-- -- Haddock - A Haskell Documentation Tool -- -- (c) Simon Marlow 2003 -- module Haddock.Interface.Create (createInterface) where import Haddock.Types import Haddock.Options import Haddock.GHC.Utils import Haddock.Utils import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map (Map) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import Data.Ord import Control.Monad.Writer import GHC import Outputable import SrcLoc import Name import Module import InstEnv import Class import TypeRep import Var hiding (varName) import TyCon import PrelNames import Bag import HscTypes import Util (handleDyn) import ErrUtils (printBagOfErrors) import FastString #define FSLIT(x) (mkFastString# (x#)) type LookupMod = (Module -> Maybe Interface) -- | Process the data in the GhcModule to produce an interface. -- To do this, we need access to already processed modules in the topological -- sort. That's what's in the module map. createInterface :: GhcModule -> [Flag] -> ModuleMap -> ErrMsgM Interface createInterface ghcMod flags modMap = do let mod = ghcModule ghcMod opts <- mkDocOpts (ghcMbDocOpts ghcMod) flags mod let group = ghcGroup ghcMod entities = (nubBy sameName . getTopEntities) group exports = fmap (reverse . map unLoc) (ghcMbExports ghcMod) entityNames_ = entityNames entities subNames = allSubNames group localNames = entityNames_ ++ subNames subMap = mkSubMap group expDeclMap = mkDeclMap (ghcExportedNames ghcMod) group localDeclMap = mkDeclMap entityNames_ group docMap = mkDocMap group ignoreExps = Flag_IgnoreAllExports `elem` flags lookupMod m = Map.lookup mod modMap visibleNames <- mkVisibleNames mod lookupMod localNames (ghcNamesInScope ghcMod) subMap exports opts localDeclMap exportItems <- mkExportItems lookupMod mod (ghcExportedNames ghcMod) expDeclMap localDeclMap subMap entities opts exports ignoreExps docMap -- prune the export list to just those declarations that have -- documentation, if the 'prune' option is on. let prunedExportItems | OptPrune `elem` opts = pruneExportItems exportItems | otherwise = exportItems return Interface { hmod_mod = mod, hmod_orig_filename = ghcFilename ghcMod, hmod_info = ghcHaddockModInfo ghcMod, hmod_doc = ghcMbDoc ghcMod, hmod_rn_doc = Nothing, hmod_options = opts, hmod_locals = localNames, hmod_doc_map = docMap, hmod_rn_doc_map = Map.empty, hmod_sub_map = subMap, hmod_export_items = prunedExportItems, hmod_rn_export_items = [], hmod_exports = ghcExportedNames ghcMod, hmod_visible_exports = visibleNames, hmod_exported_decl_map = expDeclMap, hmod_instances = ghcInstances ghcMod } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Doc options -- -- Haddock options that are embedded in the source file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkDocOpts :: Maybe String -> [Flag] -> Module -> ErrMsgM [DocOption] mkDocOpts mbOpts flags mod = do opts <- case mbOpts of Just opts -> processOptions opts Nothing -> return [] let opts' = if Flag_HideModule (moduleString mod) `elem` flags then OptHide : opts else opts return opts' processOptions_ str = let (opts, msg) = runWriter (processOptions str) in print msg >> return opts processOptions :: String -> ErrMsgM [DocOption] processOptions str = do case break (== ',') str of (this, ',':rest) -> do opt <- parseOption this opts <- processOptions rest return (maybeToList opt ++ opts) (this, _) | all isSpace this -> return [] | otherwise -> do opt <- parseOption this; return (maybeToList opt) parseOption :: String -> ErrMsgM (Maybe DocOption) parseOption "hide" = return (Just OptHide) parseOption "prune" = return (Just OptPrune) parseOption "ignore-exports" = return (Just OptIgnoreExports) parseOption "not-home" = return (Just OptNotHome) parseOption other = tell ["Unrecognised option: " ++ other] >> return Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Source code entities -- -- An entity is a Haskell declaration or a Haddock comment. We need to extract -- entities out of classes and top levels since we need them in the interface. