#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell \begin{code} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} import System.Cmd import System.Environment import System.FilePath import System.Directory import Data.List import Control.Applicative baseDir = takeDirectory __FILE__ main :: IO () main = do contents <- filter (not . ignore) <$> getDirectoryContents (baseDir </> "out") args <- getArgs if not $ null args then mapM_ copy [ baseDir </> "out" </> file | file <- contents, ".html" `isSuffixOf` file, takeBaseName file `elem` args ] else mapM_ copy [ baseDir </> "out" </> file | file <- contents] where ignore = foldr (liftA2 (||)) (const False) [ (== ".") , (== "..") , (isPrefixOf "index") , (isPrefixOf "doc-index") ] copy :: FilePath -> IO () copy file = do let new = baseDir </> "ref" </> takeFileName file if ".html" `isSuffixOf` file then do putStrLn (file ++ " -> " ++ new) stripLinks <$> readFile file >>= writeFile new else do -- copy css, images, etc. copyFile file new stripLinks :: String -> String stripLinks str = let prefix = "<a href=\"" in case stripPrefix prefix str of Just str' -> prefix ++ stripLinks (dropWhile (/= '"') str') Nothing -> case str of [] -> [] x : xs -> x : stripLinks xs \end{code}