From 8c8517d6c82411212452c3c5fca503c7af5ac3da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ben Gamari <>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2020 18:24:05 +0000
Subject: Update hypsrc-test for QuickLook

This appears to be a spurious change.
 hypsrc-test/ref/src/Records.html | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

(limited to 'hypsrc-test/ref')

diff --git a/hypsrc-test/ref/src/Records.html b/hypsrc-test/ref/src/Records.html
index 604ac6ca..24e707c9 100644
--- a/hypsrc-test/ref/src/Records.html
+++ b/hypsrc-test/ref/src/Records.html
@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ forall a. Num a =&gt; a -&gt; a -&gt; a
 	>Point -&gt; Int
 	><a href="Records.html#x"
-	><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
+	><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
@@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ forall a. Num a =&gt; a -&gt; a -&gt; a
 	>Point -&gt; Int
 	><a href="Records.html#y"
-	><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var"
+	><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
cgit v1.2.3

From ad9cbad7312a64e6757c32bd9488c55ba4f2fec9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ryan Scott <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 20:37:34 -0400
Subject: Adapt to HsOuterTyVarBndrs

These changes accompany ghc/ghc!4107, which aims to be a fix
for #16762.
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs      |  61 +++---
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs       |  66 ++++--
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs  |  94 +++++---
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs              |  44 ++--
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs             |  76 ++++---
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs     |  17 +-
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs     |  70 +++---
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs |  69 ++++--
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Syb.hs                  |  17 +-
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs                |  11 +-
 haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs                |  34 ++-
 hypsrc-test/ref/src/Classes.html                | 276 ++++++++++++------------
 12 files changed, 488 insertions(+), 347 deletions(-)

(limited to 'hypsrc-test/ref')

diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
index 8939664d..44841bc5 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
@@ -71,27 +71,31 @@ ppModule dflags iface =
 -- Utility functions
-dropHsDocTy :: HsType (GhcPass p) -> HsType (GhcPass p)
-dropHsDocTy = f
+dropHsDocTy :: HsSigType (GhcPass p) -> HsSigType (GhcPass p)
+dropHsDocTy = drop_sig_ty
-        g (L src x) = L src (f x)
-        f (HsForAllTy x a e) = HsForAllTy x a (g e)
-        f (HsQualTy x a e) = HsQualTy x a (g e)
-        f (HsBangTy x a b) = HsBangTy x a (g b)
-        f (HsAppTy x a b) = HsAppTy x (g a) (g b)
-        f (HsAppKindTy x a b) = HsAppKindTy x (g a) (g b)
-        f (HsFunTy x w a b) = HsFunTy x w (g a) (g b)
-        f (HsListTy x a) = HsListTy x (g a)
-        f (HsTupleTy x a b) = HsTupleTy x a (map g b)
-        f (HsOpTy x a b c) = HsOpTy x (g a) b (g c)
-        f (HsParTy x a) = HsParTy x (g a)
-        f (HsKindSig x a b) = HsKindSig x (g a) b
-        f (HsDocTy _ a _) = f $ unL a
-        f x = x
-outHsType :: (OutputableBndrId p)
-          => DynFlags -> HsType (GhcPass p) -> String
-outHsType dflags = out dflags . reparenType . dropHsDocTy
+        drop_sig_ty (HsSig x a b)  = HsSig x a (drop_lty b)
+        drop_sig_ty x@XHsSigType{} = x
+        drop_lty (L src x) = L src (drop_ty x)
+        drop_ty (HsForAllTy x a e) = HsForAllTy x a (drop_lty e)
+        drop_ty (HsQualTy x a e) = HsQualTy x a (drop_lty e)
+        drop_ty (HsBangTy x a b) = HsBangTy x a (drop_lty b)
+        drop_ty (HsAppTy x a b) = HsAppTy x (drop_lty a) (drop_lty b)
+        drop_ty (HsAppKindTy x a b) = HsAppKindTy x (drop_lty a) (drop_lty b)
+        drop_ty (HsFunTy x w a b) = HsFunTy x w (drop_lty a) (drop_lty b)
+        drop_ty (HsListTy x a) = HsListTy x (drop_lty a)
+        drop_ty (HsTupleTy x a b) = HsTupleTy x a (map drop_lty b)
+        drop_ty (HsOpTy x a b c) = HsOpTy x (drop_lty a) b (drop_lty c)
+        drop_ty (HsParTy x a) = HsParTy x (drop_lty a)
+        drop_ty (HsKindSig x a b) = HsKindSig x (drop_lty a) b
+        drop_ty (HsDocTy _ a _) = drop_ty $ unL a
+        drop_ty x = x
+outHsSigType :: (OutputableBndrId p, NoGhcTcPass p ~ p)
+             => DynFlags -> HsSigType (GhcPass p) -> String
+outHsSigType dflags = out dflags . reparenSigType . dropHsDocTy
 dropComment :: String -> String
@@ -135,8 +139,8 @@ ppExport dflags ExportDecl { expItemDecl    = L _ decl
         f (TyClD _ d@SynDecl{})   = ppSynonym dflags d
         f (TyClD _ d@ClassDecl{}) = ppClass dflags d subdocs
         f (TyClD _ (FamDecl _ d)) = ppFam dflags d
-        f (ForD _ (ForeignImport _ name typ _)) = [pp_sig dflags [name] (hsSigType typ)]
-        f (ForD _ (ForeignExport _ name typ _)) = [pp_sig dflags [name] (hsSigType typ)]
+        f (ForD _ (ForeignImport _ name typ _)) = [pp_sig dflags [name] typ]
+        f (ForD _ (ForeignExport _ name typ _)) = [pp_sig dflags [name] typ]
         f (SigD _ sig) = ppSig dflags sig
         f _ = []
@@ -145,8 +149,8 @@ ppExport _ _ = []
 ppSigWithDoc :: DynFlags -> Sig GhcRn -> [(Name, DocForDecl Name)] -> [String]
 ppSigWithDoc dflags sig subdocs = case sig of
-    TypeSig _ names t -> concatMap (mkDocSig "" (hsSigWcType t)) names
-    PatSynSig _ names t -> concatMap (mkDocSig "pattern " (hsSigType t)) names
+    TypeSig _ names t -> concatMap (mkDocSig "" (dropWildCards t)) names
+    PatSynSig _ names t -> concatMap (mkDocSig "pattern " t) names
     _ -> []
     mkDocSig leader typ n = mkSubdoc dflags n subdocs
@@ -155,9 +159,9 @@ ppSigWithDoc dflags sig subdocs = case sig of
 ppSig :: DynFlags -> Sig GhcRn -> [String]
 ppSig dflags x  = ppSigWithDoc dflags x []
-pp_sig :: DynFlags -> [Located Name] -> LHsType GhcRn -> String
+pp_sig :: DynFlags -> [Located Name] -> LHsSigType GhcRn -> String
 pp_sig dflags names (L _ typ)  =
-    operator prettyNames ++ " :: " ++ outHsType dflags typ
+    operator prettyNames ++ " :: " ++ outHsSigType dflags typ
       prettyNames = intercalate ", " $ map (out dflags) names
@@ -250,7 +254,8 @@ ppCtor dflags dat subdocs con@ConDeclH98 { con_args = con_args' }
         funs = foldr1 (\x y -> reL $ HsFunTy noExtField (HsUnrestrictedArrow NormalSyntax) x y)
         apps = foldl1 (\x y -> reL $ HsAppTy noExtField x y)
-        typeSig nm flds = operator nm ++ " :: " ++ outHsType dflags (unL $ funs flds)
+        typeSig nm flds = operator nm ++ " :: " ++
+                          outHsSigType dflags (unL $ mkEmptySigType $ funs flds)
         -- We print the constructors as comma-separated list. See GHC
         -- docs for con_names on why it is a list to begin with.
