module ConstructorArgs (
    Foo((:|), Rec, Baz, Boa, (:*), x, y), Boo(Foo, Foa, Fo, Fo'), pattern Bo,
    pattern Bo'
  ) where\end{verbatim}}

data Foo
\enspace \emph{Constructors}\par
\haddockdecltt{=} & \haddockdecltt{Rec} & doc on a record \\
                                          & \haddocktt{\qquad \{} \haddockdecltt{x :: String} & doc on the \haddockid{String} field of \haddockid{Rec} \\
                                          & \haddocktt{\qquad ,} \haddockdecltt{y :: String} & doc on the \haddockid{String} field of \haddockid{Rec} \\ & \haddocktt{\qquad \}} \\
\haddockdecltt{|} & \haddockdecltt{Baz Int String} & old prefix doc style \\
\haddockdecltt{|} & \haddockdecltt{Boa} & doc on the \haddockid{Boa} constrictor \\
                                          & \qquad \haddockdecltt{!Int} & doc on the \haddockid{Int} field of \haddockid{Boa} \\
                                          & \qquad \haddockdecltt{!String} & doc on the \haddockid{String} field of \haddockid{Boa} \\
\haddockdecltt{|} & \haddockdecltt{Int :| String} & old infix doc style \\
\haddockdecltt{|} & \haddockdecltt{(:*)} & doc on the \haddockid{:*} constructor \\
                                           & \qquad \haddockdecltt{Int} & doc on the \haddockid{Int} field of the \haddockid{:*} constructor \\
                                           & \qquad \haddockdecltt{String} & doc on the \haddockid{String} field of the \haddockid{:*} constructor \\
data Boo where
\enspace \emph{Constructors}\par
& \haddockdecltt{Foo} & Info about a \haddockid{Foo} \\
                        & \qquad \haddockdecltt{::} \enspace \haddockdecltt{Int} & \haddockid{Int} field of \haddockid{Foo} \\
                        & \qquad \haddockdecltt{->} \enspace \haddockdecltt{String} & \haddockid{String} field of \haddockid{Foo} \\
                        & \qquad \haddockdecltt{->} \enspace \haddockdecltt{Boo} & Make a \haddockid{Boo} \\
& \haddockdecltt{Foa :: Int -> Boo} & no argument docs GADT \\
\enspace \emph{Bundled Patterns}\par
& \haddockdecltt{pattern Fo} & Info about bundled \haddockid{Fo} \\
                               & \qquad \haddockdecltt{::} \enspace \haddockdecltt{Int} & an \haddockid{Int} \\
                               & \qquad \haddockdecltt{->} \enspace \haddockdecltt{String} & a \haddockid{String} \\
                               & \qquad \haddockdecltt{->} \enspace \haddockdecltt{Boo} & a \haddockid{Boo} \\
& \haddockdecltt{pattern Fo' :: Boo} & Bundled and no argument docs \\
pattern Bo
\haddockdecltt{::} & \haddockdecltt{Int} & an \haddockid{Int} \\
\haddockdecltt{->} & \haddockdecltt{String} & a \haddockid{String} \\
\haddockdecltt{->} & \haddockdecltt{Boo} & a \haddockid{Boo} pattern \\
Info about not-bundled \haddockid{Bo}\par}
pattern Bo' :: Int -> String -> Boo
Not bunded and no argument docs\par}