{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Haddock.Backends.Hoogle -- Copyright : (c) Neil Mitchell 2006-2008 -- License : BSD-like -- -- Maintainer : haddock@projects.haskell.org -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Write out Hoogle compatible documentation -- http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Haddock.Backends.Hoogle ( ppHoogle ) where import BasicTypes ( OverlapFlag(..), OverlapMode(..), SourceText(..) , PromotionFlag(..), TopLevelFlag(..) ) import InstEnv (ClsInst(..)) import Documentation.Haddock.Markup import Haddock.GhcUtils import Haddock.Types hiding (Version) import Haddock.Utils hiding (out) import GHC import Outputable import Data.Char import Data.List (isPrefixOf, intercalate) import Data.Maybe import Data.Version import System.Directory import System.FilePath prefix :: [String] prefix = ["-- Hoogle documentation, generated by Haddock" ,"-- See Hoogle, http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/" ,""] ppHoogle :: DynFlags -> String -> Version -> String -> Maybe (Doc RdrName) -> [Interface] -> FilePath -> IO () ppHoogle dflags package version synopsis prologue ifaces odir = do let -- Since Hoogle is line based, we want to avoid breaking long lines. dflags' = dflags{ pprCols = maxBound } filename = package ++ ".txt" contents = prefix ++ docWith dflags' (drop 2 $ dropWhile (/= ':') synopsis) prologue ++ ["@package " ++ package] ++ ["@version " ++ showVersion version | not (null (versionBranch version)) ] ++ concat [ppModule dflags' i | i <- ifaces, OptHide `notElem` ifaceOptions i] createDirectoryIfMissing True odir writeUtf8File (odir </> filename) (unlines contents) ppModule :: DynFlags -> Interface -> [String] ppModule dflags iface = "" : ppDocumentation dflags (ifaceDoc iface) ++ ["module " ++ moduleString (ifaceMod iface)] ++ concatMap (ppExport dflags) (ifaceExportItems iface) ++ concatMap (ppInstance dflags) (ifaceInstances iface) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utility functions dropHsDocTy :: HsType a -> HsType a dropHsDocTy = f where g (L src x) = L src (f x) f (HsForAllTy x fvf a e) = HsForAllTy x fvf a (g e) f (HsQualTy x a e) = HsQualTy x a (g e) f (HsBangTy x a b) = HsBangTy x a (g b) f (HsAppTy x a b) = HsAppTy x (g a) (g b) f (HsAppKindTy x a b) = HsAppKindTy x (g a) (g b) f (HsFunTy x a b) = HsFunTy x (g a) (g b) f (HsListTy x a) = HsListTy x (g a) f (HsTupleTy x a b) = HsTupleTy x a (map g b) f (HsOpTy x a b c) = HsOpTy x (g a) b (g c) f (HsParTy x a) = HsParTy x (g a) f (HsKindSig x a b) = HsKindSig x (g a) b f (HsDocTy _ a _) = f $ unL a f x = x outHsType :: (OutputableBndrId p) => DynFlags -> HsType (GhcPass p) -> String outHsType dflags = out dflags . reparenType . dropHsDocTy dropComment :: String -> String dropComment (' ':'-':'-':' ':_) = [] dropComment (x:xs) = x : dropComment xs dropComment [] = [] outWith :: Outputable a => (SDoc -> String) -> a -> [Char] outWith p = f . unwords . map (dropWhile isSpace) . lines . p . ppr where f xs | " <document comment>" `isPrefixOf` xs = f $ drop 19 xs f (x:xs) = x : f xs f [] = [] out :: Outputable a => DynFlags -> a -> String out dflags = outWith $ showSDocUnqual dflags operator :: String -> String operator (x:xs) | not (isAlphaNum x) && x `notElem` "_' ([{" = '(' : x:xs ++ ")" operator x = x commaSeparate :: Outputable a => DynFlags -> [a] -> String commaSeparate dflags = showSDocUnqual dflags . interpp'SP --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- How to print each export