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Entity = DocEntity (DocDecl Name) | DeclEntity Name data LEntity = Located Entity sameName (DocEntity _) _ = False sameName (DeclEntity _) (DocEntity _) = False sameName (DeclEntity a) (DeclEntity b) = a == b sortByLoc = map unLoc . sortBy (comparing getLoc) -- | Get all the entities in a class. The entities are sorted by their -- SrcLoc. getClassEntities tcd = sortByLoc (docs ++ meths ++ sigs) where docs = [ L l (DocEntity d) | L l d <- tcdDocs tcd ] meths = let bindings = bagToList (tcdMeths tcd) bindingName = unLoc . fun_id in [ L l (DeclEntity (bindingName b)) | L l b <- bindings ] sigs = let sigName = fromJust . sigNameNoLoc in [ L l (DeclEntity (sigName sig)) | L l sig <- tcdSigs tcd ] -- | Get all the top level entities in a module. The entities are sorted by -- their SrcLoc. getTopEntities :: HsGroup Name -> [Entity] getTopEntities group = sortByLoc (docs ++ declarations) where docs = [ L l (DocEntity d) | L l d <- hs_docs group ] declarations = [ L l (DeclEntity n) | (l, n) <- valds ++ tyclds ++ fords ] where valds = let ValBindsOut _ sigs = hs_valds group -- we just use the sigs here for now. -- TODO: collect from the bindings as well -- (needed for docs to work for inferred entities) in [ (l, fromJust (sigNameNoLoc s)) | L l s <- sigs ] tyclds = [ (l, tcdName t) | L l t <- hs_tyclds group ] fords = [ (l, forName f) | L l f <- hs_fords group ] where forName (ForeignImport name _ _) = unLoc name forName (ForeignExport name _ _) = unLoc name -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collect docs -- -- To be able to attach the right Haddock comment to the right declaration, -- we sort the entities by their SrcLoc and "collect" the docs for each -- declaration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Collect the docs and attach them to the right name collectDocs :: [Entity] -> [(Name, HsDoc Name)] collectDocs entities = collect Nothing DocEmpty entities collect :: Maybe Entity -> HsDoc Name -> [Entity] -> [(Name, HsDoc Name)] collect d doc_so_far [] = case d of Nothing -> [] Just d0 -> finishedDoc d0 doc_so_far [] collect d doc_so_far (e:es) = case e of DocEntity (DocCommentNext str) -> case d of Nothing -> collect d (docAppend doc_so_far str) es Just d0 -> finishedDoc d0 doc_so_far (collect Nothing str es) DocEntity (DocCommentPrev str) -> collect d (docAppend doc_so_far str) es _ -> case d of Nothing -> collect (Just e) doc_so_far es Just d0 | sameName d0 e -> collect d doc_so_far es | otherwise -> finishedDoc d0 doc_so_far (collect (Just e) DocEmpty es) finishedDoc :: Entity -> HsDoc Name -> [(Name, HsDoc Name)] -> [(Name, HsDoc Name)] finishedDoc d DocEmpty rest = rest finishedDoc (DeclEntity name) doc rest = (name, doc) : rest finishedDoc _ _ rest = rest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This map includes everything that can be exported separately, -- that means: top declarations, class methods and record selectors -- TODO: merge this with mkDeclMap and the extractXXX functions mkDocMap :: HsGroup Name -> Map Name (HsDoc Name) mkDocMap group = Map.fromList (topDeclDocs ++ classMethDocs ++ recordFieldDocs) where tyclds = map unLoc (hs_tyclds group) classes = filter isClassDecl tyclds datadecls = filter