@@ -269,7 +274,7 @@ ppCtor dflags _dat subdocs con@(ConDeclGADT { })
         f = [typeSig name (getGADTConTypeG con)]
-        typeSig nm ty = operator nm ++ " :: " ++ outHsType dflags (unL ty)
+        typeSig nm ty = operator nm ++ " :: " ++ outHsSigType dflags (unL ty)
         name = out dflags $ map unL $ getConNames con
 ppFixity :: DynFlags -> (Name, Fixity) -> [String]
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
index d0528322..3a774ace 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
@@ -210,10 +210,10 @@ processExports (e : es) =
   processExport e $$ processExports es
-isSimpleSig :: ExportItem DocNameI -> Maybe ([DocName], HsType DocNameI)
+isSimpleSig :: ExportItem DocNameI -> Maybe ([DocName], HsSigType DocNameI)
 isSimpleSig ExportDecl { expItemDecl = L _ (SigD _ (TypeSig _ lnames t))
                        , expItemMbDoc = (Documentation Nothing Nothing, argDocs) }
-  | Map.null argDocs = Just (map unLoc lnames, unLoc (hsSigWcType t))
+  | Map.null argDocs = Just (map unLoc lnames, unLoc (dropWildCards t))
 isSimpleSig _ = Nothing
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ ppDecl decl pats (doc, fnArgsDoc) instances subdocs _fxts = case unLoc decl of
 --    | Just _  <- tcdTyPats d    -> ppTyInst False loc doc d unicode
 -- Family instances happen via FamInst now
   TyClD _ d@ClassDecl{}          -> ppClassDecl instances doc subdocs d unicode
-  SigD _ (TypeSig _ lnames ty)   -> ppFunSig (doc, fnArgsDoc) (map unLoc lnames) (hsSigWcType ty) unicode
+  SigD _ (TypeSig _ lnames ty)   -> ppFunSig (doc, fnArgsDoc) (map unLoc lnames) (dropWildCards ty) unicode
   SigD _ (PatSynSig _ lnames ty) -> ppLPatSig (doc, fnArgsDoc) (map unLoc lnames) ty unicode
   ForD _ d                       -> ppFor (doc, fnArgsDoc) d unicode
   InstD _ _                      -> empty
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ ppDecl decl pats (doc, fnArgsDoc) instances subdocs _fxts = case unLoc decl of
 ppFor :: DocForDecl DocName -> ForeignDecl DocNameI -> Bool -> LaTeX
 ppFor doc (ForeignImport _ (L _ name) typ _) unicode =
-  ppFunSig doc [name] (hsSigTypeI typ) unicode
+  ppFunSig doc [name] typ unicode
 ppFor _ _ _ = error "ppFor error in Haddock.Backends.LaTeX"
 --  error "foreign declarations are currently not supported by --latex"
@@ -343,9 +343,9 @@ ppFamDecl doc instances decl unicode =
     -- Individual equations of a closed type family
     ppFamDeclEqn :: TyFamInstEqn DocNameI -> LaTeX
-    ppFamDeclEqn (HsIB { hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L _ n
-                                            , feqn_rhs = rhs
-                                            , feqn_pats = ts } })
+    ppFamDeclEqn (FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L _ n
+                         , feqn_rhs = rhs
+                         , feqn_pats = ts })
       = hsep [ ppAppNameTypeArgs n ts unicode
              , equals
              , ppType unicode (unLoc rhs)
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ ppTySyn :: DocForDecl DocName -> TyClDecl DocNameI -> Bool -> LaTeX
 ppTySyn doc (SynDecl { tcdLName = L _ name, tcdTyVars = ltyvars
                          , tcdRhs = ltype }) unicode
-  = ppTypeOrFunSig (unLoc ltype) doc (full, hdr, char '=') unicode
+  = ppTypeOrFunSig (mkHsImplicitSigTypeI ltype) doc (full, hdr, char '=') unicode
     hdr  = hsep (keyword "type"
                  : ppDocBinder name
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ ppTySyn _ _ _ = error "declaration not supported by ppTySyn"
-ppFunSig :: DocForDecl DocName -> [DocName] -> LHsType DocNameI
+ppFunSig :: DocForDecl DocName -> [DocName] -> LHsSigType DocNameI
          -> Bool -> LaTeX
 ppFunSig doc docnames (L _ typ) unicode =
   ppTypeOrFunSig typ doc
@@ -437,12 +437,12 @@ ppLPatSig doc docnames ty unicode
-    typ = unLoc (hsSigTypeI ty)
+    typ = unLoc ty
     names = map getName docnames
 -- | Pretty-print a type, adding documentation to the whole type and its
 -- arguments as needed.
-ppTypeOrFunSig :: HsType DocNameI
+ppTypeOrFunSig :: HsSigType DocNameI
                -> DocForDecl DocName  -- ^ documentation
                -> ( LaTeX             --   first-line (no-argument docs only)
                   , LaTeX             --   first-line (argument docs only)
@@ -462,13 +462,24 @@ ppTypeOrFunSig typ (doc, argDocs) (pref1, pref2, sep0) unicode
 -- to the arguments. The output is a list of (leader/seperator, argument and
 -- its doc)
 ppSubSigLike :: Bool                  -- ^ unicode
-             -> HsType DocNameI       -- ^ type signature
+             -> HsSigType DocNameI    -- ^ type signature
              -> FnArgsDoc DocName     -- ^ docs to add
              -> [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)] -- ^ all subdocs (useful when we have `HsRecTy`)
              -> LaTeX                 -- ^ seperator (beginning of first line)
              -> [(LaTeX, LaTeX)]      -- ^ arguments (leader/sep, type)
-ppSubSigLike unicode typ argDocs subdocs leader = do_args 0 leader typ
+ppSubSigLike unicode typ argDocs subdocs leader = do_sig_args 0 leader typ
+    do_sig_args :: Int -> LaTeX -> HsSigType DocNameI -> [(LaTeX, LaTeX)]
+    do_sig_args n leader (HsSig { sig_bndrs = outer_bndrs, sig_body = ltype }) =
+      case outer_bndrs of
+        HsOuterExplicit{hso_bndrs = bndrs} ->
+          [ ( decltt leader
+            , decltt (ppHsForAllTelescope (mkHsForAllInvisTeleI bndrs) unicode)
+                <+> ppLType unicode ltype
+            ) ]
+        HsOuterImplicit{} -> do_largs n leader ltype
+    do_largs :: Int -> LaTeX -> LHsType DocNameI -> [(LaTeX, LaTeX)]
     do_largs n leader (L _ t) = do_args n leader t
     arg_doc n = rDoc . fmap _doc $ Map.lookup n argDocs
@@ -505,12 +516,16 @@ ppSubSigLike unicode typ argDocs subdocs leader = do_args 0 leader typ
     gadtOpen = text "\\{"
-ppTypeSig :: [Name] -> HsType DocNameI  -> Bool -> LaTeX
+ppTypeSig :: [Name] -> HsSigType DocNameI  -> Bool -> LaTeX
 ppTypeSig nms ty unicode =
   hsep (punctuate comma $ map ppSymName nms)
     <+> dcolon unicode
-    <+> ppType unicode ty
+    <+> ppSigType unicode ty
+ppHsOuterTyVarBndrs :: HsOuterTyVarBndrs flag DocNameI -> Bool -> LaTeX
+ppHsOuterTyVarBndrs (HsOuterImplicit{}) _ = empty
+ppHsOuterTyVarBndrs (HsOuterExplicit{hso_bndrs = bndrs}) unicode =
+    hsep (forallSymbol unicode : ppTyVars bndrs) <> dot
 ppHsForAllTelescope :: HsForAllTelescope DocNameI -> Bool -> LaTeX
 ppHsForAllTelescope tele unicode = case tele of
@@ -617,7 +632,7 @@ ppClassDecl instances doc subdocs
     methodTable =
       text "\\haddockpremethods{}" <> emph (text "Methods") $$
-      vcat  [ ppFunSig doc names (hsSigWcType typ) unicode
+      vcat  [ ppFunSig doc names (dropWildCards typ) unicode
             | L _ (TypeSig _ lnames typ) <- lsigs
             , let doc = lookupAnySubdoc (head names) subdocs
                   names = map unLoc lnames ]
@@ -793,7 +808,7 @@ ppSideBySideConstr subdocs unicode leader (L _ con) =
         | otherwise -> hsep [ ppOcc
                             , dcolon unicode
                             -- ++AZ++ make this prepend "{..}" when it is a record style GADT
-                            , ppLType unicode (getGADTConType con)
+                            , ppLSigType unicode (getGADTConType con)
     fieldPart = case con of
@@ -868,18 +883,16 @@ ppSideBySidePat lnames typ (doc, argDocs) unicode =
          | otherwise = hsep [ keyword "pattern"
                             , ppOcc
                             , dcolon unicode
-                            , ppLType unicode (hsSigTypeI typ)
+                            , ppLSigType unicode typ
       | not hasArgDocs = empty
       | otherwise = vcat
           [ empty <-> text "\\qquad" <+> l <+> text "\\enspace" <+> r
-          | (l,r) <- ppSubSigLike unicode (unLoc patTy) argDocs [] (dcolon unicode)
+          | (l,r) <- ppSubSigLike unicode (unLoc typ) argDocs [] (dcolon unicode)
-    patTy = hsSigTypeI typ
     mDoc = fmap _doc $ combineDocumentation doc
@@ -1000,12 +1013,18 @@ ppLType       unicode y = ppType unicode (unLoc y)
 ppLParendType unicode y = ppParendType unicode (unLoc y)
 ppLFunLhType  unicode y = ppFunLhType unicode (unLoc y)
+ppLSigType :: Bool -> LHsSigType DocNameI -> LaTeX
+ppLSigType unicode y = ppSigType unicode (unLoc y)
 ppType, ppParendType, ppFunLhType, ppCtxType :: Bool -> HsType DocNameI -> LaTeX
 ppType       unicode ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_TOP ty) unicode
 ppParendType unicode ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_TOP ty) unicode
 ppFunLhType  unicode ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_FUN ty) unicode
 ppCtxType    unicode ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_CTX ty) unicode
+ppSigType :: Bool -> HsSigType DocNameI -> LaTeX
+ppSigType unicode sig_ty = ppr_sig_ty (reparenSigType sig_ty) unicode
 ppLHsTypeArg :: Bool -> LHsTypeArg DocNameI -> LaTeX
 ppLHsTypeArg unicode (HsValArg ty) = ppLParendType unicode ty
 ppLHsTypeArg unicode (HsTypeArg _ ki) = atSign unicode <>
@@ -1038,6 +1057,11 @@ ppKind unicode ki = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_TOP ki) unicode
 -- Drop top-level for-all type variables in user style
 -- since they are implicit in Haskell
+ppr_sig_ty :: HsSigType DocNameI -> Bool -> LaTeX
+ppr_sig_ty (HsSig { sig_bndrs = outer_bndrs, sig_body = ltype }) unicode
+  = sep [ ppHsOuterTyVarBndrs outer_bndrs unicode
+        , ppr_mono_lty ltype unicode ]
 ppr_mono_lty :: LHsType DocNameI -> Bool -> LaTeX
 ppr_mono_lty ty unicode = ppr_mono_ty (unLoc ty) unicode
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
index d80f8e95..8b9739f1 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ ppDecl summ links (L loc decl) pats (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) instances fixities subdoc
   TyClD _ d@(SynDecl {})         -> ppTySyn summ links fixities loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) d splice unicode pkg qual
   TyClD _ d@(ClassDecl {})       -> ppClassDecl summ links instances fixities loc mbDoc subdocs d splice unicode pkg qual
   SigD _ (TypeSig _ lnames lty)  -> ppLFunSig summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) lnames
-                                         (hsSigWcType lty) fixities splice unicode pkg qual
+                                         (dropWildCards lty) fixities splice unicode pkg qual
   SigD _ (PatSynSig _ lnames lty) -> ppLPatSig summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) lnames
-                                         (hsSigTypeI lty) fixities splice unicode pkg qual
+                                         lty fixities splice unicode pkg qual
   ForD _ d                       -> ppFor summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) d fixities splice unicode pkg qual
   InstD _ _                      -> noHtml
   DerivD _ _                     -> noHtml
@@ -72,25 +72,25 @@ ppDecl summ links (L loc decl) pats (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) instances fixities subdoc
 ppLFunSig :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> DocForDecl DocName ->
-             [Located DocName] -> LHsType DocNameI -> [(DocName, Fixity)] ->
+             [Located DocName] -> LHsSigType DocNameI -> [(DocName, Fixity)] ->
              Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
 ppLFunSig summary links loc doc lnames lty fixities splice unicode pkg qual =
   ppFunSig summary links loc doc (map unLoc lnames) lty fixities
            splice unicode pkg qual
 ppFunSig :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> DocForDecl DocName ->
-            [DocName] -> LHsType DocNameI -> [(DocName, Fixity)] ->
+            [DocName] -> LHsSigType DocNameI -> [(DocName, Fixity)] ->
             Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
 ppFunSig summary links loc doc docnames typ fixities splice unicode pkg qual =
   ppSigLike summary links loc mempty doc docnames fixities (unLoc typ, pp_typ)
             splice unicode pkg qual HideEmptyContexts
-    pp_typ = ppLType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts typ
+    pp_typ = ppLSigType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts typ
 -- | Pretty print a pattern synonym
 ppLPatSig :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> DocForDecl DocName
           -> [Located DocName]     -- ^ names of patterns in declaration
-          -> LHsType DocNameI      -- ^ type of patterns in declaration
+          -> LHsSigType DocNameI   -- ^ type of patterns in declaration
           -> [(DocName, Fixity)]
           -> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
 ppLPatSig summary links loc doc lnames typ fixities splice unicode pkg qual =
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ ppLPatSig summary links loc doc lnames typ fixities splice unicode pkg qual =
 ppSigLike :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> Html -> DocForDecl DocName ->
-             [DocName] -> [(DocName, Fixity)] -> (HsType DocNameI, Html) ->
+             [DocName] -> [(DocName, Fixity)] -> (HsSigType DocNameI, Html) ->
              Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
 ppSigLike summary links loc leader doc docnames fixities (typ, pp_typ)
           splice unicode pkg qual emptyCtxts =
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ ppSigLike summary links loc leader doc docnames fixities (typ, pp_typ)
       | otherwise = html <+> ppFixities fixities qual
-ppTypeOrFunSig :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> [DocName] -> HsType DocNameI
+ppTypeOrFunSig :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> [DocName] -> HsSigType DocNameI
                -> DocForDecl DocName -> (Html, Html, Html)
                -> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification
                -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
@@ -139,15 +139,24 @@ ppTypeOrFunSig summary links loc docnames typ (doc, argDocs) (pref1, pref2, sep)
 -- If one passes in a list of the available subdocs, any top-level `HsRecTy`
 -- found will be expanded out into their fields.
