{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} import Data.Char import Data.List import Data.Function (on) import System.Environment import System.FilePath import Test.Haddock import Test.Haddock.Xhtml checkConfig :: CheckConfig Xml checkConfig = CheckConfig { ccfgRead = parseXml , ccfgClean = strip , ccfgDump = dumpXml , ccfgEqual = (==) `on` dumpXml } where -- The whole point of the ClangCppBug is to demonstrate a situation where -- line numbers may vary (and test that links still work). Consequently, we -- strip out line numbers for this test case. strip f | takeBaseName f == "ClangCppBug" = stripAnchors' . stripLinks' . stripIds' . stripIds'' . stripFooter | otherwise = stripAnchors' . stripLinks' . stripIds' . stripFooter stripLinks' = stripLinksWhen $ \href -> "#local-" `isPrefixOf` href stripAnchors' = stripAnchorsWhen $ \name -> "local-" `isPrefixOf` name stripIds' = stripIdsWhen $ \name -> "local-" `isPrefixOf` name stripIds'' = stripIdsWhen $ \name -> "line-" `isPrefixOf` name dirConfig :: DirConfig dirConfig = (defaultDirConfig $ takeDirectory __FILE__) { dcfgCheckIgnore = checkIgnore } main :: IO () main = do cfg <- parseArgs checkConfig dirConfig =<< getArgs runAndCheck $ cfg { cfgHaddockArgs = cfgHaddockArgs cfg ++ [ "--pretty-html" , "--hyperlinked-source" ] } checkIgnore :: FilePath -> Bool checkIgnore file | and . map ($ file) $ [isHtmlFile, isSourceFile, isModuleFile] = False where isHtmlFile = (== ".html") . takeExtension isSourceFile = (== "src") . takeDirectory isModuleFile = isUpper . head . takeBaseName checkIgnore _ = True