----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Foo -- Copyright : (c) Simon Marlow 2002 -- License : BSD-style -- -- Maintainer : libraries@haskell.org -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- This is the module comment for the "Foo" module -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This is plain comment, ignored by Haddock. module Foo ( -- Section headings are introduced with '-- *': -- * Type declarations -- Subsection headings are introduced with '-- **' and so on. -- ** Data types T(..), T2, T3(..), T4(..), N1(..), N2(..), N3(..), N4, -- ** Records R(..), -- * Class declarations C(a,b), D(..), E, F(..), -- * Function types f, g, -- * Auxiliary stuff -- $aux1 -- $aux2 -- $aux3 -- $aux4 -- $aux5 -- | This is some inline documentation in the export list -- -- > a code block using bird-tracks -- > each line must begin with > (which isn\'t significant unless it -- > is at the beginning of the line). -- * A hidden module module Hidden, -- * A visible module module Visible, {-| nested-style doc comments -} -- * Existential / Universal types Ex(..), ) where -- | This comment applies to the /following/ declaration -- and it continues until the next non-comment line data T a b = A Int (Maybe Float) -- ^ This comment describes the 'A' constructor | -- | This comment describes the 'B' constructor B (T a b, T Int Float) -- ^ -- | An abstract data declaration data T2 a b = T2 a b -- | A data declaration with no documentation annotations on the constructors data T3 a b = A1 a | B1 b -- A data declaration with no documentation annotations at all data T4 a b = A2 a | B2 b -- | A newtype newtype N1 a b = N1 (a b) -- | A newtype with a fieldname newtype N2 a b = N2 {n :: a b} -- | A newtype with a fieldname, documentation on the field newtype N3 a b = N3 {n3 :: a b -- ^ this is the 'n3' field } -- | An abstract newtype - we show this one as data rather than newtype because -- the difference isn\'t visible to the programmer for an abstract type. newtype N4 a b = N4 a class (D a) => C a where -- |this is a description of the 'a' method a :: Int b :: Float -- ^ this is a description of the 'b' method c :: Double -- c is hidden in the export list -- ^ This comment applies to the /previous/ declaration (the 'C' class) class D a where d :: T a b e :: (a,a) -- ^ This is a class declaration with no separate docs for the methods class E a where ee :: Int -- ^ This is a class declaration with no methods (or no methods exported) -- This is a class declaration with no documentation at all class F a where ff :: Float -- | This is the documentation for the 'R' record, which has four fields, -- 'p', 'q', 'r', and 's'. data R = C1 { p :: Int -- ^ This comment applies to the 'p' field , q :: forall a . a->a -- ^ This comment applies to the 'q' field , -- | This comment applies to both 'r' and 's' r,s :: Int } -- These section headers are only used when there is no export list to -- give the structure of the documentation: -- * This is a section header (level 1) -- ** This is a section header (level 2) -- *** This is a section header (level 3) {-| In a comment string we can refer to identifiers in scope with single quotes like this: 'T', and we can refer to modules by using double quotes: "Foo". We can add emphasis /like this/. * This is a bulleted list - This is the next item (different kind of bullet) (1) This is an ordered list 2. This is the next item (different kind of bullet) @ This is a block of code, which can include other markup: 'R' formatting is significant @ > this is another block of code We can also include URLs in documentation: . -} f :: C a => Int -> Int -- | we can export foreign declarations too foreign import ccall g :: Int -> IO CInt -- | this doc string has a parse error in it: ' h :: Int h = 42 -- $aux1 This is some documentation that is attached to a name ($aux1) -- rather than a source declaration. The documentation may be -- referred to in the export list using its name. -- -- @ code block in named doc @ -- $aux2 This is some documentation that is attached to a name ($aux2) -- $aux3 -- @ code block on its own in named doc @ -- $aux4 -- -- @ code block on its own in named doc (after newline) @ {- $aux5 a nested, named doc comment with a paragraph, @ and a code block @ -} -- | A data-type using existential/universal types data Ex a = forall b . C b => Ex1 b | forall b . Ex2 b | C a => Ex3 b | Ex4 (forall a . a -> a)