 ppSubSigLike :: Unicode -> Qualification
-             -> HsType DocNameI                  -- ^ type signature
+             -> HsSigType DocNameI               -- ^ type signature
              -> FnArgsDoc DocName                -- ^ docs to add
              -> [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)]  -- ^ all subdocs (useful when
                                                  -- we expand an `HsRecTy`)
              -> Html -> HideEmptyContexts -> [SubDecl]
-ppSubSigLike unicode qual typ argDocs subdocs sep emptyCtxts = do_args 0 sep typ
+ppSubSigLike unicode qual typ argDocs subdocs sep emptyCtxts = do_sig_args 0 sep typ
+    do_sig_args :: Int -> Html -> HsSigType DocNameI -> [SubDecl]
+    do_sig_args n leader (HsSig { sig_bndrs = outer_bndrs, sig_body = ltype }) =
+      case outer_bndrs of
+        HsOuterExplicit{hso_bndrs = bndrs} -> do_largs n (leader' bndrs) ltype
+        HsOuterImplicit{}                  -> do_largs n leader          ltype
+      where
+        leader' bndrs = leader <+> ppForAll (mkHsForAllInvisTeleI bndrs) unicode qual
     argDoc n = Map.lookup n argDocs
+    do_largs :: Int -> Html -> LHsType DocNameI -> [SubDecl]
     do_largs n leader (L _ t) = do_args n leader t
     do_args :: Int -> Html -> HsType DocNameI -> [SubDecl]
@@ -239,7 +248,7 @@ ppFor :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> DocForDecl DocName
       -> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
 ppFor summary links loc doc (ForeignImport _ (L _ name) typ _) fixities
       splice unicode pkg qual
-  = ppFunSig summary links loc doc [name] (hsSigTypeI typ) fixities splice unicode pkg qual
+  = ppFunSig summary links loc doc [name] typ fixities splice unicode pkg qual
 ppFor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "ppFor"
@@ -250,13 +259,14 @@ ppTySyn :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> [(DocName, Fixity)] -> SrcSpan
 ppTySyn summary links fixities loc doc (SynDecl { tcdLName = L _ name, tcdTyVars = ltyvars
                                                 , tcdRhs = ltype })
         splice unicode pkg qual
-  = ppTypeOrFunSig summary links loc [name] (unLoc ltype) doc
+  = ppTypeOrFunSig summary links loc [name] sig_type doc
                    (full <+> fixs, hdr <+> fixs, spaceHtml +++ equals)
                    splice unicode pkg qual ShowEmptyToplevelContexts
+    sig_type = mkHsImplicitSigTypeI ltype
     hdr  = hsep ([keyword "type", ppBinder summary occ]
                  ++ ppTyVars unicode qual (hsQTvExplicit ltyvars))
-    full = hdr <+> equals <+> ppPatSigType unicode qual ltype
+    full = hdr <+> equals <+> ppPatSigType unicode qual (noLoc sig_type)
     occ  = nameOccName . getName $ name
       | summary   = noHtml
@@ -276,13 +286,13 @@ ppTyName = ppName Prefix
 ppSimpleSig :: LinksInfo -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> SrcSpan
-            -> [DocName] -> HsType DocNameI
+            -> [DocName] -> HsSigType DocNameI
             -> Html
 ppSimpleSig links splice unicode qual emptyCtxts loc names typ =
     topDeclElem' names $ ppTypeSig True occNames ppTyp unicode
     topDeclElem' = topDeclElem links loc splice
-    ppTyp = ppType unicode qual emptyCtxts typ
+    ppTyp = ppSigType unicode qual emptyCtxts typ
     occNames = map getOccName names
@@ -322,9 +332,9 @@ ppFamDecl summary associated links instances fixities loc doc decl splice unicod
     -- Individual equation of a closed type family
     ppFamDeclEqn :: TyFamInstEqn DocNameI -> SubDecl
-    ppFamDeclEqn (HsIB { hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L _ n
-                                            , feqn_rhs = rhs
-                                            , feqn_pats = ts } })
+    ppFamDeclEqn (FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L _ n
+                         , feqn_rhs = rhs
+                         , feqn_pats = ts })
       = ( ppAppNameTypeArgs n ts unicode qual
           <+> equals <+> ppType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts (unLoc rhs)
         , Nothing
@@ -518,7 +528,7 @@ ppShortClassDecl summary links (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = lctxt, tcdLName = lname, t
                 -- ToDo: add associated type defaults
-            [ ppFunSig summary links loc doc names (hsSigTypeI typ)
+            [ ppFunSig summary links loc doc names typ
                        [] splice unicode pkg qual
               | L _ (ClassOpSig _ False lnames typ) <- sigs
               , let doc = lookupAnySubdoc (head names) subdocs
@@ -568,7 +578,7 @@ ppClassDecl summary links instances fixities loc d subdocs
                             doc = lookupAnySubdoc (unL $ fdLName $ unL at) subdocs
                             subfixs = [ f | f@(n',_) <- fixities, n == n' ] ]
-    methodBit = subMethods [ ppFunSig summary links loc doc [name] (hsSigTypeI typ)
+    methodBit = subMethods [ ppFunSig summary links loc doc [name] typ
                                       subfixs splice unicode pkg qual
                            | L _ (ClassOpSig _ _ lnames typ) <- lsigs
                            , name <- map unLoc lnames
@@ -692,7 +702,7 @@ ppInstanceSigs :: LinksInfo -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification
 ppInstanceSigs links splice unicode qual sigs = do
     TypeSig _ lnames typ <- sigs
     let names = map unLoc lnames
-        L _ rtyp = hsSigWcType typ
+        L _ rtyp = dropWildCards typ
     -- Instance methods signatures are synified and thus don't have a useful
     -- SrcSpan value. Use the methods name location instead.
     return $ ppSimpleSig links splice unicode qual HideEmptyContexts (getLoc $ head $ lnames) names rtyp
@@ -755,7 +765,7 @@ ppShortDataDecl summary dataInst dataDecl pats unicode qual
     pats1 = [ hsep [ keyword "pattern"
                    , hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppBinder summary . getOccName) lnames
                    , dcolon unicode
-                   , ppPatSigType unicode qual (hsSigTypeI typ)
+                   , ppPatSigType unicode qual typ
             | (SigD _ (PatSynSig _ lnames typ),_) <- pats
@@ -863,7 +873,7 @@ ppShortConstrParts summary dataInst con unicode qual
       -- GADT constructor, e.g. 'Foo :: Int -> Foo'
       ConDeclGADT {} ->
-          ( hsep [ ppOcc, dcolon unicode, ppLType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts (getGADTConType con) ]
+          ( hsep [ ppOcc, dcolon unicode, ppLSigType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts (getGADTConType con) ]
           , noHtml
           , noHtml
@@ -933,7 +943,7 @@ ppSideBySideConstr subdocs fixities unicode pkg qual (L _ con)
           | otherwise -> hsep [ ppOcc
                               , dcolon unicode
                               -- ++AZ++ make this prepend "{..}" when it is a record style GADT
-                              , ppLType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts (getGADTConType con)
+                              , ppLSigType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts (getGADTConType con)
                               , fixity
@@ -1037,18 +1047,17 @@ ppSideBySidePat fixities unicode qual lnames typ (doc, argDocs) =
          | otherwise = hsep [ keyword "pattern"
                             , ppOcc
                             , dcolon unicode
-                            , ppPatSigType unicode qual (hsSigTypeI typ)
+                            , ppPatSigType unicode qual typ
                             , fixity
       | not hasArgDocs = []
-      | otherwise = [ subFields Nothing qual (ppSubSigLike unicode qual (unLoc patTy)
+      | otherwise = [ subFields Nothing qual (ppSubSigLike unicode qual (unLoc typ)
                                                         argDocs [] (dcolon unicode)
                                                         emptyCtxt) ]
-    patTy = hsSigTypeI typ
-    emptyCtxt = patSigContext patTy
+    emptyCtxt = patSigContext typ
 -- | Print the LHS of a data\/newtype declaration.