ppExport :: DynFlags -> ExportItem GhcRn -> [String] ppExport dflags ExportDecl { expItemDecl = L _ decl , expItemPats = bundledPats , expItemMbDoc = mbDoc , expItemSubDocs = subdocs , expItemFixities = fixities } = concat [ ppDocumentation dflags dc ++ f d | (d, (dc, _)) <- (decl, mbDoc) : bundledPats ] ++ ppFixities where f (TyClD _ d@DataDecl{}) = ppData dflags d subdocs f (TyClD _ d@SynDecl{}) = ppSynonym dflags d f (TyClD _ d@ClassDecl{}) = ppClass dflags d subdocs f (TyClD _ (FamDecl _ d)) = ppFam dflags d f (ForD _ (ForeignImport _ name typ _)) = [pp_sig dflags [name] (hsSigType typ)] f (ForD _ (ForeignExport _ name typ _)) = [pp_sig dflags [name] (hsSigType typ)] f (SigD _ sig) = ppSig dflags sig f _ = [] ppFixities = concatMap (ppFixity dflags) fixities ppExport _ _ = [] ppSigWithDoc :: DynFlags -> Sig GhcRn -> [(Name, DocForDecl Name)] -> [String] ppSigWithDoc dflags sig subdocs = case sig of TypeSig _ names t -> concatMap (mkDocSig "" (hsSigWcType t)) names PatSynSig _ names t -> concatMap (mkDocSig "pattern " (hsSigType t)) names _ -> [] where mkDocSig leader typ n = mkSubdoc dflags n subdocs [leader ++ pp_sig dflags [n] typ] ppSig :: DynFlags -> Sig GhcRn -> [String] ppSig dflags x = ppSigWithDoc dflags x [] pp_sig :: DynFlags -> [Located Name] -> LHsType GhcRn -> String pp_sig dflags names (L _ typ) = operator prettyNames ++ " :: " ++ outHsType dflags typ where prettyNames = intercalate ", " $ map (out dflags) names -- note: does not yet output documentation for class methods ppClass :: DynFlags -> TyClDecl GhcRn -> [(Name, DocForDecl Name)] -> [String] ppClass dflags decl subdocs = (out dflags decl{tcdSigs=[], tcdATs=[], tcdATDefs=[], tcdMeths=emptyLHsBinds} ++ ppTyFams) : ppMethods where ppMethods = concat . map (ppSig' . unLoc . add_ctxt) $ tcdSigs decl ppSig' = flip (ppSigWithDoc dflags) subdocs add_ctxt = addClassContext (tcdName decl) (tyClDeclTyVars decl) ppTyFams | null $ tcdATs decl = "" | otherwise = (" " ++) . showSDocUnqual dflags . whereWrapper $ concat [ map pprTyFam (tcdATs decl) , map (pprTyFamInstDecl NotTopLevel . unLoc) (tcdATDefs decl) ] pprTyFam :: LFamilyDecl GhcRn -> SDoc pprTyFam (L _ at) = vcat' $ map text $ mkSubdoc dflags (fdLName at) subdocs (ppFam dflags at) whereWrapper elems = vcat' [ text "where" <+> lbrace , nest 4 . vcat . map (Outputable.<> semi) $ elems , rbrace ] ppFam :: DynFlags -> FamilyDecl GhcRn -> [String] ppFam dflags decl@(FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info }) = [out dflags decl'] where decl' = case info of -- We don't need to print out a closed type family's equations -- for Hoogle, so pretend it doesn't have any. ClosedTypeFamily{} -> decl { fdInfo = OpenTypeFamily } _ -> decl ppFam _ (XFamilyDecl nec) = noExtCon nec ppInstance :: DynFlags -> ClsInst -> [String] ppInstance dflags x = [dropComment $ outWith (showSDocForUser dflags alwaysQualify) cls] where -- As per #168, we don't want safety information about the class -- in Hoogle output. The easiest way to achieve this is to set the -- safety information to a state where the Outputable instance -- produces no output which means no overlap and unsafe (or [safe] -- is generated). cls = x { is_flag = OverlapFlag { overlapMode = NoOverlap NoSourceText , isSafeOverlap = False } } ppSynonym :: DynFlags -> TyClDecl GhcRn -> [String] ppSynonym dflags x = [out dflags x] ppData :: DynFlags -> TyClDecl GhcRn -> [(Name, DocForDecl Name)] -> [String] ppData dflags decl@(DataDecl { tcdDataDefn = defn }) subdocs = showData decl{ tcdDataDefn = defn { dd_cons=[],dd_derivs=noLoc [] }} : concatMap (ppCtor dflags decl subdocs . unL) (dd_cons defn) where -- GHC gives out "data Bar =", we want to delete the equals. -- There's no need to worry about parenthesizing infix data type names, -- since this Outputable instance for TyClDecl gets this right already. showData d = unwords $ if last xs == "=" then init xs else xs where xs = words $ out dflags d ppData _ _ _ = panic "ppData" -- | for constructors, and named-fields... lookupCon :: DynFlags -> [(Name, DocForDecl Name)] -> Located Name -> [String] lookupCon dflags subdocs (L _ name) = case lookup name subdocs of Just (d, _) -> ppDocumentation dflags d _ -> [] ppCtor :: DynFlags -> TyClDecl GhcRn -> [(Name, DocForDecl Name)] -> ConDecl GhcRn -> [String] ppCtor dflags dat subdocs con@ConDeclH98 {} -- AZ:TODO get rid of the concatMap = concatMap (lookupCon dflags subdocs) [con_name con] ++ f (getConArgs con) where f (PrefixCon args) = [typeSig name $ args ++ [resType]] f (InfixCon a1 a2) = f $ PrefixCon [a1,a2] f (RecCon (L _ recs)) = f (PrefixCon $ map cd_fld_type (map unLoc recs)) ++ concat [(concatMap (lookupCon dflags subdocs . noLoc . extFieldOcc . unLoc) (cd_fld_names r)) ++ [out dflags (map (extFieldOcc . unLoc) $ cd_fld_names r) `typeSig` [resType, cd_fld_type r]] | r <- map unLoc recs] funs = foldr1 (\x y -> reL $ HsFunTy noExtField x y) apps = foldl1 (\x y -> reL $ HsAppTy noExtField x y) typeSig nm flds = operator nm ++ " :: " ++ outHsType dflags (unL $ funs flds) -- We print the constructors as comma-separated list. See GHC -- docs for con_names on why it is a list to begin with. name = commaSeparate dflags . map unL $ getConNames con resType = let c = HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (reL (tcdName dat)) as = map (tyVarBndr2Type . unLoc) (hsQTvExplicit $ tyClDeclTyVars dat) in apps (map reL (c : as)) tyVarBndr2Type :: HsTyVarBndr GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn tyVarBndr2Type (UserTyVar _ n) = HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted n tyVarBndr2Type (KindedTyVar _ n k) = HsKindSig noExtField (reL (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted n)) k tyVarBndr2Type (XTyVarBndr nec) = noExtCon nec ppCtor dflags _dat subdocs con@(ConDeclGADT { }) = concatMap (lookupCon dflags subdocs) (getConNames con) ++ f where f = [typeSig name (getGADTConTypeG con)] typeSig nm ty = operator nm ++ " :: " ++ outHsType dflags (unL ty) name = out dflags $ map unL $ getConNames con ppCtor _ _ _ (XConDecl nec) = noExtCon nec ppFixity :: DynFlags -> (Name, Fixity) -> [String] ppFixity dflags (name, fixity) = [out dflags ((FixitySig noExtField [noLoc name] fixity) :: FixitySig GhcRn)] --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOCUMENTATION ppDocumentation :: Outputable o => DynFlags -> Documentation o -> [String] ppDocumentation dflags (Documentation d w) = mdoc dflags d ++ doc dflags w doc :: Outputable o => DynFlags -> Maybe (Doc o) -> [String] doc dflags = docWith dflags "" mdoc :: Outputable o => DynFlags -> Maybe (MDoc o) -> [String] mdoc dflags = docWith dflags "" . fmap _doc docWith :: Outputable o => DynFlags -> String -> Maybe (Doc o) -> [String] docWith _ [] Nothing = [] docWith dflags header d = ("":) $ zipWith (++) ("-- | " : repeat "-- ") $ lines header ++ ["" | header /= "" && isJust d] ++ maybe [] (showTags . markup (markupTag dflags)) d mkSubdoc :: DynFlags -> Located Name -> [(Name, DocForDecl Name)] -> [String] -> [String] mkSubdoc dflags n