{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Haddock.Doc ( docAppend , docParagraph , combineDocumentation ) where import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Haddock.Types import Data.Char (isSpace) -- We put it here so that we can avoid a circular import -- anything relevant imports this module anyway instance Monoid (Doc id) where mempty = DocEmpty mappend = docAppend combineDocumentation :: Documentation name -> Maybe (Doc name) combineDocumentation (Documentation Nothing Nothing) = Nothing combineDocumentation (Documentation mDoc mWarning) = Just (fromMaybe mempty mWarning `mappend` fromMaybe mempty mDoc) docAppend :: Doc id -> Doc id -> Doc id docAppend (DocDefList ds1) (DocDefList ds2) = DocDefList (ds1++ds2) docAppend (DocDefList ds1) (DocAppend (DocDefList ds2) d) = DocAppend (DocDefList (ds1++ds2)) d docAppend DocEmpty d = d docAppend d DocEmpty = d docAppend (DocString s1) (DocString s2) = DocString (s1 ++ s2) docAppend (DocAppend d (DocString s1)) (DocString s2) = DocAppend d (DocString (s1 ++ s2)) docAppend (DocString s1) (DocAppend (DocString s2) d) = DocAppend (DocString (s1 ++ s2)) d docAppend d1 d2 = DocAppend d1 d2 -- again to make parsing easier - we spot a paragraph whose only item -- is a DocMonospaced and make it into a DocCodeBlock docParagraph :: Doc id -> Doc id docParagraph (DocMonospaced p) = DocCodeBlock (docCodeBlock p) docParagraph (DocAppend (DocString s1) (DocMonospaced p)) | all isSpace s1 = DocCodeBlock (docCodeBlock p) docParagraph (DocAppend (DocString s1) (DocAppend (DocMonospaced p) (DocString s2))) | all isSpace s1 && all isSpace s2 = DocCodeBlock (docCodeBlock p) docParagraph (DocAppend (DocMonospaced p) (DocString s2)) | all isSpace s2 = DocCodeBlock (docCodeBlock p) docParagraph p = DocParagraph p -- Drop trailing whitespace from @..@ code blocks. Otherwise this: -- -- -- @ -- -- foo -- -- @ -- -- turns into (DocCodeBlock "\nfoo\n ") which when rendered in HTML -- gives an extra vertical space after the code block. The single space -- on the final line seems to trigger the extra vertical space. -- docCodeBlock :: Doc id -> Doc id docCodeBlock (DocString s) = DocString (reverse $ dropWhile (`elem` " \t") $ reverse s) docCodeBlock (DocAppend l r) = DocAppend l (docCodeBlock r) docCodeBlock d = d