 import HsTypes (extFieldOcc)
+import Outputable ( panic )
 import Control.Monad ( liftM )
 import Data.Char ( isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isAscii, ord, chr )
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ addClassContext _ _ sig = sig   -- E.g. a MinimalSig is fine
 lHsQTyVarsToTypes :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> [LHsType GhcRn]
 lHsQTyVarsToTypes tvs
-  = [ noLoc (HsTyVar PlaceHolder NotPromoted (noLoc (hsLTyVarName tv)))
+  = [ noLoc (HsTyVar NoExt NotPromoted (noLoc (hsLTyVarName tv)))
     | tv <- hsQTvExplicit tvs ]
@@ -162,10 +163,10 @@ lHsQTyVarsToTypes tvs
 restrictTo :: [Name] -> LHsDecl GhcRn -> LHsDecl GhcRn
 restrictTo names (L loc decl) = L loc $ case decl of
-  TyClD d | isDataDecl d  ->
-    TyClD (d { tcdDataDefn = restrictDataDefn names (tcdDataDefn d) })
-  TyClD d | isClassDecl d ->
-    TyClD (d { tcdSigs = restrictDecls names (tcdSigs d),
+  TyClD x d | isDataDecl d  ->
+    TyClD x (d { tcdDataDefn = restrictDataDefn names (tcdDataDefn d) })
+  TyClD x d | isClassDecl d ->
+    TyClD x (d { tcdSigs = restrictDecls names (tcdSigs d),
                tcdATs = restrictATs names (tcdATs d) })
   _ -> decl
@@ -178,6 +179,7 @@ restrictDataDefn names defn@(HsDataDefn { dd_ND = new_or_data, dd_cons = cons })
       []    -> defn { dd_ND = DataType, dd_cons = [] }
       [con] -> defn { dd_cons = [con] }
       _ -> error "Should not happen"
+restrictDataDefn _ (XHsDataDefn _) = error "restrictDataDefn"
 restrictCons :: [Name] -> [LConDecl GhcRn] -> [LConDecl GhcRn]
 restrictCons names decls = [ L p d | L p (Just d) <- map (fmap keep) decls ]
@@ -195,9 +197,10 @@ restrictCons names decls = [ L p d | L p (Just d) <- map (fmap keep) decls ]
         InfixCon _ _ -> Just d
         field_avail :: LConDeclField GhcRn -> Bool
-        field_avail (L _ (ConDeclField fs _ _))
+        field_avail (L _ (ConDeclField _ fs _ _))
             = all (\f -> extFieldOcc (unLoc f) `elem` names) fs
-        field_types flds = [ t | ConDeclField _ t _ <- flds ]
+        field_avail (L _ (XConDeclField _)) = panic "haddock:field_avail"
+        field_types flds = [ t | ConDeclField _ _ t _ <- flds ]
     keep _ = Nothing
@@ -208,13 +211,14 @@ restrictDecls names = mapMaybe (filterLSigNames (`elem` names))
 restrictATs :: [Name] -> [LFamilyDecl GhcRn] -> [LFamilyDecl GhcRn]
 restrictATs names ats = [ at | at <- ats , unL (fdLName (unL at)) `elem` names ]
-emptyHsQTvs :: LHsQTyVars Name
+emptyHsQTvs :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn
 -- This function is here, rather than in HsTypes, because it *renamed*, but
 -- does not necessarily have all the rigt kind variables.  It is used
 -- in Haddock just for printing, so it doesn't matter
-emptyHsQTvs = HsQTvs { hsq_implicit = error "haddock:emptyHsQTvs"
-                     , hsq_explicit = []
-                     , hsq_dependent = error "haddock:emptyHsQTvs" }
+emptyHsQTvs = HsQTvs { hsq_ext = HsQTvsRn
+                       { hsq_implicit = error "haddock:emptyHsQTvs"
+                       , hsq_dependent = error "haddock:emptyHsQTvs" }
+                     , hsq_explicit = [] }
cgit v1.2.3