{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable, StandaloneDeriving, TypeFamilies, RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- Note [Pass sensitive types] {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Haddock.Types -- Copyright : (c) Simon Marlow 2003-2006, -- David Waern 2006-2009, -- Mateusz Kowalczyk 2013 -- License : BSD-like -- -- Maintainer : haddock@projects.haskellorg -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Types that are commonly used through-out Haddock. Some of the most -- important types are defined here, like 'Interface' and 'DocName'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Haddock.Types ( module Haddock.Types , HsDocString, LHsDocString , Fixity(..) , module Documentation.Haddock.Types -- $ Reexports , runWriter , tell ) where import Control.Exception import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (Writer, WriterT, MonadWriter(..), lift, runWriter, runWriterT) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Data (Data) import Documentation.Haddock.Types import GHC.Types.Basic (PromotionFlag(..)) import GHC.Types.Fixity (Fixity(..)) import GHC import GHC.Driver.Session (Language) import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence import GHC.Utils.Outputable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Convenient synonyms ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type IfaceMap = Map Module Interface type InstIfaceMap = Map Module InstalledInterface -- TODO: rename type DocMap a = Map Name (MDoc a) type ArgMap a = Map Name (Map Int (MDoc a)) type SubMap = Map Name [Name] type DeclMap = Map Name [LHsDecl GhcRn] type InstMap = Map RealSrcSpan Name type FixMap = Map Name Fixity type DocPaths = (FilePath, Maybe FilePath) -- paths to HTML and sources ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'Interface' holds all information used to render a single Haddock page. -- It represents the /interface/ of a module. The core business of Haddock -- lies in creating this structure. Note that the record contains some fields -- that are only used to create the final record, and that are not used by the -- backends. data Interface = Interface { -- | The module behind this interface. ifaceMod :: !Module -- | Is this a signature? , ifaceIsSig :: !Bool -- | Original file name of the module. , ifaceOrigFilename :: !FilePath -- | Textual information about the module. , ifaceInfo :: !(HaddockModInfo Name) -- | Documentation header. , ifaceDoc :: !(Documentation Name) -- | Documentation header with cross-reference information. , ifaceRnDoc :: !(Documentation DocName) -- | Haddock options for this module (prune, ignore-exports, etc). , ifaceOptions :: ![DocOption] -- | Declarations originating from the module. Excludes declarations without -- names (instances and stand-alone documentation comments). Includes -- names of subordinate declarations mapped to their parent declarations. , ifaceDeclMap :: !(Map Name [LHsDecl GhcRn]) -- | Documentation of declarations originating from the module (including -- subordinates). , ifaceDocMap :: !(DocMap Name) , ifaceArgMap :: !(ArgMap Name) -- | Documentation of declarations originating from the module (including -- subordinates). , ifaceRnDocMap :: !(DocMap DocName) , ifaceRnArgMap :: !(ArgMap DocName) , ifaceFixMap :: !(Map Name Fixity) , ifaceExportItems :: ![ExportItem GhcRn] , ifaceRnExportItems :: ![ExportItem DocNameI] -- | All names exported by the module. , ifaceExports :: ![Name] -- | All \"visible\" names exported by the module. -- A visible name is a name that will show up in the documentation of the -- module. , ifaceVisibleExports :: ![Name] -- | Aliases of module imports as in @import A.B.C as C@. , ifaceModuleAliases :: !AliasMap -- | Instances exported by the module. , ifaceInstances :: ![ClsInst] , ifaceFamInstances :: ![FamInst] -- | Orphan instances , ifaceOrphanInstances :: ![DocInstance GhcRn] , ifaceRnOrphanInstances :: ![DocInstance DocNameI] -- | The number of haddockable and haddocked items in the module, as a -- tuple. Haddockable items are the exports and the module itself. , ifaceHaddockCoverage :: !(Int, Int) -- | Warnings for things defined in this module. , ifaceWarningMap :: !WarningMap -- | Tokenized source code of module (avaliable if Haddock is invoked with -- source generation flag). , ifaceHieFile :: !