module Nesting where {-| * We can * easily go back 1. some indentation * levels 1. @back at the top@ -} d :: t d = undefined {-| * Beginning of list * second list * Some indented list but the presence of this text pushes it out of nesting back to the top. -} e :: t e = undefined {-| * Beginning of list @ nested code we preserve the space correctly @ -} f :: t f = undefined {-| * Beginning of list * Nested list -} g :: t g = undefined {-| * Beginning of list > nested > bird > tracks -} h :: t h = undefined {-| * Beginning of list This belongs to the list above! > nested > bird > tracks * Next list More of the indented list. * Deeper * Deeper * Even deeper! * No newline separation even in indented lists. -} i :: t i = undefined {-| [All this] Works for definition lists too. > nested > bird > tracks * Next list with more of the indented list content. Even more content on a new line. 1. Different type of list (2) Deeper >>> Here's an example in a list example result [b] Even deeper! [c] No newline separation even in indented lists. We can have any paragraph level element that we normally can, like headers === Level 3 header with some content… * and even more lists inside -} j :: t j = undefined