isDataDecl tyclds constrs = [ con | d <- datadecls, L _ con <- tcdCons d ] fields = concat [ fields | RecCon fields <- map con_details constrs] topDeclDocs = collectDocs (getTopEntities group) classMethDocs = concatMap (collectDocs . getClassEntities) classes recordFieldDocs = [ (unLoc lname, doc) | ConDeclField lname _ (Just (L _ doc)) <- fields ] allSubNames :: HsGroup Name -> [Name] allSubNames group = concat [ tail (map unLoc (tyClDeclNames tycld)) | L _ tycld <- hs_tyclds group ] mkSubMap :: HsGroup Name -> Map Name [Name] mkSubMap group = Map.fromList [ (name, subs) | L _ tycld <- hs_tyclds group, let name:subs = map unLoc (tyClDeclNames tycld) ] mkDeclMap :: [Name] -> HsGroup Name -> Map Name (LHsDecl Name) mkDeclMap names group = Map.fromList [ (n,d) | (n,Just d) <- maybeDecls ] where maybeDecls = [ (name, getDeclFromGroup group name) | name <- names ] entityNames :: [Entity] -> [Name] entityNames entities = [ name | DeclEntity name <- entities ] {- getValSig :: Name -> HsValBinds Name -> TypeEnv -> Maybe (LSig Name) getValSig name (ValBindsOut recsAndBinds _) typEnv = case matchingBinds of [bind] -> -- OK we have found a binding that matches. Now look up the -- type, even though it may be present in the ValBindsOut let tything = lookupTypeEnv typeEnv name _ -> Nothing where binds = snd $ unzip recsAndBinds matchingBinds = Bag.filter matchesName binds matchesName (L _ bind) = fun_id bind == name getValSig _ _ _ = error "getValSig" -} getDeclFromGroup :: HsGroup Name -> Name -> Maybe (LHsDecl Name) getDeclFromGroup group name = case catMaybes [ getDeclFromVals (hs_valds group), getDeclFromTyCls (hs_tyclds group), getDeclFromFors (hs_fords group) ] of [decl] -> Just decl _ -> Nothing where getDeclFromVals (ValBindsOut _ lsigs) = case matching of [lsig] -> Just (L (getLoc lsig) (SigD (unLoc lsig))) _ -> Nothing where matching = [ lsig | lsig <- lsigs, let Just n = sigName lsig, n == name, isNormal (unLoc lsig) ] isNormal (TypeSig _ _) = True isNormal _ = False getDeclFromVals _ = error "getDeclFromVals: illegal input" {- getDeclFromVals (ValBindsOut recsAndbinds _) = let binds = snd $ unzip recsAndBinds matchingBinds = Bag.filter matchesName binds matchesName (L _ bind) = fun_id bind == name in case matchingBinds of [bind] -> -- OK we have found a binding that matches. Now look up the -- type, even though it may be present in the ValBindsOut _ -> Nothing where matching = [ lsig | lsig <- lsigs, let Just n = sigName lsig, n == name ] getDeclFromVals _ = error "getDeclFromVals: illegal input" -} getDeclFromTyCls ltycls = case matching of [ltycl] -> Just (L (getLoc ltycl) (TyClD (unLoc ltycl))) _ -> Nothing where matching = [ ltycl | ltycl <- ltycls, name `elem` map unLoc (tyClDeclNames (unLoc ltycl))] getDeclFromFors lfors = case matching of [for] -> Just (L (getLoc for) (ForD (unLoc for))) _ -> Nothing where matching = [ for | for <- lfors, forName (unLoc for) == name ] forName (ForeignExport n _ _) = unLoc n forName (ForeignImport n _ _) = unLoc n -- | Build the list of items that will become the documentation, from the -- export list. At this point, the list of ExportItems is in terms of -- original names. mkExportItems :: LookupMod -> Module -- this module -> [Name] -- exported names (orig) -> Map Name (LHsDecl Name) -- maps exported names to declarations -> Map Name (LHsDecl Name) -- maps local names to declarations -> Map Name [Name] -- sub-map for this module -> [Entity] -- entities in the current module -> [DocOption] -> Maybe [IE Name] -> Bool -- --ignore-all-exports flag -> Map Name (HsDoc Name) -> ErrMsgM [ExportItem Name] mkExportItems lookupMod this_mod