(Maybe FilePath) , ifaceDynFlags :: !DynFlags } type WarningMap = Map Name (Doc Name) -- | A subset of the fields of 'Interface' that we store in the interface -- files. data InstalledInterface = InstalledInterface { -- | The module represented by this interface. instMod :: Module -- | Is this a signature? , instIsSig :: Bool -- | Textual information about the module. , instInfo :: HaddockModInfo Name -- | Documentation of declarations originating from the module (including -- subordinates). , instDocMap :: DocMap Name , instArgMap :: ArgMap Name -- | All names exported by this module. , instExports :: [Name] -- | All \"visible\" names exported by the module. -- A visible name is a name that will show up in the documentation of the -- module. , instVisibleExports :: [Name] -- | Haddock options for this module (prune, ignore-exports, etc). , instOptions :: [DocOption] , instFixMap :: Map Name Fixity } -- | Convert an 'Interface' to an 'InstalledInterface' toInstalledIface :: Interface -> InstalledInterface toInstalledIface interface = InstalledInterface { instMod = ifaceMod interface , instIsSig = ifaceIsSig interface , instInfo = ifaceInfo interface , instDocMap = ifaceDocMap interface , instArgMap = ifaceArgMap interface , instExports = ifaceExports interface , instVisibleExports = ifaceVisibleExports interface , instOptions = ifaceOptions interface , instFixMap = ifaceFixMap interface } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Export items & declarations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data ExportItem name -- | An exported declaration. = ExportDecl { -- | A declaration. expItemDecl :: !(LHsDecl name) -- | Bundled patterns for a data type declaration , expItemPats :: ![(HsDecl name, DocForDecl (IdP name))] -- | Maybe a doc comment, and possibly docs for arguments (if this -- decl is a function or type-synonym). , expItemMbDoc :: !(DocForDecl (IdP name)) -- | Subordinate names, possibly with documentation. , expItemSubDocs :: ![(IdP name, DocForDecl (IdP name))] -- | Instances relevant to this declaration, possibly with -- documentation. , expItemInstances :: ![DocInstance name] -- | Fixity decls relevant to this declaration (including subordinates). , expItemFixities :: ![(IdP name, Fixity)] -- | Whether the ExportItem is from a TH splice or not, for generating -- the appropriate type of Source link. , expItemSpliced :: !Bool } -- | An exported entity for which we have no documentation (perhaps because it -- resides in another package). | ExportNoDecl { expItemName :: !(IdP name) -- | Subordinate names. , expItemSubs :: ![IdP name] } -- | A section heading. | ExportGroup { -- | Section level (1, 2, 3, ...). expItemSectionLevel :: !Int -- | Section id (for hyperlinks). , expItemSectionId :: !String -- | Section heading text. , expItemSectionText :: !(Doc (IdP name)) } -- | Some documentation. | ExportDoc !(MDoc (IdP name)) -- | A cross-reference to another module. | ExportModule !Module data Documentation name = Documentation { documentationDoc :: Maybe (MDoc name) , documentationWarning :: !(Maybe (Doc name)) } deriving Functor -- | Arguments and result are indexed by Int, zero-based from the left, -- because that's the easiest to use when recursing over types. type FnArgsDoc name = Map Int (MDoc name) type DocForDecl name = (Documentation name, FnArgsDoc name) noDocForDecl :: DocForDecl name noDocForDecl = (Documentation Nothing Nothing, mempty) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Cross-referencing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Type of environment used to cross-reference identifiers in the syntax. type LinkEnv = Map Name Module -- | Extends 'Name' with cross-reference information. data DocName = Documented Name Module -- ^ This thing is part of the (existing or resulting) -- documentation. The 'Module' is the preferred place -- in the documentation to refer to. | Undocumented Name -- ^ This thing is not part of the (existing or resulting) -- documentation, as far as Haddock knows. deriving (Eq, Data) data DocNameI type instance IdP DocNameI = DocName instance CollectPass DocNameI where collectXXPat _ _ ext = noExtCon ext instance NamedThing DocName where getName (Documented name _) = name getName (Undocumented name) = name -- | Useful for debugging instance Outputable DocName where ppr = ppr . getName instance OutputableBndr DocName where pprBndr _ = ppr . getName pprPrefixOcc = pprPrefixOcc . getName pprInfixOcc = pprInfixOcc . getName class NamedThing name => SetName name where setName :: Name -> name -> name instance SetName Name where setName name' _ = name' instance SetName DocName where setName name' (Documented _ mdl) = Documented name' mdl setName name' (Undocumented _) = Undocumented name' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Instances ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The