----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Haddock.Options -- Copyright : (c) Simon Marlow 2003-2006, -- David Waern 2006-2009, -- Mateusz Kowalczyk 2013 -- License : BSD-like -- -- Maintainer : haddock@projects.haskell.org -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Definition of the command line interface of Haddock. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Haddock.Options ( parseHaddockOpts, Flag(..), getUsage, optTitle, outputDir, optContentsUrl, optIndexUrl, optCssFile, optSourceCssFile, sourceUrls, wikiUrls, optParCount, optDumpInterfaceFile, optShowInterfaceFile, optLaTeXStyle, optMathjax, qualification, sinceQualification, verbosity, ghcFlags, reexportFlags, readIfaceArgs, optPackageName, optPackageVersion, modulePackageInfo ) where import qualified Data.Char as Char import Data.Version import Control.Applicative import Distribution.Verbosity import GHC.Data.FastString import GHC ( DynFlags, Module, moduleUnit ) import GHC.Unit.State import Haddock.Types import Haddock.Utils import GHC.Unit.State import System.Console.GetOpt import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as RP data Flag = Flag_BuiltInThemes | Flag_CSS String -- | Flag_DocBook | Flag_ReadInterface String | Flag_DumpInterface String | Flag_ShowInterface String | Flag_Heading String | Flag_Html | Flag_Hoogle | Flag_Lib String | Flag_OutputDir FilePath | Flag_Prologue FilePath | Flag_SourceBaseURL String | Flag_SourceModuleURL String | Flag_SourceEntityURL String | Flag_SourceLEntityURL String | Flag_WikiBaseURL String | Flag_WikiModuleURL String | Flag_WikiEntityURL String | Flag_LaTeX | Flag_LaTeXStyle String | Flag_QuickJumpIndex | Flag_HyperlinkedSource | Flag_SourceCss String | Flag_Mathjax String | Flag_Help | Flag_Verbosity String | Flag_Version | Flag_CompatibleInterfaceVersions | Flag_InterfaceVersion | Flag_BypassInterfaceVersonCheck | Flag_UseContents String | Flag_GenContents | Flag_UseIndex String | Flag_GenIndex | Flag_IgnoreAllExports | Flag_HideModule String | Flag_ShowModule String | Flag_ShowAllModules | Flag_ShowExtensions String | Flag_OptGhc String | Flag_GhcLibDir String | Flag_GhcVersion | Flag_PrintGhcPath | Flag_PrintGhcLibDir | Flag_NoWarnings | Flag_UseUnicode | Flag_NoTmpCompDir | Flag_Qualification String | Flag_PrettyHtml | Flag_NoPrintMissingDocs | Flag_PackageName String | Flag_PackageVersion String | Flag_Reexport String | Flag_SinceQualification String | Flag_ParCount (Maybe Int) deriving (Eq, Show) options :: Bool -> [OptDescr Flag] options backwardsCompat = [ Option ['B'] [] (ReqArg Flag_GhcLibDir "DIR") "path to a GHC lib dir, to override the default path", Option ['o'] ["odir"] (ReqArg Flag_OutputDir "DIR") "directory in which to put the output files", Option ['l'] ["lib"] (ReqArg Flag_Lib "DIR") "location of Haddock's auxiliary files", Option ['i'] ["read-interface"] (ReqArg Flag_ReadInterface "FILE") "read an interface from FILE", Option ['D'] ["dump-interface"] (ReqArg Flag_DumpInterface "FILE") "write the resulting interface to FILE", Option [] ["show-interface"] (ReqArg Flag_ShowInterface "FILE") "print the interface in a human readable form", -- Option ['S'] ["docbook"] (NoArg Flag_DocBook) -- "output in DocBook XML", Option ['h'] ["html"] (NoArg Flag_Html) "output in HTML (XHTML 1.0)", Option [] ["latex"] (NoArg Flag_LaTeX) "use experimental LaTeX rendering", Option [] ["latex-style"] (ReqArg Flag_LaTeXStyle "FILE") "provide your own LaTeX style in FILE", Option [] ["mathjax"] (ReqArg Flag_Mathjax "URL") "URL FOR mathjax", Option ['U'] ["use-unicode"] (NoArg Flag_UseUnicode) "use Unicode in HTML output", Option [] ["hoogle"] (NoArg Flag_Hoogle) "output for Hoogle; you may want --package-name and --package-version too", Option [] ["quickjump"] (NoArg Flag_QuickJumpIndex) "generate an index for interactive documentation navigation", Option [] ["hyperlinked-source"] (NoArg Flag_HyperlinkedSource) "generate highlighted and hyperlinked source code (for use with --html)", Option [] ["source-css"] (ReqArg Flag_SourceCss "FILE") "use custom CSS file instead of default one in hyperlinked source", Option [] ["source-base"] (ReqArg Flag_SourceBaseURL "URL") "URL for a source code link on the contents\nand index pages", Option ['s'] (if backwardsCompat then ["source", "source-module"] else ["source-module"]) (ReqArg Flag_SourceModuleURL "URL") "URL for a source code link for each module\n(using the %{FILE} or %{MODULE} vars)", Option [] ["source-entity"] (ReqArg Flag_SourceEntityURL "URL") "URL for a source code link for each entity\n(using the %{FILE}, %{MODULE}, %{NAME},\n%{KIND} or %{LINE} vars)", Option [] ["source-entity-line"] (ReqArg Flag_SourceLEntityURL "URL") "URL for a source code link for each entity.\nUsed if name links are unavailable, eg. for TH splices.", Option [] ["comments-base"] (ReqArg Flag_WikiBaseURL "URL") "URL for a comments link on the contents\nand index pages", Option [] ["comments-module"] (ReqArg Flag_WikiModuleURL "URL") "URL for a comments link for each module\n(using the %{MODULE} var)", Option [] ["comments-entity"] (ReqArg Flag_WikiEntityURL "URL") "URL for a comments link for each entity\n(using the %{FILE}, %{MODULE}, %{NAME},\n%{KIND} or %{LINE} vars)", Option ['c'] ["css", "theme"] (ReqArg Flag_CSS "PATH") "the CSS file or theme directory to use for HTML output", Option [] ["built-in-themes"] (NoArg Flag_BuiltInThemes) "include all the built-in haddock themes", Option ['p'] ["prologue"] (ReqArg Flag_Prologue "FILE") "file containing prologue text", Option ['t'] ["title"] (ReqArg Flag_Heading "TITLE") "page heading", Option ['q'] ["qual"] (ReqArg Flag_Qualification "QUAL") "qualification of names, one of \n'none' (default), 'full', 'local'\n'relative' or 'aliased'", Option ['?'] ["help"] (NoArg Flag_Help) "display this help and exit", Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg Flag_Version) "output version information and exit", Option [] ["compatible-interface-versions"] (NoArg Flag_CompatibleInterfaceVersions) "output compatible interface file versions and exit", Option [] ["interface-version"] (NoArg Flag_InterfaceVersion) "output interface file version and exit", Option [] ["bypass-interface-version-check"] (NoArg Flag_BypassInterfaceVersonCheck) "bypass the interface file version check (dangerous)", Option ['v'] ["verbosity"] (ReqArg Flag_Verbosity "VERBOSITY") "set verbosity level", Option [] ["use-contents"] (ReqArg Flag_UseContents "URL") "use a separately-generated HTML contents page", Option [] ["gen-contents"] (NoArg Flag_GenContents) "generate an HTML contents from specified\ninterfaces", Option [] ["use-index"] (ReqArg Flag_UseIndex "URL") "use a separately-generated HTML index", Option [] ["gen-index"] (NoArg Flag_GenIndex) "generate an HTML index from specified\ninterfaces", Option [] ["ignore-all-exports"] (NoArg Flag_IgnoreAllExports) "behave as if all modules have the\nignore-exports attribute", Option [] ["hide"] (ReqArg Flag_HideModule "MODULE") "behave as if MODULE has the hide attribute", Option [] ["show"] (ReqArg Flag_ShowModule "MODULE") "behave as if MODULE does not have the hide attribute", Option [] ["show-all"] (NoArg Flag_ShowAllModules) "behave as if not modules have the hide attribute", Option [] ["show-extensions"] (ReqArg Flag_ShowExtensions "MODULE") "behave as if MODULE has the show-extensions attribute", Option [] ["optghc"] (ReqArg Flag_OptGhc "OPTION") "option to be forwarded to GHC", Option [] ["ghc-version"] (NoArg Flag_GhcVersion) "output GHC version in numeric format", Option [] ["print-ghc-path"] (NoArg Flag_PrintGhcPath) "output path to GHC binary", Option [] ["print-ghc-libdir"] (NoArg Flag_PrintGhcLibDir) "output GHC lib dir", Option ['w'] ["no-warnings"] (NoArg Flag_NoWarnings) "turn off all warnings", Option [] ["no-tmp-comp-dir"] (NoArg Flag_NoTmpCompDir) "do not re-direct compilation output to a temporary directory", Option [] ["pretty-html"] (NoArg Flag_PrettyHtml) "generate html with newlines and indenting (for use with --html)", Option [] ["no-print-missing-docs"] (NoArg Flag_NoPrintMissingDocs) "don't print information about any undocumented entities", Option [] ["reexport"] (ReqArg Flag_Reexport "MOD") "reexport the module MOD, adding it to the index", Option [] ["package-name"] (ReqArg Flag_PackageName "NAME") "name of the package being documented", Option [] ["package-version"] (ReqArg Flag_PackageVersion "VERSION") "version of the package being documented in usual x.y.z.w format", Option [] ["since-qual"] (ReqArg Flag_SinceQualification "QUAL") "package qualification of @since, one of\n'always' (default) or 'only-external'", Option ['j'] [] (OptArg (\count -> Flag_ParCount (fmap read count)) "n") "load modules in parallel" ] getUsage :: IO String getUsage = do prog <- getProgramName return $ usageInfo (usageHeader prog) (options False) where usageHeader :: String -> String usageHeader prog = "Usage: " ++ prog ++ " [OPTION...] file...\n" parseHaddockOpts :: [String] -> IO ([Flag], [String]) parseHaddockOpts params = case getOpt Permute (options True) params of (flags, args, []) -> return (flags, args) (_, _, errors) -> do usage <- getUsage throwE (concat errors ++ usage) optPackageVersion :: [Flag] -> Maybe Data.Version.Version optPackageVersion flags = let ver = optLast [ v | Flag_PackageVersion v <- flags ] in ver >>= fmap fst . optLast . RP.readP_to_S parseVersion optPackageName :: [Flag] -> Maybe PackageName optPackageName flags = optLast [ PackageName $ mkFastString n | Flag_PackageName n <- flags ] optTitle :: [Flag] -> Maybe String optTitle flags = case [str | Flag_Heading str <- flags] of [] -> Nothing (t:_) -> Just t outputDir :: [Flag] -> FilePath outputDir flags = case [ path | Flag_OutputDir path <- flags ] of [] -> "." paths -> last paths optContentsUrl :: [Flag] -> Maybe String optContentsUrl flags = optLast [ url | Flag_UseContents url <- flags ] optIndexUrl :: [Flag] -> Maybe String optIndexUrl flags = optLast [ url | Flag_UseIndex url <- flags ] optCssFile :: [Flag] -> Maybe FilePath optCssFile flags = optLast [ str | Flag_CSS str <- flags ] optSourceCssFile :: [Flag] -> Maybe FilePath optSourceCssFile flags = optLast [ str | Flag_SourceCss str <- flags ] sourceUrls :: [Flag] -> (Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe String) sourceUrls flags = (optLast [str | Flag_SourceBaseURL str <- flags] ,optLast [str | Flag_SourceModuleURL str <- flags] ,optLast [str | Flag_SourceEntityURL str <- flags] ,optLast [str | Flag_SourceLEntityURL str <- flags]) wikiUrls :: [Flag] -> (Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe String) wikiUrls flags = (optLast [str | Flag_WikiBaseURL str <- flags] ,optLast [str | Flag_WikiModuleURL str <- flags] ,optLast [str | Flag_WikiEntityURL str <- flags]) optDumpInterfaceFile :: [Flag] -> Maybe FilePath optDumpInterfaceFile flags = optLast [ str | Flag_DumpInterface str <- flags ] optShowInterfaceFile :: [Flag] -> Maybe FilePath optShowInterfaceFile flags = optLast [ str | Flag_ShowInterface str <- flags ] optLaTeXStyle :: [Flag] -> Maybe String optLaTeXStyle flags = optLast [ str | Flag_LaTeXStyle str <- flags ] optMathjax :: [Flag] -> Maybe String optMathjax flags = optLast [ str | Flag_Mathjax str <- flags ] optParCount :: [Flag] -> Maybe (Maybe Int) optParCount flags = optLast [ n | Flag_ParCount n <- flags ] qualification :: [Flag] -> Either String QualOption qualification flags = case map (map Char.toLower) [ str | Flag_Qualification str <- flags ] of [] -> Right OptNoQual ["none"] -> Right OptNoQual ["full"] -> Right OptFullQual ["local"] -> Right OptLocalQual ["relative"] -> Right OptRelativeQual ["aliased"] -> Right OptAliasedQual [arg] -> Left $ "unknown qualification type " ++ show arg _:_ -> Left "qualification option given multiple times" sinceQualification :: [Flag] -> Either String SinceQual sinceQualification flags = case map (map Char.toLower) [ str | Flag_SinceQualification str <- flags ] of [] -> Right Always ["always"] -> Right Always ["external"] -> Right External [arg] -> Left $ "unknown since-qualification type " ++ show arg _:_ -> Left "since-qualification option given multiple times" verbosity :: [Flag] -> Verbosity verbosity flags = case [ str | Flag_Verbosity str <- flags ] of [] -> normal x:_ -> case parseVerbosity x of Left e -> throwE e Right v -> v ghcFlags :: [Flag] -> [String] ghcFlags flags = [ option | Flag_OptGhc option <- flags ] reexportFlags :: [Flag] -> [String] reexportFlags flags = [ option | Flag_Reexport option <- flags ] readIfaceArgs :: [Flag] -> [(DocPaths, FilePath)] readIfaceArgs flags = [ parseIfaceOption s | Flag_ReadInterface s <- flags ] where parseIfaceOption :: String -> (DocPaths, FilePath) parseIfaceOption str = case break (==',') str of (fpath, ',':rest) -> case break (==',') rest of (src, ',':file) -> ((fpath, Just src), file) (file, _) -> ((fpath, Nothing), file) (file, _) -> (("", Nothing), file) -- | Like 'listToMaybe' but returns the last element instead of the first. optLast :: [a] -> Maybe a optLast [] = Nothing optLast xs = Just (last xs) -- | This function has a potential to return 'Nothing' because package name and -- versions can no longer reliably be extracted in all cases: if the package is -- not installed yet then this info is no longer available. -- -- The @--package-name@ and @--package-version@ Haddock flags allow the user to -- specify this information manually and it is returned here if present. modulePackageInfo :: UnitState -> [Flag] -- ^ Haddock flags are checked as they may contain -- the package name or version provided by the user -- which we prioritise -> Maybe Module -> (Maybe PackageName, Maybe Data.Version.Version) modulePackageInfo _unit_state _flags Nothing = (Nothing, Nothing) modulePackageInfo unit_state flags (Just modu) = ( optPackageName flags <|> fmap unitPackageName pkgDb , optPackageVersion flags <|> fmap unitPackageVersion pkgDb ) where pkgDb = lookupUnit unit_state (moduleUnit modu)