subdocs s = concatMap (ppDocumentation dflags) getDoc ++ s where getDoc = maybe [] (return . fst) (lookup (unL n) subdocs) data Tag = TagL Char [Tags] | TagP Tags | TagPre Tags | TagInline String Tags | Str String deriving Show type Tags = [Tag] box :: (a -> b) -> a -> [b] box f x = [f x] str :: String -> [Tag] str a = [Str a] -- want things like paragraph, pre etc to be handled by blank lines in the source document -- and things like \n and \t converted away -- much like blogger in HTML mode -- everything else wants to be included as tags, neatly nested for some (ul,li,ol) -- or inlne for others (a,i,tt) -- entities (&,>,<) should always be appropriately escaped markupTag :: Outputable o => DynFlags -> DocMarkup o [Tag] markupTag dflags = Markup { markupParagraph = box TagP, markupEmpty = str "", markupString = str, markupAppend = (++), markupIdentifier = box (TagInline "a") . str . out dflags, markupIdentifierUnchecked = box (TagInline "a") . str . showWrapped (out dflags . snd), markupModule = box (TagInline "a") . str, markupWarning = box (TagInline "i"), markupEmphasis = box (TagInline "i"), markupBold = box (TagInline "b"), markupMonospaced = box (TagInline "tt"), markupPic = const $ str " ", markupMathInline = const $ str "<math>", markupMathDisplay = const $ str "<math>", markupUnorderedList = box (TagL 'u'), markupOrderedList = box (TagL 'o'), markupDefList = box (TagL 'u') . map (\(a,b) -> TagInline "i" a : Str " " : b), markupCodeBlock = box TagPre, markupHyperlink = \(Hyperlink url mLabel) -> box (TagInline "a") (fromMaybe (str url) mLabel), markupAName = const $ str "", markupProperty = box TagPre . str, markupExample = box TagPre . str . unlines . map exampleToString, markupHeader = \(Header l h) -> box (TagInline $ "h" ++ show l) h, markupTable = \(Table _ _) -> str "TODO: table" } showTags :: [Tag] -> [String] showTags = intercalate [""] . map showBlock showBlock :: Tag -> [String] showBlock (TagP xs) = showInline xs showBlock (TagL t xs) = ['<':t:"l>"] ++ mid ++ ['<':'/':t:"l>"] where mid = concatMap (showInline . box (TagInline "li")) xs showBlock (TagPre xs) = ["<pre>"] ++ showPre xs ++ ["</pre>"] showBlock x = showInline [x] asInline :: Tag -> Tags asInline (TagP xs) = xs asInline (TagPre xs) = [TagInline "pre" xs] asInline (TagL t xs) = [TagInline (t:"l") $ map (TagInline "li") xs] asInline x = [x] showInline :: [Tag] -> [String] showInline = unwordsWrap 70 . words . concatMap f where fs = concatMap f f (Str x) = escape x f (TagInline s xs) = "<"++s++">" ++ (if s == "li" then trim else id) (fs xs) ++ "</"++s++">" f x = fs $ asInline x trim = dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse showPre :: [Tag] -> [String] showPre = trimFront . trimLines . lines . concatMap f where trimLines = dropWhile null . reverse . dropWhile null . reverse trimFront xs = map (drop i) xs where ns = [length a | x <- xs, let (a,b) = span isSpace x, b /= ""] i = if null ns then 0 else minimum ns fs = concatMap f f (Str x) = escape x f (TagInline s xs) = "<"++s++">" ++ fs xs ++ "</"++s++">" f x = fs $ asInline x unwordsWrap :: Int -> [String] -> [String] unwordsWrap n = f n [] where f _ s [] = [g s | s /= []] f i s (x:xs) | nx > i = g s : f (n - nx - 1) [x] xs | otherwise = f (i - nx - 1) (x:s) xs where nx = length x g = unwords . reverse escape :: String -> String escape = concatMap f where f '<' = "<" f '>' = ">" f '&' = "&" f x = [x] -- | Just like 'vcat' but uses '($+$)' instead of '($$)'. vcat' :: [SDoc] -> SDoc vcat' = foldr ($+$) empty