three types of instances data InstType name = ClassInst { clsiCtx :: [HsType name] , clsiTyVars :: LHsQTyVars name , clsiSigs :: [Sig name] , clsiAssocTys :: [PseudoFamilyDecl name] } | TypeInst (Maybe (HsType name)) -- ^ Body (right-hand side) | DataInst (TyClDecl name) -- ^ Data constructors instance (OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (InstType (GhcPass p)) where ppr (ClassInst { .. }) = text "ClassInst" <+> ppr clsiCtx <+> ppr clsiTyVars <+> ppr clsiSigs ppr (TypeInst a) = text "TypeInst" <+> ppr a ppr (DataInst a) = text "DataInst" <+> ppr a -- | Almost the same as 'FamilyDecl' except for type binders. -- -- In order to perform type specialization for class instances, we need to -- substitute class variables to appropriate type. However, type variables in -- associated type are specified using 'LHsTyVarBndrs' instead of 'HsType'. -- This makes type substitution impossible and to overcome this issue, -- 'PseudoFamilyDecl' type is introduced. data PseudoFamilyDecl name = PseudoFamilyDecl { pfdInfo :: FamilyInfo name , pfdLName :: Located (IdP name) , pfdTyVars :: [LHsType name] , pfdKindSig :: LFamilyResultSig name } mkPseudoFamilyDecl :: FamilyDecl (GhcPass p) -> PseudoFamilyDecl (GhcPass p) mkPseudoFamilyDecl (FamilyDecl { .. }) = PseudoFamilyDecl { pfdInfo = fdInfo , pfdLName = fdLName , pfdTyVars = [ L loc (mkType bndr) | L loc bndr <- hsq_explicit fdTyVars ] , pfdKindSig = fdResultSig } where mkType :: HsTyVarBndr flag (GhcPass p) -> HsType (GhcPass p) mkType (KindedTyVar _ _ (L loc name) lkind) = HsKindSig noExtField tvar lkind where tvar = L loc (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (L loc name)) mkType (UserTyVar _ _ name) = HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted name -- | An instance head that may have documentation and a source location. type DocInstance name = (InstHead name, Maybe (MDoc (IdP name)), Located (IdP name), Maybe Module) -- | The head of an instance. Consists of a class name, a list of type -- parameters (which may be annotated with kinds), and an instance type data InstHead name = InstHead { ihdClsName :: IdP name , ihdTypes :: [HsType name] , ihdInstType :: InstType name } -- | An instance origin information. -- -- This is used primarily in HTML backend to generate unique instance -- identifiers (for expandable sections). data InstOrigin name = OriginClass name | OriginData name | OriginFamily name instance NamedThing name => NamedThing (InstOrigin name) where getName (OriginClass name) = getName name getName (OriginData name) = getName name getName (OriginFamily name) = getName name ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Documentation comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type LDoc id = Located (Doc id) type Doc id = DocH (ModuleName, OccName) id type MDoc id = MetaDoc (ModuleName, OccName) id type DocMarkup id a = DocMarkupH (ModuleName, OccName) id a instance (NFData a, NFData mod) => NFData (DocH mod a) where rnf doc = case doc of DocEmpty -> () DocAppend a b -> a `deepseq` b `deepseq` () DocString a -> a `deepseq` () DocParagraph a -> a `deepseq` () DocIdentifier a -> a `deepseq` () DocIdentifierUnchecked a -> a `deepseq` () DocModule a -> a `deepseq` () DocWarning a -> a `deepseq` () DocEmphasis a -> a `deepseq` () DocBold a -> a `deepseq` () DocMonospaced a -> a `deepseq` () DocUnorderedList a -> a `deepseq` () DocOrderedList a -> a `deepseq` () DocDefList a -> a `deepseq` () DocCodeBlock a -> a `deepseq` () DocHyperlink a -> a `deepseq` () DocPic a -> a `deepseq` () DocMathInline a -> a `deepseq` () DocMathDisplay a -> a `deepseq` () DocAName a -> a `deepseq` () DocProperty a -> a `deepseq` () DocExamples a -> a `deepseq` () DocHeader a -> a `deepseq` () DocTable a -> a `deepseq` () #if !MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,0,2) -- These were added to GHC itself in 8.0.2 instance NFData Name where rnf x = seq x () instance NFData OccName where rnf x = seq x () instance NFData ModuleName where rnf x = seq x () #endif instance NFData id => NFData (Header id) where rnf (Header a b) = a `deepseq` b `deepseq` () instance NFData id => NFData (Hyperlink id) where rnf (Hyperlink a b) = a `deepseq` b `deepseq` () instance NFData Picture where rnf (Picture a b) = a `deepseq` b `deepseq` () instance NFData Example where rnf (Example a b) = a `deepseq` b `deepseq` () instance NFData id => NFData (Table id) where rnf (Table h b) = h `deepseq` b `deepseq` () instance NFData id => NFData (TableRow id) where rnf (TableRow cs) = cs `deepseq` () instance NFData id => NFData (TableCell id) where rnf (TableCell i j c) = i `deepseq` j `deepseq` c `deepseq` () exampleToString :: Example -> String exampleToString (Example expression result) = ">>> " ++ expression ++ "\n" ++ unlines result data HaddockModInfo name = HaddockModInfo { hmi_description :: Maybe (Doc name) , hmi_copyright :: Maybe String , hmi_license :: Maybe String , hmi_maintainer :: Maybe String , hmi_stability :: Maybe String , hmi_portability :: Maybe String , hmi_safety :: Maybe String , hmi_language :: Maybe Language , hmi_extensions :: [LangExt.Extension] } emptyHaddockModInfo :: HaddockModInfo a emptyHaddockModInfo = HaddockModInfo { hmi_description = Nothing , hmi_copyright = Nothing , hmi_license = Nothing , hmi_maintainer = Nothing , hmi_stability = Nothing , hmi_portability = Nothing , hmi_safety = Nothing , hmi_language = Nothing , hmi_extensions = [] } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Options ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Source-level options for controlling the documentation. data DocOption = OptHide -- ^ This module should not appear in the docs. | OptPrune | OptIgnoreExports -- ^ Pretend everything is exported. | OptNotHome -- ^ Not the best place to get docs for things -- exported by this module. | OptShowExtensions -- ^ Render enabled extensions for this module. deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Option controlling how to qualify names data QualOption = OptNoQual -- ^ Never qualify any names. | OptFullQual -- ^ Qualify all names fully. | OptLocalQual -- ^ Qualify all imported names fully. | OptRelativeQual -- ^ Like local, but strip module prefix -- from modules in the same hierarchy. | OptAliasedQual -- ^ Uses aliases of module names -- as suggested by module import renamings. -- However, we are unfortunately not able -- to maintain the original qualifications. -- Image a re-export of a whole module, -- how could the re-exported identifiers be qualified? type AliasMap = Map Module ModuleName data Qualification = NoQual | FullQual | LocalQual Module | RelativeQual Module | AliasedQual AliasMap Module -- ^ @Module@ contains the current module. -- This way we can distinguish imported and local identifiers. makeContentsQual :: QualOption -> Qualification makeContentsQual qual = case qual of OptNoQual -> NoQual _ -> FullQual makeModuleQual :: QualOption -> AliasMap -> Module -> Qualification makeModuleQual qual aliases mdl = case qual of OptLocalQual -> LocalQual mdl OptRelativeQual -> RelativeQual mdl OptAliasedQual -> AliasedQual aliases mdl OptFullQual -> FullQual OptNoQual -> NoQual -- | Whether to hide empty contexts -- Since pattern synonyms have two contexts with different semantics, it is -- important to all of them, even if one of them is empty. data HideEmptyContexts = HideEmptyContexts | ShowEmptyToplevelContexts -- | When to qualify @since@ annotations with their package data SinceQual = Always | External -- ^ only qualify when the thing being annotated is from -- an external package ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Error handling ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A monad which collects error messages, locally defined to avoid a dep on mtl type ErrMsg = String type ErrMsgM = Writer [ErrMsg] -- Exceptions -- | Haddock's own exception type. data HaddockException = HaddockException String deriving Typeable instance Show HaddockException where show (HaddockException str) = str throwE :: String -> a instance Exception HaddockException throwE str = throw (HaddockException str) -- In "Haddock.Interface.Create", we need to gather -- @Haddock.Types.ErrMsg@s a lot, like @ErrMsgM@ does, -- but we can't just use @GhcT ErrMsgM@ because GhcT requires the -- transformed monad to be MonadIO. newtype ErrMsgGhc a = ErrMsgGhc { unErrMsgGhc :: WriterT [ErrMsg] Ghc a } deriving newtype instance Functor ErrMsgGhc deriving newtype instance Applicative ErrMsgGhc deriving newtype instance Monad ErrMsgGhc deriving newtype instance (MonadWriter [ErrMsg]) ErrMsgGhc deriving newtype instance MonadIO ErrMsgGhc runWriterGhc :: ErrMsgGhc a -> Ghc (a, [ErrMsg]) runWriterGhc = runWriterT . unErrMsgGhc liftGhcToErrMsgGhc :: Ghc a -> ErrMsgGhc a liftGhcToErrMsgGhc = ErrMsgGhc . lift liftErrMsg :: ErrMsgM a -> ErrMsgGhc a liftErrMsg = writer . runWriter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Pass sensitive types ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type instance XRec DocNameI a = Located a instance UnXRec DocNameI where unXRec = unLoc instance MapXRec DocNameI where mapXRec = fmap instance WrapXRec DocNameI where