{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-} module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Parser (parse) where import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Control.Applicative ( Alternative(..) ) import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf ) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import GHC.Platform import GHC.Types.SourceText import GHC.Driver.Session import GHC.Driver.Config.Diagnostic import GHC.Utils.Error ( pprLocMsgEnvelope ) import GHC.Data.FastString ( mkFastString ) import GHC.Parser.Errors.Ppr () import qualified GHC.Types.Error as E import GHC.Parser.Lexer as Lexer ( P(..), ParseResult(..), PState(..), Token(..) , initParserState, lexer, mkParserOpts, getPsErrorMessages) import GHC.Data.Bag ( bagToList ) import GHC.Utils.Outputable ( text, ($$) ) import GHC.Utils.Panic ( panic ) import GHC.Driver.Ppr ( showSDoc ) import GHC.Types.SrcLoc import GHC.Data.StringBuffer ( StringBuffer, atEnd ) import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types as T import Haddock.GhcUtils -- | Turn source code string into a stream of more descriptive tokens. -- -- Result should retain original file layout (including comments, -- whitespace, and CPP). parse :: DynFlags -- ^ Flags for this module -> FilePath -- ^ Path to the source of this module -> BS.ByteString -- ^ Raw UTF-8 encoded source of this module -> [T.Token] parse dflags fpath bs = case unP (go False []) initState of POk _ toks -> reverse toks PFailed pst -> let err:_ = bagToList (E.getMessages $ getPsErrorMessages pst) in panic $ showSDoc dflags $ text "Hyperlinker parse error:" $$ pprLocMsgEnvelope err where initState = initParserState pflags buf start buf = stringBufferFromByteString bs start = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString fpath) 1 1 arch_os = platformArchOS (targetPlatform dflags) pflags = mkParserOpts (extensionFlags dflags) (initDiagOpts dflags) (supportedLanguagesAndExtensions arch_os) (safeImportsOn dflags) False -- lex Haddocks as comment tokens True -- produce comment tokens False -- produce position pragmas tokens go :: Bool -- ^ are we currently in a pragma? -> [T.Token] -- ^ tokens accumulated so far (in reverse) -> P [T.Token] go inPrag toks = do (b, _) <- getInput if not (atEnd b) then do mtok <- runMaybeT (parseCppLine <|> parsePlainTok inPrag) (newToks, inPrag') <- case mtok of Nothing -> unknownLine Just a -> pure a go inPrag' (newToks ++ toks) else pure toks -- | Like 'Lexer.lexer', but slower, with a better API, and filtering out empty tokens wrappedLexer :: P (RealLocated Lexer.Token) wrappedLexer = Lexer.lexer False andThen where andThen (L (RealSrcSpan s _) t) | srcSpanStartLine s /= srcSpanEndLine s || srcSpanStartCol s /= srcSpanEndCol s = pure (L s t) andThen (L (RealSrcSpan s _) ITeof) = pure (L s ITeof) andThen _ = wrappedLexer -- | Try to parse a CPP line (can fail) parseCppLine :: MaybeT P ([T.Token], Bool) parseCppLine = MaybeT $ do (b, l) <- getInput case tryCppLine l b of Just (cppBStr, l', b') -> let cppTok = T.Token { tkType = TkCpp , tkValue = cppBStr , tkSpan = mkRealSrcSpan l l' } in setInput (b', l') *> pure (Just ([cppTok], False)) _ -> return Nothing -- | Try to parse a regular old token (can fail) parsePlainTok :: Bool -> MaybeT P ([T.Token], Bool) -- return list is only ever 0-2 elements parsePlainTok inPrag = do (bInit, lInit) <- lift getInput L sp tok <- tryP (Lexer.lexer False return) (bEnd, _) <- lift getInput case sp of UnhelpfulSpan _ -> pure ([], False) -- pretend the token never existed RealSrcSpan rsp _ -> do let typ = if inPrag then TkPragma else classify tok RealSrcLoc lStart _ = srcSpanStart sp -- safe since @sp@ is real (spaceBStr, bStart) = spanPosition