@@ -1102,6 +1111,9 @@ ppLType       unicode qual emptyCtxts y = ppType unicode qual emptyCtxts (unLoc
 ppLParendType unicode qual emptyCtxts y = ppParendType unicode qual emptyCtxts (unLoc y)
 ppLFunLhType  unicode qual emptyCtxts y = ppFunLhType unicode qual emptyCtxts (unLoc y)
+ppLSigType ::  Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> LHsSigType DocNameI -> Html
+ppLSigType unicode qual emptyCtxts y = ppSigType unicode qual emptyCtxts (unLoc y)
 ppCtxType :: Unicode -> Qualification -> HsType DocNameI -> Html
 ppCtxType unicode qual ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_CTX ty) unicode qual HideEmptyContexts
@@ -1110,6 +1122,9 @@ ppType       unicode qual emptyCtxts ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_TOP
 ppParendType unicode qual emptyCtxts ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_CON ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
 ppFunLhType  unicode qual emptyCtxts ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_FUN ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
+ppSigType ::  Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> HsSigType DocNameI -> Html
+ppSigType unicode qual emptyCtxts sig_ty = ppr_sig_ty (reparenSigType sig_ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
 ppLHsTypeArg :: Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> LHsTypeArg DocNameI -> Html
 ppLHsTypeArg unicode qual emptyCtxts (HsValArg ty) = ppLParendType unicode qual emptyCtxts ty
 ppLHsTypeArg unicode qual emptyCtxts (HsTypeArg _ ki) = atSign unicode <>
@@ -1144,10 +1159,12 @@ ppLKind unicode qual y = ppKind unicode qual (unLoc y)
 ppKind :: Unicode -> Qualification -> HsKind DocNameI -> Html
 ppKind unicode qual ki = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_TOP ki) unicode qual HideEmptyContexts
-patSigContext :: LHsType DocNameI -> HideEmptyContexts
-patSigContext typ | hasNonEmptyContext typ && isFirstContextEmpty typ =  ShowEmptyToplevelContexts
-                  | otherwise = HideEmptyContexts
+patSigContext :: LHsSigType DocNameI -> HideEmptyContexts
+patSigContext sig_typ | hasNonEmptyContext typ && isFirstContextEmpty typ =  ShowEmptyToplevelContexts
+                      | otherwise = HideEmptyContexts
+    typ = sig_body (unLoc sig_typ)
     hasNonEmptyContext t =
       case unLoc t of
         HsForAllTy _ _ s -> hasNonEmptyContext s
@@ -1164,9 +1181,16 @@ patSigContext typ | hasNonEmptyContext typ && isFirstContextEmpty typ =  ShowEmp
 -- | Pretty-print a pattern signature (all this does over 'ppLType' is slot in
 -- the right 'HideEmptyContext' value)
-ppPatSigType :: Unicode -> Qualification -> LHsType DocNameI -> Html
+ppPatSigType :: Unicode -> Qualification -> LHsSigType DocNameI -> Html
 ppPatSigType unicode qual typ =
-  let emptyCtxts = patSigContext typ in ppLType unicode qual emptyCtxts typ
+  let emptyCtxts = patSigContext typ in ppLSigType unicode qual emptyCtxts typ
+ppHsOuterTyVarBndrs :: RenderableBndrFlag flag
+                    => Unicode -> Qualification -> HsOuterTyVarBndrs flag DocNameI -> Html
+ppHsOuterTyVarBndrs unicode qual outer_bndrs = case outer_bndrs of
+  HsOuterImplicit{} -> noHtml
+  HsOuterExplicit{hso_bndrs = bndrs} ->
+    hsep (forallSymbol unicode : ppTyVars unicode qual bndrs) +++ dot
 ppForAllPart :: Unicode -> Qualification -> HsForAllTelescope DocNameI -> Html
 ppForAllPart unicode qual tele = case tele of
@@ -1176,6 +1200,10 @@ ppForAllPart unicode qual tele = case tele of
   HsForAllInvis { hsf_invis_bndrs = bndrs } ->
     hsep (forallSymbol unicode : ppTyVars unicode qual bndrs) +++ dot
+ppr_sig_ty :: HsSigType DocNameI -> Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
+ppr_sig_ty (HsSig { sig_bndrs = outer_bndrs, sig_body = ltype }) unicode qual emptyCtxts
+  = ppHsOuterTyVarBndrs unicode qual outer_bndrs <+> ppr_mono_lty ltype unicode qual emptyCtxts
 ppr_mono_lty :: LHsType DocNameI -> Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
 ppr_mono_lty ty = ppr_mono_ty (unLoc ty)
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
index c0347e56..2f342ba4 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ import GHC.Parser.Annotation (IsUnicodeSyntax(..))
 import Haddock.Types
 import Haddock.Interface.Specialize
 import Haddock.GhcUtils                      ( orderedFVs, defaultRuntimeRepVars )
+import Haddock.Utils                         ( mkEmptySigType )
 import Data.Maybe                            ( catMaybes, mapMaybe, maybeToList )
@@ -104,15 +104,14 @@ tyThingToLHsDecl prr t = case t of
            extractFamDefDecl :: FamilyDecl GhcRn -> Type -> TyFamDefltDecl GhcRn
            extractFamDefDecl fd rhs =
-             TyFamInstDecl $ HsIB { hsib_ext = hsq_ext (fdTyVars fd)
-                                  , hsib_body = FamEqn
+             TyFamInstDecl $ FamEqn
              { feqn_ext = noExtField
              , feqn_tycon = fdLName fd
-             , feqn_bndrs = Nothing
+             , feqn_bndrs = HsOuterImplicit{hso_ximplicit = hsq_ext (fdTyVars fd)}
              , feqn_pats = map (HsValArg . hsLTyVarBndrToType) $
                            hsq_explicit $ fdTyVars fd
              , feqn_fixity = fdFixity fd
-             , feqn_rhs = synifyType WithinType [] rhs }}
+             , feqn_rhs = synifyType WithinType [] rhs }
              :: ClassATItem
@@ -170,14 +169,14 @@ synifyAxBranch tc (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tkvs, cab_lhs = args, cab_rhs = rhs })
         annot_typats    = zipWith3 annotHsType (mkIsPolyTvs fam_tvs)
                                    args_types_only typats
         hs_rhs          = synifyType WithinType [] rhs
-    in HsIB { hsib_ext = map tyVarName tkvs
-            , hsib_body   = FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noExtField
-                                   , feqn_tycon  = name
-                                   , feqn_bndrs  = Nothing
+        outer_bndrs     = HsOuterImplicit{hso_ximplicit = map tyVarName tkvs}
                                        -- TODO: this must change eventually
-                                   , feqn_pats   = map HsValArg annot_typats
-                                   , feqn_fixity = synifyFixity name
-                                   , feqn_rhs    = hs_rhs } }
+    in FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noExtField
+              , feqn_tycon  = name
+              , feqn_bndrs  = outer_bndrs
+              , feqn_pats   = map HsValArg annot_typats
+              , feqn_fixity = synifyFixity name
+              , feqn_rhs    = hs_rhs }
     fam_tvs = tyConVisibleTyVars tc
@@ -371,6 +370,12 @@ synifyDataCon use_gadt_syntax dc =
   (_univ_tvs, ex_tvs, _eq_spec, theta, arg_tys, res_ty) = dataConFullSig dc
   user_tvbndrs = dataConUserTyVarBinders dc -- Used for GADT data constructors
+  outer_bndrs | null user_tvbndrs
+              = HsOuterImplicit { hso_ximplicit = [] }
+              | otherwise
+              = HsOuterExplicit { hso_xexplicit = noExtField
+                                , hso_bndrs = map synifyTyVarBndr user_tvbndrs }
   -- skip any EqTheta, use 'orig'inal syntax
   ctx | null theta = Nothing
       | otherwise = Just $ synifyCtx theta
@@ -407,10 +412,9 @@ synifyDataCon use_gadt_syntax dc =
        then do
          let hat = mk_gadt_arg_tys
          return $ noLoc $ ConDeclGADT
-           { con_g_ext  = []
+           { con_g_ext  = noExtField
            , con_names  = [name]
-           , con_forall = noLoc $ not $ null user_tvbndrs
-           , con_qvars  = map synifyTyVarBndr user_tvbndrs
+           , con_bndrs  = noLoc outer_bndrs
            , con_mb_cxt = ctx
            , con_g_args = hat
            , con_res_ty = synifyType WithinType [] res_ty
@@ -531,17 +535,17 @@ data SynifyTypeState
 synifySigType :: SynifyTypeState -> [TyVar] -> Type -> LHsSigType GhcRn
--- The empty binders is a bit suspicious;
--- what if the type has free variables?
-synifySigType s vs ty = mkEmptyImplicitBndrs (synifyType s vs ty)
+-- The use of mkEmptySigType (which uses empty binders in OuterImplicit)
+-- is a bit suspicious; what if the type has free variables?