wrapXRec = noLoc type instance XForAllTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XQualTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XTyVar DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XStarTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XAppTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XAppKindTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XFunTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XListTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XTupleTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XSumTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XOpTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XParTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XIParamTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XKindSig DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XSpliceTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XDocTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XBangTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XRecTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XExplicitListTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XExplicitTupleTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XTyLit DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XWildCardTy DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XXType DocNameI = HsCoreTy type instance XHsForAllVis DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XHsForAllInvis DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XXHsForAllTelescope DocNameI = NoExtCon type instance XUserTyVar DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XKindedTyVar DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XXTyVarBndr DocNameI = NoExtCon type instance XCFieldOcc DocNameI = DocName type instance XXFieldOcc DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XFixitySig DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XFixSig DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XPatSynSig DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XClassOpSig DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XTypeSig DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XMinimalSig DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XForeignExport DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XForeignImport DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XConDeclGADT DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XConDeclH98 DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XXConDecl DocNameI = NoExtCon type instance XDerivD DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XInstD DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XForD DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XSigD DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XTyClD DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XNoSig DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XCKindSig DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XTyVarSig DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XXFamilyResultSig DocNameI = NoExtCon type instance XCFamEqn DocNameI _ = NoExtField type instance XXFamEqn DocNameI _ = NoExtCon type instance XCClsInstDecl DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XCDerivDecl DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XViaStrategy DocNameI = LHsSigType DocNameI type instance XDataFamInstD DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XTyFamInstD DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XClsInstD DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XCHsDataDefn DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XCFamilyDecl DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XClassDecl DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XDataDecl DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XSynDecl DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XFamDecl DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XXFamilyDecl DocNameI = NoExtCon type instance XXTyClDecl DocNameI = NoExtCon type instance XHsWC DocNameI _ = NoExtField type instance XHsOuterExplicit DocNameI _ = NoExtField type instance XHsOuterImplicit DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XXHsOuterTyVarBndrs DocNameI = NoExtCon type instance XHsSig DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XXHsSigType DocNameI = NoExtCon type instance XHsQTvs DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XConDeclField DocNameI = NoExtField type instance XXConDeclField DocNameI = NoExtCon type instance XXPat DocNameI = NoExtCon