-- -- Haddock - A Haskell Documentation Tool -- -- (c) Simon Marlow 2003 -- module Haddock.GHC.Typecheck ( typecheckFiles ) where import Haddock.Exception import Haddock.Types import Haddock.GHC.Utils import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad import GHC import Digraph import BasicTypes import SrcLoc typecheckFiles :: Session -> [FilePath] -> IO [GhcModule] typecheckFiles session files = do checkedMods <- sortAndCheckModules session files return (map mkGhcModule checkedMods) -- | Get the sorted graph of all loaded modules and their dependencies getSortedModuleGraph :: Session -> IO [(Module, FilePath)] getSortedModuleGraph session = do mbModGraph <- depanal session [] True moduleGraph <- case mbModGraph of Just mg -> return mg Nothing -> throwE "Failed to load all modules" let getModFile = fromJust . ml_hs_file . ms_location sortedGraph = topSortModuleGraph False moduleGraph Nothing sortedModules = concatMap flattenSCC sortedGraph modsAndFiles = [ (ms_mod modsum, getModFile modsum) | modsum <- sortedModules ] return modsAndFiles type CheckedMod = (Module, FilePath, FullyCheckedMod) type FullyCheckedMod = (ParsedSource, RenamedSource, TypecheckedSource, ModuleInfo) -- TODO: make it handle cleanup sortAndCheckModules :: Session -> [FilePath] -> IO [CheckedMod] sortAndCheckModules session files = do -- load all argument files targets <- mapM (\f -> guessTarget f Nothing) files setTargets session targets -- compute the dependencies and load them as well allMods <- getSortedModuleGraph session targets' <- mapM (\(_, f) -> guessTarget f Nothing) allMods setTargets session targets' flag <- load session LoadAllTargets when (failed flag) $ throwE "Failed to load all needed modules" -- typecheck the argument modules let argMods = filter ((`elem` files) . snd) allMods checkedMods <- forM argMods $ \(mod, file) -> do mbMod <- checkModule session (moduleName mod) False case mbMod of Just (CheckedModule a (Just b) (Just c) (Just d) _) -> return (mod, file, (a,b,c,d)) _ -> throwE ("Failed to check module: " ++ moduleString mod) return checkedMods -- | Dig out what we want from the typechecker output mkGhcModule :: CheckedMod -> GhcModule mkGhcModule (mod, file, checkedMod) = GhcModule { ghcModule = mod, ghcFilename = file, ghcMbDocOpts = mbOpts, ghcHaddockModInfo = info, ghcMbDoc = mbDoc, ghcGroup = group, ghcMbExports = mbExports, ghcExportedNames = modInfoExports modInfo, ghcNamesInScope = fromJust $ modInfoTopLevelScope modInfo, ghcInstances = modInfoInstances modInfo } where HsModule _ _ _ _ _ mbOpts _ _ = unLoc parsed (group, _, mbExports, mbDoc, info) = renamed (parsed, renamed, _, modInfo) = checkedMod