+synifySigType s vs ty = mkEmptySigType (synifyType s vs ty)
 synifySigWcType :: SynifyTypeState -> [TyVar] -> Type -> LHsSigWcType GhcRn
 -- Ditto (see synifySigType)
-synifySigWcType s vs ty = mkEmptyWildCardBndrs (mkEmptyImplicitBndrs (synifyType s vs ty))
+synifySigWcType s vs ty = mkEmptyWildCardBndrs (mkEmptySigType (synifyType s vs ty))
 synifyPatSynSigType :: PatSyn -> LHsSigType GhcRn
 -- Ditto (see synifySigType)
-synifyPatSynSigType ps = mkEmptyImplicitBndrs (synifyPatSynType ps)
+synifyPatSynSigType ps = mkEmptySigType (synifyPatSynType ps)
 -- | Depending on the first argument, try to default all type variables of kind
 -- 'RuntimeRep' to 'LiftedType'.
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
index d6d12e4e..39d6d3fd 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
@@ -123,30 +123,28 @@ getConNamesI :: ConDecl DocNameI -> [Located DocName]
 getConNamesI ConDeclH98  {con_name  = name}  = [name]
 getConNamesI ConDeclGADT {con_names = names} = names
-hsImplicitBodyI :: HsImplicitBndrs DocNameI thing -> thing
-hsImplicitBodyI (HsIB { hsib_body = body }) = body
-hsSigTypeI :: LHsSigType DocNameI -> LHsType DocNameI
-hsSigTypeI = hsImplicitBodyI
 mkHsForAllInvisTeleI ::
   [LHsTyVarBndr Specificity DocNameI] -> HsForAllTelescope DocNameI
 mkHsForAllInvisTeleI invis_bndrs =
   HsForAllInvis { hsf_xinvis = noExtField, hsf_invis_bndrs = invis_bndrs }
-getGADTConType :: ConDecl DocNameI -> LHsType DocNameI
+mkHsImplicitSigTypeI :: LHsType DocNameI -> HsSigType DocNameI
+mkHsImplicitSigTypeI body =
+  HsSig { sig_ext   = noExtField
+        , sig_bndrs = HsOuterImplicit{hso_ximplicit = noExtField}
+        , sig_body  = body }
+getGADTConType :: ConDecl DocNameI -> LHsSigType DocNameI
 -- The full type of a GADT data constructor We really only get this in
 -- order to pretty-print it, and currently only in Haddock's code.  So
 -- we are cavalier about locations and extensions, hence the
 -- 'undefined's
-getGADTConType (ConDeclGADT { con_forall = L _ has_forall
-                            , con_qvars = qtvs
+getGADTConType (ConDeclGADT { con_bndrs = L _ outer_bndrs
                             , con_mb_cxt = mcxt, con_g_args = args
                             , con_res_ty = res_ty })
- | has_forall = noLoc (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = noExtField
-                                  , hst_tele = mkHsForAllInvisTeleI qtvs
-                                  , hst_body  = theta_ty })
- | otherwise  = theta_ty
+ = noLoc (HsSig { sig_ext   = noExtField
+                , sig_bndrs = outer_bndrs
+                , sig_body  = theta_ty })
    theta_ty | Just theta <- mcxt
             = noLoc (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExtField, hst_ctxt = theta, hst_body = tau_ty })
@@ -188,19 +186,17 @@ tcdNameI = unLoc . tyClDeclLNameI
 -- -------------------------------------
-getGADTConTypeG :: ConDecl GhcRn -> LHsType GhcRn
+getGADTConTypeG :: ConDecl GhcRn -> LHsSigType GhcRn
 -- The full type of a GADT data constructor We really only get this in
 -- order to pretty-print it, and currently only in Haddock's code.  So
 -- we are cavalier about locations and extensions, hence the
 -- 'undefined's
-getGADTConTypeG (ConDeclGADT { con_forall = L _ has_forall
-                            , con_qvars = qtvs
+getGADTConTypeG (ConDeclGADT { con_bndrs = L _ outer_bndrs
                             , con_mb_cxt = mcxt, con_g_args = args
                             , con_res_ty = res_ty })
- | has_forall = noLoc (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = noExtField
-                                  , hst_tele = mkHsForAllInvisTele qtvs
-                                  , hst_body  = theta_ty })
- | otherwise  = theta_ty
+ = noLoc (HsSig { sig_ext   = noExtField
+                , sig_bndrs = outer_bndrs
+                , sig_body  = theta_ty })
    theta_ty | Just theta <- mcxt
             = noLoc (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExtField, hst_ctxt = theta, hst_body = tau_ty })
@@ -244,7 +240,9 @@ data Precedence
 -- We cannot add parens that may be required by fixities because we do not have
 -- any fixity information to work with in the first place :(.
-reparenTypePrec :: forall a. (XParTy a ~ NoExtField, MapXRec a, UnXRec a, WrapXRec a) => Precedence -> HsType a -> HsType a
+reparenTypePrec :: forall a. ( XParTy a ~ NoExtField, NoGhcTc a ~ a
+                             , MapXRec a, UnXRec a, WrapXRec a )
+                => Precedence -> HsType a -> HsType a
 reparenTypePrec = go
@@ -294,15 +292,37 @@ reparenTypePrec = go
 -- | Add parenthesis around the types in a 'HsType' (see 'reparenTypePrec')
-reparenType :: (XParTy a ~ NoExtField, MapXRec a, UnXRec a, WrapXRec a) => HsType a -> HsType a
+reparenType :: ( XParTy a ~ NoExtField, NoGhcTc a ~ a
+               , MapXRec a, UnXRec a, WrapXRec a )
+            => HsType a -> HsType a
 reparenType = reparenTypePrec PREC_TOP
 -- | Add parenthesis around the types in a 'LHsType' (see 'reparenTypePrec')
-reparenLType :: forall a. (XParTy a ~ NoExtField, MapXRec a, UnXRec a, WrapXRec a) => LHsType a -> LHsType a
+reparenLType :: forall a. ( XParTy a ~ NoExtField, NoGhcTc a ~ a
+                          , MapXRec a, UnXRec a, WrapXRec a )
+             => LHsType a -> LHsType a
 reparenLType = mapXRec @a reparenType
+-- | Add parentheses around the types in an 'HsSigType' (see 'reparenTypePrec')
+reparenSigType :: forall a. ( XParTy a ~ NoExtField, NoGhcTc a ~ a
+                            , MapXRec a, UnXRec a, WrapXRec a )
+               => HsSigType a -> HsSigType a
+reparenSigType (HsSig x bndrs body) =
+  HsSig x (reparenOuterTyVarBndrs bndrs) (reparenLType body)
+reparenSigType v@XHsSigType{} = v
+-- | Add parentheses around the types in an 'HsOuterTyVarBndrs' (see 'reparenTypePrec')
+reparenOuterTyVarBndrs :: forall flag a. ( XParTy a ~ NoExtField, NoGhcTc a ~ a
+                                         , MapXRec a, UnXRec a, WrapXRec a )
+                       => HsOuterTyVarBndrs flag a -> HsOuterTyVarBndrs flag a
+reparenOuterTyVarBndrs imp@HsOuterImplicit{} = imp
+reparenOuterTyVarBndrs (HsOuterExplicit x exp_bndrs) =
+  HsOuterExplicit x (map (mapXRec @(NoGhcTc a) reparenTyVar) exp_bndrs)
+reparenOuterTyVarBndrs v@XHsOuterTyVarBndrs{} = v
 -- | Add parentheses around the types in an 'HsForAllTelescope' (see 'reparenTypePrec')
-reparenHsForAllTelescope :: forall a. (XParTy a ~ NoExtField, MapXRec a, UnXRec a, WrapXRec a)
+reparenHsForAllTelescope :: forall a. ( XParTy a ~ NoExtField, NoGhcTc a ~ a
+                                      , MapXRec a, UnXRec a, WrapXRec a )
                          => HsForAllTelescope a -> HsForAllTelescope a
 reparenHsForAllTelescope (HsForAllVis x bndrs) =
   HsForAllVis x (map (mapXRec @a reparenTyVar) bndrs)
@@ -311,13 +331,17 @@ reparenHsForAllTelescope (HsForAllInvis x bndrs) =
 reparenHsForAllTelescope v@XHsForAllTelescope{} = v
 -- | Add parenthesis around the types in a 'HsTyVarBndr' (see 'reparenTypePrec')
-reparenTyVar :: (XParTy a ~ NoExtField, MapXRec a, UnXRec a, WrapXRec a) => HsTyVarBndr flag a -> HsTyVarBndr flag a
+reparenTyVar :: ( XParTy a ~ NoExtField, NoGhcTc a ~ a
+                , MapXRec a, UnXRec a, WrapXRec a )
+             => HsTyVarBndr flag a -> HsTyVarBndr flag a
 reparenTyVar (UserTyVar x flag n) = UserTyVar x flag n
 reparenTyVar (KindedTyVar x flag n kind) = KindedTyVar x flag n (reparenLType kind)
 reparenTyVar v@XTyVarBndr{} = v
 -- | Add parenthesis around the types in a 'ConDeclField' (see 'reparenTypePrec')
-reparenConDeclField :: (XParTy a ~ NoExtField, MapXRec a, UnXRec a, WrapXRec a) => ConDeclField a -> ConDeclField a
+reparenConDeclField :: ( XParTy a ~ NoExtField, NoGhcTc a ~ a
+                       , MapXRec a, UnXRec a, WrapXRec a )
+                    => ConDeclField a -> ConDeclField a
 reparenConDeclField (ConDeclField x n t d) = ConDeclField x n (reparenLType t) d
 reparenConDeclField c@XConDeclField{} = c
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
index ecaf1a5d..a0e56f07 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ mkMaps dflags pkgName gre instances decls = do
               -- The CoAx's loc is the whole line, but only for TFs. The
               -- workaround is to dig into the family instance declaration and
               -- get the identifier with the right location.
