Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Test operators with or without fixity declarations



(+-) :: a -> a -> a

Operator with no fixity

infixr 7 */
(*/) :: a -> a -> a

Operator with infixr 7

infixl 3 `foo`
foo :: a -> a -> a

Named function with infixl 3

data Foo

Data type with operator constructors


infixl 3 `Bar`
Foo `Bar` Foo

Has infixl 3

infixr 5 :-
Foo :- Foo

Has infixr 5

infixr 3 :+
pattern (:+) t t :: [t]

Pattern synonym, infixr 3

infixl 6 <->
data a <-> b where

Type name, infixl 6 and GADT constructor


infixr 6 :<->
(:<->) :: a -> b -> a <-> b

infix 3 ++
type family a ++ b

Type family with fixity

infix 9 **
data family a ** b

Data family with fixity

infixr 1 ><>
class a ><> b where

Class with fixity, including associated types

Associated Types

infixl 2 <><
type a <>< b :: *

infixl 3 ><<
data a ><< b


infixr 4 >><
(>><) :: a -> b -> ()

infixl 6 >-<
type (>-<) a b = a <-> b

Type synonym with fixity