exported_names exportedDeclMap localDeclMap sub_map entities opts maybe_exps ignore_all_exports docMap | isNothing maybe_exps || ignore_all_exports || OptIgnoreExports `elem` opts = everything_local_exported | Just specs <- maybe_exps = do exps <- mapM lookupExport specs return (concat exps) where everything_local_exported = -- everything exported return (fullContentsOfThisModule this_mod entities localDeclMap docMap) packageId = modulePackageId this_mod lookupExport (IEVar x) = declWith x lookupExport (IEThingAbs t) = declWith t lookupExport (IEThingAll t) = declWith t lookupExport (IEThingWith t cs) = declWith t lookupExport (IEModuleContents m) = fullContentsOf (mkModule packageId m) lookupExport (IEGroup lev doc) = return [ ExportGroup lev "" doc ] lookupExport (IEDoc doc) = return [ ExportDoc doc ] lookupExport (IEDocNamed str) = do r <- findNamedDoc str entities case r of Nothing -> return [] Just found -> return [ ExportDoc found ] declWith :: Name -> ErrMsgM [ ExportItem Name ] declWith t | (Just decl, maybeDoc) <- findDecl t = return [ ExportDecl t (restrictTo subs (extractDecl t mdl decl)) maybeDoc [] ] | otherwise = return [] where mdl = nameModule t subs = filter (`elem` exported_names) all_subs all_subs | mdl == this_mod = Map.findWithDefault [] t sub_map | otherwise = allSubsOfName lookupMod t fullContentsOf m | m == this_mod = return (fullContentsOfThisModule this_mod entities localDeclMap docMap) | otherwise = case lookupMod m of Just hmod | OptHide `elem` hmod_options hmod -> return (hmod_export_items hmod) | otherwise -> return [ ExportModule m ] Nothing -> return [] -- already emitted a warning in visibleNames findDecl :: Name -> (Maybe (LHsDecl Name), Maybe (HsDoc Name)) findDecl n | not (isExternalName n) = error "This shouldn't happen" findDecl n | m == this_mod = (Map.lookup n exportedDeclMap, Map.lookup n docMap) | otherwise = case lookupMod m of Just hmod -> (Map.lookup n (hmod_exported_decl_map hmod), Map.lookup n (hmod_doc_map hmod)) Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing) where m = nameModule n fullContentsOfThisModule :: Module -> [Entity] -> Map Name (LHsDecl Name) -> Map Name (HsDoc Name) -> [ExportItem Name] fullContentsOfThisModule module_ entities declMap docMap = catMaybes (map mkExportItem entities) where mkExportItem (DocEntity (DocGroup lev doc)) = Just (ExportGroup lev "" doc) mkExportItem (DeclEntity name) = fmap mkExport (Map.lookup name declMap) where mkExport decl = ExportDecl name decl (Map.lookup name docMap) [] mkExportItem _ = Nothing -- | Sometimes the declaration we want to export is not the "main" declaration: -- it might be an individual record selector or a class method. In these -- cases we have to extract the required declaration (and somehow cobble -- together a type signature for it...) extractDecl :: Name -> Module -> LHsDecl Name -> LHsDecl Name extractDecl name mdl decl | Just n <- getMainDeclBinder (unLoc decl), n == name = decl | otherwise = case unLoc decl of TyClD d | isClassDecl d -> let matches = [ sig | sig <- tcdSigs d, sigName sig == Just name ] in case matches of [s0] -> let (n, tyvar_names) = name_and_tyvars d L pos sig = extractClassDecl n mdl tyvar_names s0 in L pos (SigD sig) _ -> error "internal: extractDecl" TyClD d | isDataDecl d -> let (n, tyvar_names) = name_and_tyvars d L pos sig = extractRecSel name mdl n tyvar_names (tcdCons d) in L pos (SigD sig) _ -> error "internal: extractDecl" where name_and_tyvars d = (unLoc (tcdLName d), hsLTyVarLocNames (tcdTyVars d)) toTypeNoLoc :: Located Name -> LHsType Name toTypeNoLoc lname = noLoc (HsTyVar (unLoc lname)) rmLoc :: Located a -> Located a rmLoc a = noLoc (unLoc a) extractClassDecl :: Name -> Module -> [Located Name] -> LSig Name -> LSig Name extractClassDecl c mdl tvs0 (L pos (TypeSig lname ltype)) = case ltype of L _ (HsForAllTy exp tvs (L _ preds) ty) -> L pos (TypeSig lname (noLoc (HsForAllTy exp tvs (lctxt preds) ty))) _ -> L pos (TypeSig lname (noLoc (mkImplicitHsForAllTy (lctxt []) ltype))) where lctxt preds = noLoc (ctxt preds) ctxt preds = [noLoc (HsClassP c (map toTypeNoLoc tvs0))] ++ preds extractClassDecl _ _ _ d = error $ "extractClassDecl: unexpected decl" extractRecSel :: Name -> Module -> Name -> [Located Name] -> [LConDecl Name] -> LSig Name extractRecSel _ _ _ _ [] = error "extractRecSel: selector not found" extractRecSel nm mdl t tvs (L _ con : rest) = case con_details con of RecCon fields | (ConDeclField n ty _ : _) <- matching_fields fields -> L (getLoc n) (TypeSig (noLoc nm) (noLoc (HsFunTy data_ty (getBangType ty)))) _ -> extractRecSel nm mdl t tvs rest where matching_fields flds = [ f | f@(ConDeclField n _ _) <- flds, (unLoc n) == nm ] data_ty = foldl (\x y -> noLoc (HsAppTy x y)) (noLoc (HsTyVar t)) (map toTypeNoLoc tvs) -- Pruning pruneExportItems :: [ExportItem Name] -> [ExportItem Name] pruneExportItems items = filter hasDoc items where hasDoc (ExportDecl _ _ d _) = isJust d hasDoc _ = True -- | Gather a list of original names exported from this module mkVisibleNames :: Module -> LookupMod -> [Name] -> [Name] -> Map Name [Name] -> Maybe [IE Name] -> [DocOption] -> Map Name (LHsDecl Name) -> ErrMsgM [Name] mkVisibleNames mdl lookupMod localNames scope subMap maybeExps opts declMap -- if no export list, just return all local names | Nothing <- maybeExps = return (filter hasDecl localNames) | OptIgnoreExports `elem` opts = return localNames | Just expspecs <- maybeExps = do visibleNames <- mapM extract expspecs return $ filter isNotPackageName (concat visibleNames) where hasDecl name = isJust (Map.lookup name declMap) isNotPackageName name = nameMod == mdl || isJust (lookupMod nameMod) where nameMod = nameModule name extract e = case e of IEVar x -> return [x] IEThingAbs t -> return [t] IEThingAll t -> return (t : all_subs) where all_subs | nameModule t == mdl = Map.findWithDefault [] t subMap | otherwise = allSubsOfName lookupMod t IEThingWith t cs -> return (t : cs) IEModuleContents m | mkModule (modulePackageId mdl) m == mdl -> return localNames | otherwise -> let m' = mkModule (modulePackageId mdl) m in case lookupMod m' of Just mod | OptHide `elem` hmod_options mod -> return (filter (`elem` scope) (hmod_exports mod)) | otherwise -> return [] Nothing -> tell (exportModuleMissingErr mdl m') >> return [] _ -> return [] exportModuleMissingErr this mdl = ["Warning: in export list of " ++ show (moduleString this) ++ ": module not found: " ++ show (moduleString mdl)] -- | For a given entity, find all the names it "owns" (ie. all the -- constructors and field names of a tycon, or all the methods of a -- class). allSubsOfName :: LookupMod -> Name -> [Name] allSubsOfName lookupMod name | isExternalName name = case lookupMod (nameModule name) of Just hmod -> Map.findWithDefault [] name (hmod_sub_map hmod) Nothing -> [] | otherwise = error $ "Main.allSubsOfName: unexpected unqual'd name" -- Named documentation findNamedDoc :: String -> [Entity] -> ErrMsgM (Maybe (HsDoc Name)) findNamedDoc name entities = search entities where search [] = do tell ["Cannot find documentation for: $" ++ name] return Nothing search ((DocEntity (DocCommentNamed name' doc)):rest) | name == name' = return (Just doc) | otherwise = search rest search (_other_decl : rest) = search rest