-              TyFamInstD _ (TyFamInstDecl d') -> getLoc (feqn_tycon (hsib_body d'))
+              TyFamInstD _ (TyFamInstDecl d') -> getLoc (feqn_tycon d')
               _ -> getInstLoc d
     names l (DerivD {}) = maybeToList (M.lookup l instanceMap) -- See note [2].
     names _ decl = getMainDeclBinder decl
@@ -904,26 +904,23 @@ extractDecl declMap name decl
         | isValName name
         , Just (famInst:_) <- M.lookup name declMap
         -> extractDecl declMap name famInst
-      InstD _ (DataFamInstD _ (DataFamInstDecl (HsIB { hsib_body =
-                             FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L _ n
+      InstD _ (DataFamInstD _ (DataFamInstDecl
+                            (FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L _ n
                                     , feqn_pats  = tys
-                                    , feqn_rhs   = defn }}))) ->
+                                    , feqn_rhs   = defn }))) ->
         if isDataConName name
         then SigD noExtField <$> extractPatternSyn name n tys (dd_cons defn)
         else SigD noExtField <$> extractRecSel name n tys (dd_cons defn)
       InstD _ (ClsInstD _ ClsInstDecl { cid_datafam_insts = insts })
         | isDataConName name ->
-            let matches = [ d' | L _ d'@(DataFamInstDecl (HsIB { hsib_body =
-                                          FamEqn { feqn_rhs   = dd
-                                                 }
-                                         })) <- insts
+            let matches = [ d' | L _ d'@(DataFamInstDecl (FamEqn { feqn_rhs = dd })) <- insts
                                , name `elem` map unLoc (concatMap (getConNames . unLoc) (dd_cons dd))
             in case matches of
                 [d0] -> extractDecl declMap name (noLoc (InstD noExtField (DataFamInstD noExtField d0)))
                 _    -> error "internal: extractDecl (ClsInstD)"
         | otherwise ->
-            let matches = [ d' | L _ d'@(DataFamInstDecl (HsIB { hsib_body = d }))
+            let matches = [ d' | L _ d'@(DataFamInstDecl d)
                                    <- insts
                                  -- , L _ ConDecl { con_details = RecCon rec } <- dd_cons (feqn_rhs d)
                                , Just rec <- map (getRecConArgs_maybe . unLoc) (dd_cons (feqn_rhs d))
@@ -963,7 +960,7 @@ extractPatternSyn nm t tvs cons =
             ConDeclH98 { con_mb_cxt = Just cxt } -> noLoc (HsQualTy noExtField cxt typ)
             _ -> typ
         typ'' = noLoc (HsQualTy noExtField (noLoc []) typ')
-    in PatSynSig noExtField [noLoc nm] (mkEmptyImplicitBndrs typ'')
+    in PatSynSig noExtField [noLoc nm] (mkEmptySigType typ'')
   longArrow :: [LHsType GhcRn] -> LHsType GhcRn -> LHsType GhcRn
   longArrow inputs output = foldr (\x y -> noLoc (HsFunTy noExtField (HsUnrestrictedArrow NormalSyntax) x y)) output inputs
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
index e7d19dfe..a1e712e0 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
@@ -191,10 +191,10 @@ renameLTypeArg (HsTypeArg l ki) = do { ki' <- renameLKind ki
 renameLTypeArg (HsArgPar sp) = return $ HsArgPar sp
 renameLSigType :: LHsSigType GhcRn -> RnM (LHsSigType DocNameI)
-renameLSigType = renameImplicit renameLType
+renameLSigType = mapM renameSigType
 renameLSigWcType :: LHsSigWcType GhcRn -> RnM (LHsSigWcType DocNameI)
-renameLSigWcType = renameWc (renameImplicit renameLType)
+renameLSigWcType = renameWc renameLSigType
 renameLKind :: LHsKind GhcRn -> RnM (LHsKind DocNameI)
 renameLKind = renameLType
@@ -294,6 +294,12 @@ renameType t = case t of
   HsSpliceTy _ s          -> renameHsSpliceTy s
   HsWildCardTy a          -> pure (HsWildCardTy a)
+renameSigType :: HsSigType GhcRn -> RnM (HsSigType DocNameI)
+renameSigType (HsSig { sig_bndrs = bndrs, sig_body = body }) = do
+  bndrs' <- renameOuterTyVarBndrs bndrs
+  body'  <- renameLType body
+  pure $ HsSig { sig_ext = noExtField, sig_bndrs = bndrs', sig_body = body' }
 -- | Rename splices, but _only_ those that turn out to be for types.
 -- I think this is actually safe for our possible inputs:
@@ -486,21 +492,20 @@ renameCon decl@(ConDeclH98 { con_name = lname, con_ex_tvs = ltyvars
                    , con_forall = forall -- Remove when #18311 is fixed
                    , con_args = details', con_doc = mbldoc' })
-renameCon ConDeclGADT { con_names = lnames, con_qvars = ltyvars
+renameCon ConDeclGADT { con_names = lnames, con_bndrs = bndrs
                             , con_mb_cxt = lcontext, con_g_args = details
-                            , con_res_ty = res_ty, con_forall = forall
+                            , con_res_ty = res_ty
                             , con_doc = mbldoc } = do
       lnames'   <- mapM renameL lnames
-      ltyvars'  <- mapM renameLTyVarBndr ltyvars
+      bndrs'    <- mapM renameOuterTyVarBndrs bndrs
       lcontext' <- traverse renameLContext lcontext
       details'  <- renameGADTDetails details
       res_ty'   <- renameLType res_ty
       mbldoc'   <- mapM renameLDocHsSyn mbldoc
       return (ConDeclGADT
-                   { con_g_ext = noExtField, con_names = lnames', con_qvars = ltyvars'
+                   { con_g_ext = noExtField, con_names = lnames', con_bndrs = bndrs'
                    , con_mb_cxt = lcontext', con_g_args = details'
-                   , con_res_ty = res_ty', con_doc = mbldoc'
-                   , con_forall = forall}) -- Remove when #18311 is fixed
+                   , con_res_ty = res_ty', con_doc = mbldoc' })
 renameHsScaled :: HsScaled GhcRn (LHsType GhcRn)
                -> RnM (HsScaled DocNameI (LHsType DocNameI))
@@ -618,32 +623,26 @@ renameTyFamInstD (TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = eqn })
        ; return (TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = eqn' }) }
 renameTyFamInstEqn :: TyFamInstEqn GhcRn -> RnM (TyFamInstEqn DocNameI)
-renameTyFamInstEqn eqn
-  = renameImplicit rename_ty_fam_eqn eqn
-  where
-    rename_ty_fam_eqn
-      :: FamEqn GhcRn (LHsType GhcRn)
-      -> RnM (FamEqn DocNameI (LHsType DocNameI))
-    rename_ty_fam_eqn (FamEqn { feqn_tycon = tc, feqn_bndrs = bndrs
-                              , feqn_pats = pats, feqn_fixity = fixity
-                              , feqn_rhs = rhs })
-      = do { tc' <- renameL tc
-           ; bndrs' <- traverse (mapM renameLTyVarBndr) bndrs
-           ; pats' <- mapM renameLTypeArg pats
-           ; rhs' <- renameLType rhs
-           ; return (FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noExtField
-                            , feqn_tycon  = tc'
-                            , feqn_bndrs  = bndrs'
-                            , feqn_pats   = pats'
-                            , feqn_fixity = fixity
-                            , feqn_rhs    = rhs' }) }
+renameTyFamInstEqn (FamEqn { feqn_tycon = tc, feqn_bndrs = bndrs
+                           , feqn_pats = pats, feqn_fixity = fixity
+                           , feqn_rhs = rhs })
+  = do { tc' <- renameL tc
+       ; bndrs' <- renameOuterTyVarBndrs bndrs
+       ; pats' <- mapM renameLTypeArg pats
+       ; rhs' <- renameLType rhs
+       ; return (FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noExtField
+                        , feqn_tycon  = tc'
+                        , feqn_bndrs  = bndrs'
+                        , feqn_pats   = pats'
+                        , feqn_fixity = fixity
+                        , feqn_rhs    = rhs' }) }
 renameTyFamDefltD :: TyFamDefltDecl GhcRn -> RnM (TyFamDefltDecl DocNameI)
 renameTyFamDefltD = renameTyFamInstD
 renameDataFamInstD :: DataFamInstDecl GhcRn -> RnM (DataFamInstDecl DocNameI)
 renameDataFamInstD (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = eqn })
-  = do { eqn' <- renameImplicit rename_data_fam_eqn eqn
+  = do { eqn' <- rename_data_fam_eqn eqn
        ; return (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = eqn' }) }
@@ -653,7 +652,7 @@ renameDataFamInstD (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = eqn })
                                 , feqn_pats = pats, feqn_fixity = fixity
                                 , feqn_rhs = defn })
       = do { tc' <- renameL tc
-           ; bndrs' <- traverse (mapM renameLTyVarBndr) bndrs
+           ; bndrs' <- renameOuterTyVarBndrs bndrs
            ; pats' <- mapM renameLTypeArg pats
            ; defn' <- renameDataDefn defn
            ; return (FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noExtField
@@ -663,13 +662,12 @@ renameDataFamInstD (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = eqn })
                             , feqn_fixity = fixity
                             , feqn_rhs    = defn' }) }
-renameImplicit :: (in_thing -> RnM out_thing)
-               -> HsImplicitBndrs GhcRn in_thing
-               -> RnM (HsImplicitBndrs DocNameI out_thing)
-renameImplicit rn_thing (HsIB { hsib_body = thing })
-  = do { thing' <- rn_thing thing
-       ; return (HsIB { hsib_body = thing'
-                      , hsib_ext = noExtField }) }
+renameOuterTyVarBndrs :: HsOuterTyVarBndrs flag GhcRn
+                      -> RnM (HsOuterTyVarBndrs flag DocNameI)
+renameOuterTyVarBndrs (HsOuterImplicit{}) =
+  pure $ HsOuterImplicit{hso_ximplicit = noExtField}
+renameOuterTyVarBndrs (HsOuterExplicit{hso_bndrs = exp_bndrs}) =
+  HsOuterExplicit noExtField <$> mapM renameLTyVarBndr exp_bndrs
 renameWc :: (in_thing -> RnM out_thing)
          -> HsWildCardBndrs GhcRn in_thing
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
index 35e5258f..b19f52d0 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ specialize specs = go spec_map0
 -- Again, it is just a convenience function around 'specialize'. Note that
 -- length of type list should be the same as the number of binders.
