{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker ( ppHyperlinkedSource , module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types , module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Utils ) where import Haddock.Types import Haddock.Utils (writeUtf8File, out, verbose, Verbosity) import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Renderer import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Parser import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Utils import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Utils ( renderToString ) import Data.Maybe import System.Directory import System.FilePath import HieTypes ( HieFile(..), HieASTs(..) ) import HieBin ( readHieFile, hie_file_result) import Data.Map as M import FastString ( mkFastString ) import Module ( Module, moduleName ) import NameCache ( initNameCache ) import UniqSupply ( mkSplitUniqSupply ) -- | Generate hyperlinked source for given interfaces. -- -- Note that list of interfaces should also contain interfaces normally hidden -- when generating documentation. Otherwise this could lead to dead links in -- produced source. ppHyperlinkedSource :: Verbosity -> FilePath -- ^ Output directory -> FilePath -- ^ Resource directory -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Custom CSS file path -> Bool -- ^ Flag indicating whether to pretty-print HTML -> M.Map Module SrcPath -- ^ Paths to sources -> [Interface] -- ^ Interfaces for which we create source -> IO () ppHyperlinkedSource verbosity outdir libdir mstyle pretty srcs' ifaces = do createDirectoryIfMissing True srcdir let cssFile = fromMaybe (defaultCssFile libdir) mstyle copyFile cssFile $ srcdir srcCssFile copyFile (libdir "html" highlightScript) $ srcdir highlightScript mapM_ (ppHyperlinkedModuleSource verbosity srcdir pretty srcs) ifaces where srcdir = outdir hypSrcDir srcs = (srcs', M.mapKeys moduleName srcs') -- | Generate hyperlinked source for particular interface. ppHyperlinkedModuleSource :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> Bool -> SrcMaps -> Interface -> IO () ppHyperlinkedModuleSource verbosity srcdir pretty srcs iface = case ifaceHieFile iface of Just hfp -> do -- Parse the GHC-produced HIE file u <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'a' HieFile { hie_hs_file = file , hie_asts = HieASTs asts , hie_types = types , hie_hs_src = rawSrc } <- (hie_file_result . fst) <$> (readHieFile (initNameCache u []) hfp) -- Get the AST and tokens corresponding to the source file we want let mast | M.size asts == 1 = snd <$> M.lookupMin asts | otherwise = M.lookup (mkFastString file) asts tokens = parse df file rawSrc -- Produce and write out the hyperlinked sources case mast of Just ast -> let fullAst = recoverFullIfaceTypes df types ast in writeUtf8File path . renderToString pretty . render' fullAst $ tokens Nothing | M.size asts == 0 -> return () | otherwise -> do out verbosity verbose $ unwords [ "couldn't find ast for" , file, show (M.keys asts) ] return () Nothing -> return () where df = ifaceDynFlags iface render' = render (Just srcCssFile) (Just highlightScript) srcs path = srcdir hypSrcModuleFile (ifaceMod iface) -- | Name of CSS file in output directory. srcCssFile :: FilePath srcCssFile = "style.css" -- | Name of highlight script in output and resource directory. highlightScript :: FilePath highlightScript = "highlight.js" -- | Path to default CSS file. defaultCssFile :: FilePath -> FilePath defaultCssFile libdir = libdir "html" "solarized.css"