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      ><table class="info"
	    >Safe Haskell</th
	><p class="caption"
      ><div id="synopsis"
      ><details id="syn"
	  ><ul class="details-toggle" data-details-id="syn"
	  ><li class="src short"
	    ><span class="keyword"
	      > <a href="#"
	      > :: <a href="#" title="GHC.TypeNats"
	      > -&gt; * -&gt; * <span class="keyword"
	      ><ul class="subs"
		><a href="#"
		  > :: <a href="#" title="BundledPatterns"
		  > 0 a</li
		><span class="keyword"
		  > <a href="#"
		  > :: a -&gt; <a href="#" title="BundledPatterns"
		  > n a -&gt; <a href="#" title="BundledPatterns"
		  > (n <a href="#" title="Bug310"
		  > 1) a</li
	    ><li class="src short"
	    ><span class="keyword"
	      > <a href="#"
	      > :: <a href="#" title="GHC.TypeNats"
	      > -&gt; * -&gt; * <span class="keyword"
	      ><ul class="subs"
		><span class="keyword"
		  > <a href="#"
		  > :: a -&gt; <a href="#" title="BundledPatterns"
		  > 0 a</li
		><span class="keyword"
		  > <a href="#"
		  > :: <a href="#" title="BundledPatterns"
		  > d a -&gt; <a href="#" title="BundledPatterns"
		  > d a -&gt; <a href="#" title="BundledPatterns"
		  > (d <a href="#" title="Bug310"
		  > 1) a</li
      ><div id="interface"
	><div class="top"
	><p class="src"
	  ><span class="keyword"
	    > <a id="t:Vec" class="def"
	    > :: <a href="#" title="GHC.TypeNats"
	    > -&gt; * -&gt; * <span class="keyword"
	    > <a href="#" class="selflink"
	  ><div class="doc"
	    >Fixed size vectors.</p
	      >Lists with their length encoded in their type</li
		><a href="#" title="BundledPatterns"
		>tor elements have an <strong
		> subscript starting from 0 and
   ending at <code
		  ><a href="#" title="Data.Foldable"
		  > - 1</code
	  ><div class="subs constructors"
	  ><p class="caption"
	      ><td class="src"
		><a id="v:Nil" class="def"
		  > :: <a href="#" title="BundledPatterns"
		  > 0 a</td
		><td class="doc empty"
	  ><div class="subs bundled-patterns"
	  ><p class="caption"
	    >Bundled Patterns</p
	      ><td class="src"
		><span class="keyword"
		  > <a id="v::-62-" class="def"
		  > :: a -&gt; <a href="#" title="BundledPatterns"
		  > n a -&gt; <a href="#" title="BundledPatterns"
		  > (n <a href="#" title="Bug310"
		  > 1) a <span class="fixity"
		  >infixr 5</span
		  ><span class="rightedge"
		><td class="doc"
		  >Add an element to the head of a vector.</p
		  ><pre class="screen"
		  ><code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
<code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >let x = 3:&gt;4:&gt;5:&gt;Nil
		    ><code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >:t x
		    >x :: Num a =&gt; Vec 3 a
		  >Can be used as a pattern:</p
		  ><pre class="screen"
		  ><code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >let f (x :&gt; y :&gt; _) = x + y
		    ><code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >:t f
		    >f :: Num a =&gt; Vec ((n + 1) + 1) a -&gt; a
<code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >f (3:&gt;4:&gt;5:&gt;6:&gt;7:&gt;Nil)
		  >Also in conjunctions with (<code
		  ><pre class="screen"
		  ><code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >let g (a :&gt; b :&gt; (_ :&lt; y :&lt; x)) = a + b +  x + y
		    ><code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >:t g
		    >g :: Num a =&gt; Vec ((((n + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1) a -&gt; a
<code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >g (1:&gt;2:&gt;3:&gt;4:&gt;5:&gt;Nil)
	><div class="top"
	><p class="src"
	  ><span class="keyword"
	    > <a id="t:RTree" class="def"
	    > :: <a href="#" title="GHC.TypeNats"
	    > -&gt; * -&gt; * <span class="keyword"
	    > <a href="#" class="selflink"
	  ><div class="doc"
	    >Perfect depth binary tree.</p
	      >Only has elements at the leaf of the tree</li
	      >A tree of depth <em
		> has <em
		> elements.</li
	  ><div class="subs bundled-patterns"
	  ><p class="caption"
	    >Bundled Patterns</p
	      ><td class="src"
		><span class="keyword"
		  > <a id="v:LR" class="def"
		  > :: a -&gt; <a href="#" title="BundledPatterns"
		  > 0 a</td
		><td class="doc"
		  >Leaf of a perfect depth tree</p
		  ><pre class="screen"
		  ><code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >LR 1
<code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >let x = LR 1
		    ><code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >:t x
		    >x :: Num a =&gt; RTree 0 a
		  >Can be used as a pattern:</p
		  ><pre class="screen"
		  ><code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >let f (LR a) (LR b) = a + b
		    ><code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >:t f
		    >f :: Num a =&gt; RTree 0 a -&gt; RTree 0 a -&gt; a
<code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >f (LR 1) (LR 2)
	      ><td class="src"
		><span class="keyword"
		  > <a id="v:BR" class="def"
		  > :: <a href="#" title="BundledPatterns"
		  > d a -&gt; <a href="#" title="BundledPatterns"
		  > d a -&gt; <a href="#" title="BundledPatterns"
		  > (d <a href="#" title="Bug310"
		  > 1) a</td
		><td class="doc"
		  >Branch of a perfect depth tree</p
		  ><pre class="screen"
		  ><code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >BR (LR 1) (LR 2)
<code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >let x = BR (LR 1) (LR 2)
		    ><code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >:t x
		    >x :: Num a =&gt; RTree 1 a
		  >Case be used a pattern:</p
		  ><pre class="screen"
		  ><code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >let f (BR (LR a) (LR b)) = LR (a + b)
		    ><code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >:t f
		    >f :: Num a =&gt; RTree 1 a -&gt; RTree 0 a
<code class="prompt"
		    >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
		    ><strong class="userinput"
		      >f (BR (LR 1) (LR 2))