-specializeTyVarBndrs :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> [HsType GhcRn] -> HsType GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn
+specializeTyVarBndrs :: Data a => LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> [HsType GhcRn] -> a -> a
 specializeTyVarBndrs bndrs typs =
     specialize $ zip bndrs' typs
@@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ specializeSig :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> [HsType GhcRn]
               -> Sig GhcRn
               -> Sig GhcRn
 specializeSig bndrs typs (TypeSig _ lnames typ) =
-  TypeSig noExtField lnames (typ {hswc_body = (hswc_body typ) {hsib_body = noLoc typ'}})
+  TypeSig noExtField lnames (typ {hswc_body = noLoc typ'})
-    true_type :: HsType GhcRn
-    true_type = unLoc (hsSigWcType typ)
-    typ' :: HsType GhcRn
+    true_type :: HsSigType GhcRn
+    true_type = unLoc (dropWildCards typ)
+    typ' :: HsSigType GhcRn
     typ' = rename fv $ specializeTyVarBndrs bndrs typs true_type
-    fv = foldr Set.union Set.empty . map freeVariables $ typs
+    fv = foldr Set.union Set.empty . map freeVariablesType $ typs
 specializeSig _ _ sig = sig
@@ -207,25 +207,37 @@ setInternalOccName occ name =
     nname' = mkInternalName (nameUnique nname) occ (nameSrcSpan nname)
--- | Compute set of free variables of given type.
-freeVariables :: HsType GhcRn -> Set Name
-freeVariables =
-    everythingWithState Set.empty Set.union query
+-- | Compute set of free variables of a given 'HsType'.
+freeVariablesType :: HsType GhcRn -> Set Name
+freeVariablesType =
+    everythingWithState Set.empty Set.union
+      (mkQ (\ctx -> (Set.empty, ctx)) queryType)
+-- | Compute set of free variables of a given 'HsType'.
+freeVariablesSigType :: HsSigType GhcRn -> Set Name
+freeVariablesSigType =
+    everythingWithState Set.empty Set.union
+      (mkQ (\ctx -> (Set.empty, ctx)) queryType `extQ` querySigType)
+queryType :: HsType GhcRn -> Set Name -> (Set Name, Set Name)
+queryType term ctx = case term of
+    HsForAllTy _ tele _ ->
+        (Set.empty, Set.union ctx (teleNames tele))
+    HsTyVar _ _ (L _ name)
+        | getName name `Set.member` ctx -> (Set.empty, ctx)
+        | otherwise -> (Set.singleton $ getName name, ctx)
+    _ -> (Set.empty, ctx)
-    query :: forall a . Data a => a -> Set Name -> (Set Name, Set Name)
-    query term ctx = case cast term :: Maybe (HsType GhcRn) of
-        Just (HsForAllTy _ tele _) ->
-            (Set.empty, Set.union ctx (teleNames tele))
-        Just (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ name))
-            | getName name `Set.member` ctx -> (Set.empty, ctx)
-            | otherwise -> (Set.singleton $ getName name, ctx)
-        _ -> (Set.empty, ctx)
     teleNames :: HsForAllTelescope GhcRn -> Set Name
     teleNames (HsForAllVis   _ bndrs) = bndrsNames bndrs
     teleNames (HsForAllInvis _ bndrs) = bndrsNames bndrs
-    bndrsNames = Set.fromList . map (getName . tyVarName . unLoc)
+querySigType :: HsSigType GhcRn -> Set Name -> (Set Name, Set Name)
+querySigType (HsSig { sig_bndrs = outer_bndrs }) ctx =
+  (Set.empty, Set.union ctx (bndrsNames (hsOuterExplicitBndrs outer_bndrs)))
+bndrsNames :: [LHsTyVarBndr flag GhcRn] -> Set Name
+bndrsNames = Set.fromList . map (getName . tyVarName . unLoc)
 -- | Make given type visually unambiguous.
@@ -236,12 +248,12 @@ freeVariables =
 -- different type variable than latter one. Applying 'rename' function
 -- will fix that type to be visually unambiguous again (making it something
 -- like @(a -> b0) -> b@).
-rename :: Set Name -> HsType GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn
-rename fv typ = evalState (renameType typ) env
+rename :: Set Name -> HsSigType GhcRn -> HsSigType GhcRn
+rename fv typ = evalState (renameSigType typ) env
     env = RenameEnv
       { rneHeadFVs = Map.fromList . map mkPair . Set.toList $ fv
-      , rneSigFVs = getNameRep $ freeVariables typ
+      , rneSigFVs = getNameRep $ freeVariablesSigType typ
       , rneCtx = Map.empty
     mkPair name = (getNameRep name, name)
@@ -256,6 +268,17 @@ data RenameEnv name = RenameEnv
+renameSigType :: HsSigType GhcRn -> Rename (IdP GhcRn) (HsSigType GhcRn)
+renameSigType (HsSig x bndrs body) =
+  HsSig x <$> renameOuterTyVarBndrs bndrs <*> renameLType body
+renameOuterTyVarBndrs :: HsOuterTyVarBndrs flag GhcRn
+                      -> Rename (IdP GhcRn) (HsOuterTyVarBndrs flag GhcRn)
+renameOuterTyVarBndrs (HsOuterImplicit imp_tvs) =
+  HsOuterImplicit <$> mapM renameName imp_tvs
+renameOuterTyVarBndrs (HsOuterExplicit x exp_bndrs) =
+  HsOuterExplicit x <$> mapM renameLBinder exp_bndrs
 renameType :: HsType GhcRn -> Rename (IdP GhcRn) (HsType GhcRn)
 renameType (HsForAllTy x tele lt) =
     HsForAllTy x
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Syb.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Syb.hs
index 7e34ae8c..fc946c8e 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Syb.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Syb.hs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 module Haddock.Syb
     ( everything, everythingButType, everythingWithState
     , everywhere, everywhereButType
-    , mkT
+    , mkT, mkQ, extQ
     , combine
     ) where
@@ -91,6 +91,21 @@ mkT f = case cast f of
     Just f' -> f'
     Nothing -> id
+-- | Create generic query.
+-- Another function stolen from SYB package.
+mkQ :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => r -> (b -> r) -> a -> r
+(r `mkQ` br) a = case cast a of
+                        Just b  -> br b
+                        Nothing -> r
+-- | Extend a generic query by a type-specific case.
+-- Another function stolen from SYB package.
+extQ :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => (a -> q) -> (b -> q) -> a -> q
+extQ f g a = maybe (f a) g (cast a)
 -- | Combine two queries into one using alternative combinator.
 combine :: Alternative f => (forall a. Data a => a -> f r)
                          -> (forall a. Data a => a -> f r)
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
index 6aad5dd1..7b261f4e 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
@@ -755,9 +755,14 @@ type instance XFamDecl      DocNameI = NoExtField
 type instance XXFamilyDecl  DocNameI = NoExtCon
 type instance XXTyClDecl    DocNameI = NoExtCon
-type instance XHsIB             DocNameI _ = NoExtField
-type instance XHsWC             DocNameI _ = NoExtField
-type instance XXHsImplicitBndrs DocNameI _ = NoExtCon
+type instance XHsWC DocNameI _ = NoExtField
+type instance XHsOuterExplicit    DocNameI _ = NoExtField
+type instance XHsOuterImplicit    DocNameI   = NoExtField
+type instance XXHsOuterTyVarBndrs DocNameI   = NoExtCon
+type instance XHsSig      DocNameI = NoExtField
+type instance XXHsSigType DocNameI = NoExtCon
 type instance XHsQTvs        DocNameI = NoExtField
 type instance XConDeclField  DocNameI = NoExtField
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
index 1177fb18..aec7f9ab 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ module Haddock.Utils (
   -- * Misc utilities
   restrictTo, emptyHsQTvs,
   toDescription, toInstalledDescription,
-  mkEmptySigWcType, addClassContext, lHsQTyVarsToTypes,
+  mkEmptySigWcType, mkEmptySigType,
+  addClassContext, lHsQTyVarsToTypes,
   -- * Filename utilities
   moduleHtmlFile, moduleHtmlFile',
@@ -131,21 +132,38 @@ mkMeta x = emptyMetaDoc { _doc = x }
 mkEmptySigWcType :: LHsType GhcRn -> LHsSigWcType GhcRn
 -- Dubious, because the implicit binders are empty even
 -- though the type might have free varaiables
-mkEmptySigWcType ty = mkEmptyWildCardBndrs (mkEmptyImplicitBndrs ty)
+mkEmptySigWcType ty = mkEmptyWildCardBndrs (mkEmptySigType ty)
+mkEmptySigType :: LHsType GhcRn -> LHsSigType GhcRn
+-- Dubious, because the implicit binders are empty even
+-- though the type might have free varaiables
+mkEmptySigType lty@(L loc ty) = L loc $ case ty of
+  HsForAllTy { hst_tele = HsForAllInvis { hsf_invis_bndrs = bndrs }
+             , hst_body = body }
+    -> HsSig { sig_ext = noExtField
+             , sig_bndrs = HsOuterExplicit { hso_xexplicit = noExtField
+                                           , hso_bndrs     = bndrs }
+             , sig_body = body }
+  _ -> HsSig { sig_ext   = noExtField
+             , sig_bndrs = HsOuterImplicit{hso_ximplicit = []}
+             , sig_body = lty }
 addClassContext :: Name -> LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> LSig GhcRn -> LSig GhcRn
 -- Add the class context to a class-op signature
 addClassContext cls tvs0 (L pos (ClassOpSig _ _ lname ltype))
-  = L pos (TypeSig noExtField lname (mkEmptySigWcType (go (hsSigType ltype))))
-          -- The mkEmptySigWcType is suspicious
+  = L pos (TypeSig noExtField lname (mkEmptyWildCardBndrs (go_sig_ty ltype)))