lInit lStart bInit inPragDef = inPragma inPrag tok (bEnd', inPrag') <- case tok of -- Update internal line + file position if this is a LINE pragma ITline_prag _ -> tryOrElse (bEnd, inPragDef) $ do L _ (ITinteger (IL { il_value = line })) <- tryP wrappedLexer L _ (ITstring _ file) <- tryP wrappedLexer L spF ITclose_prag <- tryP wrappedLexer let newLoc = mkRealSrcLoc file (fromIntegral line - 1) (srcSpanEndCol spF) (bEnd'', _) <- lift getInput lift $ setInput (bEnd'', newLoc) pure (bEnd'', False) -- Update internal column position if this is a COLUMN pragma ITcolumn_prag _ -> tryOrElse (bEnd, inPragDef) $ do L _ (ITinteger (IL { il_value = col })) <- tryP wrappedLexer L spF ITclose_prag <- tryP wrappedLexer let newLoc = mkRealSrcLoc (srcSpanFile spF) (srcSpanEndLine spF) (fromIntegral col) (bEnd'', _) <- lift getInput lift $ setInput (bEnd'', newLoc) pure (bEnd'', False) _ -> pure (bEnd, inPragDef) let tokBStr = splitStringBuffer bStart bEnd' plainTok = T.Token { tkType = typ , tkValue = tokBStr , tkSpan = rsp } spaceTok = T.Token { tkType = TkSpace , tkValue = spaceBStr , tkSpan = mkRealSrcSpan lInit lStart } pure (plainTok : [ spaceTok | not (BS.null spaceBStr) ], inPrag') -- | Parse whatever remains of the line as an unknown token (can't fail) unknownLine :: P ([T.Token], Bool) unknownLine = do (b, l) <- getInput let (unkBStr, l', b') = spanLine l b unkTok = T.Token { tkType = TkUnknown , tkValue = unkBStr , tkSpan = mkRealSrcSpan l l' } setInput (b', l') pure ([unkTok], False) -- | Get the input getInput :: P (StringBuffer, RealSrcLoc) getInput = P $ \p@PState { buffer = buf, loc = srcLoc } -> POk p (buf, psRealLoc srcLoc) -- | Set the input setInput :: (StringBuffer, RealSrcLoc) -> P () setInput (buf, srcLoc) = P $ \p@PState{ loc = PsLoc _ buf_loc } -> POk (p { buffer = buf, loc = PsLoc srcLoc buf_loc }) () tryP :: P a -> MaybeT P a tryP (P f) = MaybeT $ P $ \s -> case f s of POk s' a -> POk s' (Just a) PFailed _ -> POk s Nothing tryOrElse :: Alternative f => a -> f a -> f a tryOrElse x p = p <|> pure x -- | Classify given tokens as appropriate Haskell token type. classify :: Lexer.Token -> TokenType classify tok = case tok of ITas -> TkKeyword ITcase -> TkKeyword ITclass -> TkKeyword ITdata -> TkKeyword ITdefault -> TkKeyword ITderiving -> TkKeyword ITdo {} -> TkKeyword ITelse -> TkKeyword IThiding -> TkKeyword ITforeign -> TkKeyword ITif -> TkKeyword ITimport -> TkKeyword ITin -> TkKeyword ITinfix -> TkKeyword ITinfixl -> TkKeyword ITinfixr -> TkKeyword ITinstance -> TkKeyword ITlet -> TkKeyword ITmodule -> TkKeyword ITnewtype -> TkKeyword ITof -> TkKeyword ITqualified -> TkKeyword ITthen -> TkKeyword ITtype -> TkKeyword ITvia -> TkKeyword ITwhere -> TkKeyword ITforall {} -> TkKeyword ITexport -> TkKeyword ITlabel -> TkKeyword ITdynamic -> TkKeyword ITsafe -> TkKeyword ITinterruptible -> TkKeyword ITunsafe -> TkKeyword ITstdcallconv -> TkKeyword ITccallconv -> TkKeyword ITcapiconv -> TkKeyword ITprimcallconv -> TkKeyword ITjavascriptcallconv -> TkKeyword ITmdo {} -> TkKeyword ITfamily -> TkKeyword ITrole -> TkKeyword ITgroup -> TkKeyword ITby -> TkKeyword ITusing -> TkKeyword ITpattern -> TkKeyword ITstatic -> TkKeyword ITstock -> TkKeyword ITanyclass -> TkKeyword ITunit -> TkKeyword ITsignature -> TkKeyword ITdependency -> TkKeyword ITrequires -> TkKeyword ITinline_prag {} -> TkPragma ITopaque_prag {} -> TkPragma ITspec_prag {} -> TkPragma ITspec_inline_prag {} -> TkPragma ITsource_prag {} -> TkPragma ITrules_prag {} -> TkPragma ITwarning_prag {} -> TkPragma ITdeprecated_prag {} -> TkPragma ITline_prag {} -> TkPragma ITcolumn_prag {} -> TkPragma ITscc_prag {} -> TkPragma ITunpack_prag {} -> TkPragma ITnounpack_prag {} -> TkPragma ITann_prag {} -> TkPragma ITcomplete_prag {} -> TkPragma ITclose_prag -> TkPragma IToptions_prag {} -> TkPragma ITinclude_prag {} -> TkPragma ITlanguage_prag -> TkPragma ITminimal_prag {} -> TkPragma IToverlappable_prag {} -> TkPragma IToverlapping_prag {} -> TkPragma IToverlaps_prag {} -> TkPragma ITincoherent_prag {} -> TkPragma ITctype {} -> TkPragma ITdotdot -> TkGlyph ITcolon -> TkGlyph ITdcolon {} -> TkGlyph ITequal -> TkGlyph ITlam -> TkGlyph ITlcase -> TkGlyph ITvbar -> TkGlyph ITlarrow {} -> TkGlyph ITrarrow {} -> TkGlyph ITlolly {} -> TkGlyph ITat -> TkGlyph ITtilde -> TkGlyph ITdarrow {} -> TkGlyph ITminus -> TkGlyph ITprefixminus -> TkGlyph ITbang -> TkGlyph ITdot -> TkOperator ITproj {} -> TkOperator ITstar {} -> TkOperator ITtypeApp -> TkGlyph ITpercent -> TkGlyph ITbiglam -> TkGlyph ITocurly -> TkSpecial ITccurly -> TkSpecial ITvocurly -> TkSpecial ITvccurly -> TkSpecial ITobrack -> TkSpecial ITopabrack -> TkSpecial ITcpabrack -> TkSpecial ITcbrack -> TkSpecial IToparen -> TkSpecial ITcparen -> TkSpecial IToubxparen -> TkSpecial ITcubxparen -> TkSpecial ITsemi -> TkSpecial ITcomma -> TkSpecial ITunderscore -> TkIdentifier ITbackquote -> TkSpecial ITsimpleQuote -> TkSpecial ITvarid {} -> TkIdentifier ITconid {} -> TkIdentifier ITvarsym {} -> TkOperator ITconsym {} -> TkOperator ITqvarid {} -> TkIdentifier ITqconid {} -> TkIdentifier ITqvarsym {} -> TkOperator ITqconsym {} -> TkOperator ITdupipvarid {} -> TkUnknown ITlabelvarid {} -> TkUnknown ITchar {} -> TkChar ITstring {} -> TkString ITinteger {} -> TkNumber ITrational {} -> TkNumber ITprimchar {} -> TkChar ITprimstring {} -> TkString ITprimint {} -> TkNumber ITprimword {} -> TkNumber ITprimfloat {} -> TkNumber ITprimdouble {} -> TkNumber ITopenExpQuote {} -> TkSpecial ITopenPatQuote -> TkSpecial ITopenDecQuote -> TkSpecial ITopenTypQuote -> TkSpecial ITcloseQuote {} -> TkSpecial ITopenTExpQuote {} -> TkSpecial ITcloseTExpQuote -> TkSpecial ITdollar -> TkSpecial ITdollardollar -> TkSpecial ITtyQuote -> TkSpecial ITquasiQuote {} -> TkUnknown ITqQuasiQuote {} -> TkUnknown ITproc -> TkKeyword ITrec -> TkKeyword IToparenbar {} -> TkGlyph ITcparenbar {} -> TkGlyph ITlarrowtail {} -> TkGlyph ITrarrowtail {} -> TkGlyph ITLarrowtail {} -> TkGlyph ITRarrowtail {} -> TkGlyph ITcomment_line_prag -> TkUnknown ITunknown {} -> TkUnknown ITeof -> TkUnknown ITlineComment {} -> TkComment ITdocCommentNext {} -> TkComment ITdocCommentPrev {} -> TkComment ITdocCommentNamed {} -> TkComment ITdocSection {} -> TkComment ITdocOptions {} -> TkComment -- The lexer considers top-level pragmas as comments (see `pragState` in -- the GHC lexer for more), so we have to manually reverse this. The -- following is a hammer: it smashes _all_ pragma-like block comments into -- pragmas. ITblockComment c _ | isPrefixOf "{-#" c , isSuffixOf "#-}" c -> TkPragma | otherwise -> TkComment -- | Classify given tokens as beginning pragmas (or not). inPragma :: Bool -- ^ currently in pragma -> Lexer.Token -- ^ current token -> Bool -- ^ new information about whether we are in a pragma inPragma _ ITclose_prag = False inPragma True _ = True inPragma False tok = case tok of ITinline_prag {} -> True ITopaque_prag {} -> True ITspec_prag {} -> True ITspec_inline_prag {} -> True ITsource_prag {} -> True ITrules_prag {} -> True ITwarning_prag {} -> True ITdeprecated_prag {} -> True ITline_prag {} -> True ITcolumn_prag {} -> True ITscc_prag {} -> True ITunpack_prag {} -> True ITnounpack_prag {} -> True ITann_prag {} -> True ITcomplete_prag {} -> True IToptions_prag {} -> True ITinclude_prag {} -> True ITlanguage_prag -> True ITminimal_prag {} -> True IToverlappable_prag {} -> True IToverlapping_prag {} -> True IToverlaps_prag {} -> True ITincoherent_prag {} -> True ITctype {} -> True _ -> False