#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo import Distribution.Package import Distribution.Simple.Compiler hiding (Flag) import Distribution.Simple.GHC import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex import Distribution.Simple.Program import Distribution.Simple.Utils import Distribution.Verbosity import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.IO import System.Process baseDir, rootDir :: FilePath baseDir = takeDirectory __FILE__ rootDir = baseDir ".." srcDir, refDir, outDir :: FilePath srcDir = baseDir "src" refDir = baseDir "ref" outDir = baseDir "out" resDir :: FilePath resDir = rootDir "resources" data Config = Config { cfgHaddockPath :: FilePath , cfgGhcPath :: FilePath , cfgFiles :: [FilePath] , cfgHaddockArgs :: [String] , cfgEnv :: Environment } data CheckResult = Fail | Pass | NoRef main :: IO () main = do cfg <- uncurry loadConfig =<< checkOpt =<< getArgs runHaddock cfg checkOutput cfg checkOutput :: Config -> IO () checkOutput (Config { .. }) = do putStrLn "Diffing output files..." failFiles <- forM cfgFiles $ \file -> do putStr $ "Checking " ++ takeBaseName file ++ "... " status <- checkFile file case status of Fail -> putStrLn "FAIL" >> (return $ Just file) Pass -> putStrLn "PASS" >> (return Nothing) NoRef -> putStrLn "PASS [no .ref]" >> (return Nothing) return () -- TODO: Print diff for failed cases. runHaddock :: Config -> IO () runHaddock (Config { .. }) = do putStrLn "Running Haddock process..." devNull <- openFile "/dev/null" WriteMode handle <- runProcess' cfgHaddockPath $ processConfig { pcArgs = cfgHaddockArgs ++ cfgFiles , pcEnv = Just $ cfgEnv , pcStdOut = Just $ devNull } waitForSuccess "Failed to run Haddock on specified test files" handle checkOpt :: [String] -> IO ([Flag], [String]) checkOpt args = do let (flags, files, errors) = getOpt Permute options args unless (null errors) $ do hPutStr stderr $ concat errors exitFailure when (FlagHelp `elem` flags) $ do hPutStrLn stderr $ usageInfo "" options exitSuccess return (flags, files) loadConfig :: [Flag] -> [String] -> IO Config loadConfig flags files = do cfgEnv <- (:) ("haddock_datadir", resDir) <$> getEnvironment cfgHaddockPath <- pure $ flip fromMaybe (flagsHaddockPath flags) $ rootDir "dist" "build" "haddock" "haddock" printVersions cfgEnv cfgHaddockPath cfgGhcPath <- flip fromMaybe (flagsGhcPath flags) <$> init <$> rawSystemStdout normal cfgHaddockPath ["--print-ghc-path"] cfgFiles <- processFileArgs files cfgHaddockArgs <- liftM concat . sequence $ [ pure ["--no-warnings"] , pure ["--odir=" ++ outDir] , pure ["--pretty-html"] , pure ["--html"] , pure ["--optghc=-w"] , pure $ flagsHaddockOptions flags , baseDependencies cfgGhcPath ] return $ Config { .. } checkFile :: FilePath -> IO CheckResult checkFile file = do hasRef <- doesFileExist refFile if hasRef then do out <- readFile outFile ref <- readFile refFile return $ if haddockEq out ref then Pass else Fail else return NoRef where outFile = outDir mdl <.> "html" refFile = refDir mdl <.> "html" mdl = takeBaseName $ file printVersions :: Environment -> FilePath -> IO () printVersions env haddockPath = do handle <- runProcess' haddockPath $ processConfig { pcEnv = Just env , pcArgs = ["--version"] } waitForSuccess "Failed to run `haddock --version`" handle handle <- runProcess' haddockPath $ processConfig { pcEnv = Just env , pcArgs = ["--ghc-version"] } waitForSuccess "Failed to run `haddock --ghc-version`" handle baseDependencies :: FilePath -> IO [String] baseDependencies ghcPath = do (_, _, cfg) <- configure normal (Just ghcPath) Nothing defaultProgramConfiguration pkgIndex <- getInstalledPackages normal [GlobalPackageDB] cfg mapM (getDependency pkgIndex) ["base", "process", "ghc-prim"] where getDependency pkgIndex name = case ifaces pkgIndex name of [] -> do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Couldn't find base test dependency: " ++ name exitFailure (ifArg:_) -> pure ifArg ifaces pkgIndex name = do pkg <- join $ snd <$> lookupPackageName pkgIndex (PackageName name) iface <$> haddockInterfaces pkg <*> haddockHTMLs pkg iface file html = "--read-interface=" ++ html ++ "," ++ file processFileArgs :: [String] -> IO [FilePath] processFileArgs [] = filter isSourceFile <$> getDirectoryContents srcDir processFileArgs args = pure $ map processFileArg args processFileArg :: String -> FilePath processFileArg arg | isSourceFile arg = arg | otherwise = srcDir arg <.> "hs" isSourceFile :: FilePath -> Bool isSourceFile path = takeExtension path `elem` [".hs", ".lhs"] data Flag = FlagHaddockPath FilePath | FlagGhcPath FilePath | FlagHaddockOptions String | FlagHelp deriving Eq options :: [OptDescr Flag] options = [ Option [] ["haddock-path"] (ReqArg FlagHaddockPath "FILE") "path to Haddock executable to exectue tests with" , Option [] ["ghc-path"] (ReqArg FlagGhcPath "FILE") "path to GHC executable" , Option [] ["haddock-options"] (ReqArg FlagHaddockOptions "OPTS") "additional options to run Haddock with" , Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg FlagHelp) "display this help end exit" ] flagsHaddockPath :: [Flag] -> Maybe FilePath flagsHaddockPath flags = mlast [ path | FlagHaddockPath path <- flags ] flagsGhcPath :: [Flag] -> Maybe FilePath flagsGhcPath flags = mlast [ path | FlagGhcPath path <- flags ] flagsHaddockOptions :: [Flag] -> [String] flagsHaddockOptions flags = concat [ words opts | FlagHaddockOptions opts <- flags ] type Environment = [(String, String)] data ProcessConfig = ProcessConfig { pcArgs :: [String] , pcWorkDir :: Maybe FilePath , pcEnv :: Maybe Environment , pcStdIn :: Maybe Handle , pcStdOut :: Maybe Handle , pcStdErr :: Maybe Handle } processConfig :: ProcessConfig processConfig = ProcessConfig { pcArgs = [] , pcWorkDir = Nothing , pcEnv = Nothing , pcStdIn = Nothing , pcStdOut = Nothing , pcStdErr = Nothing } runProcess' :: FilePath -> ProcessConfig -> IO ProcessHandle runProcess' path (ProcessConfig { .. }) = runProcess path pcArgs pcWorkDir pcEnv pcStdIn pcStdOut pcStdErr waitForSuccess :: String -> ProcessHandle -> IO () waitForSuccess msg handle = do result <- waitForProcess handle unless (result == ExitSuccess) $ do hPutStrLn stderr $ msg exitFailure mlast :: [a] -> Maybe a mlast = listToMaybe . reverse haddockEq :: String -> String -> Bool haddockEq _ _ = True -- TODO.