-    go (L loc (HsForAllTy { hst_tele = tele, hst_body = ty }))
+    go_sig_ty (L loc (HsSig { sig_bndrs = bndrs, sig_body = ty }))
+       = L loc (HsSig { sig_ext = noExtField
+                      , sig_bndrs = bndrs, sig_body = go_ty ty })
+    go_ty (L loc (HsForAllTy { hst_tele = tele, hst_body = ty }))
        = L loc (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = noExtField
-                           , hst_tele = tele, hst_body = go ty })
-    go (L loc (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = ctxt, hst_body = ty }))
+                           , hst_tele = tele, hst_body = go_ty ty })
+    go_ty (L loc (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = ctxt, hst_body = ty }))
        = L loc (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExtField
                          , hst_ctxt = add_ctxt ctxt, hst_body = ty })
-    go (L loc ty)
+    go_ty (L loc ty)
        = L loc (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExtField
                          , hst_ctxt = add_ctxt (L loc []), hst_body = L loc ty })
diff --git a/hypsrc-test/ref/src/Classes.html b/hypsrc-test/ref/src/Classes.html
index 3477d89d..2a44be99 100644
--- a/hypsrc-test/ref/src/Classes.html
+++ b/hypsrc-test/ref/src/Classes.html
@@ -280,12 +280,12 @@ forall a. a -&gt; a
       ><span id="line-12"
-      ><span id=""
       ><span class="hs-keyword"
-	>instance</span
-	><span
-	> </span
-	><span class="annot"
+      >instance</span
+      ><span
+      > </span
+      ><span id=""
+      ><span class="annot"
 	><a href="Classes.html#Foo"
 	  ><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
@@ -303,93 +303,93 @@ forall a. a -&gt; a
 	><span class="hs-special"
-	><span
-	> </span
-	><span class="hs-keyword"
-	>where</span
-	><span
-	>
-	><span id="line-13"
-	><span
-	>    </span
-	><span id=""
-	><span class="annot"
-	  ><span class="annottext"
-	    >bar :: [a] -&gt; Int
+      ><span
+      > </span
+      ><span class="hs-keyword"
+      >where</span
+      ><span
+      >
-	    ><a href="#"
-	    ><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var hs-var hs-var"
-	      >bar</span
-	      ></a
-	    ></span
-	  ></span
-	><span
-	> </span
-	><span class="hs-glyph"
-	>=</span
-	><span
-	> </span
-	><span class="annot"
+      ><span id="line-13"
+      ></span
+      ><span
+      >    </span
+      ><span id=""
+      ><span class="annot"
 	><span class="annottext"
-	  >[a] -&gt; Int
-forall (t :: * -&gt; *) a. Foldable t =&gt; t a -&gt; Int
+	  >bar :: [a] -&gt; Int
-	  ><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
-	  >length</span
+	  ><a href="#"
+	  ><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var hs-var hs-var"
+	    >bar</span
+	    ></a
-	><span
-	>
+	></span
+      ><span
+      > </span
+      ><span class="hs-glyph"
+      >=</span
+      ><span
+      > </span
+      ><span class="annot"
+      ><span class="annottext"
+	>[a] -&gt; Int
+forall (t :: * -&gt; *) a. Foldable t =&gt; t a -&gt; Int
-	><span id="line-14"
+	><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
+	>length</span
-	><span
-	>    </span
-	><span id=""
-	><span class="annot"
-	  ><span class="annottext"
-	    >baz :: Int -&gt; ([a], [a])
+      ><span
+      >
-	    ><a href="#"
-	    ><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var hs-var hs-var"
-	      >baz</span
-	      ></a
-	    ></span
-	  ></span
-	><span
-	> </span
-	><span class="annot"
+      ><span id="line-14"
+      ></span
+      ><span
+      >    </span
+      ><span id=""
+      ><span class="annot"
 	><span class="annottext"
-	  >Int
+	  >baz :: Int -&gt; ([a], [a])
-	  ><span class="hs-identifier"
-	  >_</span
+	  ><a href="#"
+	  ><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var hs-var hs-var"
+	    >baz</span
+	    ></a
-	><span
-	> </span
-	><span class="hs-glyph"
-	>=</span
-	><span
-	> </span
-	><span class="hs-special"
-	>(</span
-	><span class="hs-special"
-	>[</span
-	><span class="hs-special"
-	>]</span
-	><span class="hs-special"
-	>,</span
-	><span
-	> </span
-	><span class="hs-special"
-	>[</span
-	><span class="hs-special"
-	>]</span
-	><span class="hs-special"
-	>)</span
+      > </span
+      ><span class="annot"
+      ><span class="annottext"
+	>Int
+	><span class="hs-identifier"
+	>_</span
+	></span
+      ><span
+      > </span
+      ><span class="hs-glyph"
+      >=</span
+      ><span
+      > </span
+      ><span class="hs-special"
+      >(</span
+      ><span class="hs-special"
+      >[</span
+      ><span class="hs-special"
+      >]</span
+      ><span class="hs-special"
+      >,</span
+      ><span
+      > </span
+      ><span class="hs-special"
+      >[</span
+      ><span class="hs-special"
+      >]</span
+      ><span class="hs-special"
+      >)</span
+      ><span
       ><span id="line-15"
@@ -821,12 +821,12 @@ forall (t :: * -&gt; *) a. (Foldable t, Num a) =&gt; t a -&gt; a
       ><span id="line-27"
-      ><span id=""
       ><span class="hs-keyword"
-	>instance</span
-	><span
-	> </span
-	><span id=""
+      >instance</span
+      ><span
+      > </span
+      ><span id=""
+      ><span id=""
 	><span class="annot"
 	  ><a href="Classes.html#Foo%27"
 	    ><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
@@ -846,52 +846,52 @@ forall (t :: * -&gt; *) a. (Foldable t, Num a) =&gt; t a -&gt; a
 	  ><span class="hs-special"
-	><span
-	> </span
-	><span class="hs-keyword"
-	>where</span
-	><span
-	>
-	><span id="line-28"
-	><span
-	>    </span
-	><span id=""
-	><span class="annot"
-	  ><span class="annottext"
-	    >quux :: ([a], [a]) -&gt; [a]
+      ><span
+      > </span
+      ><span class="hs-keyword"
+      >where</span
+      ><span
+      >
-	    ><a href="#"
-	    ><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var hs-var hs-var"
-	      >quux</span
-	      ></a
-	    ></span
-	  ></span
-	><span
-	> </span
-	><span class="hs-glyph"
-	>=</span
-	><span
-	> </span
-	><span class="annot"
+      ><span id="line-28"
+      ></span
+      ><span
+      >    </span
+      ><span id=""
+      ><span class="annot"
 	><span class="annottext"
-	  >([a] -&gt; [a] -&gt; [a]) -&gt; ([a], [a]) -&gt; [a]
-forall a b c. (a -&gt; b -&gt; c) -&gt; (a, b) -&gt; c
+	  >quux :: ([a], [a]) -&gt; [a]
-	  ><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
-	  >uncurry</span
+	  ><a href="#"
+	  ><span class="hs-identifier hs-var hs-var hs-var hs-var"
+	    >quux</span
+	    ></a
-	><span
-	> </span
-	><span class="annot"
-	><span class="annottext"
-	  >[a] -&gt; [a] -&gt; [a]
+	></span
+      ><span
+      > </span
+      ><span class="hs-glyph"
+      >=</span
+      ><span
+      > </span
+      ><span class="annot"
+      ><span class="annottext"
+	>([a] -&gt; [a] -&gt; [a]) -&gt; ([a], [a]) -&gt; [a]
+forall a b c. (a -&gt; b -&gt; c) -&gt; (a, b) -&gt; c
+	><span class="hs-identifier hs-var"
+	>uncurry</span
+	></span
+      ><span
+      > </span
+      ><span class="annot"
+      ><span class="annottext"
+	>[a] -&gt; [a] -&gt; [a]
 forall a. [a] -&gt; [a] -&gt; [a]
-	  ><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
-	  >(++)</span
-	  ></span
+	><span class="hs-operator hs-var"
+	>(++)</span
@@ -941,23 +941,23 @@ forall a. [a] -&gt; [a] -&gt; [a]
       >    </span
+      ><span id="plugh"
+      ><span class="annot"
+	><a href="Classes.html#plugh"
+	  ><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
+	    >plugh</span
+	    ></a
+	  ></span
+	></span
+      ><span
+      > </span
+      ><span class="hs-glyph"
+      >::</span
+      ><span
+      > </span
       ><span id=""
       ><span id=""
-	><span id="plugh"
-	  ><span class="annot"
-	    ><a href="Classes.html#plugh"
-	      ><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
-		>plugh</span
-		></a
-	      ></span
-	    ></span
-	  ><span
-	  > </span
-	  ><span class="hs-glyph"
-	  >::</span
-	  ><span
-	  > </span
-	  ><span class="annot"
+	><span class="annot"
 	  ><a href="#"
 	    ><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
cgit v1.2.3

From 1bdbf284b4ba20ee1738b13c4e3414384955f6f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ben Gamari <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2021 18:55:33 +0000
Subject: Adapt to "Make PatSyn immutable"

 hypsrc-test/ref/src/Records.html | 5 +----
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-)

(limited to 'hypsrc-test/ref')

diff --git a/hypsrc-test/ref/src/Records.html b/hypsrc-test/ref/src/Records.html
index 24e707c9..7c5b2ff7 100644
--- a/hypsrc-test/ref/src/Records.html
+++ b/hypsrc-test/ref/src/Records.html
@@ -260,10 +260,7 @@
       > </span
       ><span class="annot"
-      ><span class="annottext"
-	>Point :: Int -&gt; Int -&gt; Point
-	><a href="Records.html#Point"
+      ><a href="Records.html#Point"
 	><span class="hs-identifier hs-type"
cgit v1.2.3