----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Haddock.Backends.Html.DocMarkup -- Copyright : (c) Simon Marlow 2003-2006, -- David Waern 2006-2009, -- Mark Lentczner 2010 -- License : BSD-like -- -- Maintainer : haddock@projects.haskell.org -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.DocMarkup where import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Names import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Util import Haddock.GhcUtils import Haddock.Types import Haddock.Utils import Text.XHtml hiding ( name, title, p, quote ) import GHC import Name import RdrName parHtmlMarkup :: (a -> Html) -> (a -> Bool) -> DocMarkup a Html parHtmlMarkup ppId isTyCon = Markup { markupParagraph = paragraph, markupEmpty = toHtml "", markupString = toHtml, markupAppend = (+++), markupIdentifier = tt . ppId . choose, markupModule = \m -> let (mdl,ref) = break (=='#') m in ppModule (mkModuleNoPackage mdl) ref, markupEmphasis = emphasize . toHtml, markupMonospaced = tt . toHtml, markupUnorderedList = ulist . concatHtml . map (li <<), markupPic = \path -> image ! [src path], markupOrderedList = olist . concatHtml . map (li <<), markupDefList = dlist . concatHtml . map markupDef, markupCodeBlock = pre, markupURL = \url -> anchor ! [href url] << toHtml url, markupAName = \aname -> namedAnchor aname << toHtml "", markupExample = examplesToHtml } where -- If an id can refer to multiple things, we give precedence to type -- constructors. This should ideally be done during renaming from RdrName -- to Name, but since we will move this process from GHC into Haddock in -- the future, we fix it here in the meantime. -- TODO: mention this rule in the documentation. choose [] = error "empty identifier list in HsDoc" choose [x] = x choose (x:y:_) | isTyCon x = x | otherwise = y examplesToHtml l = (pre $ concatHtml $ map exampleToHtml l) ! [theclass "screen"] exampleToHtml (Example expression result) = htmlExample where htmlExample = htmlPrompt +++ htmlExpression +++ (toHtml $ unlines result) htmlPrompt = (thecode . toHtml $ "ghci> ") ! [theclass "prompt"] htmlExpression = (strong . thecode . toHtml $ expression ++ "\n") ! [theclass "userinput"] markupDef :: (HTML a, HTML b) => (a, b) -> Html markupDef (a,b) = dterm << a +++ ddef << b htmlMarkup :: DocMarkup DocName Html htmlMarkup = parHtmlMarkup ppDocName (isTyConName . getName) htmlOrigMarkup :: DocMarkup Name Html htmlOrigMarkup = parHtmlMarkup ppName isTyConName htmlRdrMarkup :: DocMarkup RdrName Html htmlRdrMarkup = parHtmlMarkup ppRdrName isRdrTc -- If the doc is a single paragraph, don't surround it with

(this causes -- ugly extra whitespace with some browsers). docToHtml :: Doc DocName -> Html docToHtml doc = markup htmlMarkup (markup htmlCleanup doc) origDocToHtml :: Doc Name -> Html origDocToHtml doc = markup htmlOrigMarkup (markup htmlCleanup doc) rdrDocToHtml :: Doc RdrName -> Html rdrDocToHtml doc = markup htmlRdrMarkup (markup htmlCleanup doc) -- If there is a single paragraph, then surrounding it with


-- can add too much whitespace in some browsers (eg. IE). However if -- we have multiple paragraphs, then we want the extra whitespace to -- separate them. So we catch the single paragraph case and transform it -- here. unParagraph :: Doc a -> Doc a unParagraph (DocParagraph d) = d --NO: This eliminates line breaks in the code block: (SDM, 6/5/2003) --unParagraph (DocCodeBlock d) = (DocMonospaced d) unParagraph doc = doc htmlCleanup :: DocMarkup a (Doc a) htmlCleanup = idMarkup { markupUnorderedList = DocUnorderedList . map unParagraph, markupOrderedList = DocOrderedList . map unParagraph }